Psychological stability. They limit caffeine intake

One of the most characteristic features of modern life is nothing more than an increased impact on a person of stressful situations. They, lurking, are waiting for him in any sphere of life and are always expressed in different ways. This may be a misunderstanding in the family, a salary delay, a conflict with a negatively minded salesperson in a store, a broken contract with a business partner, or some other trouble. But sometimes this is not at all surprising, but the fact that, getting into such situations, some people instantly succumb to the influence of emotions: they resonate with a stressful situation, worry, get nervous, their mood deteriorates, etc. And others, finding themselves in similar (and even worse) conditions, seem to have long been ready for such a development of events: they perceive everything easily and do not tense up, maintain their composure, remain, if not in a positive, then at least in a neutral state. What is the difference between the one and the other? Today we will talk about one of the psychological characteristics of a person - resilience.

Psychological stability

Psychological stability is the process of preserving the most optimal mode the work of the human psyche in conditions of constantly changing circumstances and their stressful impact. It is interesting that this is formed in a person in the process of his development and is not genetically determined. It depends on such factors as the nervous system of a person, his upbringing, experience, level of development, etc. This means that, for example, if a person, as they say, "has gone through a lot", then his psyche will be much more stable than the psyche of someone who grew up "holding on to his mother's skirt." But this is not yet the final indicator, because. a person who is constantly exposed to stressful influences will react painfully to every problem, because his nerves have become pretty loose over time. These are two sides of the same coin.

In addition, psychological stability is not a 100% guarantee of stability in general to everything. Psychological stability is rather the flexibility of the human psyche, rather than the steadfastness and stability of his nervous system. And the fundamental characteristic of psychological stability is precisely the mobility of the psyche in constantly changing conditions. Psychological stability, like instability, always “works” according to a scheme.

The scheme of work of psychological stability / instability

Psychological stability: first, a task appears that generates a motive that entails the performance of certain actions aimed at its implementation. Then the difficulty that causes a negative emotional state is realized. After that, a search is made for a way to overcome this difficulty, as a result of which there is a decrease in the level negative emotions and improved mental health.

Psychological instability: first, a task appears that generates a motive that entails the performance of certain actions aimed at its implementation. Then the difficulty that causes a negative emotional state is realized. After that, a chaotic search for a way to overcome this difficulty occurs, causing its aggravation, as a result of which there is an increase in the level of negative emotions and a deterioration in the mental state.

The main causes of susceptibility to stressful conditions are the lack of effective ways overcoming difficult situations and feeling of personal threat. Mentally unstable people often have this feature: chaotic behavior causes a stressful state and strengthens it, and this state, in turn, brings even more chaos into the inner world of a person, resulting in a feeling of complete helplessness in relation to difficult situations and one's own own behavior. Thus, the conclusion suggests itself that psychological stability is, first of all, self-control.

It is also important to remember that stressful situations can never be completely eliminated from life, because. they are an integral part of it. And the goal of any person should not be to get rid of these situations, but to educate and cultivate in oneself precisely psychological resistance to them.

Increasing psychological stability

The main law of increasing psychological stability is the acceptance of the fact that if a person is not able to change circumstances, then he is able to change his attitude towards them. An example would be the situation with a barking dog: walking down the street and seeing a nearby dog ​​barking at someone, you are unlikely to get annoyed about this, but just calmly continue on your way, immersed in your thoughts, right? So it is with difficult situations: they should not be perceived as something that happens to harm you personally, but as something that simply has a place to be. As soon as a person allows events to take their course, without focusing their attention on them and without reacting emotionally, they just pass - their course; pass you by. If a person begins to “cling” to everything, then this also begins to “cling” to him. If you run to yell and insult a barking dog in every possible way, then the likelihood that you will become the object of its close attention increases significantly. Of course, this is just one of the ways. And it is not universal.

The increase in psychological stability is directly influenced by the conditions in which a person lives. For example, if a person by nature has a reactive type of nervous activity, i.e. he likes an intense lifestyle, frequent changes of scenery, increased activity, etc., then most likely he will not be comfortable living in a small town or sitting in one place in the office without the opportunity to throw out his energy. In order for the human psyche to be more stable, it is necessary that the way of his life corresponds to his natural predispositions.

Systematic unloading of the nervous system is another way to increase your psychological stability. Constant pressure and doing something not quite loved (which, by the way, is a striking feature of the work of many people) have an extremely negative effect on the human psyche. From this, he becomes irritable, nervous, constantly tired. Only a good rest can affect this. You need to regularly make time for doing things you love, traveling out of town, relaxing reading books, in general, doing everything that you really want to do. Or you can do nothing at all - just relax and relieve stress.

Psychological stability is very well affected by the upbringing of a person in himself with a philosophical attitude to life. The mental health of a person is closely interconnected with such qualities of his personality as humor, positive thinking, the ability to laugh at himself, and self-criticism. Only if a person can look at the events taking place and at himself without undue seriousness, not considering himself the “center of the Universe” and those to whom life or someone else owes something, only then everything that happens will not seem so painful and will stop constantly hit for life.

one more effective method for the formation of psychological stability is a positive image of oneself. This means that a person must cultivate a positive attitude towards his personality, accept himself as he is, be a positive and positive character for himself. But you need to be careful not to cross the line that leads to self-pity and perception of the world with, otherwise the psychological instability will only worsen.

In close proximity to a positive image of oneself is the inner integrity of a person. This question is worth writing. separate book, but, in short, a person must, firstly, live in harmony with himself, his principles, beliefs and worldview. Secondly, he should do what he likes: work, sports, recreation, communication - everything should be in maximum accordance with the vision of a person. Thirdly, he must strive for self-development and spiritual self-improvement, because. this has a direct constructive impact on both the personality of a person and his life.

If we ask ourselves the question of the formation of psychological stability in more detail, then it can be noted that a person should pay attention to the following components of his life:

  • Social environment and immediate environment
  • Self-esteem and self-esteem
  • Self-realization and self-expression
  • Independence and self-sufficiency
  • Correspondence between the present self and the desired self
  • Faith and Spirituality
  • Having positive emotions
  • The presence of the meaning of life and purposefulness, etc. etc.

Naturally, only a part of those factors that have a positive effect on psychological stability are listed here. The presence and development of them in the life of any person will have a huge impact on his worldview, behavior, development, activity, mental state and mood. Their absence, on the contrary, has the opposite effect and contributes to psychological instability.

Of course, in order to learn how to support all this, you need to purposefully activate each structure of your personality and always remember your goal - the development of psychological stability. However, despite all the apparent complexity of this process, it has an invaluable practical value, because it is psychological stability that can give any person a state of satisfaction with life and a sense of harmony, normalize the psyche and increase efficiency, give new incentives, calmness and the ability to become a whole and strong personality.

Write in the comments about how you increase your mental resilience, what helps you to be in a positive mood, and what you do when everything seems to be going wrong. We'd love to hear your thoughts on this!

Psychological stability is the ability to maintain the usual level of performance under constantly changing working conditions and the impact of negative factors. Its main characteristic is mobility - the ability to quickly adapt to a new situation. With psychological instability, stressful influence entails a chaotic and emotional search possible solutions, and this chaos brings even more negativity. The nervous system is exhausted, the person loses his self-control.

How to develop psychological resilience?

  1. Remember that not always the situation depends on you. And if you can’t fix the current situation in any way, you can change your attitude towards it. As soon as you learn not to dwell on problems and not feel the burden of your own guilt for other people's actions, you will notice how life becomes easier and simpler.
  2. Consider your innate characteristics. When choosing the type of your activity, you need to carefully listen to yourself. Introverts, for example, often find public speaking unbearably difficult. Should he choose a profession in which he will always have to speak in front of huge amount spectators? It is unlikely that this will have a good effect on his physical and mental health. Perhaps he can come to this gradually, developing the skill of public speaking, but you need to sensibly assess your character traits, otherwise nothing will protect you from daily stress. A good way to develop psychological resilience is not to subject it to conscious and constant testing.
  3. Develop self-confidence. A positive perception of oneself and one's abilities helps a lot with a mountain of comments and criticism. Self-pity, on the contrary, works extremely negatively and pushes a person to inadequate reactions to the situation. Live in harmony with yourself, your character and abilities, love and appreciate your work.
  4. Rest. Devote time to sports, relaxation and meditation. High-quality and regular unloading of the nervous system allows you to more steadfastly take all life's blows. Regular, even the most insignificant stress can bring any person to irritable weakness and nervousness, therefore proper rest is necessary for the psychological and physical health of a person and his stability.

It is important to remember that no one is immune from stressful situations. The goal of developing psychological stability is not to avoid these situations, but to effectively resolve them with minimal accompaniment of negative emotions.

IV Zaborskaya /psychologist-consultant/ notes * that despite the great interest in the problem of mental stability in science, we cannot talk about its theoretical development. Even in dictionaries (psychological, philosophical, medical, etc.), the definition of this concept is either not given, or is considered too limited and one-sided. Only in some private studies can one find attempts to clarify the content of the concept of mental stability. In the works of leading psychologists (L.S. Vygotsky, L.G. Dikaya, B.F. Lomov, V.A. Ponomarenko, V.E. Chudnovsky and others), the stability, maturity of the personality is associated with the ability of a person to focus on certain goals , with the nature of the time perspective, the organization of their activities. In the psychological sense, mental stability is behavioral reactions that, changing, accompany the life and activities of a person in his relationship with objects of labor, people, etc. / V.A. Chudnovsky /

Yu.E. Sosnovikova proved that mental stability is a relatively stable concrete manifestation of all components of the psyche that have a certain direction, expressing the degree of balancing a person with the external environment over a given period of time. Mental stability depends on the reflected objective situation and is determined by the mental makeup of a person: this is our psychological core, strength of spirit, inflexibility. Researchers use various terms: “stress resistance” (B.V. Kulagin, 1984), “mental readiness” (1974, M.N. Rudny), “mental stability” (M.A. Matova, 1972), "psychological stability"(1984, I.N. Gryzlova, E.N. Evstafiev, V.K. Kalin) - the total number is more than 20. In the works of most authors, there is no justification for using these terms and their content is practically not considered

But everyone pays attention to the fact that we are talking about the ability of the subject to successfully withstand conditions that can adversely affect his performance.

In our work, we accept the consideration of the concept of psychological stability as a more complete consideration of it in the presentation of G.S. Nikiforov (St. Petersburg).

A person constantly overcomes any difficulties, but far from all of them have a devastating effect on the psyche. Not every personal problem, intrapersonal or interpersonal conflict, feeling of crisis lead to stress. Maintaining an even mood and inner harmony allows the psychological stability of the individual. Without maintaining psychological stability, the realization of physical and spiritual potentialities is impossible. Consequently, satisfaction from the process of self-realization is also impossible, a sense of mental and social well-being is impossible.

The issues of psychological stability of a person are of great practical importance, since stability protects a person from the disintegration of personality disorders, creates the basis for inner harmony, full-fledged mental health, and high performance. The disintegration of the personality is understood as the loss of the organizing role of the highest level of the psyche in the regulation of behavior and activity, the collapse of the hierarchy of life meanings, values, motives, goals. . The psychological stability of an individual directly determines his viability, mental and somatic health..

The concept of "psychological stability"

The word "steady" in many languages ​​​​of the world means "stable, resistant, firm, strong, strong." The "Dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian Language" gives two synonyms for this word: "stability, balance."

The term stability is translated as: 1) stability, stability, a state of equilibrium; 2) constancy, firmness; and mental stability - mental stability (stability).

In A Reber's dictionary, "steady" is understood as a characteristic of an individual whose behavior is relatively reliable and consistent. Its antonym is the term "unstable", which has several meanings in psychology. The two main ones are:

an individual exhibiting erratic and unpredictable patterns of behavior and mood;

an individual who tends to demonstrate neurotic and psychotic or simply dangerous behavior patterns for others.

"Stable" in this dictionary is explained as a trait (in personality theories) characterized by the absence of excessive emotional changes.

In English, German, French and Spanish, the word "sustainability" is synonymous with the word "stability".

There are various approaches to the interpretation of psychological stability.

It can be understood as the proportionality of the constancy and variability of personality. It's about about the constancy of the main life principles and goals, dominant motives, ways of behaving, responding in typical situations. Variability is manifested in the dynamics of motives, the emergence of new ways of behavior, the search for new ways of activity, the development of new forms of response to situations.

On the foundation of constancy is built life path personality, without it it is impossible to achieve the goals of life. It supports and strengthens self-esteem, promotes acceptance of oneself as a person and individuality. The dynamism and adaptability of the personality are closely connected with the very development and existence of the personality. Development is impossible without change. In psychological stability, such an aspect as the proportionality of pleasant and unpleasant feelings, between feelings of well-being and experiencing joy, happiness, on the one hand, and feelings of dissatisfaction with life and one's affairs, on the other, is also important.

For the psychological stability of a person, the ability to self-development, the formation of one's own individuality is necessary.

Stability should not be understood as the fixity of mental qualities, the rigidity of mental mechanisms. This is a set of adaptation processes, the integration of the personality in the sense of maintaining the consistency of the main functions of the personality, the stability of their implementation. Execution stability does not necessarily mean that the function structure is stable, but rather that it is sufficiently flexible.

The psychological stability of a person can be considered as a complex quality of a person, a synthesis of individual qualities and abilities.. The components of psychological stability include:

ability for personal growth with timely and adequate resolution of intrapersonal conflicts

relative (not absolute) stability of emotional tone and favorable mood

developed volitional regulation.

So, psychological stability appears as a complex personality trait, which combines:

Poise (balance), proportionality;

firmness, stability (permanence);

resistance (resistance).

Balance is the ability to maintain the level of stress without going beyond the acceptable (without causing destructive stress). Resilience refers to the ability to withstand difficulties, maintain faith in situations of frustration, and stability refers to constant mood level. Resistance is the ability to maintain freedom of behavior and lifestyle choices, it is self-sufficiency as freedom of dependence (chemical, interactional or behavioral, understood as complete absorption in some kind of activity.

This set of components represents all levels of human organization, levels of his being: biological, psychological and social.

Regulation of tension, balance (consistency) of the intensity of motivation and organismal resources, keeping tension within the boundaries of the optimum, or at least acceptability, is one of the most important aspects of human biological existence.

Persistence in overcoming difficulties, maintaining faith in oneself, self-confidence, one's abilities, a constant, fairly high level of mood is an integral part of mental life. The ability to maintain a constant level of mood without resorting to psychoactive substances and to be responsive, sensitive to various aspects of life, have diverse interests, and avoid a single motivational dominant is also an important component of psychological stability.

Finally, one cannot fail to note the constant interpersonal interaction, inclusion in a multitude of social connections, openness to influence, on the one hand, and on the other hand, resistance to excessively strong interaction. The latter can violate the necessary personal autonomy, independence in choosing the form of behavior, goals and style of activity, lifestyle, it will prevent you from hearing your Self, following your directions, building your life path.

In other words, psychological stability includes the ability to find a balance between conformity and autonomy and maintain this balance.

Thus, psychological stability is a quality of a person, separate aspects of which are balance, stability, resistance. It allows you to withstand life's difficulties, adverse pressure of circumstances, maintain health and performance in various trials.

Psychological stability is supported by internal (personal) resources and external (interpersonal, social support). This is a fairly large list of factors related to personal characteristics and social environment.

Social environment factors:

supporting self-esteem

conducive to self-realization

supporting adaptive potentials and energy resources of the body

psychological support of the social environment (emotional support of relatives, friends, employees, their specific assistance in business, etc.)


personality consciousness:

faith in its various forms and manifestations (faith in the achievability of goals, religious faith, faith in common goals)

understanding, a sense of the meaning of life, the meaningfulness of activities and behavior

a fairly certain awareness of social belonging to a particular group.

Relationships of a person (including to oneself)

optimistic, active attitude towards life situation generally

philosophical (sometimes ironic) attitude towards difficult situations

consistency of I-perceived and I-desired

fairly high self-esteem

confidence, independence in relationships with other people, lack of hostility, trust in others

Cognitive sphere:

understanding of the life situation and the ability to predict it

rational judgments in the interpretation of a life situation (absence of irrational judgments)

adequate assessment of the load and its resources

structured experience of overcoming difficult situations

Emotional sphere:

dominance of wall positive emotions

experience of successful self-realization

desired emotional saturation from interpersonal interaction, experiencing a sense of cohesion, unity

Behavioral (and activity) sphere:

behavioral activity

effective volitional regulation

usage effective ways overcoming difficulties

Communication area:

open communication, acceptance of others as they are (tolerance)

stable, individual-satisfying interpersonal roles

Satisfying status in the group and society

a pronounced sense of community (in the Adlerian sense)

this list enumerates the positive poles of qualities and factors. With the favorable influence of factors (positive poles of qualities), the dominant mental state is resistant, and the dominant mood is harmonious (sustainable, elevated, optimistic). Under adverse influence, the dominant state is the state of disadaptation, stressful or depressive (apathy, despondency or high tension, anxiety, etc.) and disharmonious mood (unstable, depressed, anxious).

For example, if the factors of the social environment support self-esteem, adaptive potentials and energy resources of the body, contribute to self-realization, receiving psychological support, then all this generally contributes to the emergence of a harmonious mood and maintaining a state of adaptation. If environmental factors reduce self-esteem, adaptive potentials and energy resources of the body, limit self-realization, deprive a person of emotional support, then all this contributes to the emergence of a disharmonious mood and the emergence of a state of disadaptation.

We believe that it is unproductive to consider mood as one of the types of state. Mood is a relatively stable component of mental states, the main link in the relationship between personality structures and various components mental states (feelings and emotions, experiences of events occurring in the spiritual, social and physical life of the individual, mental and physical tone of the individual).

The main components of the psychological stability of a person listed above do not cover the entire basis of psychological stability. In one way or another, all spheres of the personality are involved in its maintenance. At the level of temperament, a feature that predisposes to the emergence of instability is increased emotionality.

In the emotional sphere, in addition to those listed, anxiety, a tendency to aggression, anger, and hypothymia are important. A significant influence is exerted by the severity of volitional qualities: perseverance, vigor, the ability to manage oneself.

An important component of psychological stability is a positive image of the Self, in which, in turn, a positive group identity of the individual plays a significant role. In a period of sharp socio-economic changes, the importance of the pillars of psychological stability increases, in particular, this is manifested in the fact that the need for group belonging is aggravated. Groups with varying degrees of success perform value-oriented and protective functions for most people.

Intergenerational communities - the family and the ethnos - are the most capable of satisfying this need.

The family plays a special role in the life of every person. Family relations are of great importance for the development of the individual, the achievement of social maturity. Family upbringing largely determines the lifestyle of children for their entire future life, the style of relationships in their own families. It lays an attentive or neglectful attitude to the issues of mental self-regulation, skills healthy lifestyle life, the ability to establish constructive, favorable interpersonal relationships. The family can have a healing effect on each of its members, provide emotional support that is irreplaceable by anything. But the atmosphere of the family can also have a negative impact on the mental balance of the individual, reduce emotional comfort, aggravate intrapersonal conflicts, give rise to personality disharmony, and weaken its psychological stability.

We can distinguish individual characteristics that predispose to a decrease in stability:

increased anxiety

anger, hostility (especially repressed ones), self-directed aggression

emotional excitability, instability

pessimistic attitude towards life

closeness, closeness

Anxiety plays an important role in the totality of phenomena of overcoming. The adaptive meaning of anxiety lies in the fact that it signals an unknown danger, prompting its search and concretization. Because distraction affects performance, the actively motivating function of anxiety may underlie "erratic behavior" or the disruptive effect of anxiety on activity. (Vilyunas, Astapov, 1983) Anxiety as an experience of emotional discomfort, a premonition of imminent danger is an expression of the dissatisfaction of significant human needs that are relevant in situational anxiety and steadily dominant in a hypertrophied type with increased anxiety. Anxiety is a stable personality formation that persists for quite a long time. long period time. It has its own motivating force and constant forms of implementation in behavior with a predominance in the last compensatory and protective manifestations. Like any complex psychological formation, anxiety is characterized by a complex structure, including cognitive, emotional and operational aspects with the dominance of the emotional.

The emergence and consolidation of anxiety are associated with the dissatisfaction of the leading age-related needs of the child, which become hypertrophied. sustainable personal education anxiety becomes in adolescence, mediated by the features of the "I-concept", attitude towards oneself. Prior to that, it is a derivative of a wide range of family disorders. Consolidation and intensification of anxiety occurs according to the mechanism of a “vicious psychological circle”, leading to the accumulation and deepening of negative emotional experience, which, in turn, giving rise to negative prognostic assessments and determining in many respects the modality of actual experiences, contributes to an increase and persistence of anxiety.

Anxiety has a pronounced age specificity, which is found in its sources, content, forms of manifestation of compensation and protection. For each age period, there are certain areas, objects of reality that cause increased anxiety for most children, regardless of the presence real threat or anxiety as a sustainable formation. These "age peaks of anxiety" are the result of the most significant sociogenic needs.

Anxiety and anxiety reveal a connection with the historical period of society, which is reflected in the content of fears, the nature of the "age peaks" of anxiety, the frequency, prevalence and intensity of anxiety, a significant increase in the number of anxious children and adolescents in our country in the last decade.

Anxiety as a condition has a mainly negative effect on the results of the activities of children of preschool, primary school and adolescence, in older adolescence - early adolescence it can also be of a mobilizing nature.

Anxiety as a personal formation can perform a motivating function in the behavior and development of the personality of children and adolescents, replacing actions based on other motives and needs. The influence of anxiety on the development of personality, behavior and activities of a child and adolescent can be both negative and, to some extent, positive, however, in the latter case, it has severe limitations due to the pronounced adaptive nature of this formation.

Psychological stability is also reduced by difficulties in self-realization, the perception of oneself as a loser; intrapersonal conflicts; bodily disorders. A significant factor in reducing resistance is type A. (p.19 in doc. "29C.")

Since the social environment (macroenvironment and microenvironment) is the main environment for the existence of a person, psychological stability in interpersonal interaction is fundamentally important. In terms of interpersonal interaction, confidence (assertiveness), the ability for confident (self-affirming) behavior comes to the fore. Confidence is manifested in the ability to express one's thoughts and feelings in a socially acceptable way, i.e. without degrading the dignity of others; willingness to take responsibility for their actions; constructive approach to problem solving; in an effort not to infringe on the interests of others. The goal of confident behavior is self-actualization. A confident person can express his wishes or requests to another person to change something, he is able to talk about it directly and listen to disagreement or objections without getting lost.

Lack of confidence is manifested in aggressiveness or insecure behavior. Aggressive behavior is characterized by a tendency to express one's thoughts, feelings and desires in the form of demands and orders, accusations and insults; the desire to shift responsibility for their actions to others, to suppress other opinions and to assert their point of view as decisive in solving problems, to make choices for others. The purpose of aggressive behavior is coercion and punishment. Insecure behavior is most often realized in the form of passive-aggressive behavior, which is characterized by:

inability or unwillingness to directly express their thoughts and feelings

non-acceptance of responsibility for one's actions by avoiding choice, granting this right to others

sacrificing one's own interests in solving problems

fear of hurting other people's interests because of an internal, often unconscious conviction in the hostility of the world around.

In addition, the goal of insecure behavior in many cases is manipulation, i.e. attempts to covertly control the thoughts and feelings of others and subordinate their interests to their interests. Uncertainty and aggressiveness are not opposite qualities - they are two different forms of manifestation of a lack of self-confidence. Empirical research has shown that passivity and inappropriate aggressiveness are associated with anxiety and a hostile attitude toward others. Both of these behavioral patterns negatively affect the mental and physical health of the individual, the well-being and health of his family and other close environment. A psychologically stable person is able to maintain a balance between the strength of his own influence and sensitivity to outside influence. Belief in magical powers means a complete rejection of responsibility for oneself, the expectation of magical transformations and the help of magical powers in solving life's problems.

Dominants of activity in the aspect of psychological stability of a person can be all types of activity: cognitive, activity, communicative. Each dominant exists simultaneously and as a certain direction of consciousness. The following types of direction can be distinguished:

1. focus on knowledge and self-knowledge. It manifests itself in a willingness to improve one's psychological competence, find means for self-improvement, and learn self-regulation techniques.

2. focus on activities: labor, social, sports, preoccupation with one's hobby. Achievements in various types activities - convincing evidence of the success of self-realization, they increase self-esteem and self-respect. The state of inspiration produces a sanogenic effect on many areas of the psyche.

3. Interactional orientation is a focus on interpersonal interaction or strengthening social ties, social influence. It has two subspecies: prosocial (love, altruism, sacrifice, service to other people); asocial (selfishness, dependency, manipulation of other(s), domination without responsibility for the fate of others) fate, for their own individuality, uniqueness, uniqueness.

All these dominants cease to be the basis of stability if the emphasis on them becomes too strong. Belief in oneself becomes self-confidence, fences off a person from others and inevitably gives rise to an intrapersonal conflict. Fanatic religious faith translates all activity into the mainstream of the struggle for the purity of faith, pushes into intolerance, hatred for non-believers, aggressive behavior. Self-development becomes a supervalue, a person begins to ignore other aspects of self-realization, forgets that developed personal qualities should be used for something, should serve to achieve significant goals. Enthusiasm for activity develops into workaholism. An altruistic interactional attitude leads to dissolution in another person and the loss of one's Self, a manipulative interactional attitude turns into a pathological craving for power and also has a destructive effect on the personality. The sharpening of the magical orientation of consciousness causes fear of the other world, paralyzes the will, blocks any manifestation of independence.

A decrease in psychological stability increases the risk of addiction. Nikiforov G.S. identifies three main groups of psychological addictions: chemical, accentuated activity, interactional addiction.

Dependence arises when emotional events go beyond the boundaries of the optimum - their deficit or satiety. It is clear that positive emotions are especially significant in terms of their desirability and necessity. Than already this person the boundaries of the optimum (as an individual characteristic), the less psychological stability. A psychoactive drug (alcohol, drug, toxicant) stuns and thereby reduces the significance of events when they are oversaturated. Switching to euphoric experiences, distracting from real events, the individual subjectively distances them from himself, reducing the number of significant events. For example, alcohol intoxication makes it easier to commit acts that are under the yoke of self-control. Alcohol produces a relaxation effect. Lowering the level of excitation in the cerebral cortex, it weakens anxiety, reduces fear, dissatisfaction with oneself, removes feelings of guilt, envy, shame, resentment, and reduces emotional discomfort.

To interactive dependencies predispose to a decrease in self-sufficiency, authenticity with a lack of self-identification, a weakening of the sense of social belonging to a certain, quite clearly defined group. The frustrated need for acceptance by others, lack of authority in a significant circle, reduced respect and self-esteem push the individual to a deeper immersion in interaction.