Checking Wi-Fi connections. How to find out who is connected to my WiFi

If just a few years ago most computers connected to the Internet via cable, today the number wireless devices many times greater than the number of wired ones. There is a Wi-Fi network in every home where there is Internet. At the same time, the risk of unauthorized connection has increased proportionally, because, unlike cable, a wireless network is accessible from a distance. We will tell you how to find out if someone else has connected to your router in this article.

Why do you need connection control?

Wireless networks are vulnerable to hacking. Without physical access to yours network equipment an attacker can gain access to your connection. What does this mean? At a minimum, the fact that a stranger will be able to use your Internet for free. No big deal, you might say. After all, the Internet is unlimited, and the speed is high, enough for everyone. This is true. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Having hacked your network, an attacker can:

  • Get access to your files, passwords;
  • Steal bank card data;
  • Under your IP, perform actions on the Internet that fall under the criminal code.

Therefore, monitoring the status of your wireless network and stopping unauthorized connection attempts is simply necessary.

Signs of an unauthorized connection

Speed ​​drop

The first sign that something is wrong with your network is a drop in speed. Of course, there can be many reasons for this, from electromagnetic interference to problems on the ISP side, but if the connection constantly freezes, pages load slowly, or there are connection problems, you should be concerned and check your network for hacking.


Pay attention to your router. If you are not connected to the network or are connected but are not performing any actions, and the WAN and Wi-Fi connection indicators are blinking intensely, it is possible that someone else is connected to the router. Turn off Wi-Fi on all your devices and observe the behavior of the router again. If the lights continue to blink actively, your network has most likely been hacked.

Device list

A clear sign of hacking is the presence of unnecessary devices in the list of devices connected to your router. For example, you have a laptop and a smartphone in your apartment, but there are not two, but three active connections on the router. This third odd one is the burglar.

How to spot a stranger

Log into your router's web interface. You can find out how to do this from the instructions for your device or in a separate article on our website. Login parameters depend on the device model and its settings, but they are typical for routers from most manufacturers.

You can see and find out who is connected to my Wi-Fi router in the list of connected devices. It can be found in the control panel. This item may be called differently, for example, Client List or “Device List”. It will display all active connections indicating the IP and MAC addresses of the connected devices. You can identify an unnecessary connection using the elimination method. All you need to do is find out the IP addresses of your devices. You can view them in the properties of the Internet connection on your PC, smartphone or laptop. If you have two devices and they use this moment IP and, and in the list there is also a connection with the address, then this is a stranger. You should block this connection immediately.

If you know the MAC addresses of your devices, then in the same way you can figure out an outsider by their MAC address.

Let's figure out how where we can see all connected devices:

  • Devices connected wirelessly;
  • View devices;
  • Using firewall capabilities.

Let's look at all this using the example of TP-Link routers

TP-Link example

Wireless mode

We go into wireless mode. There is the item “Wireless mode statistics”. After selecting it, you can see a list of Wi-Fi clients connected to the router. By periodically clicking the “Refresh” button and turning off Wi-Fi on your devices, you can check them MAC addresses.


The list is in advanced settings. Let's go to DHCP. There is an item “List of DHCP clients”.


Let's go to the firewall. We are provided two options to view devices on the network:

  • You can view the router's ARP table (ARP List). It shows the IP and MAC addresses of all devices with which the router communicates. In addition to local addresses there may also be external IP addresses for accessing the Internet.
  • Scan a range of addresses on the local network

Blocking strangers

Blocking of unauthorized connections is carried out by MAC address. The procedure itself may look different on different routers. For example, on TP-Link routers you need to open the “MAC Address Filter” section. By default, filtering is carried out according to the “black list” principle, in which you need to add connections that are subject to blocking. You should click the “Add new device” button and enter the address you want to block in the field. On D-Link routers you can choose required address from the list.

It may happen that you accidentally block yourself. If this happens, you will not be able to log into the router. Connect to it using a cable from a PC or other device and fix the error.

If you have blocked all your connections (and this happens!), then only .

To avoid problems, block MAC addresses one at a time and check if the connection on one of your client devices is lost after that.

You can go another way. The settings of any router allow you to prohibit all connections except those allowed. To do this, select the “White List” blocking method. On D-Link and TP-Link routers, you need to switch between the options “Block” or “Deny” (this is a black list of MAC addresses) and “Allow” (this is White list). Add the MAC addresses of your devices to the whitelist. All attempts to connect from another address will be blocked.

Successfully identifying and blocking an intruder does not mean that the problem is completely solved. An attacker who has hacked your network can connect from another device or change their MAC address. Therefore, in addition to blocking a third-party device, you also need to change the password for accessing the wireless network and the password for the router itself. After that, check from time to time to see if there are any signs of another hack.

TP-Link example

Wireless mode

IN wireless mode go to MAC address filtering. “Deny access to stations specified in the list” is the default value. If you want to create a blacklist, then we’ll leave it that way. “Allow access to stations specified in the list” is the opposite; only devices from the list will be able to connect. After that, before turning on filtering, we will fill the list. To do this, click on the “Add new...” button.

Enter the MAC address of the device that you want to add to the list. In order not to forget what kind of device it is, you can fill out the description item. After that we save.

If the access restriction option is selected in the filtering rules. After that, enable filtering with an empty (not filled) list. In this case, no one will be able to connect via the wireless network.


The list is filled in the same way as in wireless mode. A white list (Permit) or a black list (Deny) is set. Enable MAC Filtering. After this, you need to save the settings - the “Save” button.

Using special programs

It may happen that you are unable to view the list of connections on your router. This could be due to a software glitch, or the hacker has changed the settings and restricted your access. Perhaps you just... Also, an attacker can skillfully cover his tracks and you will not be able to find out exactly what MAC address he has from the list of addresses. In this case, it is recommended to use one of the programs described below.

Wireless Network Watcher

This is a free utility that does not require installation. In addition to basic information about devices connected to your network, such as MAC and IP addresses, it allows you to obtain additional data that simplifies device identification. Namely:

  • Brief information about the device;
  • Information about the network adapter manufacturer;
  • Device name.

The program can also be configured in such a way that it can be sound signal will report a new connection to the network or the connection of a specific device.

The utility works with any current versions Windows OS.

WiFi Guard

A utility for monitoring and protecting a wireless network. The program searches for and shows all active connections and displays brief information about them. It scans the network at a certain interval and signals about new connections. If the program detects something new on the network unknown device, she will immediately report him.

NETGEAR genius

Advanced software that provides big choice tools for working with the network. It can monitor both wireless and wired connection. The program has the ability to keep records network traffic, configure general access to files and folders, and also includes the function parental controls. The program displays current map your network in real time and allows you to block connections in one click.

The utility also allows you to configure your router without having to log into the web interface. However, it does not work with all devices, so first check if your router is on the list of supported ones. If it is not there, you will only have access to diagnostic functions.

The advantage of the program is the availability of versions for Android and iPad.

NCS Network Scanner

A network scanner that allows you to detect devices connected to the network - computers, smartphones, printers, and so on. In addition to basic information, the program shows the device name and response time.


A small program that scans a network and reports about devices connected to it. It allows you to obtain information about MAC and IP addresses, device name, network adapter. The program is free and does not require installation.

Most users resort to Internet distribution Wi-Fi assistance router. Some people put a password on it for security purposes, and some, not seeing the need for this, leave the router in open access. But in practice, it turns out that neither the first nor, especially, the second solution ensures the security of your grid from unauthorized access.

So, for example, if the Internet suddenly began to, as they say, “slow down,” then how can I find out using Android who is connected to my Wi-Fi, and in general, is this possible? Yes, this is possible, and we will now tell you in detail how to do it.

If you use your Internet connection alone, then all the speed goes only to your device, and as you connect other gadgets to your network, the channel gets clogged and opening, for example, a web page quickly becomes problematic.

Typically, enough security is used to protect wireless networks. reliable protection- protocols WPA encryption and WPA2. And it must be said that, using strong passwords, you can be confident in the security of your wi-fi. This was the case until recently. But use modern technologies and new equipment have made breaking such protection not very difficult. Today there are services that can crack any password for a fairly modest amount.

And not only freebie lovers can use your connection, but also those who want to commit any illegal actions, shifting the responsibility for them onto you. And, if the integrity of your network is already in question, then it makes sense to find out whether it has been hacked and who is using it so shamelessly.

It should be said right away that the status will display devices connected to your network and active on this moment. So, it’s worth catching the villains when, for example, the Internet speed begins to drop sharply. Well, if you just want to look at the information, then you can start right after reading this article.

Using a computer

IN in this case we'll use a small one free utility SoftPerfect WiFi Guard, which you can download from the official website:

The application will scan the WiFi network for all connected devices. If an unfamiliar device is detected, the user will be warned that an intruder has been detected. If the found device is known to you, then you can simply add it to the white list and after that the program will not pay attention to it.

Using an Android device

You can find out who connected to your Wi-Fi through your Android. For this you need download Wifi Analyzer app - Home Wifi Alert, which will turn your smartphone into a Wi-Fi analyzer.

Once the installation is complete, launch the program and click on the “scan network” button. After a minute of waiting, the program will show all devices connected to your Wi-Fi networks. Those that are connected without your knowledge will be marked in red. If you are sure that these are your devices, then you can add them to the verified ones:

WITH using Wifi Analyzer can also be found for wireless router the least crowded channels and even strengthen the signal of your network. The program will be of interest to specialists who often deal with setting up these networks, as well as ordinary users.

Some features of the application:

  • View graphs by signal level ratio
  • Display the number of channels for each network, Ad Hoc properties, encryption
  • Sorting channels by rank
  • Display information about the connected network: IP, Local Mac, DNS, Link Speed, Gateway, ServerIP, Hidden SSID.

Manually checking third-party connections

Open the browser and address bar enter or Enter the login and password requested by the system. After this, the router settings menu will open. Here it must be said that all routers, depending on the manufacturer, will have a different menu, but everywhere there will be a tab like Wireless (Wireless Settings or something similar). We go through it and see the line Wireless Statistics (or Station List, etc.). We click on it and see the display of a list of all devices that are connected to this network.

What to do if an unauthorized connection to my Wi-Fi is detected

  • First, we change the password, coming up with a more reliable one.
  • Secondly, if the outdated WEP encryption type is installed, then replace it with WPA and WPA2.
  • Third, if there is a MAC address filter in the router settings, turn it on. Here we set a list of those MAC addresses that can have access to your network, then everyone else will not be able to connect just like that.
  • Fourth, turn on the firewall (if your router has this function).
  • Fifth, we change the communication identifier (SSID) and make our Wi-Fi network invisible, which will complicate the possibility of unauthorized access. For greater security, it is better to come up with a more complex name for the identifier.

Even if you protect the router with a password, this cannot guarantee that it will not be hacked and Wi-Fi will not be stolen. In this tutorial, I will tell you how to find out who is connected to your Wi-Fi network. There are 2 ways: go to the router settings or scan the network with a special program.

Method 1: go to the router settings

I'll show you how to log into the router interface using an example D-link DIR 300. But this method is also suitable for other models, only the interface differs.

To get to the interface, type the router address in your browser. The default is .

The standard login and password is admin. They are shown on the router sticker or in the instructions.

If the standard login/password does not work, reset the router to factory settings. To do this on back side The router has a RESET button. Press and hold it with a sharp object for a couple of seconds. All Wi-Fi settings will be reset, reconfigure the access point.

Now let's go to WiFi settings. In D-link this is done through the menu “Configure manually - Wi-Fi - Station list”. Or “Configure manually - Status - LAN clients” (all connections are displayed there, including wired ones and the router itself).

The table shows the MAC addresses of connected devices over a wireless connection.

How to find out MAC address?

To find out the MAC address on a Windows laptop, run the command line (Start and search " Command line"). Run the command ipconfig/all. We look for the MAC address in the “Physical Address” line.

On your smartphone, the MAC address is specified in the settings. On Android it is “Settings - About phone (About tablet) - general information- Wi-Fi MAC address."

Method 2: using the program

This method is easier, but you need to download the Wireless Network Watcher program (link to the official website). It is free and does not require installation.

Launch WNetWatcher and wait a couple of seconds for it to check the network. It will show Internet connections, including wired ones and the router itself.

If you notice other people's devices, put them on Wifi is difficult password and blacklist unwanted addresses, or allow connections only for your addresses. This can be done in the router interface. On D-link it is “Configure manually - Wi-Fi - MAC filter”.

Modern wireless networks are encrypted by two protocols - WPA and WPA2, which are considered extremely reliable. Therefore, it is enough to come up with a password stronger than “11111111”, “qwerty123” and the like to be sure that active network no one will invade.

However, hackers are not asleep, so today there are already methods for breaking this protection. For example, special sites that will help you crack any password for a certain amount. Therefore, anyone can become a victim of attackers Wi-Fi user. So, the question on the agenda is: how to find out who has connected to a Wi-Fi network?

The last thing owners need to worry about is unlimited tariffs, since they lose absolutely nothing if someone decides to download a “heavy” file or just surf the Internet using someone else's Wi-Fi. The owners tariff plans, the cost of which depends on the amount of traffic spent, can go into a huge minus.

But if an attacker connects to someone else’s network to commit actions that are contrary to the laws, then his goal is not just anonymity, but to shift the blame onto another, innocent user. This is where it’s worth thinking about protecting both categories of users.

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You can understand that someone else is using the Internet at the same time as you by paying attention to the wifi speed. As a rule, any speed (opening web pages, downloading and uploading files) decreases and complicates access to all resources.

Some providers provide daily statistics, which include the size of incoming and outgoing traffic. If it's very large and you're sure you couldn't use that much of it, then there's a good chance that your Wi-Fi is being used by someone else.

So, you can find out that someone is using your Wi-Fi network in the following ways:

Wireless Network Watcher

Small free program, which scans networks and displays a list of connected devices. It helps you find out the IP and MAC addresses, name and name of the PC. The program can run in background and notify the user with a signal that someone has connected to his network.

SoftPerfect WiFi Guard

An analogue of the first program, which is also free. The operating principle is the same. There is a whitelist. Devices added there will connect to the user's Wi-Fi network, and the program will not notify about this.

Manual check

You can check third party connections and manually - open the browser and enter or in the address bar, enter the requested login and password. You will be taken to the router settings menu. It is worth remembering that the menu for all routers is different, depending on the manufacturer. However, everywhere there is a tab like Wireless (Wireless Settings, etc.). By clicking on it, you can see the item Wireless Statistics (Station List, etc.). By clicking, a list of all devices connected to this network will be displayed.

So, to protect your Wi-Fi after an unauthorized connection, you need:

1. Change password.
2. Set the encryption type. WEP is an outdated and insecure encryption type, so it is best to use the already mentioned WPA and WPA2.
3. Enable the MAC address filter (if available in the router settings). You can set a list of MAC addresses that will have access to the Wi-Fi network, but everyone else will simply not be able to connect.
4. Enable the firewall. This function is not available in all routers, but if it is present, then it would be a sin not to use it.
5. Change SSID (link identifier) ​​and make Wi-Fi invisible. For security purposes, it is best to keep the communication ID name more complex. The invisibility of the Wi-Fi network will further complicate unauthorized access, since only those who know the exact name will be able to connect to the network.

Use these methods to catch resourceful neighbors in time and block their access.

Greetings, dear friends. As you can understand from the title, today we will talk about how to find out who is using your WiFi network. In this article I will try to explain accessible language what you will need to do. We will also look at how to identify those connected to you as on a router ( we will consider all popular routers), and with the help of a special program. Well let's go!!!

Reasons for concern

So what should make you think that someone is connected to your Wi-Fi network?

  1. Of course the sudden renaming of your WiFi networks. Since on almost all routers the login/password for entering the router configuration interface is standard (this is admin/admin). Then any attacker can come in and change the name of your network.
  2. Another reason to assume that someone has connected may be a sudden loss of speed, especially if this happens during certain time. For example, in the evening when most people come home from work. But here you need to understand that a loss of speed can occur not only due to an attacker connecting to the router. But it’s absolutely worth checking this point.
  3. If you disconnect the entire device from your WiFi network. And the Wi-Fi indicator on the router will not stop blinking intensively, this means that a device is connected to your network that you do not know about.

Now if one of the top points matches yours, then it’s worth checking who is connected to your network. And this article will help you with this, read on.

How can I see who is connected to my Wi-Fi router?

Now we have come to the point that we need to check who is connected to our WiFi router. Most convenient way to do this, see who and the Catholicism of the connected devices in the router settings interface. To do this, you need a laptop or computer connected to your router. Open your browser and write the address of your router in the address bar ( Each manufacturer has its own address, and your router may also have its own unique address, you can find it out from the article). After this you will need to log in( if you don’t know how to do this on your router model, description for almost everyone). And in the settings interface, find the tab responsible for monitoring your network.

Well, in theory everything looks simple, but for the average user it will seem like a very difficult task. Therefore, I will describe in detail where and where to go for the most popular models.

Watch on Asus router

If you have any router from ASUS companies. You need to open any browser and follow simple steps:

  1. In the address bar of the browser, write the default router address (if it is not suitable, see the link above on how to find out the router address)
  2. In the authorization field, enter your Username (Login)/password. By default it is admin/admin.
  3. In the window that opens, on the left in the menu we find Network map then in the middle next to the computer icon, click on the number opposite the inscription Clients. After that, in the right block Client status All connected devices to your router will be displayed.

Watch on a TP-Link router

In order to find out who is connected to the Wi-Fi network of any of the TP-link company routers. You will need to do simple steps:

  1. Open any browser and write the address of your router in the address bar. By default it is
  2. Now you are in the router configuration interface. Select fields in the left menu Wireless mode and then Wireless statistics. A list of all connected devices via WiFi to your router will appear in the window that opens.

Watch on Zyxel router

To find out who is connected to your router from Zyxel companies, perform several steps:

  1. Open your browser and write the address of your router in the address bar. By default it is
  2. Then, in the authorization window, fill in the Username (Login)/Password fields. By default it is admin/admin.
  3. Now you are in the router configuration interface. In the bottom menu on the page, select the first tab System Monitor . then look at the very top and select the tab home network , and in the block A list of connected devices We look who is connected to the router.

Find out who is connected to the WiFi network using the Wireless Network Watcher program

To determine who is connected to your Wi-Fi network, there is convenient program for PC Wireless Network Watcher. It works very simply, all you need to do is download the program. Install it on your computer, after launching it, in a couple of seconds it will identify all devices on your network. The first device in the list will be your computer, the second will be the router itself, all the rest are those devices that are connected to your network.
