Checking for VKontakte bots. How to remove dogs from a VKontakte group

How to find out about the quality of participants in VKontakte groups? Bots or real subscribers? You will also learn how and why they gain subscribers.

Anyone who has already ordered promotion of a VKontakte group from SMM agencies or bought advertising on stock exchanges is probably familiar with the feeling. First joy, and then disappointment and the understanding that you were abandoned. It is also important to know about the presence of bots when you are in such a group.

What should you do to determine the presence of bots in a VKontakte group?

The first thing you can notice is that there are thousands of people in the group, but there is no activity at all (lack of normal comments, reposts).

Then we click “Search by subscribers” (next screen) and we see a completely different number.

Why is that?!

The fact is that the group is pumped up by bots. That is, non-existent users. Now I will show you how to look at the root and how to see the real, and not fictitious, number of members of the VKontakte community.

If you choose a group for promotional posts yourself or want to check a community from the advertising exchange ( for lice, use the search for VKontakte communities.

ATTENTION! Don't get excited just by seeing the number of group members! Dig deeper. Namely, conduct a SEARCH BY PARTICIPANTS! (by clicking on the “Subscribers” or “Participants” block)

Most likely, a surprise awaits you. Because such a search, unlike the standard one, shows the real picture in the community

It was 10, now it’s 6.7 thousand...

Attention, if the difference in the number of people in the group when searching by participants is more than 20%, then the group is most likely pumped up by bots.

If it is less, it can be attributed to the error of the VKontakte algorithm when issuing results.

Additionally, if you are targeting your product or service to women or men separately, I strongly recommend setting the corresponding filters and see the number and proportion of them in the group.

Let’s choose, for example, a female audience:

From 6.7 thousand 1.9 - female audience.

The indicator of “dog” faces in the search for participants immediately makes it clear that the group is of low quality:

You can also check this way, if the group is regional. For example, a group of local cafes, schools. We simply select the country and city where the establishments are located. And if most of the subscribers are from another country or completely different cities, then we can say with confidence that the subscribers are “swindled” and there is no benefit from them. Since they are in a group and they don't come in.

How to get VKontakte subscribers - important features

I am often asked in VK private messages about how to get VKontakte subscribers. Personally, I don't do this. But then people write that they ordered a promotion there, and after a while the subscribers began to turn into “dog faces”. And what to do then? I decided to briefly add information here, maybe it will be useful to you. Let's start in order.

If the community is large, open and anyone can join it, then it subsequently ends up with a lot of frozen or deleted accounts (user pages). Often these are either human accounts or bots. When a VKontakte site freezes a page, or you delete it, others see a dog in place of the avatar, and such accounts are called “dogs”.

The site in contact really doesn’t like it when there are a lot of these so-called dogs in groups - “dead” members and communities where more than 50% of dogs are blacklisted by the contact, it stops showing up in searches. Or the site moderators themselves can clean out dead accounts from your group, but they often grab the living ones as well. We don't need this, right?

The question arises: “How can I find and remove all the dogs” from my community so as not to get blacklisted in VKontakte.

Method one, the longest and most time-consuming. Suitable for communities with up to 3000 members. You need to manually find all the dogs in the search by participants and delete them, and I deleted them. It takes a lot of time! What to do if you have millions of members in your community? Searching for “dogs” and manually removing them from the community will take you a month of daily work!

Method two- search for dogs through a special application, and then remove them manually in the community. It also takes a lot of time, but much less than if you were also looking for these dead accounts in the list. Now I’ll tell you step by step how I get rid of dead accounts in one of the communities where I am the leader.



You need to search for the application in Contact" Search for "dead" members and subscribers" and install it. Then select your group (community) from the drop-down list


For example, I’ll scan how many “dogs” I have in the To/Die/For community. I press scan.

Result. You see, I found 13 dead accounts (dogs) in my group, I click on the “links to pages” button

Let's go to the group. Click “community management”, members and in the field at the top paste everything that we copied, click search. And in this way we remove one dead account from the community.

When we have deleted all the “dead accounts”, we can return to the application, scan again and make sure that our community does not contain dogs, it only contains live profiles of people.

How to determine cheating in a VKontakte group?

Owners of various companies very often turn to advertising networks and freelancers with a request to promote their community on social networks.

Promoting a VKontakte group is difficult, and the results of the work may differ significantly from those expected.

Most often, clients give examples of other communities, claiming that they need something similar. But at the same time, they don’t even think that most public pages and groups are simply fake and in fact do not bring their owners clients at all. Don't believe it? Then let's figure out how to determine cheating in the VKontakte group.

Many VKontakte groups are screwed up

In addition to the fact that anyone who decides to attract clients from social media needs to identify cheating. networks, this will also be useful for those who decide to buy a platform for themselves. Forums often offer the purchase of a promoted group, but by paying money you may not get any effectiveness, since the users will be scammed (bots).

Determining cheating in a group

First, let's find advanced communities for high-frequency queries.

Enter the word “Repair” in the search:

The first two groups with a large number of participants are ideal for testing. Let's go to them and pay attention to their geographical location:

And now it’s not difficult for us to check whether the participants are really interested in the services of this company, or whether they were simply recruited into the community. Let's move on to the search by participants and set some parameters:

As soon as we indicated the country “Russia” in the region, the number of participants dropped by 2 times. What happens if we try to sort subscribers by Moscow and St. Petersburg, because that’s where the company provides services:

There are slightly more than 15,000 participants from the cities where services are provided, but this does not mean that some of them are not scammed.

As for the second group, this is generally an amazing example. The page states that they only work in St. Petersburg:

If you search by participants and specify the city, you can see at least an approximate number of real subscribers:

Can you imagine, out of 99,000 participants, only 5,000 are from the same city, but what does this mean? They were all screwed up and there can be no other explanation for this.

If you are engaged in promotion, and your client asks you to do high-quality promotion of the group, like those who are in the top positions, just show him this article. And if you decide to buy a group and for this you decide to find out how to determine how public is being cheated, then be sure to also check the statistics.

If the subscriber growth graphs do not look natural and uniform, this is a reason to think about abandoning the deal.

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They say that the so-called "Doggies" in the community, influence its promotion. And this is true. The VKontakte administration is fighting as hard as possible against the artificial increase in participants in the group. And, as we know, only groups with real, live and thematic participants reach the TOP.

Promotion of a VKontakte group must be of high quality, and if blocked members predominate in it, then your community may be attacked impose sanctions. The simplest thing that your group can expect is a complete dropout from the search. But this is still nonsense; sooner or later the group may be blocked (banned).

How to remove Dogs

Dogs VKontakte— temporarily or permanently frozen users of a social network due to mass joining of groups or the spread of spam on VKontakte. This could also be VKontakte bots.

Bots— VKontakte pages filled with false information, or hacked pages of real people performing automatic tasks.

Where do they come from: the program creates new VKontakte pages (or using various means they try to hack a VKontakte page), filled with minimal information and used in various fields.

Don't be confused bot with fake VKontakte. Fake is a page created by a real person for the purpose of reusing an account in different areas. Bots are used as working material and do all the dirty work automatically.

They can work from 2 days to several weeks, but ultimately they are frozen or blocked and they turn into dogs:

If you order subscribers using untested and cheap services, then every 4 participants will be constantly blocked.

This is where the massive accumulation of Dogs comes from. And the more there are, the higher the damage to your group.

Learn all the nuances of proper promotion, use proven services and a good future for your creation is guaranteed.

But every now and then it's worth it clean group from these same dogs. If you have a group with a huge number of subscribers, then manual deletion will take a very long time.

For this, there is an excellent service, which will help you get rid of Dogs in a few minutes absolutely free of charge!

1. First of all, you need to register for the project.

Hello everyone, dear friends. Today I noticed that many people began to be interested in the SMM topic. Some of my readers contact me asking for help. Some ask for help in setting up a VKontakte group, some ask to promote the group.

Of course, this is not a free pleasure, but I still give big discounts to my readers. Therefore, once again I recommend subscribing. :)

By the way, for those who don’t know, take part in the competition - there are very tasty prizes!

So, I want to say right away that I decided not to write posts on Sundays. I gave myself a day off! Still, you need to rest sometime. Do you agree?

So, now we will present to your attention 4 main ways to identify bots in VKontakte groups.

What is it for? Well, at least to answer the question: “Is it necessary to buy advertising here?”

Advertising can be purchased on exchanges such as Prospero, Sociate, Socialtools - this is me, for example. Of course, you can also look at the official VK exchange. But not all groups are on the VK exchange. Therefore, exchanges are still relevant.

Or maybe you even want to buy a group - this will make it all the more important for you to navigate these issues!

So, for experiments, I took one of the top VKontakte groups, which are engaged in the promotion and promotion of groups. Let's see how they do it. And at the same time, let's see how to identify a bad group from a good one.

Method No. 1 - “Subscribers” block

This is the simplest and most logical way to identify bots.

This method is also the only one in which you don’t need to explain anything. Everything is clear here. There are 6345 people in the group, but we see too many dogs.

You enter a group and immediately see whether it is a slag group or not.

Method No. 2 - Search by participants

Here you already need to “think of it” in order to click on this button.

Here we see a long list of participants, among whom our task is to find “dog faces”. The more we find, the more logical it is to assume that this group is spammy.

Well, here’s an example where the presence of bots in a group is clearly visible.

Method No. 3 - Online users

To come up with this method, you need even more convolutions :). May my readers forgive me. I didn't want to offend anyone. Click on this button here.

The fact is that bots, for the most part, are “online” only when they are performing some kind of paid work for their owner.

Well, for example, you ordered boost offers (bots), the contractor launched the program, and the program logged in under each account, performed an action, logged out, logged in under the next one, and so on.

As you can already understand, the time spent online by bots is extremely short. This means that the ratio of the number of online subscribers to the total number of subscribers must be adequate.

So, we clicked the button that I showed just above “Search by participants). And click on the “now online” button. And we see this number.

So there we have it. The total number of participants in this group, as we saw above, is 6,450. And online there are only 315.

I read somewhere that ratio 1 to 10 is just right. those. For every 10 people offline, there is one who is now online.

It turns out that in our group, which we are currently watching, the ratio is as much as 20 to 1. Which is not very good... Do you think these guys promote groups well?

Method number 4 - Lack of activity in the group

Well, everything seems to be logical here too. But not everyone pays attention to this. Usually everyone looks at the number of participants. Yes, I’m the same, to be honest.

I look at the group: “Wow, 2 million participants, and the price for advertising is only 150 rubles - you have to take it”. And then you go through this group and everything becomes clear.

So, you can determine the vitality of a group by the number of likes, reposts, etc.

By the way, the sociate exchange has wonderful functionality that shows the social activity of participants. It also shows the “reach” of readers of other advertising posts.

Therefore, with the help of this advertising platform, you will be able to create a competent picture of the adequacy of the groups and will be able to choose a normal advertising offer. So that your budget doesn't go down the drain.

By the way, the example shown (screenshot) shows a group of 6,000 people. Do you think this band is alive or dead?

Well, that's what I know about the topic given today. Who thinks what? Let's think!

Method number 5 - Special application

Less than half an hour after the article was published, I decided to add to it.

I found a special application on VK -