Checking and fixing Windows 7 system files. Loading a successful configuration

Utility sfc.exe verifies the integrity of all system files protected by Windows File Protection ( wfp), it has a built-in feature automatic replacement damaged versions become correct Microsoft versions. To run the program, the user must have Administrator rights.



On startup sfc uses a number of flags, the most commonly used being /scannow . sfc can be run on all computers running Windows control, as well as in the Windows Recovery Console, but it is worth considering that all flags are supported on all operating systems. More details in the Compatibility column.

List of parameters:

Lists all available flags


Checks the integrity of all protected system files and restores damaged or modified files immediately after executing the command. These files will be restored to their default values.


Checks the integrity of all protected system files, but does not restore them.


Scans integrity specified file(by absolute path filePath ) and restores it if changes are detected. Example absolute path, when instead of filePath there will be c:\windows\system32\example.dll


Scans the integrity of the specified file (using the absolute path filePath ) but does not restore it. An example of an absolute path, when instead of filePath there will be c:\windows\system32\example.dll


It is necessary to manually specify the drive on which Windows is installed and on which we are looking for file changes.


Specifies the drive letter from which the files for recovery are taken. It is used in conjunction with /offwindir= in the recovery console. Example of use in the console: sfc /scannow /offbootdir=d:\ /offwindir=d:\windows. The example above scans and repairs files specified by the offwindir flag using original files Microsoft found in the offbootdir path.


Scan and restore files the next time you boot Windows


Scan and recover files every time you boot Windows


This command is used to undo previously executed commands. For example, if the user ran the /scanboot command, which runs a scan every time Windows boots, then the /revert command will stop the process.


Removing the source files (which are used for recovery) from the Windows cache folder. This command must be used with caution as it may cause system crashes. The command also runs a system scan and fills the cache folder with copies of the current system files.


Changes the cache size to suit the user's needs. The x parameter specifies the number of megabytes.

Return codes

Returns 0 if the operation was successful and 0 if there were errors.

Usage example

To immediately scan and repair damaged system files:

To check the integrity of a file without fixing it

sfc /verifyfile=c:\windows\system32\example.dll

Check the example.dll file in the system recovery console from the Windows installation disk f:

sfc /scanfile=d:\windows\system32\example.dll /offbootdir=f:\ /offwindir=d:\windows


Utility sfc Compatible with Windows Vista and higher operating systems.

Possible problems

  1. sfc scannow cannot start the recovery service– Check that the service is running Installer Windows modules . (Control Panel\Administration\Services) and the startup type is Manual
  2. sfc scannow cannot recover files– Try it next command

    Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

    It is used to repair damaged components, then restart your computer and try sfc /scannow again.

    The second option is to replace files that the utility cannot recover on its own, either from another computer, or from a backup copy, etc.
    To do this, you need to get a list of files that the utility could not recover, enter:

    findstr /c:”” %windir%\Logs\CBS\CBS.log >”%userprofile%\Desktop\sfc.txt”

    This command will create text file on your desktop sfc.txt which contains a detailed log of the utility’s operation

Or sfc.exe is a utility in Microsoft Windows and is located in the C:WindowsSystem32 folder. This utility allows users to scan and recover corrupt files Windows systems.

IN Windows 7 And Vista, program system file checker integrated with Windows Resource Protection, which protects registry and folder keys as well as critical system files. If any changes are detected in the protected file system, the modified file is restored from a saved copy located in the folder Windows.
So, if at any point of time, if you find that you have hacked some system files or maybe used some tricks or maybe replaced system files, during setup Windows and now you find that your Windows OS does not work properly, you can consider running this system recovery utility.
For start system file checker V Windows 7 or Vista,in field To start searching enter type CMD. When a command prompt window appears, click right click on CMD

The command line window will open with type SFC/Scannow– press Enter. Utility SFC will work for some time, and if corruption is detected, it will replace them with the saved one. In case you are unable to start checking system files, and you will receive the message “ Windows Resource Protection - Windows cannot start repair services”, you can check whether it has been enabled in your OS Windows Installer Service modules. To do this, enter services.msc in the search bar and press Enter. The status of this service should be set in the manual. In addition, you can also download a very useful free utility FixWin and press the button system file check. This will launch sfc.exe.
A few more sfc switches:
Scan once on next boot: sfc/scanonce
Scan on every boot: sfc/scanboot
Clearing the file cache: sfc/purgecache
Return to default: sfc/revert
You can also use sfc.exe program to help troubleshoot crashes that occur in the user mode part Windows 7 And Vista. These crashes may be due to missing or corrupted files operating system. To do this you need to have access to the log files.
How to view a log file.
sfc.exe program writes details of each operation check and repair of each operation in cbs.log file. Every time after launch sfc.exe programs the tag will be written in this file. File cbs.log is in the folder %WINDIR%logsCBS.You can search for tags that will help you find posts sfc.exe programs. To perform this type of search and send the results to a text file, follow these steps:
Click the button Start, enter CMD in field To start searching, right click on CMD on the list Programs and select Run as administrator.
Type the following command and press Enter:
Findstr/s: ““%WINDIR%Logs CBS cbs.log>sfcdetails.txt
File Sfcdetails.txt contains entries that are logged every time the sfc.exe program runs on the computer.
How to interpret log file entries:
sfc.exe program checks files in a group of 100. So there will be many groups of records there sfc.exe programs. Each entry has the following format: date/time/entry_type. For more information on how to interpret, visit

System file corruption is a serious problem that users usually solve reinstalling Windows XP. However, this method has a lot of disadvantages: you have to spend a lot of time on re-installation and system configuration, besides, important ones may be lost. Therefore, it is better not to rush into reinstalling, but first try less radical methods of system recovery.

System check

If Windows XP boots but reports that system files are damaged, you can restore them using the Scannow utility. Recovery may require connecting media with the Windows XP distribution, since the utility will copy working files from it that will replace the damaged data.

If, when you run the Scannow utility, the system reports that you installed the wrong CD, then there may be two options:

  • The disc contains a non-original Windows XP distribution.
  • The distribution is original, but an earlier version (on the disk SP1, and on the computer - SP3).

Whatever the reason for the error, it will no longer be possible to restore system data from such a disk. The solution is to find media with the original distribution and suitable version and repeat the system scan. Scanning with sfc /scannow is the most effective way system file recovery, which almost always helps. The only exception would be a serious failure that can only be resolved by reinstalling the system.

Loading a successful configuration

If, when loading Windows XP, a message appears on the screen stating that the system cannot start due to the absence or corruption of a file, then try using the Last Known Good Configuration to fix the error.

The last successful configuration is the system settings, services and drivers that were saved in the registry during the previous start and were correct. Windows work XP. This tool cannot repair damaged system files, but it can sometimes fix crashes that prevent them from being used normally.

Restart your computer. When starting, press F8 until the menu appears additional options downloads. Select launch latest successful configuration.

If the error is corrected, then after a reboot the message about remote file must disappear. The chances are slim, but it's worth a try. If everything is bad and Windows XP refuses to boot, then you will have to replace the system data manually.

Manual replacement

To perform a manual file replacement, you need to boot from the ERD Commander rescue media. But first, let's write the ERD distribution onto a flash drive.

Creation bootable flash drive ERD Commander takes about 10 minutes. After the process is completed, restart your computer and press F11 to launch Boot Menu. Boot from the connected flash drive. Now you can restore system files by replacing them from the ERD Commander media.

Important: for a correct replacement, you need to know which Windows XP system files are damaged. You can see the list of damaged data in the error message that the system receives upon startup. Only these damaged data should be moved from ERD Commander.

Restoration is made from the original Windows XP distribution. ERD Commander does not contain the necessary data, it only creates the environment for movement.

  1. When the ERD Commander start window appears, select to download the fifth version (for Windows XP).
  2. Connect to the installed system.
  3. A desktop will appear that looks vaguely like XP. Install the disk with the Windows distribution and open it through “My Computer”.

Your goal is to find damaged files on the installation disk and copy them to the Windows folder. All necessary data on the disk is stored in the “I386” directory. Let's see how recovery is carried out using the example of the userinit.exe file, which is responsible for launching important system processes:

The transferred file is not ready for use - it still needs to be unpacked. Unpacking is done via the command line:

  1. Open the Start menu and launch the Run tool. This is an analogue of the “Run” tool in the “Start” menu in the Windows environment.
  2. Enter a command like this: “expand c:\windows\system32\userinit.ex_ c:\windows\system32\userinit.exe”. There should only be a space between the command and the file addresses; There are no spaces inside the file path.

Let's look at the command syntax: expand is a request to replace a file. The first path is the compressed data, the second path is a damaged file that needs to be replaced. After unpacking, you need to restart your computer and boot from hard drive. If you have replaced all the damaged data, then Windows XP should boot without errors.

The operating system includes a large number of system files providing it normal work. If one or more files are damaged, the OS will not be able to fully function. This can be expressed as errors and failures during operation, for example, Explorer crashing or problems managing Windows components, or the inability of the computer to boot.

There can be many reasons why system files are damaged in the Windows operating system. This could be viruses, tweakers, deliberate modification of files by the user, damage to the hard drive, and so on. Microsoft developers foresaw the possibility of such an event, so they created a system for checking the integrity of Windows system files ( System File Checker tool). It allows you not only to identify changes, but also to return everything to its original state. automatic mode, if possible.

The point of the work is to compare system files located in windows folders with reference samples, which are stored in a special windows component store located in the WinSxS folder. If they differ or the file is missing, it is replaced with the original one from the repository.

To use the System File Checker, you need a command prompt running with computer administrator rights. To check, use the sfc command, which has several keys. To start checking the integrity of all protected files and automatically correcting changed or missing ones, enter the sfc /scannow command and wait for the file verification process to complete. It may take a long time, so be patient. A summary message will be shown at the end.

A full scan with automatic fixing isn't always necessary, so there are a few other keys that might come in handy.

  • /verifyonly - only checks all system files without attempting to automatically restore them
  • /scanfile - scans and restores a specific file, requires specifying the full path to the file
  • /verifyfile - checking a specific file without automatic correction

If everything is in order in the system, a message will notify that the protection windows resources did not detect any integrity violations. Otherwise, the message will differ depending on the situation. If windows can't execute this command, then do the same in safe mode.

If found damaged files and their successful replacement with the correct versions, Windows will notify you of this with a corresponding message. At this point, we can consider the operation to check and restore the integrity of the Windows system files to be successfully completed.

Restoring the Component Store

However, it is possible that the storage itself will be damaged or missing. This is especially important for those who like to install custom OS builds instead of original images. In this case, the sfc utility will not work. To solve the problem, you can try to automatically restore the Windows component store using the command available starting from Windows 8:

Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

Owners 7 having installed update KB2966583 can only check the storage with the command:

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth

The execution results can be found by looking at the log at C:\windows\Logs\CBS\Checksur.log

Manual recovery of damaged files

However, there may be a situation where the scan shows errors, but Windows Resource Protection will not be able to automatically correct them. Information about them will be contained in the CBS log file located at C:\windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log which can be opened by any text editor.

Only for this it must be launched with computer administrator rights. The file stores a lot technical information, but we are interested in the lines containing . You can find them using the search built into the editor by pressing the Ctrl+F key combination or go the other way and run the following command in the command line running as administrator.

Findstr /c:"" c:\windows\logs\CBS\CBS.log >c:\sfcresult.txt

Thus, we tell Windows that it needs to find all the lines containing in the CBS.log file and save the result to drive C in the file sfcresult.txt. Thus, the file will contain filtered information related to the operation of the sfc command. All that remains is to study it carefully, not forgetting to pay attention to the date and time indicated in the line with the time of the scan, so as not to study old results. IN in this case the system successfully restored the autoplay.dll file using the reference file from the storage in the WinSxS folder, about which there is a corresponding entry in the log.

2017-02-04 13:30:58, Info CSI 0000032f Repairing 1 components 2017-02-04 13:30:58, Info CSI 00000330 Beginning Verify and Repair transaction 2017-02-04 13:30:59, Info CSI 00000331 Repairing corrupted file "\??\C:\windows\System32"\"autoplay.dll" from store 2017-02-04 13:30:59, Info CSI 00000332 Repair results created: POQ 140 starts: 0: Move File: Source = "\SystemRoot\WinSxS\Temp\PendingRenames\e0b17dc6d17ed201983d0000f415f015._0000000000000000.cdf-ms", Destination = "\SystemRoot\WinSxS\FileMaps\_0000000000000000 .cdf-ms" 1: Move File: Source = "\SystemRoot\WinSxS\ Temp\PendingRenames\3a1480c6d17ed201993d0000f415f015.$$.cdf-ms", Destination = "\SystemRoot\WinSxS\FileMaps\$$.cdf-ms" 2: Move File: Source = "\SystemRoot\WinSxS\Temp\PendingRenames\a29d89c6 d17ed2019a3d0000f415f015. $$_system32_21f9a9c4a2f8b514.cdf-ms", Destination = "\SystemRoot\WinSxS\FileMaps\$$_system32_21f9a9c4a2f8b514.cdf-ms" 3: Hard Link File: Source = "\SystemRoot\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-autoplay_3 1bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.17514_none_04c88123045c625c \autoplay.dll", Destination = "\??\C:\windows\System32\autoplay.dll" POQ 140 ends. 2017-02-04 13:30:59, Info CSI 00000333 Repair complete

If it is impossible to fix the damaged system file automatically, we will have to fix it ourselves. The whole point of the operation comes down to replacing files existing on the computer with known good copies. They can be copied from another computer with a similar version of the Windows operating system and saved to some folder on your machine or to a flash drive.

However, the operating system will not allow you to simply replace files; you will first have to obtain the appropriate permission. This can be done in the graphical interface, as we have already written about. Here we will look at how this can be done using the command line. First we need to take ownership of the damaged file, let's run the following command.

Takeown /f full_path_to_the_file, for example takeown /f C:\windows\system32\autoplay.dll

A useful technique that simplifies this operation. Now let's give the administrators group full access to the problematic file. Let's use the icacls command. In windows on English language you need to replace “ADMINISTRATORS” with “ADMINISTRATORS”.

Icacls full_path_to_file /GRANT ADMINISTRATORS:F, for example icacls C:\windows\system32\autoplay.dll /GRANT ADMINISTRATORS:F

Now we can replace old file to a new original one. This can be done either by using Windows Explorer or by continuing to work in the command line.

Copy full_path_to_the_new_file full_path_to_the_replaced_file copy D:\new\autoplay.dll C:\windows\system32\autoplay.dll

As a result of all the manipulations, we replaced the damaged system file manually. There's just one final touch left to secure yourself against possible problems in the future, we need to restore the previous owner of the object in the person of TrustedInstaller and regain our previous rights. Again this can be done using Windows Explorer or using the following commands:

Icacls C:\windows\system32\autoplay.dll /setowner "NT Service\TrustedInstaller" icacls C:\windows\system32\autoplay.dll /GRANT:r ADMINISTRATORS:RX

Where else can you get original system files?

Copying files from another computer is a fairly convenient and simple method, but you don’t always have another computer with a similar operating system at hand. In this case, you can use a disk with windows distribution or a system recovery disk, if you made one.

The difficulty is that the information on them is stored in packed form in a file with the .wim extension and therefore you will have to work a little. In order not to mess around with the command line, we will use the free 7-zip archiver. If you don’t have it on your computer, you can download it here; you’ll probably find it useful for working with archives.

The system files we are interested in are located in an image file named install.wim in the sources folder, and the image can contain several different versions operating system in the appropriate folders, be careful. On the recovery disk, the file is named boot.wim.

If your computer won't boot

All of the above referred to the case when the computer could boot and we had the opportunity to perform the check directly in Windows. However, the damage to system files may be so severe that it will not be able to boot. In this case, you can check the Windows system files in the WinRE recovery environment ( windows recovery environment). To do this, boot into the recovery environment, as described here, and launch the command line.

Sfc /scannow /OFFBOOTDIR=X:\ /OFFWINDIR=X:\windows

Here X needs to be replaced with the drive letter on which the OS we want to check is located. The difficulty is that the drive letters in Windows RE may not match the partition letters in Windows itself. To find them out, run the following commands sequentially.

Diskpart List disk Sel disk 0 Detail disk Exit

As a result, we get a list of volumes on the system disk and their corresponding labels. We will substitute the required label instead of X in the command to start scanning system files. However, you can find out the desired disk label in another way, by brute force.

Cd /d C: dir /b

Here we first went to drive C, and then displayed a list of files in this section, by which we can understand which drive it actually is. If you didn’t guess, then move on to the next letter and look at the list again.

Cd /d D: dir /b

Sooner or later it will be found by “scientific poking” system disk. Suppose in the recovery environment the drive with windows has the letter G and we want to check the originality and, if necessary, automatically correct the file “C:\windows\System32\msconfig.exe”, then the command will take the following form:

Sfc /scanfile=G:\windows\System32\msconfig.exe /offbootdir=G:\ /offwindir=G:\windows

We have reviewed various ways Restoring damaged system files in Windows in automatic and manual modes, including using the Windows Recovery Environment. With its help, you can troubleshoot computer problems caused by damaged operating system components.

Checking Windows system files for integrity

Why do you need to restore the integrity of Windows system files? Checking the integrity of the Windows 10/8/7/XP OS is needed if you suspect that some of the system partitions have changed or become defective due to the influence of malware.

There are several tools available to check the integrity of Windows 10 files. The most common is SFC.exe, DISM.exe is often used. You can also use the Repair-windowsImage function in PowerShell. We recommend using several methods, but one at a time. This is necessary because each of the options will check the integrity different files. If you need to perform such a procedure, but do not know how to check the integrity of Windows 10 system files correctly in order to correct them and resume work, carefully read the recommendations below, follow the sequential steps, then you will be able to check and restore the integrity of Windows 10 system files and others versions.

Check the status of system files using windows tools

Scanning with SCF

Many users scan the operating system before recovering lost, damaged files, performed in order to correct functioning, resuming uninterrupted operation, troubleshooting by restoring damaged components, use the sfc /scannow command, it examines and corrects system partitions of the Windows 10 OS offline.

Check using the command line

  • To activate this command, first open CMD and start with administrator rights. You can activate the utility using the mouse by right-clicking on the main “Start” menu, then selecting “Command Prompt” from the list. In the dialog box, type sfc /scannow and press Enter.
  • A check will begin, defects will be identified, and then they will begin to correct without your intervention, assistance automatically, by the system itself. If no errors are found, you will be informed that no problems were detected by OS resource protection.
  • If you decide to check one specific system file, then specify scf /scanfile=”path to file” on the command line.
  • It should be noted that SCF is not able to correct errors in those partitions that are running at the time of scanning, so it is best to use SFC exclusively when running “Recovery” windows environment 10".

Running SFC using the recovery environment

To properly activate SCF, follow the steps below in sequence.

After carrying out the above steps, a list of volumes will appear; you need to remember or write down those letters that correspond to system partition and the “System Reserved” drive.

sfc / /scannow /offbootdir=bootloader partition letter:\ /offwindir=E:\windows (or your path to the windows 10 directory).

As a result, a scan should run that checks the integrity of system files, and recovery will be available for all of them. Please note that the check will take quite a significant amount of time; you do not need to turn off or restart your computer during the entire procedure. The last step will need to be performed only when the scan is completed and you close the Command Prompt.

Scanning with DISM.exe

This utility is used to mount images, makes it possible to identify and correct problems that arise with OS partitions as a result of their damage, and perform restoration. It's great for sections that SFC couldn't handle. It can also be used if SFC was unable to detect any problems during scanning. Therefore, do not limit yourself to just one type of scanning and treatment of damaged areas; be sure to carry out this operation when working with system components.

The command line is also used to launch DISM.exe. Activate it as an administrator and then follow the steps:

  • dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth - this function provides information about what defects and damage to various components of Windows 10 are present. A deep check, however, is not performed; only previously found data is used.
  • dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth - scans for possible damage to the component storage. This check often requires quite a lot of time, periodically freezing during the implementation process (usually by 20%).
  • dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth - a thorough inspection and reconstruction of system files in offline mode, restoration, which also takes a long time.

The utility will help detect and restore damaged files

All logs of actions when executing the above commands are written to the path windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log, windows\Logs\DISM\dism.log

Similar to the previous utility, DISM is also launched through Windows 10 recovery mode.

Checking the integrity of system files in Windows 7/8 is identical to the same operation in 10. This is done in the same way - via the command line via SFC and the corresponding command. All actions are performed in the same sequence as described earlier. A similar algorithm is used to check the integrity of system files in Windows XP. The command line interpreter starts like this:

  • go to the Start menu;
  • click on the “Run” option;
  • In the dialog box, type the command “cmd”, then Enter on the keyboard.

As a result, a regular command line will open and you can perform all the steps to check OS files for defects.

All of these operations will help restore damaged, damaged sections of any Windows-class operating system, which will solve the problem of malware interfering with the computer, restore its performance, and avoid extreme measures, such as full recovery systems in case of malfunctions. You do not need to reinstall the entire OS; it is enough to restore damaged components. Identify them using special teams and utilities, and your computer will continue to function.

How to perform a system file check in the Windows 7 operating system

As a result of some Windows 7 malfunctions and malware infections, there is a need for analysis file integrity systems. Also, files are often damaged due to improper shutdown of the PC and power surges. Therefore, every user of the "Seven" must be able to produce self-check and resuscitation of system files in a computer with Windows 7.

File analysis method

The main tool for checking and analyzing their integrity in “Seven” is the “SFC.exe” application built into the OS, which can also restore defective files. Regular use commands to perform the scan “sfc /scannow” will ensure the smooth operation of Windows 7. It is recommended to use it at least once every six months.

Analysis procedure

The built-in Windows 7 scan tool is launched as follows:

Note: Do not close the console until the procedure is complete. Upon completion, the results of the completed program will appear.

  1. Restart your computer;
  2. Ready. The system integrity check has been completed and the corrupted files have been fixed.

Sometimes it happens that an application cannot cope with fixing damaged files on its own. In such cases, it is recommended to perform analysis in safe mode, but even if this does not resolve the problem, you need to run: “findstr /c:” “%windir%\Logs\CBS\CBS.log >”%userprofile%\Desktop\sfc .txt".

After this, a “txt” file will appear on the Windows 7 desktop with a list of all files that the program is not able to resuscitate itself. The user needs to copy these files to himself from another computer, but with working Windows 7, or from an external installation media with the distribution kit of the “Seven” modification that runs on the user’s PC.

Algorithm for restoring a damaged file manually

Now, knowing the exact name and location of the problematic file that the application could not fix automatically, you need to replace it. To this end, it is necessary to take the following sequential steps:

What if the SFC.exe application does not work at all?

It happens that the utility cannot even start. In such a situation, you should analyze the performance of the following applications:

  1. Remote Procedure Call Locator;
  2. Remote procedure call;
  3. Starting DCOM server processes.

If these programs are functioning normally, "SFC.exe" will start.

Also, the utility will not cope with its functions when the manual startup type of the recovery service is activated in the “Windows Module Installer” service.

Additional analysis methods via SFC

If you need, for example, to analyze the integrity of files on a remote OS or solve other various problems, then there are several of the following effective techniques:

  1. It is possible to carry out the check without the subsequent recovery process. To do this, using the algorithm of the instructions given above, you need to use the command “sfc /verifyonly”.
  2. If necessary, you can only resuscitate specific file, typing in the console: “sfc /scanfile=Location”.
  3. In a situation where you need to analyze Windows installed on another logical partition of the hard drive, the command: “sfc /scannow /offwindir=Windows directory location” will help.


Some users, at their own discretion, modify files, change icons in Explorer, and the like. After the application works to analyze and correct the integrity of the OS, all adjustments made will be canceled and will again take the default form. Therefore, such computer owners will need to perform all their system modification operations again after the utility has completed its work.

Checking Windows 7 system files from the WinRE recovery environment

You've probably heard of this useful utility, like sfc. Entering windows composition, it allows you to check system files for discrepancies with the original version, which is very useful when source files systems were replaced by a crooked installer, evil virus or by a careless user. Of course, Windows Vista and Windows 7 have brought system security and the protection of their files to new level and reduced the likelihood of system files being replaced. Reduced, but not eliminated, and it’s very difficult to protect yourself from the inquisitive mind and curiosity of the user.

Therefore, if, as a result of certain actions, your system refuses to boot, and you suspect (or even firmly believe) that the matter is that an important system file has been replaced by a damaged copy, you can check the integrity of system files using WinRE (windows Recovery Environment) , directly on the “fallen” system.

Running the sfc.exe utility from the Windows 7 recovery environment

1. Insert the Windows 7 installation disc into the DVD drive and boot from the DVD. Wait for this window to appear: Set the keyboard layout to "US" and click "Next".

2. In the next window, click "System Restore".

3. Now select the instance of Windows 7 that is damaged from the list and click “Next”. I have one.

4. Launch Command Prompt

To scan and repair one specific file, type sfc /scanfile=X:\windows\explorer.exe /offbootdir=X:\ /offwindir=X:\windows

Replace X: with the letter of the partition where your system is located.

To scan all operating system files completely, run the command sfc /scannow /offbootdir=X:\ /offwindir=X:\windows

You are not being deceived, the verification can really take some time, in my case it lasted about 7 minutes. Upon completion, the utility will display the path to the log of its work and tell you what it did with system files. can be found on Vkontakte, Facebook and Twitter. Join us!

command SFC /SCANNOW - Checking system files in windows 7 - How to do this in windows 7?

1.png 47.21K 81 downloads

2.png 44.34K 51 downloads

When the sfc command is launched in Windows 7, the scan results are written to LOG file to this file: C:\WINDOWS\LOGS\CBS\CBS.LOGWe are only interested in the lines in this file labeled . To filter not required lines you need to open a command line as an administrator, and insert the following command into it: findstr /c:"" %windir%\Logs\CBS\CBS.log >

3.png 200.96K 54 downloads

It is useful to view the logs and if you see in the scan results that the SFC command was unable to replace some system files, then you can try to do it manually.

Thank you, I completely forgot about this command, that it exists in Windows 7. I used it before, as soon as I installed the system, but then it completely slipped my mind. Now I ran the check, but thank God all the system files are in place. Now I’ll bookmark this topic so I don’t forget.

Very interesting and necessary information, I started checking now, thank you for this topic on the forum about Windows 7.

How to restore system files in Windows 7

Command sfc /scannow ( System check files) scans all Windows 7 system files and, if it finds changed, damaged or missing files, replaces them with correct versions if possible.

How to run sfc /scannow command in Windows 7?

1) Launch the command line as administrator.

2)In the command line, enter the command sfc /scannow (see screenshot)

1.png 47.21K 81 downloads

3)When the check is completed, I hope that everything will be fine with your Windows 7 system files, just like mine in the screenshot I posted below:

2.png 44.34K 51 downloads

If you know that you have damaged system files, but sfc /scannow did not give any results, then try to restore to a time when you have intact system files. You may have to go through several restore points before you find the point where there were undamaged Windows 7.4 system files) Checking system files takes time (15-30 minutes). After the check is completed, close the command prompt.

When the sfc command is launched in Windows 7, the scan results are written to a LOG file in this file: C:\WINDOWS\LOGS\CBS\CBS.LOGWe are only interested in the lines in this file labeled . To filter out unnecessary lines, you need to open the command line as an administrator, and insert the following command into it: findstr /c:"" %windir%\Logs\CBS\CBS.log >%userprofile%\Desktop\sfcdetails.txtAfter running this command, a text file named sfcdetails.txt will appear on your desktop, which will contain the results of scanning Windows 7 system files.

3.png 200.96K 54 downloads

It is useful to view the logs and if you see in the scan results that the SFC command was unable to replace some system files, then you can try to do it manually. Tell me how to replace system files manually

Installed Office Tab Enterprise 8.0 on Microsoft program Office 2010 v14.0.4763. During the installation process and after installation and activation, it displays (when starting the program itself and any Office application) error 1907: The font cannot be registered. Checking and fixing system files did not help, what should I do? If in this program you uncheck the boxes for its use from Office applications, then applications launch without problems. With uv. Victor.

Hello! The sfc / scannow command does not start for me. In the start menu, enter "cmd" in the search bar. I run the search result as an administrator and see, as in the first screen, as in the second screen, it doesn’t work. If I enter “sfc / scannow” and run the search result as an administrator, nothing appears. Just for a hundredth of a second, a window pops up and instantly disappears. Tell me the solution. Thank you!

Attached files

Tell me, what if I have a third party HDD, where I need to check the integrity of the system, how can I do this? By the way, on the laptop to which this disk belonged, the system does not boot at all, as if it were not there, although yesterday everything was fine, the laptop’s battery just ran out and it turned off.

What kind of messages does it write when loading? at what stage does it stop? loading windows 7 ?About SFC teams- no, it cannot check system files on another disk.

If there are problems with your computer, it’s a good idea to check the OS to determine the integrity of the system files. It is the damage or deletion of these objects that often causes the PC to malfunction. Let's see how you can perform this operation in Windows 7.

If you notice any errors during the operation of your computer or its incorrect behavior, for example, the periodic appearance of blue screen death, then, first of all, it is necessary. If this check did not find any faults, then in this case you should resort to scanning the system for the integrity of system files, which we will discuss in detail below. This operation can be done either by using the capabilities of third-party software or by using the launch of the embedded Windows 7 utility "SFC" through "Command line". It should be noted that even third-party programs are used only to activate "SFC".

Method 1: Windows Repair

One of the most popular third party programs to scan your computer for damage to system files and restore them if problems are found.

We will talk in more detail about the operation of this utility when reviewing Method 3, since it can also be launched by using Microsoft-introduced operating system tools.

Method 2: Glary Utilities

Next comprehensive program to optimize computer performance, with which you can check the integrity of system files, is . Usage this application has one important advantage over the previous method. It lies in the fact that Glory Utilities, unlike Windows Repair, has a Russian-language interface, which greatly facilitates the task for domestic users.

More detailed information about the work "SFC" presented when considering the following method.

Method 3: "Command Line"

Activate "SFC" to scan for file corruption Windows systems, you can use exclusively OS tools, specifically "Command line".

Attention! In order for SFC to not only check the integrity of system files, but also restore them if errors are detected, it is recommended to insert the operating system installation disk before starting the tool. This must be the exact disk from which Windows was installed on this computer.

There are several variations of using the product "SFC" to check the integrity of system files. If you need to scan without restoring missing or damaged OS objects by default, then "Command line" you need to enter the command:

If you need to check a specific file for damage, you should enter a command that matches the following pattern:

sfc /scanfile=file_address

There is also a special command to check an operating system located on a different hard drive, that is, not the same OS in which you are working in this moment. Its template looks like this:

sfc /scannow /offwindir=Windows_directory_address

Problem launching "SFC"

When trying to activate "SFC" a problem may occur that "Command line" A message will be displayed indicating that the recovery service failed to activate.

Most common cause This problem is disabling a system service "Windows Module Installer". To be able to scan your computer with the tool "SFC", it must be turned on.

  1. Click "Start", go to "Control Panel".
  2. Come in "System and safety".
  3. Now press "Administration".
  4. A window will appear with a list of different system tools. Click "Services" to make the transition to "Service Manager".
  5. A window with a list opens system services. Here you need to find the name "Windows Module Installer". To make your search easier, click on the column name "Name". The elements will be built according to the alphabet. Having found the desired object, check what value is in its field "Startup type". If there is an inscription "Disabled", then you should enable the service.
  6. Click RMB by the name of the specified service and select from the list "Properties".
  7. The service properties shell opens. In chapter "Are common" click on the area "Startup type", where the value is currently set "Disabled".
  8. A list opens. Here you should select a value "Manually".
  9. After required value installed, click "Apply" And "OK".
  10. IN "Service Manager" in a collumn "Startup type" in the line of the element we need, the value is set to "Manually". This means that you can now run "SFC" via the command line.

As you can see, you can run a computer check for the integrity of system files either using third-party programs or using « Command line» Windows. However, no matter how you run the check, it still performs it system tool "SFC". That is, third party applications can only make it easier and more intuitive to launch the built-in scanning tool. Therefore, specifically in order to produce this type check, there is no point in downloading and installing third-party software. True, if it is already installed on your computer for general system optimization purposes, then, of course, you can use it to activate "SFC" data software products, since this is still more convenient than acting traditionally through "Command line".