Check paid actions of mts. How to find out why they withdraw money on MTS

A familiar situation for many subscribers is when, after making calls, using SMS and other services of the mobile operator, funds are debited from the account in a larger amount than originally planned.

And it happens that the funds simply disappeared from personal account, although in the subscriber’s opinion no paid actions were performed.

In this case, the most simple solution will look into the details and see where exactly the money went. To do this, you will need access to the Internet or the help of a specialist from the service center.

But there is a way to find out about your expenses without going online, and without the help of a specialist. All you need is a phone.

The last 5 actions on MTS are ordered in the USSD menu using the combination: * 152 #. After dialing the combination, the call button is pressed. Next, a menu will appear consisting of several items, in which you need to select a service about the cost of the last actions.

After this you will receive an SMS containing detailed description last 5 paid requests. But the requested information is sent only for the last two days. And if the money was debited earlier than the specified days, then a message will come with the text that no paid actions have been performed in the last two days. Information SMS comes from the service number: 5800.

After receiving a report on the last 5 actions, you need to analyze the information and take measures to avoid large write-offs from the user’s subscriber account. To do this, you need to use cost optimization by disabling additional paid options.

For quick shutdown paid options we type the same command and item "Infotainment Subscriptions", then select the item "Unfollow everyone". Thus, the user refuses all additional paid MTS services.

How to find out the last 5 actions of MTS via USSD request

  • * 152 # - General request that opens service menu. Next, you can select the item of interest.
  • * 152 * 1 # - Request for quickly getting the last 5 actions, without a service menu.
  • * 152 * 2 # - Request to quickly get the last 5 paid actions, without a service menu.

How to find out the last 5 actions of MTS through your Personal Account

Any person using the MTS network can log in completely free of charge and at any time convenient for him. Personal Area. To do this, go to the official MTS website and go to specified address to the authorization section.

After the authorization form opens, the user will need to enter a phone number and password. To obtain the required password, you need to click on the item “Receive password via SMS”. Then enter the code from the picture and press the item "get password".

Next, a message will appear that an SMS with a password to enter your personal account has been sent to the number you specified. In the authorization field, enter the number and the received password, and click “Login”. After logging into your personal account, click on the “Account” tab, in this section you will receive any information related to your MTS number.

5 latest paid actions of MTS in roaming

All of the above applies to home network, but what about the issue of mini-detailing in roaming? Exactly the same as in home region. The *152*1# option also works in roaming. The only thing to remember is that some countries charge communication services with a delay.

If you begin to notice that money is being debited from your MTS mobile account somewhere, and additional options you may not have connected to the number in automatic mode some content has been connected or you have simply exceeded your Internet limit, or perhaps money was written off for roaming calls. Be that as it may, if unplanned expenses occur, you just need to check the last 5 paid actions of MTS.

Description of the service

Today, the latest mobile transactions can be checked through the MTS “Expenditures for Today” service. As part of the option, the subscriber can request details latest write-offs from the account. The option works on all tariffs and SIM cards of the television system.

After sending a certain system command the client receives information about the last 5 paid actions on MTS that were recorded on the number from 24:00 until the moment the number combination was sent.

Of course, if the subscriber uses cellular communications to the maximum, then such a check of the last 5 actions will not be the most effective. It is better for such clients to contact the telesystem office center for a printout of their expenses.

But if cellular communication is used in normal mode, and the write-off was noticed after some call or request, in this case the verification function will be very useful.

How to find out the last 5 actions on MTS using the “Expenses for Today” service

So, to find out the latest paid actions on MTS via USSD request, send the command * 152 # from your phone and confirm it with the call key. After sending the numerical combination to the scoreboard cellular device A menu will appear consisting of several sections.

We are interested in the item “Five last expenses for today.” After clicking on specified category within a few seconds, your phone will receive a report on the last 5 paid actions on MTS, and the report will also indicate the cost of the last 5 actions.

After the check has been carried out and the reason for the write-offs has been analyzed, you can optimize your mobile spending. For example, you can disable paid services or connect options that are presented on more favorable terms.

If, after checking 5 paid actions on MTS, it is determined that the costs are caused by unnecessary paid content, then that's it extra subscriptions can be disabled with just one system request * 152 * 1 # .

After sending the USSD, a short menu will appear on the mobile device display, in which you need to select the “Entertainment subscriptions” item and then press the “Unsubscribe from all” button.

How to find out the last 5 actions on MTS while roaming

Many subscribers ask questions: how to view the last five mobile operations in roaming and whether it is generally available this service outside your home region?

Of course, the function of checking cash debits is available in roaming. Regardless of the country in which an MTS subscriber is located, he has the right to request details of debits from his cellular account.

The system request * 152 * 1 # works worldwide, but you need to understand that in some countries the option will provide information with some time delay.

How much does the verification service cost on MTS?

The described function is provided to all telesystem clients free of charge. However, not all users can be satisfied this information. It's not always a leak Money can be determined from only 5 write-offs.

In such cases, the mobile operator offers to order bill details for 6 months or even 3 years. You can order a statement of mobile expenses for six months directly on the website of your cellular provider, but to do this you will have to register in the system.

To get a printout of charges for a longer period, you will need to contact the mobile operator’s office center (with a passport).

Important! In cases of ordering statements for six months or more, account details are paid. Ask for prices for services on site.

Working with a mobile phone sometimes leads to unexpected expenses. If money suddenly disappears from your SIM card, you can track the last actions performed on the device. A similar service is offered by many mobile operators. Today we'll take a look at the "5 most recent actions" option. "MTS" is the company we will be talking about. What kind of opportunity is this? How is it activated? How much does it cost clients in this or that case? Everyone can find answers to these questions below.


First you need to understand what it's all about we're talking about. What option will be explored next?

The MTS company can track the last 5 actions performed with a SIM card. A message will be displayed on the screen with information about manipulations over the last 2 days. More precisely, in 48 hours.

MTS always displays the last 5 actions. If there have been no operations with the phone, the relevant information will be displayed in a message. In addition, in the notification the subscriber will be able to see the time of execution of a particular action. Very useful option! But how can you find out the last 5 actions? MTS allows you to bring your idea to life in several ways.


First and most quick option- use of USSD request. This arrangement helps to obtain information about recent actions with a SIM card at any time. Great method self-service.

In order for the subscriber to receive a report containing the last 5 actions, MTS offers the following algorithm:

  1. Dial on mobile device combination *152#.
  2. Click on the "Call" button.
  3. Click on menu item "1" (cost of the last 5 operations).
  4. Wait for an SMS report from the operator.

There is nothing difficult or special about it. After the actions taken, the subscriber will receive a report on the operations performed over the last 2 days. But this is not the only solution to the problem.

Quick request

There is a faster operation. MTS offers to find out the last 5 actions by sending another USSD request. It does not require working with additional menu. What will it take?

The subscriber must dial *152*1#, then press the “Call” button. After processing the request, the device will receive a report with the latest operations or a notification about their absence.

Long term

Sometimes there is a need to obtain information for more long term. Is there any way to bring the idea to life?

Yes. But this is much more difficult to do than it seems. What does MTS offer? How to find out the last 5 paid actions for a specific time, and not for 2 days?

To do this, you will have to request details of transactions for a particular number. Most quick solution is to contact the MTS office with a passport and mobile phone. The subscriber writes an application to provide him with a printout of transactions, after which he indicates the reporting period. In response, the visitor will be given a document indicating full details of the SIM card.

Important: this approach is only available to phone number owners. Strangers cannot use this method. They are not given details of operations under any circumstances.


How can you track your last 5 actions while roaming? MTS allows you to use the proposed USSD requests anywhere in the world. This means that all previously written manipulations are relevant for work while traveling.

Accordingly, using the request *152*1#, the subscriber will receive details of transactions within 2 days. Sometimes messages arrive with a slight delay. This is normal.


From now on it is clear how you can track the last 5 actions. MTS, by default, does not charge subscribers for such an operation. It follows that a person can monitor the actions on the SIM card for free.

The exception is roaming. In some countries for this request write off certain funds. It is recommended to check with MTS for more accurate information.

Active service users cellular communications from time to time they may notice that the balance has decreased by an amount that, in their opinion, does not correspond to real expenses. To resolve this situation and find out where the money was written off in 2019, you can order the last 5 paid actions from Megafon. What kind of service is this, how is it charged, how to order it and how often can I use this opportunity? Let's look at several options for detailing and their cost.

There are several types of subscribers, among them are users who monitor their spending, and there are those who use communications without paying attention to their spending. A situation in which there is a need to check where the money went can arise for anyone.

To solve this situation, Megafon offers the “My Recent Expenses” service. The option allows you to see a list of five items of recent expenses upon request. It is possible to order different details depending on the type of connection.

Today you can find out the latest paid actions in the following areas:

  • the latest expenses for all services, that is, the report will contain paid actions for calls, SMS and Internet connections;
  • last calls, the report will provide information on the last five calls that were paid from the phone balance;
  • recent messages both received and sent from the current number.

The information is sent to the subscriber in the form of an SMS, which contains detailed information according to order. The service is available to absolutely all subscribers without restrictions. It is important to remember that data is provided only in accordance with actions on the home network; reports are not provided while roaming.

How to check the latest paid actions on Megafon

How to find out the latest paid actions on Megafon? To do this, the mobile operator offers special teams for USSD requests. There is an option to type a single request and, following the prompts, select the desired item corresponding to the type of detail. IN in this case you need to dial *512# and press the call button. As a result of executing the request, the subscriber will receive a list of available reports on the screen, from which he must select the one he needs.

In addition to the general combination of characters, you can use a private command for each individual report.

  1. *105*611# as a result the subscriber will see a report that includes all types of expenses.
  2. *105*612# and the call button, after which you will receive a message with the last five calls.
  3. *105*613# will let you know 5 latest messages both incoming and outgoing.

In addition to USSD requests, there is an option to send a message to a special service number. In this case, the text of the message does not matter. Regardless of what the subscriber writes, he will receive a message in response containing the ordered information.

  • To find out the total costs, send a message to the number 000105611.
  • Five calls - 000105612.
  • Five messages - 000105613.

So, there are several options to check the latest Megafon paid activities. The message that the client receives in response to the request contains detailed information on each item. That is, information on calls will contain data on the direction of the call, duration of the connection, and subscriber number. If the data is about SMS, then the time, direction and phone number will be indicated. For an Internet connection - the volume of traffic, connection time and cost of the operation.

As stated above, information is provided only for the last two billing periods.

If the actions for which a report is required for the specified period were not performed, then the message will indicate “no calls or messages were made.”

Cost of service and alternative options

The opportunity to clarify recent actions is provided to the subscriber completely free of charge. The user can order any of the reports as many times as he or she wants, without limitation. The cost of any of the ordered reports is 0.

If there is a need to order a detailed report for more a long period, then you can contact the operator for separate details. Megafon allows you to generate a statement for any period of time, day, week or month at the request of the client.

It is proposed to order a service that will regularly provide a complete report on expenses for the past month to the specified E-mail or fax.

If you need to simply clarify or regularly monitor your expenses, Megafon provides subscribers with various convenient ways both paid and free.

Subscribers very often do not notice what funds are written off from their balance mobile phone. One of the options to discover what led to the leakage of money is refer to details . You can get it by visiting operator website or by personally contacting one of the many offices. But subscribers have other options to monitor their expenses, for example, can be checked the last five actions with the MTS number. This data may be enough to find the cause of the incident. write-offs from the account.

Many subscribers use the connection very active and data on the last 5 paid actions of MTS for them will be practically useless. Typically, such network users notice the leakage of funds only after a long time. Only full detail , requested via Personal Area or in one of operator branches. But many subscribers who use the company’s services only occasionally during the day, for example, only for calls, the last 5 actions on MTS can tell a lot.

From your personal account a sum of money is missing, and you want to figure out what led to the expenses? Do you want to decide not Is it the last call? caused the excess amount to be written off? The main thing is not to get upset, all necessary information you can get it without any problems. In most cases, for this even you won't have to look for access to the Internet and recover password, not to mention the obligatory visit to the office. You can find out the latest paid actions on MTS in much simpler ways.

The fastest option to find out the last 5 actions of MTS that led to the expenditure of funds is to use automatic service *152# . By typing this combination, the user enters informational portal , which allows you to find out a lot of information about your number. One of the points makes it possible to get latest write-offs MTS in response SMS messages .

Important! Informational portal allows you to obtain information about write-offs for only 2 last days. If within the last 2 days the subscriber has not performed any paid actions, then a corresponding notification will be sent in response. In this case, get detailed information It will be possible through your personal account or by going to the company office.

For the subscriber, after receiving a report on the last five actions, it makes sense analyze data. It may be easy to understand what caused the unexpected expenses. In most cases, these are banal paid subscriptions , which are intrusively advertised, including fraudulently. You can also disable them using mobile portal .

The report that arrives will include contain cost last 5 MTS actions. This makes it faster get your bearings in your own expenses.

Advice. You can simplify obtaining information and avoid opening unnecessary menu items by replacing the command with a request*152*1# .

Often problems with debiting arise precisely among those subscribers who are currently far enough from your home region and home network. Luckily the team *152# available in any country in the world. This allows get information about your expenses and better control them. In international roaming e, where the price of conversations is quite high, it will be very current opportunity for the subscriber.

Important! It is worth considering that there are countries where charging and charging for communication services takes a lot of time and does not happen online. This will lead to the fact that the request will not provide up-to-date information and will most likely mislead the owner of the number.

Cost of mini detailing

It’s nice that the company provides an extract about the latest actions that led to expenses absolutely free . This is relevant both when you are in your home network and when roaming, including outside Russia. Extract upon request *152# you can always get it instantly and no extra charge.

Usage teams, which allows you to view the cost of recent calls, allows the subscriber save significantly on services, refusing unnecessary ones in a timely manner or optimizing calls to expensive destinations. If checking the summary details no results did not give, and the write-offs still continue to be too large, then it makes sense to request a complete printout of the expenditure of funds through internet service or in the office.