The simplest commands for working with directories. Disk commands

Work with floppy disks(floppy disks).

Rules for copying, renaming, etc. When working with floppy disks, they remain the same, only the floppy disk is designated as disk A:.

When working with floppy disks, be sure to check the position of the write-protect switch (on the back of the floppy disk). Many error messages during file operations are due to your carelessness in this regard.

1. Insert a floppy disk not containing any useful information into the drive.

2. Empty the floppy disk (format) with the command FORMAT A: /Q.

3. Specify the capacity of the floppy disk, i.e. its maximum size is 1440KB (FORMAT A: /F:1440). Formatting with a different capacity is not standard for floppy disks of this class and should be avoided.

4. Label the floppy disk “DOS-Disk” when formatting. The presence of a label will make it easier to understand what is written on the floppy disk (LABEL A: MY_DISK).

5. View the drive label ( LABEL A:).

6. Create a so-called system (bootable) floppy disk ( FORMAT a: /S). IN practical use it must be a new floppy disk. After formatting, the latch on the back should be set to the “write-locked” position. This will protect the floppy disk from penetration computer viruses. The system floppy disk is used for emergency startup of the computer when the operating system fails.

7. View the formatted floppy disk ( DIR A: /A). It should contain the system files IO.SYS, MSDOS.SYS, COMMAND.COM, as well as some files from MS-DOS.

8. To reduce risk incorrect entry files to disk, it is recommended to enable the mode for checking the correctness of recording using the command VERIFY ON. The current value of the parameter can be found by specifying the command VERIFY.

9. Empty the floppy disk and copy the system files using the command SYS A: You cannot simply copy system files with the COPY command!

10. Copy several files from your personal directory to the floppy disk.

11. Copy your floppy disk to your neighbor's floppy disk. To do this, type the command DISKCOPY A: A: /V /M. The first disk A: indicates where the information is taken from, the second - where it is recorded. Parameter /V sets the scan mode, and the parameter /M provides intermediate storage of information in random access memory computer, and not on its hard drive.

1.8. File attributes. System date and time. **

Each file can have four characteristics-attributes: “archive”( A rchive), read-only ( R ead-only), "hidden" ( H idden), "system" ( S system).

2. Check the current file attributes new1.txt (ATTRIB new1.txt). The symbols A, R, H, S or combinations thereof are displayed on the screen.

3. Make a file new1.txt read-only (ATTRIB +R new1.txt).

4. Try to delete the file new1.txt (DEL new1.txt). The attempt will be unsuccessful and you will be denied access.

5. Make a file new2.txt hidden (ATTRIB +H new2.txt). View the contents of the current directory. You shouldn't see this file.

6. Copy all the files from your folder to the RESERV.NEW subdirectory (it will be created automatically) using the XCOPY command (XCOPY *.* RESERV.NEW). Make sure that hidden file was not copied (DIR /S /AH). The first parameter allows you to view files not only in the current directory, but also in its subdirectories. Parameter /A indicates that when viewing we are interested in file attributes ( N– “hidden”)

7. Make sure that the RESERV.NEW\new1.txt file does not have a read-only attribute (ATTRIB RESERV.NEW\new1.txt).

8. Repeat the steps to copy all files in the current directory to the RESERV.NEW directory, but with the parameter /H (XCOPY *.* RESERV.NEW /H).

9. Check whether hidden files were copied.

10. Remove attributes R And H at files new1.txt And new2.txt (ATTRIB -H -R n*.txt).

11. Check the system date (DATE). If necessary, change it to the current one. The date is written in the American format mm-dd-yy. That is, the month is indicated first, then the date and then the year. Separators can be periods, hyphens or “/” signs. When recording the year, it is better to use four-digit notation.

12. Check system time (TIME). If necessary, change it to the current one. Repeated key press gives the command to leave the clock readings unchanged. Colons serve as separators. There is no need to enter hundredths of a second.

13. Clear your monitor screen with the command CLS.

1.9. Help about DOS commands. Changing the type of invitation. **

1. Make your directory current.

2. Enter the command on the command line to get brief information by DOS COPY command (COPY /?).

3. Repeat the same steps, but for help with the DOS MOVE command (MOVE /?).

4. Run the reference program with the HELP command, specifying the DIR command as a parameter (HELP DIR).

5. Scroll through the help text using the keys AND You can also drag the mouse cursor across the scroll bar.

6. Move to the end of the topic by pressing the keyboard shortcut And , and then to the beginning of the topic by clicking And .

7. Click on the ◄NOTES and ◄EXAMPLES buttons at the top of the topic. Using the first one, you will get additional information about the selected command, and with the help of the second - examples of its use.

8. Return to the command syntax description using the ◄SYNTAX button.

9. Go to the table of contents of the help system using the keyboard shortcut , then return to the DIR command help content by clicking .

10. Complete help with the keyboard shortcut .

11. Redirect the result of the DIR /? to a file named help.txt (DIR /? > help.txt).

12. Add to file help.txt CD command information (CD /? >> help.txt).

13. Proceeding similarly, complete the file help.txt information about the COPY and MOVE commands.

14. Re-sort the contents of the file line by line help.txt. Write the result to a file named helpsort.txt (SORT helpsort.txt). Please note that the information is taken from the file help.txt and is sent to the SORT command (sign<), а результат команды помещается в файл helpsort.txt(sign >).

15. View the contents of files help.txt And helpsort.txt. To do this, use the command (FOR %c IN (help.txt helpsort.txt) DO TYPE %c). In brackets indicate which files to perform the actions described after the word DO. File names are separated by spaces or use wildcards. The symbol “%c” indicates the beginning and end of the loop. Instead of the letter “c” there can be any other Latin letter.

16. Set the prompt to the following line:

Today - Sat. 10/12/2002 | time – 16:44:38


(PROMPT Today -$D $B time -$T $_ $P %G).

17. Return the DOS prompt to its normal form (PROMPT $P$G).

1.10. Creating batch files. **

DOS commands can be combined into team files. They have an extension. bat. They can be launched by specifying their name on the command line.

1. Make your directory current.

2. Launch the built-in text editor ( EDIT)

3. Type text:

REM This is a comment! Let us have three tasks:

ECHO A - Create a subdirectory named 22

ECHO B – Launch the antivirus program.

ECHO C - Get system information

REM The person can choose path A, B or C. After 7sec. the computer will choose C.

CHOICE /C:ABC: /T:C,7 Select action:

REM Depending on the selection, subroutines are started

IF errorlevel 3 GOTO SysInfo

IF errorlevel 2 GOTO Antivirus

IF errorlevel 1 GOTO MakeMyDIR

REM First subroutine. Starts with a label (: name)

echo Current code page

echo Current drive name

echo Current DOS version

REM Second subroutine. Calling another program with the CALL command


REM Third subroutine. Analyzes whether such a directory has already been created,

REM if not, creates it, if yes, warns

ECHO Such a directory already exists!

REM Last mark – end of program

5. Run the resulting file and check the operation of each option.

6. End the DOS session with the command EXIT.

Control questions:

Topic 1.1.
What is the logical name in MS-DOS for the first hard disk drive?
What is the logical name in MS-DOS for the first floppy disk drive?
What is the logical name for the second floppy disk drive in MS-DOS?
What is a hierarchical directory structure?
What is the purpose of the CD(ChDir) command?
What command should be entered to go to the WORK subdirectory of the STUDENT directory of the C: drive, while being in the root directory of the same drive?
Which command is used to switch to working with a floppy disk?
How to move to the first hard magnetic disk from anywhere in the MS-DOS file system?
What is the MS-DOS MD(MkDir) command used for?
How to create a directory named STUDENT that is a child of the current directory on a magnetic disk?
What character is used to describe the path to the desired directory?
Topic 1.2.
What is a working directory (directory)?
What is the MS-DOSDIR command used for?
What command can you view the contents of the C:\STUDENT\WORK subdirectory if you are working with the root directory C:\?
Which command will show the contents of a floppy disk if the current directory is one of the hard disk directories?
What command must be entered to display information about all files with the PAS extension contained in the C:\STUDENT\WORK directory, if the working directory is the root directory of the hard drive C:?
Which command displays information about all files named rabfile stored in the C:\STUDENT\WORK folder if the working folder is the root directory of the C: drive?
Which command is used to display information about files with names starting with the letter R and consisting of 3 characters contained in the folder C:\STUDENT\WORK, provided that the working folder is the directory C:\?
How can I reverse the sort order of files?

Topic 1.4.
What is the COPY command used for in MS-DOS?
Specify the command to copy the RABFILE.PAS file from the WORK subdirectory of the STUDENT directory of the hard magnetic disk C: to a floppy disk. In this case, the current directory is the root directory of the same disk.
Which command is used to copy all files with the .PAS extension contained in the STUDENT\WORK subdirectory of the hard drive to a 3.5" floppy disk?
What command is used to copy all files with a .PAS extension from the root directory of a 3.5" floppy disk to the \WORK subdirectory of the STUDENT directory on the C: hard disk?
What command should be entered to copy all files with the extension txt, the name of which consists of four letters and begins with F, contained on a 3.5" floppy disk to the WORK subdirectory of the STUDENT directory on the hard disk. The working disk is the root directory of drive C :.
What is the MS-DOS MOVE command used for?
What is the difference between copy and move operations?
What is the MS-DOS REN command used for?
Topic 1.5.
What is the purpose of the MS-DOS FIND command?
What command can be used to search for a piece of text in several files?
What two file comparison modes do you know?
What command can be used to compare two files?
What parameter should the FIND command have to display information about the number of occurrences of the search word in the text?
Which character allows you to execute two MS-DOS commands sequentially, one after the other?
What can you do with the DOS FC command?
Topic 1.6.
What is the DEL command used for in MS-DOS?
How to destroy a file named rabfile.pas located in the C:\STUDENT\WORK directory if the current directory is the root directory of the C: hard drive?
You are in the root directory of the C: drive. How to destroy all files with the BAK extension and stored in the STUDENT\WORK directory of the same disk?
If the working directory is the root directory of the C: drive, then how to destroy all files with the name rabfile located in the C:\STUDENT\WORK directory?
How to destroy all files in the RABDIRECT subdirectory of the STUDENT directory from the working root directory of the hard drive C:?
What is the purpose of the RD(RmDir) command?
Which MS-DOS command should destroy the directory named STUDENT, a child of the current directory of the magnetic disk?

Each disk must have a very first - root - directory. In this directory, any number of subdirectories of the next level can be created, and in each of them - subdirectories of the next level. If you draw this structure on paper, you get something like the branching crown of a tree, turned upside down, starting from the root directory of the disk. This structure is called hierarchical.

To move between directories, in which the current directory is changed each time, use the CD command of the form:

CD<пробел><полное имя каталога>

CD<пробел><имя каталога>

In the first case, the transition is made to any catalog current disk, because using the path in the full directory name we tell the computer how to get to the desired directory. In the second case, the transition is made to the directory that directly subordinate to the current directory.

For example:

CD\mydir - allows you to go to a directory named mydir in the root directory of the current drive,

СD mydir - allows you to change to a directory called mydir, which must be part of the current directory, otherwise an error will be thrown.

There are useful variations of this command:

1) to go to the root directory of the current disk

2) to move up one level in the directory hierarchy

3) to determine which directory is the current one

To view the contents of a directory, use the already familiar DIR command of the form:

DIR<пробел><полное имя каталога><ключ>

DIR<пробел><имя каталога><ключ>

In the first case, the content is output any catalog any disk, because using the path in the full directory name we tell the computer how to get to the desired directory. In the second case, the contents of the directory that directly subordinate to the current directory.

The most common key values ​​are /p - for page-by-page information output, /w - for shortened information output, when only file and directory names are displayed on the screen.

The DIR command without parameters displays the contents of the current directory in full format.

For example:

DIR\mydir - viewing the contents of a directory named mydir in the root directory of the current drive,

DIR mydir – viewing the contents of a directory named mydir, which must be part of the current directory, otherwise an error will be thrown,

DIR A:\- view the contents of the root directory of the floppy disk .

To create a new, previously non-existing directory, use the directory creation command - MD . Command Format:

M.D.<пробел><полное имя каталога>

M.D.<пробел><имя каталога>

In the first case, the creation any catalog on any disk, because using the path in the full directory name we tell the computer how to get to the desired directory. In the second case, a directory is created that directly subordinate to the current directory.

For example:

MD A:\mydir - allows you to create a folder (directory) named mydir in the root directory of drive A:\,

MD mydir - allows you to create a folder (directory) named mydir in the current directory of the current disk.


1. Switch to an MS DOS session and determine on the screen what the system prompt (or system prompt) is.

2. Set the system prompt so that it indicates the path to the current directory. Use the system prompt to determine which drive and directory is the current one.

3. View the composition of the current directory using the full output format. Based on their appearance, determine which objects are files and which are directories. Change the command and view the contents of the current directory with different keys.

4. Determine the operating system version.

5. Set the system prompt to display a text greeting containing your last name.

7. Set the current root directory of the hard drive. Create and execute a request to display on the monitor screen a list of all command files with the COM extension located in the C:\WINDOWS directory.

8. Go to the WINDOWS directory. Create and execute a request to display on the monitor screen a list of all command files with the COM extension located in the C:\WINDOWS directory.

9. Return again to the root directory of the C:\ drive.

10. Create a directory named ABC in the root directory of drive C: and navigate to this directory and view its contents.

Laboratory work 2. Commands for working with disks, files and directories in MS DOS OS

Disk commands

The most commonly used disks are the hard drive (denoted C:) and the floppy disk (denoted A:). To change the current disk, use a command whose name indicates the name of the disk to which you want to change. For example, to switch to a hard drive, enter the command:

To go to the floppy disk (it must be in the drive), enter the command:

Moreover, if the system prompt specifies the path to the current directory, changing the current disk will be reflected in it.

For the preparation of floppy disks(not the hard drive!) the formatting command is used, which in the simplest case looks like this:


After pressing the Enter key, the operating system begins a dialogue with the user, which is easy to understand and therefore not presented here.

File commands

Information of any kind is stored in the form of files. Regardless of the specific contents of the file, it must be viewed, updated, stored, and moved from one directory to another. The creation of files is carried out using the means of any application, for example, the text editor Notepad of the WINDOWS operating system, the word processor Word, the spreadsheet processor Excel, etc. There are tools for creating (and editing) files in the MS DOS operating system.

Creating files

Executed by the COPY CON command of the format:

COPY<пробел>CON<пробел><полное имя файла>

After entering the command, the computer switches to file text input mode. Any text is printed, after which the Ctrl+Z (or F6) and Enter keys are pressed. The file creation ends and a system prompt is displayed. It should be borne in mind that MS DOS mode has its own keyboard localization, which is not always present on the computer, so switching the keyboard may not work.

Related information.

A:\> - drive A:, root directory;

C:\DOS> - drive C:, DOS directory.

To enter a command, type this command on the keyboard and press Enter. The command can be entered in both lowercase and uppercase Latin letters or a combination thereof

To change the current drive, you need to type the name of the drive that should become current, and then a colon, for example, if the current drive is C:, and you want to make drive A: current, then in the command line you should type A:, i.e. command line will look like this: disk:

In this case, the MS DOS prompt takes the form:


As mentioned above, after entering any MS DOS command, you must press the Enter key. You should not make a floppy drive current if there is no floppy disk on the drive or the floppy disk is not formatted.

Perhaps the most common command is to format the disk format; it marks the surface of the disk, writes system information on it (boot sector, file allocation table and root directory), and also checks the disk for defects. You must always remember that the format command destroys all information on the disk!. format disk: /b /s /v /u /q /f:disk_capacity /n:sectors /t:tracks

The following options may apply:

/b - space is reserved on the disk for system files that can be copied later to the disk using the sys command;

/s - writes system files IO.SYS, MSDOS.SYS, COMMAND.COM to the disk, as a result of which the disk becomes a system one;

/v - request before formatting the volume label;

/u - formats the disk and destroys all data;

/q - quick formatting; /f:capacity - select the capacity to which the disk is formatted, for example, 1440 - 1.44 MB;

/n:sectors and /t:tracks - sets the number of tracks and sectors for non-standard disks.

System files can also be copied to disk using the sys command.

The diskcopy command completely copies all information from one floppy disk to another:

diskcopy disk1: disk2:


diskcopy a: a: - copying information from one floppy disk to another, installed on the same drive;

format a:/s/v—formatting a floppy disk, copying system files to it and displaying the volume label;

sys a: - copying system files to drive A.

The MS-DOS operating system also has additional commands designed to work with subdirectories and maintain hard and floppy disks. A striking example is the boot floppy disk made in Windows 98. This floppy disk contains the MS-DOS operating system with necessary and useful programs.

The most common are FORMAT.COM, SYS.COM, FDISK.EXE, SCANDISK.EXE. A few words have been said about FORMAT.COM and SYS.COM. Now a brief description of FDISK.EXE and SCANDISK.EXE:


Designed to check the disk surface, file system and directories. For example, you need to scan disk C from DOS, to do this we type the command: scandisk c:

FDISK.EXE A fairly powerful program for partitioning a hard drive (HDD) from DOS. Of course, there is a more advanced program that also works under DOS - Partition Magic, but it is FDISK that is capable of creating a boot sector on a new hard drive. FDISK divides the HDD into partitions with formatting of each partition, therefore, you need to remember that when the HDD is partitioned by the FDISK program, all information will be deleted. Launch syntax: fdisk.

If the Windows 98 operating system is installed, you can boot into DOS when you boot the computer by holding down the F8 key. Then you need to select 5 item Command prompt only. By selecting Command prompt only, the user is taken to the command line or DOS. By the way, from the command line you can restore the registry from a copy with the command scanreg /restore or optimize the registry by compression with the command scanreg /opt.


A text editor is a text processing program that is used to create new documents (letters, reports, newsletters) or change existing ones. Modern text editors (including the Word editor) are sometimes called word processors because they contain a very large number of text processing functions.

The powerful word processor Microsoft Word for Windows makes it easy to prepare a wide variety of documents. The text you enter is displayed on the screen exactly as it will be printed. Powerful text editing tools bring desktop publishing capabilities closer to desktop publishing while maintaining ease of use.

The user has access to a variety of editing tools: changing the font type and style, aligning paragraphs, setting line spacing, highlighting with frames, multi-column text, highlighting paragraphs, hanging indents, auto numbering and much, much more. You can insert tables into the text, the cells of which can contain both text and numbers. The built-in charting tool makes it easy to choose from a variety of available chart types. Moreover, you can insert formulas into cells that automatically recalculate the result when parameters change.

The text can be accompanied by graphics, which can be inserted from existing files in various formats or created using the built-in graphics editor. If your document is large, you can automatically create a table of contents or an alphabetical index to make it easier to work with.

Much attention in Word for Windows is paid to working with letters. For any letter, you can automatically create an envelope, the address for which will be selected from a database of virtually any format. If you need to send one letter to several addresses, you just need to enter the corresponding addresses in the database, and they will be automatically printed on envelopes.

New versions of Word for Windows allow you to write without errors. It has a built-in error correction program. Dynamic spell checking mode is supported. Every word you write will be checked immediately, and if it contains an error, you will immediately notice this by a special marking that marks the word spelled incorrectly. In order to correct an incorrectly spelled word, just right-click on it and you will be offered a list of possible replacements.

In the new version of Microsoft Word, you can use a new spell checking mechanism. Users will also appreciate the ability to automatically format text.

Microsoft Word allows you to enter, edit, format and design text and correctly place it on the page. With this program, you can insert graphics, tables, and charts into your document, and automatically correct spelling and grammatical errors. The Word text editor also has many other features that make creating and editing documents much easier. Most frequently used functions:

    when entering text you hit the end of a line, Word automatically moves to the next line;

    If you make a typo while entering text, the auto-correct feature automatically corrects it. And the automatic spell check feature highlights misspelled words with a red wavy line to make them easier to see and correct;

    if you use hyphens to highlight list items, use fractions, a trademark sign or other special characters, the auto-formatting function will correct them itself;

    To present text in table form, you can, of course, use a tabulator, but Microsoft Word offers much more effective tools. And if the table contains digital data, then it is easy to turn it into a chart;

    Preview mode allows you to see the document in the form in which it will be printed. In addition, it allows you to display all pages at once, which is convenient for making changes before printing.

    The program also offers a number of functions that save time and effort. Among them:

    AutoText – for storing and inserting frequently used words, phrases or graphics;

    styles – for storing and specifying entire sets of formats at once;

    merging – for creating serial letters, printing envelopes and labels;

    macros – for executing a sequence of frequently used commands;

    “masters” – for creating professionally designed documents.

    Graph, Equation, WordArt - thanks to this group of programs, it is possible to insert various diagrams (Graph), mathematical formulas (Equation - formula editor) and text effects (WordArt) into a document. These programs are installed in the MSAPPS subdirectory in the WINDOWS directory, i.e. to the disk on which the Windows environment is installed. This is especially important if the bulk of the Word package is installed on another drive. There must be enough free space on both drives.

    Proofing Tools – these programs are designed to check spelling, correct typos and select synonyms.

    Envelopes, filters and ODBC (Converters, Filters and Data Access) - documents created in other text editors have file formats that differ from the format used by the Word editor. In order for Word to work with such files, special format conversion programs, or converters, are needed.

    Online Help, Examples and Demos—Word's help system takes up about 5MB of hard drive space. It contains information about each command and describes the steps that must be performed to obtain the required result. In particular, it contains information about WordBasic (an embedded programming language for creating new word processing functions), which is not described in the printed documentation.

    Wizards, Templates and Letters – Wizards and templates allow you to save time when preparing standard documents. Using Word templates, you can quickly create letters, faxes, inscriptions on envelopes, etc.

    Tools - this group includes the installation program, which allows you to change the configuration of MS Word, the Dialog Editor program, the MS Info program, designed to obtain information about the current Windows system configuration, and the Dialog Editor program, which is used to create macro commands (macros).

    Graphics (Clip Art) – the graphics library contains more than 50 drawings that can be used to design documents.

    Document formatting. The Word text editor for Windows is a powerful tool for professional document preparation using the effective use of all the variety of its functions. The Word editor allows you to create a huge number of special effects.

    Formatting is a change in the appearance of text without changing its content. For example, a word can be depicted in different fonts.

    The creation and execution of a document on a computer begins with calling a form (template) on the basis of which the document will be created. This could be a built-in Word template, an organization's letterhead, a standardized form developed by the organization, or a blank sheet.

    To automate office processes, pre-created templates for all main types of documents are most often used. This speeds up the process of creating, processing and searching for documents, and most importantly, eliminates numerous errors in their design. It is recommended to create the following types of templates: a general form of the organization, a letter form, forms for specific types of documents (orders, instructions, acts, etc.).

    When you first open Word, the default document is created based on the template Ordinary, which contains information about paragraph and character styles, page parameters, and toolbars that will be displayed on the screen.

    Entering text

    Once you have selected a document template and set page options, you can enter document text.

    Texts typed on a computer differ from those typed. In addition to characters entered from the keyboard, if the appropriate mode is set, so-called non-printable characters may appear on the screen:

    ¶ — end of paragraph symbol;

    → — tab character;

    - end-of-line symbol without end of paragraph, etc.

    By default, Word displays all non-printing characters. These symbols help you see the location text objects on the document page and are displayed on the screen, but not printed. You can delete them using the keys Delete or Backspace.

    In order to hide or redisplay these symbols, you need to click the button on the panel tools Standard.

    Entering new text is carried out in the active window at the position where the cursor is positioned.

    As you move the mouse, the pointer changes shape depending on its position on the screen. In the text area, it looks like a vertical line with notches I.

    The cursor in the text looks like a blinking vertical bar |.

    When entering text, pay attention to the location of the mouse pointer and cursor. They are easy to confuse.

    Entering text over existing text is carried out in the mode Substitutions.

    To set the Replace/Insert mode, double-click the Replace (Replace) button on the status bar.

    The missing letter can be inserted when entering in the inserts, in this case, the line is automatically expanded to the right.

    You can delete text using the keys Delete or Backspace.

    When entering text using the built-in hyphenation algorithm, automatic transition on next line.

    Pressing Enter keys marks the end of the current paragraph and the transition to the next one.

    Line splitting for creating new line within one paragraph is carried out by simultaneously pressing keys Shift + Enter.

    Pagination When entering text, it is carried out automatically, and so-called “soft” page separators are created.

    Sometimes it is necessary to start a text with new page, when the previous one is not yet filled; keystrokes Ctrt+Enter creates a “hard” separation of text at a specific place in the document.

    The hard page separator appears on the screen (view in menu View, Regular) in the form of a line of dots with words Page break.

    To remove a hard page separator, place the cursor at the end of the paragraph preceding the division and press Delete.

    Before editing an object, you need to select it

    Editing text begins with selecting it. The following operations can be performed on selected text:




  • seal.

    To select objects, use the mouse, keys and the so-called marking column.

    The bullet column is an unlabeled portion of the screen on the left side of the document window that is used to highlight text. When the mouse pointer is in this area, it changes to a selection arrow. The marking column represents the simplest way highlighting a line, paragraph or entire document.

    Table 1 - Methods for selecting text

    Text object

    Selection methods


    Double-click within word boundaries


    Hold down the Ctrl key and click within the sentence boundaries


    Click on the label column to the left of the desired line

    Several lines

    Drag the mouse pointer in the marking column from the first to the last line


    Double-click the bullet column to the left of the paragraph you want

    Entire document

    Triple-click or Ctrl-click on the label column

    The area of ​​the selected text can be expanded. To do this, hold down the key Shift, Click on the last object of the selected text.

    The selection area can be expanded by one character if, while holding down the key Shift, click on the desired key moving the cursor.

    With a text block selected, pressing the Enter key deletes the text.

    Word distinguishes between formatting individual characters and formatting entire paragraphs. If formatting characters comes down to choosing a font, character size and style, then formatting paragraphs consists of setting indents between adjacent paragraphs, as well as from the edges of a sheet of paper, creating a red line and choosing text alignment: centered, left edged, right edged, along the left and right edges together (widthwise), etc. For this purpose, there are corresponding buttons in the toolbar.

    Word implements two fundamentally great ways text formatting - direct (or immediate) formatting and formatting using styles. With direct formatting, the selected fragment is assigned the necessary design parameters one by one. Advantage style formatting is that the selected object (usually a paragraph) is assigned a whole set of formatting parameters (formatting style), which is generated in advance and has a unique name. A formatting style can include font, paragraph, tab, border and fill, frame, numbering, and the language used for hyphenation and spell checking. Formatting styles can be assigned to selected paragraphs or the paragraph within which the cursor is located.

    To make the text readable, they usually use no more than three fonts and change the font style or size for text highlights, signatures, and headings. The format of the document must correspond to its content. Text is perceived better if there is little left on the page. free space, margins along the edges of the page, free space between columns of text and before headings. The readability of the text is also greatly influenced by right choice typeface, font style and size, spacing between lines of text, padding, paragraph indentations etc.

    TASK 2

    Performance of this assignment provides for the conversion of numbers from one number system to another, the representation of numbers in floating point and fixed point form, the representation of numbers in normal form, the implementation of arithmetic operations and the representation of signed integers in direct, reverse and additional codes. In the first and second examples it is necessary to convert numbers from decimal system number (10 ss) to binary (2 ss), octal (8 ss) and hexadecimal (16 ss). In the third and fourth examples, you need to convert numbers from 2 cc to 10 cc, 8 cc, 16 cc. In the fifth and sixth examples, numbers given in fixed point form (FP) must be represented in fixed point form (FP). In the seventh and eighth – normalize the numbers. In the ninth - perform an arithmetic operation. In the tenth - represent a signed integer in direct, reverse and complementary codes. In reports on the first and fourth examples, complete mathematical calculations should be presented, the accuracy of the representation of numbers is up to the fifth decimal place.


    112.764 = 1110000, 110000111001010110 (rounded result)

    To convert the specified number to binary number the whole part must be divided by the base 2

    112 / 2

    112 56 / 2

    0 56 28 / 2

    0 28 14 / 2

    0 14 7 / 2

    0 6 3 / 2

    1 2 1


    We record the results obtained from right to left.

    To calculate the fractional part

    0,764 *2 = 1,528

    0,528 * 2 = 1,056

    0,056*2 =0,112

    0,112 *2 = 0,224

    0,224*2 = 0,448

    0,448* 2 = 0,896

    0,896 *2 = 1,792

    0,792*2 =1,584

    0,584*2 =1,168

    0,168*2 = 0,336

    0,336*2 = 0,672

    0,672*2 =1,344

    0,344*2 =0,688

    0,688*2 =1,376

    0,376*2 =0,752

    0,752*2 =1,504


    112,764 (10) = 170, 607126010142223350 (8)

    112 / 8

    112 14 /8

    0 8 / 1


    0,764 *8 = 6,112

    0,112*8 =0,896

    0,896*8 =7,168

    0,168 * 8 =1,344

    0,344 * 8 =2,752

    0,752* 8 = 6,016

    0,016*8 =0,128

    0,128*8 =1,024

    0,024*8 =0,192

    0,192*8 =1,536

    0,536*8 = 4,288

    0,288* 8 = 2,304

    0,304*8 =2,432

    0,432*8 =3,456

    0,456*8 =3,648

    0,648*8 =5,184

    112.764 (16) = 70.С395810624D0

    112 /16

    112 7


    0,764 *16 =12,224

    0,224*16 =3,584

    0,584*16 =9,344

    0,344*16 =5,504

    0,504 *16 = 8,064


    0,024*16 =0,384

    0,384 *16 =6,144

    0,144*16 =2,304

    0,304 *16 = 4,864

    0,864 * 16 = 13,824

    -159.942 (10) = -10011111.1111001 (2) (rounded)

    159 / 2

    158 79 / 2

    78 39 / 2

    38 19 / 2

    18 / 2

    1 9 / 2

    8 / 2

    1 4 / 2

    4 2 / 2



    0,942 * 2 = 1,884

    0,884 * 2 = 1,768

    0,768 * 2 = 1,563

    0,563*2 =1,126

    0,126*2 =0,252

    0,252 * 2 = 0,504

    0,504 *2 = 1,008

    -159.942 = -237.722203513615 (8) (rounded)

    159 / 8

    152 19 / 8

    7 16 2


    0,942 *8 = 7,536

    0,536 * 8 = 4,288

    0,288 * 8 = 2,304

    0,304 * 8 = 2,432

    0,432 * 8 = 0,456

    0,456 * 8 = 3,648

    0,648 * 8 = 5,184

    0,184 * 8 = 1,472

    0,472 * 8 = 3,776

    0,776 * 8 = 6,208

    0,208 * 8 = 1,664

    0,664 * 8 = 5,312

    -159.942 = - 95.F126E978D4 (16)

    159 / 16

    154 9


    0,942 * 16 = 15,072

    0,072 *16 = 1,152

    0,152 * 16 = 2,432

    0,432 * 16 = 6,912

    0,912 * 16 =14,592

    0,592 * 16 =9,472

    0,472*16 = 7,552

    0,552 * 16 = 8,832

    0,832 *16 =13,312

    0,312 * 16 = 4,992

    Convert numbers from 2cc to 10cc, 8cc, 16cc

    1110111,110101 (2) = 1*2 6 +1*2 5 + 1*2 4 + 0*2 3 + 1*2 2 + 1*2 1 + 1*2 0 + 1*2 -1 +1*2 -2 +

    0*2 -3 + 1*2 -4 + 0*2 -5 +1*2 -6 = 119,828125 (10)

    1110111,110 101 (2) = 167,65 (8)

    111 0111,1101 0100 (16) = 107,65 (16)


    11010101,11101 (2) = -(1*2 7 +1*2 6 +0*2 5 + 1*2 4 + 0*2 3 + 1*2 2 + 0*2 1 + 1*2 0 + 1*2 -1 +1*2 -2 +1*2 -3 + 0*2 -4 + 1*2 -5)= -213,90625 (8)

    1101 0101.11101 (2) = D5, E8 (16)

    Numbers given in floating point form must be represented in fixed point form

    5.68E+04 =0.568*10 -5

    2.3E -0.2 = 0.23*10 -2

    Normalize numbers

    (24,1) 10

    (101,101) 2

    The real number X can be represented in two forms - natural and normalized. In its natural form, X has an integer and a fractional part, between which a separator (comma or period) is placed, for example, 123.4567. However, this notation is inconvenient for numbers that are too large or, conversely, too small. In addition, the use of such a form (also called "fixed point notation") in a computer would cause a decrease in the accuracy of calculations due to the need to match the digits of the processed numbers and the associated rounding, or could give rise to a situation called overflow, when the most significant digit of the number does not fit into the allocated bit grid. For the reasons stated real numbers are represented in a computer in a normalized form (another name is “floating-point representation”), the main advantage of which is the automatic scaling of the number at each stage of processing, which, on the one hand, ensures the highest possible accuracy of calculations, and on the other hand, eliminates the need take measures to prevent overflow (with the exception of rather exotic situations with a number going beyond the allocated bit grid). In fact, this is a universal form of writing all numbers except those defined as “type: integers”.

    The number X 10 is called normalized if it is represented in the form

    X 10 = [+|-] M 10 10 [+|-] k 10

    In this notation, M 10 is called the mantissa of the normalized number; mantissa values ​​lie in the range 0.1 M 10<1. k 10 называется порядком нормализованного числа — это целое положительное десятичное число.

    (24,1) 10 = 0,241*10 2

    Similarly to normalizing a decimal number, you can also represent a number in an arbitrary number system p in a normalized form:

    X p = [+|-] M p · p [+|-] k p

    (101,101) 2 = 0,101101 2 *2 -112

    In this case, the values ​​of the mantissa lie in the interval p -1 M p<1 (т.е. первая значащая цифра мантиссы всегда ненулевая), а показатель степени представляется в системе p (k p).

    The mantissa is located in the interval 0.1 2
    M 2<1, что соответствует десятичному интервалу 0,5 10 M 10 <1.

    An arithmetic operation needs to be performed

    (1F +2D) 16 = 115+ 213 =328

    F 16 + D 16 = 1C 16, where C remains in this digit, and 1 is transferred to digit 2;

    1 16 + 2 16 +1 16 = 4, where the second 1 16 is the carry unit

    Represent a signed integer in forward, inverse, and two's complement codes

    Negative numbers in direct, reverse and complement codes they have different images.

    1. Direct code. The digit 1 is placed in the sign bit, and the binary code of its absolute value is placed in the bits of the digital part of the number. For example:

    2. Return code. It is obtained by inverting all the digits of the binary code of the absolute value of a number, including the sign bit: zeros are replaced by ones, and ones by zeros. For example:

    3. Additional code. It is obtained by forming a reverse code and then adding one to its least significant digit. For example:

    Typically, negative decimal numbers, when entered into a machine, are automatically converted to their inverse or complement's binary code and are stored, moved, and used in operations in this form. When such numbers are output from the machine, reverse conversion to negative decimal numbers.

    Thus, it is necessary to convert the decimal number -18 to binary

    18 /2

    18 9 / 2

    8 4 / 2

    4 2 / 2



    -18 (10) = 1 10010 – direct number code

    -18 (10) = 101101 – reverse code of the number

    -18 (10) = 101100 – additional number code

    TASK 3

    Using the capabilities of MS Word, build and calculate a table summarizing the sales volume of certain goods, a certain company. Based on the data in the table, construct a corresponding diagram.

    Daily allowance (morning, afternoon, evening, night)

    Table - Dynamics of daily sales of assortment groups of goods





    Bakery products


    Meat and sausages

    Culinary products

    Fresh frozen

Basic operating system commands

Turning off the computer

Turning off the computer is carried out in the reverse order of turning it on, i.e. all connected external devices are turned off: printer, video monitor, system unit. In practice, this rule is rarely applied.

OS commands can be divided into several groups according to their purpose. A review of all operating system commands is beyond the scope of this tutorial. Therefore, below are the main, most frequently used groups of commands:

· commands for working with disks;

· commands for working with directories;

· commands for working with files;

· commands that form the configuration file;

· Commands for controlling the operation of a batch file.

The command format is as follows:

<команда> [<опция>] [<опция>...]

where indicated:

<команда>- a keyword that determines the nature of the actions performed;

<опция>- contains additional information clarifying the command;

<опция...>- three dots indicate the possibility of repeating the option in the command;

[.] - square brackets indicate that the expression enclosed in brackets is optional;

/<опция>- key. A key is an option starting with a slash.

Commands for working with disks provide: preparing disks for work, that is, marking disks into tracks, sectors, placing service information, transferring system files; copying and comparing floppy disks; servicing the drive on magnetic disk. These include the following commands:

FORMAT- formatting (partitioning) of the disk;

DISKCOPY- copying floppy disks;

DISKCOMP- comparison of floppy disks;

SYS- transfer of system files;

LABEL- getting/setting the disk label;

VOL- getting the disk label;

CHKDSK- disk check;

FDISK- NMD maintenance.

Disk formatting- FORMAT.

The format command ensures that disks are prepared for use: it splits the disk into sectors and tracks, creates a root directory and a file allocation table.

Command Format:




FORMAT – getting quick help on a command

The keys have the following meaning:

/v [: label] – here the label is a text message up to 11 characters long;

/q – secure formatting. The root directory and file allocation table are deleted. Data can be restored with the UNFORMAT command;

/u – unconditional formatting. All data is irretrievably lost;

/1 - one-sided formatting, even if the drive used can also work with double-sided floppy disks;

/8 - eight-sector formatting. By default, a floppy disk is formatted at 9 sectors per track on drives up to 720 KB and 15 sectors per track on 1.2 MB drives (for 5.25-inch floppies);

/b- eight-sector formatting with space reservation for MS-DOS system files;

/n- indication of the number of sectors on the track. This key formats 3.5-inch drives into the specified number of sectors (18 sectors by default). For 720K disks this value is 9, for example: /n:9;

/t- indication of the number of tracks on the disc. This key formats 3.5-inch floppy disks to the specified number of tracks. For 720K drives and 1.44M drives this value is 80 (/t:80);

/f- indicates the size of the floppy disk to be formatted. For 3.5" floppy disks

There are two sizes available: 1.44 MB or 2.88 MB. This switch cannot be used in conjunction with the /n switch.

The /n and /t switches cannot be combined with the /f switch. The FORMAT command is specific to each version of DOC.

/s- copy the OS files listed in the FORMAT.TBL file from the current disk to the disk being formatted. The new disk must have a capacity of at least 1.2 MB (only for MS-DOS 4.0 and older);

/c – check for failed clusters. If during the disk formatting process the program detects a failed cluster, then after formatting the disk, these clusters can be re-checked and then the disk formatting can be repeated.

/? – issues a brief electronic help on the command.

The given format corresponds to MS-DOS 7.0. The team works online. When finished, it returns an exit code.

0 - successful completion;

3 - interrupt by pressing CTRL-C;

4 - fatal error;

5 - no response was received to the request for hard drive: (format (D, N) ?)

These codes can be used in batch processing using the IF command.

For example, the FORMAT A: /s /v command formats drive A, transferring system files and setting the drive label. After entering the command, the system prompt appears on the screen:

Insert new diskette to drive A: and strike ENTER when ready

(Insert the floppy disk into drive A: Press ENTER if ready)

During operation, information about the side of the floppy disk and the number of the track being checked is displayed on the display screen:

Head: 0 Cylinder: 21

(Surface: 0 Cylinder: 21)

If a serious malfunction is detected during the test, a corresponding message is displayed on the screen, for example:

Tgas 0 bad - disk unusable

(Track 0 is corrupted and the floppy disk cannot be used).

This message may also appear if you try to initialize a high-density (that is, 1.2 MB) floppy disk in a 360 KB floppy drive.

At the end of the check, the following message is displayed:

Format complete System transferred

(Format completed, system transferred).

If a drive label has been specified, you are prompted:

Volume label (11 Character, ENTER for none)?

(Volume label (11 characters, if not - ENTER)?)

Any symbolic information can be used as a label. If a label is not required, press Enter.

After entering the label, summary information about the disk is displayed on the screen, for example:

362,496 bytes totaldisk space (total diskette size in KB)

78,848 bytes used by system (number of KB occupied by system files)

5 120 bytes in bad sectors (number of KB in bad sectors)

183,648 bytes available an disk (amount of free memory in KB)

At the end of the work, the program issues a request:

Format another (Y/N)?

(Formatting yet (Y-yes, N-no)?)

If you need to mark one or more floppy disks, press "Y" and Enter.

Copying floppy disks - DISKCOPY

Command format: DISKCOPY ]

Provides copying of a floppy disk installed in the source drive (D:) to a floppy disk installed in the destination drive D1:). Copying is carried out along tracks. This command allows you to create an exact copy of the source floppy disk. This also ensures the transfer of system files. The /1 switch specifies copying only one side of the floppy disk.

Comparison of floppies - DISKCOMP

Command format: DISKCOMP

The command compares floppy disks installed in drives D: and D1: by track.

Key /1 - sets the comparison mode of only one side of the floppy disk, even if the floppy disk is double-sided.

The /8 switch means comparing only 8 sectors on each track.

While the program is running, information about the comparison results of each track is displayed on the display screen.

When copying or comparing floppy disks on a computer with one floppy disk drive, the source floppy disk (the first floppy disk) is first installed in the disk drive, and the information is written to RAM. The program then asks to install the destination floppy disk (the second floppy disk) and transfers information from RAM to the destination floppy disk or compares the information written in RAM with the contents of the second floppy disk.

Transferring system files-SYS

Command Format: SYS D:

The command overwrites hidden system files from the current drive to the drive designated D:. The directory on the disk must be empty and the disk must be marked with the FORMAT command with the /S or /B parameters.

Get/set disk label- LABEL

Command format: LABEL [drive label]

If the /v switch is used when marking the disk, then the LABEL command allows you to write, change or delete the label. Any word up to 11 characters long can be used as a tag.

Getting the drive label - VOL

Command format: VOL

Unlike the LABEL command, the VOL command only allows you to display the disc label on the display screen.

Disk check-CHKDSK

Command format: CHKDSK [filename]

The /F key sets the mode for fixing errors detected in the directory structure or in the file allocation table; corrections are written to disk. The /v switch allows you to display on the display screen the location of all files (names and paths) of the specified or current directory.

The CHKDSK program displays summary information about the disk and RAM; instead of ellipses, specific numerical values ​​will be displayed on the screen:

· disk capacity, in bytes (... bytes total disk space);

· total size, in bytes, and the number of “hidden” files (... bytes in ... hidden files);

· total size, in bytes, and the number of directories on the disk (... bytes m ... directories);

· total size, in bytes, and the number of user files on the disk... bytes in... user files);

· total size, in bytes, and the number of files recovered by CHKDSK from lost areas on the disk (... bytes in ... recovered files);

· amount of free disk space, in bytes (... available on disk);

· total size, in bytes, of the computer's RAM (... bytes total memory);

· the size of the computer's free (not occupied by the operating system and user programs) RAM (... bytes free).

If CHKDSK finds orphaned areas of the disk (that is, areas that do not belong to any of the files and are not listed as free), it displays the following message:

x lost clusters found in y chains

convert lost clusters to files Y/N)?

(Found xx lost clusters contained in y chains, convert these chains into files (Y - yes, N - no)?)

If you answer "Y", CHKDSK will create root directory files FILE0000.CHK, FILE0001.CHK, etc. They must be reviewed and, if they do not contain valuable information, destroyed. If you answer “Y”, then the lost areas will be immediately added to the list of free areas on the disk.

If CHKDSK reports any errors on your hard drive, you should check the CHKDSK description for what action to take. In case of serious errors, you should immediately report it to the person responsible for the computer or computer maintenance specialists. Sometimes logic errors that CHKDSK cannot fix can be fixed by NDD (Norton Disk Doctor).

Maintenance of a magnetic disk drive -FDISK

Command format: FDISK

The command is used to prepare the hard drive for operation. The program works in menu mode and allows you to:

Partition the disk. One primary and one additional partition are created. You can create an unlimited number of logical drives in an additional partition. The primary partition is used to install the operating system. The additional partition is used to host programs and data. If you need to install several operating systems on your computer, the second and subsequent operating systems should be placed on logical drives. You can create up to four partitions on one disk, containing different operating systems, but not different versions of the same OS;

Delete partition. You cannot delete a partition that belongs to another OS;

Change active partition. When the OS boots from the hard drive, the active partition is loaded.

To obtain the DOC partition you must:

· launch the FDISK program;

· use it to create a DOC partition, determine its size and make the partition active;

· format the partition using the FORMAT command with the /s switch. Only the created partition is formatted;

· copy the config.sys and system.sys files from the floppy disk to the hard drive using the COPY command.

After completing these operations, you can boot the OS from the created partition.