Proper promotion on Instagram. Tips for promoting on Instagram from the practice of Instapromo

Today we will talk about sales on Instagram. And also about how to promote on Instagram. Nowadays, we cannot imagine our life without social networks. They have become an integral part of many areas of our lives. And selling through Instagram has become one of the most effective ways sales of goods via the Internet.

Why can you effectively sell products on Instagram? It's simple. The fact is that creating an Instagram account does not require effort. Almost everyone has their own Instagram account. This network is very popular. But the most important thing is the audience. In this social network a completely different audience than that of Avito, Direct or Vkontakte.

Thanks to this, selling products on Instagram brings more profit. For example, a children's watch Q50, sold on VKontakte or Avito for 2,000 rubles, can be sold on Instagram for 5,000 rubles.

How to make sales on Instagram

There are two main aspects of selling on Instagram:

  • Account support;
  • Advertising.

I suggest you learn about this in more detail. To do this, watch the video of Instagram curator Denis Shamarin.

To get started on Instagram, you should take some steps and pay attention to key points.

Find competitors and analyze their accounts or stores

To do this, you need to enter a query in the search field. For example, like in the picture below.

How to analyze competitors? Visit their page on Instagram. View their posts and offers.

You can also go to the website This tool allows you to do monitoring advertising posts, advertisements, and also collect analytics of some social networks, including Instagram.

Make your account

It is necessary that the channel name matches the keyword or link.

How to set up Instagram for sale

Important! To design a channel, use icons. A bright avatar always attracts attention and, accordingly, improves sales on Instagram. An avatar with the face of a girl or child always works well.

Come up with some unique advantages that will help win the client over to your side. For example:

  • “No prepayment”;
  • "Hidden wiretapping";
  • “Free shipping”, etc.

Be sure to use keywords when writing a description. Keywords in the descriptor also help to reach the TOP when Google search or Yandex, as well as improve sales through Instagram.

The description must include offer. For example, “For all Instagram subscribers there is a 20% discount.”

USP(unique trade offer) promotes effective selling products via Instagram.

If you still have space, you can insert a similar one link to your public VKontakte.

You must indicate mobile phone or any other means of communication– Telegram/Viber/WhatsApp.

Need to add from 20 photos and more. Alternate selling photos with informational ones. The content of posts should be similar to the content of VKontakte posts.

In addition to creating an Instagram account and its design, you need to understand how to promote Instagram for sales. There are several ways to find out more about this:

After that, find 10 public pages with the target audience for which your product is designed. You can also post here. It's not free. You can start with 500 rubles per post.

Go to the site There are advertising platforms here. Don't forget to indicate social group Instagram communities.

You can also use VKontakte advertising agencies, which also deal with the issue of how to advertise on Instagram. They have a certain pricing policy.

Hi all!

I’m vacationing with my parents in Anapa again, it’s nice and sunny here. I’m relaxing and a little lazy after the hike; I finally have time to work in a quiet environment.

Today we will try to figure out how Instagram can help promote business. Is it worth creating an account there, and how will it help in promoting a website or blog? We will also consider the main Instagram widgets for a WordPress site.

On the blog, I have already touched on the topics of various social networks, working with them and making money. Read how to add various ones and install them for the site. And there is even a whole section dedicated to. But I haven’t written about Instagram yet, I’m starting.

Who uses the Instagram app?

Instagram is an application for mobile devices for quick exchange photographs and videos that have the characteristics of a social network. Actually, in 2012 Facebook bought this mobile app and soon integrated Instagram with social networks. Today, the number of Instagram users in the world exceeds 200 million. Russia accounts for about 5-6 million. According to research companies, the main core of active users are young people under 24 years old. For Russia greatest number users of this network are residents of large cities.

The statistics presented above make it possible to determine to a large extent the feasibility of using Instagram to promote a business, goods and services, or a website. Any project is focused on its own target audience and before investing your efforts and time in one or another communication channel, you need to assess how justified they will be. Simply put, if you are selling fashionable clothes, most likely you will find a fairly large part potential buyers on the Instagram network. This does not mean that among the general audience, you cannot find a narrower one that can be attracted to your exclusive product. Each idea has its own strategies.

Promotion through Instagram will also be useful for projects aimed at foreign users. In addition, the number of users mobile devices is growing, and accordingly the Instagram audience will expand. Read, this knowledge will be useful to you.

What's good about Instagram?

A significant advantage of Instagram is that visual content (photos, videos) catches attention much faster and is instantly perceived (no need to waste time on processing text information). And many companies use this property quite effectively to promote their services and products through Instagram. Some online stores have managed to attract buyers of their products only through Instagram and a creative approach to its use. Those. it has become their main channel of communication with consumers.

Instagram allows you to interact visually and, accordingly, more closely with potential clients. This networkperfect tool to form the image of a company or brand. In fact, with the help of it, you can not just tell, but show your product from all sides, as well as the process and participants in its creation. This builds brand loyalty, trust and recognition.

If you sell services, Instagram will be no less useful in promoting them. You can publish bright photos of your satisfied clients at the time of providing them with services. This is great for attracting new clients.

Ways to promote a business on Instagram

The first thing you need to do if you decide to create an account on Instagram and promote your products and services there is to optimize it.

To do this you need:

  • Use your company logo or a photo of your main product as your profile photo;
  • Use the name of the company, website, etc. as the name in your account;
  • Do available description about the essence of your proposal, activity;
  • Be sure to include contact information: phone numbers, website url.

The next point is adding content. First of all, Instagram is suitable for promoting goods: clothing, accessories, decorative elements, etc. Those. those that can be shown favorably in the photo. At the same time, thanks to integration into Facebook and other social networks, Instagram can be made an auxiliary platform for promoting services. Those. post photos on Instagram about events, about the life of the company and team and share them on Facebook. It is likely that this will attract an additional audience and interest the existing one. Although, Instagram is used less often to promote services than when promoting goods.

If you post photographs of products, they must be of high quality and display the products from a favorable angle. It is possible and advisable to use filters for photographs. The most effective ones that bring the most responses are Normal, Inkwell and Mayfair.

In addition, since 2013, Instagram has been able to add videos of 15 seconds duration. This type of content can also be used successfully.

Using hashtags is very important way promotions on Instagram. Hashtags allow you to group content by topic. They look like this - #hashtags (a hashtag is added before the keyword). Those. When publishing a photo or video, you need to attach from 1 to 3-4 hashtags to it. Each user can create their own hashtags, so there are quite a lot of them, but there are also the most popular ones, which are most often used when searching for the desired content. It is better to use 1-2 when publishing popular hashtag. It’s up to you to decide which hashtags to put on Instagram; you can easily find lists of the most popular ones, the main thing is that they clearly correspond to the topic of the post. A large number of hashtags on Instagram can be perceived as spam. You can also promote your hashtag with the name of your company or brand at the same time, enticing visitors to post their photos with your hashtag.

To attract new followers or subscribers, and effective promotion brand on Instagram, you need to apply all the same marketing methods that we used for . These are promotions, discounts, special offers for those who liked, subscribed, viewed photos or left a comment. Also, subscribe to updates from other users, leave comments and likes on their pages. Link your Instagram account to your other social media profiles (Twitter, Facebook, Vkontakte). Cross-post photos there periodically. I have articles about

Recently, there has been an increase in the popularity of visual content. Therefore, the famous social network Instagram is at its peak. Modern methods making money on the Internet says: any entertainment can be turned into a business from scratch.

Instagram is not just a way to spend time posting your photos and rating others’, but also a chance to advertise your business, as well as earn money from advertising of other brands, receiving a percentage as a royalty. In any case, if you want to learn how to run a business on Instagram - from registration to the first money, you need to have the skills to properly design a page.

The authors of the SMM training program have created certain tips based on a review of the main mistakes. If you master at least these rules, your chances of successful management businesses in this social space will become much higher.

  1. Connection of the network with other social networks. Create a page brand by first logging into the application via email. You can “collaborate” with networks such as Facebook, Twitter. Thanks to this approach, you will be able to disseminate information at the speed of light and at the same time “shine up” on the largest social platforms. That is, the key rule is to increase communication channels with the target audience.
  2. Diversity of content is the key rule for success in this area. Visual information is particularly popular on social networks, so if you want to make a splash in this space, the information you publish should be as diverse as possible. You don’t need to tell everyone just about your product or service. Don't forget that there are some other factors associated with your product - area, city, news observed in your area of ​​activity.
  3. Using hashtags is the key to successful business on this social network. Keyword– competent use of elements. The main thing is that, thanks to the guidelines you provide, the user can quickly find the information he needs on the Internet. When promoting services only within one city, add a hashtag with its name, for example, #Moscow. If they are products, the hashtags should have a name similar to them - #makeup. If you decide to start blogging, then it’s important to add a hashtag to it with the name of the area and topic, for example - #business. There are numerous tools to help you that allow you to unwind in just this way.
  4. Hold feedback with clients. For example, if you sell T-shirts, ask customers who receive their packages to take a photo wearing the T-shirts. For active participation, you are entitled to a discount, bonus, prize or gift certificate - it’s up to your imagination.

Note: audience involvement by all possible ways- a clear way to increase sales, views, and also create a profitable business on this social network and even beyond it.

Constant analysis and improvement are the key rules for the success of any business, in particular when it comes to business on social networks. To understand what exactly is interesting to your customers, it is best to use analytics and other components. They will allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of your chosen strategy and make appropriate decisions.

If you are going to sell through Instagram, follow the basic tips for working on this platform

What should you post on Instagram?

When considering the question of how to promote a business on Instagram, or promote a particular product, product, or service, it is important to pay attention to the content: it should be as diverse as possible in order to attract different audiences.

For example, you can publish the following data:

  • photographs of your products;
  • conducting video reviews;
  • take photos of the company’s office and employees;
  • remove subscribers who purchased the product;
  • post reports from corporate events;
  • provide links to articles with beautiful photos.

If, for example, you are promoting a catering establishment, this does not mean that you need to lay out only food and special promotions. If you provide certain services, think about what you can publish other than photos of clients. Analyze, conduct surveys, monitor what type of content your subscribers like most, and then you will be on top.

Instagram and business

Users often have questions about how Instagram works for business. It's actually simple. Through his account, the user attracts subscribers and advertises a service or product.

Page design features

Before you prepare to receive big money from running a business, it is important to answer the question: how to promote an Instagram page for business, and register an account correctly. And first of all, it is important to evaluate your own photographs.

The page is the face of the company, likes are an indicator of success


Another rule that is important to know is that you don’t need to constantly put likes, because their number is limited: it is advisable to put hearts only on those photos that you like. If the number of hearts is less than 10, this is good, since the author will probably be interested in who noted and appreciated his masterpiece. In general, it makes sense to give likes if their number does not exceed 150. This means that people will gradually begin to visit your page, and this is your potential target audience.

Note: If in an hour the number of likes becomes so large that it exceeds the maximum possible, the Instagram account may be blocked, since too many hearts is considered cheating.

Therefore, the recommendation from the pros is regular check“likes” and monitoring tabs current situation. A mandatory criterion for success is an understanding of why you need to do it. And the motivation for activity can be absolutely anything:

  • the need to promote your photos;
  • love for everyone's attention and admiration.

So, promoting a business on Instagram is serious work, but if you do it perfectly, you will receive a generous reward in the form of new subscribers and increased profits.

Basic rules for doing business on Instagram

Maybe we will repeat ourselves a little, but, nevertheless, we will note the rules for maintaining your page on this social network.

  1. Conducting activities on behalf of the company. That is, in the account you are your company. Put its name in your profile, post general photos, thematic and varied - this will increase traffic to your resource.
  2. Using hashtags. But they must be relevant and reflect the essence of your activity, indicate its region and in every possible way help users find you.
  3. Using tools to track your productivity. These may be internal and third party sources, which will allow you to carry out basic operations.
  4. Customers are everywhere. Remember that no one and nothing will advertise your product better than a satisfied client who has managed to use the services. Ask your subscribers to take photos with the product or the result of its use, this will increase your conversion.
  5. Maximum opportunities – one of key rules this social network. You are required to use all advertising platforms and use all opportunities to achieve optimal results.
  6. Feedback support. This is another rule that tells you how to properly promote your business through Instagram. Communication with subscribers is the most important element of success. This may take place through surveys, discussions and other resources.
  7. Addressing people by name. This automatically increases your status in the eyes of others and makes you an expert in a particular field.
  8. Image and business style. The main thing is not to get hung up on the monotony of photos, but on the contrary, post different publications, thereby supporting the business style of your company.

Don't forget about hashtags so your page can be easily found

Note: It is important that your account traces the model of your activity, so it is important to post discounts, promotions, and other advantageous offers.

Distance and sequence of presentation are key points that require attention. There is no need to try to give everything away at once, act gradually, and then you will be interesting to your subscribers.

Promoting a business on Instagram is a difficult task that anyone can do if they approach it wisely.

Head of Communication Marketing and SMM Kokoc Group

In Russia, Instagram has followed the traditional path of development of any trend: distrust, interest of individuals, universal recognition. In particular, in September 2014, according to daytime mobile traffic he bypassed Twitter. But not all companies yet understand how to behave on social networks, attract and retain audiences.

Every day Instagram users There are an average of 70 million posts and 2.5 billion likes worldwide. Among them there are many advertisements. Every user of this social network has probably noticed new subscribers with the names of online stores. This is because they were the first to promote Instagram accounts using methods proven on other social networks, such as mass following or mass liking. In the first case, companies massively add users as friends, in the second, they like their photos. In both options, marketers rely on people's response. These methods worked for some time, but now the situation has changed. The social network itself has stopped mass following: now the account is blocked for a period of one to ten days if the number of friend additions exceeds the established limit. Mass liking disappeared on its own: users began to perceive companies’ likes as “white noise” and stopped reacting to them.

In our work, we use other methods of promoting brands, thanks to which the products will be seen not only by account subscribers, but also by their friends and acquaintances. For example, for one of the Moscow bars with paid entrance We launched campaign with geotargeting: they liked and invited people located near the establishment to come visit. Already in the first days of advertising, Instagram brought from 20 to 40 guests to the bar. Was no less successful mascot Robot Fedya, owned by Panavto (official Mercedes-Benz dealer). On his behalf, we organized a campaign for Defender of the Fatherland Day. The promotion was one-time and lasted for 1.5 months, but more than 600 people subscribed to Robot Fedya’s account.

Advertising in the accounts of top bloggers also brings effect. Thus, one small company selling phone cases increased sales by up to 200%. If earlier she distributed one case a day, now she distributes at least 200. Sellers of beautiful trinkets: decorative items and jewelry also face a similar effect. But the cost of goods should not exceed 9 thousand rubles, because users are less likely to make impulse purchases on social networks for large amounts. If an item is more expensive, considerable time is spent choosing it, both in online stores and in reality.

If we talk about successful Russian examples of brand promotion on Instagram in general, we can name Kalabasa , PODIUM market, T elechannel 2X2. Here are the ways to engage your audience that, in our experience, really work on Instagram.


Offer to subscribers nice bonus for posting a photo of your product on your account. This can be a fixed discount (3.5 or 10% of the purchase price) or summed up for the number of likes (for example, 1 like = 1 ruble). Then the user who posts a photo of your product with the desired hashtag will receive a discount equal to the number of likes from his friends. Sometimes marketers are afraid that this will give subscribers too much of a discount. But think about it, if the discount is even 500 rubles when the cost of the product is 550, this means that the product was seen by 500 people, most of whom probably did not know about the existence of your account before. With what more people If they hear about it, the more they will sign up.


All people love gifts. Especially when the gift is given by a brand and when you don’t need to do anything special to receive it. Invite your subscribers to post a photo of a product with a branded hashtag on their account and promise that the user with the most likes will receive this item as a gift.

Invite users to take photos with your product, the best of which you will post on your account page. And to stimulate subscribers, promise a small gift to the author of the selected photo.

Help from the stars

Today, there are two types of “stars” on Instagram: people known outside the social network, such as singers, actors, politicians, TV presenters, and bloggers. You can contact both of them with an offer and talk about your product, but there are some subtleties.

Product demonstration in popular Instagram can be expensive. But you can try to offer the blogger your products as payment. For example, if you sew dresses, then give one of them as a gift. In the case of very popular accounts, there are practically no options: publishing will cost money. The main task in this case is to choose the right place where the desired target audience is concentrated.

In the case of a media personality, it is advisable to avoid direct advertising: this option is inconvenient for both you and the “star”. It’s better for a top blogger to post a photo of the product with the caption “A friend gave it to me.”<>, and I am very grateful to him. And also thanks to the manufacturer, here is the link to it.” Then subscribers to the blogger’s channel who follow the opinion leader will most likely want to buy the same product.

You can negotiate with both bloggers and sites either yourself, or outsource this task to exchanges that sell placements on Instagram (for example LabelUp) and provide a list of top bloggers with whom they cooperate. Posting through the exchange can cost from 800 rubles to several tens of thousands of rubles per message. Of course, this amount includes a percentage of the exchange, so if the budget is limited, it is better to negotiate with bloggers and public page owners directly.

Use Russian hashtags. If the company operates only in Russia, you should not use hashtags written in Latin or English words. Otherwise, the audience is eroded, since they are used not only by Russians, but also by residents of other countries.

Add hashtags based on your interests. Determine which ones your target audience checks most often. For example, if you do something in fashion style, then your hashtags are “lift look” or “girls”.

Mark places. Geotargeting allows you to target advertising materials as accurately as possible to the target audience based on region. Few people know that even if a person does not georeference, the photograph is still tied to the place of “his birth.” Therefore, all that remains is to configure the campaign so as to show advertising materials to users located within the selected geographical area: region, country, region, city or several cities.

Create personal accounts. Try using mascots - accounts that are maintained on behalf of the character. For example, the famous cat Sailor of the Admiral hockey club. The character can not only give likes, but also behave charismatically. With this approach, people themselves are more willing to react to the account and show it to their friends.

More beautiful photos. Even if you are selling a visually unattractive product, such as cans of paint, this does not mean that the path to Instagram is closed. Think more broadly: photograph not the product, but what can be done with it. Let it be doors painted with your paint or a floor covered with your laminate.

Open up behind the scenes. Show your account subscribers not only official photos your products, but also how the workflow works. If you sew clothes, take a photo of yourself at work; if you sell electronics, show what the warehouse looks like.

Add an insider. Reward subscribers with first-hand information: show new products before they appear on the site. Alternatively, you can form a focus group and let them test the product. Do not be afraid negative reviews: Even in this case, you will maintain contact with the audience and once again demonstrate your interest and loyalty.

Always respond to brand mentions and work with reputation. In this case, you can turn even negatively-minded users into your subscribers.

Don't distance your Instagram account from other social networks. After posting the photo, after a while share it, for example, on VKontakte or Facebook, adding text accompaniment. In this case, users will know that you are present on many social networks and will choose the most convenient way communications.

Instagram is a delicately and interestingly designed social network. Naturally, the question arises of how to develop Instagram, because news, brands, medium and small businesses are already storming conversion tools, trying to get an increasing number of subscribers (followers). How to develop Instagram, which combines an application and a social network, the answers, as always, lie on the surface. It's easy to use and feels like looking through a picture magazine with a world magazine twist. The network's success was unexpected but predictable. Lately We began to speak in short phrases, and the availability of photography allows us to convey the material to our interlocutor in a more colorful form. But how to immerse yourself in such a specific social life? Naturally, to become popular on Instagram, you need to develop your profile.

Instagram account development

Any development in social networks, regardless of the platform, is individual, but has a common model - this is development own style, content, interaction with subscribers and increasing the audience, through external and internal tools. Of course, for the development of Instagram, the model is more expanded, since social. the network has its own unique specifics, here you need to understand the work and use of hashtags, geo tags, compiling descriptions, frequency and time of publications, and choose your own unique photography style. This option is suitable only for those who are willing to spend time creating an original page, intend to update it daily and, most importantly, offer subscribers something interesting.

Each direction requires more detailed study and understanding, on our website you can find many recommendations. For example, and, of course, any content can be found using search or the site menu. The development of an Instagram account is very individual, although it has a general model, it is expressed in using your own style, content, and increasing subscribers. In order to understand how to develop your Instagram account, you need to learn how to analyze. Let's take one of the Instagram accounts as an example and look at how you can analyze and choose a development strategy for your profile or thematic blog on Instagram.
Let's start right away with a question that interests many - this is, it was and will be, it will never go anywhere. There is nothing negative about cheating, for example, the account that we chose for the example description of the article on how to develop Instagram has, at the time of writing this article, about 6 thousand subscribers, without any doubt, they are cheated. Since the number of likes does not correspond to the number of subscriptions, but this does not prevent the creator from selling advertising and making money on his account and, of course, developing it further.

We wrote in the article on which sites you can get followers, friends and likes on Instagram. The platforms on which you can boost Instagram are very similar to each other, for example:

Markapon- one of the most popular sites for promotion and promotion on social networks, there are a lot of offers, discounts and promotions. Here you can order from 100 subscriptions or likes on Instagram, up to 50 thousand followers, and if you need a larger number of audience, you need to write to the administration of the website. At the same time, you can increase both offers and live subscribers, the latter, of course, will be more expensive. The site is over 4 years old, the blog has added a huge database of articles on working in social networks, there is an online consultant, contact information, reviews.

Instagram account style

Choose your style, very important point, if you add a salad to your account (many different pictures, mixed together), then, of course, its development will be difficult. But if you want existing subscribers to follow you and new ones to subscribe, you must be original and unique. The account that was chosen as an example has a very pronounced style - these are fashionable looks and selfies made in white, pink, and pastel colors. This not only looks original and organic in the feed, but also emphasizes the individuality of the account. General model? Of course, any popular account has one or more styles in which photos are published.

Description and hashtags

It influences the development and description, as well as hashtags, for example, someone likes to watch, but someone would be interested in reading. Plus, hashtags are an opportunity to increase the visibility and reach of published content, thus increasing the number of likes not only from users subscribed to the account, but also from other participants in the social network, and from all over the world. Look how the guys whose account we chose as an example approach this issue; Description of the photo itself, mentions in English and the same approach to hashtags, tags were added both thematic and diluted with the most popular ones. I like 121 marks, a good result for 6 thousand subscribers.

Develop Instagram yourself

What we wanted to emphasize with this material is that developing an account on your own is not difficult, the main thing is to be original and be able to analyze. On Instagram, there are millions of accounts, of any topic and style, by choosing 2-3 profiles and analyzing them, you can understand; what tags they use, how quickly the number of subscribers is growing, how often new materials are published, at what time. Everything is very easy and simple, you just need to be more careful and, most importantly, do not copy in any way, analysis and inspiration are your tool, but then only your hard work and originality.