Programs for advanced training of engineering personnel. Structure of the program for advanced training of engineering personnel

“Engineering graphics” - The first images that can be attributed directly to engineering graphics are related to construction problems. The graphic language is precise and clear. The theoretical foundations of descriptive geometry are associated with the name of G. Monge (1746-1818). In ancient Greece, graphics were used in the design of monumental structures and to illustrate mathematical works.

“Certification of qualifications” - In the Samara region, the certification procedure has been carried out since 2001. Certification of qualifications of graduates of the Samara region. Certified professions: Written consent to the processing of personal data. Agreement. Additional information according to the qualification certification procedure you can receive: A graduate who has passed qualification certification receives:

“Engineering protection of the population” - Number of places to lie. Defense defense structures. Engineering protection of the population. Regulatory documents. Classification by purpose. Literature. Seating size. 4. The procedure for development and composition of the section “ITM GO. General purpose. Classification by construction period. 5. SNiP 2.01.51-90 “Standards for the design of engineering and technical measures for civil defense”.

“Engineering Graphics Course” - Projecting a straight line. Kinds. Workbook with questions and tasks. Projection method. To improve the perception of the material, a multimedia training program has been created. Complex point drawing. Cuts. The course covers the main topics of the subject. Projecting a plane. Assignments for the engineering graphics course.

“Improving the quality of education” - Creating a system of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics and monitoring the development of children, improving the quality of education. Expected results. Creation of didactic - methodological system to develop the creative and intellectual capabilities of students. Brief summary of the Program. Volumes and sources of financing of the Program are carried out: - from the budget (federal, regional, municipal - 80%; - from extra-budgetary sources (sponsorship and charitable assistance) - 20%.

“Faculty of Advanced Training” - Certificate. Certificate. Certificate. Choosing a theme final work. Autumn set. A state diploma is issued. Banking. Training. From October 1 to June 30. Management, Marketing. Pre-certification training under the UCPA program. June. February. Intended for persons with a specialist, bachelor's or master's degree.



On approval of departmental target program"Improving the qualifications of engineering and technical personnel for 2015-2016"

The document was returned without consideration
Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. -

Letter of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated 06/05/2015 N 01/64723-YUL.


In accordance with paragraph 22 of the Regulations on the development, approval and implementation of departmental target programs, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 19, 2005 N 239 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, N 17, Art. 1571; 2010, N 22, Art. 2778; 2011, N 15, art. 2131; 2012, N 19, art. 2419; 2013, N 15, art. 1799; N 48, art. 6259; 2015, N 2, art. 459; N 15, art. 2281), and in order to implement the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013-2020, approved by

I order:

1. Approve the attached departmental target program “Improving the qualifications of engineering and technical personnel for 2015-2016” (hereinafter referred to as the Program).

2. Assign responsibility for the implementation of the Program to the Department of State Policy in the field of training of workers and additional vocational training (N.M. Zolotarev).

D.V. Livanov

Application. Departmental target program "Improving the qualifications of engineering and technical personnel for 2015-2016"


by order
Ministry of Education
and science of the Russian Federation
dated May 12, 2015 N 490

Passport of the departmental target program "Advanced training of engineering and technical personnel for 2015-2016"

Federal executive body or organization that is the main manager of federal budget funds

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Name of the departmental target program

"Improving the qualifications of engineering and technical personnel for 2015-2016"

Name of the state program of the Russian Federation

State program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013-2020, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2014 N 295 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2014, N 17, Art. 2058)

Name of the subprogram of the state program of the Russian Federation

subprogram 1 "Development of vocational education" of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013-2020, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2014 N 295 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2014, N 17, Art. 2058)

The official who approved the program (date of approval), or the name and number of the relevant regulatory legal act

Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Number and date of registration with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

Not provided

Goals and objectives

Purpose of the program:

Significant increase in contribution vocational education to improve the quality of human resources in industries that are of strategic importance for the economic development of Russia, in the interests of technological modernization of the economy, ensuring increased labor productivity, and the creation and modernization of high-performance jobs.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are expected to be solved:

development of public-private partnership in organizing and implementing advanced training of engineering personnel and technical specialists(hereinafter referred to as engineering and technical personnel) in areas most in demand by enterprises and organizations of the real sector of the economy;

Target indicators and indicators

The number of engineering and technical specialists who have completed training in advanced training programs as part of the activities of the program for advanced training of engineering and technical personnel for 2015-2016, including:

in 2015 - 3850 people

in 2016 - 4190 people

The number of engineering and technical specialists who completed internships at enterprises and engineering centers of the Russian Federation, including:

in 2015 - 771 people

in 2016 - 838 people

The number of engineering and technical specialists who have completed internships at enterprises and engineering centers abroad, including:

in 2015 - 384 people

in 2016 - 419 people

Characteristics of program events

The program includes a set of activities in the following areas:

formation of groups of students for the most popular advanced training programs based on the qualification selection of students in accordance with the requirements stipulated by the program for advanced training of engineering and technical personnel for 2015-2016;

Implementation deadlines


Volumes and sources of financing

Federal budget funds (2015 - 171 million rubles, 2016 - 186.2 million rubles);

funds of enterprises and organizations in the real sector of the economy:

co-financing - at least 50 percent of the full cost of training and internships for an additional professional development program for engineering and technical personnel.

Expected final results implementation of the departmental target program and indicators of its socio-economic efficiency

Advanced training for at least 8,000 people from among the engineering and technical personnel of enterprises and organizations in the real sector of the economy on the basis of Russian educational organizations with the participation of research and engineering centers in Russia and abroad;

establishing a long-term partnership in the training and advanced training of engineering and technical personnel for enterprises and organizations in the real sector of the economy on the basis of Russian educational organizations;

implementation of additional professional development programs for engineering and
technical personnel on the basis of educational organizations of higher and additional professional education, concluding agreements with organizations and enterprises that have a demand for the training of relevant specialists;

I. Justification of the need to implement a departmental target program

In the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013-2020, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 15, 2014 N 295 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2014, N 17, Art. 2058) (hereinafter referred to as the State Program), highlighted subprogram 1 "Development of vocational education". Its goal is to significantly increase the contribution of vocational education to the socio-economic and cultural modernization of the Russian Federation, to increase its global competitiveness, and to ensure that every student is in demand by the economy and society.

The training and advanced training of engineering and technical specialists is dictated by the urgent personnel need of the domestic economy and, especially, the innovation industry. The sharply changed international political situation, which entailed a number of economic sanctions against Russia against the backdrop of the global economic crisis and an unprecedented struggle for natural resources, significantly changed the meaning of domestic system vocational education to escape economic dependence.

In turn, this means the need to significantly improve the structure of training engineering and technical personnel within the framework of the strategic partnership of Russian educational organizations with enterprises and organizations of the real sector of the economy.

Taking into account the current age structure of personnel in most strategic sectors of the Russian economy, in addition to the influx of young specialists - graduates of basic educational programs of higher education in engineering and technical fields, there is a need to organize continuous professional education of engineering and technical personnel employed in production, including including through the implementation of additional professional development programs.

The Presidential program for advanced training of engineering personnel for 2012-2014, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 N 594 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 19, Art. 2331) (hereinafter referred to as the Presidential Program), was aimed at achieving this goal ). Based on the results of the implementation of the Presidential Program, a bank of current advanced training programs was formed, and more than 15,000 specialists completed training and internships.

A study of the effectiveness of the implementation of the Presidential Program activities in 2012-2014, conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, showed that the Presidential Program significantly expanded and contributed to the development of forms of interaction between educational organizations and enterprises in the real sector of the economy (hereinafter referred to as enterprises). The degree of involvement of employers in determining the content of advanced training programs has changed - from formal referral to study to practical participation in the discussion and development of new programs. Based on implementation in educational process practical developments, integration of expensive equipment of enterprises and the educational and methodological base of educational organizations of higher education, the practice-oriented nature of programs has significantly increased.

According to the results of a study of the effects of the implementation of the Presidential Program, conducted in 2013-2014, the presence of foreign internships helps to increase interest in the Presidential Program on the part of enterprise management. The possibility of sending employees for internships abroad, according to representatives of enterprises, ranks second in importance among the factors that influenced the decision to take part in the Presidential Program.

Due to the characteristics of the student population (production practitioners), the opportunity to study modern technologies directly at the places of their development and application is one of strengths advanced training programs implemented within the framework of the Presidential Program.

The Presidential program was an important incentive for enterprises to invest in the training of engineering personnel. If, under the terms of the Presidential Program, it was necessary to provide co-financing in the amount of at least 50% of the subsidy, then in fact the volume of funds allocated by enterprises that ordered training to co-finance advanced training programs amounted to at least 70% of the volume of state support. State co-financing of the Presidential Program reduces the financial burden and makes it possible to attract not only large but also small enterprises to the implementation. Over three years (2012-2014), 1,361 enterprises were customers of advanced training programs; 96 educational organizations took part in the program, which presented 544 advanced training programs. To finance the activities of the Presidential Program, 740.0 million rubles are provided from federal subsidies and over 494 million rubles are attracted from co-financing funds.

An analysis of the needs of enterprises for advanced training of engineering personnel, declared within the framework of the Presidential Program, shows that in a number of priority areas, employers’ requests for training specialists were satisfied by a little more than 50%. In particular, in the direction of "Development of transport and space systems" during the entire period of implementation of the Presidential Program, 49% of the stated need were trained; in the direction of "Development of Strategic Information Technologies" - 52%, in the direction of "Development of the Nanosystems Industry" - 56%.

If the total declared demand for training under advanced training programs within the framework of the Presidential program (on co-financing terms) for the period from 2012 to 2014 amounted to 23,058 people, then in total, the Presidential program provided retraining for 16,582 people, or a little more than 70%.

The Presidential Program provides for the possibility of sending for training and internships in Russia and abroad persons pursuing master's programs and graduate students who are not yet working at a specific enterprise or organization in connection with their training, subject to co-financing of federal budget expenses by the sending enterprises. These opportunities of the Presidential Program have not yet been actively used. With the continuation of the implementation of the Presidential Program, the proportion of persons mastering master's programs and graduate students in the total number of participants in the Presidential Program, “targeted” for advanced training, taking into account the specific needs of enterprises, should be increased.

In the short and medium term, the solution to the problem of eliminating personnel shortages in manufacturing sectors that are of strategic importance for the development of the Russian economy cannot be achieved without updating competencies in the course of advanced training of specialists with secondary vocational education in training programs for mid-level specialists. This is all the more important since the largest share (31.2%) of the total population of the Russian Federation is made up of persons with secondary vocational education.

A pressing issue for increasing the efficiency of training and advanced training of specialists working at enterprises is also to ensure advanced training of teachers, together with representatives of enterprises, developing and implementing relevant programs.

In connection with the existing need to extend the Presidential Program, as well as in pursuance of paragraph 2 of the minutes of the meeting with the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 10, 2015 N DM-P7-20pr, a decision was made to develop a departmental target program "Advanced training of engineering and technical personnel for 2015 -2016" (hereinafter referred to as the departmental Program).

In 2012, development of a mechanism for subsidizing educational organizations implementing programs for advanced training of engineering personnel began, as part of a strategic partnership with enterprises.

The Departmental Program is a logical continuation of the implementation of state policy in the field of improving vocational education and developing continuous engineering and technical education. An integrated approach to the implementation of the departmental Program will allow:

ensure systematic measures to improve the qualifications of engineering and technical personnel in accordance with the stated priorities;

implement effective models for advanced training of engineering and technical personnel, based on the needs of the industrial sector using modern educational technologies;

create the necessary conditions for the professional development of participants in the departmental Program;

ensure control over the fulfillment of obligations by the executors of the departmental Program and monitoring the effectiveness of its implementation.

The implementation of the departmental Program is aimed at achieving the task “Formation of a system of lifelong education that allows building flexible (modular) trajectories for mastering new competencies both at the request of the population and at the request of organizations” of subprogram 1 “Development of vocational education” of the State Program and achieving the following indicator:

provision of advanced training for at least 8,000 engineering and technical specialists of enterprises by 2017.

II. Main goals and objectives of the departmental Program

The goal of the departmental Program is to significantly increase the contribution of vocational education to improving the quality of human resources in industries that are of strategic importance for the economic development of Russia, in the interests of technological modernization of the economy, ensuring increased labor productivity, and the creation and modernization of high-performance jobs.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are expected to be solved:

development of public-private partnerships in the organization and implementation of advanced training of engineering personnel and technical specialists in areas most in demand by enterprises;

modernization of the content and technologies for the implementation of additional professional development programs for engineering and technical personnel to ensure their compliance with the requirements of the modern economy and the changing demands of the population;

development of a bank of additional professional training programs for engineering and technical personnel, implemented on the basis of Russian educational organizations with the participation of research and engineering centers in Russia and abroad.

Features of the departmental Program are:

focus on the current and future needs of organizations for advanced training and obtaining additional professional competencies of engineering and technical personnel in the field of priority areas of development of science, technology and engineering in the Russian Federation, which, in particular, include the nanosystems industry, information and telecommunication systems, science life, promising types of weapons, military and special equipment, environmental management, transport and space systems, energy efficiency, energy saving, nuclear energy;

stimulating interaction between Russian educational organizations and enterprises in terms of developing human resources in the most popular areas of training based on the development of public-private partnerships;

support and promotion best programs advanced training developed by Russian educational organizations on orders from specialized enterprises and in cooperation with them. Taking into account various types professional activity advanced training should be focused on the development of competencies that ensure the solution of design, technological, research and production problems, including relevant types of practices.

III. Expected results of the implementation of the departmental Program and target indicators

Expected results of the implementation of the departmental Program:

establishing a long-term partnership in the training and advanced training of engineering and technical personnel for enterprises on the basis of Russian educational organizations;

implementation of additional professional programs for advanced training of engineering and technical personnel on the basis of educational organizations of higher and additional professional education, concluding agreements with organizations and enterprises that have a demand for the training of relevant specialists;

ensuring the development of a bank of additional professional advanced training programs for engineering and technical personnel, implemented on the basis of Russian educational organizations with the participation of research and engineering centers in Russia and abroad;

development of continuous engineering and technical education by updating programs for advanced training of engineering and technical personnel.

The target indicators of the departmental Program are:

the number of engineering and technical specialists who have completed training in advanced training programs;

the number of engineering and technical specialists who have completed internships at enterprises and engineering centers abroad.

Table. Target indicators

Indicator name

Number of engineering and technical specialists who have completed training in advanced training programs

Number of engineering and technical specialists who completed internships at enterprises and engineering centers of the Russian Federation

Number of engineering and technical specialists who completed internships at enterprises and engineering centers abroad

IV. List and description of program events

Achieving the goal and solving the tasks of the departmental Program is carried out through the implementation of activities interconnected in terms of timing, resources and sources of financial support, which are implemented in the following areas:

selection of the most popular additional professional advanced training programs for engineering and technical personnel (hereinafter referred to as the advanced training program) and expansion of the bank of advanced training programs presented by Russian educational organizations;

formation of groups of students for the most popular advanced training programs based on the qualification selection of students in accordance with the requirements stipulated by the program for advanced training of engineering and technical personnel;

organization and implementation of training according to advanced training programs.

Training is carried out according to advanced training programs - winners competitive selection, held annually in the form of a public competition for additional professional development programs for engineering and technical personnel. Advanced training programs selected following a competitive selection process are included in the bank of advanced training programs. Information about the programs included in the bank of advanced training programs is posted on the official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the Internet information and telecommunications network.

The annual competitive selection of advanced training programs and the formation of a bank of advanced training programs is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, together with representatives of large companies and employers' associations, as part of the annual competitive selection, assesses the compliance of the submitted advanced training programs with the requirements established by the departmental Program.

The program for advanced training of engineering and technical personnel is developed by a Russian educational organization of higher or additional professional education that has the appropriate license, with the participation of interested enterprises.

The advanced training program is implemented in the form of training, as well as internships in Russia and abroad.

Considering the fact that the main goal of the State program is to significantly increase the contribution of vocational education to the socio-economic and cultural modernization of the Russian Federation, to increase its global competitiveness, then internships at enterprises and engineering centers abroad are prerequisite for advanced training programs provided for competitive selection.

The following requirements are imposed on the advanced training program participating in the annual selection and applying for inclusion in the bank of advanced training programs:

the volume of classroom work for students must be at least 72 hours, of which at least 50 percent is allocated to practical and laboratory work carried out on the basis of an educational organization, research center or enterprise;

performing classroom work to the extent provided for by the advanced training program is mandatory for all students;

the possibility of implementing training using distance learning technologies;

the presence of a modern material and technical base for the implementation of practical and laboratory work, as well as the availability of teaching staff of the appropriate qualification level;

focus on the formation of professional competencies of engineering and technical personnel, taking into account the main priority areas of development of science, technology and engineering in the Russian Federation and the list of areas for advanced training established by paragraph 7 of Section II of the departmental Program;

usage modern forms organizing educational activities, including those based on a modular principle;

taking into account the requirements of professional standards, qualification requirements and (or) requirements of specialized customers;

mastering the advanced training program ends with a final certification of students with the mandatory participation of representatives of specialized customers and/or employers' associations;

persons who have successfully completed the advanced training program and passed the final certification are issued a certificate of advanced training of the established form;

providing the opportunity for students to undergo training under a professional development program, including those implemented in the form of an internship (hereinafter referred to as internship), including at research and engineering centers in Russia and abroad;

the cost of training for an advanced training program implemented on the basis of an educational organization is no more than 30,000 rubles per student;

the cost of an internship in Russia is no more than 100,000 rubles per student;

The cost of an internship abroad is no more than 300,000 rubles per student.

A mandatory annex to the advanced training program is a draft agreement between the educational organization and the enterprise on advanced training of engineering and technical personnel in the proposed area of ​​advanced training.

The formation of groups of engineering and technical personnel to participate in advanced training programs is carried out on the basis of agreements concluded between the educational organization and the enterprise.

Participants in the departmental Program must meet the following requirements:

availability of a document of higher education or secondary vocational education in training programs for mid-level specialists (students studying master's programs and graduate students, but not working at a specific enterprise or organization in connection with their training, can also study in advanced training programs subject to co-financing enterprises at least 50 percent of the total cost of training and internships under the advanced training program);

availability of appropriate competencies for mastering specific program advanced training.

The number of participants in one group of advanced training program students must be at least 15 people.

Students sent for internship must meet the following requirements:

successful completion of classroom work to the extent provided for by the advanced training program;

sufficient level of proficiency foreign language(in case of completing a foreign internship).

Teachers of professional disciplines (modules) can participate in internships in Russia and abroad, provided that the internship is co-financed by enterprises for at least 50 percent of the total cost of training and internships under the advanced training program.

To participate in the internship, teachers of professional disciplines (modules) must meet the following requirements:

be the developers of the relevant professional development program and participate in its implementation;

have a sufficient level of foreign language proficiency (in case of completing a foreign internship).

V. Duration of implementation of the departmental Program

The Departmental Program is being implemented in 2015-2016.

VI. Description of the social, economic and environmental consequences of the implementation of the departmental Program

The implementation of the departmental Program will contribute to the development of human resources of engineering and technical specialists employed at enterprises in priority areas of development of science, technology and engineering in the Russian Federation. During the implementation of the departmental Program the following will be developed: effective forms interaction between educational institutions of higher education and enterprises in terms of using their material and technical base to organize practical training in the implementation of advanced training programs for engineering and technical personnel; the practice of promptly taking into account the needs of enterprises that send their employees for training, and adapting educational programs, both in general and individual modules, in relation to the needs of a specific customer and target group of students; strengthening the practical orientation of training.

The most significant effects of the implementation of the departmental Program are:

transition to quality new level interaction of enterprises with educational organizations of higher education on the basis of concluding long-term contracts providing for joint participation in the implementation of complex projects, development of professional standards, integration of students into the work process;

increase in the total number of employees who have increased their qualification level;

expanding the portfolio of advanced training programs for engineering and technical personnel offered by educational organizations.

Solving problems and achieving target indicators of the departmental Program are influenced by foreign policy and macroeconomic risks.

Macroeconomic risks are caused by the impact of the global economic crisis on the socio-economic development of Russia. This may have a negative impact on the possibility of implementing a mechanism for subsidizing costs for advanced training of engineering and technical personnel.

Foreign policy risks are associated with the international political situation, the negative development of which may lead to a limitation in the geography of countries and partner organizations for organizing foreign internships.

VII. Assessing the efficiency of spending budget funds

The assessment of the efficiency of spending budget funds is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on an annual basis based on the degree of achievement of target indicators and indicators set out in agreements between educational organizations implementing the departmental Program and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Efficiency assessment is carried out as a result of monitoring the implementation of the departmental Program on the basis of reporting forms and in accordance with the regulations for their provision. The reporting form and monitoring regulations will be developed at the first stage of implementation of the departmental Program.

Evaluating efficiency involves analyzing the costs of training and internship of specialists and the compliance of these costs with the costs defined in Section IV of the departmental Program, as well as taking into account co-financing.

VIII. Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of a departmental Program

To calculate the effectiveness of the implementation of a departmental Program, the following indicators and indicators are used:

the number of engineering and technical specialists who have improved their qualifications;

the number of engineering and technical specialists who have completed internships at enterprises and engineering centers of the Russian Federation;

the number of engineering and technical specialists who have completed internships at enterprises and engineering centers abroad;

the amount of subsidy funds spent;

volume of attracted co-financing funds.

Assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of the departmental Program is carried out on the basis of quarterly and annual reports submitted by educational organizations implementing the departmental Program.

Effectiveness is understood as the degree to which planned indicators are achieved during the implementation of the activities of the departmental Program.

Performance is measured by comparing the actual achieved indicator values ​​with the planned values.

The performance index and integral performance assessment are used as criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of the departmental Program and program activities.

The performance index of the departmental Program (event) is assessed for each target indicator for the year.

For the first four indicators, the performance index is calculated as follows:

Ki = Nfi / Npi x 100%,


Ki is the effectiveness of achieving the i-th indicator;

Nfi - actual value of the i-th indicator;

Npi - planned value of the i-th indicator;

i - number of the Program indicator (i= 1, 2, 3, 4).

To determine the effectiveness of the parameter “amount of attracted co-financing funds” the following ratio is used:

K5 = Ssf / Sfb / 0.5 x 100%,


Sсф - the amount of co-financing for all advanced training programs;

Sfb is the amount of federal budget funds allocated for the implementation of programs.

The integral assessment of the effectiveness of the departmental Program for the year is determined by the following formula:

Based on the calculation of the integral indicator (Ks), the effectiveness of the implementation of the departmental Program is assessed taking into account the following criteria:

the value of the Ks indicator is more than 110% - the effectiveness of the implementation of the departmental Program is higher than planned;

the value of the Ks indicator is from 95% to 110% - the effectiveness of the implementation of the departmental Program corresponds to the planned results with the planned amount of expenses;

the value of the Ks indicator is below 95% - the effectiveness of the implementation of the departmental Program is lower than planned.

IX. Volumes of budgetary allocations for the implementation of the departmental Program

Financial support for the departmental Program is carried out annually from the federal budget provided by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, in the amount of 171 million rubles in 2015 and 186.2 million rubles in 2016, as well as from the funds of enterprises that co-finance less than 50 percent of the full cost of training and internships under the advanced training program for the engineering and technical personnel they send for training.

The main areas of spending funds within the framework of advanced training programs are:

finalization of the presented advanced training programs, taking into account the formed groups of students and the requirements of specific customers;

incurring direct costs for conducting and supporting the learning process, including organizational costs for practical training and internships;

payment for consulting services of Russian and foreign experts.

Federal budget funds received by an educational organization within the framework of the implementation of a departmental Program cannot be used to pay for travel to and from the place of study, for the cost of renting living quarters, additional costs associated with living outside the place of permanent residence, as well as for other expenses, produced by a participant in the departmental Program in agreement with the employer.

Funding for the main areas of spending funds within the framework of advanced training programs is carried out from the federal budget and funds from enterprises that co-finance at least 50 percent of the total cost of training and internships under the advanced training program.

X. Management system for the implementation of the departmental Program

Control over the implementation of the departmental Program is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

To ensure control over the fulfillment of obligations by the executors of the departmental Program and monitoring the effectiveness of its implementation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, on a competitive basis, selects an organization that provides organizational, technical, information and analytical support for the departmental Program, in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. To perform these functions, funding is provided in the amount of no more than 10 percent of the federal budget funds allocated for the implementation of the departmental Program.

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official website of Rosobrazovanie (scanner copy)
as of 10/15/2015

Continuous learning stimulates
enterprises to innovate!

Hooray! We won! We are the best! We are participants in the Presidential Program for Advanced Training of Engineering Personnel!
NAMC "Ecocenter" Institute of Management in Economic, Environmental and social systems SFU has developed a program of additional professional education “Ensuring environmental safety when working in the field of hazardous waste management”, which meets the requirements of Russian industry and the rules of the Presidential Program and won a competition for the right to conduct advanced training under this program for specialists from Russian enterprises at the expense of partial budget funding. The program includes lectures and practical lessons, an internship at the engineering company "World Bio" in Rostov-on-Don, as well as at one of Europe's largest training centers in Germany, including a visit to the International Academy of Management and Technology INTAMT, the metallurgical enterprise SMS group GmbH, Currenta GmbH & Co. OHG.
Advanced training programs selected following a competitive selection are included in the bank of advanced training programs for engineering and technical personnel. Information about the programs included in the bank of advanced training programs is posted on the official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia: http://minobrnauki.rf/.
The Presidential program for advanced training of engineering personnel was launched in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2012 N 594 “On the Presidential program for advanced training of engineering personnel for 2012-2014.” The customer and coordinator of the program was the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. As part of the program, several thousand Russian engineers underwent training and internships at Russian enterprises and in foreign engineering, scientific and production centers. Previously, the program was designed for three years, from 2012 to 2014, but the results of its implementation were so successful that the program was extended for several more years. It is important that the training program necessarily includes internships both in Russia and abroad. Separate funding is provided for this, 50% from the federal budget. In 2013, specialists completed internships in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Naberezhnye Chelny. Foreign internships in 70% of cases are organized in Europe. Countries such as Germany, Czech Republic, Belarus and others participate in the program.
Every day, more than 200 people visit the website of the presidential program to find out which university offers which program (now there are 374 of them). The directions in which they are implemented are established by presidential decree and correspond to state priorities. For example, increasing energy efficiency and resource conservation, rational environmental management, development of nuclear, space, medical and strategic information technologies.
The state allocated 750 million rubles to finance the program over the three years of its existence. Businesses co-finance at least 50% of federal budget expenses for advanced training and internships for the specialists they send for training. Today, companies such as Rostelecom, Avtovaz, Irkut and many others participate in the program. As a result of the program, it is planned to improve the qualifications of at least 15 thousand specialists.
"Efficiency similar programs There is no doubt that continuous training and advanced training stimulates companies to introduce new, innovative methods, and gives the employees themselves the opportunity to constantly grow as specialists. Over the past 20 years, the prestige of engineering specialties has noticeably decreased, and along with it, the number of trained personnel in this field has sharply decreased, and today there is a shortage of personnel in this area in mechanical engineering, says Sergei Litvinenko, an expert at the Public Duma project. “The program makes it possible, in a relatively short time, to significantly increase the productivity of those who already work in production, which allows them to increase their earnings and increases the attractiveness of the profession as a whole.

As part of the implementation of the Presidential program for advanced training of engineering personnel, students of the National Medical Center "Ecocenter" under the program "Ensuring environmental safety when working in the field of hazardous waste management" will be sent to internships at leading scientific centers in Russia and abroad. Upon completion of advanced training courses, students will receive a certificate of short-term advanced training and a certificate confirming the internship.
We will be glad to see you among the participants of the Presidential Program!

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 N 594
"On the Presidential program for advanced training of engineering personnel for 2012 - 2014"

In order to modernize and technologically develop the Russian economy, I decree:

2. When forming the draft federal budget for the next financial year and planning period, the Government of the Russian Federation shall provide for budgetary allocations for the implementation of the Program provided for in paragraph 1 of this Decree.

3. This Decree comes into force from the date of its signing.

President of Russian Federation

D. Medvedev

Moscow Kremlin

Presidential program
advanced training of engineering personnel for 2012 - 2014
(approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 N 594)

Presidential program for advanced training of engineering personnel
for 2012 - 2014

Program Name

Presidential program for advanced training of engineering personnel for 2012 -2014

Name, number and date of decision on the development of the Program

list of instructions of the President of the Russian Federation following the meeting of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation for modernization and technological development of the Russian economy, held on March 30, 2011

State customer - Program coordinator

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Program implementers

educational institutions, leading Russian and foreign organizations, including engineering and research centers, enterprises and organizations in the real sector of the economy

Program Participants

engineering and technical specialists from enterprises and organizations in the real sector of the economy

Purpose of the Program

improving the quality of human resources of engineering and technical specialists in industries that are of strategic importance for the economic development of Russia, and improving the structure of engineering training within the framework of the strategic partnership of Russian educational institutions with enterprises and organizations of the real sector of the economy

Program Objectives

formation of a bank of current additional professional educational programs for advanced training and internships for engineering personnel, implemented on the basis of Russian educational institutions with the participation of research and engineering centers in Russia and abroad

Timing of the Program implementation

2012 - 2014

Volumes and sources of funding for the Program

federal budget funds (2012 - 200 million rubles, 2013 - 350 million rubles, 2014 - 200 million rubles);

funds from sending organizations and enterprises of the real sector of the economy (co-financing of at least 50 percent of federal budget expenses for advanced training and internships of engineering specialists from enterprises and organizations of the real sector of the economy)

Expected results of the Program

advanced training of at least 15,000 engineering and technical specialists from enterprises and organizations in the real sector of the economy on the basis of Russian educational institutions with the participation of research and engineering centers in Russia and abroad;

long-term partnership in preparation personnel reserve and improving the qualifications of engineering personnel for enterprises and organizations in the real sector of the economy on the basis of Russian educational institutions;

formation of a bank of current additional professional educational programs for advanced training and internships for engineering personnel implementing modern technologies training and developing current competencies of engineering personnel in the field of priority areas of engineering and technology development;

updating engineering training programs that contribute to the development of engineering education in Russian educational institutions

I. Characteristics of the problem that the Program is aimed at solving

To solve the problems of innovative development of Russia, the President of the Russian Federation has identified the main priorities for economic modernization, which, in particular, include increasing energy efficiency and resource conservation, developing nuclear, space, medical and strategic information technologies.

To implement these tasks, it is necessary to have highly professional engineering personnel. At the same time, not only current, but also future demands of the industrial sector must be taken into account, requiring the training of specialists simultaneously in the field of electronic component base, new materials, robotics, information technology, design of technical systems and support life cycle products.

With the implementation of complex interdisciplinary projects for the creation of high-tech industries in priority areas of economic development, there is a need to organize continuous professional education of engineering personnel, including through advanced training and internships.

The urgency of solving the problem of organizing advanced training for engineering personnel dictates the need to select adequate approaches and methods using specialized educational programs for advanced training of specialists in engineering and technical profiles of enterprises and organizations in the real sector of the economy (hereinafter referred to as specialists).

At the same time, the criteria for assessing the competencies of specialists, teaching methods, mechanisms for selecting educational programs and their implementation must be adapted to the needs of potential customers and the characteristics of target groups, take into account the specifics of their activities, and ensure the development of professional and business qualities and competence. Taking into account various types of professional activities, advanced training can be focused on design, technological or research training, including relevant types of practices.

An integrated approach to the implementation of the Presidential Program for Advanced Training of Engineering Personnel for 2012 - 2014 (hereinafter referred to as the Program) will allow:

ensure systematic measures to improve the qualifications of specialists in accordance with the stated priorities;

implement effective models for advanced training of specialists, based on the needs of the industrial sector using modern educational technologies;

create the necessary conditions for the professional development of Program participants;

ensure control over the fulfillment of obligations by the Program implementers and monitoring the effectiveness of its implementation.

II. The purpose and objectives of the Program, expected results, timing and stages of its implementation

The goal of the Program is to improve the quality of human resources of specialists from industries that are of strategic importance for the economic development of Russia, and to improve the structure of engineering training within the framework of strategic partnerships between Russian educational institutions and enterprises and organizations in the real sector of the economy.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are expected to be solved:

ensuring public-private partnership in organizing and implementing advanced training of engineering personnel in areas most in demand by enterprises and organizations of the real sector of the economy;

formation of a bank of current additional professional educational programs for advanced training (hereinafter referred to as advanced training programs) and internships for engineering personnel, implemented on the basis of Russian educational institutions with the participation of leading research and engineering centers in Russia and abroad.

Features of the Program are:

focus on the current and future needs of enterprises and organizations for advanced training and acquisition of additional professional competencies by specialists in the field of priority areas of modernization and technological development of the Russian economy;

stimulating the interaction of Russian educational institutions with enterprises and organizations of the real sector of the economy in terms of developing human resources in the most popular areas of training by ensuring public-private partnerships;

support and promotion of the best advanced training programs and internships for engineering personnel, developed by Russian educational institutions on orders from specialized enterprises and organizations of the real sector of the economy and in cooperation with them.

III. Program Events

Achieving the goal and solving the objectives of the Program is carried out through the implementation of Program activities interconnected in terms of timing, resources and sources of financial support, which are implemented in the following two directions:

formation of a bank of advanced training programs presented by Russian educational institutions in accordance with the stated requirements, with the definition of a list of specific projects in priority areas of modernization and technological development of the Russian economy and the organizations implementing them, for whose engineering personnel the named programs will be implemented;

formation of groups of students for the most popular advanced training programs based on the qualification selection of specialists, including the formation of appropriate groups of students in order to implement each specific project.

The advanced training program is formed by the educational institution with the participation of interested enterprises and organizations in the real sector of the economy.

The following requirements apply to additional professional education programs applying for inclusion in the bank of advanced training programs:

duration of training of at least 72 classroom hours;

the possibility of implementing training using distance technologies;

carrying out at least 50 percent of the training time in the format of practical work on the basis of an educational institution, research center or at a base enterprise;

the presence of a modern material and technical base for the implementation of the proposed practical work, as well as the presence of teaching staff of the appropriate qualification level;

focus on obtaining current professional competencies of engineering personnel, taking into account the main priorities of modernization of the Russian economy and an agreed list of areas for advanced training, the use of a modular format, taking into account the requirements of professional standards and (or) the requirements of specialized customers;

completion of the development of the advanced training program by certification procedures in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, including the issuance of a document on advanced training of the established form, mandatory participation of representatives of specialized customers, associations of employers and federal executive authorities in certification procedures;

providing opportunities for trainees who have passed certification to undergo internships at research and engineering centers in Russia and abroad;

training under an advanced training program on the basis of an educational institution based on its cost, which is no more than 30,000 rubles per student;

carrying out internships in research and engineering centers in Russia based on its cost, which is no more than 100,000 rubles per student;

training under a professional development program with internship in research and engineering centers abroad based on its cost, which is no more than 300,000 rubles per student.

Advanced training programs are presented by Russian educational institutions that have a license to carry out educational activities in the relevant area of ​​​​training (specialty) of engineering personnel.

A mandatory annex to the advanced training program is a draft agreement between an educational institution and an enterprise or organization in the real sector of the economy on advanced training of specialists in the proposed area of ​​advanced training.

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, together with representatives of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, large associations of employers, technology platforms, and federal executive authorities, assesses the conformity of the presented advanced training programs installed by the Program requirements and forms a bank of advanced training programs.

Information about selected advanced training programs for established format posted on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the Internet.

Applications for participation in training in advanced training programs are sent by enterprises and organizations of the real sector of the economy directly to educational institutions - program developers.

The formation of groups of specialists to participate in advanced training programs financed under the Program is carried out on the basis of the specified applications.

An educational institution whose educational program included in the bank of advanced training programs, recruits groups of specialists who meet the following requirements:

availability of a diploma of higher education (master's and postgraduate students can also participate in advanced training programs in agreement with enterprises and study on a general basis, subject to co-financing of at least 50 percent of federal budget expenses by sending enterprises and organizations of the real sector of the economy);

the specialist has the appropriate competencies to master a specific advanced training program;

sending a specialist by an enterprise or organization with provision of appropriate co-financing.

After completing the advanced training program, specialists are sent for an internship. To participate in the internship, specialists must meet the following requirements:

successful completion of certification as part of the advanced training program;

sufficient level of foreign language proficiency (in case of completing a foreign internship);

referral for an internship by an enterprise or organization with co-financing of at least 50 percent of federal budget expenses for advanced training and internships.

As part of the implementation of this direction, training will be conducted in 2012 - 2014:

in 2012 - at least 5,000 students in advanced training programs. At least 20 percent of the program participants who have successfully passed the certification can be sent for an internship in Russia, at least 10 percent of the participants in the advanced training program who have successfully passed the certification can be sent for an internship abroad;

in 2013 - at least 5,000 students in advanced training programs. At least 50 percent of program participants who have successfully passed certification can be sent for an internship in Russia (including participants in advanced training programs of the previous year), at least 20 percent of program participants who have successfully passed certification can be sent for an internship abroad;

in 2014 - at least 5,000 students in advanced training programs. At least 20 percent of program participants who successfully pass certification can be sent for an internship in Russia, and at least 10 percent of program participants who successfully pass certification can be sent for an internship abroad.

IV. Resource support for the Program

Financial support for the Program in 2012 - 2014 is carried out at the expense of the federal budget funds provided for the implementation of the Program activities, and amounts to 750 million rubles, including 200 million rubles in 2012, 350 million rubles in 2013, and 350 million rubles in 2014. year - 200 million rubles, as well as at the expense of organizations and enterprises of the real sector of the economy that co-finance at least 50 percent of the federal budget expenses for advanced training and internships for the specialists they send for training.

The main areas of spending funds within the framework of advanced training and internship programs are:

finalization of the presented advanced training programs, taking into account the formed groups of specialists and the requirements of specific customers;

incurring direct expenses for conducting and supporting the educational process;

carrying out organizational expenses for practical training and internships;

payment for consulting services of Russian and foreign experts;

providing access to information and methodological resources;

providing access to work on modern research equipment.

Federal budget funds received by an educational institution within the framework of the Program cannot be used to pay for travel to and from the place of study, the cost of renting living quarters, additional expenses associated with living outside the place of permanent residence, as well as other expenses incurred by by a specialist with the permission or knowledge of the employer.

Funding for the main areas of spending funds within the framework of advanced training and internship programs is carried out from the federal budget and funds from organizations and enterprises of the real sector of the economy that co-finance at least 50 percent of the federal budget expenses for advanced training and internships for the specialists they send for training.

V. Implementation of the Program and monitoring the progress of its activities

Control over the implementation of the Program is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation as the state customer - coordinator of the Program.

To ensure control over the fulfillment of obligations by the executors of the Program and monitoring the effectiveness of its implementation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, on a competitive basis, selects an organization that provides organizational, technical, information and analytical support for the Program. No more than 10 percent of the federal budget funds allocated for the implementation of the Program are provided for the implementation of these functions.

VI. Expected results of the Program implementation

The implementation of the Program will allow:

improve the qualifications of at least 15,000 specialists on the basis of Russian educational institutions with the participation of research and engineering centers in Russia and abroad;

to work out mechanisms for implementing long-term partnerships in training a personnel reserve and improving the qualifications of engineering personnel for enterprises and organizations in the real sector of the economy on the basis of Russian educational institutions;

to form a bank of advanced training programs that implement modern training technologies and form the current competencies of engineering personnel in the field of priority areas of engineering and technology development;

promote the development of engineering education by updating advanced training programs.

On February 11, 2016, a meeting of the Competition Commission was held at the Russian Ministry of Education and Science to conduct a competitive selection of additional professional advanced training programs for engineering personnel.

At the meeting of the Competition Commission, the results of the examination of advanced training programs were reviewed and a list of programs recommended for implementation in 2016 was determined.

In 2016 As part of the advanced training program for engineering and technical personnel at TSU, training will take place in two programs:

  1. “Fundamentals of the theory of modeling, design in CAD ADS and measurements of microwave devices, integrated circuits”,
  2. "Project management in the field of engineering and technical activities".

Advanced training programs for engineering personnel implemented by Tomsk State University in 2015.

  1. Technologies for analyzing and optimizing the characteristics of radio wave antenna systems using computer modeling software products
  2. Experience in applying world-class effective plant cultivation technologies for engineering and technical workers of the agro-industrial and forestry complex of the Russian Federation
  3. Modern approaches to organizing wireless access systems
  4. Fundamentals of the theory of modeling, design in CAD ADS and measurements of microwave devices, integrated circuits

In 2015 in Tomsk state university Engineers from the following Russian enterprises have improved their qualifications:

  • JSC NPP Radiosvyaz (Krasnoyarsk);
  • Landscapemaster LLC (Bataysk);
  • Scientific Instruments and Systems LLC (Novosibirsk);
  • LLC "NPP Triada - TV" (Novosibirsk);
  • LLC "Mikobaks" (Tomsk);
  • PlantaPlus LLC (Tomsk);
  • JSC "ISS named after academician M.F. Reshetnev" (Krasnoyarsk);
  • JSC NPF "Mikran" (Tomsk);
  • JSC "TsKBA" (Omsk);
  • JSC "NIIEP" (Novosibirsk);
  • JSC "NIIPP" (Tomsk).

Tomsk State University, as part of the implementation of activities planned under the departmental program, worked with the following leading scientific and engineering centers, which served as internship sites for students in engineering training programs in 2015:

  • Keysight Technologies, France;
  • JSC "Minsk Research Instrument-Making Institute", Minsk, Belarus;
  • TUSUR-Electronics LLC, Tomsk;
  • REC "TUSUR-Keysayt", Tomsk;
  • Institute of Physiology and Biochemistry of Microorganisms, Scriabin, Pushchino;
  • State Unitary Enterprise “Pilot Plant of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan” of the Institute of Biology of the Ufa Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ufa;
  • Society with limited liability Easten Pier, Novosibirsk;
  • Israel Forest Service (Keren Le Istael, KKL), Jerusalem;
  • Institute of Microbiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk.

Advanced training programs for engineering personnel implemented by Tomsk State University in 2014.

In 2014, engineers from Russian enterprises improved their qualifications at Tomsk State University:

  • Open Joint Stock Company "Research and Production Enterprise "Radiosvyaz"
  • Closed Joint Stock Company "Research and Production Company "Mikran"
  • Open Joint Stock Company "Central Automation Design Bureau"
  • Open joint-stock company "Omsk Research Institute of Instrument Engineering"
  • Federal Research and Production Center "Altai"
  • Limited Liability Company "Research and Production Center "Chemical Technologies"
  • Open Joint Stock Company "Tomsk Research and Design Institute of Oil and Gas"
  • "AU" "Scientific and Analytical Center for Rational Subsoil Use named after V.I. Shpilman"
  • Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources"
    Open Joint Stock Company "Krasnoyarskgeolsemka"

The following leading scientific and research centers in Russia and abroad served as internship sites in 2014:

  • Tomsk, TUSUR (Department of Microwave and Quantum Radio Engineering
  • Belarus, Minsk, Minsk Research Instrument-Making Institute
  • Tomsk, LLC "AlKom"
  • USA, New Jersey Institute of Technology
  • Ekaterinburg, USGU, Department of Mineralogy, Petrography and Geochemistry
  • Kazakhstan, Almaty, KazNTU named after. Satpayeva
  • France Paris, Les Ulis Agilent Technologies
  • LLC "TUSUR - Electronics"