Processor overclocking programs. Programs for overclocking AMD processor

The ability to overclock Intel Core series processors may be slightly lower than that of competitors from AMD. However, Intel places its main emphasis on the stability of its products, rather than performance. Therefore, in case of unsuccessful overclocking, the probability of completely destroying the processor is lower than with AMD.

Unfortunately, Intel does not produce or support programs that can be used to speed up the CPU (unlike AMD). Therefore, you have to use third-party solutions.

There are only two options for improving the performance of CPU cores:

  • Using third party software, which offers the ability to interact with the CPU. Even a user who is familiar with the computer can figure this out (depending on the program).
  • Using BIOS- an old and proven method. With some models of the line Core programs and utilities may not work correctly. In this case, the BIOS is the most the best option. However, untrained users are not recommended to make any changes in this environment on their own, because they affect the performance of the computer, and it is difficult to roll back changes.

Finding out your suitability for overclocking

Not in all cases can the processor be accelerated, and if it is possible, then you need to know the limit, otherwise there is a risk of damaging it. The most main characteristic– this is a temperature that should not be higher than 60 degrees for laptops and 70 for desktop computers. We use software for these purposes:

Method 1: CPUFSB

is a universal program with which you can increase the clock speed of CPU cores without any problems. Compatible with many motherboards, processors from different manufacturers and different models. It also has a simple and multifunctional interface, which is completely translated into Russian. Instructions for use:

Method 2: ClockGen

- a program with an even simpler interface that is suitable for accelerating the performance of Intel processors and AMD different series and models. Instructions:

Method 3: BIOS

If you have no idea what it looks like working environment BIOS, then this method not recommended for you. Otherwise, follow these instructions:

Overclocking Intel Core series processors is a little more difficult than performing a similar procedure with AMD chipsets. The main thing when overclocking is to take into account the recommended frequency increase and monitor the temperature of the cores.

Using the experience of other users, we can confidently say that the universal and most commonly used programs for overclocking the system are:

  • setFSB;
  • SoftFSB.

We will talk about them, but at the end of the article, but first we will study the theory and carry out preparatory work.

What is important to know before overclocking an Intel processor?

Of course, you can immediately go to the end of the article, download the software and get started. But thoughtlessly, without understanding the process itself, pressing the “pedals” in the program can lead to a somewhat unexpected result. Yes, and the instructions say that this software Intended for "experienced users". Therefore, for now we just read and delve into it.

Frequency increase

So, an increase in system performance can be obtained by increasing clock frequency central processing unit (CPU) or system bus (FSB - front system bus). But most modern CPUs do not allow increasing the clock frequency, because this limitation is imposed by the computer manufacturer. In this case, it is necessary to increase the FSB clock frequency. At the same time, you need to understand that changing the system bus parameters will entail a change in the operation of not only the CPU, but also other modules personal computer- memory, video card or network card.

Changing the multiplier

The frequency at which the processor or system bus operates is the clock frequency of the generator itself, multiplied by some number, a multiplier. You can determine the multiplier using specialized computer testing software, such as CPU-Z. In essence, “overclocking” is an increase in this particular parameter. You can change it in the BIOS subsystem, before booting operating system, and using programs already launched under the Windows operating system.

Increasing supply voltage

Increasing the clock multiplier often results in no stable work system as a whole and does not give the expected effect, without increasing the supply voltage. This is especially noticeable with a significant increase in multipliers. Consequently, it is necessary to increase the supply voltage of both the processor and the bus itself. However, when changing the voltage, care must be taken not to exceed the permissible limits. Also, you should be aware that increasing the supply voltage inevitably entails an increase in the CPU temperature and the need for effective cooling.

Preparing to overclock the processor

We have studied the theory and finally move on to practice.

We go into the BIOS and see if the manufacturer allows changing the frequency multiplier, processor supply voltage, etc. We are not changing anything for now, we are just studying the situation. We also find a jumper with the inscription “clear cmos”. It will be useful to us if, by changing the parameters, we cannot start the computer.

We boot the computer and run the CPU-Z program. This is free software and can be easily found and downloaded online. We study the system in detail, the current values ​​of frequencies and multipliers. There, on the Internet, we find another program - HWMonitor. Using it, we determine the current readings of the system temperature.

We try to load the computer with a stress test from the first program and measure the temperature with the second program.

If the temperature values ​​exceed 60 degrees without “overclocking”, you can stop there. Unfortunately, this system cannot be overclocked.

If the temperature test passes, you should search the Internet for information about the processor installed in the computer and motherboard. In addition, you need to determine which PLL chip - frequency generator - is installed on the motherboard. We need this information when using specialized software.

Overclocking an intel processor on a laptop

Let's take a short break and talk about laptops. The situation here is not very good, because laptop hardware systems are the worst to overclock, and there are several reasons for this:

  • an “overclocked” processor generates more heat, and cooling a hot chip in the limited space of a laptop case is quite a task;
  • The laptop power system is not designed for the increased power consumption of an “overclocked” processor or bus;
  • find the necessary data (find out the frequency generator chip and select software) to overclock the processor or laptop FSB programmatically It doesn't always work out. And if it succeeds, then the practical implementation fails - the system freezes for one reason or another: either the laptop memory cannot operate at the specified frequency, or the built-in video card fails.

Therefore, laptop manufacturers limit as much as possible the possibilities of increasing the processor or bus frequency, as well as voltage values, using the BIOS subsystem.

Despite all this, sometimes it is possible to increase the performance of standard laptops, but at the same time, as side effects, we get an increase in fan noise and a decrease in time battery life laptop.

Overclocking the processor via BIOS

Let's continue! The simplest method, used since the days of the first Pentiums, is to increase the frequency values ​​directly in the computer BIOS. Modern BIOS subsystems do not always allow you to change set parameters, but if the manufacturer provides such a possibility, then a wide field for activity is open to the user. The screenshots below show an example of BIOS settings before and after overclocking.

Changed parameters are marked in red.

In the event that, after adjusting the values, the system freezes and access to the bios setup is impossible, you should reset the default settings by short-circuiting certain contacts on the motherboard or by removing the battery.

Programs for overclocking Intel processors

If the motherboard manufacturer has limited overclocking capabilities by changing settings in the BIOS, you can try to overclock the system using special programs.


A very popular program among overclockers. Allows you to set the bus frequency, contains a large PLL database. It’s easy to work with the program, but it’s just as easy to crash the operating system. Therefore, we change the frequency values ​​smoothly, in small steps.

An unpleasant nuance. Starting from version 2.2.134 - the program is paid, the setfsb button is inactive, mode command line does not work. There are two solutions to the problem: either use older versions of the software, or look for ways to register later versions.

So, step by step:

  • select “our” clock-generator
  • press the “get fsb” button
  • smoothly move the slider a couple of steps
  • press the “set fsb” button

We determine the stability of the system using stress tests. We repeat until we get BSOD or satisfaction from overclocking. Since all manipulations are performed only at the time the program is launched, after restarting the computer, the original settings are returned. To permanently use clock frequency settings, you must enable command mode programs. Details are specified in the setfsb.txt file in the program folder. The same file contains a list of supported motherboards and frequency generators.


Similar in its functionality application. IN in this case, there is a correct translation into Russian.

Essentially, CPUFSB is a dedicated CPUCool software module - a utility for monitoring and overclocking the processor. The program includes support large quantity motherboards from various manufacturers.

The operating procedure is similar:

  • select the type of motherboard;
  • select the PLL chip type;
  • “take frequency” - get current values;
  • change the current frequency values ​​- “set frequency”.

Frequency settings are saved until the system is rebooted.


Another application for changing the clock frequency of the bus or processor. Unfortunately, the program is not currently supported by the author. Therefore, on modern systems may not start because it “does not know” about the latest PLL releases.

The principle of operation of the program is the same - select the correct motherboard and clock generator, read the data, smoothly change the current settings and write them.

Consequences of overclocking are the user's responsibility

As a result, we have the following:

  • overclocking a computer involves increasing frequencies and voltages;
  • You can change the frequency values ​​both in the BIOS and programmatically;
  • Overclocking software operates in the same way. The differences between the utilities lie in the ability to support particular equipment;
  • not every equipment can be “overclocked”;
  • increasing frequencies and voltages should occur step by step.

And the most important thing -

Responsibility for all actions taken related to changing the standard settings of the equipment rests entirely with the person who made these changes.

Every user, one way or another, has come across the concept of processor overclocking. Quite a lot of words have already been said about this. This was especially true for the period when computer hardware manufacturers themselves began to adapt to the first full-fledged operating systems, starting with Windows’95 (Windows 3.x does not count). That’s when the idea of ​​overclocking processors began to emerge, from which it was possible to “squeeze” much more than their nominal characteristics implied.


The very concept of overclocking implies not only overclocking the central processor, but also accelerating the entire system by increasing the performance of one or another “hardware” component. Please note that this applies not only to the central processor, but also, say, to the processor installed on the graphics accelerator.

Here, an important role is played by how the entire system will react to all this. It is absolutely impossible to say that after overclocking the same processor everything will not go to hell, as they say. Here you need to take into account all the fundamental characteristics and performance reserves that the manufacturer himself has included in his own device, present inside a stationary computer terminal, laptop, netbook, ultrabook, etc.

Another important condition is that today physical overclocking methods are not used by the most knowledgeable and far-sighted people. Advanced users use, say, overclocking an Intel processor through a program, which is ultimately the simplest and safest solution.

A little history

If you delve a little into history, you will notice that previously the procedure for overclocking processors was associated purely with physical methods of influence. It was necessary to change jumpers, remove processors from the motherboard, resolder contacts, change bridges, apply increased voltage, etc. and so on.

All this boiled down to the fact that with the wrong approach, all computer hardware was rendered unusable even when the computer was turned on normally (short circuit due to improper soldering, incorrect installation processor or jumper into connectors, etc.).

Now this problem has disappeared by itself. Few manufacturers of the same processor systems leave a wide field for overclockers to operate. But software developers have gone much further. They did it in the simplest way: if it is impossible to increase the system performance physically, you can overclock the processor using programs.

And it turned out to be even more effective method than overclocking in terms of physical intervention and reinstallation of some components on the motherboard.

Where to begin?

First, you need to understand that processors, like any other devices, have, so to speak, a margin of safety. Main and end result It is generally accepted to increase the clock frequency at which the processor is capable of operating, or increase the frequency of the bus on which it is installed. So, absolutely any processor, despite the specified operating clock frequency, can operate at frequencies that exceed the nominal by 1.2-1.5 times (it all depends only on the manufacturer and what power reserve factor was invested in the device at its creation or production).

If you are already doing overclocking, you should first evaluate the capabilities of the processor itself, the chipset and the motherboard on which it is installed. For example, any program for overclocking an Intel processor will, of course, immediately display the characteristics of the device.

But don't rush. It's better to use apps like Everest. Although this utility is shareware (requires activation after 30 days), it is the one that is capable of providing the user with the most detailed data not only about the central processor, but also about all other components, including even information about the “motherboard” or the same system bus.

Having assessed all the factors, you can begin. True, there are several basic methods.

Physical overclocking

If we talk about what physical overclocking is, then the same program for overclocking an Intel processor is not required in this case. There is no need to solder anything either.

In principle, in this case the simplest example can be given. Take a regular light bulb and connect it to a power supply equipped with a voltage regulator. As the voltage increases, the light bulb begins to glow brighter and vice versa. The same thing happens with processors.

However, with this overclocking option, you need to be extremely careful not to apply too high a current to the input, otherwise not only the processor, but also the motherboard and everything on it will crash.

It’s better to look at the characteristics of the card and the processor in advance in terms of what maximum voltage current can be supplied to them.

Using the BIOS

The program cannot always overclock an Intel processor. The most in a simple way in this regard is the use of BIOS settings (note, at your own risk). When you boot your computer or laptop, you must log in BIOS settings, called by keys like Del, F2, F12 (depending on the manufacturer), and then go to the Advanced tab.

After this, you need to use the Jumper Free Configuration line, where you select manual setting frequency of the system bus or processor (Manual) in the All Overclocking field. First you need to fix the bus frequency (PCI-Express Frequency) at 101 MHz, and then increase the processor frequency (CPU Frequency) in 10 MHz increments. Now you need to save the parameters, usually using the F10 key (Save & Exit command).

After the reboot, if the system is stable, you can start increasing the processor frequency again. Only in this case it is necessary to use a step of no more than 1 MHz, again, each time saving the changes and testing the entire system for performance.

Program for overclocking Intel processor

Regarding applications applicable to processors of this type, then there are quite a lot of them today. For example, a utility for overclocking an Intel processor such as SetFSB will be suitable for this.

True, there is one important factor to consider here. The fact is that the application does not overclock itself CPU, as such, and can vary the system bus frequency. There is a special slider for this. By moving it, in the value fields you can see the initial and current value of the frequency indicator in real time.

It’s worth saying right away that such a program for overclocking an Intel processor is not recommended for beginners. Rather, it is designed for professional overclockers, because by moving the slider too quickly to set extreme values, you can simply “ruin” the entire system, not even in terms of failure of the operating system, but also in the aspect of complete inoperability of the entire hardware.

Overclocking AMD processors

Programs for overclocking Intel and AMD processors have a lot in common. However, according to many specialists and experts, the best application considered to be the AMD OverDrive utility.

Compared to the program described above for Intel processors, it has a lot of advantages. First of all, it is worth noting automatic settings(presets), which allow you to customize the overclocking of absolutely all components without damaging the system. It should also be noted that in this software product The same principle of sliders is used. However, when you configure one component, the application is able to automatically align the settings of all the others. So the “crash” of the system can be avoided.

For experienced users, the program provides a special mode in which the sliders do not depend on each other, and the settings are made in manual mode. But even here you need to be careful.

Problems after overclocking

It’s worth saying right away that not a single application, be it a program for overclocking an Intel processor or utilities for AMD chipsets, cannot give any guarantee that after applying all the steps described above, the computer system will operate in normal mode. This concerns not only the excessive load on the main “hardware” components, which over time may simply become unusable. For example, after overclocking the processor, useful programs and utilities can affect both RAM and even the battery of the same laptop, which will use electricity in high mode when the voltage supply to the central processor increases.

Bottom line

Apparently, every user has already realized that even a program for overclocking an Intel or any other processor cannot guarantee stable operation computer system. In this case, you can only give advice not to do this if you are not a real specialist in this field.

For inexperienced users, I would like to note that all the methods described above can be used, but only if this is done consciously, at your own peril and risk. Even hardware manufacturers, and even more so software developers, do not provide guarantees of system performance.

When individual PC components no longer meet modern system requirements, they are usually changed. However, some users approach this issue more flexibly. Instead of purchasing, for example, an expensive processor, they prefer to use overclocking utilities. Competent actions help to achieve excellent results and postpone the purchase for some time in advance.

There can be two ways to overclock a processor - changing parameters in the BIOS and using special software. Today we want to talk about universal programs for overclocking processors by increasing the frequency of the system bus (FSB).

This program is great for users with a modern, but not powerful enough computer. At the same time, this great program to overclock the processor intel core i5 and others good processors, whose power by default is not realized at 100%. SetFSB supports many motherboards, and it is its support that you need to rely on when choosing a program for overclocking. Full list can be found on the official website.

An additional advantage to choosing this program is that it can determine the information about its PLL itself. It is simply necessary to know its ID, because without this, overclocking will not take place. Otherwise, to identify the PLL, you need to disassemble the PC and look for the corresponding inscription on the chip. If computer owners can do this, then laptop users find themselves in a difficult situation. At help SetFSB you can find out necessary information programmatically and then proceed to overclock.

All parameters obtained by overclocking are reset after restart. Windows boot. Therefore, if something goes wrong, the chance of doing something irreversible is reduced. If you think that this is a minus of the program, then we hasten to say that all other overclocking utilities work on the same principle. Once the overclocking threshold has been found, you can put the program into startup and enjoy the resulting performance increase.

The downside of the program is the developers’ special “love” for Russia. We will have to pay $6 to purchase the program.


The program is similar to the previous one. Its advantages are the presence of Russian translation, work with new parameters before rebooting, and the ability to switch between selected frequencies. That is, where maximum performance is needed, we switch to the most high frequency. And where you need to slow down, we reduce the frequency in one click.

Of course, one cannot fail to mention the main advantage of the program - support huge amount motherboards. Their number is even greater than that of SetFSB. This means that owners of even the most little-known components get a chance to overclock.

Well, the downside is that you will have to find out PLL yourself. As an option, use SetFSB for this purpose, and overclock the CPUFSB.


Owners of old and very old computers especially want to overclock their PC, and there are programs for them too. Same old, but working. SoftFSB is just such a program that allows you to get the most valuable% in performance. And even if you have a motherboard whose name you are seeing for the first time in your life, there is a high probability that SoftFSB supports it.

The advantages of this program include the absence of the need to know your PLL. However, this may be necessary if the motherboard is not on the list. The software works the same way under Windows; autorun can be configured in the program itself.

The downside of SoftFSB is that the program is a real antique among overclockers. It is no longer supported by the developer, and it will not be able to overclock your modern PC.

We told you about three great programs that allow you to unlock the full potential of processors and get a performance boost. Finally, I would like to say that it is important not only to choose a program for overclocking, but also to know all the intricacies of overclocking as an operation. We recommend that you read all the rules and possible consequences, and only then download the program to overclock your PC.

Today we will talk about overclocking Intel processors and look in detail at the program with which it will be easiest to do this. But, in the beginning, we will find out what overclocking is, why it is needed at all, and what consequences of overclocking await us in the future. People who overclock are called overlockers.

Conventionally, all overlockers are divided into three categories

  1. The first type is beginner and economical overlockers. In order to save Money they want maximum productivity while spending as little money as possible. In this case, the computer is assembled from not the most expensive components, which may be obviously outdated. In general, they buy what they have enough money for. Naturally, the performance of such a computer system is far from the desired level. Therefore, owners of such equipment are starting to overclock the processor in order to at least slightly increase the performance of their PC.
  2. The second type includes the so-called experienced overlockers. Their goal is to obtain maximum performance and the pleasure of the overclocking process itself, without spending extra money. Experienced overlockers, even at the stage of purchasing not the cheapest equipment, try to choose it with the expectation of a further upgrade. They thoughtfully choose every component of their future computer. If it is a motherboard, then it must have ample capabilities to support various components; if it is a processor, then it must have built-in overclocking capabilities, etc. As a result, very often similar systems after overclocking, they have at least comparable performance to top-end computers operating in nominal mode. But often such productivity is not vitally necessary, and the overlocker simply likes to enjoy a job well done.
  3. The third type of overclockers are extreme overclockers. For them, the goal of overclocking is to achieve the highest possible performance by any means necessary and regardless of price. They are constantly looking for older models, the most powerful components, achieving extremely low temperatures, etc. The main thing for them is to end up with a system with parameters that are inaccessible to most PC users.

Of course, such a division is conditional and there are no clear boundaries between overlockers. Over time, beginners move into the group of experienced ones; experienced ones, if they have the desire and opportunity, become extreme sports enthusiasts. But, one way or another, they all started somewhere, and any serious undertaking is preceded by theoretical preparation. So, first of all, we will deal with a little theory of processor overclocking.

Collecting system information

Before you start overclocking your processor, you need to have an idea of ​​what you're dealing with. First you need to start studying your system. Identify all the components, study the motherboard manual, use information and diagnostic utilities, conduct performance tests, note the maximum and minimum temperatures under various system loads, etc. After overclocking the processor, you can compare the data obtained with the indicators that the system had before increasing the processor frequency. In addition, with the help of preliminary tests you can make sure that the system operates stably at the rated frequency and voltage.

Required programs

Both before and during overclocking, you will need special programs and utilities. Again, they are conventionally divided into several categories: programs for diagnostics, monitoring, overclocking, checking system stability, and utilities for measuring performance.

IN real life clear boundaries between these categories are very blurred. Using diagnostic programs, you can measure performance, and utilities designed for monitoring can overclock the processor. It’s just that each program has a main direction for which it is optimally suited and several auxiliary non-core functions.

Diagnostic information software is designed primarily to determine the configuration of your system. The most powerful and functional of them are Lavalys Everest and SiSoftware Sandra.

But these packages are not limited solely to defining the system configuration. These software systems capable of monitoring, measuring performance, and testing computer stability. However, the use of such programs for all areas at once is not always justified, especially since they are distributed for a fee, and in free packages Only a part of the possibilities is available. Such cumbersome programs can be replaced with lesser-known, but no less effective utilities. For example, the CPU-Z utility is very popular among overlockers, capable of reporting information about both the processor itself and the motherboard and RAM. To carry out detailed control and manage memory timings, you can use the small MemSet program.

To overclock the processor, the best option will use BIOS. But, unfortunately, computer manufacturers do not always provide such an opportunity. In this case, you can use universal utility SetFSB, which we'll look at in more detail later. In addition, you should always familiarize yourself with the contents of the CD that comes with your motherboard. Manufacturers often supply programs complete with drivers. own development, with the ability to overclock the processor from Windows.

One important truth should always be remembered: none of the existing programs for overclocking processors cannot give you a 100% guarantee. But the chances will increase significantly if you use several different utilities for overclocking, monitoring and testing. The OCCT or S&M utilities will help you check the stability of the system.

Hundreds of special programs have been written to measure system performance. Such utilities test either the system as a whole or its components separately. A simple example, but functional program NovaBench can serve.

CPU Overclocking Basics

Overclocking is the forced operation of the processor at frequencies higher than the nominal frequency. The reasons why overclocking is even feasible can be different. This reason may be a large safety margin built into the processor architecture by the manufacturer or some kind of marketing ploy. This is not so important, the main thing is to skillfully use the opportunities provided.

Despite the huge diversity computer components Inside a PC, everything is highly standardized. This is caused by the need to synchronize components from different manufacturers. The starting point is the system bus frequency –FSB. In this case, the various buses on the motherboard (channels) that connect various components boards have a transmission frequency lower than FSB. Therefore, when setting their nominal frequencies, dividers are used. But since modern processors have a noticeably higher frequency, multipliers are used in order for it to operate at its nominal frequency.

Let's give an example. The Intel Core 2 Duo E6300 processor operates at a bus frequency of 266 MHz. Its multiplier is x7. The product of the FSB frequency by this multiplier will give the final processor frequency of 1.86 GHz. Therefore, in order to overclock the processor, it is necessary to either increase the FSB frequency or the multiplier.

Older models of modern processors are characterized by free multipliers. But such processors have a high cost, which can be an order of magnitude higher than that of the younger processors of the family. Therefore, purchasing such processors is not entirely rational, since with the help of overclocking it is possible to achieve performance of younger processors comparable to the performance of their older brothers.

Therefore, overclocking any processor usually means increasing the FSB frequency. If we take as an example overclocking an intel core 2 duo processor, then by increasing the bus frequency to 400 MHz, the processor frequency can increase to 2.8 GHz. If we increase the FSB to 500, then in this case the processor frequency will already be 3.5 GHz. This information is basic and already knowing it, you can head to the BIOS and start increasing the FSB frequency, thereby overclocking your processor. But still, before starting overclocking, you should carry out some preparatory work, which we will look at below.

Preparatory stage

Before you start overclocking the processor, you have to perform a couple of mandatory steps. The first step is to go to the website of your motherboard manufacturer and check if there is more information posted there. latest version BIOS. There are many cases where completely unsuccessful motherboards after BIOS updates found a second life, literally a second life. In addition, updating the version can not only correct the errors found, but also introduce new parameters and capabilities into Board BIOS. Find out which BIOS version you are using in currently possible during the startup of the motherboard. If information appears for a very short period of time and you do not have time to read it, then press the Pause key on your keyboard. The BIOS version can also sometimes be seen using information and diagnostic utilities. Of course, not in all cases new BIOS version better suited for overclocking than the old one, however new version At least the bugs in earlier versions have been fixed.

Nuances of overclocking Intel Core processors

A characteristic feature of all processors with Core microarchitecture is high performance. Since they lend themselves well to overclocking, we will pay special attention to them.

Core processors, in addition to a large number of advantages, also have a number of disadvantages unique to them, which still complicate the overclocking process. Such processors have their own feature - the so-called FSB Wall. This concept describes the maximum bus clock speed at which this processor can operate. By reducing the multiplier to x6, you can find out what maximum bus frequency your instance can operate at.

By the way, a processor with a nominal bus frequency of 200 MHz is almost never overclocked to a frequency exceeding 400 MHz FSB. This factor should be taken into account when choosing a Core series processor. Why pay for a processor from an older line, if it is much cheaper and easier to overclock a junior processor. It must be remembered that younger CPUs with a nominal x8 multiplier will most likely be limited due to the FSB Wall, and therefore the frequency after overclocking will not be able to go above 3.2 GHz. Therefore, in order not to limit yourself to the maximum in advance possible frequency, when purchasing, pay attention to processors with a x9 multiplier.

Processors with a nominal bus frequency of 266 or 333 MHz are also selected as low-end ones and have a x7 multiplier. But here, in addition to the notorious FSB Wall, overclocking can be complicated in addition by the capabilities of the motherboard and RAM. Such processors should also be chosen with a multiplier of x8 or higher. However, here too a new danger awaits overlockers - FSB Strap.

FSB Strap, a parameter that characterizes not the processor itself, but the chipset and motherboard. This is the frequency at which the chipset switches operating modes. For example, after overclocking the processor, the performance of systems built on the motherboard Gigabyte board And Intel chipset P965 Express crashes immediately. But the motherboard from the manufacturer Asus, built on the same chipset, shows high performance even at 400 MHz. When testing maternal Asus boards Striker Extreme with NVIDIA nForce 680i SLI chipset performance dropped when moving from 420 MHz FSB to 425 MHz.

Overclocking the processor using the SetFSB program

Now that the theoretical part is over, we can start overclocking the Intel processor. As an example, let's take a very popular and effective program SetFSB.

After launching the utility, a similar window should appear on your screen.

At the very beginning you select a PLL chip. You can see which chip is installed either visually on the motherboard or using special utilities. It may happen that your chip is not on the list, then you will have to look for other utilities that support your chip type. As a last resort, you can contact the author of this utility and ask to add the chip you need to the program. But this procedure will take a lot of time and it is not a fact that the developer will even respond to your request.

After you have selected your chip, click the Get FSB button.

The window will display different meanings frequencies, including the frequency at which the processor operates in this moment. Current frequency selected in the Current CPU Frequency window. In our case, this is a frequency of 1198.2 MHz.

We will overclock the processor by increasing the system bus frequency. To increase the named frequency, you need to move the slider located in the center of the window to the right. Tabs and sliders that are located nearby are best left as they are to avoid unexpected problems. If you want to increase the frequency adjustment range, check the box to the left of Ultra, as shown in the previous figure.

Now move the slider a little to the right. As a result, the frequency should increase by 10-15 MHz.

For the changes you have made to take effect, you must click the SetFSB button.

If after you clicked the SetFSB button, the computer freezes or turns off, do not be alarmed. This just means that you either specified the wrong PLL, or you overestimated the frequency very much. After a reboot, everything will return to normal and you can make changes. If you did everything correctly, the processor clock speed will increase. Look at the picture below.

In order to make sure that your computer is stable after overclocking, you will need to test it using a utility. We chose Preime95.

After launching the utility, click on the Just Stress Testing button, as shown in the figure above. Afterwards, a window like this should appear on your PC screen:

Select the third item and click OK. After this, testing your system should start.

If you wish, simultaneously with the Preime95 utility, you can run the HWMonitor utility, which will monitor the temperature of your processor, as well as other components during the test.

The Prime95 program has the ability to generate a serious load on the computer processor. Testing will be successful if the processor works stably for at least fifteen minutes and does not freeze. After successful completion of testing, you can try to further increase the processor frequency and run system testing again.

If you want to abort the test earlier, you can do this using the menu, as shown in the figure below.

By increasing the frequency and immediately checking the stability of the system using Prime95, you can achieve the maximum processor frequency at which it will operate stably for a long period of time at maximum loads. After all the manipulations with overclocking and determining optimal frequency you need to add SetFSB program to startup. Otherwise, all your changes will be lost after the first reboot of the PC.

First of all, create a bat script. Why do you need a regular one? standard Notepad, in which you need to make something like this:

c:\Program Files (x86)\SetFSB\setfsb.exe -w15 -s668 -cg

c:\Program Files (x86)\SetFSB\setfsb.exe is your path to the SetFSB utility on your computer. Naturally, it may differ for different users.

w15 – with this parameter you set the required delay before starting SetFSB. Time is indicated in seconds.

s668 – entry indicating the overclocking setting. This parameter is very important. In the figure, in our case, this is the number 668 (the first number to the right of the slider, which is located in the green field)
