Phone listening program via computer. Wiretapping mobile phones - working methods

Phone wiretapping - the best spy software

Phone wiretapping - the best spy program - is a smartphone tracking program. This spy program is compatible with Android 2.2 (Android 2.2) and higher, as well as with iPhone and iPad (iPhone/iPad). For iPhone, you need to install Phone Wiretapping - the best spy program - if you have Jailbreak.

Phone tapping - the best in spyware - works unnoticed and is focused on low battery consumption. This phone wiretapping is great for listening to an employee's phone or tracking your child's phone. Mobile Spy can also be used to backup/back up data and to track the phone in case of theft. At the same time, this tracking program cannot be used for spying directly. You are obliged to inform the owner of the phone that he is being monitored.

All logs are sent to our server via the Internet. We do not forward messages. The user can view the logs from a distance using our website.

Guide to installing Mobile Spy or how to listen to your phone:

You must install the tracking program Phone Wiretapping - the best spy program - on the phone you plan to monitor.
Once the installation is complete, you need to open the application.
Register your account when you first open the app. Enter your address Email, repeat it and enter your password.
Enter a name for the phone you are monitoring - the target device.
Login to our site using email address and password entered earlier.
Within an hour you will start receiving logs. The phone must have INTERNET ACCESS.

Functions of wiretapping the phone of Mobile Spy

Android compatible

Our Android spy program is compatible with Android 2.3 and higher.

iOS compatible

Our tracking program is compatible with iPhone and iPad from iOS 6.X to iOS 9.X.

GPS tracker

Find your phone's location for FREE - you will always know your phone's location. Also, location detection is available for phone calls and SMS messages. .

Read SMS and see MMS

Reading SMS and mms - all incoming and outgoing - is very simple. The tracking program Mobile spy saves messages and photos, SMS and mms messages. Also this GPS tracker will determine the location of the phone you are monitoring at the moment when the SMS/MMS message was received or sent. If the mobile phone number with which the message was sent or received is registered in the contacts of the smartphone you are following, then the contact's name will appear in the place of the number. With our program it is not only easy to read SMS, but also to see all the photos sent via MMS and you can download them from our website. .

Recording telephone conversations

Listen to your phone - all incoming and outgoing phone calls - upload an audio recording of the conversation to your account, as well as the time of the call, the call contact was made and the call history. .

Wiretapping the environment

Records the environment via SMS commands. .

Blocking a number

You can block specific numbers for calls or block SMS.

Browser history

Tracks Internet activity, including a list of visited sites. .

Site blocking

You can block sites via web address (url) or keywords.

Internet alert

You will be able to see an alert if your mobile phone connects to a Wi-Fi network.

Intercepting Viber messages (Viber)

All Viber correspondence is now available even if No root (ROOT) access. .

Intercepting Skype messages (Skype)

Track Skype message even if No root (ROOT) access. .

Interception of WhatsApp messages (WhatsApp)

All WhatsApp correspondence is now available even if No root (ROOT) access. .

Intercepting Facebook messages

All Facebook correspondence is now available even if No root (ROOT) access. .

Photo magazines

Tracks all cell phone photo logs. .

Video magazines

You will be able to see a number of photos from the video taken on a mobile phone. .

Application Control

Application lock

You can block any applications from your mobile phone.

Access to the calendar

Keeps track of all new events on the calendar.

System control

Telephone wiretapping - the best in spy programs - monitors when the mobile phone is rebooted or turns off / rings or vibrates. You will also be able to see if the SIM card has been replaced.


Notifications about SIM card changes, mobile phone blocking function.

Contact log

Tracks if a new contact has been added.

Integrates with contacts

If the phone number is stored in your smartphone contacts, then you will be able to see the contact name of each phone call or SMS message.

SMS commands

Control your mobile phone via SMS commands.

Intercepting Snapchat messages

All Snapchat correspondence is now available even if No root (ROOT) access. .

Intercepting Kik messages

All Kik correspondence is now available even if No root (ROOT) access. .

Intercepting Tango messages

All Tango correspondence is now available even if No root (ROOT) access.

Intercepting Twitter messages

All Twitter correspondence is now available even if No root (ROOT) access.

A program to detect wiretapping of your phone.
. Simple and reliable program to detect the activity of GSM Monitoring System equipment intended for active and passive interception of voice and data of any modifications GSM networks. Supports up to 4 GSM bands (850, 900, 1800, 1900), which makes it applicable anywhere in the world where there is a GSM network.

Detects the activity of the following types of spyware:

  • 1. Active GSM Interceptor with decoder A 5.x, which can intercept incoming and outgoing GSM calls and SMS with any type of encryption in real time. They work with moving and stationary objects and provide conversations and data in real time, analyze the received data, intercept IMSI/IMEI and selectively suppress GSM traffic in a given area
  • 2. 3G IMSI/IMEI/TMSI Catcher (captor), designed to influence the selected phone to force it to switch to GSM mode, so that data can be intercepted from such a phone by a passive interceptor.
  • 3. Selected blocker cell phones(Cellular Firewall), for selective or mass suppression of GSM/UMTS targets. Based on the Active Base Station, the Cellular Firewall allows authorized GSM/UMTS subscribers to use their phones as usual, receive calls, make calls, receive and send SMS and so on, while unauthorized phones in the immediate vicinity of the system are deprived of services cellular communications.
  • 4. GSM IMSI/IMEI/TMSI Catcher (invader), which is designed to detect the presence of GSM phones in an area of ​​interest. The whole system is based on a laptop and a compact mini BTS and is active system and thus she forces GSM phones in its vicinity register with her.
  • and the like...

The program was developed with advisory support technical specialists mobile operators having a moral conviction about the right of each of us to privacy, a prohibition of any form of arbitrary interference in private life by the state and protection from such interference by third parties.

In the process of implementation:

  • 1. Choose between 2 SIM cards.

Pro version:

  • 1.2 Support for 2 SIM
  • 2. Auto-blocking (resetting) the connection of hardware interceptors to your phone.
  • 3. Analysis of “interceptors” statistics, what would you see, in what places, when and how often does your phone fall within the coverage area of ​​“interceptors”
  • 4. Identification of interceptors. (fortunately, usually, “spies” do not clear the simulated technical data of the interceptor, knowing that phone owners do not see the technical characteristics of the GSM connection and will not suspect wiretapping). This will allow you to determine: who listens to you and how often, whether “he” follows you around the city, whether “he” knows where you live and work, and so on. Or you accidentally fell into the range of interceptors. In the longer term
  • 5. Determination of wiretapping through an operator. A very difficult task to implement and without a 100% guarantee of definition accuracy. It will only be available in the paid PRO version.
  • 6. Identification of indiscriminate GSM signal jammers. These are often used by car thieves, who use a signal jammer to block the operation of a car GSM GPS location finder.
  • 7. NEW! 7. Detecting hacker virtual cells that steal your money from your phone!
  • 8. Notification about disabling conversation encryption.

Download GSM Spy Finder app for Android you can follow the link below

How we would like to always know where our child is, what he thinks, what he says. Every a decent, caring parent, worries about his child every minute, unless of course he is nearby. I myself am the father of a seven-year-old son, this year he went to first grade, and I am very concerned about how the teachers treat him, how he behaves in class, how his classmates treat him? And for this I gave him an Android smartphone. Not the most sophisticated, since it can be stolen by older students, but not the cheapest either. Now I can at least call him and find out where he is and what he is doing. But like all parents, I think that this is not enough, in order to completely and completely protect your child from the current realities of our world, when children disappear from playgrounds, from kindergartens, before reaching home some hundred meters, it is necessary radically change everything.

Phone bug to help parents

I wish it was possible to install a phone bug in all mobile phones of all brands. To use these phones various programs and utilities were always synchronized with parents’ gadgets, i.e. Every dad or mom always knew who the child was talking to, who was writing him what messages. At GPS assistance It would always be possible to track the child’s route, where and at what point he is now. Using special programs, we could intercept SMS messages, not only but also record the conversation.

This is especially true when you notice that your child has suddenly changed dramatically: he comes home late with strange smells, or does not sleep at all, if money or things begin to disappear from the house, neighbors tell you that they saw him in undesirable places and bad companies. Having a bug for wiretapping a phone, it would be possible to even listen to the area around the mobile phone. These were my dreams. But one day I came across a very interesting site where my dreams came true. I found out that it is really possible, there is such a mini program.

Working phone bug

Progress does not sleep, and you can verify this absolutely free within 12 hours. I liked it, all the functions work properly, I was even very surprised. Using mobile phone wiretapping, recording conversations, intercepting SMS, hidden control, using GPS all this undoubtedly helps parents control their child. I wish you success in using this application!!!

The most obvious way is official wiretapping by the state.

In many countries around the world, telephone companies are required to provide access to telephone wiretap lines to competent authorities. For example, in Russia in practice this is carried out technically through the SORM system technical means to ensure the functions of operational-search activities.

Each operator is required to install an integrated SORM module on its PBX.

If a telecom operator has not installed equipment on its PBX to wiretap the phones of all users, its license in Russia will be revoked. Similar total wiretapping programs operate in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, the USA, Great Britain (Interception Modernization Program, Tempora) and other countries.

The corruption of government officials and intelligence officers is well known to everyone. If they have access to the system in "god mode", then for the right price you can have it too. As in all state systems, the Russian SORM is a big mess and typically Russian carelessness. Most technical specialists actually have very low qualifications, which allows unauthorized connection to the system without the notice of the intelligence services themselves.

Telecom operators do not control when and which subscribers are listened to via SORM lines. The operator does not check in any way whether there is a wiretap specific user court sanction.

“You take a certain criminal case about the investigation of an organized criminal group, in which 10 numbers are listed. You need to listen to a person who has nothing to do with this investigation. You just get this number and say you have it operative information that this is the number of one of the leaders of the criminal group,” they say knowledgeable people from the website "".

Thus, through SORM you can listen to anyone on “legal” grounds. This is such a secure connection.

2. Wiretapping through an operator

Cellular operators generally look at the call list and movement history of a mobile phone, which is registered in various base stations according to its physical location, without any problems. To obtain call records, like the intelligence services, the operator needs to connect to the SORM system.

For Russian law enforcement agencies, there is little point in installing Trojans, unless they need the ability to activate a smartphone’s microphone and record, even if the user is not talking on a mobile phone. In other cases, SORM does an excellent job of wiretapping. Therefore, Russian intelligence services are not very active in introducing Trojans. But for unofficial use it is a favorite hacking tool.

Wives spy on their husbands, businessmen study the activities of competitors. In Russia, Trojan software is widely used for wiretapping by private clients.

A Trojan is installed on a smartphone different ways: via fake software update, through email with a fake application, through a vulnerability in Android or in a popular software like iTunes.

New vulnerabilities in programs are found literally every day, and then they are closed very slowly. For example, the FinFisher Trojan was installed through a vulnerability in iTunes, which Apple did not close from 2008 to 2011. Through this hole, it was possible to install any software on behalf of Apple on the victim’s computer.

It is possible that such a Trojan is already installed on your smartphone. Have you ever thought that your smartphone battery is Lately Does it discharge a little faster than it should?

6. Application update

Instead of installing a special spy trojan an attacker can act even more intelligently: choose an application that you yourself voluntarily install on your smartphone, after which you give him full authority to access phone calls, recording conversations and transferring data to a remote server.

For example, it could be a popular game that is distributed through “left” directories mobile applications. At first sight, normal game, but with the function of wiretapping and recording conversations. Very comfortably. The user manually allows the program to access the Internet, where it sends files with recorded conversations.

Alternatively, malicious application functionality may be added as an update.

7. Fake base station

The fake base station has more strong signal than real BS. Due to this, it intercepts subscriber traffic and allows you to manipulate data on the phone. Fake base stations are known to be widely used by law enforcement agencies abroad.

In the USA, a model of fake BS called StingRay is popular.

And not only law enforcement agencies use such devices. For example, merchants in China often use fake BS to send mass spam to mobile phones that are located within a radius of hundreds of meters around. In general, in China, the production of “fake honeycombs” has been ramped up, so in local stores it is not a problem to find such a device, assembled literally on your knees.

8. Hacking a femtocell

Recently, some companies have been using femtocells - low-power miniature cellular stations that intercept traffic from mobile phones, located in the coverage area. This femtocell allows you to record calls from all company employees before redirecting calls to base station cellular operators.

Accordingly, to wiretap a subscriber, you need to install your own femtocell or hack the operator’s original femtocell.

9. Mobile complex for remote wiretapping

IN in this case The radio antenna is installed close to the subscriber (operates at a distance of up to 500 meters). A directional antenna connected to the computer intercepts all phone signals, and when the work is completed, it is simply taken away.

Unlike a fake femtocell or Trojan, here the attacker does not have to worry about getting into the site and installing a femtocell, and then removing it (or removing the Trojan without leaving any traces of hacking).

The capabilities of modern PCs are enough to record a GSM signal on large quantities frequencies, and then crack the encryption using rainbow tables (here is a description of the technique from a well-known expert in this field, Carsten Nohl).

If you voluntarily carry a universal bug with you, you automatically collect an extensive dossier on yourself. The only question is who will need this dossier. But if he needs it, he can get it without much difficulty.

Androids deservedly occupy their niche on modern market cell phones. Personally, as a user of such a phone, I am immensely pleased with all the opportunities it gives me. Until recently, I didn’t even know that there was another opportunity on this platform - download a wiretapping program onto it and remotely and secretly monitor everything that happens on the controlled android.
Android has quite a lot of supporters all over the world, which is why this platform is one of the first for development in the wiretapping market. various applications tracking. Each platform has its own specifics for this, Android is no exception. There are two ways to install a wiretapping program on it - simple and quick without root access, and a longer, but more reliable way with special access, which is essentially hacking.

You're probably tempted to close the article now, but don't rush, it's not that complicated! I’ll tell you even more - everything is much better than, say, on the iPhone! Because you can install it on an iPhone only through hacking - no chance and no options. Hacking on iOS is called and this process requires certain and. But on Android you always have a choice, and this is what...

The first method is Installation without root rights.
This means that you simply buy a spy program for Android. You pick up the phone you need, open the instructions sent to you, and use them to install the wiretapping program in 5 minutes. The process itself looks like this:

- enter the link,
- download the file,
— launch it and activate it.
This is all! Give the phone to the user.

The second method is Installation via root access.
The second method is more complicated and takes about 30 minutes. The whole point is that anyone modern smartphone protected from installing other people's applications, not from your own store. Spyware V official store no, but there are a lot of ways to hack a phone to use it for your own purposes. Hacking on Android calls root access or root rights. Literally, RUT is the root, those are hacking the root folders of the phone to install the program in them. So that the program has root rights to fully work on the phone, and you, as a result, have the full functionality of the program.

I will consider the process of rooting an Android in more detail in. This process does not require much preparation and your time - a USD cable and a special file downloaded to your computer. The total rooting time is approximately 20 minutes, another 5 minutes will be needed to install the wiretapping program on the phone, according to this principle:
- open Internet browser,
- enter the link,
- download the file,
- run it and give it root rights, you pass them through file system,
— activate the program and hide traces of installation.

The fact is that after installing root rights, an extra icon appears on the phone screen, it’s called SuperSU.

Of course, we don’t need this icon, and the resources of the Android wiretapping program allow us to hide this icon as if it never existed. The program itself also works hidden on the phone, has no icon, and your user will not know that a spy is working on the phone.

What is the difference between installations with root access and without root access?

First of all, this is functionality! With root access the program will have a path to closed folders chats and you will be able to intercept WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook and other instant messengers. Online microphone control also depends on rooting, and without it there will be no listening to the environment and intercepting a call in real time. But these functions are available on Android without root rights. And of course the operating mode itself. On a non-rooted Android, to install the spy program you will need to disable or uninstall all antivirus programs, otherwise they will react to third-party software.

The table below shows only part of the capabilities of the spy program for Android:

Of course, with root access the program has more capabilities, but sometimes in order to download a wiretapping program for Android, the user has little time or simply failed to set the rights, in this case there is no need to despair and you can consider installing without root.

The program will work, and you will be able to monitor general activities and record the environment and conversations themselves using a spy for Android.
We will consider the process of installing wiretapping on Android in, and you can buy the program.

It’s real to spy on an Android user, just get access to his phone and install the program using one of the methods listed here! It is advisable to root the device, but not necessary!

Your doubts about quick answers:

Can I turn my android into a brick during the root installation process? - It will be hard!

Do all resources describing this process warn of the risk? – Yes, they should relieve themselves of responsibility, but this does not mean that the root will not work.

Will the phone work as before? - Yes.

I can install applications on it with Play Market? - Of course yes.

Will antiviruses, banking applications, etc. work? - With root, yes.

Will the phone user somehow understand that the phone has been hacked or that a spy is working on it? - No.