Program for working with clients, telephone directory. Client accounting software

"Customer Accounting" is an advanced and simple tool with customer relationship management functions. In a CRM system, you can maintain a database of clients (organizations and individuals), issue invoices, enter into contracts (transactions), collect other documents, organize the structure of products and the employee base. The program is needed to automate the sales department, finance department, etc.

Key set of program functions:

  • Customer base accounting.
  • Accounting of contacts of this database.
  • Accounting for orders (applications) from clients.
  • Placement of orders and accounting of sales.
  • Accounting for contracts and services of the company.
  • Monitoring of financial transactions.
  • Leaving documentation.
  • Support for price lists and directories.
  • Analytics on work operations of managers.
  • Storing data on the staff of employees.
  • Setting up user access rights for each employee.
  • Functions of accrual and accounting of salaries to employees.
  • Analytics marketing steps.
  • Storing images in the database and URLs to documents.
  • Export/import data.
  • Selection, search, sorting and categorization of data with criteria.
  • Flexible database mechanism for a variety of tasks.
  • Different modes work and restriction of access rights.
  • Generating reports, reminders with conditions and e-mail newsletters.

The Clients 3.0.5 program is designed to record the company's clients, orders and contacts with clients.

The software product can be customized to suit the needs of your organization.

Information about all clients of your company is in one place - the Client Journal, and can always be easily found the right client or contact

All information about each client is presented clearly in the corresponding client card, in which you can enter all the necessary details, information about the client’s employees, attach any documents, enter contacts or create orders

In the daily bustle of work, you will not forget about the deadlines for contact with a client or congratulate your partners on their birthday - the program will remind you of them

You can display search results from the customer log in spreadsheet editors Excel and OpenOffice Calc and convert them into a form convenient for further processing

Support for working with a scanner will allow you to easily load scanned copies of original documents into the program; it is possible to stream scan when using a scanner that supports automatic feeding sheets. You can also attach files of any format.

Access to and work with the Clients 3.0.5 program is strictly regulated: four levels of access are implemented depending on the functions allowed to the user - Administrator, Senior Manager, Manager and for viewing only (without the right to make changes). Additionally, there is the possibility of more fine tuning log access for each access level.

The “See only your own records” function allows you to divide clients between performers, eliminating the possibility of viewing and changing other people’s clients and contacts.

It is possible to generate invoices according to your templates, as a result appearance invoices are exactly as is customary in your company - invoices are generated by the program based on *.dot templates in MS Word or OpenOffice Writer

You can not only generate an invoice, but also send it directly from the program to client's email, attaching files if necessary commercial offer and agreements

. The function of filling out TIN details will speed up the entry of clients into the program, reduce the likelihood of errors when filling out cards, and will also notify the client’s status if he is liquidated or is in the process of liquidation

If you require more advanced accounting of your activities and detailed statistics, you can purchase paid version programs "Clients 3.0.5 Prof"

For organizations that require increased reliability of data storage and security of access to information, blocking unauthorized access to data, and possible built-in data encryption, there is version of the program Clients 3.0.5 Professional for Microsoft SQL Server.

For daily automatic archiving of programs by time, you can use free utility Automatic archiving of files.

To install the program:

Example of cost calculation for 2 jobs:
0+1*4000=4000 rub.

Example of cost calculation for 6 jobs:
0+4*4000+1*3000=19000 rub.

Example of cost calculation for 25 jobs:
0+4*4000+5*3000+10*2000+5*1000=56000 rub.

*Price includes 1 year of telephone and online technical support. When selecting the extended option warranty service price additional year support is 20% of the cost of licenses.

* The license period is not limited.

Universal program for the accounting your data. Such as customers, sales, orders, partners, suppliers, contracts, shipments, payments, income, expenses, goods, finances, products, equipment, materials, components, etc. Based on any data you have, you can set up accounting. You will receive a program that will contain only the data you need and nothing superfluous. You can search for any fields that you have added, restrict access to users, build reports, and much more. When working with multiple users, different users can be allowed or blocked from seeing certain fields, columns, rows, functions, menu items, etc. The report designer allows you to create a variety of reports on all the data that is in your database.

Main features:

Setting up the data structure. Developing your configuration from scratch.
Adding your own fields. The program will only contain the fields you need.
Create your own formulas. For example, to calculate VAT, discounts, profits, salaries, etc.
Setting up cards. Arrange the fields on the card as you like.
Setting up tables. Include only the columns you need in your tables.
Filters. Search data in tables using any fields.
Access rights. Access rights to data by users and user groups: read, change, delete.
Document templates. Such as an invoice, agreement, act, invoice, estimate, etc.
Reports. Almost like pivot tables in Excel. According to any data in the database.
Import data. Any data you have can be imported into the database you create.
Data export. Any data can be exported.
Reminders. For any fields of the Date type, you can set reminders.
Multicurrency accounting. If your work uses multiple currencies, this can be configured.

Changes in the program Universal Accounting Program (10/24/2018):

  • A triple error in the configurator when adding an object card that does not have a child table configured has been removed.

In order to organize accounting of customers and orders, enterprises usually use CRM systems. These are programs specifically designed to automate customer interaction strategies. They make it possible to save customer data and analyze it. Thanks to this, the level of service, loyalty and, as a result, business profits increase.

There are quite a lot of Crm systems (programs). They differ in functionality and, as a rule, require customization for the client. Probably every entrepreneur has heard about 1C CRM. Also popular are RegionSoft CRM, FreshOffice, APEC CRM and many others. In its simplest version, it is a program, in some cases free, that you need to download and install on your computer. However, large enterprises use complex distributed software solutions, requiring the purchase of serious hardware and constant technical support.

In the field of small and medium-sized retail businesses, unfortunately, recording customer data is either absent or occurs in notebooks or Excel tables. Many files or pages are created, which are edited by whom and how they are unknown. Consequently - great amount errors, the need for constant human control, loss of time. But an expensive and complex CRM system in a small store or salon is really impractical.

How to work with customers in small and medium retail businesses

If you are the owner of a small store, salon, cafeteria or small retail chain, you can keep track of customers and orders using any computer (laptop or tablet) and Internet access. You don’t need a traditional CRM system or software that requires installation to maintain a client database and record orders; you just need to use the online service for small and medium-sized businesses.

Modern web services, as a rule, include the ability to maintain a database of regular customers, tools for working with orders (including preliminary ones), modules for creating and printing all necessary documents, and . It is this complex functionality that allows you not only to maintain an up-to-date customer database, but also to know the demand for certain goods or services and analyze it. Let's look at the benefits of having statistics and analytics.

For example, if you use the Subtotal online service, you can divide clients (buyers) into any categories. For example, like this:

  • ordinary retail buyer, pensioner, mother with child
  • owner of a silver card, bronze, gold, etc.
Accordingly, for each category the system will allow you to assign your own discounts - fixed, depending on the amount of purchases in the receipt or for the period. will be visible in the cash register application (interface), increasing the quality and speed of the cashier’s work.

Also, it is possible to enter full name, phone numbers, e-mail and other necessary information into the system specific people, forming a database of personalities (contacts). The presence of such a database will allow you to assign personal discounts in the future. In any case, the entire history of the relationship (what discount was given and to whom), as well as information about the purchases of your client base (with the ability to print all the necessary documents) will be saved in the program.

If you have telephone numbers your clients, you can send an SMS directly from the Subtotal program with special applications or any other information. Thus, using the Subtotal accounting program provides much wider functionality than standard solutions for maintaining a client database and accounting for orders.

Try it Start for free

In addition to working with clients (buyers), the system provides the ability to save pre-orders and work with them, adjusting the plan for future purchases. All this is excellent material for management analysis, thanks to which you can reduce costs and increase profits.

For example, the Subtotal program includes a reporting module and analytics, with which you can see sales volumes by customer, which customers are the largest by margin, and much more.

Thus, you get the opportunity to quickly optimize your assortment based on an analysis of the most profitable products, best-selling products, a report on current balances and information on pre-orders. Also, the system allows you to effectively manage your assortment by dividing products into categories and analyzing the preferences of your regular audience (buyers) within each of them. As a result, it is possible to reduce the inventory amount while increasing margins and sales. We wrote about how to do this in the article:.

Using the Subtotal program, you can comprehensively automate small and medium-sized retail businesses (from one point of sale to a network of 100 points). This is not only a customer and order accounting program, the service provides everything necessary tools in order to maintain cash, warehouse and management accounting.

Subtotal does not require the purchase of special hardware, but you can easily connect to the service online cash register or any other commercial equipment; if necessary, integration with an online store or online accounting is possible.

A cash register, price tag printer, barcode scanner, scales, etc. can be purchased with the help of our managers. They will select everything you need based on your wishes and budget. We are official partner most leading manufacturers of CCP and related devices, thanks to which we have the opportunity to offer you the lowest prices for equipment and fast delivery in Russia "to the door".

The first month of using the Subtotal program is a gift. You are provided free setup And technical support. To start keeping automated records, you only need a laptop (or tablet) and Internet access. Simply and experience all the benefits that complex automation can provide in practice.