A program for mass file renaming. Group renaming of files in Total Commander

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Photo files come to us for storage from different sources, so their names differ in spelling. In addition, the initial file names do not contain information that can be used for any purpose. You can bring the names of photo files to a common form and make them more informative using batch renaming.

- This automatic replacement their names according to some principle, for example by date, place or genre of photography. After the change, the file names must consist of a common part and an individual part. For example, the common part will be the name of the folder, and the individual part will be the serial number of the file in it.

Batch renaming photo files is second important stage when creating a convenient digital photo archive after . Files in the photo archive must be named in accordance with the chosen naming system. The system will then be built on its basis quick search photographs in the photo archive.

If you need to change the file names of several photos, you can do this without special problems. If you need to change the names of hundreds or even thousands of photo files, batch renaming is no longer necessary. Such work can be done quickly on a computer, but it must be done correctly right away, without disturbing the order of files (Fig. 1).

Fig.1 To batch rename photo files, it is important to maintain the correct order of their location.

Before renaming, photo files in a folder must be sorted according to some criteria. It is more convenient to do this by the time the file was created. The order of files by name may differ from their location in time, since the files may have been deleted. Batch renaming will add numbering to photo files and fix the order of names.

The type of photo file names depends on the information that they must carry and the more information there is, the more complex the file names. Such names can be created for large number files only using special programs. We'll talk about them later, but for now let's look at quick way batch renaming of photo files.

How to quickly rename many files

Many special programs have a convenient function for batch renaming photo files, but using it is not always convenient. And, besides, there are situations when you need to quickly rename many photo files, but keep their names simple and clear. For example, the date of photography and the serial number of the file in the folder (Fig. 2).

Fig.2 Batch renaming will quickly change many files so that photo names become simpler and clearer.

In such cases, run some big program with the function of batch renaming photo files it is not rational. And not every computer can have it installed. To do this, it is more convenient to use the capabilities of the most operating system Windows. It allows you to rename many files at once, quickly and easily.

In order to quickly rename many files, you first need to open their folder in Windows Explorer. Then select the files in a convenient way and press the “F2” button. Among the photo files selected for batch renaming, the name of the first file will be ready for this (Fig. 3). We change it to a new one, maintaining the resolution, and press “Enter”.

Fig.3 When quickly batch renaming files, the new name is entered only for the first photo.

Immediately after this, the batch function Windows renaming will quickly replace the names of the selected photos in the folder with the name of the first file and add numbering to them. In this case, the numbers will begin only with the second file, but this is implemented differently in different operating systems. You should definitely pay attention to this (Fig. 4) and (Fig. 5).

Fig.4 After quick batch renaming of photos to Windows Vista the first file is not numbered. You have to add it manually.

Fig.5 After quick batch renaming in Windows XP, numbering starts from the second file, which is not convenient for analyzing photographs.

Correcting this numbering is easy. In Windows Vista, you need to add a number (1) to the name of the first file, and in Windows XP, add and then delete a copy of the first file. But first it must be renamed so that it comes first (Fig. 6). After batch renaming, we delete a copy of the first photo, and the file numbering becomes correct.

Fig.6 Before batch renaming photos, you need to create a duplicate of the first file so that it is the first in the folder.

Cancel batch renaming for photo files is also very simple. To do this, press the key combination “Ctrl + Z”. It should be taken into account that not all operating rooms Windows systems you can quickly cancel the rename large quantity files. So XP cancels renaming only for one file and except for the first one.

Quick batch renaming of photo files is convenient only in some cases, since Windows features for these purposes are very limited. More often, file names have to be formed according to complex conditions, which only special programs can do, which we will talk about later.

Programs for renaming files

In addition to the ability to batch rename operating systems, there are two other types of programs for photo files that can do this. These include file managers and various image editors. Such programs have different capabilities, and therefore you need to choose them specifically for your purposes.

If your computer does not have special programs for working with graphics, you can use a file manager that has such a function to batch rename photo files. There are many such programs, but most of them have an English interface or weak functionality. But there is a program that suits us.

Total Commander- it's popular file manager, which has a Russian interface and huge opportunities for working with files. This program can be used to batch rename photo files in most cases. Its peculiarity is that it has many masks for forming file names (Fig. 7).

Fig.7 Masks for batch renaming files in Total program Commander is convenient to use for photographs.

For cases where you often have to work with a large number of photos, it is more convenient to use special programs such as Adobe Bridge or Lightroom. These programs are designed to work with a large number of photos and they also have masks for batch renaming files.

Programs with batch file renaming capabilities have convenient functions for working with photographs. Each of them needs to be discussed separately and in detail. Description of functions for renaming photo files best programs, read the following articles.

Good day to you, my dear friends. How are you preparing for the New Year? I haven't done everything yet. Anyway. That's not what we're talking about today. I remember how I pumped a lot different pictures from the Internet under one topic. There were the most ordinary pictures, but their names were something like “xuj67hsbs6o9.jpg”. In principle, in most cases I don’t care what these files are called, but if I have to work with them, then I better have each file have a normal, memorable name, otherwise it would take more time and all the work.

Do you know how many files sometimes have to be shoveled? 100-200-300 files. And they all have names out of their minds. Therefore, it’s easier to rename them in a few seconds and enjoy life, otherwise you live in a mess.

In general, let's see how to rename many files at once in several ways, thanks to which renaming will take no more than a couple of seconds

Windows Tools

Here I would like to point out the simplest and least functional way of group renaming files. But the plus is that you don’t need to install any additional programs, and it completely solves our problems.

Total Commander

In addition to standard renaming, you can use a popular program link called Total Commander. Maybe someone remembers the old Norton Commander environment, which was used in our country even before windows implementation? Yes, such a shell with directories and files, divided into two sections. Damn, I was so nostalgic. Back in 1990-1993, I loved going to my father’s work to play on the computer, and I just had to do everything through Norton Commander... Damn, you need to stop me, otherwise I’ll go back to childhood.

So, for Windows there is a similar environment, but only already made for a modern interface - Total commander. And by the way, it is quite convenient to work in it; in addition, it has a number of useful functions But I won’t teach you how to use it today, since this should be a separate topic. But there is one caveat. It's paid. But you are given a month to work in it for free.

Today we will use it for mass renaming files.

  1. Download it, for example from here and install. The installation is completely standard and simple. Just download the version for your system bit size. Which one do you have - 32 or 64? You can view this information by clicking right click on the "computer" icon and selecting "Properties".
  2. Enter the program and you will see an interface divided into two windows. Find your folder where all those files are located that could use a name change.
  3. Now select all the files. This can be done using a familiar combination CTRL+A or in the main menu at the top, select “Select” and then “Select All”. As you can see, all your files in the folder are highlighted in red. If this is the case for you, then well done. And if it doesn't work, try again. Anything can happen.
  4. Now find “Files” in the main menu and select “Batch renaming” from the drop-down list, or press the key combination "CTRL+M".
  5. Now the group renaming window has opened in front of you. Scary? No need. There's nothing wrong with that. Here you are invited to look and choose on what basis to rename files. For example, you can select by date, then each file will be renamed according to the modification date. But I don't like that. It is best to use "Counter". In this mode, files will be renamed starting from one and in order. But that's the default. And by the way, don’t forget, if you want a certain word (for example, a photo) to appear in front of the counter, then you need to enter it into the “mask”.
  6. And if you want to set something of your own, then you need to pay attention to the parameters that are in the right top corner program windows. By default everything is set to "1". Those. the first file will be renamed to 1 , and then in order - 2, 3, 4 ,... But we can put not only numbers, but also letters, as counting symbols (True, only Latin ones). To do this, change "Start with..." to "a"(Latin). Then the next file will be called b, and then the next one c, well, you understand. You can also change the renaming step. The default value is 1 , i.e. the following letters and numbers will be in alphabetical order. But if you put a step - 2 , then they will already go to 1,2,3 or a,b,c, but they will be like 1,3,5 or a,c,e. Did you understand? One letter or number will be stupidly skipped.
  7. In general, here you can see all the parameters yourself. It's easy to understand. But when you have configured everything for yourself, do not forget to click the “Run” button. After all these manipulations, the files will be renamed in a second and will take the desired form.

Well, that’s all I wanted to tell you in today’s article. There are of course many more good programs for renaming, for example Renamer. I even used it sometimes (although the situation there was a little different). But in general, these two methods should be enough.

Well, if you have to work with files so often, or you just have a lot important information, then I would like to invite you to look excellent video course on file protection from various circumstances (Viruses, deletion, damage, hard drive malfunction disk, theft, etc.). Real and great ways Reserve copy and data protection. Moreover, all the lessons are in video formats and are told in human language, not technical, which makes this course simply great.

Well, I’m finishing my article for today. I hope the information was useful to you. Thank you for visiting my blog. And, of course, I recommend that you subscribe to my blog updates, then you definitely won’t miss anything interesting. See you in other articles. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin

To quickly find files and quickly navigate through them, it is not enough to put everything in the correct folders. It is equally important to give files names that are easy to read and meaningful. Fiddling with each of them separately is counterproductive. Therefore, there are methods for group renaming.

To work with a group of files, it is better to copy them to separate folder. This will greatly simplify the process.

Using standard Windows tools

Changing file names

Let's consider the simplest case: we have the nth number of images with meaningless names.

Let's bring the names of these files to a visual form Picture (n), Where Picture will be the name, and n- serial number. This can be easily done directly in Explorer.

Select all the pictures that we want to rename. To do this quickly, use the combination Ctrl keys+ A. Then simply press F2 or right-click on the first file and select “Rename”. Enter the word as the name for the selected image Picture and press Enter.

Windows will automatically assign the same name to all subsequent files and arrange everything serial numbers.

If necessary, you can cancel mass renaming with the Ctrl + Z key combination.

If you want to rename a group of folders in Explorer, you can do it in the same way.

Changing file extensions

Let's say we have several text documents, which after double clicking open with a notepad. But we need them to be opened by the browser by default. To do this, you will have to change their extension from .txt to .html. Operations of this kind can be quickly performed using command line.

Click Windows keys+ R, enter in the field that appears cmd and click OK - we see the command line window. Now we insert into it the path to the folder in which our files are located, immediately after the command CD: cd C:\Users\Max Volotsky\Desktop\Docs , and press Enter. Then we use special team, which will change their extensions: rename *.txt *.html, and press Enter again.

The original extension is indicated first in the command, the new one is indicated second. After entering the command, the system instantly makes changes.

To return everything as it was, you need to use the rename command again, swapping the extensions.

Using third party utilities

No built-in tools can match the functionality of special programs designed specifically for batch renaming. You can find many of these on the Internet. free utilities, just enter bulk file rename in the search.

We will look at renaming using the example of the Bulk Rename Utility program. With its help it is very convenient to change the names of folders and files, as well as the extensions of the latter.

When you first launch it, it may seem that the utility’s interface came straight from hell, and perhaps there is some truth in this. But the user does not need to navigate through numerous tabs and menus: he gets access to all functions from one window.

So, let's say we have a group of audio files that we want to make look pleasing to the eye. IN in this case The numbers and the lack of artist name are annoying.

We launch the application and use the built-in file manager to go to the folder we need. Next, use the already familiar Ctrl + A key combination to select all files. We need to remove the first 3 characters at the beginning of each file name and add the artist name at the very beginning. To do this, specify the necessary parameters in the Remove and Add panels, and then click Rename.

Now we’ll make sure that all extensions consist of lowercase characters: in the Extension panel, select the Lower option and click Rename.

As you can see, other panels are available in the program window. For example, Numbering allows you to number documents different ways, and with Case you can change the case of characters in file names. Thanks to the New Name column in the built-in explorer, which shows the result of a rename before it's applied, you'll easily understand the rest of the Bulk Rename Utility.

The last operation with files and folders performed in the program can be easily undone using the Ctrl + Z key combination.

To quickly find files and quickly navigate through them, it is not enough to put everything in the correct folders. It is equally important to give files names that are easy to read and meaningful. Fiddling with each of them separately is counterproductive. Therefore, there are methods for group renaming.

To work with a group of files, it is better to copy them to a separate folder. This will greatly simplify the process.

Using standard Windows tools

Changing file names

Let's consider the simplest case: we have the nth number of images with meaningless names.

Let's bring the names of these files to a visual form Picture (n), Where Picture will be the name, and n- serial number. This can be easily done directly in Explorer.

Select all the pictures that we want to rename. To do this quickly, use the key combination Ctrl + A. Then simply press F2 or right-click on the first file and select “Rename”. Enter the word as the name for the selected image Picture and press Enter.

Windows will automatically assign the same name to all subsequent files and assign all serial numbers.

If necessary, you can cancel mass renaming with the Ctrl + Z key combination.

If you want to rename a group of folders in Explorer, you can do it in the same way.

Changing file extensions

Let's say we have several text documents that, after double-clicking, open in Notepad. But we need them to be opened by the browser by default. To do this, you will have to change their extension from .txt to .html. These types of operations can be quickly performed using the command line.

Press the Windows + R keys and enter in the field that appears cmd and click OK - we see the command line window. Now we insert into it the path to the folder in which our files are located, immediately after the command CD: cd C:\Users\Max Volotsky\Desktop\Docs , and press Enter. Then we use a special command that will change their extensions: rename *.txt *.html , and press Enter again.

The original extension is indicated first in the command, the new one is indicated second. After entering the command, the system instantly makes changes.

To return everything as it was, you need to use the rename command again, swapping the extensions.

Using third party utilities

No built-in tools can match the functionality of special programs designed specifically for batch renaming. You can find many such free utilities on the Internet; just enter bulk file rename in the search.

We will look at renaming using the example of the Bulk Rename Utility program. With its help it is very convenient to change the names of folders and files, as well as the extensions of the latter.

When you first launch it, it may seem that the utility’s interface came straight from hell, and perhaps there is some truth in this. But the user does not need to navigate through numerous tabs and menus: he gets access to all functions from one window.

So, let's say we have a group of audio files that we want to make look pleasing to the eye. In this case, the numbers and the lack of artist name are annoying.

We launch the application and use the built-in file manager to go to the folder we need. Next, use the already familiar Ctrl + A key combination to select all files. We need to remove the first 3 characters at the beginning of each file name and add the artist name at the very beginning. To do this, specify the necessary parameters in the Remove and Add panels, and then click Rename.

Now we’ll make sure that all extensions consist of lowercase characters: in the Extension panel, select the Lower option and click Rename.

As you can see, other panels are available in the program window. For example, Numbering allows you to number documents in different ways, and with Case you can change the case of characters in file names. Thanks to the New Name column in the built-in explorer, which shows the result of a rename before it's applied, you'll easily understand the rest of the Bulk Rename Utility.

The last operation with files and folders performed in the program can be easily undone using the Ctrl + Z key combination.

The other day, while wandering around the Internet, I came across a new version of my long-time and faithful assistant - the ReNamer program, which has become my indispensable toolwhen bulk renaming files . This is a routine action that we can perform several times a day. Each of us solves this problem in our own way, for example, using the built-in tools of the operating system, without experiencing any special problems.

That's it, you say, it's a big problem, what's there to talk about! It’s good, of course, when the renaming allows the use of mask symbols, and - I add - it’s good if you know how to use the mask. But there are situations when using a mask is quite difficult or even impossible. It would seem that there is only one way out - to rename each file separately by hand. But no - there is a solution that is very functional, does not require installation, and, moreover, free program Denis Kozlov ReNamer, which will be discussed in this article.

You can download the program both on the computer portal Softodrom.ru and on the developer’s website.

The program provides the user with all imaginable ways to batch rename files. In any case, I didn’t have enough imagination to come up with something that the program couldn’t handle! I think she is an indispensable assistant administrators and other computer people, as well as teachers, authors and others like them. By the way, what I immediately noticed when I discovered new version ReNamer, this is about the emergence of Russian localization of the program. And although I don’t experience any particular discomfort when working with the English interface, still, you know, my own language is somehow much more native, and - most importantly - more understandable...

When you first load the program, it will prompt you to open and, accordingly, familiarize yourself with the Quick Guide. If you have basic concepts English language, then I advise you to accept this offer. To be honest, I have not often come across such intelligent and at the same time short description work with the program!

At the same time, I can’t help but notice that, understanding the author, who aims his brainchild at the widest possible range of users and uses English for this, he could “bundle” an analogue of the manual in Russian, since the author is a programmer from Tolyatti. By the way, it’s good that Russian localization of the program has appeared, otherwise previous versions and she was not observed :). True, it appeared only last year, and it was not even completed by the author(!) I hope that the author will not be too offended at me for criticism, since the program is really very good in its work.

The ideology of the program is that the user creates rules according to which files are renamed. Rules allow you to change program prefixes and suffixes, replace, add and delete parts of text in file names, add serial numbers to names, etc.

Therefore, the program window itself consists of two parts: the upper one is the formation of rules for renaming files, the lower one is the selection of files. Accordingly, the program has two groups of buttons located on separate panels: the top one for working with files and the bottom one for working with rules.

Select files

Selecting files to rename is extremely simple. On top panel tools, click the "Add files" button. If all files in a folder are to be renamed, then use the "Add Folders" tool. The selected files are displayed at the bottom of the window. To delete files, we use standard selection techniques, after which we call context menu and select the “Delete selected” item from it.

Create a rule

On the second (lower) toolbar in the upper window, click the “Add” button (“Add a new rule”), after which the “Add Rule” window appears, in which a rule is created that will be used to rename files. To remember the generated rule, click the large “Add rule” button in the window.

To edit the rule we carry out double click on his name.

To delete a rule, click the "Delete" button on the second toolbar.

Let's look at examples of the formation of certain types of rules.


  1. From the list of rule names, select “Replace”.
  2. In the "Find" field, we determine the part of the name that needs to be changed. We do not use the "*" symbol.
  3. In the "Replace" field, enter the characters that will replace the text in the "Find" field.
  4. In the "Matches" group we determine the number of replacements in names.


To remove part of the text in the middle of the name, we create the following rule.

  1. From the list of rule names, select “Delete”.
  2. In the "Starting from" field, we determine the position from which we want to start deleting text in the name.
  3. In the "Before" field we determine the number of characters to be removed from file names.
  4. To disable actions with extensions, enable the “Skip extensions” action.
  5. Save the rule by clicking the "Add Rule" button.

Creating number sequences (index)

Sometimes it is necessary to change the file names Name1, Name2, Name3 so that their names contain a numerical sequence with a certain increment, for example, increasing by “5”: Name11, Name26, Name311. The procedure for creating a rule is as follows.

  1. From the list of rule names, select “Index”.
  2. Select the "Sequentially" option.
  3. Set the initial value number sequence: "Begin with:".
  4. In the "Step" field we specify the increment (step) of the numerical sequence with which the numerical value will change.
  5. In the "Where to insert:" field, we determine the place in the file name where the number sequence will be inserted. In this case, the user has the opportunity to set:
    • Position: determines the position from which the number will be inserted in the file name. If, for example, for our example we set the second position, then the file names will be: И1мя1, И6мя2, И11мя3.
    • Prefix: at the beginning of the file name. In this case, the file names will be in the following sequence: 1Name1, 3Name2, 5Name3.
    • Suffix: at the end of the file name. The file names will be: Name11, Name26, Name311.
  6. Selecting the checkbox for the label field "Add zeros to:" allows you to specify the same number of positions for all elements of the number sequence. For example, by setting this field to “2” and using the “Suffix” option for our example, we get the following names: Name101, Name206, Name311.
  7. To disable actions with extensions, enable the “Skip extensions” action.
  8. Save the rule by clicking the "Add Rule" button.

Defining Multiple Rules

The system allows you to apply several rules to file names at once. The main thing here is not to get confused with the names that should be obtained, since applying the rule at some stage may lead to the creation of a name that matches the name at the previous stage. However, the system will immediately warn you about this.

To avoid such situations, follow simple rule: Do not apply all the rules at once, but do it sequentially, unchecking or checking the boxes in the first column preceding the name of the rule.

In this case, the user can not only add and delete rules, but also change their places using the tools located at the top of the rules window.

And further. The rules are used strictly sequentially, exactly in the order in which you created them. If you need to change their sequence, use the "Up" and "Down" buttons, which are located on the second toolbar.

And one last thing. Renaming

In order to see what we get, click the “Preview” button on the toolbar, after which the names generated according to the specified rules will be displayed in the “New name” column at the bottom of the window. As a matter of fact, you don’t need to take any actions at all if you first perform the action of selecting files, and only after that - creating rules. In this case, adding or changing a rule automatically causes files with new names to be displayed.

And finally last step: Direct renaming. We click the “Rename” button and admire our work, not forgetting to express respect to the author for the most convenient and, moreover, free tool.

And the very last thing. As follows from the annotation to the program, the user has the ability to work with ID3v1, ID3v2 and EXIF, as well as use batch renaming of folders. Besides this, there are many custom settings renaming template.


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