A program for copying files without buffering. Expanding the clipboard for more convenient work on the computer


Enlarge the page file to increase the clipboard capacity. Click right click Click on the “My Computer” shortcut and select “Properties” from the context menu. Go to the "Advanced" tab. Click on the "Performance Options" button in the "Options" group Virtual memory» click "Edit".

From the list, select required disk. Enter the new paging file size in the " Original size" And " Maximum size", click "Install". After this, restart your computer for the changes to take effect and for the clipboard to increase.

Take advantage special applications to expand your clipboard capabilities. For example, download and install M8 Free Clipboard. It makes it possible to keep on the clipboard different types data. Its interface is a table consisting of 25 cells.

Launch the application, when copying to the clipboard you will hear sound signal, this means that the information has been added to the application. Insert data from it by selecting a cell and selecting the “Insert” command. You can also associate each cell with a letter of the Latin alphabet. You can download the program from the official website http://dl.filekicker.com/send/file/170390-1QA0/freeclip.exe.

Install the Clipboard Recorder program, you can download it from http://www.lw-works.com/files/cbrecorder_setup.exe. After launching, the application will appear in the system tray and will remember copied or cut text fragments.

To insert them into a document, expand the program window and select the desired element. In addition to the fragments themselves, it also displays icons of the applications from which they were inserted. When you paste text from the program, its formatting is preserved. You can also organize data transfer and expand the clipboard to work over the network.

Buffering (from English buffer) is the organization of data exchange, in particular input/output of information in computers and other computing devices. This implies the use of temporary storage of clipboard data. When entering data, some processes/devices write data to the buffer, while others read it. When outputting, everything is the other way around, respectively. The issue of increasing buffering directly comes down to increasing the buffer size.


The clipboard is a place in the OP ( random access memory) computer where data is copied for temporary storage, for example, when working in the Explorer application or text editor. The buffer can be increased by expanding the paging file or by installing programs that expand the buffer's capabilities.

Increase the swap file. To do this, right-click on the “My Computer” shortcut on the desktop or in the “Start” menu. Select "Properties" from the drop-down menu. Next, go to the tab called “Advanced”, left-click on the “Performance Options” tab and click on “Change” in the “Virtual Memory” tab.

Select the one you need from the list local disk, enter in the fields "Original size" and "Maximum size" required values in megabytes, click on “Install”. Then restart your PC for the changes to take effect.

Take advantage special programs, in order to expand the buffer capabilities. For example, you can download from the Internet and install M8 Free Clipboard. This program allows you to store various types of data on the clipboard. Its interface is a table that includes 25 cells.

Once you have installed the application, launch it. Now, when copying data to the clipboard, a beep will sound. Inserting data from the buffer occurs by selecting a cell and the “Insert” command. It is also possible to set an association for each cell with a selected letter of the Latin alphabet. The link to download the M8 Free Clipboard program from the official website is in the “ Additional sources"at the end of the article.

Not everyone is comfortable communicating with the clipboard via “copy-paste” every day. Sometimes a history of actions is necessary, reuse data, restoring it or inserting text without formatting. There are many tools to make work easier, and I’ll tell you about them now.

Lightweight, fast and free manager clipboard. Thanks to this program, you won't have to copy the same information and files over and over again. By clicking on hotkey A program window appears with all the data you have ever copied.

I have been using Clipdiary for many years, and it is one of the indispensable utilities for me. Even now, to write this post, I use Clipdiary every half minute. And just a couple of days after I first got acquainted with the program, I got a license for it.

A small utility, after installing which you can copy the contents of files via context menu:

The utility supports text files in txt format and image files in jpg formats, pcx, png, bmp, tga, gif, tif.

You can take a screenshot by pressing Prt Scr, or by pressing Prt Scr with the program. I really like this utility because it allows you to set actions that will be performed after taking a screenshot.

I configured it to save the screenshot to disk, open it in the Paint.net application, and copy it to the clipboard. This way I get a copy of the screenshot on disk and can quickly edit it. If no editing is required, I immediately paste it into the destination.


The most powerful utility for auto-typing text and executing various macros. It allows you to significantly reduce the time you spend writing texts.

The utility itself can serve as an analogue of Clipdiary, since it has exactly the same functionality for tracking the clipboard. In addition, you can create many macros using a buffer. For example, I can insert a file path based on the window title.


Cross-platform utility for synchronizing Push notifications between all devices. One of its features is clipboard synchronization. Everything you copied on one device immediately becomes available on all others.

Punto Switcher

It is famous for the fact that it allows you to change the keyboard layout on the fly. However, many of its users are well familiar with the diary function, in which you can save all texts entered from the keyboard, as well as the entire clipboard. Or you can quickly change the layout of the text in the buffer.


File copy manager. The program copies faster than standard Windows manager, plus it has a built-in check for the integrity of files after copying. You also have the opportunity to copy files to frequently used folders in almost one click. To do this, simply add them to your favorites.


And allows the computer to “remember” information for transferring it to another application. Thanks to this, the copy/paste operation is available, which makes the user’s life much easier. But unfortunately, the standard Windows clipboard is imperfect and can only accommodate one object at a time.

How to increase clipboard size in Windows?

How to increase the clipboard and is it possible? There are enough programs that are distributed free of charge (or shareware) and improve the quality of storage. You can choose the one you like best.

This is a shareware program for Windows (demo version for a month), which will be useful to professionals who deal with large volumes alternating, same-type data: designers, accountants, copywriters, correspondents, secretaries, etc. Provides the clipboard with advanced capabilities: saves thousands of objects, offers their convenient sorting into thematic libraries, displays the date and time of receipt of the item in the storage. The interface is Russified.

Insertion is carried out by simply dragging the fragment into the desired field or by clicking. You can modify the text in the built-in editor, delete and add words, merge objects into one, open links, create screenshots and integrate with other users to sharing to information. The search filter responds to any requests and can find the desired fragment by name, date, membership in a given group, etc.

Works with the clipboard in versions of Windows 7, XP, 8, 10, saving system resources. This simple application saves 25 objects by default, but in the settings you can set your number up to a thousand. Fragments can be easily viewed enlarged and edited before inserting. Images can be rotated and flipped, text can be edited and formatting remembered. The software is paid, but there is a trial version for 30 days.


A free utility that will be convenient even for inexperienced users due to its intuitive design, good Russification and logical structure. In the settings, the user determines how many elements should be stored on the clipboard and for how long. Some fragments can be saved from automatic deletion, indicating special conditions for them in the “Parameters” section.

After installation, the program icon will appear in the lower right corner of the taskbar, so you can access it fast access. It is possible to set “hot keys” for Ditto. Supports all Windows series.


One of the very first utilities for clipboard caching. Advanced settings allow you to adapt the program to any user needs. Using a keyboard shortcut, you can not only instantly open the CLCL window, but also insert the selected element. It’s also convenient to work with images; you don’t have to remember their names: a thumbnail of each is displayed in the window.

IMPORTANT. The software is free and compatible with everyone, even older versions - Windows 2000 and Windows Vista. Available portable version, which does not require installation.

A simple, free and understandable program for Windows any versions. Makes it possible to customize the operating procedure so that the user is as comfortable as possible. Insertion is carried out via Enter key or double click by content. You can change formatting, paste multiple items at once, and ignore certain types of data so they don't go to the clipboard. Recently accessed objects are highlighted in color.

Increasing the swap file

To expand the memory capacity of the clipboard in Windows (for example, you copy graphics that weigh a lot, and the system displays an error), it is worth increasing the paging file. To do this, just go to “Control Panel” - “Administration” - “Computer Management” and in the required field set a value twice as high as the RAM indicator.

If in the future you want to reset these settings, simply enter zero values.

Have you had to improve the buffer's operation? Windows Exchange and in what way? Share your knowledge in the comments.

The clipboard saves the user from entering the same text, is involved in copying files, and is actively used in many programs for storing and pasting various kinds of objects. Standard operating room clipboard Windows systems allows you to remember information, but each subsequent copying of information to the clipboard leads to the fact that the previous contents of the buffer disappear and are replaced by new ones. Well, of course it's inconvenient! Therefore, there are and continue to appear programs that expand the capabilities of the clipboard and allow you to store several copied objects in the computer memory at once various formats. ArsClip is an advanced clipboard, a free program that can store any number of memorized items.

How to expand the clipboard

When information enters the clipboard, the ArsClip utility immediately copies the contents of the buffer to its storage and generates a list of copied elements. To insert one or another previously copied content, the user simply needs to select the desired element in the ArsClip storage by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Z. For convenience, in the list of saved elements, opposite each element, an icon of the application in which the copy was made to the buffer is displayed, and a fragment of the content that was extracted from the buffer. To copy to the ArsClip buffer, the user uses the familiar Ctrl+C combination or assigns another keyboard shortcut to this action.

Screenshots of the ArsClip program

When working on a computer, we are often faced with the need to copy information from one document to another.

In this case, we select a piece of data and then using keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+C or using the context menu we place it in the so-called clipboard.

Clipboard is the area of ​​memory that is used operating system for temporary storage of data.

By copying a piece of text or files, we thereby place them on the clipboard, from which we can later paste the data into another document or another location on the disk.

But there is a fairly significant limitation - in Windows we can only store one piece of information on the clipboard at a time. If we place a new piece of data on the clipboard, the previous data will be erased.

For example, quite often I need to collect fragments of text from other documents or web pages in one text document. And this is where the desire to expand the functionality of the standard clipboard arises.

The clipboard manager program will help us with this .

The essence of the program is simple - it monitors the Windows clipboard and automatically saves its contents, which are later located in the program history. Thus, from the generated history we can select any piece of data that we previously copied.

Saves all data, not just text fragments. This means that if you copied files or images, they will also be saved in the program and you will be able to access them later, even after restarting the computer!

The program is free and has a Russian-language interface. You can download it from the official website.

Let's download and install the program. This process is standard and I will not dwell on it in detail.

After the program is installed, select its interface language. Then the program setup wizard will start, which also serves as instructions for working with .

You can complete the training and at the same time set up hot keys, which are very convenient to use. But they can be configured later, so I'll cancel this wizard.

After the program is installed on your computer, its icon will appear in the notification area. Let’s right-click on it and make sure that the “Watch clipboard” option is enabled, that is, the program generates a history from the contents of the clipboard.

For example, I have some Text Document. Select a piece of text and copy it to the clipboard using keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+C. Then I'll select another fragment and copy it using the context menu.

Now I have the last copied fragment of text on the clipboard and I can paste it to any other place in the current document or to any place in another document. If I need to paste the first copied fragment, then I run the program left-click on the icon in the notification area, and then select required fragment from the history.

Next, I double-click with the left mouse button on the desired fragment and it is inserted into that place in open document, where is text cursor. You can also insert the desired fragment through the context menu.

By the way, the program window can be called up with a keyboard shortcut Ctrl+D. This method is usually more convenient and faster.

If there are a lot of saved fragments in the history, then you can use the search located at the bottom of the window. At the same time, we enter any text that may be in the fragment we are looking for.

If any of the previously copied fragments is no longer needed, then it can be deleted from the history.

As you can see, using the program is very simple!

U There are also settings, of which there are quite a lot. But there’s not much to change here. If you wish, you can view them. You can call the settings window through the “File” menu or by pressing the key F4.

Here, perhaps, the most interesting section is “Hot Keys”. Using it, you can change or simply remember the keys that will be responsible for certain operations, for example, launching a program or copying a piece of data from the history to the clipboard. Using hot keys will significantly speed up your work with the program.

And one moment. The program is free for non-commercial use. For now it is working for us in trial mode, as evidenced by the inscription on the toolbar.

To activate the program you need to get a free key. To do this, in the “Help” menu, select the “Activate for free” item.

We copy the key to the clipboard, for example, through the context menu and then paste it into the program window that appears.

The program is now registered.

I'll end here short review programs . I hope it will be for you an indispensable assistant when working on a computer.

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