Project: "search and research activities of older preschoolers in the study of inanimate nature. Water." Search activity of preschool children with the participation of parents Search activity in preschool

Krivosheeva Irina Vladimirovna
MADOU "Kindergarten of a combined type No. 15, village. Kabansk"
A Chinese proverb says:
“Tell me and I’ll forget, show me and I’ll remember,
let me try and I’ll understand.”
Everything is absorbed firmly and for a long time,
when a child hears, sees and does it himself.
Life in all its manifestations is becoming more diverse and complex; The further it goes, the more it requires from a person not stereotyped, habitual actions, but mobility of thinking, quick orientation, and a creative approach to solving large and small problems. The preschool institution and parents are faced with a task of essential importance: to ensure that every child grows up not only as a conscious member of society, not only as a healthy and strong person, but also - necessarily! - proactive, thoughtful, capable of a creative approach to any task.

The path to becoming a creative personality is complex and difficult. But these great difficulties can also give great joys: the joy of overcoming, the joy of discovery, the joy of creativity. Any activity proceeds more effectively and produces high-quality results if the individual has strong motives, bright, deep, evoking a desire to act actively, with full dedication, to overcome life’s difficulties, unfavorable conditions, circumstances, and to persistently move towards the intended goal.
One such activity is experimentation. In the works of many domestic teachers Poddyakov N.N. (Nikolai Nikolaevich) Usova A.P., E.L. Panko says that “children’s experimentation claims to be a leading activity during the period of preschool development,” and identifies the main feature of this cognitive activity: the child learns an object in the course of practical activities with it. The practical actions carried out by the child perform a cognitive, orientation and research function, creating conditions in which the content of a given object is revealed.
N.N. Poddyakov identifies two main types of orientation-research (search) activity in preschool children.
The first is characterized by the fact that activity in the process of activity comes entirely from the child himself. He acts as its full-fledged subject, independently building his activity: setting its goals, looking for ways and means to achieve them, etc. In this case, the child, in the activity of experimentation, satisfies his needs, his interests, his will.
The second type of orientation-research (search) activity is organized by an adult, who identifies the essential elements of the situation and teaches the child a certain algorithm of actions. Thus, the child receives the results that were previously determined by the adult.

Children are explorers by nature. An unquenchable thirst for new experiences, curiosity, a constant desire to experiment, and independently seek new information about the world are traditionally considered as the most important features of children's behavior. Research and search activity is the natural state of a child: he is determined to discover the world, he wants to know it. To explore, discover, study means to take a step into the unknown, to get the opportunity to think, try, search, experiment, and most importantly, express yourself.
In this regard, in order to study the conditions for organizing experimental activities of children in the older group, diagnostics were carried out using the “Choice of Activity” method by Lyudmila Nikolaevna Prokhorova. This technique explores the preferred type of activity and reveals the place of children's experimentation in children's preferences.
The results showed that three groups of children can be distinguished according to the level of development of children's experimentation.
The first group included 5 children, which is 20%. The cognitive attitude of preschoolers towards experimental activities is stable. They show initiative and creativity in solving problematic problems. They see the problem. They actively make assumptions. Consciously choose objects and materials for independent experimental activities in accordance with their qualities, properties, and purpose. In a dialogue with an adult, the course of the experimental activity is explained. They bring the matter to an end. They formulate in speech whether the result has been achieved or not. They draw conclusions.
The second group includes 13 children - that’s 52%. In most cases, the child shows an active cognitive interest in experimental activities. Sees a problem sometimes with a little help from an adult, makes suggestions with a little help from others (peers or an adult). Takes an active part in planning experimental activities together with an adult. Prepares material for experimentation based on qualities and properties. Can formulate conclusions based on leading questions.
And in the third group there are 7 children – that’s 28%. They rarely show cognitive interest in experimental activities. They can see the problem only with the help of an adult. Take part in planning experimental activities at the suggestion of an adult. With the help of an adult, prepare material for the experiment. They are not always able to formulate a conclusion; they need a hint from an adult or an example from their peers.
Reasons for the low level of mastery of experimental activities by children of senior preschool age:
1. Cognitive interest is unstable;
2. Children do not always see the problem;
3. Inactive in putting forward ideas;
4. The desire for independence is not expressed;
5. Use evidence with the help of an adult.
Researcher Pavlov I.P. considered observation to be one of the most important qualities of a researcher, without which it is impossible to make a single discovery. Observation is a very complex process and requires enormous concentration of attention, intellectual and volitional efforts.
Experimental activities are closely related to different types of activities. One of which is labor.
It may not be associated with experimentation, but there is no experimentation without performing labor actions.
On the one hand, the presence of labor and observation skills in children creates favorable conditions for experimentation; on the other hand, experimentation, especially one that arouses great interest in the child, contributes to the development of observation and the formation of labor skills.
Cognitive and research activities permeate all areas of children's life, including play. Play in exploration often develops into real creativity.
In our work with children, we attach great importance to gaming technologies, using didactic games: “Answer quickly”, “When it happens”, “Body”, “Who can name the most objects”, “What grows where?” Such games help in familiarizing children with natural phenomena.
Verbal games: “What’s extra?”, “Good-bad”, “Finish the sentence”, etc. develop children’s attention, imagination, and increase knowledge about the world around them.
Construction games with sand and water help solve many problematic situations, for example: why dry sand flows, but wet sand does not; where a grain will grow faster in the ground or sand; Which things do water benefit and which things harm? All these questions force children to think, compare and draw conclusions.
Experimentation and speech development are very closely related. This can be clearly seen at all stages of the experiment - when formulating the goal, during the discussion of the methodology and progress of the experiment, when summing up the results and giving a verbal report of what was seen. It is necessary to note the two-way nature of these connections. The ability to clearly express one's thoughts (i.e., well-developed speech) facilitates the experiment, while the addition of knowledge contributes to the development of speech. Consequently, without the addition of knowledge, the development of speech would be reduced to simple manipulation of words.
The connection between experimentation and the formation of elementary mathematical concepts does not require special proof. During experiments, there is a constant need to count, measure, compare, determine shape and size, and perform other operations. All this gives mathematical concepts real significance and contributes to their understanding. At the same time, mastery of mathematical operations facilitates experimentation.
Experimentation is also associated with other types of activities - reading fiction, music and physical education.
Children maintain interest in experiments if the result is visible immediately or after a short time. Experiments with living nature, as a rule, are mostly long-term and require a certain patience from preschoolers, as a result of which interest in such activities often fades and the purpose of experimentation is forgotten by children. Therefore, to develop interest in search and research activities, we use experiments and experiences with inanimate nature, introducing children to the properties of water, sand, earth, clay, air, etc. They are carried out both in classes and in free independent and joint activities with the teacher. Research provides an opportunity to find the answers to the questions “how?” and why?"
One of the conditions for solving problems in experimental activities in kindergarten is the organization of a developmental environment. The object environment surrounds and influences the child from the first minutes of his life. The main requirements for the environment as a developmental tool are to ensure the development of active independent children's activities. However, in order for the objective material of the environment, which is given at the free disposal of children, to become a stimulus, a source of research and search activity of preschoolers, they must have developed a minimum of knowledge and methods of action on which the child could rely.
In this regard, a mini-laboratory has been created, where conditions have been created for joint and independent experimentation and the development of children’s search activity.
When setting up the experimentation corner, the following requirements were taken into account:
safety for the life and health of children;
age characteristics of children
accessibility of location

The laboratory has a variety of equipment:
Various instruments: scales, magnifying glasses, magnets, microscopes, magnifying glasses;
A variety of vessels made of various materials: glass, metal, plastic;
Natural materials: leaves, sand, clay, earth, seeds;
Nuts, paper clips, screws, nails, wire;
Medical materials: pipettes, flasks, syringes, measuring spoons, cotton wool, bandage;
Waste material: plastic, pieces of fabric, leather, fur;
Flour, salt, soda, candles, lanterns;
Children's robes, aprons;
Schemes for conducting experiments;
Journal for recording results.

Gradually, with the help of parents, we replenish the “laboratory” with new materials for experiments, support the interest of children, allowing them to reproduce the experience again and confirm their ideas.

When organizing experimental activities with children, we use the following forms of work:

* educational activities;
* conversations;
* didactic and educational games and exercises;
* role-playing games;
* experiments and experiments;
* use of multimedia, video slides;
* photoshoot;
* card index of experiments;
* competitions, holidays and entertainment.

The implementation of the set tasks is fully possible only if there is close interaction between the kindergarten and the family.
You see the forms of working with parents on the screen, one of which is a survey

Design of visibility;
group parent meetings;
"Open Days";
involving parents in the preparation and holding of holidays, entertainment, and open events;
Section in the parent corner “Ask! We answer!”;
Card file "Experiments"
organization of thematic exhibitions of joint creativity with children;

Questionnaire for parents:
1. Is your child active in research? What?
2.What objects and materials does your child like to experiment with?
3. Does the child continue the experimentation started in kindergarten at home?
If yes, how often?
4. Do you take part in your child’s experimental activities?
If yes, which one?
5. If the child achieves any result of the experiment, does he share it with
you with your discoveries?

This is the basis for the active introduction of children's experimentation into the practice of our work. We have developed the project “Children’s experimentation - young researcher”

Project "Children's experimentation - young researcher"
Project forms: elementary search activities, experiments, experiments
Means: search actions
Project type: Group
Conditions: gradual complication - from simple to complex, organization of conditions for independent and educational activities, use of problematic situations.
Relevance: During preschool childhood, along with play activities, search and cognitive activity is of great importance in the development of a child’s personality, which we understand not only as the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities, but, mainly, as the search and acquisition of knowledge independently by the child or under the tactful guidance of an adult, carried out in the process of interaction, cooperation, co-creation.
The goal of our project:
- Develop children's cognitive abilities through experimental activities.
- Develop your own learning experience.
- Arouse a desire for search activity.
Providing methods:
Exploratory observations and experiments:
random observations and experiments, planned observations and experiments.
Conducting experiments (practical).
Conversations (constructive).
Preparatory stage:
Preparing material for children's activities
Selection of children's and scientific literature.

The main form of children's experimental activity, which we actively use, is experiments. We conduct them both in classes and in joint activities with children in special moments.
When introducing children to objects of inanimate nature, we developed a long-term plan, which we divided into seven blocks:
1. Stones.
2. Soil.
3. Sand, clay.
4. Water.
5. Air.
6. Paper
7. World of fabric
A number of classes were held to introduce the stones. One of which is the educational “Amazing Stones”, where children remembered the plot of Bazhov’s fairy tale “The Malachite Box”, watched a slide show about the location of the stones, and conducted experiments. At home, together with my parents, I made various crafts from stones.
In the “Soil” block, we looked at the soil through a magnifying glass, talked about how it affects plant growth, and in the group organized a mini-garden where we observed the growth of plants.
In the block “Sand, clay” - looking at them through a magnifying glass, we discovered that the sand consists of small crystals - grains of sand, this explains the property of dry sand - flowability. And wet clay has properties - viscosity.
When getting acquainted with the following blocks “Water”, experiments were carried out: “Pour in - pour out”, “Let’s paint over the water”, “Transforming water into ice”, “Sinking - not drowning”, etc.
All children take an active part in the process of conducting experiments. It was discovered that water is a liquid, has no odor, color, shape, and can freeze.
These experiments somehow remind the children of magic tricks, they are unusual, and most importantly, the children do everything themselves. Thus, we develop in children curiosity, observation, the ability to communicate and find ways to solve problem situations.
Expected result of our project:
Thus, familiarizing preschoolers with the phenomena of inanimate nature occupies a special place in the system of diverse knowledge about the environment. By including it in the process of searching for the cause of a particular physical phenomenon, we create the prerequisites for the formation of new practical and mental actions in them. The result of the implementation of the project “Children's experimentation - young researcher” is the experience acquired by children of seeing objects and phenomena, peering into them, developing attention, visual and auditory sensitivity, expanding vocabulary and enriching speech communication based on cultural norms.

“The more the child saw, heard, experienced,
the more elements of reality
he has in his experience,
the more significant and productive, all other things being equal
conditions will be his creative activity"
L.S. Vygotsky

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Technologies for children's experimentation in preschool institutions are often aimed at integration with various areas of children's activities. The basis of the work of teachers in this direction are methods that enhance the developmental function of teaching.

The teaching staff sets a goal to solve the following tasks in the process of organizing search and research activities:

  • develop children’s ability to interact with the object being studied, that is, equip them with new ways of understanding the world around them;
  • develop cognitive mental processes;
    to form clear ideas about the diversity of the world in a system of relationships and interdependencies.

Creating conditions for the development of children's research skills

In a preschool institution, optimal conditions are created for the development of children’s research skills, their practical knowledge of the world around them and the streamlining of their ideas about phenomena, environmental objects and their interdependence.

In each age group, corners of wildlife are created, water and sand centers are set up, where children can learn more about the properties of natural objects.

For pupils of older groups, experimentation corners are created in which a variety of materials and equipment for experiments are placed. There is everything necessary for children to acquire their own educational experience.

In addition to equipment for special corners, in each group teachers make educational games and aids from residual and natural materials for individual work.

Forms of organization and methodology for conducting search and research activities

Teachers use technologies for children's experimentation in all types of children's activities. The basis of the work are classes of a complex type, in which much attention is paid to solving problematic problems such as: “What do you think, why ...”, “How to prove that ...”, “What will happen if ...” and the like. This enables children to better understand cause-and-effect relationships in the environment.

Thus, developing the communicative and speech abilities of children, teachers invite students to use the appropriate card diagram, make an imaginary journey to some natural object, and then compose a story on its behalf.

Children like this form of work called the “Auction of Ideas.” During such an auction, children describe the characteristic features of the proposed object or material and evaluate them from the point of view of practical use by humans in the present time and in the future.

Implementing the task of forming elementary mathematical concepts, educators teach children to count, measure, and compare. After all, mastery of mathematical operations gives children the opportunity to consciously and systematically conduct experiments and independently analyze their results.

Preschoolers’ search and research activities achieve the greatest results during the implementation of projects. Teachers can create situations of success for each child thanks to a differentiated approach to conducting experimental activities.

For children’s self-affirmation, it is very important to support the initiative and activity of each pupil and fill his life with bright impressions and discoveries. For example, in the process of implementing the “Miracle Vegetables” project, with the help of interesting experiments and observations, children get acquainted with the characteristics of certain vegetables, their medicinal properties, and learn to practically use the acquired knowledge.

During the presentation of the project results, each child presents a model “Vegetables in our lives” made together with their parents.

In the course of search and research activities, educators, interacting with children, always rely on their direct experience, enrich it, and encourage children to actively explore the world.

Teachers do not provide children with ready-made knowledge and do not offer methods of action, but create problematic situations, in solving which children activate their previous experience and enrich it with new knowledge and skills.

Children consolidate the knowledge acquired during search and research activities throughout the year in play, theater, and visual activities.

The integrated use of children's experimentation in various spheres of preschoolers' life makes it possible to fully realize our children's need for new impressions, knowledge, and self-affirmation.

Olga Zinchenko
Organization of search and cognitive activities in preschool educational institutions

Preschool children are explorers by nature. A tireless thirst for new experiences, curiosity, a constant desire to experiment, and independently seek new information about the world are traditionally considered as the most important features of children's behavior.

Of particular importance for the development of a preschooler’s personality is his assimilation of ideas about the reciprocity of nature and man. Mastering the methods of practical interaction with the environment ensures the formation of the child’s worldview and his personal growth. Plays a significant role in this direction search and cognitive activity of preschool children, taking place in the form of experimental actions.

At preschool educational institution organization of search-cognitive work with children proceeds in three interrelated directions, each of which is represented by several terms:

1. Wildlife (diversity of living organisms, characteristic features of seasons in different natural and climatic zones, etc.)

2. Inanimate nature (water, air, soil, sound, light, color, etc.)

3. Man (functioning body, man-made world: materials and their properties, transformation of objects, etc.)

Depending on the age of the children, all topics become more complex in content, tasks and methods of implementation. Particular attention is paid to the formation of a holistic view of nature and man’s place in it. Children form their first ideas about the relationships that exist in nature and, on this basis, develop a responsible attitude towards the environment and their health.

The more varied and interesting search activity, the more new information a child receives, the faster and more fully his development occurs. This activity begins in early childhood - differentiation of objects by color, shape, size, and purpose occurs. Sensory standards are mastered. Children learn to consider a phenomenon as a system of connections between the components of the phenomenon according to lines: past – present – ​​future to identify the relationships between objects of the man-made world (e.g. wood, boards, chair) or wildlife (e.g. egg, chick, hen).

In the middle group, children learn to perform a number of actions (make experiments) in accordance with the models, determine goals and achieve appropriate results. Using a systematic approach, an idea of ​​oneself is formed (past, present, future, one’s family (family members as parts of a system in temporal development). Ideas about objects, natural phenomena and the man-made world are expanding. At this stage it is necessary to develop the ability to analyze, identify

essential characteristics of substances, materials, objects.

In older preschool age, children learn to act in accordance with models that determine conditions and content of activities:

Define the goal activities, conditions for its achievement;

With the help of an adult, and later independently, draw up a model of the stages activities;

Make suggestions about the expected result, indicate it using conventional symbol;

Be able to check the results activities with a goal and adjust your activity.

One of the components of the natural scientific development environment is the laboratory, which plays an important research and educational role. Here children acquire skills in working with the simplest research instruments and make their first discoveries. In the children's research laboratory, children can independently reproduce simple and more complex experiments. The laboratory is constantly updated with new material for experimentation, which is located in a place accessible to children. In the corner there are various devices: scales, magnifying glasses, compass; various vessels from different materials: glass, metal, plastic; natural material: leaves, sand, clay, earth, gravel, seeds; junk material: plastic, pieces of fabric, leather, fur, nuts, paper clips, wire; medical materials: pipettes, flasks, syringes, measuring spoons, cotton wool, phonendoscope; journal for recording results; children's aprons, bathrobes.

Basic forms and methods of work in the laboratory are:

Experiments (research activity, observations, discussions, conversations.

An important component of the natural science development environment is "pets' corner", the functional role of which is to form the cognitive qualities of the child, to cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards all living things. Educational classes, conversations, and didactic games are held here. Children watch animals and plants and examine them.

The developmental environment in the group, which performs a teaching function and develops the imagination and thinking of children, is of great cognitive importance. Games, thematic exhibitions, reading fiction and encyclopedic literature are held here.

Children are happy to tell their parents about their discoveries and conduct experiments at home independently and with the help of their parents. Therefore, it is important to inform and advise parents on working in this direction.

Educational and methodological manual

Search and research activities with children in preschool educational institutions

Gross Elvira Nikolaevna,
teacher of the 1st categoryGBDOU d/s#41
Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg,

Relevance of the problem. Of particular importance for the development of a preschooler’s personality is familiarization with the surrounding reality, when it stands before him in all its diversity and the child becomes involved in everything that society lives on. The child is trying to understand how objects work and learn something new about the world. With the help of search and research activities, you can support and develop a child’s interest in research, gaining experience in successful own research activities, developing perception, thinking, and most importantly, speech: the ability to think, reason and analyze.

Children are inquisitive explorers of the world around them, and this feature is inherent in them by nature. At one time, I.M. Sechenov wrote about the innate and precious property of the neuropsychic organization of a child - an unconscious desire to understand the life around him. Search and research activities develop and consolidate the child’s cognitive attitude towards the world around him. With the mastery of speech, the cognitive activity of a preschooler rises to a new qualitative level. In speech, children’s knowledge is generalized, the ability for analytical and synthetic activity is formed not only in relation to directly perceived objects, but also on the basis of ideas.

In our time, the social order has changed in the issue of raising and educating children: yesterday a “performer” was needed, and today a creative person with an active life position, with his own logical thinking. Learning should be “problematic”, i.e. must contain elements of exploratory search. It must be organized according to the laws of scientific research and built as an independent creative search.

The work of a teacher in problem-based learning is to create a cognitive task, situation and provide children with the opportunity to find means of solving it, using previously acquired knowledge and skills.

N.N. Poddyakov identifies experimentation as the main type of search and research activity: “The more varied and intense the search activity, the more new information the child receives, the faster and more fully he develops.”

He identifies two main types of indicative research activities:

1. Activity in the process of activity comes entirely from the child. At first, the child seems to disinterestedly try out different objects, then acts as a full-fledged subject, independently constructing his activity: setting a goal, looking for ways and means of achieving it, etc. in this case, the child satisfies his needs, his interests, his will.

2. The activity is organized by an adult, he identifies the essential elements of the situation, and teaches children a certain algorithm of actions. Thus, children receive the results that were determined for them in advance.

There are different forms of working with children: group, subgroup and individually. In order to develop in children the ability to doubt and think critically, preference should be given to group and subgroup forms of work.

Communication and joint activities with adults develop the child’s ability to set goals and act, imitating him. And in joint activities with peers, the child begins to use forms of adult behavior: control, evaluate, disagree, argue. This is how the need arises to coordinate your actions with the actions of your partners, to accept their point of view. Therefore, search and research activities are organized in the form of a dialogue between the child and the adult and other children in the group.

The basis of problem-based learning is questions and tasks that are offered to children. Questions are often used that encourage children to make comparisons, to establish similarities and differences. Thanks to comparison, the child understands the surrounding nature better, identifies new qualities and properties in an object, which makes it possible to take a fresh look at what seemed ordinary and familiar.

Experimental work with children is based on observations in nature during warm and cold periods. Particular attention is paid to the warm period, when children spend a lot of time outdoors. It is important to consolidate and clarify the knowledge already acquired by children, to introduce new materials in an entertaining, playful way.

Summary of integrated direct educational activities in the preparatory group on the topic: “The Journey of a Droplet.”

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Socialization”, “Communication”, “Security”.

Relevance. Search and research activity among older preschoolers, along with play, is the child’s leading activity. For the development of a preschooler’s personality, it is of particular importance that he acquire ideas about the relationship between nature and man.

Target: development of cognitive interest in activities in the form of experimental actions and mastery of methods of practical interaction with the environment.



Ø Introduce children to the water cycle in nature, explain the cause of precipitation in the form of rain and snow;

Ø Expand children’s understanding of the importance of water for human life;

Ø Stimulate children's interest in experimentation and independent understanding of ongoing processes.


Ø Develop mental operations: analysis, synthesis, classification, etc. in the process of learning the natural picture of the world;

Ø Develop social skills in children: the ability to work in a group, negotiate, take into account the opinion of a partner, prove the correctness of one’s opinion.


Ø Foster respect for water;

Ø Form a consciously correct attitude towards human activity;

Ø Bring children to understand the “unity of man and nature.”

Preliminary work:

Reading a poem about water. Examination of an illustration on the theme “Water”, a diagram of the “Water Cycle in Nature”, and a globe. Reading and looking at illustrations in an encyclopedia on a given topic. Observing precipitation in nature during walks. Conversations about the rules of behavior near a reservoir and the use of water.

Materials for experimentation:

Electric kettle, cold glass, water, water containers of different shapes, illustrations on the theme “Water”, diagram-illustration “Water cycle in nature”, globe, mnemonic table, handouts for children.

Progress of activities:

Today we will talk about natural wealth. You will find out what will be discussed after completing the task.

Ciphergram "Water".

On the carpet there is a ciphergram consisting of 4 empty cells. Under each The cell contains a picture. Children need to select a sound from the name of the picture: from the name of 1 picture - 1 sound (cherry); from title 2 - 2 sound (cat), etc. As a result, the word “water” is formed.

That's right - this is water, one of the most important resources on our planet. There is not a single living organism on earth that can live without water. Plants absorb water from the soil and air. Animals look for open spaces of water - watering holes. They can be streams, springs, rivers, lakes. Children, please look at the globe. Here we see that most of the land is washed by oceans and seas. That's why our Earth is called the blue planet.

Every day we also drink water: we eat soup, drink tea, compote. Without water, there will be no bread, no vegetables and fruits, no butter and sugar, or other food products on the table.

- How does water in the seas and oceans differ from water in lakes, rivers, and springs?

The water in the seas and oceans is salty and not suitable for drinking. Rivers, lakes and ponds contain fresh water. After cleaning, it is used for drinking.

- Where does water get into our apartments?(from water treatment plants).

Our city is large and needs a lot of clean water. Therefore, we also take a lot of water from rivers. Why then does the water in the rivers not end? How does a river replenish its supplies?

Let's boil water in an electric kettle.

Children help pour water into the kettle, the teacher turns on the kettle, and everyone watches it together from a safe distance.

What comes out of the kettle spout when water boils? Where did the steam come from in the kettle - we poured water?(Water turned into steam when heated).

The teacher brings cold glass to the stream of steam. After holding it over the steam for some time, turns off the kettle.

V-l: Look what happened to the glass. Where did the water droplets on the glass come from? Before the experiment, the glass was clean and dry. (When the steam hit the cold glass, it turned into water again.)

You can give children the opportunity to repeat this experience, but under the supervision of a teacher.

V-l: This is what happens in nature (shows the diagram “The Water Cycle in Nature”). Every day the Sun heats the water in the seas and rivers, just as it was just heated in our kettle. Water turns into steam. As steam, tiny, invisible droplets of moisture rise into the air. The air near the surface of the water is always warmer. The higher the steam rises, the colder the air becomes. The steam turns back into water. The droplets all gather together and form a cloud. When there are a lot of water droplets, they become very heavy for the cloud and fall as rain on the ground.

Physical education minute:

Development of coordination of speech with movement

Lives in seas and rivers ( wave-like movements of the hands).

But often flies across the sky ( movements with crossed hands).

And she gets bored of flying ( swinging your arms - lowering them down).

It falls to the ground again.

Vs: Who can tell us how snowflakes are formed?

Snowflakes form in the same way as raindrops. When it is very cold, drops of water turn into ice crystals - snowflakes and fall to the ground as snow. Rain and melted snow flow into streams and rivers, which carry their waters into lakes, seas and oceans. They nourish the earth and give life to plants. Then the water repeats its path. This whole process is called water cycle in nature.

Training provided:

There is a vase with balls.

V-l: Imagine that this is a spring. Each take as many balls as you want. Look, the spring has dried up. What conclusion do we draw from this? That we must save water so that there is enough for everyone.

And now we will remember the rules for using water.

Rules for using water:

1. Close the water tap.

2. Do not release water in a strong stream.

3. Take as much water as needed.

Vs: We all like to relax by the pond. But do we always behave correctly when near water? Now we will see how a person can pollute water. Imagine such a case. The driver washed the car in the river. Gasoline and lubricating oils got into the water. Vacationers threw cans, bottles, and watermelon rinds. How will fish and other creatures feel in such water? (Children's answers).

Q: Is it possible to swim in such water? (Children's answers). That's right guys, this water is dangerous to health.

Rules of conduct near the reservoir:

2. You cannot swim in dirty water or in an unfamiliar place.

3. Do not catch the inhabitants of the reservoir.

4. Do not pick aquatic flowers.

Summing up the activities. Clarify that each child learned something new.

Used Books:

Tugusheva G.P. Chistyakova A.E. “Experimental activities of children of middle and senior preschool age”, 2007;

Magazine "Preschool Education" No. 3, 2007. - “Development of creative potential in the process of problem-based learning”;

Wenger L.A., Mukhina V.S. “Psychology” / Wenger L.A., Mukhina V.S. - M.: Education, 1988;

Vygotsky L.S. “Imagination and its development in childhood” / L.S. Vygotsky// “Anthology on Developmental Psychology”: Textbook. allowance / Comp. L.M. Semenyuk - M.: Voronezh, 2003;

Zaporozhets A.V. “Issues of psychology of a preschool child” / Ed. Zaporozhets A.V., Leontyeva A.I. - M.: Pedagogy, 1995;

Korotkova T.A. “Cognitive and research activity of a senior preschool child in kindergarten” / Korotkova T.A. // “Preschool education” - 2003 - No. 3;

“Organization of experimental activities of preschool children”: Methodological recommendations / ed. Prokhorova L.N. - M.: “Arkti”, 2004.

Nomination “Extracurricular activities and additional education during childhood”

“Formation of the foundations of search and research activities of children of senior preschool age with the participation of parents” (from work experience)

Preschool age is unique, that’s why
it is important not to miss this period
to unlock creative potential
every child.
S. Gin

Every child strives for discovery from the first minute of life, and we, adults, need to help him in this by organizing support for research activities. Parents play an exceptionally large role in carrying out such enormous work.

When introducing a preschooler to the world around him, research activities and activity come to the fore. Curiosity and the desire to learn are placed at the forefront when implementing preschool education programs. Research activity creates conditions for mental development, then smoothly transitioning into self-development, so this process should not be interfered with, it is enough just to direct it in the right direction.

The results of modern psychological and pedagogical research (Yu.K. Babansky, L.A. Venger, N.A. Vetlugina, N.N. Poddyakov, etc.) show that in the course of experimental cognitive activity situations are created that the child resolves through conducting an experiment and, analyzing, draws a conclusion, independently mastering the idea of ​​a particular physical law or phenomenon.

As for interests and topics for research, older preschoolers prefer experiments in which cause-and-effect relationships are visible.Working in my group, I noted the fact that every child strives for discovery, and we, adults, need to help him in this by organizing support for research activities.

At each age stage, cognitive activity has its own forms of behavioral manifestations and requires special conditions for its formation. Preschool children, especially older preschool children, are capable of such mental operations as analysis and synthesis. Based on this ability, an appropriate teaching method can be applied.Paying due attention to this topic, I understand that the main advantage of using the experimentation method in kindergarten is that during the experiment:

  • Children get real ideas about the various aspects of the object being studied, about its relationships with other objects and with the environment.
  • The child’s memory is enriched, his thought processes are activated, as the need constantly arises to perform operations of analysis and synthesis, comparison and classification.
  • The child’s speech develops, since the preschooler needs to give an account of what he saw, formulate discovered patterns and conclusions.
  • There is an accumulation of a fund of mental techniques and operations that are considered as mental skills.
  • Children's experimentation is also important for the formation of independence, goal setting, and the ability to transform any objects and phenomena to achieve a certain result.
  • In the process of experimental activities, the child’s emotional sphere and creative abilities develop, work skills are formed, and health is improved by increasing the overall level of physical activity.

I carried out my work for a year in the Archimedes research corner.

Experimental activities were distributed according to thematic areas: living nature, inanimate nature, humans. In the corner I designed research material, a card index accessible for children to experiment with, and a series of experiments with objects of living and inanimate nature.

Experimenting with air “The Invisible Among Us”, with sand “Drawing with Sand”, water “Droplets”, with sunlight “Golden Ray”, with plants “Colorful Plants”, soil “Healthy Environment”. She added encyclopedias “Cosmos”, “Science for Children”, “Discoverers”.

When setting up a corner in the group, the following requirements were taken into account: safety, mobility, sufficiency, accessibility of the location for children.

To organize independent children's activities, I developed card diagrams for conducting experiments. Together with the children, she developed symbols, permission and prohibition signs. I change the material for conducting experiments in the corner in accordance with the work plan on this topic.

The technology of research activities provides the child with the opportunity to find answers to the questions “how?” and “why?”, but for this I try to provide not only equipment for research, but also to create a problem situation, the solution of which leads to the discovery of any patterns, properties, phenomena. To support interest in experimentation, some problem situations are formulated on behalf of fairy-tale characters. The “Stargazer” “lives” in the laboratory, on whose behalf tasks, experiences and experiments are offered. Our students are interested in a wide variety of experiments with substances and objects.

A well-thought-out system of cooperation with parents is of great importance in working with preschoolers. At a parent meeting« The role of the family in developing a child’s interest in experimental activities" showed a lesson with elements of experimentation “We are droplets”. Through various types of visual propaganda, I convince parents to encourage the child’s desire to learn new things, independently figure out the incomprehensible, and delve into the essence of objects and phenomena.

I developed consultations "Why Chicks and Curiosities", "From perception to research". Thanks to the work done, parents eagerly responded to participate in the group project “Why does a cook need mathematics?”

At the organizational stage I developed a plan for working with children and parents, and held an individual conversation about maintaining children’s cognitive interest in learning new things about the profession of a cook.

At the main stage There was direct interaction between parents and children. In organizing such activities, the main principle is: for the development of a child, it is not the abundance of knowledge that is decisive, but the way of assimilating it. Joint activities are based on supporting children's initiative and research activity.

An adult can, together with a child, search for ways to use different materials or objects of the surrounding world, clarify their purpose, conduct experiments and observations. If necessary, organize a problem situation that children can solve both theoretically and experimentally and answer the questions: “Why do some fruits spoil quickly, while others retain their taste for a long time? How can you use vegetable juice in painting? How much salt do you need to put in the water so that the egg doesn't drown?

19 parents (63%,) took part in this project . They brought books and booklets for the design of the exhibition “Traditions of National Cuisine”, for studying the acidity of vegetables and fruits, indicator paper, semolina and salt, for the visual activities “Bullfinches” and “Baranka”, and participated in the presentation of the project “Wonderful Figures”.

This form of work contributed to the involvement of parents in the educational process. I believe that thanks to the participation of parents in the project, children developed a sense of pride, increased self-esteem, and those children whose parents more often played the role of assistants saw significant progress in the development of cognitive interest.By involving parents in working on the project, I create additional opportunities in the group to reveal the individual abilities of their children. It became noticeable how the status of children prone to creativity, fantasy, “romantics”, and dreamers has increased in the children's team.

Research activities put each child in the position of an active participant, gives the opportunity to realize individual creative ideas, forms information tools, and teaches them to work in a team, performing different social roles. This led to the unity of the children's team and the development of communication skills. An atmosphere of common passion and creativity emerged in our group. Each of the guys makes a feasible contribution to the common cause, and acts as both an organizer and an expert of the activity.

Continuing the theme of developing cognitive and research activity in children, in early February we offered parents a consultation "Organization children's experimentation at home" and, taking into account the individual characteristics of children, their interest, activity, I developed educational experiences and experiments for each family.

86% of parents participated in this work with their children. Together with the children, Vika Kireeva’s family prepared interesting newspapers about their pets and fish - “Kuzya the Talking Parrot”, Alisher Sagadiev’s family - “Aquarium Fish”, Danil Grinko’s family - “Turtle Chip”, Vika Petrova’s family - “Our Hamsters”. Video materials on conducting experiments at home were provided by the following families: Sabina Karaeva (experiment with running sticks), Daniil Kolotov (mixing different liquids), Katya Sorochenko (secret ink).

The guys reviewed all the work done, all the experiments in recordings on slides in the group. During the viewing process, everyone talked about their achievements and impressions. The final stage in the implementation of this project was a thematic exhibition "Experimenting at home". The result of the work was positive.

Thus, we can say that there is a positive dynamics in the development of cognitive processes in the children of our group, with whom systematic work on research and experimentation was carried out at home, and a noticeable increase in the competence of parents in organizing this activity. All activities related to the implementation of search and research activities bring parents, children and teachers closer together, and the educational process makes it fruitful and interesting.

List of used literature

1. Emelyanova, E. Research activities of children / E. Emelyanova // Child in kindergarten, 2009, No. 3.

2. Kulikovskaya I. E., Sovgir N. N. “Children’s experimentation” / Kulikovskaya I. E., Sovgir N. N. - M.: ped. Society of Russia, 2005.

3. Korotkova T. A. “Cognitive and research activities of a senior preschool child in kindergarten” / Korotkova T. A. // “Preschool education”, 2003, No. 3.

4. Parshukova, I. L. Little researchers. Types and structure of research classes in kindergarten / N. L. Parshukova // Preschool pedagogy, 2006, no.

5. Savenkov A.I. “Research methods of teaching in preschool education” / Savenkov A.I. // “Preschool education”, 2005, No. 12.

Project presentation