Promotion on Facebook: the most detailed instructions. Promotion on Facebook - methods of promotion Promotion of a page on facebook

Business and Facebook – a great combination, maximum effect

Facebook: 7 steps to promote your business on this social network

1. Create an interesting homepage
The start page, or as it is also called the Welcome Tab, is the first thing the user will see when they get to your community. It should be informative, bright, and something that will make a person pay attention. The most important task of Welcome Tab is to get the first like from the visitor. The more likes your community gets, the more popular it becomes, and the greater the likelihood that people will learn about you faster.

2. Subject of posts on the page
Many people make one big mistake - they try to advertise as much as possible. On the one hand, the logic of such thinking can be understood. Business pages are created in order to advertise a product or service, and why post something else there. But many studies of Facebook user behavior show that people are very reluctant to accept advertising, especially if it comes in a stream. Know how to wisely dilute your posts, make them thematic, interesting, useful for people, but at the same time not departing from the theme of your company.
A perfect example is Nike's Facebook page. In addition to advertising their new collections, the guys also post various photos and videos of sports competitions. Thus, the brand shows its love for sports, its desire to make the world a better place, to attract as many people as possible to a healthy lifestyle. A very correct decision that allows Nike to collect thousands of likes and improve its reputation every day.
One more piece of advice: if you don’t know how to keep your news feed up-to-date, then you shouldn’t resort to various hackneyed quotes and stories about life. Remember that the Facebook audience is very sophisticated and picky; people don’t come to the network to read various vanilla statuses. You think you are doing well, but there is a high probability that you will simply ruin your reputation and lose valuable subscribers.

3. Follow the frequency
As we have already said, the community must be alive and renewed. To do this, you must determine for yourself some kind of fasting schedule and strictly adhere to it. For example, on Monday you talk about some of your products, their benefits and practicality of use in everyday life, on Wednesday you have an educational day, when you give subscribers thematic information they need, etc.
If you have already made a certain schedule for yourself, then the main thing is to strictly adhere to it and not miss publications. Also pay attention to the frequency of publications throughout the day. Posts should not go one after another with an interval of half an hour. This will only alienate a lot of your subscribers.

4. Update no more than 1-2 times a day
Facebook is qualitatively different from VKontakte in that there is no need to publish 10 posts a day, clogging up the news feed of subscribers. As a rule, one or two posts are enough. Why is that? Facebook has a large virus capacity, and if a person likes, shares or comments on your post, it will automatically appear in the news feed of his friends. This means that you don’t need a lot of posts to interest your audience.
There are also disadvantages to active posting. Firstly, as soon as you publish a new post, the previous one disappears from the news feed, and it may not be seen yet. Secondly, for excessive activity, which may be considered spam, your community may be blocked.

5. Balance between selling and entertaining posts
We have already given an example of how Nike runs its page. You must learn this, you must understand that advertising articles alone will quickly become boring, many subscribers will leave the communities, and you are unlikely to attract new ones. Therefore, your posts should be based on interesting materials on the topics of your business. And from time to time, between the necessary posts, insert announcements and advertisements for your products. As a rule, such a presentation minimally irritates subscribers, and only the most nervous and unbalanced will be dissatisfied with it.
Recent surveys of Facebook users have shown that they are very loyal to those advertising communities where most of the information is useful and not promotional. This is due to the fact that they see how the company cares about the development of its customers, and does not just try to sell the product at any cost.

6. Drive traffic
First, you need to recruit the first subscribers of your community. How to do it? There are many methods, but in the first stages, sending notifications to your clients’ email addresses that you have registered on Facebook will work well, and all relevant and up-to-date information will now be on your official page. Also install social networking plugins on your website pages. This will allow visitors to see that you are on Facebook.
In the future, if your budget allows, you can buy advertising directly within the social network. I will say right away that it is not cheap, and the average cost per click for Russia is about 80 cents. The ideal option, which not everyone is able to implement, is to promote your fan page by network users themselves. Interestingly, the Coca-Cola company has as many as 254 pages on Facebook. Of course, there is only one official one, and everything else was created by fans of this drink. Also noteworthy is the fact that the largest community dedicated to soda has more than 3,000,000 subscribers, and it was created not by the company's marketers, but by two friends from Los Angeles.

7. Pget involved in the community

Many people think that they can gain a certain number of subscribers, buy a program that will make posts, and let everything take its course. Of course, if you don’t care about reputation and the opinions of potential clients are not important to you, then you can do this. Otherwise, you must constantly be aware of what is happening in your community, what people are talking about, what they are asking, what complaints and comments they are making. Have a lively dialogue with them, answer questions, show that you care and that you are interested in their opinion. Such activity will allow you to retain existing subscribers and attract new ones.
Many brands show ideal examples of interaction with their customers. They organize various competitions, conduct surveys, post their videos and photos and themselves on the pages. They do everything so that people feel needed and see that they are part of a large worldwide network of fans of this brand.
Are you ready to promote your business this way? Are you ready to adhere to such rules? Before you go on Facebook, think carefully about everything several times, evaluate your chances and capabilities, so as not to abandon the matter halfway.

Interesting facts about Facebook:
1. If all registered Facebook users were combined into one country, it would be the 5th most populous country in the world, after India, China, USA and Indonesia.

2. More than 800,000 developers are working on applications for Facebook around the world.

3. One Facebook user's post led to him donating a kidney.

4. Facebook was originally created for college students, but now more than 70% of users of this social network are over 26 years old. Perhaps this is due to the fact that they joined Facebook when they were students, but time moves on.

Many entrepreneurs promote their products on Facebook. To stand out among competitors and attract buyers, you need to pay attention to page design. Promotion on Facebook makes a brand more popular and helps increase sales.

People who visit a page first of all pay attention to its appearance. They look at the profile photo, post design, cover. The combination of these elements forms the image of the company.

The beautiful design will be noticed at first sight. This will lead to the visitor studying the information more carefully, liking or subscribing. If the design is chosen poorly, the person will simply close the tab.

Your Facebook page should have a beautiful, memorable design.

Eye-catching design allows you to:

The cover can easily be called the central element of a business page, so the technical requirements for it are stricter than those for the avatar.

For the cover you need to select a high-quality, large-sized image.

The image must be of high quality. Photos taken in PNG format work best. The minimum photo size is 820x312 px. To avoid blurred pixels at high magnification, it is worth uploading an image with a size of 1702x630 px.

Please note that on smartphones the proportions will be changed. This means that the image will be cropped to its width.

To prevent information from being lost, you can do the following:

  1. Make a cover specifically for the mobile version by choosing a photo of 820x462 px. It is slightly cropped in height, but it will look good when downloaded to a smartphone.
  2. Place all information in the center.

Since 2017, instead of photographs, you can use videos for cover design.

They must meet the following requirements:

The first is a standard photo. To create a cohesive avatar, it is combined with the cover. The animated avatar looks interesting. It represents a picture in motion. You can create it using the Facebook application for Android and iOS.

Come up with a nice address

To promote your page quickly, you need to come up with a beautiful address for it in advance. You need to go to the “Information” section. If you can’t come up with one right away, don’t worry: the selected address can be changed at any time.

Choosing the right template

To select a template, you need to go to settings. Here the developers have created a special section in which you can edit the page. Many templates have been created to promote the company. They are grouped into categories, you just need to choose the right one.

When choosing a template, consider the scope of your company.

Companies can select “Services.” The “Politics” template is suitable for public people. Public catering outlets choose “Restaurants and cafes”. You need to find the most suitable option, and then remove unnecessary tabs in the selected template. All the remaining ones can be distributed across the field at your discretion.

Set button

If everything is done correctly, the page owner will see that a button with a call to action has appeared. When you click on it, the visitor will go to the organization’s website or be able to use the application.

When you select a template called “Services,” the button will say “Contact Us.” But it can always be replaced with another one. To do this, click on it and select a more suitable text from the list that appears.

Add a link to your page in your email signature

If you use the Gmail service, you need to log into your account to add a link. In the upper right corner you should select "Options". When the settings open, you need to go to the “General” tab. Here the user will have access to the “Signature” section. This includes your email address and your Facebook address will be added to the form.

Fill in all details

If a company provides more complete information, it will be more trusted by customers. You can talk about services or products; it is useful to add videos and photographs.

It’s good if customers leave their reviews on the page. If there is no website, but there is a group on social networks, you can indicate it on Facebook. This will help connect them.

The account may belong to a private person. In this case, your profile needs to reflect your place of work and position. It is useful to add links to pages on other social networks.

Link your Instagram account

Users who communicate with followers on Instagram can post links to Facebook there. It is also possible to connect these social networks, and then use Ads Manager to conduct advertising campaigns. Linking will allow you to receive complete statistics on them.

How to attract subscribers

There are several ways to attract followers on Facebook. It is best to use all those presented, and then, when the information has been analyzed, select the most effective ones.

Link your group and page

This needs to be done because not all subscribers may know about the group and not all its members may suspect the existence of the page. To ensure that all visitors can access complete information, both sites are connected. This increases the audience. Communication with subscribers will be possible not only on your own behalf, but also on behalf of the community. If necessary, the group can always be unlinked.

Invite people from your email contact list

This method must be used carefully because not all people like being persuaded to do something. If there are those on the list who are loyal to this, you can send them an invitation.

There are 3 dots under the cover of the Facebook page. When you click on this button, a list appears from which you should select “Invite friends.” If there is no command, this means that this function is not supported.

Ask your friends to like your page

When the promotion process is at the very beginning, you can ask your friends to like it. To do this, click on the button with the image of three dots, which is located under the cover. Select “Invite friends” from the list. There are checkboxes next to the people to whom the invitation will be sent. After this, the account owner writes a letter stating a request to like his page.

Send an invitation to every new friend

When a new friend appears on the list, you should write to him and thank him for joining. You can briefly mention the group. It is useful to communicate how often useful content is published that may be useful to the subscriber.

Set up quick replies

With the help of quick replies, communication with subscribers is maintained even in those moments when the moderator is not online. When working with a large audience, automatic responses are required. The message thanks the person for the letter and promises to send a response within a day. In this case, the sender will not expect an immediate response and will remain loyal to the company.

Link your Facebook page to JivoSite online chat

If the account owner responds to messages quickly, Facebook notes this. A business card appears on the page, which displays the response rates as a percentage. The time it takes to receive a response is published. To get such a business card, you need to link Facebook to JivoSite. All incoming emails will be sent to the manager’s chat, and he will be able to respond to them quickly.

For a faster response to visitors' questions, link your Facebook page to the JivoSite online chat.

Provide a link to your page on other social networks

Promote a post on Facebook

Publications are made in order to share interesting materials with the audience and influence it. But only a small part of them will be seen by subscribers. To increase your reach, you need to do promotion.

Before you start promoting on Facebook, you need to determine your goal. The social network must understand what result the account owner wants to get from advertising.

Pages are promoted to achieve the following reaction:

  • get a “Like” from the audience;
  • achieve new clicks on the site;
  • receive feedback (likes of posts or comments on texts).

Most often, publications begin to rise so that traffic goes to the site. If you write a high-quality article, the transition cost will not be high.

Use interesting headlines

Many people think that the title refers to secondary things, but this is not so. The user's desire to read an article is born the moment he looks at its title.

To attract attention, the title must be original and interesting. Internet marketers believe that the best options ask a question, prompt subscribers to take action, or list benefits. A well-written title arouses curiosity.

Post great content on a regular basis

The content must be top-notch. A well-written article has an almost magical effect on the audience. You can write it yourself or order it from a copywriter.

There is a desire to repost and copy high-quality material. Such texts are liked and shared with friends. You need to write regularly. If we look at the statistics, companies that publish materials daily or do so several times a day achieve success faster.

Highlight your best posts

Among the posts that the author of the page publishes, some will receive the most shares and likes. Such materials must be posted in a visible place. This is done so that new readers pay attention to them. Such posts are attached to the top of the feed.

Encourage users to like and repost

Use emoji

About 92% of people use emojis when communicating on the Internet. To win over the reader, you need to use them in the text. When getting acquainted with the materials, page visitors will experience positive emotions.

If you have an online store

Owners of online stores use Facebook to promote products, but they cannot do without a content plan. It is convenient to advertise products if the “Shop” template was selected when opening a business page. It gives you the opportunity to display your products on Facebook and then tag them in publications. If a web page visitor clicks on such a product, the social network will offer him to place an order on the site.

Facebook allows you to track statistics, study your target audience, and monitor your reach. You can measure user engagement and monitor how quickly the community is growing.

To promote the products of your online store on Facebook, when creating a page, select the “Shop” template.

A useful tool will be to assess the greatest activity of visitors. Taking into account the information received, the account owner can create content for the audience. By posting such materials, he will achieve wide coverage, and his products will be in demand among subscribers.

Use high-quality branded images

Pictures must be large in size, at least 1200x630 px for horizontal images and 1200x1200 px for square images. Such photographs are chosen so that users who have large monitors get a high-quality picture.

Contact the administrators of other public pages on Facebook for mutual PR.

When promoting an online store, communication with other administrators is useful. By agreeing on mutual PR, you can find new clients.

It is also worth contacting the admins of large groups. They may recommend a page to subscribers for a fee or under other conditions. A similar assumption can be made to people who conduct mailing lists. All these methods allow you to attract traffic to your site.

Add the Page plugin to your site

With this plugin, visitors will have access to a news feed without having to go to a social network page to view the information. This will allow the company to work more closely with the target audience.

Use the WordPress Lightbox plugin

If your company’s website was made on the WordPress platform, you can increase traffic to your Facebook page by installing a plugin. To launch it, go to the settings, where you specify:

  • what is the page ID;
  • after what time the window will pop up;
  • how often it will be shown to the user;
  • whether the window will close if the client clicks on another area of ​​the screen;
  • On what pages of the site can it be seen?

After installing the plugin, the site visitor will see a pop-up window, as well as a request to like the organization’s Facebook page.

Pin the Hello Bar to the very top of your site

This service is shareware. With its help you can increase traffic to your online store. The page owner determines the color of the banner and its size independently. Here he writes a text with an advertising message or an appeal to clients. The program is easy to work with and full statistics are available.

Give discounts for likes

If you give a discount in an online store for likes, this will help attract many new customers.

Using the paid Coupon App, you can create personal discount coupons. Subscribers activate them only after they like them.

The Group Offers App will allow you to activate the discount when a pre-specified number of customers join the promotion.

Although the programs are paid, there is a free period. During this time, you can evaluate the effectiveness of the chosen strategy.

Buy advertising

If the page is unpopular among users, there are few subscribers, then you need to increase traffic. This is easy to do by purchasing advertising. To do this, you need to select the best post and click on the “Promote publication” button. The account owner will be presented with a form. Having filled in the empty fields, he will send the application, and after a while he will receive the first results in the field of promotion.

Promotion using services

There are several services that can be used to increase traffic. But you need to understand that business proposals will be too expensive for freelancers. And those companies that specialize in promoting personal brands will not be able to work with large companies.

There are several formats of work.

The main ones include:

  1. Attracting the target audience. The customer names the parameters of the people who need to be attracted to the site. This method is one of the most complex and therefore requires financial investment.
  2. Working with live users. There are special exchanges on the network, whose employees will like, leave a comment, or perform other work for a small fee.
  3. Using cheating programs. The work is done by a bot, it subscribes to the page and likes it.
  4. Mutual assistance. Such sites are used by page owners who do not have money to pay for promotion.

There are many services, each offering its own approach. Therefore, before starting cooperation, you need to determine what problem needs to be solved.

How to get your Facebook followers to comment, share and like your posts to the maximum? Every website owner sooner or later asks this question. With around 30 billion posts being created on Facebook every month, getting the attention of users is becoming a challenge.

Large companies spend a lot of resources on promoting their Facebook page. But can a company with a small budget achieve success on this social network? We are sure it can. And we'll tell you how. We've got a few tricks up your sleeve that will help you spice up your Facebook page for free. Read and remember:

stay tuned

Basic things remain the same, but as you know, details make all the difference, so Facebook often pleases us with updates. If you want to maintain activity on your page, you need to always be aware of the latest innovations on the platform and use them in your strategy. A great way to keep up with the news is to regularly visit blogs that cover all the news and events related to social networks (for example, All Facebook or ).

The most significant change in recent times is decrease in organic reach for brands. This means that Facebook intentionally limits the number of views each post on your page receives. There are two ways to deal with this situation: periodically pay to promote the most important posts or optimize them so that they appear in free (organic) search results. Here are a couple of tips to help you promote your content for free.

Post at the right time

Both in everyday life and online: timing is everything. It is important not only to publish interesting and useful content, but also to do it at the right time, otherwise there will be no one to read it. Define your target audience and find out what hours these users are usually online.

Free online tools HootSuite And Buffer will help you analyze activity on your Facebook page and create a posting schedule that best suits your target audience. These apps will also help you set a time frame for posting so that your posts don't appear in your news feed too often.

Test different types of publications

Depending on the content of your Facebook page, different types of content may produce different results. Your job is to understand what your target audience responds to best: images, videos, text links, questions, funny observations, or memes.

Social marketing is not possible without testing. Try different types of publications and compare the audience's reaction to them. This will give you the information you need to further optimize your content.

Don't be afraid to ask people to click the "Like" button, share your posts, or tag their friends in them. If you provide them with quality content, they will be only too happy to oblige. You can experiment with content that already encourages this type of action.

Of course cappuccino! (so we couldn’t resist commenting...)

Optimize your posts with links

You probably already know that when you post a link, Facebook automatically adds a title, subtitle, and a small image to the post. It's worth taking the time to optimize them by adding a more relevant caption or simply text that you think will better grab your audience's attention.

Analyze data from Facebook

To improve your Facebook posts, you need to constantly monitor their performance. Facebook has a built-in analytics tool that can help you get started in the right direction -

Page promotion is a series of activities including:

1) creating incoming targeted traffic to the page.

2) converting him into fans. At the expense of .

3) maintaining the page in such a way that “word of mouth” attracts even more incoming targeted traffic.

4) see point 1

In this article I will only consider free ways to create incoming targeted traffic to your Facebook page.

20 ways to promote and promote Facebook fan page:

1. Ask your friends and friends of friends to join your page.

This way I gained about 30 fans. Don't be afraid to ask for them. Write: “Hi, I created a new page. Take a look, maybe you’ll be interested in this?”

Of course, take into account the information that is written in your friend’s profile. This applies to so-called “friends”. After all, you don’t know everyone (for example, 500 people) who are on your friend lists.

If you offer a page about MLM, and your profile says “I hate MLM,” then you don’t need to ask this person to look at your page. Don't turn this into simple spam.

2. Suggest the page to friends.

Unlike the previous method, this one simply notifies a friend that you invite him to view your page. The response from this method is not very large.

In order to do this, you need to go to your page and click “invite friends”

And from the list that appears, select the friends whom you want to invite to view your page.

3. Install the Facebook social plugin on your blog.

— In the “Width” field, specify the desired width of the plugin

— Check the “Show Faces” box to display the faces of your page’s fans

- Click “Get Code” and select “Iframe”

— Copy and paste the code onto your blog (if you have WordPress), via the “Text” widget

— as a result, the sidebar should have a widget called “let’s be friends on Facebook”

Now blog visitors will be able to click “like” (become a fan of the page) without leaving it.

4. Edit your profile.

5. Find and start communicating on thematic pages and groups.

Communication on thematic pages is a very important element. Because you attract attention to your profile (which contains a link to the page) and establish yourself as a person who knows this topic.

To find such pages and groups, enter a “keyword” that relates to your topic in the search and filter the search results only by pages.

- Get to know it and understand what it is.

— Start with comments on posts on the page. Also ask and answer questions from other page participants.

(in the image, Svetlana commented on the publication of the page. Thus, drawing attention to herself)

— After some time, when you are no longer a casual visitor, but have become an “experienced” person of this community, start giving links to your page in the comments.

— Make personal friends with members of this community.

— Agree with the page administrator that you can publish links on the page wall to your page. Usually, if this is not a commercial resource and you have already established yourself as an interesting person and interlocutor, it will be free.

6. Comment on behalf of your page.

Everything happens practically the same as in the previous version, but the comments come from the perspective of your page.

In order to switch to the “pages” mode, you need to go to your page and click on “use Facebook as (page name)”:

7. Comment on posts

Enter the keyword of your topic in the “search” field and in the list that appears, select the “publications of all” tab:

Having selected a publication related to the topic of your page, comment on it.

8. Place it in your subscription e- mail, link to Facebook page

9. Ask your Twitter followers to join the page

Write a Tweet that you have a Facebook page on such and such a topic and provide a link to it.

10. Promote your page offline

Recently, I attended a seminar on “Increasing Sales”. Everyone exchanged business cards and some of them had a link to a Facebook page.
Also, on any of your products, in addition to the link to your website, add a link to the fan page.

11. Tell all employees of your company to place a link to the company page in the “job” field.

If you are engaged in posting videos on YouTube.

14. Invite everyone email subscribers join the page.

15. Create a group on and in announcements indicate a link to your page. Choose a catchy name for the group and immediately fill it with 5 articles, because... After creating a group, it will be included in the “new groups” mailing list, to which 3 million people are subscribed, and you will immediately receive a significant influx of new members.

Also publish announcements for your articles in other thematic groups. Please ask the group admins for permission first.

16. Agree with the owners of thematic blogs about a guest post.

Find thematic blogs (use Google blog search) and contact the blog owner and invite him to write a guest post. And it benefits him (the content) and you (insert a link to your page at the end of the post).

Hello! In this article we will talk about promotion on Facebook.

Facebook is the third most popular social network in Russia. And it can also be used to promote yourself and your personal business. But each of the social networks has its own specifics, features, requirements and rules. Promotion on Facebook is different from working with VK or Instagram. In this article I will talk about the main features of promotion on Facebook, about the audience of this social network, what niches should be targeted on Facebook and how to competently promote yourself or a company on Facebook.

Promotion on Facebook

In Russia, Facebook ranks third in popularity.

This social network is also suitable for promotion. But to a lesser extent than or. If you are choosing where to develop, it is better to consider the option of the first two. Facebook is great for expanding your sphere of influence, as well as for a very limited list of niches. Products aimed at mass consumers will not work here.

What kind of audience is on Facebook?

Previously, all social networks were divided into. And unambiguously and clearly. For example, among our classmates there were those over 40, looking for their first love. Now there is no such division, but we can still trace the main portrait of the target audience. On Facebook it goes something like this:

Man or woman (there are almost 20% more women) from 25 to 44 years old. Has a higher education, lives in the capital or another large city. A person with an active lifestyle. Has achieved certain success in life, holds a prestigious position or owns a business. It is less likely to happen. The list of interests is wide: IT, business, politics and culture. Moreover, politics here is in the context of exclusively business and familiarization with basic laws. Political conflicts rarely arise. I came for business contacts or promotion of my own project.

There is also a lot of audience over 44, but there are practically none under 25. This suggests that almost all Facebook users are solvent, and you can sell something to them.

As for sales, according to statistics, people buy here less often than on VKontakte, but for much larger amounts. Moreover, in most cases these are not physical goods, but training programs or goods from the IT field.

The IT sector at Facebook as a whole is widely and actively developed. Especially in the area. Many people from the CIS come here to make acquaintances with specialists from different countries, as well as to improve their English or any other language skills.

A Facebook user is more suitable for selling him some kind of consultation or useful program. Products from Ali or useless products are practically not valued here. Not the same level.

How does promotion on Facebook differ from other social networks?

Facebook is the next level of VKontakte. VK and focus specifically on Western social networks and try to adopt the main features of their monetization. Therefore, in many respects these social networks are similar, but they also have a number of differences. This is especially evident in promotion. Here are a few features:

Another important difference is in advertising. Facebook is cheaper than VKontakte, and you can test advertising even with limited budgets. But the advertising campaign develops as follows: first it is shown to friends, then to friends of friends, then to friends of those friends, etc. That is, like a tree with branches and leaves, gradually expanding.

And the last couple of words on advertising. Moderators at Facebook are the individual gatekeepers of a new circle of hell. In order to launch some controversial (according to them) advertising campaign, you will have to kill several days. There is a huge set of rules, and any provocative, controversial or inaccurate advertising will be immediately removed. Although, most likely, they simply won’t let her through. This is why most marketers complain not about the FB advertising account, which in itself is quite simple if you don’t go deep, but about moderators who don’t let half of the advertisements through - you have to take them with perseverance.

For which niches is promotion on Facebook suitable?

In general, any area in which business or IT is involved in one way or another will be popular on Facebook. The only thing you should never go there with is products for a wide audience. The Ru-segment of Facebook is trying to be somewhat more elitist. There is no need for goods from other countries, cafes, fast food and other popular niches. Only high-tech production, only hardcore.

How to promote yourself on Facebook

Now let's talk about the Facebook promotion scheme. It is generally similar to the one that operates on other social networks. But the devil is in the details, so let's take a closer look at this guide. Just 5 standard steps.

Step 1. Minimal page design.

You don't need to pay much attention to carefully designing the page. On Facebook, people meet you based on the content on your wall, not your photos. At least the Russian-speaking segment. That’s why you only need to do the basic page setup:

  • Attach an avatar.
  • Give a brief description about yourself.
  • Contact your friends on FB from other social networks.
  • Add as many people as possible.
  • Fill in all required fields.

That's it, the basic setup is complete. Then you can tinker a little with the cover. It is best to order it from a good designer so that everyone comes in and sees the dynamic theme of the page.

Next, you need to create a group for your business and link it to your main page. This is done in order to avoid constantly logging in and viewing messages through the group administrator. VKontakte really lacks such a function.

After linking the group, you can register it. First, select a template (relevant for a specific business), and then edit the button. Initially, it does not encourage action at all. If there are goods, they need to be dropped off at the store. But this is just a showcase, nothing more.

Step 2. Create 4-8 pieces of content.

Before you start promoting, you need to create content. So that every person who comes can see what you do, how you can help them and why you should be added as a friend. It’s better to create 6-7 pieces of content (posts, photos or interesting videos). Minimum four.

This amount of content is the starting point after which the algorithms will consider you an interesting person, and people will stop thinking that you are some kind of bot who does not need to be added as a friend. A blank page will not get you an audience, even if you are a world-class star.

Step 3. Gathering a potential target audience.

If you're on Facebook, chances are you have some idea of ​​your target audience. If not, make a portrait of your target audience and look for it on Facebook. Your task is to like these people. This is necessary in order to target them later. I recommend immediately after adding all the friends with whom you will communicate, fill your friend list with potential clients.

Don't add everyone indiscriminately. Algorithms may consider this as spam. And most likely they will accept it. You need to carefully study the person’s page, see if he is suitable or not, and submit an application. This will take 2-3 minutes, and you can add 10-15 people per day. This will be a good natural increase in potential buyers.

After adding a small audience (100-150 people), you can gradually unscrew the advertisement. The office itself is simple, but it’s better not to get into the jungle of settings. We limit ourselves to the targeting base. It is better to submit several advertisements at once for moderation, because some will definitely not pass. This is 100%. No chance, don't even try.

Step 4. Getting a core audience.

Once the main methods of attracting an audience have been tested using advertising, you can expand advertising. I recommend video advertising, it’s cheap, use it while Facebook tests its algorithms and tries to understand whether it needs video advertising or not.

Then you need to forward the traffic to the group. And from there to the site. This is done simply. We duplicate posts from the group on the wall from time to time, tell people about what you are working with, and often leave a link. Gradually the traffic will be transferred.

Step 5. We take the audience to our website and monetize it.

At this point you should have . Otherwise, all promotion on Facebook would be absolutely pointless. We upload traffic from the group to the website. We simply provide a link to our products through the site’s ordering area and wait for the main audience. That's it, now you can repeat this until done. Or until you get bored. Or until the money runs out, you can choose any of the options.

Facebook can be used to reach foreign audiences, which is useful for expanding your business. The main thing is not to forget that the CIS is not a completely foreign audience.

Personal brand promotion

Promotion on Facebook is based on two things: creating quality content and communicating with other users. Moreover, the second is more important than the first. It is in order not only to solve work issues, but also to freely communicate in comments within their community, that people come to Facebook. People who do not want to interact with others directly are better off promoting on VKontakte.

To promote a personal brand on Facebook, you cannot use the VKontakte algorithm. Start with appearance and end with some motivational and useful publications. The initial task: to make it interesting for a person to be on the page. That is, there should be either interesting entertaining content, or, conversely, useful, which is addictive. You need to be able to write and convey thoughts.

Facebook values ​​quality long posts. They don’t even need to be specially designed. It is enough to roll out 16-18-20 lines separated by a paragraph, and people will be interested. And if there is some kind of cool idea, then many interested people will appear.

On Facebook, appearance and attributes are less important for a personal brand. Much more important is the content and the way you interact with the audience. You need to be on board and at the same time a level higher. And then the personal brand will develop. And remember: there is no “success”, they will figure it out in no time.

Promotion of your own business

As I said above, promoting your own business on Facebook is tied to your personal brand. Without pumping it up, you won’t be able to sell anything. You can try and even achieve success. It will just be slower and more expensive than pumping up your brand and personal page. The scheme is something like this:

First, bring traffic to your own page -> talk about your products and why they are cool -> bring traffic from your page to the community -> make a profit.

On VKontakte, the scheme works exactly the opposite. That’s why these social networks are so different and that’s why the audience is also different. It is better to advance through a group and preferably an open one. So that many users can come in and participate in discussions, create posts and ask questions. Facebook groups are designed primarily to interact with your audience so that a person can respond to people who will buy something from him. And only then in order to sell something.

In any case, you will need a website to promote your business on Facebook. Simply because the FB stores are not very convenient, like the whole design, specifically for the Russian-speaking audience. Still, most of us are accustomed to VK, and Facebook seems somehow strange. Although it is minimalistic and simple. Without a website, it will be impossible to sell anything, because order forms are hidden almost everywhere: even though the store is in plain sight, it will be difficult to connect the main payment systems. Yes and there is no VK Pay, which allows you to receive orders and keep records.

To promote your business on Facebook, you first need to build up your own brand. And then all the traffic from the group is transferred to the website so that there is an opportunity to sell the product.

Let's talk about the latest trends. I touched on some of them at the very beginning, where the main differences were listed, but here we’ll talk in more detail. List of top tips for this year:

  • It is more profitable to rock a personal brand than a company. A personal page gets much more coverage with the same amount of investment of time and effort. Therefore, it will be much easier, faster and cheaper to create content for the face of the company, and use the business page itself to interact with customers. This will increase your reach and save money on advertising.
  • Groups are needed for direct interaction with users. Groups also receive higher reach compared to brand pages, but much less than personal pages. While the business is small, one person can be a leader, which means you need to use the power of your personal brand.
  • Advertising is really cheap, but without it it is difficult to promote. There is one very good quote: “The best tool for promoting a group is money.” And this is relevant not only for Facebook, but also for Vkontakte. Free promotion is dead, and you shouldn’t even think about starting to sell something without investing a penny.
  • There is no point in recruiting users through friends. This will hit your advertising budget hard. Initially, you need to filter your list of friends so that there could be potential partners and clients there. This way you can significantly reduce advertising costs and promote your account even with a micro-budget.
  • Facebook is best for B2B. That is, services for business. These can be either courses or full-fledged products. You can promote yourself as a specialist on Facebook. And it's easy to do. It is especially convenient that most portals quote people directly with links to the page, and as soon as you publish a professional post, the traffic will immediately increase. And then reach, views, and potential sales.

Overall, Facebook is a great way to promote yourself as a professional or business owner. First of all, you need to pay attention to your personal brand and only then think about how to promote your own company. This is relevant now and will be relevant for a long time, because Facebook has firmly set its sights on increasing monetization through company pages (the social network simply artificially reduces their reach, and to get it, you need to pay).

Facebook is an interesting social network for those who want to develop their business not only on VKontakte. This is a great way to learn how to promote your own brand and achieve the success of the company only on your own. On Facebook, in the first stages you don’t need a lot of money, but you can get your first sales from a minimum number of people.