Promotion for low-frequency queries. How to promote high-frequency queries using just one content Promoting articles for search queries

We have already said that it is better to promote the site yourself using low- and medium-frequency queries. This is mainly due to savings cash, although lack of experience is also an important factor. In order to successfully fight for high-frequency requests, it is not enough to be able to invest money; you also need to have experience and knowledge so that this money is not wasted.

Therefore, in this article we will consider two questions: how to independently promote a website for low-frequency (LF) and mid-frequency (MF) queries.

How to independently promote a website using low-frequency queries

The short answer here is to write good article and optimize it for this request. Good means unique, useful and interesting. For low-frequency queries, this is usually enough to rank first in Yandex results (for this query).

The mistake of many beginner (and not only) site builders is to ignore low-frequency requests. They believe that by writing an article for a phrase that is searched 5,000 times, they will attract many more visitors. But this is not entirely true. After all, there will also be more people willing to promote their article for this request, so you will have to take additional steps to get at least into the top thirty for this request. So think about what is faster and easier - write 10 articles for low frequency queries or 1 article for midrange queries and take part in the struggle for leadership.

All of the above does not mean that low-frequency queries have higher priority; you just shouldn’t neglect them. If you are just starting to get comfortable in the world of website promotion and promotion, then start with them, gradually moving on to more competitive queries.

How to independently promote a website based on a search request

To promote the site For such a request, you will also have to write a high-quality article yourself. But this will not be enough; you will also have to analyze your competitors for the chosen phrase. Those. you type such a query, for example, in Yandex and look at the top ten: which pages are optimized for this query, what is their PR, how many links do these pages have.

It is extremely difficult to compete with the main pages, because their weight is always greater. Therefore, if only the main resource pages are in the top ten, then it is better to choose another query.

External links to competitors' pages will help you figure out how much effort (and money) you will have to put in to overtake a competing site for the desired request. In general, more details about how to study competitors’ sites are written in the article “Five Steps to Identify Competitors in Search Engine Rankings.” Here is just a brief plan of your actions:

  • Write an article
  • After it is indexed, check the position of your page for this request.
  • Analyze competitors (the text itself, its usefulness, words and expressions more interesting than yours; quantity external links, which resources are being referenced, etc.)
  • You independently rework your article, replacing words and expressions with more advantageous ones.
  • You are trying to get either the same number of external links, or fewer, but from higher quality resources (I think you already know that a link is different from a link, if not, then read about it on the page “External factors influencing ranking ").
  • Wait for re-indexing, check the positions of your site and, if they do not triple you, repeat steps 3 - 5 again.
That's all. If website promotion for queries seems like a tedious task to you (and for most it is), then it’s better to direct your efforts to writing a large number quality content. The more good articles you have on your site, the greater your chances of being in the first positions in search results, without even optimizing your articles for special queries.

SEO is within the power of everyone, including webmasters without experience and without a large budget. Together with our affiliate Vladimir Druganov, we are at real examples We looked at 10 free SEO tricks for your travel website. The results from the examples were achieved for free or almost free, so you should not compare achievements with paid methods promotion. You can use these chips to complement your strategy self-promotion site.


Positions and attendance are the main marker of effectiveness SEO promotion. For the sake of objectivity of the picture, we will consider more complex examples- requests with high competition and a commercial component. We have two topics and two pages:

Both topics can be monetized using the CPA model - selling insurance and offering a service for checking the possibility of traveling abroad. In both topics, “there is money”, which means there is competition. You can see it without tools, just look at the output.

Positions in Yandex:

Traffic over the last 12 months:

Google Positions:

Being cute to Yandex and Google at the same time is possible, and moreover, basic principles promotions are similar. However, the situation when one search engine prevails over another is very common. Including in our examples, the example of a page in the Yandex TOP is practically not presented at the beginning Google results for similar queries, and vice versa, an example page in the TOP of Google has modest indicators in Yandex. Let's look at the tricks for each PS separately.

5 tips for free promotion under Yandex

SEO starts before the page is even created. The first thing you need to do is find out exactly how users search for information. To do this, use Yandex.Wordstat or look at the tips in the search bar. For example, this link will tell you exactly how people search for a product. For example, you will find out that they specify the query “health insurance”, and people also care about price and answers to various questions, for example, “do I need insurance”, etc.

Use the received keywords inside the article, focusing on the density indicator. Keyword density is an indicator of how often keywords are used in the text. There are special services for checking:

The younger the site, the more careful you need to be. For projects under a year old, it is worth staying within 3%. For older sites, the bar can be raised, but you should not go beyond 6%. If you overspam keywords, you can get sanctions from the PS for trying to manipulate the search results. In our example, the page has the following density indicators:

Only the lazy did not say that the article should be unique. But don’t forget that the article also has headings. They must also be unique. Moreover, on the site, as a rule, there are two headings at once:

  • Title - displayed in a tab in the browser;
  • Heading on the site - displayed on the page;

Use them for promotion. To do this, use keywords inside the title, and place the most frequent and important ones at the beginning of the title. Try to pick up unique text, you shouldn’t copy the same title for the hundredth time.

Title and heading can and ideally should differ from each other. In this case, the title on the site should be framed in

. When creating the title of an article, do not forget about live readers, since the search robot is not the only one who will interact with the page. We have already written about applying knowledge in practice.

The same applies to subheadings within an article. Break the information into logical blocks, separating them from each other with meaningful subheadings.

Use everything possible ways providing content:

  • Text;
  • Pictures;
  • Video;
  • Tables;
  • Bulleted lists.

We mentioned this. Nothing has changed: Yandex, like people, loves various shapes presentation of information. In addition to this, it is worth considering:

  • Give images ALT + Title;
  • Specify the name of the picture in Latin, which includes the key;
  • Tables are difficult to unique, but it's worth it;
  • Try to use your keywords in bulleted lists.

Don't forget to use manual internal linking. Link to the page you need from other pages on your site. Use both anchors, for example, #buy insurance in the USA#, and non-anchor links - #by link#, #previously written#, etc.

5 tips for free promotion on Google

Google loves long reads. Large articles that cover the topic from all sides. However, Google doesn't like volume for volume's sake. There is no algorithm for how many characters an “ideal” article should have. Alternatively, you can spy on the volume of competitors who are already in 1-3 positions for the request you need. Ultimately, it is important to find a balance between volume and benefit; you must always pursue the main goal - the article should completely answer the user’s question.

The article should give the user the answer to all questions so completely that the reader does not Google anymore. If you find yourself in the TOP or near it, and traffic comes to you, but the reader quickly closes the page, returns to the search engine and looks for the same question again, then it’s a matter of time before Google removes your page from the TOP.

When a user selects a result on a page Google search and clicks on the link, he does not immediately get to the site. First, the search engine redirects the user to special page for tracking and only then to the site. This happens quickly and automatically. Artificial cheating behavioral factors won't work in the long run, so focus on the quality of your content.

Keep your material updated. Google will notice any change in the text, and this will be another plus for you. If your site's system allows it, then not only refresh the page, but also change the publication date or add an update date. Doing this without updating the content is pointless; updating the information is more important than changing the date.

An example of a page about traveling abroad: last year the amount of debt changed from 10,000 rubles to 30,000, after which a person may become prohibited from traveling abroad. Many sites remained with the old numbers and gradually their positions sank. By promptly replacing numbers and facts in the article, you can bypass even more eminent competitors.

Try to keep the pages up to date current state. To automate, set up Google Alerts on topics that interest you and receive a summary of queries once a week.

Make sure your articles are commented on. If you don’t have an audience yet, then do it yourself (from different profiles). Alternatively, you can order comments for your site on special exchanges. This is especially important to do the first time after the material is published. It is important to keep comments as realistic as possible, use keywords inside and imitate live communication.

Information that search engines no longer take into account meta tags, it pops up with enviable regularity. Here, webmasters and SEOs are divided into two camps - some do not believe in their benefit, others continue to fill out the Description / Keywords fields on each page. Google announced 9 years ago that keywords meta tag does not affect output in any way. Sosnovsky’s experiment proved in practice that filling out these fields can also be neglected in the case of Yandex. Therefore, this can indeed be neglected, but in 2019 it cannot be neglected:

  • Availability mobile version website;
  • Page loading speed;
  • Full translation of the template;
  • Removing unnecessary links or closing them in nofollow;

How to promote a website yourself and for free

The famous phrase of Bill Gates - “Content is king”, said back in 1996, has not lost its relevance in 2019. Content is still important for successful SEO. You must provide the reader useful information, which fully reveals the topic and answers the user’s question.

If you have a limited or no budget, then focus on content. Take note of our material. The ability to purchase links will improve your position. Both sites in the example also receive backlinks various methods, however, in this case, links are not the basis for promotion.

Briefly about current trends in the travel partner market

Keywords (queries by which users search for your services/products) can be classified according to various criteria: competitiveness, cost, accuracy of entry, and others. But the most common method is classification by request frequency. Traditionally, keys are divided into:

  • high-frequency (over 1500 requests per month);
  • mid-frequency (from 500 to 1500 requests per month);
  • low-frequency (50-500 requests per month).

Each business area and region has its own range, but on average, you can take this alignment as a basis. More about anatomy key queries you can read.

The services Yandex.Wordstat, Google AdWords and some others help you select keys and sort them. We described in detail how to work with these services, and in general, how to select keys for a site in the book “How to create a semantic core for a site.” The book is free, so read it, don't be lazy.

When promoting a site, many focus their attention exclusively on high-frequency and mid-frequency keywords, believing that only they can increase site traffic. This is not entirely true.

Let's take a closer look promotion for low-frequency queries.

Low frequency promotion is a method of website promotion that uses highly specialized, most accurate search phrases with low frequency of impressions (< 300 показов в месяц).

Most often these are requests that have a so-called long “tail”. We take the main request mask, for example, the request “buy a laptop”, add various “tails” to it: “on credit in Moscow”, “inexpensive in an online store”, and then we get large number low frequency queries.

Example of a low-frequency request

An example of a low-frequency “long tale” request: buy a laptop on credit in Moscow- only 43 impressions per month.

Note that the main flow of traffic, as a rule, is formed by low-frequency speakers.

Therefore, to promote traffic, they use a large number of low-frequency queries (they select tens and even hundreds of thousands of such queries). Low-frequency promotion is considered more stable, less expensive and reliable.

Let's determine the advantages of low-frequency queries:

  • Attracting the attention of target visitors. That is, an accurate hit to the interested user and high conversion rates.
  • Low competition. There is almost no competition, which makes promotion easy and fast.
  • Promotion deadlines. The results of promotion for low-frequency queries are usually noticeable within 4-6 weeks.

But it is worth noting the disadvantages of promoting low frequency queries, namely:

  • Each request separately attracts few users to receive good effect you need to collect a sufficient number of low-frequency queries.
  • Needs to be kept under control large number LF requests.
  • It's difficult to cover everything target audience.
How to promote on low-frequency queries?

Firstly, through internal optimization, which includes:

  • compiling a list of low frequency keys that you will use to advance;
  • writing and posting texts (articles) including selected queries;
  • placement of low frequency keys in alt attributes tag ;
  • placement of low frequency keys in the headers of product cards (for online stores).

Secondly, through links:

A reliable method to get safe links on low-frequency networks is registration in site directories. One registration allows you to promote from 50 to 150 requests. When promoting low frequency queries, the effect is always present, and following the positions, traffic also grows.

  1. First of all, young sites.

    Start with low-frequency requests, and when at least some traffic appears and behavioral factors begin to form, then you can connect mid-range and high-frequency requests.

  2. Online stores with a large assortment.

    Optimize product cards for low frequency queries, promoting each product separately.

    For example, a clothing store should write “Blue cocktail dress” (25 requests) in the title of the product card for a dress, and not just “Cocktail dress” (2480 requests).

Be sure to include low-frequency queries in your semantic core; promoting them will bring good traffic at minimal cost.

Good luck with your promotion!

Optimization of individual website pages – regular and extremely necessary work for every webmaster. It is associated with seasonality, the actions of competitors or special promotions.

However, such actions are associated with certain problems - difficulties arise in identifying the page’s competitors, when selecting keywords for PPC and searching for additional semantics.

To modernize a page, you need to research it first. In this material we will tell you how to build a plan for such an analysis, carry it out and make qualitative changes to the page.

How to Create a Page Optimization Plan

Let's determine our next steps:

  1. analyze the phrases used to promote the page;
  2. highlight the most promising keywords for promotion;
  3. explore best pages competitors;
  4. determine missing semantics;
  5. analyze and adjust the strategy in context;
  6. selecting topics for future articles/posts on the page
  7. make changes to the page;

Thus, we conduct a comprehensive study of the page and promote it using identified keywords and fresh ideas.

How to select the best keywords for promotion

Most promising for promotion key phrases– those for which the competitors’ positions are extremely unstable. To bypass a specific competitor’s page in the search, you need to identify and work on them.

For further analysis we use the Serpstat service.

Enter the address of the page we are promoting (in our example, and select a search engine.

Go to the “Page Analysis” module, section “Key phrases”. We collect all the keywords by which the page is promoted: click on the “Export table” button, select a convenient table format.

We choose the most dangerous competitor. Go to the “Project List” section. We create a project - click the “Add project” button, enter the competitor’s domain address (for example, and the name of the project.

Click the “Track positions” button and set up monitoring:

1) introduce additional domains for tracking;

2) add a region;

3) insert previously collected key phrases and tag them;

4) select a schedule for monitoring - daily, once every 3 days or week;

When the monitoring results are received, go to the “Position Monitoring” module, “History” section.

Let's move down the page. We select those keywords for which the position of the competitor site is unstable in the search.

You need to pay attention to them, since our page is ranked based on the same keys. If we work them out well, our site will be ahead of our competitors in searches.

How to identify missing semantics

Enter the address of the page being promoted (, select a search engine. Let’s go to the already familiar “Page Analysis” module, section “Missed phrases”.

We get the semantics by which competitors in the top 10 are ranked, but it is not in our core. We analyze and expand the set of our keywords - click the “Export table” button and select a convenient format.

To borrow key phrases from any specific competitors, go to the “Competitors” section.

Click on the link to the page of the opponent you are interested in. We get all the keywords for which it is promoted in the search. Click the “Export table” button, select a convenient format - this way we can select all the words of interest.

It happens that individual competitors in search are so successful that their semantic cores need to be studied in more detail. It is necessary to determine what proportion of our semantics is contained in the competitor’s core.

To do this, go to the “URL vs URL” section, select two competitors from the list or enter manually.

Click on the “Compare” button. We get the intersection graph semantic cores all three domains. It clearly shows that the page contains the most unique requests. At the same time, our page does not have unique keys - the core boundaries are within the intersection of competitors’ semantics.

This great way include missing keywords in your core - click on the number of unique keywords in the column on the right. We collect missing semantics through “Export table”.

Alexander Baklazhko, head of SEO department at UaMaster

Look at what your competitor is doing and do better.

These service functions allow you to quickly find missed traffic, both your competitor’s and your own. As a result, you will not only increase the overall visibility of your site online, but also attract additional traffic to the site, and you can beat your competitor for a number of interesting queries.

You will be able to quickly respond to your competitor’s actions to attract traffic. Perhaps it is your site that will be more attractive to the user in getting an answer to his question if you learn to play ahead. The competitor has just started doing it, but you have already done it and got the result.

If there is little data, then you can evaluate several competitors at once. This is a very good thing if there is not enough data on one competitor. It’s better to look at the big picture, find connections and make the right decision.

All this will bear fruit.

How to identify keyword phrases that are semantically related

To do this, we need the “Similar Phrases” function. You will be able to find key phrases that are semantically related to the search phrase and are contained on similar SERP pages.

We similarly analyze the pages of competitors that we found in the previous section.

For example, the competitor provides almost twice as many advertisements for the sale of mountain bikes.

The PPC strategy should be expanded or modified in connection with the actions of competitors.

Identify the leading pages in the topic

To see all competitor pages that are relevant to a specific keyword, use the “leading pages” section. These pages receive the most traffic for our chosen phrase and for a group of related phrases.

Enter a keyword in search bar, then to the “Semantics Analysis” section and to the “Leading Pages” tab.

You get not only competitors' pages, but also additional source data on these pages:

Below are collected search questions. They are grouped by the question words they begin with. It is necessary to conduct a preliminary analysis - it is possible to export the collected search questions into tables. Click “export table” and select a convenient document format.


Promotion separate page– a complex and multifaceted process. To carry it out you need comprehensive tools analysis of competitors in search (we used Serpstat discounts to subscribe to the service and obtain the necessary data).

As a result, we received information that allowed us to significantly promote the page in search results:

  1. missing key phrases;
  2. the most promising keywords for promotion;
  3. key phrases that are semantically related
  4. new keywords and ads for promotion in RRS;
  5. Top pages for analysis
  6. topics for writing articles

Regular analysis and making changes increases the chances of increasing page rankings and user conversion rates.

We have released a new book “Content Marketing in social networks: How to get into your subscribers’ heads and make them fall in love with your brand.”

The biggest piece of pie is not always the tastiest - there is no point in chasing huge slices if there is not enough filling in them. New website owners and inexperienced SEO optimizers often think that promotion for high-frequency (HF) queries is something they need to strive for at any cost. Waste effort, time, money and nerves, but break through to the top. In reality, everything is not so simple.

What's wrong with promotion for high-frequency queries?

The fact is that in most cases this is suicide and a waste of the budget. But first things first. High-frequency queries are what people search for most often on Yandex and Google. For example, " plastic windows" If we think logically, then what more people enter a specific request, the more traffic the site can receive. Therefore, HF queries are a tasty morsel for any website owner. Everything is logical. But reality spits in the face of logic; everything is not so simple and obvious. Let's find out how things really are and figure out what's what. Let's look at the pros first.

Advantages of promotion by HF queries

  • Large audience reach. Everything is simple here. A lot of requests - a lot potential visitors. Many visitors - many sales. A lot of sales means a lot of money. A lot of money - a lot of everything else.

And, in fact, that’s all. Yes, there are topics in which there is nothing except HF requests, and then promotion on them is justified, because it is almost the only way get clients. But most often requests from high frequency very vague, and people who search for information on them do not know what they want to find. Let's look at it in detail and with an example.

Disadvantages of promotion by HF queries

  • Few targeted visitors and low conversion. Even reaching the TOP for a request with high frequency does not guarantee the appearance targeted traffic and conversions. Almost always HF requests are very vague and unclear. For example, if a person searches for “refrigerator,” they don’t necessarily want to buy one. Maybe he wants to watch them technical specifications and a set of functions, compare manufacturers or even read how they work. And these are the majority - there is a certain percentage of buyers among users entering an HF request, but it is very small. If a person is about to buy something, he probably knows what he wants. Therefore, the search query will be specific, for example, “Samsung refrigerator.” And it is more likely to lead a person to a purchase.

  • Long and expensive. If you rank for the query “refrigerator,” you will be competing with large online stores, Yandex.Market, Wikipedia articles, and equipment manufacturer websites. And the search engine trusts all these sites much more than a modest regional store. This means that you need to create a bunch of relevant pages, build up an equally large link mass, and do a lot more. The chance to break into the top will appear only when search engines begin to trust the site and understand that you are able to solve the users’ problem. Therefore, it will not be possible to get to the first positions in the search results quickly - you will have to pay a lot and for a long time.

  • Lots of empty requests.Sometimes search engines lie to us. Some HF requests turn out to be not HF at all and promotion on them is simply pointless. Let's take the “refrigerator” example. Of the 3.3 million impressions, only 38,000 fully matched a specific query in a specific word form. All the rest have “tails”. And this is without reference to a specific region.

  • HF requests do not have to be forwarded. In some cases, they themselves move up to the TOP after - and. This happens when a high-frequency request is included in mid-range and low-frequency requests. For example, if you promote a site for the target low-frequency query “samsung double-chamber refrigerator,” then for the more general “refrigerator” you can sooner or later end up in the top. This will happen when reference mass will accumulate and begin to transfer weight to the site, and search engines will learn to trust you.

Of course, all this is only true for relatively small sites. If you own any federal company, then you need to be in the top for high-frequency queries. The same is the case with highly competitive topics. Now let's see what to do about it.

A guide for the desperate: website promotion for high-frequency queries

If you want to take a risk or there is no way around it, then you need to take into account a number of recommendations. In short, you need to do absolutely everything to the highest standard, as if the president would be surfing your site tomorrow.

Analyze everything you can

Competitors, market, potential demand, target audience, budget and estimation of promotion costs. You should always start with this, because you need to immediately estimate what will give you access to the TOP in terms of RF requests.

Work with commercial factors

This must be done in any case, but here it is worth paying special attention to them. Elaboration commercial factors can be an advantage that will take you to the TOP. Be sure to do:

  • Description, price, product characteristics and the “Buy” button in each card.
  • A block with similar offers and a block “usually purchased with this product.”
  • Full company details, address, telephone, work schedule.
  • Information about payment and delivery.

An example from the store I took it because it is specialized and not very mainstream. Large stores household appliances I decided not to take it, because everything is in order by default, it’s not for nothing that a million people work on their sites.

On-page optimization and site loading time

The code should not contain anything superfluous, much less errors, all meta tags should be filled in, and the number of “heavy” elements should be kept to a minimum. The better the site works, the more convenient it is for the user to study it, the better.

Improve behavioral factors

To do this, you need to analyze user behavior in detail and remove all obstacles on the path to purchase. The site should solve people's problems and meet their needs. Make it pleasant and user-friendly design, comparison of products and prices, a block with popular offers, in general, provide them with all the information you can.

Optimize pages for related queries with low and medium frequency

This is important because this way you will attract additional traffic, which is always needed for everything: sales, improving behavioral factors, and so on. The main thing is to select LF and MF requests in such a way that they include HF.

Promotion for highly competitive queries

There is also a concept that has nothing to do with . The more sites a search engine finds for the desired query and the higher their quality, the stronger the competition.

Most often, the jackpot appears in the form of a combination of high competition and request frequency. But this doesn't always happen. Sometimes high competition is found among midrange requests.

In any case, promoting them is difficult. The methods and techniques here are the same as in the case of high-frequency queries: good links, thorough internal optimization, quality content.

Promotion for high-frequency and highly competitive requests is difficult, time-consuming, expensive and not always justified. Most experts do not advise doing this unless you are the owner of some very large and trusted site that needs a lot of traffic. In other cases, low-frequency and mid-range queries will bring more benefit, because they are almost always targeted and users who come from them are more likely to convert into buyers. And if everything goes well with them, then with a bit of luck and the right approach the treasured “vecheshka” will also move up to the top. If you can’t do without this, read our guide on how to promote a website for high-frequency queries, bring everything to perfection and storm the top.