Enter data by phone number. How to find out the owner of a phone by number

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Find out a person's full name by number mobile phone

Dial any phone number on the MOBAZ service!

  1. In the special line for entering a number, enter the number of the subscriber you need and click the “get data” button.
  2. The service connects to the database.
  3. Within 10 minutes you receive the data of the owner of the SIM card of any phone online.

How to find out a person's full name by mobile phone number!

How often do we need a person by mobile number? - Each of us, at least once in our lives, has had a situation where we urgently need to find out the full name of a subscriber, having only ten digits of his phone number on hand. Fortunately, this information can now be obtained without leaving your home. In this article we will talk about the capabilities of the new service, and also share recommendations for working in mobile databases data.


The mobile phone has become an integral attribute of adult life. It is used not only for communication or self-identification, but also for many financial transactions. Therefore, it is not surprising that gadgets have fallen into the sphere of interest of scammers. Scammers use mobile networks both for traditional phishing and for quite serious operations to siphon money. At the same time, many victims of scammers do not even contact the police - some are stopped by banal shame, others the lost amount does not seem high enough to waste their time on tedious communication with law enforcement officers.

However, sometimes the problem can be solved without the intervention of third parties - it is enough that the phone was involved in a financial scam, and the owner could be threatened with real liability. In this case, most scammers will prefer to return the funds and blacklist your number so that in the future they will not even accidentally make a new contact.

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Latest reviews about the service

This is exactly what I needed!

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I use it for reasonable purposes, but others don’t!

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Hmm... I can’t believe it.

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Recently, one person bothered me and contacted the authorities, but they refused, but you helped, thank you.

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Tell me, can I get my phone number registered to you for free?))

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Guys who used MOBAZOM, is it really possible to break through???

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Increase the number of operators!!!

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First time I see this.

- Basse

In some situations, a person needs to obtain information about the owner of a mobile phone number. You can use several different methods to solve the problem. Let's consider step by step methods obtaining information about the full name of the owner of an unfamiliar subscriber.

How to find out the owner of a phone by number - method 1

This method is considered classic and official, but the process of obtaining necessary information may take quite a while.

  • Contact the mobile operator company office.
  • Write a statement. It must indicate the question on the basis of which the user makes such a request to the office. The reason for wanting to know information about the owner of a particular number must also be stated.
  • Consultants must review the written application and decide whether or not to provide the requested personal information.

How to find out the owner of a phone by number - method 2

The method described below is also the official one.

  • Contact one of the law enforcement agencies.
  • Write a statement. It must indicate the reasons for the appeal and complaints against the owner of the number.
  • After reviewing the application, the issue of initiating a criminal case will be decided. In most situations, such cases are still initiated.
  • In this case, the operator company consultant must provide all available data about the owner of a particular number.
  • A special investigation will begin, within the framework of which the party who asked for help law enforcement agencies, will receive data about the person who owns the corresponding phone number.

How to find out the owner of a phone by number - method 3

It is possible to access databases, but this method will not be legal.

  • Visit the subscriber's mobile operator company and ask to top up the balance by calling the mobile number whose owner you want to know.
  • When making such payments, the operator on the monitor can view all the data about the owner of the number.
  • Ask the operator to name the name of the person whose balance will be topped up. This is usually done to prevent errors when making such payments.
  • If the operator in the branch refused to provide such data, then you can try to do the same in another office.

How to find out the owner of a phone by number - method 4

This method is also unofficial, but it is also the most unsafe.

  • It is possible to use telephone number databases. In most cases, you will have to pay to use this service.
  • However, today such directories may contain incorrect information or malicious software. For this reason, it is not recommended to use this method without trying the others.
  • In some cases, criminal proceedings may be opened for the illegal use of such information.
  • Using this method, you will probably be able to find out where the number is registered. Other information can be obtained using special paid forms.

How to find out a last name by number cell phone, free, and is it even possible?

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Before I describe how to search for a person by phone number, I want to make a warning. For different countries the search may vary significantly. For example, if you look at Belarus or Russia, then in these countries the sale of SIM cards is carried out only upon presentation of a passport.

And in Ukraine, they will sell you a SIM card without any registration. That is, in fact, the subscriber, if desired, can remain anonymous. Therefore, the methods I describe may not be suitable for residents of Ukraine. Although, the first method works for all CIS countries.

I warn you that by law Russian Federation Access to information of this type is prohibited. Therefore, you should not expect that someone will legally provide you with such information.

But the beauty of the Internet is that you can always bypass any restrictions. Moreover, we will do this without breaking the law. Well, or - almost without disturbing. So - the first method, the fastest and most reliable.

Social network

As you know, now when registering an account on social networks you are required to provide a phone number. That is, each account has an owner number attached to it. We will take advantage of this circumstance.

It is not a fact that the number we want to dial is linked to all social networks. For example, I am registered in all popular networks. But this is required by the specifics of my business. And a person who is far from online business will not “shine” in all projects.

That is, this person can only be on one of all known social networks. For example, some people hang out with Odnoklassniki, while others prefer VKontakte or Facebook, and so on.

You have a phone number that you want to call.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Log out of the social network;
  2. Click on input;
  3. Enter the number whose owner you want to find;
  4. The owner’s personal page will appear, with all his data. You will be asked if it is you and asked to enter your password.

If it turns out that the phone is not linked to any profile, then perform all the above steps on another social network. And so on until the right person will not be found.

Contacting law enforcement agencies

In the case where you were unable to determine the number yourself using the first method, and someone is calling you from an unknown number, you should write a statement to the police. Your application will be considered if you receive threats. Perhaps they are terrorizing you with calls and keeping you silent. When hooligans wake you up in the middle of the night and so on.

In any situations involving calls from an unknown number, you can contact the appropriate authority for help. A police officer has more opportunities to determine a person's last name by phone number.

These are two, legal, free and simple ways How to find out a last name by cell phone number. There are several other dubious ways that the Internet is filled with. But I won’t risk offering them to you from the pages of my blog.


Because it's not just not legal ways, but also possibly dangerous. By typing in the search - how to find out a last name by cell phone number, for free, you can see offers to download catalogs of phone numbers.

However, there is no guarantee that along with these catalogs, or instead of them, you will download any spy program. Which will transfer all information about you to its owner.

In addition, there are services that promise to give you information about the owner of the phone number. To obtain information you are asked to go simple registration. I registered, for verification, on one such site.

I entered the phone number of my good friend. I was given information about the region in which the number was issued. When I pressed the button to find out my last name, I was asked to pay 900 rubles for the information.

So, I won’t talk about this site, since it’s not at all free way. And those who are ready to part with money without being 100% sure that they will receive true information can find it through a search.

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How to find out the owner by phone number - this question is relevant for those who constantly suffer from annoying calls from unknown people. Most often, to resolve an unpleasant situation, they call contact center to your operator. In most cases, you can hear a refusal, since no one will disclose such information. But we will tell you how to find the owner of a phone number for free.

Search for a number on the Internet

You can get a phone number by region through electronic boards. Mailing advertisements for the sale of property or real estate is especially popular in small towns. The network contains information such as:

  • the locality in which the owner of the SIM card lives;
  • Full name (sometimes just a name);
  • Mobile phone number.

If houses or apartments were previously sold, then their owners are included in the database with the address indicated. All this is available online, just enter search query. It is recommended to use several search engines at once, since the information is not displayed in all algorithms.

For example, old way to find a mobile phone number - typing a few numbers into Google. Yandex is slightly inferior to it in terms of search quality. Sometimes a domestic search engine will be more effective if it requests specific information about a person. The lack of information in search engines means that a person either does not use the Internet or uses other people’s data. The technique is excellent for collecting information about enterprises and companies.

Number databases

Advanced Internet users are well versed in the question of how to find out who a mobile phone number is registered to. There are dozens of services on the Internet that provide access to online databases. They store information about mobile and landline numbers phones. The main disadvantages of this method include:

  • navigation functions poorly or is quite difficult to understand;
  • some of the data is in open access, and you have to pay for some of it;
  • Over time, the database loses its relevance.

Most services have beautiful websites, but this does not mean that you can find the information you are requesting on them. Some of them repeat each other.

Another disadvantage is that immediately after opening the page, a pop-up window appears asking you to pay for access to the resource via SMS message. The thought involuntarily creeps in that these are scammers. Even if access is obtained, this does not mean that the data presented is true and not outdated.

Open databases can provide information that is ten years old. The network also provides databases for downloading (some are free and for a fee to the owners). But there is no guarantee that the data is up to date. It is not uncommon for scammers to act as sellers.

Free DB

The Free DB service is free. It provides data on popular Russian and Ukrainian mobile operators. You can find out the owner's full name in them by entering it using the phone number. As in the previous version, the data may be out of date.

Please note that before installing the program on your computer or tablet, you must check it with an antivirus. Archives are uploaded to the site by unverified users. To obtain the database, you must complete a number of steps:

  1. Choose mobile operator and click on the appropriate section (folder).
  2. Wait for loading new page, click “Download”. This will begin loading the database.
  3. Install the downloaded file and open it through the archiver.

It is important to take into account that such activities are not within the legal framework. All actions are the responsibility of the person himself.

My SMS Box

The My SMS Box service helps you get through a phone number to find out its owner. The program searches by a specific number or by its first digits. This is convenient for those who cannot accurately reproduce the data and have limited time for searching.

The database contains only Russian license plates. To start the search, enter the phone number in the text field. It must be remembered that all numbers are written in international format. Next, press the “Find” button. The search displays the following data:

  • Full name of the SIM card owner;
  • the type of its number;
  • selected operator mobile communications;
  • the region in which the phone was registered.

The site also suggests sending free sms to any numbers (within the territory of the Russian Federation). There is access to search not only by mobile phone number, but also within the regional range in general.

Application to law enforcement agencies

On request individual mobile operators are not required to provide the requested information, since subscriber confidentiality is protected by law. Disclosure of information to third parties is subject to liability within the limits of current legislation Every person has the right to contact law enforcement agencies. Upon request, the number is “broken through”. Important circumstances that form the basis of an administrative or criminal case must be proven. This way you can determine the owner of the SIM card.

Law enforcement authorities send a request to the address of the mobile operator. Most often the following information is provided:

  • Full name of the owner of the phone number;
  • his address of residence or registration;
  • Date of Birth.

Processing of the request takes no more than a month. This method is not fast, so if you need to find out a person’s personal data in a few days, it is better to look for other options.

Social media

One of the most available ways- use of social networks Facebook and Vkontakte. You can also get a phone number online using foreign code. The two sites have a combined user base of over one and a half billion people.

  1. As soon as the site has loaded, you need to log out of your own account.
  2. Next, press the authorization key and select the field called “Forgot your password?”.
  3. Then a page appears where you can resume access to your account. A text field will appear for you to enter a phone number. The number must be copied into a special form, then confirm your action by clicking OK.
  4. If the owner has account on social networks, his photo and personal page will be displayed.

Such data will be enough to independently contact the person. A similar method is used to search for data from Facebook users. On the website, click “Forgot your account?” and enter the number. User information appears.

Search for a number on Google

To use this method, you will need an understanding of how search engines work. When entering the number normally search bar, the results will lead to unknown sites where there is a similar combination of numbers. Often there is information that has nothing to do with searching for the requested number.

To avoid such a trap, you need to act according to special instructions:

  1. The search query is formatted using quotation marks. They are placed at the beginning and at the end. For example, "123456789". Google will only return pages with this sequence of numbers.
  2. Google sometimes shows results indicating specific number mobile phone and its owner.
  3. If you see results that simply contain digital series, you should ignore them.

There is no need to despair if this method does not help. You can always return to the search via social media or, if the situation has gone too far (threats by phone), it is recommended to write a statement to law enforcement agencies.

Call a stranger

Calling a stranger is the easiest way. The only downside is that no one may answer the call on the other end of the line. Attackers also often use SIM cards of other people, so the interlocutor does not confirm the call with specified number phone.

SIM cards of organizations or enterprises have their own answering machine. If the secretary answers the phone, you can always ask the person to introduce himself. The most effective way would be to call an unfamiliar number from the phone of friends or relatives. This makes it much more likely that your call will be answered. You need to be careful here: sometimes money is withdrawn from the account (this is a trap).

How else to find out the owner

Through city help services you can only find out the number home phone its owner through his full name. If the person’s first name, last name and telephone number are known, the operator can provide the owner’s place of residence.

When calls from unknown number too annoying, then a statement is written to the police. Hooliganism is given as the reason.

It is necessary to take into account that the search for a phone number may differ by region and country of residence. For example, in Belarus and Russia, a SIM card is purchased exclusively using a passport. This makes it much easier to find the person you are looking for. But in Ukraine you do not need to present documents to purchase a SIM card.

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To find out the owner by phone number, you will have to work hard. This is classified information that is not subject to disclosure or distribution. We will provide instructions for finding owners in the following places:

  • In open sources.
  • In subscriber databases.
  • Through the Sberbank Online system.

We will also tell you about methods that obviously don’t work, and give warnings and recommendations.

Search on the Internet

The easiest way to get through a person's phone number is to try searching for information on the Internet. Open any search engine, enter the number and carefully analyze the results. It may contain links to blogs, personal sites, forums, message boards and other resources where the person you are looking for could leave their contact information - this is the owner’s full name and phone number.

The easiest way is to find people who are engaged in some kind of commercial activity on the Internet. They have their own websites and blogs with their contact details. They can also leave contacts on other platforms - business forums, conferences, enterprise directories. If a person has never left his phone number anywhere, this search method will be ineffective. Believe me, there are no websites with databases of all subscribers. And even if they exist, the data in them is hopelessly outdated.

Our specialists managed to find a resource where you could find out the owner landline phone by his number. The data turned out to be out of date by at least 10-12 years - the numbering in that city has changed, and the person himself lives at a different address. Also, do not trust services that show owners on the map - they do not work.

Searching for people in the database

Here you are entering a slippery slope - distributing subscriber databases is illegal. If necessary, you can be imprisoned even for trying to purchase media with a database of numbers. Therefore, we strongly do not recommend getting involved in such operations - it is too dangerous for your own freedom.

The danger of such databases lies not only in the articles of the Criminal Code, but also in their relevance. Often they turn out to be so old that no more than 10% of the information actually corresponds. There is zero sense from such a source.

Another danger is that the database may turn out to be fake and contain viruses. A typical example of this is that the downloaded file demonstrates the unpacking of some archive with numbers, names and surnames, after which it asks to enter phone number for confirmation or data bank card. In the first case you will receive mobile subscription(wild debits will begin from the account), and in the second, you will simply transfer the card details to the scammers (believe me, there is a way to steal money even without SMS confirmation and knowledge of the CVC code).

You may also encounter fake sellers - they offer non-existent goods and leave buyers without money. You should not trust those who offer to find the owner of a cell or landline phone number on their own.

We contact mobile operators

It is impossible to dial a phone number and find out the owner through a mobile operator. The hotline does not provide such information, and even less so the consultants in the salons. You can find acquaintances in the office of a particular operator and get through the owner, but this is dangerous - at best, the consultant will lose his job, and at worst, he will go to jail for disclosing personal data.

Work practice at hotline one of the operators, as well as in the customer service office, shows people’s insatiable interest in personal data. Most often, people suffer from annoying calls from unknown numbers. And they want to know who is calling them. In this case, they try to contact the operator, but it is useless. It is much more effective to contact the police - they will find the violator of your peace.

Search through the police

Finding a person through the police in Russia is impossible. More precisely, no one will give you his coordinates just like that. The police will look for a person by mobile phone number only if you write a statement against him - for example, you accuse him of telephone hooliganism. The process looks like this:

  • You are writing a statement.
  • The police send a request to the operators.
  • After receiving the data, an administrative case is initiated (or criminal, depending on what the person in question has done).

Again, the owner’s information will not be given to you - the police will deal with the person on their own.

Life hack - search through Sberbank Online

There is one simple way that will allow us to find out the last name and first name of the owner of the number absolutely free. The procedure is performed at home, there is no need to go anywhere. We will use the functionality of the Sberbank Online system. A huge number of Russians use Sberbank cards (about 76 million people). And nothing prevents us from identifying the owner by phone number using online banking.

Here are instructions to find out the owner by phone number:

  • Log in to the Sberbank Online system (you can use the mobile application).
  • We make a payment to the Sberbank client by phone number;
  • We indicate the number and amount in the form (indicate 1 ruble).
  • On the confirmation page we see the first name, patronymic and first letter of the last name of the person we are looking for - the operation should be interrupted at this point.

Sometimes this data is enough to identify the owner.

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