Presentation for a computer science lesson "computer software". Classification Application software System programs Instrumental systems

  • Software is a set of special programs that allow you to organize information processing using a PC.
  • Software types:

System software

Application software

Programming systems (tool software)

  • Since a PC cannot function without software, it is an integral part of any computer.


System software is a set of programs that ensure the functionality of the computer (a set of programs that control RAM, processor, external devices and files, conducting a dialogue with the user). The main part of system software is the operating system (OS). The operating system has a lot of work: in order to open any program, you need to find it on the hard drive, place it in RAM, find free space there, “start” the processor to execute the program, control the operation of all devices while the program is running, and in case of failures, carry out diagnostics and display a message to the user.

The most common operating systems:


Interactive mode:

The OS displays a prompt for some action. In response, the user issues a specific command. This could be a file operation (copying, deleting), a command to report the current date or time, etc.

Service programs:

Disk maintenance programs (copying, formatting, “treatment”, etc.);

Disk file compression programs (archivers);

Programs to combat computer viruses.


Programs with which the user can solve their problems without resorting to programming are called application programs.

All users prefer to have a set of application programs that almost everyone needs. They are called GENERAL USE PROGRAMS.

These include:

  • These include:

Text and graphic editors (you can write, draw);

Database management systems (DBMS) (various reference books);

Spreadsheet processors that allow you to make calculations;

Communication (network) programs designed to exchange information with other computers connected to a computer network.


In addition, there are a large number of special-purpose application programs for professional activities. They are often called


This is for example:

Accounting programs,

Computer-aided design systems,

Training programs in various subjects,

Programs for working on various medical

devices (ultrasound, etc.).

Tool software or programming systems (SP)

Systems for developing new programs in a programming language. This is a tool for a programmer's work. Each joint venture is focused on a specific programming language.

There are many programming languages: Pascal, Fortran, SI, assembler, etc. In these languages, the programmer writes programs, and with the help of programming systems, enters them into the computer, debugs, tests, and executes them.

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Software Developed by: Computer Science teacher Saboidalova M.A. GBOU SPO KO "Communal Construction College", Kaluga

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Computer Computer software is the entire collection of programs stored in long-term memory

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Types of software System software Tool software 1. Basic software: operating systems; shells; network OS 2.Service software: diagnostics; antivirus; media services; archiving; network maintenance Application software System software is a set of programs to ensure the operation of a computer

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Types of software Application software is a set of programs for solving problems in a specific subject area: word processors; table processors; databases (DBMS); integrated packages; graphics processors; expert systems; training programs; games; communication programs

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Types of software Tool software is a set of programs for the development, debugging and implementation of new programs; translators; software development environment; reference program libraries; debuggers; link editors

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Basic software Operating system (OS) A set of programs that manage RAM, processor, external devices and files, conducting a dialogue with the user Dialogue shells Add-ons to the OS that provide a user-friendly interface Service software Disk maintenance programs Programs for compressing files on disks Anti-virus programs, etc. Functions OS Dialogue with the user Managing resources (processor time, internal memory, external devices) Working with files

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Operating system (OS) is a complex of interconnected system programs, the purpose of which is to organize the user’s interaction with the computer and the execution of all other programs.

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Service software Programs for disk optimization - provide faster access to information on the disk by optimizing (defragmenting) the placement of data on the disk. Disk compression programs - increase the amount of information stored on disks by dynamically compressing it. Memory management programs provide more flexible use of your computer's RAM. Russification programs adapt other programs to work with Russian letters.

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Linux is a very powerful and stable OS. Using it on the Internet pays off, and hacking it is not so easy. In Linux there is no division into drives C and D, and the process of communicating with devices is very convenient. All devices have their own system file

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User interface Menu is a list on the screen from which the user can select the elements he needs User-friendly interface is a user-friendly way to communicate with the computer Interface is a way for a program to communicate with the user Character-by-character typing and entering commands from the keyboard into the computer in an interactive mode Selecting commands from the menu Entering commands by pressing function or hot keys (key combinations) Text menu Icon menu

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Characteristics of computer generations I 1945-60s II 1955-70s III 1965-80s IV 1975-… V ? Element base Electronic tubes Transistors IC and LSI VLSI and microprocessors Optoelectronics, cryoelectronics Maximum processor speed (opers/sec) 10 – 20 thousand 100 thousand –1 million 10 million 109 + multi-processor 1012 + multi-processor Maximum RAM capacity (KB) 100 1000 10 000 10 000 000 100 000 000 Peripherals Magnetic tape, punched cards and punched tapes, digital printing Magnetic tape, punched media, alphanumeric printing Consoles, magnetic tapes, displays, plotters Color graphic display, keyboard, printer s , modems + voice input devices, handwritten text reading devices, etc. Examples of computer models MESM, BESM-1, ESM-2, M-20, Minsk M-220, BESM-3, Ural--14, BESM-6 Minsk -32 IBM 360/370, ES computer, SM computer PC: IBM PC, Macintosh, Supercomputer: Cray, Cyber, Elbrus

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The presentation for the lesson was created by: computer science teacher of the MKOU "Basinskaya OOSH" Gaidukova Anna Andreevna * *

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A printer; CPU; Keyboard; Flash memory; Monitor; RAM; CD-ROM device. Without which of the following devices the computer cannot operate: * *

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Determine the possible volume of the following storage media using the given answer options (1.44 MB, 700 MB, 120 GB, 512 MB, 4.7 GB): CD-R; DVD-R; Flash memory; Diskette; Hard magnetic disk. * *

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Fill out the table * * Device Action with information (storage, input, output, processing) Processor RAM Hard magnetic disk CD-RW Keyboard Monitor Printer

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Andrey has the TETRIS game on his computer hard drive. His friend Kolya does not have such a game. What does Andrey need to do so that Kolya can play this game on his home computer (it should be taken into account that Kolya’s computer is not connected to the Internet)? * *

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* Computer software Operating system - ensures the joint functioning of all computer devices and provides the user with access to its resources using the OS graphical interface. Device drivers are special programs that provide control of the operation of computer devices and coordination of information exchange with other devices (each device has its own driver). *

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* Functions of the operating system Testing individual hardware components, memory and other hardware components Interfacing an application program with hardware (special programs - drivers are used for this) Using a computer in multiprogram mode (i.e. several programs can be executed simultaneously), while the OS monitors the distribution of internal resources and the sequence of command execution. For the convenience of the user working with the computer, an interface is used - a set of tools and rules for interaction between a computer and a person *

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* Installing the operating system Installing the OS - operating system files are copied from the distribution disk to the computer's hard drive. Operating system files are stored in long-term memory on the hard drive, which is called the system drive. The operating system, like other programs, can be executed if it is located in the computer's RAM. Therefore, it is necessary to load OS files from the system disk into RAM. *

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* Loading the operating system Loading the operating system begins in one of three cases - after: turning on the computer; pressing the Reset button on the computer system unit; Simultaneously pressing the key combination on the keyboard: (Ctrl) + (Alt) + (Del) During the OS boot process: the performance of the processor, memory and other devices is tested; Brief diagnostic messages about the testing process are displayed on the monitor screen after the OS has finished loading, the user is able to control the computer using the OS graphical interface. *

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* Standard Windows OS programs Paint - a graphic editor that allows you to create, view and edit drawings or scanned photographs Imaging - used to view and edit graphic files, for example, digital drawings or scanned photographs Calculator - an electronic calculator is analogous to a regular hand calculator Notepad - a text editor , used to create and edit text files of simple format WordPad – text editor, used to create and format text files with complex formatting *

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* Application software An application is a program that makes it possible to process text, graphic, numerical, audio and video information, and work in computer networks without knowing programming. The application runs under a specific operating system. Types of applications: 1. General-purpose applications (calculators, spreadsheets, text, sound and graphics editors, multimedia players, databases, presentation development programs, communication programs, etc.). 2. Special-purpose applications (accounting programs, encyclopedias, educational programs, automatic translation systems, programming systems, computer games, etc.) *

"Archive"- 8. Rights to sections For groups and individual users Inheritance. Document storage. Instructions, tasks and business processes. Automation of internal document flow. 12. Types of documents. 10. Organization of the educational process. Key features. Alexander Bezborodov, head of the document management software development department.

"Programs"- Computer viruses and anti-virus programs. Networking support. The Linux operating system was created by a Finnish student. Menu bar: Student viruses. Programs can run in the background. What is the program? Programming systems. Example: C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\project.exe.

"Software Development"- Cancel the order. Implementation. J4. Internal structure of description of maturity levels. [Product selected]. The second stage is a structured approach to programming. Sales department. Department. J2. Safety system?

"Program Features"- High speed! Graphic editor. CD and dwd recording. It is possible to manually delete entries about installed programs from the system registry. But they don’t make stupid mistakes. It is possible to transfer files between servers bypassing the local host. The compression rate for the ZIP format is 2-10% higher than that of PKZip/WinZip.

"Software"- Portability (mobility) is proposed to be reflected by: adaptability; ease of installation - installation; substitutability.

"Computer programs"- Application software. Author Sadykova I.Kh. Levels of software configuration. Programming languages. Processing data on a computer. Why do you need an operating system? The user was able to edit and format text documents. The information processing process consisted of operations on numerical data.