Prestige feedback send a copy. How to properly make a feedback form convenient for visitors

From the author: Greetings, dear readers. Dialogue with site visitors is very important, since each person is unique and, accordingly, it is very difficult for the developer or site owner to take into account absolutely all the wishes or needs of their clients. Therefore, in this article we will talk about how joomla 3 feedback is generated, thanks to which users will be able to send messages to the site administrator.

Standard functionality Joomla contains a built-in “Contacts” component, thanks to which you can organize the reception of messages on the site, but it is not entirely convenient to use, and is limited in functionality. Especially if you need to add additional fields to the form feedback, which as you know is not possible in the above extension. Therefore, in this article, to create a feedback form, we use additional expansion, called Flexi Contact.

This extension is very easy to use and configure, but at the same time quite functional. Therefore on the description page this extension official Joomla website, click on the “Download” link and go to the developer’s website.

Please note that the component comes in two versions: paid and free. At the same time, as usual paid version contains advanced functionality and provides its owner with full support for the authors. Suitable for this lesson free version, which means we go down to the very bottom of the page and see the download button for the latest current version.

Main element component management, this is a configuration page that allows you to configure the future feedback form. The first available section is General settings, where the general functionality of the extension is configured.

The following fields are available:

Logging – if enabled, the component will record the execution of major events, for example sending a message by the user.

Send HTML - can it be sent in an email? HTML tags.

Message for User – whether a copy of the sent message should be sent to the user.

Send button class – class of the form submit button.

Group of fields “Agreement requirements” – contains fields for customization user agreement, which, if necessary, the user must read before submitting the form. In the “Explanation” field, a line is indicated explaining to the user that it is necessary to agree to a special agreement, which is located on a specific page, the address of which is added to the “Link” field. Accordingly, you need to add the title of the link in the “Name” field.

The next section of the settings is “Message for the administrator”, in which you can create a message template that will be sent to the administrator, or to the user specified as the recipient of the message.

In this case, the central text area is just a template for a future message, which you can create yourself using any arbitrary text, as well as special system variables, a list of which, along with explanations, is given in the block on the right. Variables during the operation of the component will be replaced with special data that the user will add to the form fields.

The next section of the settings is “Message for the user”, in which you can configure the template of the message sent as a copy to the user, similar to the previous section.

The next section is the page for setting up the template and confirming the sending of the message. In essence, this is plain text indicating that the message has been sent.

The next section, “Form Fields,” allows you to directly configure the feedback form of this extension.

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In this section, you can assign required fields, as well as add five optional additional fields to the feedback form.

The “Text at the top” and “Text at the bottom” sections allow you to add additional text that will be displayed above and below the form, respectively. This completes the configuration of the FlexiContact component.

In this case, on the “Options” tab in the “Email To” field, you must specify the email address of the recipient of the user’s message.

After this, we save the changes and go to the user part to check the results of the work.

As you see for CMS Joomla reverse the connection implemented using the FlexiContact component works successfully.

But sometimes using a component is not entirely convenient, since to display the form you need to create separate page. In this case, the feedback module comes to the rescue. joomla connections, which is also not included in the standard package of the CMS, which means we will install it separately.

In this article I would like to offer you a very simple module called SP Quick Contact, which does an excellent job of sending messages via specified address.

On the description page, we traditionally click on the “Download” link and go to the official website of the developer.

Of course, if we are working with a module, then we must publish it, select the position for displaying its content in the template, and indicate on which pages of the site it will be available. In addition, on the “Options” tab you can configure the following fields:

Admin Email - email, to which messages will be sent.

Notice Sendmail Success – message about the successful sending of a letter.

Notice Sendmail Failed - message about unsuccessful sending of a letter.

Enable Captcha - whether you need to enable captcha.

Captcha Question – a question that will need to be answered in the captcha.

Captcha Answer - answer to the captcha question.

Wrong captcha warning text - text if the captcha question is answered incorrectly.

Having configured the functionality of the module, save the changes and go to the user part to check.

As you can see, the Joomla 3 feedback module is working successfully. This concludes this article. All the best to you and happy coding!!!

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Greetings to my readers, I have gained experience and will tell you about the principles of operation of the feedback form php connections. I'll show you on clear examples, so that you understand how everything works and how the interaction occurs between the input form itself (its input fields) and the handler file written in PHP. In addition, you can download the sources for free along with .

Of course, it will be great if you have at least a little understanding of HTML / CSS because... You will have to drag the code onto your page by analogy. PHP language We won’t touch on it, I’ll show you all the necessary edits that you need to make for yourself.

UPDATE: Based on the responses from readers, I realized that I need something more beautiful and functional, please meet me, check it out and take a look. Choose which one you like best)

UPDATE2: Version 3.0 Adaptive Landing + ajax form with the transfer of UTM tags, read and take a look. You'll like it

I remembered myself when I first tried to create a feedback form in PHP on my own, and to be honest, it was labor-intensive, because... I didn’t understand what and how was happening. Patience and perseverance, friends, and you will succeed.

PHP feedback form - structure

We will study the analysis of the feedback form itself using an example landing page (Landing Page), by the way, there is a separate article on. You can see how this works in action using the buttons below, I am attaching the sources of this one-page page and the main php handler file (this file will process and send the email)

After downloading the sources and unpacking the archive, you will see the following file structure:

  • image - all images that are used for the Landing Page itself, buttons, etc.
  • js - javascript scripts, which provide for example a popup modal window on the page and other visual effects
  • index.html - index file of our one-page page
  • index1.php - a handler file into which values ​​from the form are transferred, then a letter is generated from the received variables and sent to the specified email address. Index1.php will also act as an intermediate notification page about the successful sending of data with automatic redirection back to index.html (i.e. our one-page page)

It is important that your hosting, where the site files are located, supports PHP processing, otherwise the index1.php file will not be executed and will not work. To clarify this nuance, contact the campaign where your hosting is registered or just test it - it works, it means there is support. If not, then enable the php language support option

Take a look at the diagram of how all elements interact (page, form, handler)

Source code for calling the form and handler

Let's take a look at how one of the buttons works, which brings up a modal pop-up window containing a feedback form. This given source- it’s not just one, two inserted on the page and it will work, you will have to customize it yourself to suit your design and needs.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Request a call back Request a call back

Request a call back Request a call back

Below is the complete source code of the index1.php handler, in order to configure sending to your Mailbox, change " [email protected]"to your own, the rest, in principle, can be left unchanged

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 You will be contacted

You will be contacted body ( background: #22BFF7 url(img/zakaz.jpg) top -70% center no-repeat; ) setTimeout("location.replace("/index.html")", 3000); /*Change the current page address after 3 seconds (3000 milliseconds)*/

Checking the functionality of the form

Call up the window and enter data for a test check of our form

Let me remind you once again, your hosting must support php processing files, otherwise our handler will simply not be executed and no letter will be sent to the specified email address. The result of a successfully completed feedback form

That's all for me, I tried to convey the meaning and operation of the script the best way. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me in the comments or on VK (see contact details). I wish you easy and productive work To you.

The article will not talk about the technology for creating the form code, but about developing the logic of its interaction with site visitors, increasing the number of their active actions.

It's rare to find a site that doesn't have . But how often do site visitors submit anything through this site owner form? Let's be honest - very, very rarely. And why? The correct answer is that these forms do not correspond to the user's ideas about communication.

How to properly make a feedback form convenient for visitors

It just so happens that many website owners leave the construction of logic to website developers. As a result, these forms look something like this:

If you don't look too critically, then everything looks pretty good. The visitor can fill out the form and send his message to its owners. Moreover (about happiness :)), he can even send a copy of such a message to himself personally.

But let's put ourselves in the place of the visitor himself. Moreover, let us force ourselves to remember when we last time Did you fill out this form yourself? Don't you remember? Why do you think that other visitors do so much more often?

Why do we separately ask the visitor for the subject of the message and the text of the message? After all, he just wants to ask a quick question. We expect the visitor to provide a phone number, but how is he supposed to guess this?

What should a feedback form look like on a website?

Minimalism, minimalism, minimalism - this is the main motto for. A website visitor who has just visited it is, for the most part, a so-called “cold contact.” He does not yet have any level of trust in either the site or its owner. Therefore, he is ready to fill out, write, fill out anything only “under the threat of execution.”

That is why the feedback form itself should be designed in such a way that it convinces the visitor that you really want to communicate with him. He must believe that you are ready to help solve his problem. That is why the feedback form must satisfy the following conditions:

  • The contact form should be located in a high-visibility location on the site and on most pages that visitors may visit.
  • Use the minimum required fields to start a dialogue with your site visitor.
  • Do not torment the visitor with all sorts of captchas and other complex methods verification.
  • On the left in the image is an example of a feedback form that was designed for the sidebar of the site. The form is aimed at customers who prefer to communicate by phone, so only name and phone are required fields.

    Verification of users is also very simple - he only needs to mark that he is not a robot. In fact, the internal algorithm for verifying that the sender of the request is not a robot is much more complicated. It also tracks the receipt of focus in various fields when filling out, keystrokes when entering additional information, and the passage of the mouse over a checkbox. But for the visitor everything looks very simple - he only has to mark that he is not a robot, and that’s it.

    There is no need to highlight the entire form with a special design or bright colors. graphic elements. This will distract the visitor from the main information on the page. But at the same time, the visitor should be able to notice it even with a quick glance. To do this, simply highlight the form title and the submit button. In our case, this is done by increasing the font size of the “Order a call” inscription and the blue color of the “Send” button.

    Should the feedback form send a copy of the message to the sender's email?

    This is a controversial question and there is no clear answer to it. If there is no particular need to send a copy of the message, then there is no need to send it. This will save you and your site from spammers.

    The fact is that spammers very often use such forms to send their advertising messages. To do this, they simply enter in the e-mail field not their mailbox, but those to whom they are going to send.

    What other fields should be on the feedback form?

    The more complex the form, the less often site visitors fill it out

    The answer is very short: there should be no more fields. This is a form of feedback, not a form of verification of access to a secret Pentagon vault. Therefore, there is no need to force the visitor with additional fields. Remember: the more complex the form, the less often site visitors fill it out.

    But that doesn't mean you can't create hidden information fields that collect information for you Additional information. Hidden form fields “Page Title” or “ Page URL" In this case, when you receive a request, you will immediately understand from which page it was sent. It also happens useful information about the visitor’s IP address, if it belongs to a fixed network, then you can understand what region your visitor is from.

    We can also recommend not just sending the feedback form data to you by email, but also saving it in a separate table. After a year you will have collected a lot interesting statistics for you and your business. By conducting a simple analysis, you can see in what time periods visitors most often sent their requests, both periods of the year and time periods of the day. This statistics will be very useful for constructing optimal timing for advertising campaigns.

    In this lesson we will get acquainted with the mail() function, using the example of creating a feedback form in PHP and then sending the received data by email.

    To do this, we will create two files - forma.php and mail.php. The first file will contain only a form with fields for the user to enter data. Inside form tag- button "Send" And action attribute, which refers to the handler - mail.php, it is the data from the form that is accessed when the button is clicked "Send". In our example, the form data is sent to a web page called "/mail.php". This page contains a PHP script that processes the form data:

    Form data is sent POST method(processed as $_POST). $_POST is an array of variables passed to the current script via the POST method.

    Below you see the contents of the forma.php file, the fields of which are filled in by the user himself on some website. All fields for data entry must have a name attribute; we write the values ​​ourselves, based on logic.

    Feedback form in PHP sent by email

    Feedback form in PHP

    Leave a message:
    Your name:


    Phone number:


    Text area can contain an unlimited number of characters-->

    This is how the form visually looks in the browser.

    Next we write the code for the mail.php file. We come up with our own names for the variables. In PHP, a variable starts with a $ sign and then the variable name. Text value The variable is enclosed in quotation marks. Using variables, the contents of the form are sent to the administrator’s email by simply substituting square brackets the name of the form element is the value of name .

    Thus, the data from the $_POST array will be transferred to the corresponding variables and sent to mail using the mail function. Let's fill out our form and press the submit button. Don't forget to include your email. The letter arrived instantly.

    In communication by e-mail, as in other areas, there are rules of etiquette and social protocol. If you need to write a letter asking for feedback at work or school, or to get feedback on your written work, you should think about the wording, structure of the letter, and timing. This will allow you to make your letter as effective as possible. Be polite, punctual and to the point to get the information you need.

    Steps How to Ask Customers for Feedback

    Don't ask too many questions. Clients receive great amount requests to complete a survey from all kinds of companies. If you want the client to delete your letter upon receipt, include a huge number of questions in it. If you want to interest a person, limit yourself to a couple of questions.

    Ask questions that require a detailed answer. Don't ask questions that can be answered with "yes" or "no." Instead of “Would you recommend us to your friends?”, ask the following question: “How would you describe us to another person?” Questions like these will help you gain more information.

    Promise the client to respond to him as soon as possible. Thanks to this, the client will feel that his opinion can influence something. If a person knows that he will be answered, he will write a more sincere review.

    • When responding to a review, be honest and act like a professional. IN modern world Due to the capabilities of the Internet, you can instantly lose your reputation if you behave unprofessionally with people.
  • Do not use flash graphics or other objects that will take a long time to load. If a person slow connection, he will probably delete the message if he realizes that it is taking too long to load. Remember: you need feedback, not the client.

    Choose the appropriate font and format. The letter should look neat and professional. An email written in Comic Sans and containing low-quality graphics is unlikely to impress your customers. Better to use standard fonts(Times New Roman, Arial) if you are not familiar with fonts, and refuse large quantity graphics.

    Make sure your email will be readable on all devices. Single-column text will be more convenient than multi-column text. The font should not be too small. The letter should be easy to read on a laptop, phone and tablet. Since in the modern world many people read mail from their phones, the letter must follow this format.

    The letter will be modest. Follow the rules of correspondence adopted at your place of work. Being modest will help you get feedback, but don't go overboard or your manager may think you don't know anything about your job. Frame questions so that everyone can see your progress on a project or task. This will let your manager know that you are not slacking off. Below we provide some more important recommendations.

    • You can say this: “I was working on a presentation that is due tomorrow, and I had a question about the format. I am not sure that I correctly understand the standards adopted in our company. I am attaching the presentation to this letter and would be very grateful if you take a look her and comment if everything is okay. Thank you for your help."
    • Don't forget to thank the person.
  • Talk about specific things. This will avoid general phrases that will be unhelpful. Don't ask yes or no questions unless you absolutely have to. Try not to ask your manager or colleague too many questions at once.

    Thank the person when he responds. If you are advised to work more or are told that your work is not yet up to par, the required level, explain what you plan to do to fix it. Don't answer right away - give yourself the opportunity to calm down and think about the information.

    • Reply no later than 1–2 days later.
  • How to ask for feedback at work
  • Introduce yourself. A teacher may have hundreds of students, especially if it is a university. You should indicate your first and last name, group number and department. If you are a high school student taking preparatory courses, please indicate your class. This way, the teacher won’t have to guess who you are, and it will be easier for him to write a review.

    Don't go beyond business communication. Sometimes students find it difficult to write to teachers because they cannot decide on a style. If your teacher has already written for you himself, stick to the same style as him. It’s better to formulate your thoughts like this: “I’m not sure that I understood the task correctly. I have several questions regarding the work.”

    Keep it short. Do not attempt to explain the entire context of your questions unless the context is necessary to understand the questions. For example, if you want to ask for an extension on a paper due date, your teacher may need to detailed explanations, but if you just want to ask a question about work, don't say why you didn't have time to write earlier because of your dog and why you're writing now (unless the deadline is very soon). Don't talk about what you don't have of great importance Now.

    Don't wait until the last minute to ask for feedback. Your teacher is unlikely to want to help you on the eve of the test and will probably be unhappy that you didn’t bother to ask earlier. If you are forced to ask questions at the last minute, keep it short, to the point, and apologize for the inconvenience. Thanks to this, the likelihood that the teacher will answer you will be higher (provided that he reads the letter on time).

    Use the format specified by the teacher. Often, teachers stipulate a specific format in which the assignment should be completed. For example, if the teacher asked you to send your work in .doc format, do not send the document in .pdf or .pages. If you don't know which format to use, use .rtf or .pdf or ask your teacher a question.

    Ask for feedback on a paper you've already taken or your performance in an exam. Write a polite letter to your teacher. If the teacher has office hours, go see him in person. Say something like this: “I didn’t do as well on the exam as I had hoped. Could you please point out my mistakes so that I can prepare better for the next exam?” As a rule, teachers are willing to give recommendations in such cases.

