Correct text structure. Structure - what can such a word mean? Basic meanings and concept of structure Company structure in the form of a diagram in html

All people are constantly looking for some tricks and know-how. They are looking for interesting moves so that the result increases tenfold.

And as our practice has shown, if all this increases profits, then only in small amounts. When only the basics can truly change the situation. And as a rule, such topics always remain behind the scenes. And in vain! Time to change priorities.

Today’s article will be devoted to the beginning – what is the correct structure of a landing page with high conversion.

I know that I know nothing

If you have read up to this point and still don’t know for sure whether you need a landing page or not, then our article will help you.

It’s no longer a secret to anyone that a selling website (also known as a one-page website) is created not by the will of one’s own imagination, but on the basis of clear data based on analysis. That is, this is not so much creative work as accurate calculation.

Therefore, I will add a fly in the ointment to this ointment. Namely, what needs to be done even before creating a new document called “Site Prototype”:

  1. conduct ;
  2. identify expectations, stereotypes, fears, pains and objections;
  3. divide the target audience into segments and determine their selection criteria.

All these points are directly related not only to creating a landing page, they will be useful to you in many other aspects of your business.

Therefore, if you haven’t done this yet and, moreover, don’t know how, then run to study our blog as soon as possible.

Correct and selling landing page structure

After the preparatory stage, the next thing our site will be built on is the “warmth” of traffic. Yes, well, everything will depend on it!

Well, let’s take a closer look at the “level of awareness” of traffic, after which you will understand why this is so important. Let's start with the first step, based on our client.

Stage 1: No problem

Clients do not know what a dirty carpet is and that it needs to be cleaned. Everything is great with them, like in a fairy tale, no problems.

To attract such customers and create a need in them, you will need to fork out money and be patient.

Most often these are customers who have just purchased it. Therefore, in this case, our entire site will be imbued with the PMPHS structure.

That is, your task is to heat up the atmosphere from the first sentence and tell them that the carpets need to be cleaned (treated after purchase).

Otherwise, bacteria appear there, which subsequently settle in your body and cause illness, even death.

In the context of carpets it sounds stupid, but in other areas it may well be appropriate.

Stage 2: Problem, no solution

People know that carpets need to be cleaned and that bacteria accumulate in them. But they don’t know any other solution other than washing it in the bathroom and drying it outside.

Use this information on your website that there is a solution to this unpleasant situation.

Namely, in the first half of the site, show your solution. It turns out that you can call a company that will come and do everything at home, or come, take it away and deliver it.

And here we show the solution only within the framework of our service. Not showing other solutions. How does this stage differ from the third?


Stage 3: There is a solution, we compare options

If your potential client is not yet at this stage, which is possible provided that you are selling a new or rare solution that people have not heard about, then you need to return to stages 1 and 2. But if the client is already at this stage, then he knows that:

  1. You need to clean your carpet to extend its lifespan;
  2. Prevention is necessary to avoid the accumulation of bacteria;
  3. The carpet needs to be cleaned with special chemicals and equipment, and not with soap and a vacuum cleaner;
  4. Even the worst stains can be removed.

That is, for queries such as “where to have a carpet professionally cleaned,” we can make a landing page comparing the pros and cons of our product and a car wash, do-it-yourself cleaning, or home visits by workers.

Since in this case the client chooses between different approaches to get rid of the tasks that I wrote above.

Comparison with competitors

But you need to understand that these people are not yet ready to buy, they are quite “cold” and are still thinking:

– Maybe we should go to a car wash or do it ourselves?

Therefore, we make the first part of the site proof that our method is the best, and we make the second part with a hint that we are the right company to contact. And by the way, there is more such traffic on the Internet.

Step 4: Product selection

The client has decided that he wants to use the services of professionals in the field of carpet cleaning, but he does not trust any of them.

At this stage, prove that your company is the best and provides the best conditions among all others.

This means that from the first minute of entering the site, our task is to convince that our company is the best. What are our advantages to all the advantages. That our conditions are worse than a boiled egg. You can, for example, do this using the before/after result block (of our cases).

Result before/after

Stage 5: Confidence and Intent

Clients who come with queries such as “clean square carpet cleaning” are looking for a specific company.

If you are not yet very famous, there will either be very few such requests or none at all.

Such clients, as they say, are “hotter” than ever. All they need to provide is our contacts and...

Where are you from?

Your head is probably in complete chaos right now after reading it, at least that’s how it was for me the first time.

And I would not have paid so much attention to this if the landing page structure did not depend on the “Hunt Ladder”.

And in order to understand what level of awareness your client is at, you need to determine the sources of traffic before creating.

When a landing page is created from scratch, the answer is very vague, in the style of “Yes, we’ll try everything... Although, probably one thing, either targeting, or... We haven’t decided yet.”

Why is this so important?


Briefly about the main thing

Now you know the most basic things about what the correct landing page structure is and how to approach its creation.

And now you know for sure that everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. For a logical conclusion, let's summarize everything we've learned. So.

When developing the structure, you need to: conduct, determine the level of traffic awareness and identify objections with client selection criteria. And only after that (not before) start development.

27-07-2016, 16:46

We can say that the success of its promotion and its future fate in general depend on the correct structure of the site. Even if before creating your web resource you carefully thought through all the components, it would not be superfluous to once again pay attention to this issue and touch upon the topic of site structure and how to do it correctly.

Search engines quickly and easily recognize information in a clear structure. This applies to both the site itself and the texts posted on it. To promote a website, it is important that its structure is correct. This will ensure the success of its promotion.

Description of the site structure example: types and features

To make the right choice of website structure, you need to know the advantages and disadvantages of each type of structure. So, there are four main types of structure:

Linear site structure

The name of this resource structure speaks for itself: all information on the site is provided in a linear form. This is a kind of chain consisting of components connected to each other. There are no sections highlighted here, the user does not have the opportunity to move from one page to another as he pleases. He can only move along a specific route.

Therefore, the logical structure of the site, the presence of a title for each page and a link to the main page are of great importance. It is also advisable to indicate the number of pages in general and indicate the one on which the visitor is currently located.

The scope of application of sites with such page placement is very limited.

Business card website structure. Here is a striking example of the linear structure of the site. Also, a site with such a structure would be great for creating online books, and it is also very easy to implement.

  • A variation of the site structure discussed above is the linear resource structure with branches. It is like a road with many branches from it. The user moves from one page to another in a strictly defined order. However, if necessary, he can always move to another branch and return back without effort.
  • The main advantage of a linear structure with branches is that it is relatively easy for webmasters to create one based on a regular linear structure. As your site develops, the need for this often arises. The content is growing rapidly and the question of improving navigation arises. Therefore, such a process as drawing the structure of a site is important.
  • linear structure with alternative options is another subtype of linear site structure. It differs from linear in that the user has more opportunities to search for information, or rather, is given a choice between two branches. For example, separation of corporate and private clients on the website.

Most often, this structure is used to register website visitors. In this case, all users start from the start page. But then a division occurs - individuals are offered one form to fill out information, and representatives of commercial structures fill out a completely different form.

Tree structure of the site

It is the most optimal structure that webmasters often use in their work.

The main advantage of this structure is its versatility. It is perfect for any type of resource: a home web page, a business card website, a corporate website, a catalog or portal, the structure of an online store website. Instant access to any section or page of the resource is also possible.

Lattice structure (coordinate systems)

This is a complex resource structure, where all components are located in separate branches, through which the user can easily navigate. This type of structure is most often used for links or article directories. At first glance, it may seem that the lattice structure is very convenient and acceptable for users, but still it is better not to use it for ordinary websites due to the fact that:

  • creating a lattice structure is very difficult, as you need to dig into the code or configure the CMS for it. However, using a CMS will help you with how to know the structure of the site;
  • the use of a lattice structure can easily confuse not only the user when he searches for information, but also the webmaster himself when posting content;
    - it is better not to use a lattice structure for large sites, since they contain a lot of hyperlinks.

It will be easier to perceive such a resource if you present an example of the site structure in the form of a diagram.

Mixed structure (web)

It consists of two or more components of the above structures in one, but it is rarely used due to the complexity of its implementation. This structure is already much more complex than all those discussed above. All pages in it are also located on various branches. The grid is used, as a rule, only in catalogs. At the same time, you can move between branches at a deep level using links to headings from other sections.

You can also develop the site structure yourself or use a program to create a site structure.

What is a landing page?

The structure of a selling website can be a landing page. This is a very effective way of advertising, promoting and even selling. Landing is a website that consists of only one page, or simply a page on a website created to sell a certain product or service.

What is the correct website structure? " alt="" width="800" height="476" />

The semantic core plays an important role in organizing the structure of the site, so it is necessary to first conduct a thorough analysis of target queries on the specified topic. A uniform and logical distribution of queries is very important not only for search engines, but also for site users. After you have clustered how to build a site structure, feel free to proceed directly to the process of creating the resource itself.

The site should have headings and sub-headings, which will contain only articles that are relevant to the topic. It is important that they correspond to the semantic core, that is, it is necessary to break the list of keywords into clusters. Formation of information content taking into account SEO principles greatly simplifies the further promotion of the site and increases the level of ranking for search queries.

Greetings to blog readers! The topic of the article is the correct structure of the text: what it is, why it is needed and how to create it.

What's wrong with unstructured text? It is difficult to both read and understand. The author first describes one thing, then abruptly, without any logical connection, jumps to another. Then he returns to the first one again. As a result, the reader loses the thread of the story. Of course, if you strain, you can understand what we are talking about. But the trick is that our subconscious mind refuses to accept such writing and we will have to read it and think about the meaning. People simply don’t have the time or desire to decipher an incomprehensible text.

Text structure – logical ordering of information

It can be figuratively called the skeleton of the text. When we draw up an article plan, we first outline the key points for ourselves: what we want to talk about and in what sequence. This is our skeleton and we will then add meat to it - details, conclusions, expert opinions, etc.

Structure, to put it simply, is the correct division of text into logical blocks. But this is only a superficial definition. You also need to highlight paragraphs correctly - not to grab unnecessary things from another logical block. Competently divide the text into sentences and link sentences together within a paragraph. And be sure to stick to the same time within a logical block: that is, everything that you describe in a paragraph must happen at the same time.

The first sentence falls out of the picture:

  1. By time. This is past tense. And the rest of the text is written in the present.
  2. Within the meaning of. We started with a story that dates back to 1999, and then jumped to windows, knowledge, production. There are no logical connections between sentences. In the end, we generally went to the clients’ tasks and wishes.

And this, please note, is only the first paragraph! And there are three of them in the text.

How to structure text

We will sort all the information into different paragraphs, because there is no single outline here, all sentences are from different operas.

If the first sentence is the origins of the company, then it is logical to continue about the company: the story began then with such and such events. And briefly describe that, for example, it was a small carpentry workshop. Over time, it began to expand when demand arose and double-glazed windows entered the market. This is ok nonsense, but get the gist. If we started with a story, then we need to tell it. And you can end the paragraph with the sentence that we have been doing this for 15 years.

Next paragraph: over the years we have accumulated experience, equipped production with equipment, quality control and hence - excellent products. And finish with the phrase that we know a lot about it. Summarize everything that has been said. Here is a logical connection between two paragraphs. They can be combined into one block under the subtitle “Briefly about us” and placed closer to the middle or end of the text.

The next paragraph is an appeal to buyers: if you want this or that, anything for your money. This block can be supplemented with conclusions and made it final.

This is how this text could be structured.

You can create the skeleton of an information article based on these key points:

  • What products does the company make?
  • Consumer qualities, advantages, benefits (you can add prices)
  • Experience - why the company can be trusted (history - how it began and how it became)
  • Features of technology that ensure quality
  • Conclusions and proposal to choose a product.

Here we add a title and an introductory paragraph that briefly announces the essence of the article - and you're done!


Now you know what text structure is, how to follow logic in a narrative, and why unstructured text is bad. If all this is not too clear yet, come to. There you will gain skills in working with text and master many subtleties.

Our example is not a rigid template. In each individual case, the key points will be different. Your task is to connect them with logically correctly selected details, so that each subsequent block naturally follows from the previous one or is connected with it in meaning. Well, maintain a logical sequence within paragraphs according to the principle of the analyzed example. If you have any thoughts, comment, and ask questions in the comments. I will answer everything.

Your Inna Kopicnikova

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.

This article is dedicated to those who cannot understand what it is and how it is compiled. I hope that by the end of the article you will not only become the owner of new knowledge, but also be inspired to create the structure of your website yourself. Let's start with the basics.

Types of site structure

Linear structure. Elementary logic - each page links to another page and to the main page. This structure is good to use on presentation sites, portfolios and other specific products that aim to familiarize the visitor with all the pages in a certain sequence. The weight of the pages here flows from the main to the last page through all the others. Only the main page can be successfully promoted, so this structure is not very suitable for attracting visitors. Let's leave it to those who use sites for their own purposes and do not intend to receive traffic from search. This structure in the form of a diagram:

Linear with branches. The principle is the same, but here you can use several products on one site, which you will introduce page by page. For example, this could be an online library of an author with several books. Here the weight is again transferred from the main to the last page, although there are already several such pages. And again, an unsuccessful option for promotion.

Block structure. Here, all pages link to several others that are equivalent to each other. This structure is good to use for a specific product, when each page can be used as a description of a separate property/advantage and their combinations. With the distribution of weight, everything is quite good here; the pages are already linked and give their weight to the main page, which allows you to promote it more effectively. But this structure is very specific and cannot be applied everywhere. Example of site structure:

Tree structure. The tree structure is the most universal option and it is the one you will use in 99% of cases. The point is that for each direction you will have your own branch, for each service or product you will have a separate branch. That is, those sections and subsections that are familiar to us. This structure allows you to transfer additional weight to both the main page and sections (each section page will link not only to the main page, but also to its own section, just set up the breadcrumbs.


I think it’s already clear that the tree structure of the site is more effective. Therefore, for us it is attractive and interesting both from the point of view of promotion and from the point of view of convenience.

How to create the structure of your website. Types of sites and their structure

We have decided on the type of structure we will use. Now you need to understand what it should be like for your site: how pages, sections, subsections, etc. will be organized. It all depends on the type and purpose of the site. I’ll say right away that the logical structures of sites are presented here. The arrangement of blocks on the visible part of the site - the one that you see on the monitor screen (buttons, etc.) - can be anything, the main thing is that it seems correct to you.

Business card

The standard structure is usually simple and consists of only two levels:

  1. home
  2. other pages

Commercial site

It’s more complicated here - you will need to implement additional levels of pages. Which? This will be clear from the semantic core. Below I will tell you how to create a structure for a commercial website. In short, the main pages will be the main areas of your activity, the second-level pages will be their varieties. This solution is ideal for service sites and any other commercial sites without online store functions. The structure of the selling website:

Information site and blog

The structure of an informational site is similar to the structure of a commercial one, with the only difference being that the levels will be represented by sections (namely sections, not 1st level pages) and pages. If you imagine this on a website, then the pages of a section are a page containing many links to pages belonging to it (listing). The section page itself may not provide any benefit in terms of additional information. Example:

This is usually not the case on the pages of commercial sites (you can get to a subpage from the menu) and the page itself is an important piece of information. Example of a service site:

And, of course, on information sites, the page with the article is accessible from a subsection, a section, and, in some cases, from the main page.

You can decide what sections and subsections you will have both when developing the concept of the site (when you think about what you will write about in and how it will be more convenient for the reader to find what they need on the site), and when assessing the TL (for those cases when the site is created with a semantic core to make money on advertising). The structure of the information site in the diagram:

Online store

This is a completely different level of site organization. To cover all possible queries that your potential customers may enter in the search bar, you will need to implement not only a system of sections and subsections, but also add filters to the site. The main thing is to correctly determine what will go into the filters and what will be the main property of the product being sold. So, for example, for a sofa store it would be logical to divide the sofas into leather and fabric (material), and not into blue and red (color). Although, if your feature is multi-colored sofas, then it would be better to separate them by color, making the material a secondary feature and putting it in the filter. Filters are needed when one product has several qualities that interest people in queries, for example, “color + shape” (white round bed) or “size + shape + material” (large corner leather sofa).

If you understand that you cannot create pages with all possible combinations of product parameters yourself, you need filters. If your products have only one or two parameters (for example, if you sell a specific type of product - bamboo blankets, and the only parameter that changes is size), you can do without filters. Filters can be the same for each level and section of the catalog, or they can be developed separately - it all depends on the specifics. Simplified structure of an online store website:

Website structure design. Master class for commercial FL

To gain an understanding of how to highlight different levels of pages, I will show how this is done using the example of a specific semantic core. I’ll say right away that I selected the words only as an example, so there is no point in trying to find signs of an ideal SL there. We will draw up the correct logical structure of the site, this is a structure in which page levels are determined using simple human logic.

Nowadays there are a lot of different programs that help, but I believe that in order to understand how the website structure is developed in general, you must first learn to do everything with your own hands and brains, and only then trust the programs. That's why I show it with my fingers. In general, we have the following list of words in our work:

Now you need to think about which groups can be distinguished. To do this, we turn on logic. Let's separate into separate groups those words that have the same essence. For example, we will separate pregnant women from children, inexpensive photo sessions from free ones, a photo session in the studio from a photo session on discharge, etc. Here's what happens:


By the way, it often happens that logic fails SEOs even at the clustering stage. Such interesting ideas appear as “well, there’s also something about a door, so I think it wouldn’t be superfluous,” this is when it comes to keys like “buy metal doors” and “buy doors.” Remember, if there is a specific parameter in the key phrase (metallic, for a wedding, with ruffles), then such words need to be separated from words that do not have any parameters. Keys without parameters will always be a level higher than keys with parameters.

So, we have several groups:

So, the synonyms were clustered. What to do next? We begin to create the structure of a selling website. We take into account that some groups may be subordinate to one another. For example, a photo session with my husband belongs to family photographs; accordingly, this group is better subordinated to the “family photographer” group. The logic here may be different, I did what I think is correct. For example, it seems to me that it is better to allocate the “children’s photographer” group to the top level and subordinate to it the groups “newborns”, “for discharge”, “kindergarten”, etc. Although it would also be logical to allocate the “celebration photographer” page to the top level, and subordinate the “extract” page to this page, along with the “wedding”, “birthday” and the like pages.

As a result, you will get a similar logical diagram of the site:

Here, in a separate column on the right, there are pages with information (what and how). Such pages are most often placed in the top horizontal menu, and the remaining groups already show the product face to face and talk about what the photographer is capable of. Those pages that are not provided for by our semantic core, but can be at the request of the customer, are highlighted in orange. They also need to be taken into account when creating the site structure. Now we have a separate page for each group of requests that can be successfully promoted.

If you have groups of requests of the same order (holiday theme - wedding, graduation, graduation), you don’t have to come up with a special structure with sublevels - just make everything subordinate to the main page. If you see that you have groups of requests of different types (wedding, in the forest, with your husband), think about how you can organize such groups so that it does not become a mess on the site. Select the groups “with whom”, “where”, “when” and add pages with specifics to each group at the next level. With whom? With husband. With kids. With a horse. With friends.

Even if you don't have a keyword group for the "with whom" page. This will be the correct structure of the site.

Where and how to draw the site structure?

If you decide to try to make a website structure with your own hands, you need a convenient drawing tool. I recommend an accessible program for creating a website structure (and not only), in which the diagrams for this article were made. Lots of opportunities and few problems. The main thing is that you have an active account on .gmail.

How to see the structure of a competitor's website?

Yes, in website promotion they often turn to analyzing competitors and, in general, analyzing the structure of a website is also useful. Only by understanding how a competitor achieved success can you make your site successful by using its findings and avoiding mistakes.

To understand what structure someone else's site has, you can check it manually.

Go to the website and first visually evaluate which pages and sections your competitor may have. To understand whether visual elements really have some kind of hierarchy in the site structure, pay attention to page URLs. That is, if you see that the “Openings” page in the menu has a subpage “Expanding Openings,” this does not mean that the second page is subordinate to the first in the site structure (as I said, visually the site elements can be positioned as you like, this not an indicator as such, it’s just that more often the structure is also displayed in the visual component of the site). To find out if this is really the case, look at the URL of the “Expansion of Openings” page; if in the page address you see the “Openings” folder, then it really is structurally subordinate to this page: If you see a URL like, then in the structure this page is itself, which is wrong.

In addition to studying the structure on your own, it is possible to use services and programs, but you should treat them with caution, not all of them work correctly.

I hope that now it is clearer to you how to create a website structure yourself, and you will be able to apply the knowledge you have gained.