Rules for writing a business letter. How to correctly format an application in a diploma (basic rules)

Is it permissible to use hanging lines in official letters? For example: 1) " accordance with Federal law"About_customs regulation in Russian Federation" 2) "...according to letter No. 7485-KV-2" 3) "...taking into account the results of the audit dated December 5_, 2017."

The preposition can “hang” at the end of the line, but it is better to move the number sign and number to the next line.

Question No. 294904

Good afternoon How to correctly place commas in a signature to a letter: 1) friend, colleague, Ivan Ivanov 2) friend, colleague Ivan Ivanov 3) friend and colleague, Ivan Ivanov 4) friend and colleague Ivan Ivanov

Answer help desk Russian language

Choose the fourth option.

Question No. 287725

Good afternoon Is a comma necessary in the following sentence? Judging by the last letter, I am already 167th in the queue.

Russian help desk response

The comma is placed: Judging by the last letter, I am 167th in line.

Question No. 280710
Tell me which is correct - according to the letter or according to the letter? In technical language, in business correspondence, even among the classics there is “according to + noun gender”.

Russian help desk response

Question No. 272840
Should I put a comma after the word respectfully and why?

Russian help desk response

In the signature to a letter, a comma is traditionally placed after the words “with respect.”

Question No. 272373

Please tell me how to write correctly: "in the appendix to this letter" or "in the attachment to this letter." I am inclined to the first option, but I would still like to check myself.

Thank you very much for your answer!

Russian help desk response

In the application - accusative form: look in(where? to what?) attached to this letter. In the application - prepositional case form: the table is located(Where?) in the attachment to this letter.

Question No. 269999
Good afternoon
In official correspondence, after the word “attachment”/“enclosures” there is a list of documents attached to the letter.
How to use this word correctly - plural or singular?

Russian help desk response

In our opinion, it is better to write: applications.

Question No. 269667
How to write Sincerely, Acting Director

Russian help desk response

The signature to the letter is correct:


Ivan Ivanov.

Question No. 266080
Which is correct, according to the official letter or according to the official letter?

Russian help desk response

Right: according to the official letter.

Question No. 264517
which is correct: according to the protocol or according to the protocol;
according to the letter or according to the letter

Russian help desk response

Right: according to the protocol, according to the letter.

Please, explain why you, the experts of the website, present the spelling of the word “shopping” with one letter “p” as the only correct one? It is recorded only in Lopatin’s dictionary.
The Dictionary of Foreign Words, edited by Komlev, records the option “shopping”.
The "Dictionary of Synonyms" edited by Trishin records the option "shopping".
"Modern Dictionary Russian language" edited by Efremova fixes both options as equal.
The argument for writing with two "p"s is clear: the original word - shopping - has a double consonant. What are the logical reasons for writing "shopping"?
If the experts of the website find it difficult to answer this question, I propose to forward it to Mr. Lopatin and his colleagues working on the dictionary (is it okay that I used the letter “e”? Otherwise, you don’t like it, I know).

And one more question (I already asked it earlier, but never received an answer).
Why is the word "five-o-clock" spelled "five-o-clock" in the dictionaries on your website? Unlike words such as “krov”, “pilaf”, “hog” and the like, in in this case no deafening occurs because the sound [v] is followed by a vowel sound.

I really hope to receive reasoned answers to the questions posed. And if Mr. Lopatin personally deigns to explain why the correct spellings are “shopping” and “fife-o-klok”, and not “shopping” and “five-o-klok”, that would be simply wonderful. Agree, if a group of authors tells several million people which spelling is correct and which is not, and the proposed norms go against logic, then it would be polite for the authors of the dictionary to at least justify their point of view.

Thanks in advance and all the best!

Russian help desk response

This is how Professor Vladimir Vladimirovich Lopatin explains the spelling shopping(and blogger, blogging and so on.). In recent spelling practice, the problem of writing double consonants at the end of a root has been complicated by the peculiarities of writing some new English borrowings in the source language, which is characterized by doubling the root consonant before the suffix. Since this phenomenon is alien to Russian writing, one should write, for example, shopping, but not shopping(cf. productive shop, also borrowed from English), blogger And blogging(cf. blog), scanner(cf. scan), spammer(cf. spam), rapper(cf. rap), although in English etymons of these derivatives before suffixes - er And - ing the consonant is doubled. Established spellings of long-borrowed words stopper(sports) and controller(tech.), moreover, consistently pronounced with a long consonant, should not interfere with the codification of the spellings of new similar borrowings with a single consonant before the suffix.

The above, however, does not apply to borrowing-Anglicisms such as banner, plotter, jogging, kidnapping and others, who in Russian do not have cognate correspondences with a single consonant.

About writing a word fife-o-clock see answer to question no.

Question No. 259337
Tell! In the signature to the letter “Sincerely, the director of the college,” is there a comma after the words “with respect”?

Russian help desk response

A comma is added.

Question No. 258119
Good afternoon
How to write correctly? A list is attached to the letter... or is attached.
Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Correct: attached (= is an attachment to the letter).

Question No. 256864
please tell me how to correctly write “In addition to the letter...” or “In addition to...”?
Thank you.

Russian help desk response

In addition- this is a pretext. In addition- form of the prepositional case of a noun. You need to choose an option based on the context.

To count on an excellent grade for course work, the research paper must be perfectly completed and formatted from title page to applications. For such a result, it is necessary, even before starting to write course work, carefully study all the requirements for document formatting that are put forward by the teachers of the department for which the research is being carried out. Sometimes guidelines Universities may not coincide with GOST requirements. We will consider the generally accepted design option, in particular, for applications.

Applications are the final part of the course work, so save your energy and time to complete this correctly. required element. Perhaps the appendices are far from being the most important part of the coursework, but their sufficient number indicates that the student collected so many materials on this topic that some of them had to be taken out of the scope of the main text of the study. In addition, there are materials that simply cannot be included in the main text of the work, for example, photographs, newspaper clippings, engineering plans, balance sheets, etc. What materials should be placed in the “Appendices” section?

Appendices are mandatory and informational, which explain or prove the research with additional data or can be of a reference nature. That is, in the application section you can place tables, diagrams, drawings, diagrams that occupy more than 2/3 of the sheet; You can place copies of documents and certificates to make the research more conclusive; can be entered Additional information, which is very relevant for this topic, but did not fit into the text of the main work, etc. There are no strict rules about what specific materials should be included in the “Appendices” section; it will depend on the topic of research. In any case, at least 2 applications must be placed in the course work so that the work looks complete.

There are several rules for placing and designing applications.

  1. Applications are located at the very end of the course work, after the sections “Conclusion” and “Bibliography”. After the applications there should be no more research materials.
  2. If you plan to add more than 2 applications, then it is customary to separate this section from the main text of the course work by placing separate sheet with the title "Application" or "Applications". This heading is placed almost in the center of the page, the font is the same as the entire document (Times New Roman), the letter size is much larger (from 45 point and above), you can highlight the title in bold italics.
  3. All applications must be referenced in the text of the course work. In the main text, footnotes should be added after a statement, thesis or conclusion, for example (see Appendix 1). It is in the order of mention in the study that the appendices are located at the end of the course work.
  4. Each appendix should be on a new page, even if you only put a couple of paragraphs (for example, a few terms or a diagram) in the previous appendix. It is important to separate pages from each other not by repeatedly pressing the “Enter” key, but by the “Insert” - “Page Break” command, so that, at first glance, the formatted material does not shift after a small adjustment.
  5. If the text of the application does not fit on one sheet, then when transferring it to the next page, indicate at the top of the page, “Continuation of the application” and duplicate it serial number.
  6. The pages of the appendices are not numbered; the appendices themselves are numbered in Arabic numerals in accordance with the order of occurrence in the text of the study. This is necessary so that the teacher can quickly find the material referenced in the text, because the footnote to the appendix also indicates not the page number where it can be found, but the serial number of the appendix.
  7. Sometimes Russian letters are used, for example, “Appendix A”, “Appendix B”, etc. With this method of indicating order, it is important to remember that some letters are not used, for example, E, J, CH, Z, ь, Ъ, И.
  8. Every application must have a title. Which is written under the serial number of the application, but there is no need to duplicate it when referenced in the course work.
  9. Formulas, tables and diagrams that are included in applications, as well as in the main text research work, are numbered in Arabic numerals, but the designation of the application is indicated before the serial number. For example, “Table B.3” or “Figure A.2”.
  10. If such a need arises, the voluminous text of the application can also be divided into sections and paragraphs, which are numbered in Arabic numerals, but the numbering begins anew within the application and the serial designation of the application is indicated before the section number.

These are the basic rules that must be taken into account when compiling the “Appendices” section. Let's look in more detail at one of the options for formatting applications and their titles.

For example:



In this case, both the ordinal designation of the application and its name are written in capital letters, the font and font size are preserved as for the entire main text of the course work. The word “application” and its serial number must be highlighted using bold or italics. In order for the name of the application to look harmonious in the course work, you can align them “to the right”, as in the example, or “to the center”, this option is also found in the methodological recommendations. It's important to increase it a little line spacing, in the example, the command “interval - after - 10 pt” is set. Please note that no punctuation is placed at the end of headings.

Often students prefer not to include the “Appendices” section in their coursework, as they are afraid that they will not be able to compose and format it correctly. In fact, this is a big mistake. The presence of applications tells the teacher that so much was found for the course work a large number of information that some of it did not fit into the main text of the study. If you include documents, certificates, comparison tables etc. - this will indicate that your research was carried out conclusively. Using the above tips, you can easily format your applications correctly and add another plus to your overall grade for your coursework.

One of components of the thesis are applications, if, of course, they are included in the diploma. In some disciplines and certain topics, the presence of applications is simply not required. For example, in legal disciplines it is almost impossible to find material that can be classified as applications. Most theses are submitted by the authors with applications. The rules for preparing a thesis work state that appendices include those materials that are especially important for understanding the work itself, but it is impossible to form them in text format due to their large volume. Below in this article we will give an example of the format of the application in the diploma.

Application examples.

Most often this is:

  • various graphs, diagrams, drawings, diagrams that turned out to be too cumbersome for standard pages;
  • reference materials, for example, data on the reporting of a particular organization or internal documentation of a company;
  • methods that were used to carry out the research part of the thesis, for example, various questionnaires or questionnaires.
  • large tables, the size of which is more than 2/3 of an A4 page;

The materials listed above are important for clarifying and detailing some components of the thesis. They allow you to understand how the conclusions and solutions to the problem were formed, how the algorithm works, what materials were emphasized, etc. Members of the certification committee very often pay attention to applications, so your grade will largely depend on the quality of the design of this part of the thesis. For example, many students mistakenly believe that more applications leads to best estimate. This fact is unlikely to be confirmed in practice. In fact, applications in the amount of more than 15 significantly complicate the structure of the work; the attention of the commission during the inspection is scattered, and this may irritate some of them. Below are some tips that should help you format your applications correctly.

Application design tips.

It is desirable that the application be inextricably linked with the text of the thesis. Therefore, it is mandatory to have a link to each application. Link to the application in the diploma example: “The call processing scheme in the billing system is presented in Appendix 4.” In this case, Appendix 4 must have a corresponding heading: Call processing scheme in the BS.

Recommended various schemes(especially for organizational structures) always put them in appendices, and it’s better to formalize them in landscape format. This will increase visibility and detail all components of the diagram.

Execution of the application in the diploma, example No. 2: “The powers of the HR department employees are enshrined in the Regulations on the HR department of the Neptune company (see Appendix 6).” The regulation is a voluminous document, so it is important to include it in the appendices, because it is almost impossible to lay out its essence in the text. The application will clearly show which employee performs which powers.

Most often, applications are attached to the thesis in a single array. The authors of the work allocate for them special folder. True, there are options when applications are intertwined with the text of the work. In any case, place before the application Blank sheet paper, where in the middle it will be written: Applications.

Typically, applications are drawn up in A3 or A4 format. Right in top corner write the word “Appendix”, after it put the number of the application (in this case, “No” is not written): Appendix 1. To designate applications, the letters are often used: Appendix A. However, it is worth remembering that the letters E, I, O, Z, b, Kommersant are not used.

It is not customary to number sheets with attachments. They can be in both bookstores and landscape orientation. It is important to once again pay attention to not doing too much unnecessary applications. The optimal number of Applications is 1-5, maximum - 8.
Links in the text to applications are mandatory, because using an application without a link is essentially meaningless.

If you correctly prepare the appendices to your thesis, this will only work to your advantage and will show your ability to work with large material, highlight the main and secondary in large works, and focus on the most important facts and objects. Members of the certification commission will appreciate your work.

Still, you need not only to thoroughly select the material, but also to know the rules for its presentation in a diploma in accordance with GOST. From the article you will learn what an application is and how to design it correctly.

What is a diploma supplement?

Appendix – a section where visual (additional) materials are presented, which contain information on algorithms or proprietary research methods. These documents cannot be included in sections, as the presentation format may be non-standard or the volume may not be suitable for A4 sheet.

Applications perfectly complement the thesis, make it even better, and as a rule, the student must independently think through the points of content. However, you still need to coordinate them with your supervisor.

What should be included in the diploma supplement

This section contains information that reveals the details of the diploma and clarifies some calculations. Not only graphic materials, but also handouts may be included in the diploma appendix, as they show the work done in more depth.

Additional materials that are most often used in applications:

  1. Graphs and diagrams.
  2. Large tables that do not fit on an A4 sheet.
  3. Formulas and calculations based on them.
  4. Intermediate mathematical proofs.
  5. Description of the equipment and instruments that were used during the experiments.
  6. Metrological examination (conclusion).
  7. New techniques developed by the author.
  8. Auxiliary material in the form of drawings, diagrams, cartographies, photographs, etc.
  9. Reference materials. This may be a sample of financial statements for the enterprise and other documentation.

The above materials detail each chapter (section) or specific paragraphs. They also help to understand what the graduate student was focusing on, what conclusions he made, and what happened in the end. The state certification commission also pays attention to how the student was able to use the applications while reading the report.

Rules for formatting applications in a diploma according to GOST

Applications must be prepared in accordance with GOSTs, although there are no too strict requirements here. The main thing is to know the basic rules and try not to deviate from them. Read below how to complete the diploma application according to GOST standards.

According to GOST 2.301, applications can be drawn up not only on A4 sheets, but also on A3, A4*3, A1, A4*4. However, such formats can be used if the information really does not fit on A4.

According to GOST 2.109, you need to insert a sufficient number of applications, the main thing is that they can fully cover the topic of the diploma and should be of an informational nature only.

Basic rules for applications in the thesis:

Rule 1. Applications are not stitched together with diploma work, but are in separate folder as a separate document.

Rule 2. Every application must start with new page, and “APPLICATION” is written at the top center. Please note that this word is all capital letters.

Rule 3. Applications are indicated in capital Russian letters, but there are exceptions that, according to GOST 2.109, cannot be written: E, Z, J, O, CH, ь, Ъ, И.

Rule 4. You can designate applications and in Latin letters, with the exception of – I, O.

Rule 5. If all letters have been used, then applications can be designated with Arabic numerals, but only as a last resort.

Rule 6. If there is only one appendix in the diploma, then it is designated: “APPENDIX A”.

Rule 7. The text of applications may be divided into paragraphs and subparagraphs.

Rule 8. Applications must have continuous numbering.

Rule 9. All application titles are written in the same style.

Rule 10. If one application consists of several sheets, then on the first you need to write: “Continuation of Appendix A”, and on the last - “End of Appendix A”.

You should always remember that well-written applications are the path to success, since they reflect the graduate’s level of preparation and knowledge, and the commission pays attention to this part diploma

How to format an appendix in the table of contents of a diploma

Appendix A is indicated in the table of contents. If there is an appendix B, C, D, etc., then they also need to be written in the content.

The sample shows that each application contains not only a designation (letter), but also a name..

How to provide links to diploma applications

This is what the application the student refers to in his thesis will look like:


Now you know how to correctly format the application in your diploma. The main thing is that you need to chase not the quantity of additional materials, but the quality of the necessary ones. It is important to remember that in some cases many applications complicate the structure of the thesis.

Updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

At first glance, it seems that application, as well as props " Marking the presence of the application“It’s simply impossible to format it incorrectly. There is GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the preparation of documents" (hereinafter referred to as GOST R 6.30-2003), which sets out the rules for preparing the details of organizational and administrative documents. And if there are any questions related to application design, then the majority turns to the text of GOST R 6.30-2003.

This fragment of the document may indeed clarify some points related to application design. But, unfortunately, all questions cannot be answered there. For example, it remains unclear:

  1. Where exactly in the documents should the “Appendix Availability Mark” attribute be placed?
  2. Is it always necessary to write “Appendix” on the first sheet of the application in the upper right corner, indicating the document, its date and registration number?

The answers to these questions can be found, but in other documents. Let's try to do this together.

Where should I place the “Application Availability Mark” attribute?

As you know, Appendix A of GOST R 6.30-2003 contains layout diagrams for the details of organizational and administrative documents. If you look at them, you can come to the conclusion that 21 the “Mark of the presence of the application” attribute must be in the range of 60-40 mm from the border of the bottom field(See Figure 1). Actually it's not like that. The boundaries, which are marked with dotted lines in these diagrams, can be moved both up and down. Moreover, there are cases when registration of props « Marking the presence of the application"in the range of 60-40 mm from the border of the lower field can lead to disastrous consequences (see Example 1).

Imagine a situation where a letter of notification about an exhibition-conference is drawn up, consisting of two pages, and the text on the second page occupies no more than one-fourth of the total area of ​​the sheet. Accordingly, if props « Marking the presence of the application» placed in the interval of 60-40 mm from the border of the lower field, then there is a lot of free space between this prop and the text (see Figure above). Just at this time free place“cunning craftsmen”, both on the part of the organization that authored the document and on the part of the recipient organization, can, after training, add any text that will allow them to gain their benefit. At the same time, the management of both organizations may not even know that any additions have been made to the text of the letter. Compare the two versions of the same letter shown on this spread.

So, so that no one can add any new text into an already signed document, It should be placed not closer to the border of the bottom margin, but after the text of the document. Moreover, the indentation should be 2-4 line spacing, the indentation size is fixed in Methodical recommendations on the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003, which were published by the developer of GOST - the All-Russian Research Institute of Documentation and Archiving (VNIIDAD).

If you look again at the layout of the details of organizational and administrative documents (see Figure 1), you can note that detail 21 - “Mark of the presence of the application” and detail 22 - “Signature”located on the same level. However, the signature should be placed underrequisite “Mark of the presence of the application” at 2-4 intervals. This must be done so that no one can add another attachment to the document after signing the document.

Speaking of location “App availability mark” requisite, it is worth noting a number of other points. If you look at the fragment of GOST R 6.30-2003, published at the beginning of the article, you will see that GOST provides examples of design, where it is clearly visible that the props we are considering are located from the border of the left margin with an indent . However, there are no clear indications of this in the GOST text. But they are in the Methodological Recommendations for the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003, and this is what is written there:

Thus, we can conclude that the arrangement we demonstrated in Example 2 will be correct.

In which organizational and administrative documents can the “Stamp of the presence of an application” attribute be used?

The text of GOST R 6.30-2003 states that “App availability mark” requisite can be issued in letters (see paragraph 3.21 given at the beginning of the article). That is, if the letter contains any application, then this detail must be formalized without fail. Moreover, in cover letters, the main purpose of which is to send documents that do not have an address part, “App availability mark” requisite must always be completed (see Example 2).

Also props « Application availability mark", if necessary, may be present in the following forms information and reference documents: certificates, memos, explanatory notes, memos.

But there are types of organizational and administrative documents in which props « Marking the presence of the application» is not issued, because information about applications is indicated directly in the text. This is stated in the Guidelines for the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003 and in Standard instructions on office work in federal executive authorities. Such documents, for example, include a protocol.

Props « Marking the presence of the application» is not issued in administrative documents: orders, instructions, instructions, resolutions and decisions.

Typically, if an administrative document has reference or analytical annexes (graphs, diagrams, tables, lists), then in the text in the relevant paragraphs of the administrative part there are links: “(Appendix 1)”, “(Appendix 2)” or “according to the Appendix 1", "according to Appendix 2". If the appendix to the administrative document is an approved document (regulations, rules, instructions, etc.), the following mark is made in the corresponding paragraph of the administrative part: “(attached)” (see Example 3).

Is it always necessary to write “Appendix” on the first sheet of an application?

Is it always necessary to do on the first sheet of the application in the upper right corner inscription « Application» indicating the document, its date and registration number? At first glance it seems yes. But that's not true. Therefore, many people make mistakes when they put this label on all applications indiscriminately.

Let's consider cases when inscription "Application" indicating the document, its date and registration number should not be affixed.

Firstly, it is inappropriate when you are sending any an independent document that does not have an address part, together with cover letter .

However, if it is not a covering letter that is sent, but, for example, a notification letter or an invitation letter, and the attachment includes additional materials that were specially prepared for this letter, then the above inscription must be placed on the attachment.

Secondly, you shouldn't do it inscription « Application» on a document approved by an administrative document. It is when designing such applications that mistakes are most often made. And look what happens: there are options when there is no necessary information(Example 6) or when it is duplicated (Examples 7 and 8).

Possible options Not correct design this is not limited to. However, the rules for drawing up annexes to administrative documents are regulated using the example of decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation in the Standard Instructions for Office Work in Federal Executive Bodies.

From the above, we conclude that the approved documents must contain the requisite “Document Approval Statement,” which is drawn up in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003, and not the inscription “Appendix No.” with the data of the administrative document. But if the application is of a reference or analytical nature (i.e., not approved), then in its upper right corner the inscription “Appendix No.” should be written indicating the relevant document, its date and registration number.

How should applications be designed?

At application design The following simple rules should be followed:

  1. Applications Always are issued on standard sheets of paper, not on letterhead documents.
  2. Since applications are not registered separately, they should not contain the details “Document Date” and “Document Registration Number”. After all, the date and registration number of the document to which the application relates can be viewed in the upper right corner on the first page of the application in the inscription “Appendix...” (see Example 5) or in the attribute “Document approval stamp” (see Example 9).
  3. The title to the application text is printed in a centered manner; there is no period at the end of the title. The name of the application type (the first word of the application title) is highlighted in capital letters and can be printed in space (POSITION, LIST, LIST, etc.) . The line spacing between the first line of the title and subsequent lines can be increased by 6 pt.

    The title of the application is located under the inscription “Appendix...” or the attribute “Document approval stamp” and is separated from them by two to four line spacing.

  4. The margin sizes, fonts and line spacing when printing applications are identical to the sizes used when printing document texts.
  5. The application sheets are numbered independently, starting from the second sheet. Page numbers are placed in the middle of the top margin of the sheet. In this case, the number is written in Arabic numerals without punctuation (dots), without indicating the word “page” or its abbreviated versions “page.” or with." and dashes.
  6. Organizational and legal documents - instructions, rules, regulations, regulations approved by administrative documents and which are appendices to them - must be signed by the head of the structural unit who developed this application. Other applications, if necessary, may also be signed by an authorized official. If the application is not signed, then it is advisable to end it with a horizontal line located in the center of the text at a distance of approximately 3 line spacing. The length of the line should be several centimeters. This simple trick will protect you from adding any text to the end of the application after signing the main document (see Example 5).

Here is an example of the correct design of the first page of the Regulations on a structural unit, which is an appendix to the administrative document (see Example 9).

* * *

Concluding the article, I would like to note that if questions arise related to the preparation of documents or the organization of work with them, it is better to look for answers in several regulatory documents or sources, rather than stopping at just one. This is the only way to get the most complete answer to your question.

1 Organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for document preparation: Guidelines for the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003. - VNIIDAD. — 2003.

2 The location of some details, which should be issued only in specific areas of the document page, are indicated directly in the text of GOST R 6.30-2003 and the above-mentioned Methodological Recommendations. Such details include: “Document approval visas”, “Note on the execution of the document and sending it to the file”, “Note on receipt of the document by the organization”, “Identifier electronic copy document."

3 If there are several applications, they are numbered, i.e. the inscription “Appendix” must include the sign “No” and the serial number of the application (see Example 5).

4 Exceptions are independent documents that do not have an address part, are sent with a covering letter to a third-party organization (see Example 4) and are indicated in the letter as attachments. These documents are prepared in a standard manner, i.e. according to the rules applicable to certain types of documents.