Practical work inserting graphic objects. "Komsomolsk-on-Amur Marine Mechanical College"

Laboratory work № 4

Subject: Inserting into document texts graphic objects and formulas.

Target: master the technology of inserting various graphic objects into the text of documents. Acquire skills from the formation of algorithm diagrams, mathematical formulas and equations.

Purpose: practical mastery of the technology of inserting various graphic objects created into the text of a document using Word and other MS Office add-ons.


1 . Create a working file named „ Drawings and diagrams” and place in it a number of pictures from the MS Clip Gallery and drawings from files with the extension .bmp, .emf, .jpeg, .gif, etc. Search for files using the command „ Find"menu" Start”.

2 . Learn the purpose of toolbar controls „ Drawing" And " Setting up images”, as well as windows “ Table Properties" And " Formatdrawing”.

3 . Develop an algorithm for calculating functions of the form X=f(X)*E. Create a diagram using Word and save it with explanatory text in a working file.

4 . Activate any dialog box, menu and panel Word tools. Insert these objects with comments into the working document file.

5 . Select 4-5 buttons of different categories and insert their icons with explanatory text into the working file.

6 . Insert a table with a diagram from a given Excel add-in workbook into a working document file.

7 . In the report, present: the name and objectives of the work, as well as the results of the work contained in the file „ Drawings and diagrams" If necessary, supplement the report separate windows, panels and submenus.

Completing the task

1 . Word comes with a collection of clip art in the Clip Gallery. Clip Gallery contains a large number of professionally executed drawings intended for document design: images of people, geographic Maps, cartoons and much more.

In order to find the desired picture, select the command “ Insert» - « Drawing» - « Images", and then in the window that opens " Insert Pictures" needed in the area " Search for a clip» search for a clip (picture) by name. In field " Other search options» You can choose to view in specific collections or by characteristics. In area " see also» select viewing by activating the following options:

§ Collection of pictures;

§ Collection of pictures on the Internet;

§ Tips for finding clips.

Clip Gallery also includes its own help system, which contains information about adding, updating, and changing pictures. To find the required pattern or obtain additional information you can use search fields.

MS Word also allows you to insert drawings and scanned photographs from other programs and files. To insert a picture from another program, select the command “ Drawing" on the menu " Insert", and then the command " From file" When you select a picture, the toolbar “ Image Settings", which can be used to crop the image, add borders, and adjust brightness and contrast.

2 . To insert a graphic object into a document, you need to use the command “ Drawing» menu « Insert", which has several subparagraphs:

1) Images– offers to choose one of the pictures supplied with the editor. For convenience, the figures are divided into sections.

2) From file– allows you to insert a picture stored in a file into a document. This will open the window “ Add a picture", which functions in the same way as the document open window.

3) AutoShapes– inserts an autoshape into the document. Autoshapes are a group of ready-made geometric shapes, which includes basic shapes such as rectangles, circles, various lines, curly arrows, flowchart symbols, stars and ribbons, and callouts.

To attach text to any autoshape (except line and half-line), click the shape right click mice, in context menu select the command " Adding text", and enter the required text. The text becomes part of the autoshape.

4) WordArt Object– adding and changing curly text.

To move graphic objects, including AutoShapes, clip art, curly text, pictures, and imported graphics, in many cases you can simply drag and drop them where you want them. However, it is possible to move an object to a precise position, and to "snap" or attach an object to a paragraph so that when the paragraph is moved, the object moves automatically.

To place a graphic object at a precisely specified position on the page, or attach it to a paragraph, you need to do the following:

1) Select the object that needs to be linked.

2) Select the command “ Autoshape», « Drawing», « Inscription" or " An object" on the menu " Format" and then the " Position».

3) To specify the exact location of the object, select the anchor objects horizontally and vertically from the lists, and then enter the distances from the anchor objects in the fields Horizontally And Vertically.

There are two ways to bind an object to a paragraph with which it should move:

· To make the selected object move along with the paragraph to which it is attached, check the “ Move with text».

· To ensure that the selected object is always on the same page as the paragraph to which it is linked, check the “ Set binding».

Text is placed around a graphic object of any size and shape. In this case, it is possible to specify certain sides of graphic objects along which you want to place the text, as well as the distance between the graphics and the surrounding text.

To set parameters for the relative position of text and graphics on the page, you must run the following actions:

1) In markup mode, select a graphic object.

2) Select the command “ Autoshape», « Field», « Drawing" or " An object" on the menu " Format", and then - the " tab Flow around».

3) In the group " Flow around» select the required parameter.

4) In the group " Text» select the sides of the field or graphic around which you want to place the text.

5) In the fields of the group " Distance from text» determine the distance between and the text located around it.

Various flow options :

Around the frame – wrapping text around all four sides of a rectangular picture frame.

Along the contour – text flowing along the outline of the picture.

Through – end-to-end text flow.

No – cancel the wrapping of the picture. In this case, the picture appears before or behind the text. To change the position of the picture relative to the text, select it and select the command “ Order" on the menu " Actions» toolbars « Drawing", and then select the command " Place in front text" or " Place behind text».

3 . In order to develop an algorithm for calculating a function of the form X=f(X)*E, open a set of figures of the group „ Block diagram" Then we perform the following operations:

“Scheme of the algorithm for calculating a function of the form X=f(X)*E”

§ In submenu „ AutoShapes” symbols of the algorithm diagram are sequentially activated. A character is “drawn” on the screen by moving the pointer while the mouse button is pressed. Setting the exact size of the selected character and changing its position on the screen is done using pointers like: ↕↔

§ To speed up the procedure, identical characters are usually copied by moving the pointer while the button is pressed .

§ All symbols of the algorithm diagram are united by flow lines using the \ button and the mouse pointer. Line type and color, stroke type and arrow type are set using the panel buttons „ Drawing”.

§ Enter the corresponding texts, formulas and numbers in the fields of all symbols of the diagram. Comments are entered in the same way, serial number symbols, conditions and others.

§ By pressing the button „ Selecting an object» and by “dragging” the mouse pointer, all objects of the algorithm diagram are taken into a frame, and then grouped into a frame behind the list command of the same name „ Actions" Changing the size and location of the frame, as well as copying it, is done in the same way as any figure symbol.

§ If it is necessary to edit the diagram-frame, you should select and ungroup ( Actions – Ungroup).

4. Dialog window.

The dialog box contains a number of elements: buttons, lists, checkboxes, radio buttons, introduction lines. These elements are placed behind thematic groups, which are called fields. Groups have titles that end with a colon. The transition from group to group is carried out either using the mouse, or by pressing the [MELT] key.

In the case of entering auxiliary information in the dialog box, check boxes and switches are set, elements are selected from the list, text is entered and edited in the entry fields.

There are control buttons on the right side or at the bottom of the window. dialog box. The OK button (key) ends the dialog with confirmation of all changes, after which Word executes the command.

Button CANCELLATION(key) cancels all changes; the dialogue ends, but the corresponding command is not executed.

Except the button OK And CANCELLATION In this window, depending on the purpose of a particular window, there may be other dialog control buttons.

Dialog windows also have fields whose names end with an ellipsis. When you select such a field, the following window opens, in which you can also set certain parameters.

rice. Page Numbers Dialog Box

Menu bar.

Under the title line in the window there is a menu bar that contains the following items:

File- working with document files.

Edit- editing documents;

View - revision of documents;

Insert- inserting pictures, diagrams into the document, current date and time, formulas and other objects;

Format- document formatting (setting fonts, paragraph parameters);

Service- service functions (spell checking, setting Word settings);

Table- working with tables;

Window- working with document windows;

Reference- background information about Word;

Pragma- translator.

Each menu item has a corresponding submenu. To open the menu, press the or key. After this, one of the menu items will be highlighted in inverse color. Working with application Word menu no different from working with the regular menu.

rice. "Menu Bar"

rice. View submenu


Toolbars are usually located below the menu bar. Toolbars are a row of buttons that, when clicked, perform a specific action. To press a button, click the mouse on the button. When you fix the mouse cursor on a button, its name appears below it, and in the status bar there is a short information about the purpose of the button. A number of buttons duplicate the corresponding menu commands. However, using the panel buttons is much faster and more convenient. Word provides the user with several toolbars.

To select the desired panel, use the command View - Toolbars. A dialog box will appear on the screen. Toolbars, in the list of which you can select the required panels. By default, Word displays toolbars Standard and Formatting. Some toolbars appear automatically when you perform certain actions (yes, for example, the toolbar Drawing displayed when constructing drawings).

rice. Toolbar.

6. Inserting a diagram.

To insert a table with a diagram from a given Excel add-in workbook into a working document file, select the menu „ Insert” – „An object” – „ DiagramMicrosoftExcel" - OK(key):

rice. Insertobject

rice. Settings paneldiagrams

Purpose of the lesson. Studying information technology inserting objects into text in MS Word.

Task 14.1. Inserting WordArt objects into text.

Operating procedure

1. Launch text Microsoft editor Word.

2. Using a command Insert/Drawing run the WordArt program (Fig. 14.1). In the window Changing text WordArt enter the title text (Figure 14.2).

Use WordArt to create a document title:

Rice. 14.1. WordArt Collection

Rice. 14.2. Window Changing text WordArt

Task 14.2. Inserting pictures into the text.

1. Insert AutoShapes (Insert/Drawing/AutoShapes):

2. Insert three pictures into the text of the document using the commands Insert/Drawing/Pictures:

Brief information. To change the size of a picture, you need to activate it (by clicking on the picture) and move the picture marker to a new location.

Moving a picture around a document is done by dragging it with the mouse.

Task 14.3. Formatting pictures.

1. Open the file "Document 3". Insert a picture into it to learn formatting. Install different kinds wrap text around the picture (select the picture with the command Format/Ri sunok/s/tab Position). Notice how the position of the text relative to the picture changes.

2. Trim the picture by 0.5 cm (Format/Picture/ tab Drawing).

3. Fill the background of the picture (Format/Picture/Colors and Lines tab).

4. Save the document in your folder with the name "Document 5" (File/Save As).

Task 14.4. Preparing a document for printing.

Brief information. Page parameters include sheet dimensions, margins (the distance from the edge of the page to the text), the distance from the edge of the sheet to the footer, and page orientation. Page parameters are set by the command File/Page Settings, tabs Fields And Paper size.

Operating procedure

1. Prepare the “Document 5” file for printing. Set page parameters (Fig. 14.3):

distance from edge to header – 1 cm; orientation – portrait.

top margin – 1.5 cm;

bottom margin – 1.5 cm;

left margin – 3 cm;

right margin – 1 cm;

Note. The distance from the edge to the header should be less than the top margin.

Rice. 14.3. Setting Page Options

2. Set page numbers (Insert/Page Numbers), position – at the top of the page, alignment – ​​on the right, with the number on the first page (Fig. 14.4).

3. Spell checking is specified by the command Service/Spelling or key.

4. Set automatic spell check (Tools/Options/Spelling tab, Check the box “Automatically check spelling” (Fig. 14.5).

5. Execute preview document (File/Preview). Set to view multiple pages. If a small portion of text at the end of the document is located at separate sheet, use the button Page adjustment, the program will reduce the font size and spacing.

Task 14.5. Print the document.

Operating procedure

1. If you want to print the entire document in one copy, use the toolbar button Seal.

Rice. 14.4. Setting page numbering

Rice. 14.5. Exercise automatic check spelling

Rice. 14.6. Setting print options

2. To print a range of pages or multiple copies, follow these steps: File/Print(Fig. 14.6). Set the page numbers to be printed - 1, 3 and the number of copies - 2.

3. Print a portion of the document. To do this, select a fragment and give the command Format/Print and set the page switch to the “Selected fragment” position.

Additional task

Task 14.6. Type the text according to the example.

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Placing graphics in a document

Working with graphics in the Word processor can be done in four directions.

1. Inserting an object created in another graphic editor(eg Microsoft Drawing, Paintbrush, etc.).

2. Drawing in the document itself (using the tools of the “Drawing” panel).

3. Use ready-made drawings from the Clipart collection to design texts.

4. Editing a finished drawing from the Clipart collection.

Inserting Graphic Objects

Objects created in the graphic editor are stored in the form graphic files on the computer. To include one of them in a text document, use the command Insert/Drawing/From File. In the window that appears, after selecting the appropriate picture, press the button Insert, and the picture is placed where it was inserted.

Editing an object in text.

To adjust the image, you need to display the panel Image Settings. The panel is called either by the command View/Toolbar/Image Adjustments or by selecting the picture with one click, then the panel appears automatically.

Main features:

  1. Changing the brightness and contrast of the picture.
  2. Trimming unnecessary elements.
  3. Rotate the picture by a certain angle.
  4. Image compression.
  5. Wrapping text around a picture.
  6. Setting the outline of the drawing.
  7. Return the original drawing parameters.

To place the picture in the desired location text document You need to set Text Wrap, which will allow you to effectively move the picture over the text. Moving is carried out using the mouse: having selected the picture, with the left mouse button pressed, drag the picture to the desired location.

Clipart Picture Library

Microsoft Office offers an extensive library of pictures, where you can find a suitable picture to design almost any document. To add a Clipart library drawing to Word document, you need to follow the following steps.

  1. Select a team Insert/Drawing/Pictures.
  2. Enter keyword to search for a picture in a field Search and click on the button Find. (In field results the pictures in the collection will appear with images of what is the keyword.)
  3. Hover your mouse over the picture you like. Click on the arrow that appears to the right of the picture and select the item in the menu that opens Insert.
  4. To add another picture to your document, move text cursor to the point where you want to insert the picture, and use the task pane to switch to the window Inserting a picture .

Click the button Change window Inserting a picture, to return to section Search for a clip, and repeat the steps described above.

Editing a finished drawingfrom the Clipart collection

The finished drawing from the Clipart collection can be edited. You can change the contrast or brightness of the picture, change the size and proportions, change the color and fill, and write inscriptions on the picture. You must first select the drawing. Select the line in the context menu Figure format.

In the window that appears, select various tabs, change the properties of the picture.

Practical work with ready-made drawings in Word.

  1. Open the file