Proverbs about a laptop. Quotes about computers

In front of you - quotes, aphorisms and witty sayings about the computer. This is a rather interesting and extraordinary selection of the most real “pearls of wisdom” on this topic. Here are collected entertaining witticisms and sayings, clever thoughts of philosophers and apt phrases of masters of the conversational genre, brilliant words of great thinkers and original statuses from social networks, as well as much more...

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The printer's handwriting can tell you how nervous the computer is.
Dmitry Pashkov.

A computer is a device designed to speed up and automate human errors.

The danger is not that a computer will one day begin to think like a person, but that a person will one day begin to think like a computer.
Sidney J. Harris.

Don't let the computer guess that you're in a hurry.

All you had to do was ask a man to help wash the dishes - and an automatic dishwasher immediately appeared.
Cyril Northcote Parkinson.

Automation creates new areas of employment: more and more people are needed to correct errors.

The electronic brain will think for us in the same way that the electric chair dies for us.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

If a computer program is convenient and effective, it will certainly be changed.

Any computer program that passes testing is obsolete.

If the program is clear to you, then it is already outdated.
"Bitton's Rule"

One machine can do the work of five ordinary people; no machine can do the work of one extraordinary man.
Elbert Hubbard.

The computer has the advantage over the brain that it is used.
Gabriel Laub.

The computer, like every worker, is subject to the Peter Principle. If he does his job well, he is promoted and given more and more responsibility until he reaches his level of incompetence.
Lawrence Peter.

The power of a computer is proportional to the square of its price. To save half the money, you need four times the power.
Herb Grosh.

Why are you not afraid of a machine that is a thousand times stronger than you, but the thought of a machine that is many times superior to you in intelligence is terrifying?
Stanislav Lem.

Computerization is the desire of men to simplify work so that women can do it.

A reliability system always spoils what it protects.

Tolerances always accumulate unidirectionally.

Independent software will not work with any software.

A defective program is an abstract theoretical concept.

If you wrote something down in computer memory, remember where you wrote it down.
Leo Beiser.

In a couple of seconds, the computer manages to make a mistake of such magnitude that hundreds of people work on it for months.
Merle Meacham.

It is human nature to make mistakes, but inhuman mistakes require a computer.
Paul Ehrlich.

The machines must work. People must think.
IBM's motto is:

I think it will be possible to sell about five computers on the world market.
IBM CEO Thomas Watson in 1943

Multitasking allows you to make several mistakes at the same time.

The computer didn't work. Previously, a whole department was involved in this.
A. Stass.

Nature hates equations with second-order differentials.

The latest computer is a computer that was either outdated yesterday or will be available tomorrow.
Sydney Brenner.

Our age is proud of machines that can think, and is afraid of people who demonstrate the same ability.
Mumford Jones.

“Bit is good...”

The beginning of an old (!) Russian folk proverb

The assignments are intended for students. You will be offered sayings that are proverbs and sayings, the meaning of which has been changed, so to speak, in a computer way. Name these proverbs and sayings.

1. Computer science is always useful to study. (Learning to read and write is always useful.)

2. When the computer is being serviced by 7 technicians, the monitor does not work. (Too many cooks spoil the broth.)

3. You can’t ruin a computer with memory. (You can’t spoil porridge with oil.)

4. Tell me what kind of computer you have and I will tell you who you are. (Tell me who your friend is and I'll tell you who you are.)

5. There is nothing to blame for the monitor if the video card is crooked. (There is nothing to blame for the mirror if the face is crooked.)

6. Saves a bit of a kilobyte. (A penny saves the ruble.)

7. Seven troubles - one “Reset”. (Seven troubles - one answer.)

8. The system unit of a donated computer is not looked into. (They do not look at a given horse's teeth.)

9. People don’t go to Silicon Valley with their own computer. (They don’t go to Tula with their own samovar.)

10. It is not the identifier that colors the file, but the file identifier. (It is not the place that makes the man, but the man the place.)

11. END - the program ends. (The end is the crown of the whole thing.)

12. A highly qualified programmer's program is afraid. (The master's work is afraid.)

13. What is printed by a printer cannot be removed with a knife. (What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an axe.)

14. Even an experienced programmer makes mistakes. (And the old woman gets screwed.)

15. If you like to play computer games, you also like to program. (If you like to ride, you also like to carry a sled.)

16. Interest in a program comes during its development. (Appetite comes with eating.)

17. Where programs are developed, there are errors. (Where the forest is cut down, chips fly.)

18. If you develop two programs at the same time, neither will be successful. (If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either.)

19. Rely on the debugger, but try not to make mistakes yourself. (Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself.)

20. One small mistake ruins the entire program. (Rotten apple injures its neighbors.)

21. There is no trial on NOT. (No, and no trial.)

22. Not only experienced programmers develop programs. (It’s not the gods who burn the pots.)

23. The task is not as scary as it seems. (The devil is not as scary as he is painted.)

24. Don’t boast when you start developing a program, but boast when you finish it. (Do not boast when you go to the army, but boast when you leave the army.)

25. It’s good to use a friend’s computer, but it’s better to use your home computer. (Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.)

26. There is no such thing as an incorrect result of a program without a reason. (There is no smoke without fire.)

27. If I knew where I was wrong in the program, I would be doubly careful. (If I had known where I would fall, I would have spread some straw.)

28. You can’t delete a fragment from the program. (You can’t erase a word from a song.)

29. Every programmer praises his programming system. (Each hen praises her roost.)

30. Bad luck - BEGIN. (Down and Out trouble started.)

31. The first launch of the program is always unsuccessful. (The first pancake is always lumpy.)

32. A bad programmer is one who does not hope to become Bill Gates. (A bad soldier is one who does not hope to be a general.)

33. A true statement is unpleasant to perceive. (The truth hurts my eyes.)

34. A programmer always recognizes a programmer. (Birds of a feather flock together.)

35. Either there are a lot of comments on the program, or there are none at all. (Sometimes it’s thick, sometimes it’s empty (then there’s nothing).)

36. A bit is one or zero. (Grandma said in two.)

37. A little bit can be important. (Small spool but precious.)

38. Think seven times before deleting a file. (Seven times measure cut once.)

39. The programming language I know is my friend. (My tongue is my enemy.)

40. Trust the translator, but check the correctness of the program yourself. (Trust but check.)

41. In a BASIC program, the rules of the Pascal language do not apply. (They don’t go to someone else’s monastery with their own rules.)

42. If you can’t solve a problem in the evening, postpone the decision until the morning. (The morning is wiser than the evening.)

43. A condition is used in the header of a loop operator with a parameter. (There is elderberry in the garden, and there is a man in Kyiv.)

44. One grandmother said that a bit can take the values ​​0 or 1. (The grandmother said in two - either it will rain or snow, either it will happen or it won’t.)

45. Program listing will endure anything. (Paper will endure anything.)

46. ​​The error is visible, but the cause has not been eliminated. (The eye sees, but the tooth numbs.)

47. Each participant in program development must work on his own part of the task. (Every cricket knows its nest.)

48. They say that you can use a condition in the head of a loop statement with a parameter, and a loop operator in the condition. (They say that chickens are milked, and cows lay eggs.)

49. If the programmer knew where he would make a mistake, he would think about it more carefully. (If I knew where to fall, I’d spread straws.)

50. It is necessary to alternate between developing programs and rest. (Business is time, fun is an hour.)

51. Praise is also pleasant for a novice programmer. (A kind word also pleases the cat.)

52. You can’t ruin a program with comments. (You can’t spoil porridge with oil.)

The complete proverb is: “A bit is good, and not a bit is better.”

Soon there will only be two groups of workers left: those who control computers and those who are controlled by computers. Try to get into the first one.
Lewis D. Eigen in 1961

The computer revolution is changing everything so rapidly. that only fourteen-year-olds really understand what's going on.
Dave Barry

Until now, man has been tormented by questions to which there were no answers; Now, thanks to computers, we are faced with a hail of answers for which there are no questions.
Peter Ustinov

A computer is a fast idiot with no imagination.
Edward Morgan Forster

The computer is dumb as a nerd, but it works like crazy!
Richard Fineman

The computer allows you to make more mistakes in less time than any other invention in human history, with the possible exception of tequila and the revolver.
Mitch Ratcliffe

A computer will not replace a person until it learns to blame its mistakes on other computers.

The computer is not smart enough to make mistakes.
IBM Corporation slogan

My computer must be faulty because every time I ask it the wrong question, it gives me the wrong answer.
Ashley Brilliant

The computer follows your commands, but is not able to read your thoughts.
Donald Nut

The user will intuitively understand any interface if you give it a year of practice.
Unknown author

The likelihood of a computer crash is directly proportional to the importance of the text you are working on.
Belinda's Law

Only a switched off computer is reliably protected.
Evgeniy Kaspersky

I think computer viruses can be considered a new form of life. And this, perhaps, says something about human nature, since it is the only form of life that we have managed to create. - purely destructive, We created life in our own image and likeness.

Antivirus warning:
By communicating with any computer, you are communicating with all the computers with which this computer has ever been in communication.
Dennis Miller

Computer science is no more concerned with computers than astronomy is with telescopes.
Edsger Dijkstra

Don't look at a computer like a person - it can't stand that.
Unknown author

Computers can't think - they only think they can.
Unknown author

Hardware: The part of the computer that can be kicked, as opposed to software, which can only be kicked.
Unknown author

One of the great advantages of a computer is that if it makes a mistake, there is no law against giving it a good beating.
Unknown author

If hell exists, it is certainly computerized.
Stanislav Lem

Computers are stupid. All they can do is give answers.
Pablo Picasso

Asking whether computers can think is like asking whether submarines can swim.
Edgar Dijkstra

Intelligence does not exist without homage. The computer has no idea what it is doing.
Roger Penrose

Computers make our lives easier; they do a lot of things, but most of them are not worth doing at all.
Andy Rooney

Computers allow people to make more mistakes in one minute than any other invention in history, except maybe tequila and the revolver.
Mitch Ratcliffe

Man is the best computer we can put on a spaceship... and the only one that is mass produced by unskilled labor.
Wernher von Braun

Programming today is a race between developers, striving to write ever better idiot-proof programs, and Nature, striving to create ever more perfect idiots. So far Nature wins.
Rich Cook

I think that maybe five computers will be bought all over the world.
Thomas Watson
President of IBM in 1943. However, there is no evidence that he ever said this. The quote first appeared in the book Facts and Fallacies: A Book of Misjudgments and False Predictions (1981) by Chris Morgan and David Laney Lord.

No person at home needs a computer.
Ken Olsen
Founder, President and Director of Digital Equipment Corporation, 1977. Please note, he was not talking about personal computers. Ken was referring to the widespread fear in those days that homes themselves - waste disposal, cooking, heating and lighting - would soon be completely computerized.