Porus was closed. Turbo modes of browsers and Google Translate

Recently, the government has been censoring an increasing number of Internet resources, but there are ways to access a blocked site. The decision to block many resources is made by Roskomnadzor not without reason. Most often, access is denied to sites that contain information that violates the laws of the Russian Federation.

Sometimes access to some resources is blocked on corporate networks. For example, company management may limit the use of popular social networks and entertainment resources. In China, for example, many world-class drugs are banned. social media and entertainment sites. Therefore, sometimes you need information on how to open a blocked site.

Become anonymous: use proxy sites

Become anonymous

Very often in a professional environment, employers create certain boundaries by limiting office employees' access to certain specific pages. Then when you need to access them, proxy sites can really be a lifesaver. If they are used, there is no direct connection between the two interacting parties (client and server), i.e. they act as an intermediary. The proxy server processes the user's request by retrieving the necessary resources from the remote server and forwarding them to the person.

An anonymous proxy is a type of proxy server that hides the Internet user's IP address so that the target server cannot determine his location. Although anonymous proxy server identifies itself as a proxy site, it is still able to maintain anonymity.

There are hundreds of proxy sites on the Internet that can provide unlimited access to any resource by hiding your IP address or masking a prohibited resource. Opening it will be quite simple.

Using a VPN

VPN, or Virtual Proxy Network, allows you to connect your device to another network over the Internet. VPN allows you to access blocked sites from your home network and replaces your IP address with another one. Before visiting the site, you will have to install a program, which can be either paid or free.

VPN works as follows: the system receives all traffic in encrypted form, and then redirects it to the user who requested it. First, censors or systems that block certain sites do not see the traffic received or sent by the user, so they cannot block access to information that is blocked. Secondly, since it's all redirected, they may not be aware of what content was viewed.

For example, let's say you're in China and trying to access Facebook or YouTube. If you are connected to VPN server in another country, all your traffic goes through it first and then on to Facebook. Re-routing, along with encryption, prevents government censors from knowing what traffic is coming through your connection or what sites you've visited. This way, all your traffic is securely encrypted so that censors cannot intercept or block it.

There are many free or cheap VPN services that you can use and enjoy uninterrupted access to blocked sites. Any such program can be downloaded without difficulty.

Video instructions for installing the “Browsec VPN” extension in the browser

Changing proxies in browsers

A blocking problem may occur when using corporate networks, for example, if you surf the Internet from a work computer in the office or from a device at your school. But even in this case there is one interesting feature. Your college or institute may have more than one proxy server for its network. Sometimes access to some websites is restricted on one proxy but available on another. So you can try changing your browser settings to gain access.

Shutdown network settings Proxying in web browsers is not a difficult task. All you need to do is find the connection/network option in your browser settings and either cancel or choose a different proxy.

List of browsers and browser extensions that can be used to access a blocked site:

Due to latest events for blocking social networks Vkontakte, Mail, Odnoklassniki and Yandex services in Ukraine, the list listed above solves this problem. If you still have questions, you can always write to us in the comments to any article, we will definitely answer you.

Using Google Translate

Unblocking websites using translators will work great if the site you want to go to is not blocked at a global level. It is as simple as possible; it does not require registration or downloading special programs.

Companies, educational establishments and countries usually do not ban Google Translate, which can be used to your advantage. To gain access to a blocked site, you must enter the address of the page you need in the translation field. The same address will be displayed on the right, but already converted into a link to the resource. By clicking on this link, you will be taken to the desired Internet resource. You can also use Microsoft's Bing translation service to unblock the banned resource.

However, you won’t be able to stay on a blocked resource for a long time, since when the page addresses change, websites may close.

Another drawback is that this may not work with dynamic sites like Facebook or YouTube. A page converted by translators is unable to play audio or video. If you just need viewing, it's better to use extensions such as Hola or ProxMate. It may not be as convenient, but it is more effective.

Wayback Machine

Another method that can help you is to contact Vaibak. The Wayback Machine is a service that stores copies of almost every website on the Internet. It saves multiple versions of the same page, and you can use them to access earlier versions. Users can also use it to view blocked content on the Internet.

All these methods of gaining access to blocked resources are quite simple, and every person who has such a need can easily master them. However, when going to a prohibited Internet resource, you should remember that this may be a violation current legislation and you need to be careful with this.

In Russia for Lately without sufficient public discussion, they adopted a set of laws that greatly facilitate the procedure for blocking any site. The Roskomnadzor organization, which directly sends instructions to providers to block their clients’ access to a particular site, willingly uses the vague wording of these laws. Special public response causes blocking of socially significant sites - large media outlets and blogs. “Yarovaya’s Law” became the next link in the chain.

Among the sites and services that were blocked and may not be accessible from Russia:

  • Grani.ru and other independent media;
  • Alexei Navalny's blog and websites of other democratic politicians and independent journalists;
  • X-torrents, bobfilm.net, dream-film.net, kinokubik.com, kinozal.tv, kinobolt.ru, rutor.org, seedoff.net, torrentor.net, tushkan.net, tv.serial-online.net, wood-film.ru, rutracker.org (Rutreker!) and other torrent trackers;
  • Lurkmore (“Lurk”);
  • Dosug.cz (moved to Dosug.so);
  • xhamster.com;
  • Wikipedia;
  • Telegram and the innocent victims of attempts to block it.

Although the initiative to block access comes from Roskomnadzor, the direct executors of its decisions are Internet providers. They are the ones who block access to objectionable pages and write “the resource at this IP address is blocked by decision of government authorities” (quote from Beeline).

Proxy, VPN and other ways to access blocked sites

The blocking by Roskomnadzor is of a very symbolic nature; I can compare it to a barrier in an open field. It works out quite simply. I have collected several ways to access sites that Russian Internet providers simply won’t let you see. Some of these methods, such as VPN and proxies, also help you use services that are not themselves available to Russian IPs. For example, "Pandora".

Browser turbo modes

Many browsers, including Yandex Browser and Opera, have a function for compressing Internet traffic. This was useful in times of slow or limited Internet traffic. When compression mode is enabled, traffic does not go directly from the site to your browser, but passes through third party server, which squeezes him. Roskomnadzor prohibited the provider from showing us the server at the address where the site is located. But using turbo mode, we get pages with special server browser over which Roskomnadzor has no control.

To watch “forbidden” sites, turn on “Turbo” modes in the Yandex or Opera browser. I heard similar modes exist in Chrome and Firefox.

This is what the turbo mode button looks like in Opera:

This is how it looks in Yandex browser:

Proxy servers

These are servers that, like browser compression servers, redirect traffic through themselves. Unlike VPNs, they do not encrypt it and do not pass through all the data. Unlike turbo modes, they do not compress it. However, if you use a proxy, you will see sites blocked by Roskomnadzor, because your computer will directly connect to the proxy server, and not to the server where the site is located.

Lists of free proxies can be found on sites that collect them. These servers may be down, slow, or short-lived, but they are free. You can also buy access to paid proxies on the Internet. But I don’t focus on this, because I prefer VPN.

Sites that collect free proxies: Hide My Ass, Proxy4Free.com, Proxy-list.org.

To connect through a proxy server, install the FoxyProxy plugin (Firefox, Chrome) or its equivalent in your browser. Enter the proxy server IP address and port in the plugin settings and use it. The window in which you need to enter them looks like this:

If you have not specifically looked for a SOCKS proxy or do not know what it is, do not check the box next to “SOCKS proxy”.


Anonymizer is a site that opens the page you need in a frame, first loading it onto itself and then showing it to the user. Such services are popular among office workers whose social networks are blocked. This is the fastest available option on my list.

Some anonymizers that I knew before or found for this post:

To open a page with an anonymizer, paste its address into a special field on its website. In addition, one of Russian services proxy has collected a large list of anonymizers, among which he has identified the best.

Search engine caches

Unlike you and me, most large search engines are based outside of Russia. So do their search bots. This means that they have access to everything that Roskomnadzor has blocked inside Russia. And they store it in cache. In particular, our Dutch Yandex perfectly displays a post from Navalny’s LiveJournal, written after the blog was blocked. To have access to the entire site, you can enter, for example, “kasparov.ru” into the search and see a list of pages. The downside here is that navigating the site can be quite cumbersome, and the home page cache may be out of date and not display recently added content.

Tor Browser

When Roskomnadzor blocked Navalny’s blog, for many this was the last straw, and people became interested in Tor technology. This is a decentralized network of Internet nodes in which data passes from the server to the user long haul, eventually track specific user turns out to be impossible. To a greater extent, this system is convenient for those who want to hide their true IP for some reason. The ability to read sites blocked by your ISP is a side effect of this feature. Those who have recently installed the Tor browser have found that pages through it open very slowly.

RSS/Email Subscription

If you have a specific site blocked by Roskomnadzor that you want to read, add its RSS feed to Yandex feed, another RSS aggregator, or set up to receive updates by email. In most cases you can not use RSS address-stream, but the address of the site itself. The service itself will recognize the RSS feed and add it.

Some RSS aggregators:

  • https://theoldreader.com/ - successor of the deceased Google reader

Among the services for sending RSS to email, in addition to Yandex feed, the only one that comes to mind is Blogtrottr. There you will have to insert not the address of a blog or other site, but the RSS address. In the case of Navalny's LiveJournal, this will be. That is, if you are dealing with LJ, you will need to add data/rss at the end. Anton Nosik described his experience with Yandex feed in pictures.


This abbreviation stands for virtual private network. You are probably already connected to your ISP using this technology. With its help, you can establish one Internet connection inside another (VPN tunnel). The external one may be unprotected, but the internal one, as a rule, is encrypted to a special server. As a result, the user receives the Internet on his computer not directly, but through a remote server, which can be located anywhere in the world and have a non-Russian IP.

I prefer VPN technology to all the methods of bypassing restrictions mentioned in my list, because with it the connection speed is reduced slightly, and the traffic is securely and completely encrypted. Unlike, for example, proxies, which do not encrypt traffic and do not close it on themselves. Encryption up to remote server in another country means that on the way to and from it, no one will be able to know what pages you are looking at. On the opposite side of the wire, no one will be able to find out who viewed the site and from where.

There are many VPN services, high speed and reliability is provided only by paid ones. However, Alexander Plyushchev found some kind of VPN service for a mobile phone that gives the first 500 MB at full speed.

For myself I chose VPN provider Private Internet Access (since I am a client, I will receive a small commission for registrations through the links in this post, but this does not affect the fact that I have been using it for four years now).

  • First of all, he is American. The USA is one of the few civilized countries that seriously defends the right of people to privacy and confidentiality of correspondence. Europe cannot boast of this, so I have not heard of VPN providers from there.
  • Secondly, PIA has mobile client and Windows application. They are very convenient: they connect automatically, reconnect when the connection is lost (relevant for mobile internet), allow you to quickly select one of 20 servers in different parts of the world.
  • Thirdly, PIA doesn't store logs for a specific user, but only stores them all together (perhaps now it doesn’t store them at all). And although its rules include a clause about disabling for illegal activities, the provider has deprived itself of the ability to identify the specific user who is engaged in it. As Private Internet Access creator Andrew Lee said, “We don't keep logs, period.”
  • Fourth, PIA is serious fights for internet freedom: He openly joined the coalition of Internet companies against the SOPA and PIPA bills. These are approximate analogues of our laws on blocking sites on suspicion of piracy or other illegal activities. In the United States, public organizations, Internet companies and simple people forced Congress to vote against these bills, although the majority of its members were initially in favor.
  • Fifthly, for PIA you can pay anonymously. I don’t use this opportunity, but now I was glad to see on the website that they began to accept gift Visa cards and Mastercard. These are cards with a fixed amount that can be bought in stores and banks. In addition, there is a whole market for such cards on the Internet. PIA also accepts Bitcoin.

other methods

Other solutions would include the Hola browser extension. This service, as far as I understand, is based on VPN technologies and leverages its user base to achieve greater Thor-style anonymity. It is free and allows you to manually select the IP nationality. In addition, the service compresses traffic and has applications for mobile phones.

Update: Another similar extension is http://fri-gate.org/ru/.


The most important thing to understand about blocking sites on the Internet is that it does not exist. You can block access to a site using your provider, you can block its hosting or domain, but never the site. Because for every provider there is a VPN, for every hosting - another hosting, for every domain registrar - another domain registrar in another country with different rules. This is the essence of the Internet, this is how it was designed. And he will always be like this. This is Pandora's box, opened in 1991. The only way to ban something here is to turn off the electricity.

Recently, most users in Russia, Ukraine and some other post-Soviet countries have questions about how to access a blocked site.

The fact is that in the CIS there are more and more laws that one way or another prohibit the use of various sites. The Russian Federation even has a whole register of such resources that are prohibited by Roskomnadzor.

In Ukraine, the most popular Russian sites, such as Yandex, VK, and so on, were recently banned.

In any case, now almost every user from former USSR It would be useful to know how to access blocked sites. We will consider all the most efficient methods.

1. Turbo modes

Many browsers have so-called Turbo modes. A striking example similar programs is Opera.

In many cases, to bypass the blocking, you just need to turn on this very mode. Read the help for your browser - it may also have a turbo mode.

To enable it in Opera, you need to click on “Menu” and click on “ Opera Turbo" After this, a check mark will appear next to this inscription, which indicates that the mode is enabled and working.

Rice. No. 1. Enabling Opera Turbo

2. Anonymizers

You can also access any blocked site through an anonymizer.

The principle of its operation is as simple as possible - the resource connects you to some remote computer, which stands in a distant country, even in Honduras. Thus, you are entering not from Russia or Ukraine, but from Honduras. By at least, the system will think exactly like that.

You can find it on the Internet great amount similar resources.

For example, proxfree.com is very popular. There you just need to enter the address of the blocked resource and click on the “PROXFREE” button. You can also select your country under “Server Location”.

Rice. No. 2. Using the proxfree.com anonymizer

The same principle of operation is relevant for absolutely all anonymizers. In most cases, the user will not need to specify the country, but only enter the address and press one button.

Here is a list of other popular anonymizers:

6. Psiphon

Another one interesting program, which encrypts the entire Internet connection. There are versions for Windows and Android.

For example, to use Psiphon on a Windows computer, you need to do the following:

  • Go to the official website and click on the “Psiphon for Windows” link.

Rice. No. 10. Psiphon download page

  • Install and run the program.
  • Next you need to wait until it connects to the servers and configures all its parameters. The completion of the download will be indicated by a checkmark in the green circle on the left top corner Psiphon windows.

Rice. No. 11. Psiphon is ready to go

You can now access blocked sites.

As you can see, here you can even specify exactly how the connection will occur. There are three options: SSH, SSH+ and the already familiar VPN. In most cases it is better to leave everything as is.

It is worth saying that in terms of connection speed it is best to work with Psiphon and TOR browser. In all other cases, pages take too long to load.

7. Change DNS

In addition to all of the above, you can take more stringent methods to bypass the blocking. One of them is to change the DNS server on the computer.

Now we won’t talk about what it is and how it works, because the most important thing for us is that it really works and allows you to access any blocked sites.

To change DNS, you need to go to the properties of Internet Protocol Version 4. IN different versions OS this happens in different ways:

  • In Windows 7, you need to open the “Control Panel”, then “Network and Internet” and click on “View network status...”. Then all you have to do is select the connection you are using, right-click on it and select “Properties”.
  • In Windows 8 and 10, you should do the same thing, only in the “Network and Internet” section you will need to click “Network Center...”. Then on the left panel you need to click on “Change adapter settings”. And then everything is the same - right button mouse and "Properties".
  • In Windows XP everything is even simpler. There in the “Control Panel” you need to select “ Network connections" And, again, “Properties” in the drop-down menu.

In the window that opens, click “Properties”, and in the next click on the same “Internet Protocol version 4...” and again “Properties”.

Rice. No. 12. Accessing Internet Protocol 4 Properties

Rice. No. 13. DNS Change Window

This small device is a portable Proxy that just needs to be connected to an Internet cable. Works 100%!

It costs just under $75. You can buy it. There you can find all the information about the device.

Rice. No. 14. Onion Pi

The easiest ways to open blocked sites

To bookmarks

On March 13, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation brought together the websites of several online publications and Alexei Navalny's blog, once again making Runet users think that in the near future blocking will become a routine for them.

TJournal tried the most popular means of bypassing blocking and found among them versions “for dummies” - in which everything works right away, without settings.

Turbo modes of browsers and Google Translate

There are widely known methods for opening blocked sites that do not require installation. special applications and any settings. Many of them are not as effective as we would like.

For example, using the “turbo mode” in the Opera browser, it was possible to open Alexei Navalny’s blog, which was blocked by LiveJournal, without any problems, but it was not possible to access the site, access to which was limited by the provider.

At the same time, the traffic compression mode in mobile browsers Chrome and Opera showed their best side. Blocked pages loaded quickly and without any distortion in appearance.

And the option of passing the site through Google Translator turned out to be ineffective. Neither Navalny’s blog nor the Rutor.org tracker opened.

Web services

In terms of convenience, web services that offer opening blocked sites through proxy servers do not differ much from each other. Most often, they only require you to copy the link into a line on your home page and make one click. At the same time they display desired page with their own header and work very slowly.

One of the best among them is ProxFree. It is easy to use and does not add its own advertising. Analogues include Proxyweb and Hide My Ass.

Smartphone applications

The most obvious and most simple solution For iPhone users and the iPad turned out to be the Onion browser, working through the Tor onion routing system (The Onion Router), the traffic in which is almost impossible to track. The only thing required from the user is 1 dollar per universal version for all Apple platforms.

In practice, Onion is an outwardly unremarkable browser that allows you to open any blocked sites. It is suitable as a closed tool that does not affect the operation of the rest of the system. For Android there is an analogue called Orweb.

If you want to bypass blocks without using a third-party browser, then you should try TunnelBear. This service is available on iOS, Android, PC and Mac and uses VPN technology.

It is noticeably more difficult to launch it on mobile platforms than Onion. On iOS, it first asks you to register, confirm email, install profile with VPN settings, enable its profile in iOS options and only then start working.

But, unlike Onion, TunnelBear allows you to pretend to be a user from another country and use the services of, say, the Netflix service.

The main disadvantage of TunnelBear is the price. IN free version The application only has 500 megabytes of traffic available per month, and annual unlimited traffic will cost 979 rubles (and this is only the price for iOS devices). You can't call him friendly at all. On the other hand, it has versions for iOS, Android, PC and Mac: the last two are very easy to use.

Browser plugins

The most convenient and effective means A plugin for Mozilla and Chrome called friGate happens to be in this area. The authors of the extension specifically note that there is no loss of speed when using it. It really works “out of the box” and opens pages blocked by any known method, notifying the user of entering “forbidden territory” with just a change in the icon on the control panel.

The speed of friGate is ensured by the fact that it opens blocked sites from its own pre-compiled list. However, this is unlikely to become a problem for anyone: it is replenished as quickly as possible.

An offer from competitors called hola! proved to be noticeably worse. Firstly, you need to manually select VPN required countries. Secondly, the plugin often turns the layout of blocked pages into a mess and looks untidy in itself. However, as the creators note, it is largely intended for viewing media content: to speed up loading streaming video it uses other users' computers with the plugin installed.


A “hard” way to bypass blocking is the Onion Pi portable proxy server, made on the basis of a Raspberry Pi computer. It passes all user traffic through the Tor system and distributes Wi-Fi. The device will cost about $100, but it is not so easy to find in Russia. You can also buy it for bitcoins.

My provider never got around to blocking RedTube,
Vadim Elistratov,

So, every real money maker must be able to overcome obstacles in his path. Especially something as minor as browsing blocked sites. Moreover, this is not always prohibited by Roskomnadzor. This decision is sometimes made by the provider or some Wi-Fi network. And the saddest thing is that this happens at the most unexpected moment.

Video article format:

1. Easy ways to view blocked sites

1. The first is the easiest way: installing the “” application for the browser. You can do this by going to the “Extensions” section. There, in the search, write the name of the application and then activate it. I talked about this in more detail in the video instructions.

2. The second way is to install a new browser. Just download it and install it on your computer. It is free and when surfing the Internet through it, you get absolute anonymity. I won’t talk about how it works, there are too many technical terms. But if someone really wants to know, you can Google it.

3. For those who use Opera browser, there is an easier way. Just turn on Turbo mode. And now access to blocked sites will be open.

  • proxfree.com
  • unblocksit.es
  • hideme.ru
  • anonymouse.org

However, using this method, I would not enter passwords. Use https://www.jerseysvipstore.com if you just need to watch or download something.

5. I have already talked about one extension for accessing blocked sites. Now there is another one in line: . It is great for chrome and mastic, or rather this plugin is available only for them.

2. Difficult ways

Although these options are under such an off-putting title, I assure you that they are actually not difficult. However, understanding them is a little more difficult and the process itself takes a little longer. You can use it when all previous methods have been blocked. Yes.. and this is possible if you have an evil system administrator at work.

1. The first method in this group would be DNS change to public. I will talk about this in more detail in the video instructions. Well, if you can’t look, then google: “setting public dns" I think there are hundreds of articles on this topic.

2. You can download a program to bypass blocked sites. The program I want to talk about is called: Ultrasurf. They made it in China, since things there are much stricter with website blocking than here.

3. Methods for mobile phones

Some of us probably need to bypass blocked sites on our mobile phones. Thank God there are several methods that work well.

2024 gtavrl.ru.