Peacemaker portal. Peacekeeper Database

Advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs Anton Gerashchenko admitted: the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the SBU took advantage of the murders of ex-People's Deputy Oleg Kalashnikov and journalist Oles Buzina to collect information about separatists, terrorists, sympathizers of the DPR and LPR.

The bait portal was launched by volunteers with the support of law enforcement agencies. Its goal is to collect dossiers on citizens of Ukraine and Russia who visit the special website “Peacemaker.”

According to the minister's adviser, a law-abiding citizen will not look for information about himself, his relatives and acquaintances among separatists and terrorists.

As a result, every visitor to the site is automatically added to the list of enemies of Ukraine.

Virtual communication between Kalashnikov and Buzina

After two murders - April 15 Oleg Kalashnikov, whom the killers waylaid at the threshold of an apartment in a high-rise building in the capital and shot him point-blank with a “control” shot to the head. April 16 Olesya Buziny, shot on the street near his house by unknown persons, the minister's adviser Anton Gerashchenko made many sensational statements.

« It seems that the shooting of witnesses in the Anti-Maidan case continues. Anyone who was involved in the organization and financing of Anti-Maidan or other illegal actions against Maidan and feels a threat to their lives, please contact law enforcement agencies so as not to follow the path of Kalashnikov and Buzina“- said Gerashchenko.

The adviser hinted that the data of Oles Buzina and Oleg Kalashnikov appeared on the Myrotvorets website. At the beginning of the year, Gerashchenko presented it as a project to collect data on “terrorists and separatists,” allegedly created by a group of like-minded people to assist in the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the SBU.

The site’s database contained data on Oleg Kalashnikov and Oles Buzina – as separatists, provocateurs, accomplices of militants, organizers of Anti-Maidan, and so on.
But the main thing is that the exact home address of both was indicated.

There is a direct connection between the disclosure of personal data of the dead, the labels they were given, and the reprisals against them. The public started talking about this, indignant at the fact that the dead were accused of a host of sins without evidence, and even indicated the address where they could be found.

It was then that it became clear that, it turns out, all this was done for a reason. This was the essence of the special operation codenamed “Gyulchatay - open a personal message,” and the creators of the site were waiting for a suitable victim. Gerashchenko spoke about this.

Fishing with live bait

According to Gerashchenko, in last days The Peacemaker website has become one of the leaders in terms of traffic on the Runet.

« Within a few days, it received hundreds of thousands of requests from Russian terrorists/mercenaries, military personnel Russian army who took part in undeclared war against Ukraine, as well as curious people who wanted to check the presence of themselves or their friends in the databases of the “Peacemaker” website for illegal actions against the people of Ukraine“- said Gerashchenko.

The adviser revealed the secrets of the special operation code-named “Gyulchatay - open a personal message.” The goal is to identify as many Russian and Ukrainian terrorists as possible who, when visiting the “Peacemaker” website, documented themselves and their accomplices in their crimes by entering their identifying information in the “Search” window: full name, telephone numbers, emails and even home addresses.

Their data will now be used as evidence in future courts and tribunals - both in Ukraine and abroad.

« In order to develop a plan for conducting the special operation “Gyulchatay”, titanic work was previously carried out (well, as it seems to us) with the involvement of specialists from different areas activities: psychologists, philologists, programmers, former and current law enforcement officers. These specialists compiled generalized psychological portraits of mercenaries of Russian origin and military personnel of the Russian army. Information about the places of permanent deployment in the Russian Federation of units of the Russian army that committed war crimes on the territory of Ukraine was studied, and the available information about the main cities that “supplied” mercenaries of Russian origin was systematized. All this was done in order to determine the ranges of IP addresses in the regions under study. An appropriate software necessary to process information resulting from user requests. The essence of the method is that under certain conditions of information influence, criminals can independently disclose their identifying data, as well as the data of known perpetrators and accomplices of crimes.“- says the site administration in the report submitted by Gerashchenko.

According to the administrator, by the end of March 2015, the plan for the special operation “Gyulchatay” was generally ready, but in order to begin its implementation, it was necessary to accurately select the “H” time.

And this time “H”, as it usually happens, came suddenly and unexpectedly for us on April 15, 2015 (the day of the murder of Oleg Kalashnikov - ed).

Amazing coincidence?

But here small inconsistencies begin: the site administration stated that on April 15, 2015 at about 19-00 the duty officer System Administrator reported a sharp increase in the number of visitors to our site, and that their number from the segment exceeded the number of visitors from the segment.

They associated such an influx with the release of materials in the Russian press about the murder of former people's deputy Oleg Kalashnikov.

Despite the fact that, according to the police, the politician was attacked at 19.20. But Gerashchenko did not pay attention to such trifles. Nor did he notice that another event was scheduled by the site administration for April 16, the day of the murder of Oles Buzina.

The foresight of the site's organizers is surprising. Who could have known that on March 16 another murder of a public figure would be committed?! Can this be called a coincidence?

After the second high-profile crime in a row, the site administration boasted that today in the databases of the “Peacemaker” site there are 32 thousand profiles of people who either fought against Ukraine, or undermined its sovereignty from the inside, or betrayed the oath of allegiance to the people of Ukraine.

Curiosity killed me

After the minister’s adviser shared information on the Internet about how militants and “traitors to the motherland” are caught online, shocked fellow citizens were openly indignant. As it turned out, some of them, out of curiosity, checked to see if they were on the “black lists.”

« I am a citizen of Ukraine, who did not call for the split of the country, but called for peace, how did my profile get on this site?! Anton, my profile is on this shit site. This is a direct threat to my life after what happened with Buzina and Kalashnikov, who were also on this “resource”. I officially contact law enforcement agencies and the prosecutor's office“- wrote on Gerashchenko’s page on the social network Egor Kletsov, but instead of answering, he was blocked by the people's deputy.

Another user admitted that he searched on this site by name, surname, address, date of birth and even identification code of his friend Sergei Egorov, as well as the husband of his ex-wife.

« In conclusion, I searched for myself seventeen times using various criteria. Does this mean that now they will come to us all, for us all?", asks Arthur Gurari.

There are quite a few users like Arthur: they are all shocked that they are automatically included in the list of terrorists and traitors. But lawyers reassure them, arguing that only the court can decide whether a person is involved in illegal activities or not.

« For everyone who appears on this site, you need to collect evidence and go to court with it, get a decision, and only after that label them. Otherwise, this site should be closed for deception and illegal distribution personal information, false accusation. No one has yet canceled the presumption of innocence. No Gerashchenko has the right to appoint people as separatists, criminals, post people’s addresses, telephone numbers, etc.“- says Rafael Shmatko.

Murder as a method of solving problems

Most lawyers believe that collected information no court, especially a Western one, will be able to take advantage of it. Search queries users on any site cannot serve as evidence in any court, and the very existence of the site is doubtful.

In addition, experts calculated that the portal’s servers are located outside the country - in Dallas, America.

« And what is also typical for the work of “death squads” - on April 14, Buzin was added to the “Peacemaker” website, on which all sorts of supposedly separatists are posted and which is personally supervised by Gerashchenko, with his address and phone number. Question to the SBU: why the hell is “garbage” opening a database of Ukrainian citizens? Does this fall under the Data Protection Act? The same Gerashchenko, during a discussion on radio “Vesti” on April 13 about the need to kill Buzina, put his “like” on it. In practice, the security forces are overseeing this process openly. Another characteristic thing is that on this website “Peacemaker” it was written that Buzina is a homophobe. What does this have to do with separatism? And this means that everything will continue. But, as Boris Albertovich Filatov teaches us, we should not “relax the buns” in the opposite camp either. If this, as they claim, is “a policy of chaos and swaying,” then the Mustafa Nayemas, tailors, Filatovs and Farions should be the next to look hard. But I think that this is still a strategy to intimidate and destroy political opponents“,” notes the political scientist 0

On April 26, three people ended up in the “Purgatory” of the “Peacemaker” website: Sergey Shnurov, Valery Leontyev and Steven Seagal.

The reason for the publication of the data of the leader of the Russian group “Leningrad” Sergei Shnurov was “illegal crossing of the state border of Ukraine.” He was reminded that in August 2016, “Leningrad” performed at a music festival in Sevastopol.

“I’m not used to breaking into a closed door. Well, they don’t let me in and they don’t let me in, what’s the problem? We've been banned so many times! Nobody gave us permission, it was more like that. I’m used to it,” reports RIA News " Shnurov's reaction to the ban on entry into Ukraine.

Singer Valery Leontyev was also accused of “illegally crossing the state border of Ukraine” and conducting concert activities in Crimea, “violating Ukrainian legislation.” The administration of “Peacemaker” reports that Leontyev performed in Simferopol, Sevastopol, Sudak, Yalta, Feodosia and Yevpatoria from 2014 to 2016.

And of course, at “Peacemaker” they couldn’t help but note the personality of the American actor Steven Seagal, who received Russian citizenship last November. As stated on the website, 65-year-old Seagal was included in the database not only for “illegal crossing of the state border of Ukraine” - he is also charged with “denial of Russian aggression, support for the annexation of Crimea.” The actor is called “an accomplice of Russian occupiers and pro-Russian terrorists.” As evidence, the website provides photographs of Seagal during his visit to Crimea.

Let us remind you that in March “Peacemaker” entered into its database the data of the Eurovision 2017 participant from Russia. Later, the Security Service of Ukraine banned the singer from entering for three years, thereby eliminating her participation in the competition. In addition, the portal contains data from other Russians: artists Stas Piekha, Bianka, Yulianna Karaulova, Irina Allegrova, world-famous traveler Fyodor Konyukhov, etc.

... The “black list” of “Peacemaker” is long. It contains Kirkorov and Lolita, Rosenbaum and the Lyube group, Basque and Kalnynsh, Galtsev and Novikova, Okhlobystin and Leps, Porechenkov and Chicherina, Kobzon and Leshchenko. By touring the occupied territories without the appropriate official permission, they grossly violate the legislation of our state, for which they end up in “Purgatory” with the wording “for violating the state border of Ukraine.”

IN Lately Almost every day we learn from the news that the next Russian “star” will now have to dream for a long time about meeting Ukrainian viewers. It seems that this process is endless.

Executive Director of the Center for Research into Signs of Crimes Against national security Ukraine, peace, human security and international law and order “Peacemaker” Roman Zaitsev said that from the spring of 2014 to this day, the site’s database has been replenished not only with the names of Russian war criminals, pro-Russian militants and terrorists participating in the war against Ukraine, but also with figures culture and art (mainly from the neighboring country).

The “black list” of “Peacemaker” is long. It contains Kirkorov and Lolita, Rosenbaum and the Lyube group, Basque and Kalnynsh, Galtsev and Novikova, Okhlobystin and Leps, Porechenkov and Chicherina, Kobzon and Leshchenko. By touring the occupied territories without the appropriate official permission, they grossly violate the legislation of our state, for which they end up in “Purgatory” with the wording “for violating the state border of Ukraine.”

Novel, Russian press has long accused “Peacemaker” of inciting hatred and enmity between the two countries. The main message that concerns the sphere of culture: artists, they say, are “doves of peace”, “they want to bring goodness and light,” but their way to Ukraine is barred. And this is all from your website.

Let's dot the i's right away. The “landings” of Russian artists in Crimea are an element of targeted propaganda. Moreover, the Russian Presidential Administration has created appropriate structures that deal with just such tours.


Yes. We'll talk to you about this topic in detail soon. We know who is involved, what department...

Let's go back to February-March 2014. The first to go to the peninsula were State Duma deputies and artists, who were primarily an element in the legalization of annexation. And now they say that “we are outside politics”, that “we are creative people”!

And that “music knows no boundaries”...

It's all a lie. During the Great Patriotic War, artists were also an element of propaganda. The same Shulzhenko gave countless concerts to raise the morale of Soviet soldiers on the front line.

And Utesov, and Bernes, and Ruslanova went to the front with concert brigades.

Absolutely right. The parallel with modern times is obvious. We, probably more than anyone else (maybe even the border service), clearly see the scale of this all. Think about it, how much of that Crimea is there? Is there really a need for so many concerts? No! The question is different. Do you think cultural figures go there to earn money? Not at all. As a rule, their tours are subsidized.

Are you sure about that?

Not just confident, but affirming. We also know that there are already quite serious disagreements among the so-called Russian bohemia...

- go or not to go?

Well, yes. And many people don’t want to, knowing full well the consequences.

I read that in May the artists of the Moscow theater “Commonwealth of Taganka Actors” canceled the planned show of the enterprise in Crimea, citing “internal financial disagreements” rather than fear of sanctions.

Of course, you have to somehow explain your refusal to the viewer. In fact, they understand perfectly well that they are committing a serious offense, that the situation is completely different from what it was in 2014–2015.

There is an expression “bread and circuses”. In Crimea there is no way to get bread. Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev recently admitted that due to problems with water supply, the area of ​​irrigated land on the occupied peninsula has decreased by 92 percent compared to 2014. Besides, no matter where you look, Crimea has actually already become a military base. How to distract the population so that they don’t think about what Russia has done there in three years?

Sing and dance?

Exactly. They will soon start importing cheap vodka to a huge number. They will solder people to suppress any thinking and resistance.

What did they promise at the beginning of the “Crimean spring”? “Gasoline will be cheaper, your loans will be forgiven, pensions and salaries will increase.” But the long-awaited happiness is still missing. Therefore, the “cultural program” in the occupied territories is a targeted state policy Russian Federation. It's cheaper that way.

We called our special operation “Litsedei”. Why did Russian artists, singers and musicians become the object of “Peacemaker” research? Because they were the first to set the tone, the first to declare in 2014 that they stood in solidarity with Putin. Remember those more than 400 signatories (we are talking about the letter from Russian cultural figures, which said: “We firmly declare our support for the position of the President of the Russian Federation on Ukraine and Crimea.” - Author)! Few people understand that preliminary psychological preparation, I mean propaganda, is the basis of any offensive, attack, etc.

Now we come to the formal side. “Peacemaker” actually fulfills the tasks of an interdepartmental assistance center law enforcement agencies and the security forces of Ukraine, identifying everyone whom I have already listed more than once. Moreover, we work strictly within the legislative framework.

How do you find Crimean guest performers?

Yes, it's elementary. Russian media(we have to read them regularly) they constantly report that so-and-so gave a concert in Crimea, people themselves send photos of posters, photos from concerts.

Or that his tour is coming.

No, we work exclusively on the facts. We study pages on social networks, the press, and maintain contact with Crimeans who remained in the occupied territory.

I recently spoke with a famous Russian actress. Without exaggeration, a star from the first echelon. She is sincerely outraged that she was banned from giving several performances in Ukraine: “I am all about art. Well, I was in Crimea. This is my job. So what, now I have a label? I have relatives there!” I warned her back in 2014 that she should forget about her beloved Koktebel. I didn't hear.

They started a hybrid war, now they have received a hybrid response. Why do other Russian artists and performers come to us, and nothing? The same Makarevich, Grebenshchikov, the same writers. There are no problems in Kyiv, and in other cities. Because they respect ours and international legislation, our sovereignty. But their colleagues themselves made a different choice.

Do you want to perform in Crimea? Sure, not a problem. One thing is required of you - to act according to the law. It’s enough to come to the Kherson region and calmly and legally cross the border between the mainland and the Russian-occupied peninsula. And there will be no consequences.

Not only Russians, but also Belarusians, and Western stars, for example, Depardieu and Seagal, and traveler Fyodor Konyukhov ended up in “Purgatory”...

We are not limited at all to specific categories, either by professional affiliation or by geography. I learned that Bianca (singer Tatyana Lipnitskaya, she was not allowed into Odessa. - Author) is a citizen of Belarus when she was taken to “Purgatory”. And how does she or Konyukhov differ from any other violator of the state border of Ukraine? Nothing. But now their biography also has a stain on it for the rest of their lives, just like your friend’s.

Think about it. At first they shouted: “Thank you to Putin for returning Crimea to Russia!” We had a concert there. They rejoiced and were proud of the Pyrrhic victory. And then they wanted to go to those from whom this Crimea was squeezed out, while destroying the life and way of life of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian citizens. No way! Let's go to our Uryupinsk, Altai, Chukotka, where the population density is very low and you need to give two or three concerts a day for pennies. And in Kyiv, Kharkov, Lvov and Zhitomir there are huge halls in which honest and decent performers, including Russian ones, should demonstrate their art and earn money.

Let's take Lolita. “They didn’t let me see my mother, they didn’t let me see my daughter.” Tell me, do many artists go to the child with costumers, make-up artists and backup dancers? So all her statements are public. She was on her way here to “get laid” in one of the nightclubs. Now she’s screaming that the monsters dared to take her off the train and that she won’t leave it like that.

But she’s an intelligent person, albeit a shocking one, and she couldn’t help but understand how things would end.

She understands everything perfectly. Both she and everyone else could have done everything humanely, saved face and continued to give concerts and performances here. If you want to tour in a state, do not violate its laws.

And the obituary will not be spoiled.

You know, once Ada Nikolaevna Rogovtseva was invited to speak in support of someone in the elections. But she refused. I can’t vouch for the accuracy of the quote, but it sounded something like this: “I spent my whole life earning an honest name for myself. I can’t cross everything out.”

The other day in Lvov Russian singer, ex-vocalist of the Hi-Fi group Mitya Fomin, who came to the Alfa Jazz Fest music festival, said that “formally Crimea is Russian”...

I'm interrupting you. He did not state it the way the media presented it.

So what? You first read the news in the media and thus received a psychological message. Fomin repeatedly visited the occupied Crimea and confessed this to Osadchaya (TV presenter of the “1+1” channel. - Author). His formulation about formally Russian Crimea is quite correct. But Fomin did not add that de jure Crimea is Ukrainian, because he understands perfectly well what will happen to it later in Russia. It is clear that some of our citizens were offended by this, because they wanted to hear something completely different. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it was not for this statement that Fomin ended up in “Purgatory,” but for repeated violations of the state border of Ukraine.

And the Belarusian singer Max Korzh boasts that the court lifted the SBU ban on his entry into Ukraine. It's like a joyful surprise. Roman, what's going on? In 2016, Korzh was banned from entering here for five years due to a tour in Crimea, and then suddenly allowed. At the end of June he already visited Kyiv.

Will explain. For some reason no one wants to understand. Yes, there was a ban. And then the SBU reported that they canceled this decision due to the fact that Korzh admitted his guilt, completely repented and firmly promised not to carry out illegal activities against Ukraine and its citizens. However, there is a nuance in the behavior of this singer: he lied that he went to the Court of Appeal of the Kyiv Region, where, they say, the ban was lifted based on his claim. In fact, the SBU itself went to court.

I don’t know what kind of conversation there was with Korzh at the SBU, what he agreed to and what he promised to the operational employees in order to get such a decision. I won’t outline the versions, but I know for sure that it’s just like that similar solutions do not give. Even without me, there are many in our country who can come up with what the SBU officers and Korzh were talking about.

I recently read it on

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ZaMKADom> ....the report recalls that on July 7, 2017, the National Police opened criminal proceedings against the website “Peacemaker,” which since August 2014 has published the personal data of thousands of people, including media specialists and NGO activists, calling them supporters of armed groups and terrorism .

Unfortunately, the bastards still use this site:

She is on the “peacemaker”, she is being bullied. The Nazis come to her home with threats. She is pregnant with her 4th child. I am the first to insist that she stop being a hero and can calmly leave.

We are evacuating her to Russia. It will just take enough time.

Yulia Vityazeva | In contact with

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My post on FB
"Fear is the strongest human feeling. It is what makes normal Ukrainians give up. Although...
It’s much easier to snatch your child’s right to learn the Russian language than it seems. All big changes start small. If at least one class in one school, overcoming their fear, achieved their goal, a precedent would appear that would make the task easier for everyone else.
The mechanism is simple. Along the chain, starting with the school director and ending with the Ministry of Education, hammer them with complaints, threaten them with court (including the Constitutional Court and the ECHR), shake the constitution in front of their noses, send a collective petition to the same Poroshenko every day. And all this is public. At the camera. In the media. Yes, on the same Facebook.
And there would be support. And adequate lawyers who are still available would help. But on one condition. This should not be done by Sveta’s mother alone. Which has already become an “enemy” of Ukraine only because it is not silent and has not resigned itself.
Kyiv is a city of millions. Is there really no one else there besides Svetlana who, considering himself Russian-speaking, is ready to defend the rights of his children?! And how many are there throughout Ukraine?! A lot you say?! So where are they?!
And I'll tell you where. At home. In the kitchen. They swear in a half-whisper, but donate money for Polish language textbooks. And they hope for a miracle. What if Sveta alone, risking her own safety, starts fighting again. For the rights of other people's children, including. Well, the Russian Foreign Ministry should. Necessarily. Just what?! Following the example of Hungary, call the Ukrainian ambassador and threaten not to support any Ukrainian initiative in international organizations and not to support decisions that are important for Ukraine? So there has been no Ukrainian ambassador in Russia for a long time. And what to threaten at the official level?! Of course, the Russian Foreign Ministry can file complaints with international organizations. But they will once again be used as “evidence” of interference in the internal affairs of Ukraine.
It would be a different matter if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had hundreds of thousands of requests received from Russian-speaking Ukrainians who were oppressed on the basis of language.
But there are none.
There is only a faint squeak in social networks and a kind of doomed resignation with which any new upheaval of the authorities that have collapsed on the basis of total Ukrainization and Russophobia is accepted.
So it turns out that #Galician-Nazism won another victory over the adequate ones. Of course, you can once again find an excuse for yourself in the fact that Russia should and Russia is to blame. But! Only those who want to be saved can be saved. Who desperately resists and grabs every opportunity to defend their rights. With the Russian language in schools, this is still possible. But the chances are decreasing every day. And the Ukrainians themselves are to blame for this. Who have become afraid main motivation their inaction.
No, I don't blame you. I'm just stating a fact.
Which lies on the surface and is used brazenly and with impunity by the authorities and those who dream of finally turning Ukraine into Banderstadt."