It turns out to open shared access to folders. Enabling a guest account

When setting local network on Windows 7,8 and 10, you need to correctly assign user access and configure services. Otherwise, a network error with codes 0x800070035, 0x80004005, or 0x800704cf occurs and a message appears that Windows cannot access the desired network folder, drive, device, or file.

The error message, depending on the OS version, may look like this:

  1. Windows cannot access a computer on the local network. Network path not found. Error code:
  2. Windows cannot access a network folder/drive/other location on the local network.
  3. Windows cannot access *Folder or file*. There is no permission to access *Folder Path*. Contact your network administrator to gain access.

[Update] It is possible to quickly fix errors with code 0x80004005 (and sometimes with others) with just one registry entry:

  1. Open “Start” -> “Run”, enter regedet and press Enter.
  2. In the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry key, go to the path \Software \Policies \Microsoft \Windows\LanmanWorkstation.
  3. RMB - create new parameter Name AllowInsecureGuestAuth type REG_DWORD Enabled Value 1 (value 1 - enabled). Restart your PC.

Fixing network errors 0x800070035 and 0x80004005

The reasons why Windows 7 or 10 can access a network folder or files almost always lie in incorrectly configured system settings rather than in any errors. For similar reasons, on a local network, the system may and will display the error “The connection could not be established. Network path not found." with similar codes. Most problems can be corrected simply by using simple changes settings.

If Windows cannot access a network folder and displays errors 0x800070035 or 0x80004005, you need to:

  1. Check settings public access.
  2. Make sure that the “Server” network service is enabled.

Checking sharing settings

Errors when accessing a network folder often occur in Windows due to incorrect access settings. If a disk, folder, file or computer is not shared, other participants on the local network will not be able to establish a connection.


  1. Choose network folder or drive that you want to share.
  2. Click right click mouse, select “Sharing” in the context menu.
  3. Go to the submenu item “Specific users”.
  4. In the window that opens, click on the triangular arrow located next to the “Add” button.
  5. Select from the list that appears the user to whom you want to grant access. If there are no users in the list, you should select the “All” option.
  6. Set access rights for the user: read only (view files), or read and write (the ability to change, add and delete files from a network folder).

After this, you need to click on the “Sharing” button and, if the system does not show any errors or warnings, click on the “Finish” button.

After this, the system should open access to specified path for all local network users.

Checking the functionality of the Server service

“Server” is a built-in service in Windows necessary for the operation of the local network and connection to remote computers, devices or files. If the computer has not previously been used as a server or to connect to a home network, the service may be disabled. This often causes errors in accessing network folders, even when the rights for all users are set correctly and other OS settings are normal.

Turning services on and off in Windows 7 and 10 occurs in the Control Panel:

  1. Click “Start” - “Administration” - “Services”.
  2. If the “Administrative Tools” tab is not in the “Start” menu, go to “Control Panel” and find the “Services” item in the list in the “Administration” tab.
  3. A window will open with all services in which you need to find “Server”.
  4. Right-click on the “Server” line and select “Properties” in the context menu that appears.
  5. In the window that opens, in the “General” tab, select “Startup type”: automatically or manually.

If the service was initially disabled, the Startup Type will be set to Disabled. Starting it manually will force you to restart the service every time you need to access a network folder, remote computer, or files in your homegroup. IN automatic mode the service will start on its own, and you will not need to perform these steps again.

Configuring network card properties

Connection errors network devices with codes 0x800070035 and 0x80004005 can be resolved by setting the network connection settings. In settings network card you need to uncheck the iPv6 protocol, and also configure iPv4. The method works equally well in all versions of Windows 7 and 10. First, you should only try to disable the iPv6 protocol, and only then perform the remaining steps if this simple method does not help.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Go to the “Start” menu, go to “Control Panel”.
  2. IN Windows 7: Go to the “Network and Sharing Center” section, then “Change adapter settings”. For Windows 10: In the control panel, select “Network and Internet”, then “Network and Sharing Center”, select “Change adapter settings” in the left menu.
  3. Select the local network connection that cannot be accessed. Right-click on it and select “Properties”.
  4. In the properties of the network card, remove the icon from the iPv6 protocol.
  5. Open the properties of the iPv4 protocol, go to the “Advanced” tab.
  6. Open the tab called “WINS”, click on “NetBIOS Settings”.
  7. Check the box depending on the type of IP addressing: “Default” for dynamic IP addressing and “Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP” for static.
  8. Press “Ok”, “Ok”, “Ok” three times.

After this you need to perform several simple actions in Device Manager:

  1. Open “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Hardware and Sound” - “Device Manager”.
  2. Go to the “View” tab, select the “Show hidden devices” checkbox.
  3. Click "Network Adapters" and remove all 6to4 adapters.

The changes will take effect after you restart your computer.

Configuring Component Services

The settings of this service rarely cause access errors to network folders and devices. For this reason, it is advisable to change the service settings last, if other methods do not help.

Setup instructions local access via Component Service:

  1. Click the "Start" button and enter "Component Services" in the search box.
  2. Right-click on the result found and select “Run as administrator” from the context menu.
  3. In the window that pops up, allow the program to make changes to this computer. A window with the service should open.
  4. Open the Component Services window and open the second Computers window.
  5. Right-click on “My Computer”, go to the “Properties” tab, then “Default Properties”.
  6. Set "Default Authentication Level" to "Default".
  7. Set the "Default Impersonation Level" to "Impersonate".
  8. Click the “Apply” button.
  9. Click the “Ok” button.
  10. Close the Component Services window.

It is advisable to immediately restart the computer and then try to connect again. If the error persists, you should check your network folder access settings.

Network folder access settings

Windows may display an error when accessing a folder and ask you to contact an administrator when incorrect settings the shared folder where the distributed files are located. In this case, all devices within the local network can normally detect each other, and the connection is established without problems.

Only those users who have access can view the contents of a network folder. It's easy to check:

  1. Click on the desired folder right-click, open "Properties".
  2. Go to the "Security" tab.
  3. In the “Groups or Users” window, “Everyone” should be selected.

If so, then everything is fine. Otherwise you need to add new group:

  1. Click the “Edit” button under the “Groups or Users” window.
  2. Click on the “Add” button and go to the “Advanced...” tab.
  3. Click “Search”, select the line “All” in the search results, and then click “OK”.
  4. Click “Ok” again.

It remains to set the rights for the created user group “Everyone” - read, access, change, and so on. In the same way you can install different settings For separate groups, but this is optional. The same settings for all users will reduce the risk of repeated mistakes access to a minimum.

A shared folder in Windows 7 is one of the system directories that can be accessed by several user accounts, both locally and over the network. Most often, shared folders are used for sharing files, since everything that is placed inside them becomes available to all users who have rights to connect to this folder.

In Windows 7, by default, only one folder is created - C:UsersPublic ( System disk>> Directory “Users” >> “General”). Inside it there are thematic subdirectories: “General Music”, “General Documents”, “General Downloaded Files”, “TV Recordings”, “Images”, “Videos”, etc., as well as folders created by users and programs.

Everyone has equal rights to access the shared folder Accounts of this computer. You can verify this if you expand its properties and go to the “Access” tab. At the top of the window, where sharing of network resources (files and folders) is mentioned, it says “Shared access available” and the button of the same name is active.

Clicking on this button opens a window with a list of accounts and groups. Among them there is a group “Everyone” with rights to read and write to this folder.

The owner, the Administrators group of this computer, can edit the list of users (delete and add) and change their permission level - read only or read and write.

Opening access to shared folders over the network

In addition to “Public” on Windows 7, you can open public access to any other folder. But in order for users from the network to connect to it, you need to enable the appropriate permissions for them.

  • From the control panel, as well as context menu network icon in the tray, go to “Network and Sharing Center”. Click “Edit additional” in the transition bar. sharing options."

  • Expand the local network profile tab - “Work or Home” or “General” - depending on your settings.

  • In the “Printer and File Sharing” and “Shared Folder Sharing” items, check the “Enable” checkbox and click “Save Changes”.

After this, other users on your network will be able to see all shared resources in their network environment. To view on Windows 7 network, you need to go to the “Computer” folder and in the transition area click on the “Network” shortcut. Double click On a computer from this list, you can see all its shared folders, that is, folders to which public access is open.

Share any folder on your computer

A user with administrative privileges can make almost any folder public if they wish. To do this you need to change its settings a little.

  • Open Properties and go to the “Access” tab of the selected folder. As you can see, in our example there is no public access to it yet. Click the “Advanced Setup” button.

  • Check the box next to “Share…”, limit, if necessary, the number of simultaneous user connections and open “Permissions”.

  • In the permission settings, as we can see, only one group is specified - “Everyone”. Here we can assign this group the desired access rights to our folder or, for example, delete it and add other accounts to the list. To do this, click the “Add” button.

  • In the user selection window, you need to enter an account name. Usually Windows 7 itself finds the user by name, but if this does not happen, click “Check names”.

  • In the next window, click “Location” to tell the system where to look for an account with the same name.

  • Select desired placement from the list of available ones. In our example, there is only one – the local computer.

  • If a user with this name is not found, the system will display a corresponding notification; if so, it will appear in the list of groups and users of the shared folder. All that remains is to give it to him necessary permissions access, and then save all changes.

  • After these steps, the folder will become public (shared), and the network path to it will appear on the “Access” tab.

  • You can find out that a folder is shared without looking at its properties: if you select it with the cursor, the “Sharing” icon and the corresponding inscription will appear on the bottom panel of the parent folder.

In addition to the above, in Windows 7 there is still fast access to permission settings for shared directories. This is the “Sharing” button at the top horizontal menu. By clicking here, you can quickly select which users are allowed to use the folder and with what rights.

How to open a shared folder in Windows 7

As already mentioned, you can get to a public folder on another PC by clicking on the “Network” icon in the transition area of ​​the “Computer” folder. If you need to use the folder often, you can create a shortcut to it on your desktop. In addition, the folder can be connected to the computer as network drive.

To do this, go to the “Computer” directory on your PC and top menu Click “Map network drive”.

Assign a letter to the new drive, click “Browse” and use File Explorer to navigate to the desired location. You can also manually enter the network path to it in the “Folder” line. The path is written like this: \Computer_name\Folder_name. If you do not remember this data, they are indicated in the properties of the shared directory on the “Access” tab.

To connect a network drive, click “Finish”.

After this, the disk will appear in the “Network location” section of the “Computer” folder.

You can log into a network drive under the user account of that computer or as a guest. If you log in as a user, enter your account name and password in the window that opens, and to be able to log in as an anonymous guest, you need to:

  • so that the guest account on the PC whose folder you are connecting to is activated;
  • so that the guest has the appropriate permissions in the security and sharing settings of this folder.

Instead of a guest, you can set permission for the Everyone group. If this condition is not met, operating system remote computer will deny you access.

Enabling a guest account

To enable a guest account, open the control panel, select the “User Accounts” applet and then “Manage another account”.

Select a guest from the list and in the next window click “Enable”.

Setting folder permissions

Open the properties of the shared folder and go to the “Security” tab. Here, in the list of groups and users, you need to add a guest. To do this, click the “Change” button under the list, in the next window click “Add” and then in the user selection window, in the field for entering names, enter “Guest”.

After saving the changes, on the “Security” tab in the folder properties, assign the desired rights to the guest. After this, it will be possible to remotely connect to the shared folder without entering a password.

Problem: The network resource cannot be accessed. The network folder is displayed...

but when I try to log in, the system displays the following message:

Windows cannot access \\computer\network_resource. Permission to access \\computer\network_resource absent. Contact your network administrator to gain access.

In the Windows XP operating system, a similar message sounds like this:

No access to \\computer\network_resource. You may not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to obtain the appropriate access rights. Access denied

Why can't I access the network resource?

The reason may be due to the following factors:

  • The user does not have permission to access the share.
    These rights are configured on the tab Access and are relevant only for setting up network access.
  • The user does not have permission to access the folder at the NTFS permission level
    Configured on the tab Safety. This setting regulates access rights both over the network and locally.
  • The user does not have network access permissions or NTFS rights.

How to share a network folder with all users

Settings must be made on the computer where the network resource.

Go to Computer Management:

Open the section Shared folders. Select a subsection Shared Resources and find out the local path to the folder that is open to the network.
In our example, we see that the network resource temp matches local path C:\temp :

We find local folder, right-click on it and call Properties:

1 The first thing to check is network access permissions. Open the tab Access and press the button Advanced setup:

Press the button Permissions:

Let's check who it's open to network access, and also check the rights.
In order for all users to be able to access the network resource, the list Share Permissions need to add a group All.
In our case, open full access for a group All. This means everything is fine with network permissions:

2 The second thing you need to check is NTFS rights. Go to the tab Safety and check the global permissions to access the folder.
In our example, we see that only users and administrators of the local computer can see and enter this folder. This means that if we try to log into a network resource under a user who does not have an account on local computer, we will be denied access.

In order to allow access to the folder to all users, even those who do not have an account on the local computer, you need to add the same group to the list All. To do this, press the button Change:

Click Add:

Adding a group All and press OK.

Attention! It is NOT necessary to search for a group in the list of groups and users. You can simply write the word “Everything” with your hands - always with a capital letter.

In this article we will set up a local network between two or more computers with installed Windows 7 (Windows 8) that are connected via a Wi-Fi router. In fact, setting up a local network in Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10 is practically no different. Windows XP does have its own nuances; there are always some problems when setting up a network between Windows 7 and XP. But, more on this in a separate article, and it’s time to switch from Windows XP, it’s outdated.

It is clear that in order to set up a local network and share files, computers need to be somehow connected to each other. This can be done using a network cable; I will introduce a direct connection between two computers. But it is much more interesting to connect all computers through a router, which is now installed in almost every home and office. When connecting via a router, you can already set up a local network not only between two computers. You can connect all computers, and even mobile devices that are connected to one router, into a local network

For example, desktop computers can be connected to the router via network cable, and laptops - by Wi-Fi networks. It’s up to you what’s more convenient for you, and how it works out for you. It doesn’t matter whether the computer is connected to the router via Wi-Fi or cable, the local network will work. And it doesn’t matter what operating system you have installed, but I will show you on Windows example 7.

And I will configure and display the network through a router to which my laptop is connected via Wi-Fi, and desktop computer. Both run on Windows 7. Now we will set up a local network between these two computers. We will also open shared access to folders and files. What is a local network between computers for? Mainly for file sharing. If you often need to transfer some files from one computer to another, then instead of running around with a flash drive, you can do this over the network. Well, you can play games online.

If your network also has a TV with a Smart TV, then you can configure access to movies on your computer from the TV. More details in the article.

Instructions for setting up a local network in Windows 7

Let me remind you that the computers that you want to connect to the network must be connected to the same router, or connected directly with a cable. Also, all the actions that I will show in this section must be performed on both computers.

Important point! If you want to set up a network through a Wi-Fi router to which some third-party devices are connected (for example, your neighbor), then after setup, he will be able to access those folders on your computer that you set up shared access to. Install a good one to protect your network. If you still need to connect to your router third party devices, but you want to set up a home network, then you can create a “guest network” for guests, as we did on the Zyxel router in .

One more thing. If you are setting up a network by connecting computers directly, without a router, then you will also need to set static IP addresses in the local network connection properties. If you are connected through a router, then you do not need to do anything additional, continue to follow the instructions.

1 First of all, we need to check that all computers are working in the same workgroup. This needs to be checked on all computers that will be connected to the local network.

We do this: press the key combination Win+R, and in the window that appears, specify the command sysdm.cpl. Click Ok.

Against Working group, most likely it will be written WORKGROUP. You can leave it. The main thing is that on other computers the workgroup should also be WORKGROUP.

If you want to change it, for example to MSHOME, then click the button Change, and specify a new group. Save the changes and restart your computer.

2 The second step is to change the sharing settings. We also perform these settings on all computers on the network. Now I'll show you what needs to be included.

Right-click on the Internet connection icon in the notification bar and open Network and Sharing Center. In the new window select Change advanced sharing options.

There will be two profiles. Home or Work, and General. Let's change the one that says current profile. You can make these settings for both profiles.

First of all, put the switch near Enable network discovery. Also, we turn on File and Printer Sharing, and turn on folder sharing. See screenshot below.

Scroll through the settings page, find and open the tab All networks, or General, and definitely disable Password Protected Sharing.

After these steps, it is advisable to restart the computer. These are all the settings, the local network should already be working. To check, you need to go to Explorer (My Computer) on one of the computers and open the tab on the left Net. All computers on the network will be displayed there. In the screenshot, you can see my computer, and another one from the network.

We can already log into a computer on our home network, there will be access to shared folders.

If you do not have computers on the network, or do not have access to a computer, then see the solutions at the end of this article.

Setting up file and folder sharing

As I wrote above, access to shared folders is already available. But, we may need to share access to some other folder, which is located, for example, on local disk D. This can be done without any problems. After we open shared access to the folder, all computers on the local network will be able to view the files in it, change them, and add new files to this folder (though this depends on what permissions we enable).

For example, I want to share the "Pictures" folder. To do this, right-click on it and select Properties. Go to the tab Access, and press the button Advanced setup. Place a tick next to the item Share this folder, and press the button Permissions.

In the window that opens after clicking the button Permissions, we need to set access rights to this folder. To ensure that network users can only view files, leave the checkbox next to Reading only. Well, for full access to the folder, with the ability to change files, check all three boxes.

Click Apply And Ok. In the window Advanced sharing setup, also press the buttons Apply And Ok.

In folder properties, go to the tab Safety, and click on the button Change. Another window will open in which we click on the button Add. We write in the field "All" and press Ok.

Selecting a group All, and below we tick off the access points we need for this folder.

That’s it, after these steps, this folder will be shared with all computers on the network. It starts working without rebooting, I checked. Open this folder from another computer:

It's all confusing, until you figure it out... It was possible to somehow make these settings easier and more understandable. But everything works. It turns out that I have access to a folder that is located on another computer. And this is all over the air, since both computers are connected to the router via Wi-Fi.

By the way, this folder will also be accessible from smartphones and tablets that are connected to this Wi-Fi router. To view network folders on Android, I advise you to install ES Explorer, or use standard conductor. Everything is working:

Now we will look again possible problems and errors that can very often be encountered during the setup process.

Possible problems and errors when setting up a home local network

If any errors or problems appear during the setup process, then first of all disable your antivirus, and other programs that may block the connection. If the problem is in the antivirus, then you will need to add your connection to the exceptions.

  • Computers from the local network do not appear on the Network tab. In this case, we check the workgroup and sharing settings on all computers. Open a tab in Explorer Net, right-click on an empty area, and select Update. Another important point, very often antiviruses and firewalls block access to the local network. Try disabling your antivirus for a while. You also need to make sure that there is a connection to the router.
  • No access to the shared folder. Another problem is when we seem to have everything set up and shared access, but when we try to open a folder on a computer on the network, a message appears that we do not have access, do not have rights to access this folder, could not open the network folder, etc. Or, a username and password prompt appears.
    Be sure to check the sharing settings in the properties of this folder. There are a lot of settings, everything is confusing, perhaps something was missed. Well, again, disable the antivirus, it may block.
  • A computer connected via Wi-Fi cannot be seen by other computers on the local network. Or vice versa. If your network is built from computers and laptops that are connected via wireless network, and via cable, then problems may arise with a certain connection. For example, laptops connected via Wi-Fi may not appear on the local network.
    In this case, pay attention to which profile you enabled network discovery for (settings at the beginning of the article). It is also advisable to assign home network status to connect to your Wi-Fi network. Well, be sure to try disabling your antivirus.

I think you succeeded. If you couldn’t configure something, then ask in the comments. Also, don’t forget to share your tips on this topic.

What tasks can be accomplished using public access? To enable your users to view local network content and access computers and devices, you can enable network discovery. If every computer on your network is not connected local printer, you will have to share printers so that users can print their documentation. You can share computer resources with both all users and those users whose credentials exist on the computer sharing files and folders. You can allow users to share music, videos, and pictures, allow streaming media sharing, and more.

In this article you will get acquainted with the functionality additional parameters sharing and learn how to properly set sharing permissions.

Open the Advanced Sharing Options window

To open the window, do any of the following:

Window "Advanced sharing options" shown in the following illustration:

Rice. 1. “Advanced sharing options” window

Change sharing settings

As already mentioned in the article, the operating room Windows system 7 supports multiple active profiles, allowing for the most secure use of multiple network adapters. Using a window "Advanced sharing options", you can specify different sharing settings for any of the three profiles (Home and working network, Domain Profile, and General Profile). By specifying the sharing parameters for each of the profiles, they will be applied depending on which network interface with the profile is active in this moment. Selecting a network profile in the window for changing sharing settings is shown in the following illustration:

Rice. 2. Selecting a network profile for which sharing parameters will be changed

Network discovery

Network discovery is a networking feature that has been implemented in the operating system Windows Vista and is responsible for the parameter that determines whether other computers on the network can detect the user's computer and whether the user can see them. There are two parameters responsible for network discovery: "Enable network discovery", through which the computer becomes visible to other user computers, and "Disable network discovery", which prevents other computers from being viewed and makes the user's computer invisible to other computers on the network. Default for profile "Home and Work" this parameter included. In the case when the computer is connected to the network in a public place, for example, at an airport or in a cafeteria, "General" a profile in which network discovery is disabled by default.

To change settings network discovery, follow these steps:

In a domain environment, network discovery functionality is also disabled by default. To enable it, in the snap-in "Control group policy» create a GPO, open control editor group policies, at the node Computer Configuration/Policies/Administrative Templates/Network/Link Layer Discovery. Select a policy "Enables the I/O mapping driver (LLTDIO)", in its properties set the value "Turn on" and check the box "Allow operation for domain" in the advanced settings of the policy properties. Repeat the same steps for the policy setting "Enable Responder Driver (RSPNDR)", then update the policy settings to client machine using the command gpupdate /force /boot.

File and Printer Sharing

If your computer is on a local network, you may want to share some files or folders and allow others on the local network to use your printer. If you want other users to be able to view and perform actions on the files you share, you must enable this functionality. Default for profile "Home or Work" this opportunity enabled, and for the profile "General"- disabled. To enable or disable this function and add files to the public folder, follow these steps:

You can also give access to any folder located on your computer and specify users with different rights who will have access to it. To do this, do the following:

  • Change the display name of a shared folder. To do this, select from the drop-down list "Share Name" available share name or click the button "Add". In the dialog box "New Share" enter a name and, optionally, a description of the resource and click on the button "OK". In order for connected users to see only the name of the shared resource you specified, select the original folder name from the list and click the button "Delete";
  • Limit quantity simultaneous connections to your share. The default value is 20 connections. For example, if there are only five computers on your local network, you can change the number of users who can simultaneously use your resource;
  • Configure folder permissions and settings offline mode, which will be discussed in a subsequent article.
  • After completing the sharing settings for Install folders, click on the button "Close";
  • On another computer on the local network, open Windows Explorer and select "Net". From the list of available computers, select the computer whose folder you opened for sharing (in this example, VirtDImaNS). In the dialog box « Windows Security» Enter the username and password for his account to access the shared folders on the computer.

  • Rice. 9. Credentials Request Window

  • Shared folders will be displayed in Windows Explorer, as shown in the following illustration:

  • Rice. 10. Public folders

    Access to shared folders

    As stated above, along with user account folders, the Windows operating system creates a folder "Are common", which is shared by default for the profile "Home and Work". Using a window "Advanced sharing options" you can deny access to this folder. To do this, follow these steps:

    Please note that users who have already connected to this folder will still have access to use the resources located in it.

    Streaming media

    With media streaming settings for computers and devices, you can set permissions for folders of music, videos, and pictures that can be streamed to devices and computers on your network. « Windows Player Media". To configure these parameters you need to follow the link "Select media streaming options" in Group « Streaming multimedia" window "Advanced sharing options".

    In the window "Media Streaming Options" shown in the following illustration, you can configure any settings that relate to broadcasting your multimedia data to other computers. You can read about the settings for this functionality in the article.

    Rice. 12. Media Streaming Options

    Connecting file sharing

    Using the parameters located in this group, you can specify the type of encryption to protect the shared connection. Encryption is used to protect shared files and folders. The Windows 7 operating system provides two algorithms for encrypting connections:

    • 40-bit or 56-bit encryption – DES (Data Encryption Standard). This symmetric algorithm encryption, in which a single key is used to both encrypt and decrypt data. DES was developed by IBM and approved by the US government in 1977 as an official standard;
    • 128-bit encryption – Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). It is also a symmetric block cipher algorithm (block size 128 bits, key 128/192/256 bits), adopted as an encryption standard by the US government through the AES competition. This algorithm has been well analyzed and is now widely used, as was its predecessor DES.

    The default for all profiles is 128-bit encryption to protect shared connections.

    Password protected sharing

    For security purposes, by default access to public folders password protected. To gain access to user shared folders and files on another computer, you must enter the appropriate account information. This method is used to allow access to only a specified set of resources.

    The file and folder sharing method is typically used when one user is allowed access to one set of shared resources, while others have full access. In order to disable password-protected access (which, in principle, is highly undesirable in enterprises), follow these steps:

    Homegroup connections

    As you know, you can only create and join an existing homegroup if the location of your active network interface is « home network» . Connection settings home group in the settings window, advanced sharing options are available only for the profile "Home and Work". There are two options for sharing files in a homegroup: "Allow Windows to manage homegroup connections"- with the help of which the operating system independently provides shared access for computers that are in a given group. It is possible that you may have created sharing permissions on your computers before creating a homegroup, and you would like to save them for later use in the homegroup. Parameter "Use user accounts and passwords to connect to other computers" allows you to display a dialog requesting credentials when accessing a computer. To change homegroup connection settings, follow these steps:


    This article describes the functionality of advanced sharing options. You learned how to change your network location based on your network profile usage, and learned about ways to share files and folders using password protection and without it, we remembered about setting up media streaming parameters, learned a little about encryption methods network connections and learned how to change homegroup connection settings. With this knowledge, you can effectively set up file and folder sharing in home and small office environments. In the next article I will describe in detail the use shared folders, for which the console snap-in is used Microsoft management "Shared Folders".

