Full screen youtube hotkeys. Rewind video from keyboard in Youtube

Hotkeys make it easier to watch YouTube videos. YouTube is the world's most popular video portal that hosts great amount videos.

Users independently add their videos to video hosting. If video viewing was not limited, then the video added to YouTube video, available to any user around the world. YouTube has videos for every taste: feature films and documentaries, video clips, music, user-produced videos, and much more.

Videos on YouTube are played using the built-in player. Typically, users control the player control buttons with the mouse, and this is not always convenient.

Many commands can be executed faster using keyboard shortcuts. YouTube keyboard shortcuts make it faster and more convenient to perform the following actions: control video playback, rewind video, adjust volume, fast navigation in playlists.

Check out the keyboard shortcuts on YouTube.

Playing video

  • F - video transition to full screen mode(Full Screen) playback.
  • Esc - exit full screen mode.
  • K - pause/resume video playback.
  • “Space” - stop/resume video playback. For the command to work correctly, the youtube player must be in the focus of the web page.
  • Shift + > - increase video playback speed.
  • Shift +< - уменьшение скорости воспроизведения видео.

Rewind video

  • J - rewind the video 10 seconds back.
  • L - fast forward the video 10 seconds.
  • Ctrl + ← (left arrow) - rewind the video 10 seconds back.
  • Ctrl + → (right arrow) - fast forward the video 10 seconds.
  • ← (left arrow) - rewind the video 5 seconds back.
  • → (right arrow) - fast forward the video 5 seconds.
  • 0 - rewind the video to the beginning.
  • End - rewind the video to the beginning.
  • From 1 to 9 - go to one of nine fragments (the mouse cursor must be in the player window). A video added to YouTube is divided into nine fragments. You can go to any fragment, at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of the video. Clips are measured as percentages ranging from 10% to 90% of the total video length.

Volume adjustment

  • M - mute/unmute sound.
  • - volume increase by 5%.
  • ↓ - volume reduction by 5%.

Transitions to videos in a playlist

  • N - go to the next video in the playlist (Next).
  • P - go to the previous video in the playlist (Previous).

To navigate between videos (not in playlists), use the keyboard shortcut that works in browsers:

  • Alt + ← (left arrow) - go to the previous video.

Other function keys

  • / - highlighting the search field, moving the mouse cursor to the search field if the mouse cursor is not there.
  • Esc - exit the search field.
  • End - goes to the bottom of the web page with the video.
  • Home - go to top part web pages with videos.

Have a pleasant and comfortable viewing of videos on YouTube!

Conclusions of the article

Using keyboard shortcuts, you can control YouTube video playback faster and more conveniently. Hotkeys in YouTube will help you perform the following actions: control the playback of video clips, rewind, adjust the volume, and transition between videos in playlists.

Good day to all. Nowadays it’s difficult to find a person who doesn’t know what it is YouTube. We hang out on this portal sometimes for half a day or all evening long. Some people watch entertaining videos, others watch educational videos. Not the point. The fact is that using a mouse to control YouTube is not always convenient. For convenience, I advise you to use YouTube hotkeys.

By the way, you can. We'll teach you how!

Rewind YouTube video using keys

When watching a video, it happens that you missed some word or phrase that is important to you. If the video is short, then you can simply move the slider a couple of millimeters with the mouse and everything is ok. But if the video is long, then this way you will almost never get to where you need to go right away. But using the keys to rewind the video in such cases is more than just convenient. Pressing keys left or right, You rewind the video by 5 seconds back or forward respectively. If you press the keys " J" or " L", That the video will rewind by 10 seconds forward or backward.

Key " 0 " and the key " Home" perform the same action. As you probably already guessed - takes you to the very beginning of the video. Convenient when watching clips.

For moving through the video at a certain percentage from the start, you can use the keys " 1-9 " 1 = 10% video and 9 = 90% video. Although I don't know in what cases this might be useful.

How to adjust volume on YouTube

If you need it suddenly turn off the sound, press the " M" Although this is not much more convenient than simply turning off the sound with the mouse. Until you find this button...

For that to change the volume, just click on the arrows " up" or " down" Quite convenient.

More useful keys for controlling video

Open video full screen you can use the " F" Abbreviation for English FullScreen- Full Screen.

Use key combinations " Shift + P" And " Shift + N" For switch to previous or next video in the playlist.

And here pause the video very convenient key " Space» ( space, in Russian speaking). The key is big, you won't miss it. And you don’t need to look for it for long.

There's another one useful feature For YouTube, this means watching videos in accelerated mode. I don’t know how many people use it, but I use it often. Here you are watching a tutorial with some hard-working author, you speed up the video one and a half times and life becomes more fun. I don't like people who speak very slowly. So, enable fast/slow playback You can use the key combination " Shift + > " And " Shift + < " This is where “B” and “Y” are on the Russian layout.

All YouTube hotkeys

Finally, I’ll duplicate all the keys in a form that’s easy to read.


"Left"- rewind 5 seconds

"Right"- fast forward 5 seconds

"J"- rewind 10 seconds

"L"- fast forward 10 seconds

"0" and "Home"- return to the very beginning of the video

"1" - "9"- moving through the video in percentage

"End"- rewind the video to the end

Volume adjustment

« M" (mute)- turn off/on sound

"Up"- increase volume

"Down"- reduce volume

Other video control keys

« Space"(space)- pause (only when focusing on the player)

"K"- pause/play when focusing anywhere on the page

"Shift + >"- increase playback speed

"Shift +<» - reduce playback speed

« F» / « Esc» - enable/disable full screen mode

"Shift + N"- next video in the playlist

"Shift + P"- previous video in the playlist

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I really like to use keyboard shortcuts wherever possible. Including when watching videos. For example, most video players have this combination Alt+Enter, which expands the video to full screen. Works in almost any video player. But not on Youtube. Since the YouTube player is not a full-fledged application, but a web service. And when pressed alt+enter Nothing happens. And I clicked this very often out of habit, trying to expand the video to full screen. I really wanted to expand and collapse it using hot keys. And imagine my surprise when I accidentally discovered hotkeys for expanding videos to full screen on Youtube!

Hotkeys in Youtube

I started searching and found other useful combinations. I guessed that they most likely existed, but didn’t bother with it. So, the combinations themselves.

Key to expand video to full screen:

f. Yes, it’s that simple, one key - a letter F. From the phrase full screen.

Rewind video from keyboard in Youtube

Numbers from 0 before 9 switch immediately to x10%. So, if you want to put it in the middle of the video, then just press 5 and the slider will jump over exactly 50% of the video.

Pair of keys J And L will allow you to rewind 10 seconds of video forward and backward, respectively. This is completely unix-like - the legendary console editor vi uses the same keys to move the cursor character by character :)

Well, just the keys shooter left And right (Left Arrow, Right Arrow) - roll forward and backward for 5 seconds. Most likely you knew about this.

Switch between videos using the keyboard

Carried out using a combination Shift+N. Includes the following from ( N ext) video from the playlist. Or the first one from the sidebar with recommended videos. A very convenient feature, be sure to try it. Moreover, in the case of a playlist, you can switch to the previous video with the combination Shift+P (P revious). Outside of a playlist, this combination does not work, and if you want to switch to the previous video where there is no playlist, use the standard “back” function of the browser itself. For example Alt+Left Arrow(left arrow) will allow you to do this in Google Chrome.

Volume adjustment

The up and down arrow keys allow you to increase and decrease the volume.

Silent mode: m. What is called " mute". Mute the sound in the YouTube player. From the word m ute.

Keys for controlling video playback

Most likely you know that space (Space) allows you to pause a video in any player. Including on YouTube. By the way, my three-year-old child uses this key very actively :) In addition to pausing, it also allows you to start replaying if the video has ended and he wants to watch it again, which happens very often.

But there is one nuance, and quite significant. The spacebar is also used by most browsers as a shortcut key for page scrolling. It rewinds the page exactly one screen down. And if you are familiar with such a concept as focus in applications, you must understand that the built-in YouTube player has its own focus, and the browser has its own. Thus, if the focus is intercepted by the browser, then the spacebar will not work as a pause for you, but will simply scroll the page down to view comments. In the same way, rewinding with numbers, adjusting the volume with arrows, and rewinding with arrows will not work for you when focus was hijacked by the browser.

However, the key F, for example, will always work, even if the player does not have the focus. And if you press it, then it will be intercepted by the player. If you don’t need the full screen, you can simply press it twice, or the key Esc to exit full screen mode. After this, your focus will remain on the player, which means you can use the arrows and space bar to control it. Keys J And L also always work regardless of focus - you can use them for the same purposes.

But it's more interesting to use the key here K. It also starts/pauses the video regardless of focus, unlike space! But at the same time, the focus is not captured by the player. Thus, with its help, you can press play/pause, for example, in a musical composition and scroll the page with arrows to read comments.

And finally, a rather rarely used feature is playback speed. It can be adjusted with keys < And > , and since they are activated only when you press Shift, then the corresponding combinations Shift+. (dot, pot) And Shift+, (comma, comma).

Youtube search activation key

Oh yes, there is also a mega-useful button for transferring focus to the search bar. Also unix-like, this is a forward slash / (slash). But there is also a nuance with it, since it is typed completely in different layouts different keys. When active English layout Everything is simple, it is located right next to the Shift key and is typed with one click. But if you have the Russian layout active, then you may be looking for it for quite a long time. For in the Russian version, the slash is on a key located somewhere next to Enter, and may not even be applied to the key. As a rule, it necessarily depicts a vertical ( pipe) and backslashes ( backslash) | And \ . Now, if you find this button on your keyboard, then by holding it with Shift, you will be able to depict a forward slash in the Russian layout. It’s easier to click switch layout and type it in en , isn’t it? :)

Well, this is such a simple set. By the way, for some of the listed buttons YouTube will show you a help window on top of the player if you press the question mark ? when focus is transferred to the player.

Please use it, it saves a lot of time and even gives you a kind of pleasure. The more you use it, the easier it becomes. Well, by at least That's exactly how it is for me. There's no need to remember everything, just use what you need most often. I'm telling you, I was delighted with just one button F. I really like such small joys. I wish the same for you.

Hello, dear site visitors! How many of you haven't heard of YouTube? I think that there is no user who has not watched videos from YouTube at least once. This article I prepared for active ones YouTube users. You'll learn how to make your YouTube experience easier with hotkeys.


I think that the convenience of hotkeys has long been proven. Who doesn't use hotkeys in other programs? It is not always convenient to click on small icons with the mouse cursor to perform certain actions.

Hotkeys help make working with YouTube easier and faster. It's always easier to press a key or a combination of keys than to move the mouse and look for buttons. Especially when the monitor is far away. All listed keys are in the English layout.

Playback mode

  1. Full screen mode activated by key F, exit from full-screen mode using the keys F And ESC.
  2. Play/Pause carried out by keys Space And K.
  3. Playback speed control carried out by keyboard shortcut Shift+< And Shift+> , or just keys < And > . The first combination reduces the speed, and the second increases it. Speed ​​values ​​that can be set: 0.25 – 0.5 – normal speed – 1.25 – 1.5 – 2.

Volume control

  1. Enable/disable sound carried out by key M or a combination Shift+ M.
  2. For smooth volume changes use the arrow keys. The up arrow increases the current volume by 5%, the down arrow ↓ decreases it by 5%.

Rewind video

  1. Rewind the video 5 seconds forward or backward using the right and left arrows (ß,à)
  2. Fast forward the video 10 seconds carried out by key J or keyboard shortcut Ctrl+
  3. Rewind the video 10 seconds carried out by key L or keyboard shortcut Ctrl+
  4. Rewind video to beginning possible using keys 0 And Home
  5. Keys 1 to 9 allow you to navigate through the video. Key 1 moves the video by 10% of the total duration, key 5 by 50%, key 9 by 90% of the duration.
  6. Move to end of video carried out by key End.
  7. Rewinding a video with a minimum step carried out using the keys " , (comma)" - back and " . (dot)" - forward.

Playlist navigation

  1. Skip to previous video P or a combination Shift+ P.
  2. Skip to next video in the playlist is carried out with the key N or a combination Shift+ N.

Panoramic videos

There are separate hotkeys for panoramic videos:

  1. Look down -S
  2. Look up –W
  3. Look left –A
  4. Look to the right –D
  5. Zoom in(zoom in) using the " (on the digital keypad) or " ] ».
  6. Zoom out(removal) is carried out with the “ " (on the numeric keypad) or " [ »

Subtitle management

  1. Enable/disable subtitle in carried out by key C
  2. Controlling text transparency carried out by key O
  3. Control background transparency carried out by key W
  4. Enlarge and reduce font you can use " + " And " »

Other hotkeys

  1. ESC allows you to close dialog boxes in the panel, exit full screen mode and leave the search field.
  2. « / » - moves the cursor to the search field even when in full screen mode
  3. ? – displays help on hotkeys.

I hope these hotkeys will help you use YouTube fully and conveniently. If you have any questions, I’m waiting for you in the comments.

Hotkeys make it easier to watch YouTube videos. YouTube is the world's most popular video portal, which hosts a huge number of videos.

Users independently add their videos to video hosting. If video viewing has not been limited, then the video added to YouTube is available to any user around the world. YouTube has videos for every taste: feature films and documentaries, video clips, music, user-produced videos, and much more.

Videos on YouTube are played using the built-in player. Typically, users control the player control buttons with the mouse, and this is not always convenient.

Many commands can be executed faster using keyboard shortcuts. Using keyboard shortcuts in YouTube, you can perform the following actions faster and more conveniently: controlling video playback, rewinding videos, adjusting volume, and quickly navigating playlists.

Check out the keyboard shortcuts on YouTube.

Playing video

  • F - transition video to full screen playback mode
  • Esc - exit full screen mode
  • K - pause/resume video playback
  • “Space” - stop/resume video playback. For the command to work correctly, the youtube player must be in the focus of the web page
  • Shift + > - increase video playback speed
  • Shift +< - уменьшение скорости воспроизведения видео

Rewind video

  • J - rewind video 10 seconds
  • L - fast forward video 10 seconds
  • Ctrl + ← (left arrow) - rewind the video 10 seconds ago
  • Ctrl + → (right arrow) - fast forward the video 10 seconds
  • ← (left arrow) - rewind the video 5 seconds back
  • → (right arrow) - fast forward the video 5 seconds
  • 0 - rewind video to the beginning
  • End - rewind the video to the beginning
  • From 1 to 9 - go to one of nine fragments (the mouse cursor must be in the player window). A video added to YouTube is divided into nine fragments. You can go to any fragment, at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of the video. Clips are measured as percentages ranging from 10% to 90% of the total video length.

Volume adjustment

  • M - mute/unmute sound
  • - volume increase by 5%
  • ↓ - volume reduction by 5%

Transitions to videos in a playlist

  • N - go to the next video in the playlist (Next)
  • P - go to the previous video in the playlist (Previous)

To navigate between videos (not in playlists), use the keyboard shortcut that works in browsers:

  • Alt + ← (left arrow) - go to previous video

Other function keys

  • / - highlight the search field, move the mouse cursor to the search field if the mouse cursor is not there
  • Esc - exit the search field
  • End - move to the bottom of the web page with the video
  • Home - goes to the top of the video web page

Have a pleasant and comfortable viewing of videos on YouTube!


Using keyboard shortcuts, you can control YouTube video playback faster and more conveniently. Hotkeys in YouTube will help you perform the following actions: control the playback of video clips, rewind, adjust the volume, and transition between videos in playlists.

2024 gtavrl.ru.