Polishing the iPhone case. How to remove scratches from iPhone case

A problem that owners of any smartphone encounter is scratches on the screen. Now stores sell a huge variety of films, stickers, and covers to protect against such situations, but many users ignore the purchase of protective equipment, thereby risking a problem in the form of scratches. How to get rid of them yourself at home? What remedies are there? Is it worth doing this yourself or is it better to contact a repair shop? How to proceed? We are ready to answer all these and many other questions on this topic. current page website of our repair shop. However, before starting our story, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that if for one reason or another you could not find the information you are interested in, and you need advice, simply fill out the application form, the button for which is on the left of the site, or bring Your smartphone to us.

There are two levels of damage. First, remove scratches from iPhone screen you can do it yourself, in the second case you will only be saved by replacing the screen. If the scratches are relatively small and it is possible to polish them, then following tips will come in handy for you:


Take regular toothpaste and cotton wool, or better yet, a cotton pad. Wipe the screen with scratches with a disk of paste until the last ones are no longer visible. The final step is to wipe the screen with a damp cloth. If the advice did not help, then it is no longer possible to polish the scratches. Similar to toothpaste, you can also use a special anti-scratch cream, which you can buy at a car store.

Try also using baby powder, baking soda mixed with water or oil instead of toothpaste and cream. If nothing helps, then you need to decide for yourself whether to use a device with scratches or change the screen.

Once again we draw your attention! If you chose the first option, then remember: using any products containing water is do-it-yourself repair at one's own risk! This can greatly harm your iPhone and render it completely unusable. That's why independent decision issue with scratches on the screen is a dangerous activity for your phone and wallet.

If you chose the second option, then you can safely go to our service center at the address indicated on the website. We are at minimum possible timing We will carry out the work of replacing the screen.
Many people think that the question of how to get rid of scratches on a phone display is difficult and unsolvable. In pursuit of savings Money people often start using “grandmother’s” means and methods and break their precious equipment. Regarding prices for Apple smartphones precious technology sounds without exaggeration.

You can easily remove scratches from iPhone cases using an abrasive polish or fine sandpaper. Scratches appear relatively quickly on the back of the iPhone, which can also be quickly and easily removed. No matter what you use to remove scratches from your iPhone - toothpaste or sandpaper, you must be extremely careful not to erase protective covering device body.

Warning: Use the techniques below at your own risk. MacDigger is not responsible for your iPhone experiments.

Method 1: Remove Scratches from iPhone Using Toothpaste

Sounds crazy but toothpaste is a mild abrasive polish that helps get rid of minor scratches on your iPhone.

  • Squeeze a drop of toothpaste onto the iPhone case.
  • Using a soft cloth, rub the iPhone body in a rotating motion.
  • Leave the toothpaste on for a minute or two and let it dry.
  • Wash the paste off the case with soap or a mild detergent.

For achievement best result Spend some time on the process of rubbing the paste. Using this method, you can easily remove minor scratches from your iPhone. Many people use a similar technique to remove scratches from DVDs or CDs.

When using this technique, make sure that toothpaste does not get into connectors or process iPhone holes! Failure to use this method carefully may result in warranty repairs being rejected.

Method 2: Remove Scratches from iPhone Using Sandpaper

You can also get rid of small scratches on the iPhone case using fine sandpaper. The effect will be the same as using toothpaste, but you must choose the right grit of paper. Judging by various recommendations on the Internet, suitable sandpaper grit is from 1200. On the MacRumors forum they wrote that it takes about half an hour or more to remove all small scratches on the body.

When rubbing the iPhone case, do not apply great effort! Remember that you must polish out any scratches on the surface of the device. If you remove the protective coating from the case, you will have to resort to a third, more intensive method.

Method 3: Remove Deep Scratches from iPhone

If you decide to completely clean the iPhone case from any scratches, including the deepest ones, you can use wet sanding and completely polish the device, restoring its original shine. This is not the fastest or easiest method, and I would advise resorting to it only if absolutely necessary. After using this method, you will have to say goodbye to the Apple logotype and text on the back of the iPhone.

On the MacRumors forum you can find from the iPhone (including disassembling the device). This is the most intensive but reliable method, which involves completely removing the protective layer from the iPhone, which can be avoided by turning to the first two methods.

There is a type of user who is irritated by even microscopic scratches, dirt or other defects on the surface of the screen of their mobile device. It's fun to watch them as they frequently and carefully wipe their iPhone. You can imagine how upset they will be if a scratch appears on the panel. Undoubtedly, the search for ways to restore the screen will begin. We give some recommendations on how to properly care for your smartphone so that it pleases its owner for as long as possible.

It is important to know that all of the following methods for eliminating screen damage iPhone(you can try on iPad) are considered the most popular, all of them are collected from the Internet.

To get started, you will need to stock up on a few items that will help you successfully remove scratches:

  1. Tooth powder or toothpaste
  2. Talc or powder
  3. Baking soda.
  4. Any vegetable oil.
  5. Special scratch remover for cars
  6. Furniture polish
  7. Fine sandpaper
  8. Polishing agent GOI
  9. A piece of suede
  10. Scotch.

Cover the scratch with tape

Let us remind you that adhesive tape is required to protect the case and panel of the device, as well as its connectors. To protect parts of the iPhone, you just need to cover all these areas with tape.

Removal with toothpaste

The most common method for restoring a panel appears to be using simple toothpaste, or you can also use regular tooth powder. First, carefully apply a thin layer of paste to the scratched area, then rub the mixture in a gentle circular motion. To use the powder, you will need to dilute it in water and then rub it onto the appropriate surface. You need to let the substance dry for 15-30 minutes. Now you can wipe the glass with a cotton swab. Minor scratches will become almost invisible, but this method will not help in removing deep grooves.

Removal with powder or baking soda

You can use baby powder or baking soda to remove damage on the screen. These substances help in restoring the screen thanks to a single technology, which is why they were combined in one section. The substance is diluted in water, the mixture must be brought to a mushy consistency. Then we apply it to the damaged area, rub it with a cotton swab in slow circular movements, and remove the residue with a dry cloth.

These methods work with all phones

Using vegetable oil

This is one of the most controversial methods of screen restoration. It is claimed that the oil can be used to remove scratches. But practice has shown that vegetable oil is only a cosmetic procedure; not every scratch can be removed using this method. Although oil restores shine to glass, you need to drop a little oil and rub the surface. This can also disguise very minor scratches.

Special products for restoration

To remove scratches, you can effectively use modern means for restoring the car body and furniture surfaces. They are used in the same way as toothpaste. The product is applied to the damaged area and polished with a special cloth until a positive result is obtained.

Be careful with sandpaper

Sandpaper is the most extreme form of screen restoration. This material is very hard and one careless movement during its use will lead to an undesirable result. Before you begin, you need to know that rubbing the surface of a fragile display with a hard material can lead to undesirable consequences. This kind of cleaning can even be called a little sophisticated. If the user is not confident in his skills, then it is better not to use abrasive paper.

The same GOI paste

GOI paste was created in the laboratory of the State Optical Institute. It appeared back in Soviet times. The substance was used for polishing a wide variety of surfaces: ceramics, glass, metal, etc. As it turned out, GOI paste can also be successfully used in restoration touch screens. It is important to know that the paste “cleans” the surface in a gentle manner. Only shallow scratches are removed.

Polished cover

To remove microcracks - suede

Chamois leather is also a good way to remove scratches from your device's screen, although the effectiveness of such work is unlikely to be quickly visible. This method of removing defects from the screen can be called the least effective, because suede is a very soft material, how many thirds of glass will be needed to remove deeper damage?

iPhone owners take very good care of their devices. The appearance of very deep damage on the communicator screen can be considered an exceptional case. Therefore, all of the listed methods for removing scratches on a device screen can most likely be used to eliminate very minor damage. It is important to remember that some methods may do more harm than make the scratch invisible. That is why users should be careful when using artisanal methods for restoring a fragile screen. Any of the described scratch removal options is risky.

Only polished screen

Attention— it would be better if the chosen method of removing scratches was first tested on an old device.

Attention- you can use modern means for polishing displays, of course, they do not remove deep scratches, but they will help make them less noticeable.

Attention - deep damage can be repaired by service Apple Centers, where specialists will be able to restore the iPhone’s former irresistibility.

Hello everybody!
It all started when I bought an iPhone 4, no, not for 14,000 rubles in 2011 :). I bought it in 2016 for 3700, average price on Avito 5500. Its screen had a couple of scratches, which of course annoyed me a little, and I decided to fulfill my dream and buy a polish for phones, which I had been dreaming about since the days of the Sony Ericson K790 :) whose screen was pretty scratched. My choice was conscious and I knew what I wanted, having reviewed the offers of offline sellers, I did not find an offer that would suit the price and moved to ebay and aliexpress. I searched by name for what was sold offline and chose “Displex.”

So, order on Ebay:

Ordered 05/25/2016. The mail was delivered on 06/09/2016. The seller is German, sends from Germany. Here is the polishing paste, made in Germany:

Polishing paste


Description of the paste in the offline store siriust.ru:

“When using cell phones without using special protective covers Scuffs or scratches inevitably appear on the surface of the case or display. This makes the phone unpresentable. It is not always possible to replace the display cell phone or its body. And sometimes this comes at quite a cost. In this case, a convenient and rational solution to the problem is to use special DISPLEX paste.
DISPLEX offers a simple solution to a pressing problem. This is absolutely new type polishing paste that does not contain abrasive elements. End users can use the paste to remove scratches (including deep scratches) from cell phone displays. The procedure for removing scratches and abrasions is quick and, most importantly, cost-effective. The user can easily use the paste himself, without involving a cell phone repair specialist.
You just need to apply DISPLEX paste to the surface to be treated, and then rub it with a soft cloth with some force. The procedure must be repeated 2-3 times until deep scratches on the cell phone display are removed. Contents of the tube (5 grams) at correct use enough for 8-10 polishings (depending on the area of ​​the surface being treated).
The paste does not contain abrasive elements, and scratches are removed as their volume is “rubbed” with the contents of the paste. After using DISPLEX paste, your cell phone display will not become cloudy or glare.

So, here's what I wanted to fix:

Scratches on the phone screen

Scratches on the phone camera

And here is the result:

After 1 hour polishing:

When polishing the screen, the cloth did not stain at all; when polishing the camera, it turned black. Surely the camera could be polished in 5 - 10 hours, because... the coloring of the cloth indicates the removal of a layer of polished material. But apparently the scratches are quite deep and will take much longer to remove.
We can say that the result = 0. Displex paste could not remove scratches on the phone screen or on the rear camera.

In order not to be at all upset by the result, I did the same experiment on a BluRay drive, which was pretty scratched and did not look presentable.

BluRay before polishing:

During polishing:

After 20 minutes of polishing the surface:

The result is excellent, the surface shines like new. Of course, you could notice the remains of scratches, but the appearance of the BluRay changed for the better. After polishing, the surface has restored its shine, the roughness is not visible, unless you look closely the scratches are not visible.
P.S.: Displex paste is suitable for screens made of plastic and plastic glossy surfaces. It’s unlikely that any Gorilla Glass can be polished, and hard glass too.

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With a question how to remove scratches from a smartphone screen, sooner or later every user faces mobile devices. Experience shows that if the owner of the gadget does not use protective film, then scratches will inevitably appear on the screen, even if the manufacturer uses the most effective protective glass. Often, in order to return the smartphone to its original appearance, users resort to replacing the screen. In some cases, especially if you need iPhone screen replacement, such a restoration costs the phone owner a tidy sum. But there are also cheaper ways how to remove scratches from screen, which are available to everyone. Here are some of them:

  • Polishing glass with regular suede. This simple method will eliminate small scratches and wear, but requires patience. If you are diligent enough to tirelessly polish your smartphone screen for two to three hours, you can achieve excellent result.
  • Polishing glass with toothpaste. Not every dental care product is suitable for this work—gel pastes are completely ineffective in this case. To remove scratches, apply a small amount of toothpaste to the glass of the device and use a soft cloth or cotton swab to begin making circular motions.
  • Polishing glass with car care products. Manufacturers of auto chemicals produce excellent pastes and creams for removing scratches from body paint. They are also suitable for removing scratches from a smartphone screen. The technology used is the same as when working with toothpaste.
  • Polishing with the finest sandpaper. Attention! This method can only be used if you have experience working with grinding tools. Incorrect selection of sandpaper can cause even more serious damage to the screen.
  • Polishing with baking soda. To work, we need a specially prepared mixture of 2 parts regular baking soda and one part water. Mix the soda with water until a homogeneous mass is obtained, and use a cotton swab or piece of cloth to sand the damaged areas of the screen.
  • Polishing with baby powder. The composition for removing scratches is prepared in the same way as in the case of soda.
  • Pseudopolishing with vegetable oil. One of the important features of oils is their ability to fill various recesses and defects. To temporarily restore your smartphone to its former glory, just lubricate a cotton swab with vegetable oil and wipe the damaged screen with it.

Of course, to avoid having to polish your smartphone screen, it is better to prevent damage in advance by using specialists who know how to extend the life of your smartphone.

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