Useful widgets for mac os. IStat Pro: One of the most useful widgets for your Mac

In my opinion, most widgets are useless. But still, a good widget can be very fun and useful. :)

I tried to select the most useful widgets for regular user Mac. These widgets will help you get maximum return From your Mac computer. Of course, not all favorites are included here, so if you think there's a widget that should be added to this list, please let us know in the comments!

This widget is designed to get full information about what's happening with your Mac at the moment. With it you can check your CPU and RAM usage, free place on the hard drive, network status and network speed, internal temperature, fan speed, battery level, current processes and much more. Also with good taste widget interface developed.

iTunes automatically downloads cover art for your songs only if you have iTunes account. This widget will be useful for those who do not have such an account. It quickly retrieves song covers from Amazon's large database for the song you select in iTunes.

Using this widget it is very easy to get the lyrics of your favorite songs. All you have to do is play the song in iTunes and launch Dashboard. Lyrics will be automatically displayed in the widget and copied directly to iTunes. There are lyrics for the vast majority of popular songs.

Remember everything keyboard shortcuts Mac OS X is not possible. :lol: Therefore, when you need " hotkey" For quick access, the xCuts widget is what you need. The widget is convenient because you can view keyboard shortcuts by category and search for them in the database.

Time Machine is a great feature that was introduced in Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, however it does not allow users detailed information what is really happening. It's good to have a little more information about the work of Time Machine. :) This widget displays system logs that change after each Reserve copy, indicates whether the backup process is in progress or has already completed.

If you are always on the lookout for new widgets, then this is the perfect widget for you. It shows the 20 most recently added widgets to the Apple website.

For those who need O Greater security, use of passwords based simple words is a “technological sin” :). They can be easily hacked, resulting in your account being accessible to hackers, for example. iPassword helps reduce this risk by randomly generating letters and numbers that you can use, for example, as a password for your online accounts.

Some people may not know that Apple stores regularly host free events where they teach visitors how to perform specific tasks on a Mac: creating home video in iMovie or songs in GarageBand, etc. This widget contains a list of upcoming events near you Apple Store, so you know when to visit the store and see what interests you.

For dashboards in OS X">

We increase the efficiency of using your Mac by an order of magnitude in half an hour.

Dashboard in OS X is a place where you can place widgets for instant access to various applications and sites. It is launched by a keyboard shortcut Fn + F12. By default, the Dashboard looks like this:

As you can see, nothing interesting. But with a little time, you can turn it into a convenient place to get started with your Mac. You just need to add widgets.

First, place your favorite sites on it. This is done like this:

  • 1. Open the desired site in the Safari browser;
  • 2. Choose File -> Open in Dashboard;
  • 3. Select the part of the page that needs to be displayed in the widget and press the button Add;
  • We make sure that a new widget has appeared on the Dashboard.

In addition to websites, you can add widget applications to the Dashboard. We’ll now tell you about the 12 most useful ones.

How to install widgets from an article?

After downloading the file from the link (with the wght extension), you need to double-click on it and confirm the installation. After this, the new widget will appear in the list of additional widgets that are available after clicking on the plus sign in the lower left corner of the Dashboard screen.

1. Yandex.Traffic

This widget allows you to assess the traffic situation in your city at a single glance. The map is a bit small, but the main streets can be easily discerned.

2. Mac Tips and Tricks

Ton useful tips By using Mac. If you keep this widget in a visible place and read materials from it from time to time, then in six months you can become a real OS X guru.

3.Calendar Countdown

Using this widget, you can create a counter that shows how much time is left before a particular event.

4. Classic NotePad

Text editor stylized as old Macs.

5. iCal Events

Displays a list of upcoming events from your calendar.

6.Font See

This widget will help you find out how text typed in a certain font will look.

7. iTiny URL

Widget for shortening long URLs.

8. Key Shorts

Hotkeys reference.

9. Nasa Image of The Day

Picture of the day from NASA. Decorates, inspires and broadens your horizons.

10. iTunes Music Store Charts

11. Currency Converter

A very convenient currency converter. With its help, you can view the equivalents of a given amount in several monetary units at once (their list is customizable by the user).

12.Power Switch

If you don't use Dashboard on your Mac, why not disable it completely. Functional application OS X, which takes up valuable megabytes of computer memory, can be easily deactivated. But before that, you should ask yourself the question: how often and for what purpose do I use the additional workspace and what widgets do I really need?

If you only use weather or calculator out of all the widgets available for Dashboard, you can easily find a replacement. For example, to find out the forecast, you can download the utility. The program copes with its responsibilities perfectly and does not require “ dashboard" Other widgets have analogues. Therefore, Dashboard can be safely disabled.

Deactivating the widget bar in OS X is very simple. To do this you need to use one command in the Terminal.

How to disable Dashboard in OS X

Step 1: Open standard application Terminal from the Utilities folder.

Step 2: Run the command to disable Dashboard.

defaults write mcx-disabled -boolean YES

Step 3: Restart your dock for the changes to take effect.

killall Dock

This is all! Dashboard is now offloaded from your Mac's memory and isn't taking up valuable megabytes. If you still change your mind and decide to return this function back to OS X, use the same command, but replace YES with NO:

defaults write mcx-disabled -boolean NO

Don't forget to restart the dock at the end.

Many utilities have been written that track general state systems, starting from the load on the processor and ending with the temperature inside the case. But most of these tools are paid, and this widget, with its zero price, is quite functional.

After installing the widget in Dashboard, you will see a long panel divided into several sections. There are nine in total:

  • Fullness of built-in and connected storage devices
  • Battery level
  • Network Monitor
  • Data on system load and operating time
  • The most resource-intensive processes
  • Temperature sensor readings
  • Fan speed
  • The order of all modules can be changed at your discretion: to do this, just pull a specific module by its right top corner(marked with five short stripes when hovering the mouse cursor) in the desired direction. You can customize the details of data display at back side iStat Pro (standard button click i), in tabs Sections And Display. The first of them primarily indicates the visibility of each module, the second allows you to mark which elements need to be shown and which to hide.

    Setting up iStat Pro:

    On the very first tab, General, there are parameters responsible for appearance iStat Pro. Here you can specify in what degrees to display temperature values, according to which parameter to sort processes in the corresponding module, in what orientation and color to display the widget itself, and at what interval to update S.M.A.R.T data about the built-in drive.

    Through the widget's header (in horizontal orientation it is located on the left edge) you can also run system utility“System Monitoring” (Activity Monitor) - through the button with the “encephalogram” icon.

    For OS X
    For free

    Correcting possible problems with the widget

    Although iStat Pro hasn't been updated in a while, it still does a great job without distracting you when you don't need it. However, after the release of OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion The widget may experience minor glitches. They concern data visualization: the list of the five most resource-intensive processes is not displayed and histograms of the fullness of built-in and connected drives are displayed in the form of double bars. This is easy to fix manually.

    1. Open in a window Finder folder ~/Library/Widgets, where iStat Pro is stored. Click right click mouse on the widget icon and select context menu team Show Package Contents.
    2. Once inside the widget, find the file Core.css and open it in any text editor. The seventh line from the top is the instruction block.verticalbarbg. Before the closing curly brace you need to add the line background-position: -4px 0; .
    3. Under the edited block.verticalbarbg, insert the line.verticalbar (background-position: -4px 0;) . Save the file and close it.
    4. Now in the same text editor, open two files: Tall.js And Wide.js, which are located there, inside the widget. In both files, replace two occurrences of the line PID|$1 with PID| $1 — after the vertical bar you need to insert a space. Once you have made the replacement, save both files and close them.

    Released in October, it became the most important release in the desktop line. operating systems Apple. The platform continues the direction set with last year's launch of OS X Mavericks, offering users an even cleaner design and even more iOS-inspired features.

    A worthy successor to this tradition is the updated Notification Center in OS X Yosemite, which has been expanded with a “Today View” mode for the calendar, reminders, weather, promotions, and social networks. At the same time, the sidebar functions can easily be expanded with third-party widgets that are downloaded from the store Mac applications App Store. TO at this moment developers have proposed dozens of useful widgets for OS X. MacDigger offers best solutions, using useful function new Apple operating system.



    It makes it very easy to track postal items. All you need to do is launch the program and specify the tracking number ( reference number departures). Now tracking is assigned to parcels for almost any shipping method. The widget can track parcels from all major courier services.


    – is innovative mail client, supporting Gmail services, Google Apps, iCloud, Yahoo!, AOL and IMAP. The application has been in beta testing for a long time and has recently been available for download on Mac store App Store. When creating the Airmail design, the developers were inspired by the official Twitter client for Mac.


    is a powerful calculator for Mac that allows you to add a widget to the Notification Center. Combines the advantages of conventional ( sequential calculations, fast execution functions from the keyboard) and a calculator that calculates expressions. The program has an original appearance, a fully customizable interface and Various types registration iOS version available.

    iStat Mini

    It is a simple and convenient widget for the Notification Center. A small mini-application allows you to monitor CPU load in real time, random access memory, storage and throughput networks. All data is displayed in a convenient form in sidebar OS in the form of pie charts.


    is an advanced version of iStat Mini. Allows you to control the load on the processor, memory, battery, usage disk drive, computer continuous operation time and a number of others system parameters. The widget displays system statistics in the sidebar, which saves space on the desktop and looks concise and aesthetically pleasing.


    For Instagram, it allows you to view, receive news and notifications, save images and videos, tag and even download photos and videos from the social network. You can upload content using simple drag and drop. You can save beautiful photos in albums or customize automatic synchronization images to the selected folder. The widget allows you to view a feed of photos with the number of likes and publication date.


    It makes it easy to keep track of your expenses. The program is designed to become a reliable assistant. Thanks to the reminder function and widget for the Notification Center, the user will not forget to pay bills and will always know when, how much and for what he paid. There is synchronization with the version of the application for iPhone and iPad.

