Useful features of apple watch 3. General messages and calls on iPhone and Mac

Today I want to tell and answer the question: - Why is it needed at all? Apple Watch? Some say that this is all a “show-off”, others firmly believe that this is a very useful device. All conclusions are drawn by me from personal experience communication with this cool device.

I use these miracles smart watch for about a week, and I came to the conclusion that I don’t really need them. Despite the fact that I am an avid fan of Apple products, this is a miracle, but in practice it is not a miracle at all. It may seem strange to many why such an expensive and stylish thing turns out to be completely unnecessary. Now I will try to highlight in detail all the shortcomings of the Apple Watch that I noticed in such a short time.

We will discuss the following points:

1. Disadvantages and cons of apple Watch.
2. Apple Watch without iPhone.
3. Differences and Apple capabilities Watch from regular watches.
4. Conclusions.

1. The main disadvantages and disadvantages of the Apple Watch.

1. After purchasing and first starting the watch without Availability of iPhone, you won’t even be able to fully use it as a watch. You need to go through the activation process only by synchronizing the pair - the watch with the iPhone.

2. Apple Watch, for its full operation and to perform all functions, must be constantly located next to your phone. And the phone must be connected to the mobile Internet or via Wi-Fi.

3. Apple Watch communicates with the phone via bluetooth, which discharges faster clock and the phone itself, which already copes well with a decrease in the charging rate. Constant communication via bluetooth, kills the batteries of both devices.

4. When you receive a call on your watch, the sound is sent to the speaker, which makes it possible for everyone around you to hear your conversation with the subscriber! In principle, a conversation cannot be secret! You can, of course, buy Bluetooth headphones. Then, to talk, we put the phone in our pocket, put the watch on our hand and bluetooth headphones. I think this is a very complicated kit that really won’t make your life any easier. And why does this kit even need another intermediate component - the Apple Watch? Bluetooth headphones can work directly with your phone!

5. The display itself touch screen The watch gets very tacky when touched with your fingers and needs to be wiped off constantly.

6. The watch must be used very carefully; it is resistant to water and scratches.

7. There is no way to type on such a small display. If you receive a message on your phone, you will see a notification on your watch, but you will be able to respond to it only from the suggested template options or using your voice, which is converted into words. What if it’s noisy where you are and your watch can’t make out all your words? We will take out the phone (then why do we need a watch?) or try 100 times to tell the watch the required response to a message.

8. Our beloved Viber, unlike a regular message, sends notifications to the watch, but you cannot respond to it through the watch; you need to take out your phone.

9 . Charging the watch, if you use all the functions of the watch, will last less than a day; for business people, maybe even half a day. Nice watch that work for less than a day? What if you're on a hike? Carry with you external batteries(), and put it on charge. If you put the watch in economy mode (turning off all functions except displaying the watch face), then it will show current time for up to 72 hours. What nonsense? A watch that only lasts three days on battery!!!

10. Enable camera mode via watch on iPhone. Explain why!? The watch is on my wrist, I take out the phone with one hand, point it at what I want to take a picture of, I see it all on the watch display and can click take a picture. Under what conditions might this be useful? And how to press a button if you are holding the phone in your hands?

11 . Plenty of photos on the small display on the watch, very required function in hours. Only 75 megabytes are allocated for photos on the watch. Agree that this is very little! In such a small volume, you won’t believe it, you can save as many as 15 pictures!

12. Shazam on the clock. The Apple Watch still uses the Internet through the phone, and if there is no Internet or phone, then the program completely loses its meaning on the watch. Again, the clock acts as an extra link in the chain of this procedure.

13. Payment for services and goods using payment system Apple Pay, works without iPhone. Your card data is stored in the watch and transmitted via an NFC chip. For example, you went for a run and wanted to buy water by placing your watch on the terminal. I just can’t understand how I still lived without this function? But the most important thing is that this opportunity is available only in the USA and Canada! This feature is not available to residents of the rest of the world, and it is not clear when it will become available. I am generally silent about the CIS countries (third world).

14. The watch does not want to work with iPad, iPod and Mac computers and phones from other manufacturers. Apple Watch is exclusively compatible with iPhone.

15. Apple Watch is not a standalone device. There is no point in buying a watch if you don't have an iPhone.

16. If you don't take your iPhone out for a run, you'll limit your ability to use the watch's available features. Without a phone with GPS module, the watch will not be able to determine the location and measure the distance traveled.

17. Apple Watch has Bluetooth and Wi-Fi capabilities, but they can only connect to an iPhone or headset.

18. Big size charging and it is individual only for this watch.

2. What can an Apple Watch do without an iPhone?

1 . Show time. Without an iPhone, you can't check the time is correct!

2 . Setting an alarm, timer, stopwatch, events, etc.

3. View photos and listen to music (up to 250 songs - 2GB of memory) on your watch using wireless headphones.

4. Operation of the activity program. Track your activity, heartbeat, lost calories, pulse measurement. They show how many steps you have walked, but they cannot show the footage of the distance. All data will be stored on the watch and, when synchronized with the phone, will be recorded on the phone itself.

5. Apple Pay and Passbook. All data information will be added after synchronization.

6. No internet connection, GPS or Siri. You will not be able to launch “Mail”, “Weather”, “Maps” and other applications that use the Internet.

7. Have an app Apple Remote, which makes it possible to manage Apple console TV.

3. Differences and capabilities of Apple Watch from regular watches.

1. They have a beautiful and attractive design.

2. Allows you to monitor your health.

3. They determine the weather.

4. Location determination.

5. Ability to change watch faces.

6. Checking time accuracy via the Internet.

7. They have built-in memory for viewing photos and listening to music.

8. Works in tandem with iPhone.

9. Controls the Apple TV set-top box.

10 . It is possible to monitor the stock price on the stock exchange.

11. Ability to install applications.

12. Touchscreen.

4. Conclusions.

I think that the Apple Watch is needed in order to take out the iPhone less often.

The main difference between the Apple Watch and the Iphone is that the Iphone cannot be worn on the wrist, and it has much more memory and capabilities! In addition, an Apple Watch without an iPhone turns into nothingness, comparable to cheap Chinese devices that perform the same functions.

First of all, Apple Watch is a device for monitoring human health and activity. I think whoever likes to wear a watch would not refuse one. But the majority, including I, see no reason to buy beautiful watch around $400-700. A watch that needs to be charged every day, constantly wiped from fingerprints, afraid of scratching and getting caught in heavy rain or falling into water. To use all the functionality, carry your phone at all times.

In a word, Apple has done nothing extraordinary for such a lot of money. Finally, I will say that a watch should be a watch and work for a long time without recharging.

Video. Why do you need an Apple Watch? Disadvantages and Advantages. Is it worth buying?

New Apple series Watch Series 3 with cellular connectivity. The good news is that watchOS 4, operating Apple system Smartwatch is one of the most comprehensive on the market. This results in a steep learning curve, but there is a lot of room for customization. And things will only get better when WatchOS 5 is unveiled, likely at WWDC 2018 in June. We've put together 20 essential useful things like Apple Watch Tips and Tricks to do smart watch even more personal, including improvements made in watchOS 4 and subsequent updates. From adding music to trimming unwanted notifications and even taking screenshots.

Apple Watch Tips and Tricks: Organize and use your Apple App Dock.

I picked an apple a large number of users who enjoy using watchOS 3 and now you can view all open applications by pressing the side button. You should make full use of this docking station by placing it in your most popular apps. For what? Because these are the apps that your watch will prioritize when updating information and background.
You can customize the dock in the companion view app. It can be set to use the most recent apps you've used, a bit like multitasking on an iPhone. Or you can turn it into a proper dock with your favorite apps.
If you choose the latter, you can easily configure which apps you want there and they will appear in the list. If you want to set up a dock on your watch, you can do so by tapping the side button, then 3D touching the app and tapping " Keep in Dock».

No. 2. Track your sleep.

Apple doesn't offer its own built-in sleep tracking, which means it can't quite match Fitbit, Garmin and others offering full control for security straight out of the box. But luckily, there are many apps that can bring the Watch feature. We chose best apps sleep tracker for Apple Watch, so you don't have to search the App Store for it.

No. 3. See time discreetly.

If you want to check the time without lifting your wrist, you can slowly flip the Digital Crown up and it will gradually light up the screen so you can see inside rather than completely lighting up the watch screen. Sorry, original Apple owners Watch Series 1, this one will not work for you.

No. 4. Control music playback.

If you updated to watchOS 4.3, you can control music playback on Apple HomePod and iPhone directly from Watch. Certainly, iPhone users might have briefly done this after first launching watchOS 4, although it was quickly removed after streaming music was added to smartwatches via watchOS 4.1.
However, many users with control and HomePod launch can now select tunes, change the volume, and skip everything with their hands.

No. 5. Changing the sound volume in AirPods.

If you want to change the volume on AirPods without taking out your iPhone, you have to ask Siri. Hidden to say the least, but if you have an Apple Watch, you're in luck.
When you play music on a Watch running watchOS 4 or later, whether it's your iPhone or Watch, you can glance at the watch to see what the " Now Playing" All you have to do is rotate the Digital Crown to raise and lower the volume.

No. 6. Take a screenshot.

All Apple watches can take screenshots when you hold down the Digital Crown and the action button underneath it at the same time. The images are then saved to your camera frame on your iPhone. However, this value is not set by default. To enable screenshots, go to the Watch companion app, then go to the " Are common" There you can enable or disable the inclusion of screenshots.

One of the things Apple is really pushing with using Apple Watch are bracelets. There are new bracelets released every couple of months, with new colors to suit the season and your wardrobe. That's why we recommend taking a look at what's out there and taking advantage of the customization options. And if you don't want to pour cash into Apple's bank, there's always third party options. However, be warned that they may not correspond.

No. 8. Unlock your watch from your iPhone.

If you haven't done this in the process initial setup, you can still unlock your Apple Watch and iPhone at the same time without having to take away your passcode (if you've set up one of them). To do this, go to the Watch companion app, where you can enable or disable the " Unlock from iPhone».

No. 9. Turn on elevated heart rate notifications.

Apple is taking heart health more seriously, and one of the new features - as well as heart rate - is a notification when your heart rate is higher than it should be.
You can enable it in the heart rate section of the companion app. When you enable it, you will be asked to choose a threshold between 100bpm and 150bpm. Your Apple Watch will only alert you when you pass the threshold and appear to be inactive for about 10 minutes. Additionally, it will look for signs that your elevated heart rate is a more long-term problem, rather than a temporary upheaval caused by something terrible - like a horror movie.

No. 10. Connect your workouts.

Are you an athlete? The Apple Watch has let you down so far, but things have gotten better, and in watchOS 4 you can now combine workouts, meaning less time rubbing those sweaty fingers around the screen. If you want to move from one workout type to another, instead of stopping the current one, swipe right and tap the + button to add a new one.

No. 11. Unlock your Mac using your watch.

If you're fully equipped with all your Apple devices, you can also use your Apple Watch to skip the password on your Mac to gain access if you have a 2013 or newer iMac running macOS Sierra 10.12 or later. If you want to combine the two, the first thing you need to do is make sure they are both logged into the same account iCloud recording. The next step is to switch to Mac (make sure it's running with using macOS Sierra or more later version) and select " System Settings ", then select " Security and privacy" and go to the tab " Are common" Here you will be able to install Apple Watch to unlock your Mac. Make sure that two-factor authentication enabled on your Mac as well (from chapter to System Preferences > iCloud > Account Information > Security).

No. 12. Joint event - notification by call.

Apple's answer to Fitbit, Garmin and the rest of the fitness tracker fraternity is the activity platform. This is where all your daily movements are recorded. In its latest iteration, you can now share activity results with others Apple users Watch. To do this you need to add friends, which you need to do by going to special application Activity on your iPhone. Then you can select " General access" and click the icon " + » in the corner to add contacts.
Back on Apple Watch, go to the app Activity" and swipe your finger across the screen to the right to see your friends' activity data. You can also comment on the workouts to motivate them or joke about their results. Either way, this is your call.

No. 13. Enable automatic pause when traffic stops.

As on Samsung Gear S3, Apple also allows you to stop tracking your work when interrupted or stopped at a traffic light. Now you can enable automatic start in pause mode simply by heading to the Apple Watch app on your iPhone, heading to My Watch, and then selecting Workout. Here you will be able to switch to “Start Auto Pause”.

No. 14. Checking data usage.

If you have a series of smart apple watch Watch 3 with LTE, you can monitor your data usage. You never know, something will tip you off about your monthly plan. Alternatively, it's just to see how little Apple data Watch really uses.
You'll need to head to the companion app, looking at the cellular menu option to see the information. However, once you do this, you will know how much data you have used in the current period and which applications are using this data.

The Apple Watch has a decent place to put apps, emails and music. If you want to see how much storage you need, go to the Apple Watch companion app, go to the " Are common" and then select " Usage" Here you can get a breakdown of how many apps are taking up space on your watch.

No. 16. Change the action on the watch.

This tip came from a complaint about a golf app developer who constantly needed to re-open the app while playing.
On the menu Apple settings Watch enable the wrist lock function. Below you will find several options in the " Screen show" Show latest application“. You can show the latest app while playing, for two minutes after last used, within one hour after last use or always. Now when you lift your wrist, you will see the last app you used.
You can also do this from Apple apps Watch on your iPhone. Just go to General, and then Wake Screen, you will have the same options to choose from.

If you find yourself constantly squinting at your watch wrist to read notifications on your Apple Watch, you can change the text size to make it easier for you to see. Just go to " Settings»> « Brightness and text size", then adjust the text size to whatever suits your needs.

Starting with Series 2, Apple Watch is waterproof and includes a blowout mode to get rid of water lurking after you go for a swim. If you want to manually use this feature, swipe up from the Home screen to view Center Apple management Watch. Find the water drop icon and click on it.
You will then be asked to turn the digital crown over to remove the water. It's actually a good idea to press the droplet button before you get into the shower or pool (but don't worry if you forget) since it also locks the screen, preventing the screen from confusing the water droplets with your own touches.

Apple Watch Tips and Tricks #19. Ping iPhone will help you find your phone.

It's a good thing you have your Apple Watch because it can help you find your phone in a pinch. Swipe up to open Control Center, look for the " Ping iPhone" and click to reunite with your iPhone. If you press and hold the " Ping iPhone", your iPhone's LED flash will blink, giving you a visual view of the phone in case the speaker is too muted.

Apple Watch Tips and Tricks #20. Use images as wallpaper on the default viewing screen.

By default, Apple Watch selects images from the " Favorites" on your iPhone - something we hadn't thought of using before. So go ahead and tag some images in iOS using the heart button at the bottom.
When you use face to view a photo album, it will randomly select photos from the folder. You can touch the display to view images. Alternatively, with watchOS 4 you can now turn those photos into kaleidoscope tripps.
On your iPhone you should now see an option " Create Watch Face» in the action menu on any photo. This will allow you to stick the image onto your watch either as is or in a kaleidoscope shape.

On September 12, Apple introduced the world to the new iPhone 8 and the mysterious $1,000 iPhone, as well as the new Apple Watch 3 smartwatch and WatchOS.

WatchOS 4 offers a host of updates, including an updated and more intuitive heart rate app, an active face for Siri, and an auto-dialer feature.

However, the latest series of Apple Watch 3 smartwatches comes with a new dual-core processor and (finally) built-in cellular connectivity - a completely new smartwatch compared to the previous two generations.

Here short description our favorite Apple Watch 3 features.

Built-in GPS and cellular connectivity

Without a doubt, best feature Apple Watch 3 - Built-in GPS and cellular connectivity. Previously, smartwatches had to sync with your iPhone via Bluetooth to use the cellular feature.

With the latest iteration, you have freedom from the iPhone, now the watch's connectivity works on its own. Don't worry about having to connect a second number or SIM card, the new Apple smartwatch uses the same number as your iPhone. For the first time, you'll be able to receive calls and send messages through Apple Watch. text messages exclusively through smart watches.

Streaming music

With this addition, the third generation Apple Watch and WatchOS 4 can now work with Apple Music, allowing individual users to select up to 40 million audio tracks to stream to the headset without the need for an iPhone.

Apple's digital assistant, Siri, can now also communicate with you from your watch through the built-in speaker. This means Siri can talk to you right from the app, and you can even ask her to play your favorite track to motivate you to push forward at the end of a grueling run.

Design and processor

Apple has packed a lot of power into the body latest Apple Watch, including an all-new, faster dual-core processor that allows it to run up to 70 percent faster and load graphics faster.

Despite all the new internal components Apple Watch 3 is the same size as Apple Watch 2.

Improved WiFi

Apple has also included a number of updates hardware on your new watch for enhanced connectivity. Despite the limited internal space, Apple engineers included a much thinner electronic SIM card. There's also a W2 chip to improve Bluetooth and wireless communication, which should increase Wi-Fi speed by 85 percent, while increasing Bluetooth and WiFi efficiency by 50%.

Barometric altimeter

None Apple generation The Watch couldn't track altitude. This is big technological disadvantage for a mobile fitness tracker. With previous iterations, in order to fully measure height, your watch needed to be connected to your iPhone.

Fortunately, with the third generation, Apple decided to correct this shortcoming. For the first time, Apple Watch 3 includes a barometric altimeter to track and record altitude readings during exercise.

Price and Availability

You won't have to wait long to get your hands on the new Apple Watch. Apple will offer a fully equipped Apple Watch 3 for $399 (RUR 24,000), and a version without cellular communications for $329 (RUR 20,000).

You'll be able to pre-order Apple Watch 3 starting September 15th, and the latest smartwatch will be available for pre-order on September 22nd.

First review of Apple Watch 3 with LTE - video

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IN Lately I increasingly notice that even active users of the Apple ecosystem may not know the most primitive features collaboration iPhone, Apple Watch and Mac.

Usually they either simply did not encounter them, or did not delve into the study of the system so deeply, or did not carefully read the latest issues of advice on the site.

We are conducting a small educational program. We chose the most popular and most useful features Apple ecosystems that are simply embarrassing not to know.

1. Universal clipboard between systems

You can use a convenient shared clipboard between your iPhone, iPad and Mac.

It will allow you to copy text, images, videos and other content on one device and immediately paste it on another. They will transfer it to each other's clipboard automatically.

Copy the text on iPhone > paste it on Mac. Wow! How to set it up?

On macOS: Go to the "System Settings" menu >

On iOS: Go to Settings > General > Handoff and turn on Handoff.

To use universal buffer exchange, you need an iPhone or iPad running iOS 10 or higher, as well as a computer running macOS Sierra or higher. They must be connected to the same Apple ID, be in the same Wi-Fi networks with Bluetooth enabled.

2. The simplest exchange of passwords for Wi-Fi networks

Firstly, you may simply not remember the Wi-Fi password, especially if we are talking about an office one. For security purposes, many often enter a set of 20 random characters, which is stored on a piece of paper only in the boss’s safe.

Secondly, you can use the password from your home Wi-Fi not only for him, so you don’t even want to say it out loud.

In both the first and second cases, this will come to the rescue useful feature Apple ecosystem.

How: Let the guest try to connect to your Wi-Fi and just stop at entering the password. Now just move your iPhone or iPad near their iPhone or iPad. When the confirmation window appears, agree to transfer the password.

3. General messages and calls on iPhone and Mac

If you are using several Apple devices, you can receive calls and messages from iPhone to other devices. It could be another iPad, Mac, or even another iPhone.

For example, this is very convenient when your iPhone is in another room or even just on the opposite side of the table.

Step 1. Enable general calls on iPhone: Go to Settings > Phone > Calls to Other Devices and turn on Allow Calls.

Step 2. Enable general calls on iPad: Go to Settings > FaceTime and turn on iPhone Calls.

Step 3. Enable general calls on macOS: Go to the FaceTime app > Settings and turn on iPhone Calls.

Step 4. Enable Shared Messages on iOS: Go to Settings > Messages > Forward on your iPhone and select devices that can receive your messages.

Step 5. Enable general messages on macOS: Go to the Messages application > Message menu > Settings > Accounts» and select accounts.

Please note that for the scheme to work, your iPhone and iPad must be running iOS 8 or higher, and your Mac must be running OS X Yosemite or higher. They must be linked to the same Apple ID and FaceTime (iMessage), and also be in shared network Wi-Fi.

4. Instant Hotspot Smart Modem

How: On an iPad or Mac, just go to Wi-Fi menu and select iPhone as your wireless network.

In fact, this normal mode modem, but Apple would be a completely different company if it didn't turn it on its head. She speeded up the connection and Internet transfer process significantly and called it all Instant Hotspot.

For the feature to work properly, you need an iPhone or iPad running iOS 8 or higher, as well as a Mac running macOS Sierra or higher. They must be connected to the same Apple ID and with Bluetooth turned on.

The only bad thing is that Instant Hotspot cannot bypass restrictions mobile operators, which sometimes prohibit using the iPhone as a modem.

5. Auto-unlock Mac via Apple Watch

Almost the only trick, which links Apple Watch and Mac. You can quickly unlock your computer without entering a password if you have a smartwatch on your wrist. It is very comfortable.

How: On a Mac, go to System Preferences > Security & Safety > General and turn on Allow Apple Watch to unlock your Mac.

To use this feature, your Apple Watch must be running watchOS 3 or later, and your Mac must be running macOS Sierra or later. It will work on devices controlled by one Apple ID that are password protected.

You just go to the computer, activate its screen, it understands that the Apple Watch is nearby and enters the password itself. It works almost like magic.

6. Collaboration between applications via Handoff

With Handoff, you can start working with documents, Internet pages and other data on one device, and continue it on another.

On iOS: Go to Settings > General > Handoff and turn Handoff on.

On Mac: Go to System Preferences > General and turn on Allow Handoff between this Mac and your iCloud devices.

For example, you are just on your way to work on the subway and you receive an urgent task from your superiors - you need to collect a report within an hour. Open Numbers on your iPhone and start entering basic data into it, creating a table, and so on. And when you arrive at the office, polish it up on your Mac.

Interestingly, the transition between devices occurs instantly. You just need to click on the icon that appears at the edge of the Dock or activate it through the menu iPhone multitasking or iPad.

Handoff requires an iPhone or iPad running iOS 8 or higher, and a Mac running OS X Yosemite or higher. They must be linked to the same Apple ID and be on the same Wi-Fi network with Bluetooth enabled.

7. Setting up a new iPhone based on the old one

If you bought new iPhone or iPad, but haven’t had time to sell the old one yet, you can very easily transfer data between them without backup copies and additional devices.

How: Turn on the new iPhone and bring the old one near it. When a message appears asking you to transfer data from one device to a second, agree and follow the instructions on the screen.

The devices use Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, similar to AirDrop, so data transfer occurs very quickly.

To use this feature, both devices must be on iOS 11 or higher new version OS.

8. Find your lost iPhone using Apple Watch

I'm sure you've lost many times iPhone at home or in the office. In this case, I usually take the phone from my wife or colleagues and call my number to find it. But what to do if there is nothing to call from? You can use Apple Watch.

Just for such cases, Apple has built a system into smart watches for quick search iPhone.

How: Open Control Center on your Apple Watch and tap the phone button.

After activating this feature, the iPhone will begin to burst with a nasty, piercing trill, and you can find it even in a large room.

9. Automatically download Apple Music tracks

Smart watches have long become a part of life for some people. Some are just getting acquainted with this category, and today we will get acquainted with the Apple Watch.

I'll tell you why they are needed in general. Apple Watch, how they can be used and whether they are worth buying at all. The article will be very long, useful and interesting.

What is Apple Watch?

Apple Watch- this is the clock from Apple, which also serve as smart watches. The watch works exclusively with iPhone.

Without a phone, the meaning of a watch is basically lost, since all information is transmitted through a smartphone. Actually, we will now talk about the possibilities in more detail.

But first, I would like to say that there are currently two versions of the watch: Apple Watch Series 1 and Apple Watch Series 2. They differ in their filling and water resistance.

There is a watch size for every hand, as there is a smaller version of 38 mm and a larger version of 42 mm. But it’s best to try it on and see on your hand.

Everything else is absolutely the same. If you see watches from both series together, it will be extremely difficult to distinguish them. But I think this will be corrected in the next generations.

Apple Watch Features and Capabilities

As soon as someone hears about Apple watch Watch, then the first question that arises is: “Why are they needed at all?”

In truth, the question is quite correct and, to be honest, you can easily live without them. But they make your life a little easier.

Now let's go through the points that I consider the most important in this watch.


First of all, this is a very ordinary watch. You can check the time at any time without taking out your favorite iPhone from your pocket.

And in fact, Apple made sure that you do this in complete comfort. For example, when you turn your hand towards you, the screen lights up.

There are also quite a few cool watch faces that you can customize. There are both digital type, and the most ordinary arrows.

You can choose what information you want to display and many options have additional settings. So there will be something to do in your free time.

Style and status

It's no secret that any technology from Apple is very expensive, first of all. If you see a person with any gadget from this company, you understand that this person is okay with money.

Recently the situation has changed a little. After all, there are a lot of used devices and there are old models that don’t cost that much.

In principle, everything is similar with watches. They look very stylish and, above all, they will talk about the status of the owner, because the price is quite steep.

The cheapest can be found for $350, while the most expensive are around $10,000. As you can see, not everyone can afford top models.

However, having bought yourself the most cheap model, you can buy straps that completely change the look of your watch. Their prices are also very different.

Sport and health

As you probably already guessed, smart watches always have functions sports bracelet. Apple Watch is not far behind the rest and it also has many different sensors.

There are two apps you can use on your iPhone: Activity and Health. In them you will find all the data that is taken from the watch.

If you need to measure your pulse, then this is not a problem. The heart rate sensor shows very accurate verified data and that's cool.

There is even a special sport version and it usually has special straps. By the way, it is the most affordable in the price category.


In principle, this opportunity could be attributed to the previous point, but I wanted to talk separately about music on Apple Watch.

The phone has built-in memory for programs, but you can use 2 GB for music. You just need to select the source and the music will play from your phone or watch.

Controlling the player is very convenient. After all, you don't have to take out your iPhone to browse the playlist and find the right song.

So now listening to your favorite music will not only be of high quality, but also comfortable. Just a convenient implementation.

Phone features

Considering what's required permanent connection iPhone, then it is typical and we can do many of the basic functions of the device.

For example, if someone calls you, then we can easily answer the call and talk by the hour. There's enough high quality microphone and speaker.

If you receive a message, you will immediately receive a notification on your watch. You can answer by quick message or dictate using Siri.

Using the same Siri, you can type desired number. Just say the right command and everything will be done very instantly.

Third Party Applications

Do not forget that any smart watch has the ability to install third party applications. Apple Watch is among them.

There are perhaps two categories: games and regular applications. The first category includes separately created games for iPhone and add-ons for iPhone games.

It is also worth noting the full-fledged versions of programs for watches. For example, there is full version Shazam, with which you can search for music.

There are a lot of examples that can be given. I can only say that developers are actively creating applications and every day the number is becoming larger and larger.

Is it worth buying the Apple Watch Series 1/Series 2?

If you are asking yourself this question about buying an Apple Watch, then in principle you can answer it quite simply and you can decide.

The first thing I would like to point out is simply nice addition to your iPhone. The above features will make your life easier.

Having bought yourself such a watch, you should immediately understand that you will have to charge it every day and it will last for about 1-2 days.

If I bought them for myself, they would play the following role:

  • stylish accessory;
  • convenient music control;
  • receiving notifications;
  • opportunity to communicate.

Everything else is easy a nice bonus, which I will use quite rarely. Therefore, if you have the money and desire, then it’s definitely worth buying.

You definitely won’t regret the purchase, because any gadget from Apple is very beautiful. Today, Apple Watch can be called one of the leaders in this category.


That’s basically all I wanted to tell you about the Apple Watch and now you know why you should buy it and what it’s even for.

If you have any questions on this topic, ask in the comments. I will answer everything I can and try to help as much as possible.