“Pitfalls” of email newsletters: typical mistakes and how to work around them. Emails are blocked by email providers, what to do?

There are several ways to block mailings. The easiest way is to unsubscribe from the official mailing list that you subscribed to of your own free will, but it is more difficult to get rid of intrusive mailings/advertising if it is spam.


  • The least difficult way to unsubscribe is the mailing system. official service mailbox. Such letters come to mailboxes located on free email hosting sites: mail, rambler, yandex, etc. Therefore, if your newsletter comes from an official source, most simple solution will go to the mailbox settings and click “unsubscribe from all mailings”.
  • It is not difficult to unsubscribe from mailings if they come from official news and other mass portals. In general, any sites that have proven themselves well (according to user reviews). To unsubscribe from mailing lists, the source of which is such sites, you need to do this: you need to open the letter sent using the mailing list of that site and view it. Usually there is an inscription “unsubscribe from the mailing list” at the bottom. All you have to do is click on this item and then confirm your decision.
  • Sometimes the newsletter comes from the site where you are registered, but at the bottom of the letter there is no such “unsubscribe from the mailing list” item, then you need to go to the site and look for contacts to contact the administration. Typically, administration contacts are written in a special section “contacts”, “communication” or a similar name. As soon as you find a means of communication, write a letter asking that they stop sending you the newsletter.
  • If the problem is not solved, i.e. you write a letter to the administration, but there is no response, or the newsletter comes from an unknown source, then it is quite possible that this is spam. It needs to be blocked separately. In some postal systems There is a “this is spam” button, you should select it opposite the letter. If such a function does not exist in your mailbox, then the email address of the spam sender should be blacklisted. To avoid such troubles, you should not post in open access private email. Or, according to at least, use simple remedies security (for example, http://2ip.ru/spambot).
  • Many users of the popular mobile operator noted that Beeline constantly sends SMS to mobile phone and this is annoying, distracting from work and household chores.

    How to disable everything unwanted messages on Beeline? In addition to numerous mailings and offers from the operator, random subscriptions, spam, SMS mailings, and messages from the “ ” service bring discomfort. There are several ways to get rid of annoying advertising.

    If free ones come information messages the operator and the subscriber do not need them, you can disable the function using the number. This option is suitable for disabling advertising SMS mailings of the Beeline network. If there is no need to receive messages about news and promotions, a call to the number will help.

    Disabling advertising in service SMS messages

    Often when typing the USSD command * 120 # In order to check the balance, the owner of the number, in addition to the current message regarding the account balance, receives an advertisement. Advertising in SMS with short numbers Beeline contains notifications about new services, connected options, and feature updates.

    To refuse this type of USSD information and permanently remove advertising from short messages, you should contact the operator by number.

    Is it possible to disable additional SMS about events?

    If you are tired of receiving messages about the remaining traffic or account replenishment, you should turn off notifications about various events in order to save money Money. To reduce your information load, you can dial the operator's number: such notifications will no longer bother you.

    And it is also possible to disable receiving notifications “the subscriber is in touch again”. You need to go to and in the appropriate section refuse the services of the operator and its partners using the same number base.

    Disabling unnecessary MMS messages

    In order not to receive informational MMS from the operator, you should unsubscribe from advertising in MMS messages from Beeline using a simple service number.

    How to cancel calls from Beeline callers?

    It happens that the operator calls at an inconvenient moment. You can refuse calls from Beeline auto-informers by calling . To plug this service again you can use the number .

    How to block spam from various companies?

    When various types of spam begin to arrive in abundance at a number in the form of SMS, you can easily delete SMS mailings mobile advertising through the company’s website or by calling customer support at 0611 . And also, in order to block spam mailings from retail chains, it is worth tracking which numbers the messages are coming from. It is better to blacklist these numbers; you can read more about this service in the corresponding article.



    But email newsletters have 2 sides.
    Positive- help to quickly attract attention to a brand or product.
    Negative- there is a risk of ending up on the list of spammers and forever burying the domain in blacklists.

    In this article we will tell you in detail what to do if you are blocked by email providers and mailing instead of the expected income brought a headache.

    How emails are sent

    Schematically the process looks like this:

    • Sender
    • drew 100500 letters
    • and sent using the Estismail mailing service
    • to mail provider servers
    • mail providers distributed letters to recipients' mailboxes.

    Happy ending and everyone is happy.

    This is ideal. But in reality, letters may not reach the recipient at all.

    How to understand that our letters were not delivered

    Postal services protect the peace of mind of customers and check incoming mail using spam filters. They decide whether to place the letter in the inbox, spam, or block the mailing altogether. It's a shame if you spent effort on the design and text of the letter, but the message never reached the recipient.

    The slightest doubt in the spam filter that the terms of the spam policy have been violated is enough to Post service prohibited mailings from your IP.

    You will find information about the number of delivered and undelivered letters in the Postmaster reports of the mail provider or the Estismail mailing service. Also, there are detailed statistics about openings, link clicks, etc.

    General information about how many emails were delivered or not delivered in mailboxes recipients looks like this:

    In our case, the result is pleasing. Almost 100% of letters reached the recipients' mailbox. But there are 2 points that show how many letters were lost on the road and were not delivered to the recipients: Defer and Bounce.

    Defer delivery errors reflect temporary problems. Such as Greylisting, network problems or short-term problems with sending or receiving servers. Defer means that the letters have not been delivered, but there is still a chance to deliver them to the recipients.

    Why do mail servers temporarily delay delivery of mailings? For example, the receiving server cannot receive the letter because it is overloaded or has no disk space, etc. But, if the situation changes in the near future, the letter will be delivered. The details of this error are as follows:

    In our case, the letter was not delivered due to being on the gray lists, i.e. Greylisting.

    Greylisting technology suspends sending messages that resemble spam. This prevents suspicious emails from reaching recipients. Spam software does not send repeated messages, as opposed to a legitimate mailing list server.

    What should you do if you see a Defer delivery error in the report? Just wait! The service automatically repeats sending the newsletter until the letter reaches the mailbox. Or until the receiving server rejects it completely and throws a Bounce error.

    Bounce delivery errors indicate that letters to these addresses will no longer be delivered. This usually happens if the recipient’s email is blocked, SPF, DKIM, DMARC records, IP or the sender’s domain are not registered in the blacklists.

    Domain included in blacklists- a problem for honest mailings. Since spammers are very mobile and while the domain from which spam is being sent is blacklisted, they manage to change it. In this case, difficulties arise for normal users. A domain blacklisted will be blocked by the mail provider and it will be impossible to send mailings from it. Until the blocking is lifted.

    How to check an IP for presence in blacklists and how to get it from there.

    In addition to general blacklists, each email provider compiles own lists suspicious IPs, domains, sender or recipient addresses. Accordingly, all mail from these senders will be blocked.

    Domain reputation information search in (in Yandex -). This is a service that shows statistics on mailings to a specific mail server. Add a domain to monitor its reputation. If your reputation is bad, mailings from this domain will be blocked and will not reach recipients' mailboxes.

    If you do not want to be dependent on the tarnished reputation of the “common” server, use the Cloud tariff of Estismail. You will be provided with a dedicated server and the reputation of the IP address will be formed solely by your mailings. With the right email marketing you are guaranteed to get Inbox into all mail services.

    About why emails are blocked when absence of SPF, DKIM, DMARC domain records, written in detail in the article “”. There are also tools for checking the availability and correctness of records. Take advantage of these tips and correct the situation before sending emails from an unprotected domain sends them to spam and your IP to the blacklist.

    What to do when a Bounce error occurs in a report. First of all, contact the support of your respective email providers to find out the reason.

    But, to eliminate your own mistakes with the settings and content of the letters, check it yourself domain records, then send another email (with new content) to your mailing address. If in this case the letter does not get into the mailbox, the IP is probably in the blacklists of mail providers.

    In such a situation, contact the support service of the relevant mail service. They carefully consider every request. Therefore, blocking mailings is not a death sentence and the situation can be resolved in your favor. We will tell you what and how to write. But, if you violate their policy, correspondence with them will lead to nothing.

    How to communicate with email providers

    So, the letters still ended up in the spam filter. What to do now and where to write?

    Correspondence with mail providers occurs in any form to the appropriate email or to special page feedback. Please describe the reason for your request as follows:


    My name is Vasily, email marketer at Example.

    Newsletters from the company's website example.com have begun to be blocked by your system.

    We are not spammers; subscribers have confirmed their desire to receive letters.

    Error details:

    Sender's email: [email protected]

    Recipient email: [email protected]

    Log: smtp error from remote mail server after initial connection

    Sending server IP: 12.34.567.89

    What measures need to be taken to correct the situation?

    Thank you in advance for your response.

    Important! Don't try to fool your email providers' support team. It's not in your best interest. They will still know if you gave incorrect information and may permanently blacklist your domain. Better ask them to help solve your problem.

    Features of working with different mail services


    If you have problems blocking emails to your email Gmail service, leave a request on the Feedback Form page. Select “SMTP server does not accept messages” and describe the problem in detail in the appropriate column.

    To provide information about the error, contact the Estismail mailing service, indicating the email address of the recipient to whom the letter was not delivered, the date and time of the mailing. The support service will respond to your request:

    Copy and paste the received message into the appropriate line in the feedback form.

    What does the Gmail error code mean, look.

    Previously, you can get an assessment of the domain reputation and information about possible errors in Postmaster Gmail. But if you send less than 200-300 emails per day, no statistics are provided. Read the information about Postmaster's work.

    Gmail does not respond to queries. Apparently, the service believes that strictly following the instructions for carrying out mass mailings will help avoid blocking and other problems. Also read the guide on how to troubleshoot problems with mailings and the answer to the question why mails may be blocked.

    Make changes as recommended if necessary and wait 2-3 weeks. This period is needed to update your reputation. By following Gmail's instructions, you'll give your email campaigns direct access to your email provider's mailboxes.


    The delivery error log on Mail.ru is usually available in your personal account. Information about it can be found in the Statistics section. Next, follow our tips:

    If it doesn't work, contact Estismail support. To do this, indicate the recipient's address, date and time of sending the letter.

    Follow the link in the error log to the form to contact support. In this case, the required fields will be filled in automatically. Important!!! Error code and Message ID, copy and paste again from the error log, since they are displayed incorrectly in Mail.ru.

    The response from the support service comes within 24 hours, maximum 3-4 days.

    You can also write by email and provide information about errors in the letter. Correspondence with mail.ru support occurs from two addresses:

    [email protected] - support service that answers all questions.

    [email protected] - Abuza department - global violations and blocking for spam.

    But it is better to use the standard form.

    Before writing letters to the support service, read about how to avoid problems when sending and what problems there are with letters. Perhaps you will find the answer to your question.


    If emails are blocked on Yandex.ru, fill out the support contact form. In the I* line, select the “mailing list owner” item. Questions will appear as you fill out the form.

    To correctly fill out the feedback form, request information from Estismail about the error, providing the date and time of the mailing, the nature of the problem, and find out the IP of the sending server. An example of correspondence between our manager and Yandex support:

    You can immediately write to the support service at [email protected] indicating the same information as in the feedback form. But in order not to miss anything and to be guaranteed to receive an answer, it is better to use the standard form.

    When sending mailings to Yandex, register with Postoffice. You will find instructions on how to use it. Read also information about solving the most common problems with sending mail to Yandex.ru.


    The ukr.net mail service does not have a specific form of communication. When blocking letters on ukr.net, write a letter in any form to the address [email protected]. Also, for this, please contact Estismail support service detailed information about the error.

    Ukr.net respond quickly, but be prepared for correspondence. They usually require you to provide additional information.


    The principle of contacting Yahoo.com support is no different from the previous ones. Request information about the error from Estismail, indicating the time of sending and the recipient's address.

    Don't be afraid to contact your email providers' support team.

    At first glance it seems difficult. But don't be afraid to contact your email providers' support team. There are people working there who make mistakes too. Don't let someone else's mistake ruin your ability to send out newsletters.

    And if you decide to use the services, your email newsletter will become much simpler and brighter. We will consult on domain issues, working with templates and subscribers. On the Cloud PRO tariff - we will help you additionally register domain records and lead dialogue with mail providers in case of blocking or spam.

    They want to give mobile operators the right to block without trial the number of a subscriber from which spam is sent - both via SMS and through instant messengers (ICQ, WhatsApp, Viber, etc.). This is one of the measures aimed at combating spam, announced at hearings in the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. It is proposed to block the number “until clarification.”

    According to the first deputy chairman of the OP Security Commission, Dmitry Chugunov, it is necessary to create a unified database of spam numbers for all telecom operators and block numbers from which mass mailings are sent. At the same time, the technical details - what is considered a mailing - still need to be discussed separately.

    If a person is blocked by accident, he contacts the telecom operator, with whom an operational investigation takes place, says Chugunov. - Here you can draw an analogy with social network accounts. When spam comes from a user, his account is frozen by administrators until the circumstances are clarified.

    Press Secretary Viber messenger Elena Gracheva told Izvestia that the administration of this service supports the initiative to combat spam. If necessary, they are ready to provide their database of numbers from which spam was sent so that these numbers can be added to single base and block at the level of telecom operators.

    Currently, operators can block spam only with short SMS numbers. It is possible that spammers may purchase ten-digit numbers en masse - here it is necessary to analyze the terms of the contract for the provision of communication services.

    In the Law “On Communications” the concept of mailing is defined as follows: “automatic transmission of short messages to subscribers text messages...or sending short text messages to subscribers using numbering that does not correspond Russian system and numbering plan...”

    Pay attention to the words “using numbering that does not correspond to... the numbering plan,” said Fedor Chenkov, founder of the SMSnenado.ru project, earlier. - Regular numbers cellular communications They comply with the numbering plan, and SMS messages coming from them cannot be blocked on the basis of existing law.

    You can try to block the mailing on the grounds that it is done automatically. But this is difficult to prove, the expert explained: used by spammers cellular modems may pause between SMS messages to make it seem as if they were being sent “manually”.

    The press service of MegaFon reported that this operator was one of the first to actively combat spam: even before the change in legislation, subscribers could block unauthorized mailings.

    Representative of the VimpelCom company Anna Aibasheva said that thanks to the anti-spam platform, they already automatically block most of the numbers from which spam is sent, including long ones.

    Telecom operators have a real opportunity to control mass mailings. As for spam in instant messengers, currently their activities are not regulated in any way,” says the MegaFon press service. - To correct the situation, it is necessary to initially introduce operating rules for them to ensure the protection of subscribers from spam.

    As Denis Kuskov, CEO of the analytical company TelecomDaily, explained, today the law does not allow blocking mailings from federal numbers. But people who spam do not seek the truth and do not complain anywhere about being blocked.

    In general, there is nothing wrong with allowing operators to block SMS messages from any number. I am sure that blocking messages with congratulations on New Year they won’t,” says Kuskov.

    The leader of the StopSpam initiative group and the initiator of public hearings in the Public Chamber Denis Kalugin sees another use for the database telephone numbers. In his opinion, it is necessary to create a service so that banks or collection agencies can check whether the number belongs to the subscriber who took out a loan from the bank or no longer belongs. Kalugin bought his daughter a phone and a SIM card. After some time, collectors began calling the number, rudely demanding a refund.

    According to Kalugin, collectors send 100 million SMS monthly. Of these, 27 million do not reach the recipient. These are, in fact, direct losses for themselves.

    Based on the cost of 0.5 rubles per message, there are about 150 million rubles of direct losses per year,” added Kalugin.

    Advertising mailings and offers from the Beeline operator have an annoying effect. Added to these are random subscriptions, messages from the Chameleon service, as well as intrusive spam from those who send mass SMS messages. How to disable SMS messaging on Beeline and get rid of annoying advertising?

    In order to answer this question, you need to understand where advertising, informational and other messages can come from. There are several sources here:

    • From Beeline information services;
    • From the Chameleon service;
    • From retail chains;
    • From spammers.

    Information from Beeline provides us with quite useful information, because with its help we can learn about new offers from the operator. Concerning service "Chameleon", it is infotainment and half free. But it is quite intrusive, which is noted by most subscribers.

    If you receive SMS with weather reports, then you have activated the “Weather forecast based on location” service. How to turn off the weather forecast and receive weather forecasts for free, read our special article.

    Retail networks most often send information to which we subscribe voluntarily - leaving our numbers in questionnaires, information leaflets, questionnaires, etc. Subsequently, the numbers end up in the database of subscribers who independently agreed to receive advertising. For our part, we can identify such actions as spam. So, how to unsubscribe from various mailing lists on Beeline? There are many useful tools for this.

    How to unsubscribe from Beeline mailings

    Do you want to opt out of receiving useful information from Beeline? Very in vain, although it is your right. In order to disable MMS notifications, call service number 06740451. As for text messages with information from the operator, they can be turned off by calling the number 06740431. Some subscribers are also annoyed by additions to service information.

    For example, by dialing the USSD command *102# to check the balance, we receive not only useful information about the amount of money in the account, but also additional information - the end of the message often contains advertising, as well as information about new services, tariffs, options and other opportunities for subscribers. This type USSD information is disabled by calling the service number 067405541. Additions to SMS are disabled by calling 067401231.


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