Connect the Internet to MTS with daily payment. Disabling the Internet service for a day on MTS

Some subscribers prefer to use mobile Internet not every day, but only when necessary. Then the question arises of how to save on services and pay only for those days when you go out. global network. Mobile operator MTS found optimal solution similar problem. An offer has become available to subscribers unlimited Internet for a day. Now you can use the Internet only when you want, and not when a package of connected services forces it on you.

The operator offers internet for a day from MTS. When you pay 50 rubles per day, you get 500 MB of traffic to access the network. This volume is sufficient for convenient viewing websites, use of social networks and Internet applications. The remainder of unused traffic is not transferred to another day, but is burned. If the established limit is exceeded, access to the network is suspended. You can extend it by enabling the “Turbo button” option.

You can access the network from anyone electronic device, be it a cell phone, Tablet PC or PC with a connected modem.

Daily MTS Internet is active throughout Russia. However, one nuance must be taken into account. If you have activated the service within your home region, it does not work in roaming. will have to implement reconnection For intranet roaming. And vice versa, if at the time of connection you were outside your home region, then returning to it on the same day, the service will be inactive.

An important advantage of the Internet for 1 day is that funds are debited for payment only when you directly access the network and there is no monthly fee. And the option “ Children's package» allows parents to block access to certain sites and prohibit sending additional paid messages and calls.

If you are connected to bonus program, then you also have the opportunity to use unlimited Internet for a day. One of additional benefits in the form of bonuses you can spend to pay for the main traffic or “Turbo button”.

Connection options

In order to be able to activate the option, you should make sure that you have the required amount of 50 rubles in your account. Activation of the service is carried out in several ways:

  • Type on your device's keyboard special team *111*67#
  • Send a free SMS message to the special number 111 with the text: 67
  • Go to the official MTS portal and activate the service through your personal account

Also the company mobile television systems offers inclusion of the service on MTS Connect-4 tariffs. To do this, you just need to purchase a SIM card of this tariff plan, which includes this option.

Disabling the service is also quite easy. Send an SMS to the same number 111, but with the text: 670. Or go to your personal account on the MTS portal and carry out deactivation steps there.

To clarify the amount of remaining traffic for the service, dial on your cell phone or personal computer with modem combination: *217#. Naturally, the request must be sent from exactly the device on which you want to check the balance data.

Connecting the “Turbo button” option

Subscribers are given the opportunity to connect to various volumes additional traffic: from 100 MB to 20 GB. You can do this by typing the following commands:

  • For 100 MB: *111*05*1#, cost 30 rubles;
  • For 500 MB: *167#, cost 95 rubles;
  • For 1 GB: *467#, cost 175 rubles;
  • For 2 GB: *168#, cost 250 rubles;
  • For 5 GB: *169#, cost 350 rubles;
  • For 20 GB: *469#, cost 500 rubles.

If you would like to activate the service described in this article, but you encounter any difficulties, do so free call contact the MTS customer support service at 8 800 250 08 90. The specialist who answers will help you connect the service and answer all your questions in detail.

This service is additional, since the main one is called “Super Internet”, and is connected not for 1 day, but for a permanent time until the subscriber himself decides to change the tariff or refuse mobile Internet. If you use the tariff " Super MTS", then as part of the ongoing promotion, when you connect to such a one-day Internet, you receive not only a day of unlimited Internet, but also the next 30 days of using the network at a discount. After the end of the promotion or after a month from the date of order " Super internet per day" in MTS, a daily fee of 1 ruble will be charged from your telephone account, regardless of whether you use the World Wide Web or not. All details regarding the operator’s services can be read on the official website or contact the support service.

Activation of “Super MTS” (Internet) occurs within 3 days. During this time, you need to configure your mobile phone by ordering the appropriate settings for it to be able to access the network. The device must support a GPRS connection, otherwise you will not be able to install the promotional offer. After activating the service, you will be charged 1 ruble daily, regardless of whether you use it or not. The maximum available traffic is 200 MB; after the limit is completely exhausted, it drops to a speed of 32 KB. The connection is free, you can order it while on any tariff plan, but you must make sure that you have at least 5 rubles on your balance (required minimum amount for activation, since immediately after installation you will be charged 1 ruble for the current day).

Connecting and disconnecting

There are several options to connect to this Internet from Super MTS:

  1. By sending a special request * 101 * 223 #. As a result, a notification will be displayed on your screen that the order has been accepted and it will be completed within three days.
  2. Write an SMS message with any text and send it to number 5533. In this case, the option is activated within 24 hours.

To disable, dial and send the command * 101 * 323 #. As a rule, if the connection occurs within 3 days, then the disconnection is carried out within 24 hours. When the refusal is completed, you will receive a message notifying you of this. Further, when using the Internet, fees will be charged in accordance with your tariff plan. It should also be remembered that, despite the availability of the service on all operator tariffs, it has no commonality with the “Super MTS” package, therefore, if you do not need access to the network for more than a day, it is recommended to disable the option until 00.00 hours before You will be charged for the second day of use.

“Super Unlimited” - what is it?

The “Super Unlimited” offer is also associated with access to the World Wide Web, only, unlike the previous one, it is set not for a day, but for a week or a month. If you want to order activation for 7 days, dial * 101 * 226 #. The connection is usually completed within 24 hours, less often – within two days. Payment is 14 rubles daily for the entire period of formal use (that is, also regardless of whether you use the provided traffic - 200 MB - or not). You can disable the option by sending the command * 101 * 326 #. If you want to install “Super Unlimited” for a period of 30 days, dial the combination * 101 * 220 #. The cost of use will be 55 rubles per month. The most convenient and profitable option for those who want to constantly be in touch via social networks or email. After exhausting the required 100 MB of traffic, the speed is limited to the same 32 KB. However, if you order "unlimited" for a month, you have access to the "Turbo Button" ordering feature to extend the speed. It is also not provided free of charge; its terms and prices can be read on the official website. To disconnect from the “Super Unlimited” set for a month, dial * 101 * 320 #.

“Super Internet” offer

This is the main provision of access to the network for clients of the MTS operator, from which, in turn, other promotions come that can be useful and beneficial to users who need access to the World Wide Web only for a certain period of time. certain time. The “Super” offer provides one tangible advantage - you pay directly for using the Internet, and not for its formal activity. Payment is 5 rubles for each use of the allocated 100 MB. To connect to the service, send the command * 101 * 222 #. To order a shutdown, send a blank text message on service number 2100. This option is not supported by every tariff, so to clarify your tariff plan and its conditions, call the helpline company at 111. Not supported network functions tariff plans: “Super MTS Team”, “MTS Smartphone”, “MTS Tablet”.

Conditions and restrictions of provision

If you want to connect to any “Super” option to use 100 MB of traffic, you need to fulfill the following conditions:

  1. Have GPRS parameters on your device or order them by sending an SMS with the text “3” to number 1020. They will come to your phone automatic parameters GPRS, which will need to be saved.
  2. If you connect any service of the Super World Wide Web, it is important to remember that it does not support voice programs(Skype, Viber and the like).
  3. Options are available on almost all tariff plans, except those listed above.
  4. After saving the received settings and connecting the service, reboot the device to complete the work.

The MTS network operator is the leading one in Russia and the CIS countries and provides a line of smartphones, tablets and PCs with convenient service and fast internet several levels, the availability of which depends on how close the towers are located that distribute a certain signal, and packages differ in types: tariffed and unlimited.

Mini Bit

Recently, MTS has introduced Internet tariffs that allow you to use the Internet all day long with limited or unlimited traffic. The cost of the option depends on the features of the tariff provision in home region and throughout Russia.

Yes, users mobile phones It is possible to pay for the Internet used only on the day you log on to the network. The option is called “mini-Bit”; after the first login, a fee of 15 rubles is charged for 50 MB of traffic, after which charges are charged for every subsequent 10 MB, depending on the region in which the subscriber is located: home or not.

Internet for a day

Also, MTS network subscribers now have access to a new tariff option“Internet for a day”, when you connect to it, a 500 MB traffic package becomes available for just 50 rubles for a day. After 24 hours (3:00, regardless of connection time), if there are any unused unlimited megabytes left, they are written off.

You can activate this service by typing the command *111*67# either in personal account via the online assistant. Also, unlimited Internet per day is provided for subscribers of the “Internet-VIP” and “Internet-Maxi” tariffs.

Turbo buttons

MTS also provides its subscribers, for greater convenience, with unlimited Internet connection for a day for 150 rubles; in the period from 3:00 on the first day to 3:00 on the second day, traffic is not taken into account, allowing the user to download any volume. The fee is debited at the time of connection.

In addition, there are turbo buttons for 500 MB, 2 GB and 5 GB, respectively, valid for 1 or 2 months (for the smart line). It is possible to either automatically provide one of the specified packages, or a one-time connection using a command and an Internet assistant. At automatic connection the fee is debited at the end of the daily or monthly traffic quota. The entire button can be used up either in a day or in a couple of hours.

Internet for a day for bonus points

If the user is connected to the bonus program from MTS, he can connect to unlimited Internet for a day, week, month or six months (indicated by ticking when submitting an application). Depending on the accumulated quantity, the Bit and Smart option tariffs, as well as their variations, are available. In the same way, through the Internet assistant or the portal *111#, turbo buttons of 500 MB, 2 GB and 5 GB are connected for bonuses.

Please note that by one day the MTS operator means the period from 03-00 to 03-00 at night.


MTS company offers its potential clients a lot of different services, among which there is also an Internet connection service exclusively for a day. Many customers do not use the daily Internet access service with mobile device However, there are times when such a connection is simply necessary. For example, during a trip.

If the need arises connect internet for a day mts, then it is recommended to use the universal tariff service, which provides access to unlimited connection for a short time. The tariff provides the opportunity to receive traffic in the amount of 500 MB, which will be quite enough for numerous purposes.

What are the features of the service?

In fact, the service provides the opportunity to use up to five hundred megabytes of traffic during the day. Its advantages are that charging is carried out solely based on the fact of your connection to the network. If you have never visited the Internet, then funds for this service will not be debited from your account. At the same time, if you carry out the process of activating the transfer of specific data, then the write-off is carried out, and you immediately receive the corresponding package of services. That is, at the time of ordering the service, you immediately receive a connection and pay for it.

How to connect?

First of all, it should be said that when connecting to this service, you have the opportunity to use a larger package volume. To do this, you need to connect a turbo button, which allows you to use a traffic volume of up to one gigabyte; there are also options with a volume of up to 20 GB. But, in in this case Rates are available for a separate fee.

The service is active throughout the country. You will not have to pay additional costs, but the exception is when using services in your home region. In this case, you will not be able to use the Internet service while roaming. The connection process is based on usage a certain team. But, in certain regions, a double connection is required (services are ordered twice). More detailed information You can check with your operator on this issue.

The advantage of the package is that the traffic has no speed limit. The ability to use the Internet will be terminated the moment you full use tariff. This is a minor drawback of the service. You can check the traffic balance by using a specialized combination (*111*217#). Using the combination *111*218#, you can connect your phone to automatic mailing SMS regarding remaining traffic. Connecting to the service is free of charge.

How can I use the unlimited Internet for a month?

Access traffic world wide web, MTS provides a fairly significant amount. In order to use Mobile Internet in the unlimited format, for the entire month you need to select the tariff plan you are interested in, as well as set a number of mandatory options. There are pricing plans that include an included package various services: benefits of available calls, SMS sending, unlimited Internet, etc.

If you cannot figure out all the nuances of connection on your own, then you will just need to call the operator, and you will receive the answers you need, and you will also be able to connect immediately. From the numerous offers, you will certainly be able to find a tariff plan option that will completely appeal to you.

Most Internet users prefer to work, watch movies and other materials using a computer, laptop using a modem, Wi-Fi router, leased line. However, in order to check email, just play, chat with friends, it can also be necessary outside the home, in such circumstances when it is not possible to use a PC: the traffic is over, there is no money, the computer is broken and similar reasons. Then a telephone and connected Internet come to the rescue - a package with an appropriate tariff. One of these is “Internet for a day”, provided by the Megafon provider. It allows you to access worldwide network at good speed.

Internet 24

Unlimited Internet tariff for 1 day Megafon provides 200 MB of traffic at a speed of 3 Mb/sec per subscription fee 24 rubles. The package is available to all residents of Russia and is suitable for subscribers who spend a short time online. It should be noted that the traffic provided is small, and it is not suitable for copying large files and watching programs and movies.

Package connection

The write-off occurs only for those days when the network access is used. You can connect unlimited Internet from Megafon per day like this:

  • go to your Personal Account;
  • call 0500;
  • dial the combination *105*264#;
  • send an empty SMS to number 000105264.

To successfully connect, you must have at least 30 rubles on your account to be debited, otherwise the service will not be activated. The service can be added to an existing number or ordered a new one, then 200 rubles must be prepaid on the user’s account.

Important! If the traffic exceeds 200 MB, further payment will be 50 kopecks/1 MB, rounded hourly to 1 KB. To save money when you spend a lot of time on the Internet, it is more advisable to connect larger Internet packages.

You can check the remaining traffic volume within the package by sending a request *925#.

Disabling the option

There is no need to specifically disable the Internet on the megaphone, because the fee is charged only for active days. However, if you this tariff will be completely uninteresting, then you can deactivate it like this:

  • dial *105*264*0# call;
  • send an SMS with the word “disable” to the number 000105264;
  • call 0500;
  • through Megafon sales centers;
  • using your Personal Account.

Access to the network with daily payment has an extended option “Internet 24 PRO”. It provides 1.5 GB of traffic/day with unlimited speed. 150 rubles are debited within 24 hours. You can connect using all the same methods as in the original version + by entering the command *105*224# and calling. This service is not available to subscribers with tariff plans"All inclusive" line.

Cost and connection methods

Unlimited Internet tariffs for the day “24” and “24 PRO” are offered to users located in Moscow and the region. For other regions, connection to the Internet XS service is provided. Internet access is high-speed, and the cost of daily charges and traffic volumes vary:

  • 3 rubles per day – 30 MB
  • 5 rubles per day - 50 MB
  • 7 rub./day – 70 MB
  • 10 rub./day – 100 MB
  • 250 rub./day – 250 MB

You can connect the tariff as described above standard methods, as well as using the combination: *236*1*1# or SMS with “1” to phone 05009121. You can turn it off by SMS STOP and the command: *236*00# call. Interesting! Megafon together with social network VKontakte provides an “unlimited Internet” tariff for only 3 rubles/day, and if you download it to your smartphone free application Opera mini from the official website, then you can for 7 rubles daily payment enjoy all the delights of limitless communication without thinking about traffic.

Megafon is also a leader in providing high-quality video content in Moscow and the region. Unlimited mobile television is 8 rubles per day.