Connecting a router dir 300. Creating and configuring a wireless connection

Hello, in this article we will talk about the setup and capabilities of WiFi on a router from d-link company model dir 300.

Input d-link dir 300

I described in detail about connecting and logging into the Dlink dir 300 router in the article “Connecting d- link dir 300". Now we’ll just go to the router configuration interface.

Open any browser and address bar we write (this is ). Then enter the Username - admin, Password - admin.

The main page will open in front of you. Let's go straight from there to advanced settings.

Enabling/Disabling WiFi on dir300

First, let's check if WiFi is turned on on your router. To do this, we need to find the “WiFi” column. There will be a switch in the upper right corner, moving it from the green position to the red, we will turn off WiFi, if it is in the green position - this means that WiFi is on.

You can also enable or disable WiFi on 300 by going to “ General settings" If we check the box next to “Enable wireless connection", WiFi will turn on, if we uncheck the box, we will turn it off.

Setting the Wireless Network Name

Now let's move on to the most interesting part, the immediate at a construction siteWiFi on the d-link dir 300 router. Let's set the name of our network, this is the name that will be displayed in the list available connections. Go to “Basic Settings” and enter a name in the “SSID” field. Then click on the “Change” button.

Let's set or change the password on the D-link Dir 300 WiFi router.

Now let's protect our WiFi network by setting a password. To do this, we will follow the “Security Settings” link, which is located in the WiFi column on the advanced settings page. Here we are interested in the “Network Authentication” fields, select WAP2-PSK from the list. And in the “PSK encryption key” field we will set a password. The password must contain at least 8 characters and consist of Latin letters, you can also use numbers.

How to find out who is connected to my WiFi

The D-link Dir 300 router allows you to track connected users, allowing you to check how many devices are connected to your WiFi. To view the list of connected devices, go to the “Advanced settings” page. And in the “WiFi” column, click on the double arrow to the right.

A continuation of the list of the WiFi column will appear; in it, select the “WPS Station List” item.

Now you will see a page with a list of those connected via a wireless connection to your router.

Also, you can disconnect the connection from any of the devices. To do this, you need to check the box next to the “poppy” address and click on the “disconnect” button.

Blocking devices by MAC address.

Another one of useful functions in the Dlink router - blocking devices by a unique address (MAC address). To block devices you need to follow the “MAC filter” link in the WiFi column.

The “Filter Mode” page will open in front of you, with one field “MAC Filter Restriction Mode”. There are three selection options in this field, let's look at them individually:

  • Disabled – is the default and means that filtering by poppy address is not performed.
  • Allow – this setting means that only those devices that you add to the list will have access to the router via Wi-Fi.
  • Deny – devices that will be added to the list will not have access to the router.

After selecting the mode, you need to click on the “Change” button.

Most convenient way compiling a list means selecting them from a list of already connected devices. In the “Known IP/MAC addresses:” field, select the device you want to block.

If the device is not yet connected to the router, then you can add it manually. Click on the “Add” button and enter the MAC address of the device in the field that appears.

Once the list is completed, click on the “Save” button.

To remove a device’s MAC address from the list, you need to check the box next to it and click on the “Save” button.

Saving router configuration data

When setting up the Dlink Dir 300 router, you will notice that after each action a red circle with a number inside appears in the upper right corner. This means that the router is asking you to save your settings changes. This is necessary so that if the router is disconnected from the power supply, all the settings that you have made will be saved.

Hover your mouse over the flashing light and click on the “Save” link. It is not necessary to perform this operation after every change of settings. You can do this at the very end, when you are about to exit the router setup interface.

Video: Detailed instructions for setting up Wi Fi


The D-Link DIR-300 router has a point on board Wi-Fi access 802.11n and allows you to organize a wireless network at home, through which mobile gadgets can access the Internet and access each other’s files. Correct setting router not only helps to avoid hacking home network“craftsmen”, but also allows you to significantly increase the Wi-Fi speed and increase the coverage area of ​​the D-Link DIR-300.

After connecting the D-Link DIR-300 router to the provider’s network, you can configure Wi-Fi, set a password and distribute the Internet to wireless devices. The access point can be configured in three ways:

  1. Using the “Wireless Network Setup Wizard”;
  2. Manual setting of parameters;
  3. Automatically, via WPS protocol.

Quick setup

The DIR-300 provides configuration using the “Wizard”. This method requires minimal effort and allows you to configure Wi-Fi network in a matter of seconds without diving into technical details.

To establish a connection, you need to log into the router’s web interface and select the “Wireless Network Setup Wizard” section. Depending on the firmware, the “Wizard” may be located in different places in the interface, but all options and menu items are in different versions The software have the same name. Procedure for the “Master”:

Set the network mode to “Access Point”.

Enter the access point name - the name of the Wi-Fi network, which will be displayed on all connected devices. For security reasons, it is not recommended to leave the default name “DIR-300”.

Select the “Secure Network” item and create a password that the router will request from connected devices.

After following these simple steps and applying the changes, Wi-Fi setup using the “Wizard” will be completed and the D-Link DIR-300 will be completely ready for use.

Manual setting

Unlike quick setup, manual configuration allows you to take into account the features of the connected devices and neighboring networks, which allows you to improve throughput and reception quality.

Basic manual Wi-Fi network setup for home use on DIR-300 it is performed in 2 stages:

  1. Setting basic network parameters;
  2. Configure security settings.

basic settings

The main wireless network parameters are located in the router control panel on the “Wi-Fi – Basic Settings” tab. To go to this item in the “dark gray” interface, you will need to switch to advanced mode.

Description of functions:

  • The “Enable Wireless Connection” option controls the access point’s power. In order for devices to use a WiFi connection, the checkbox must be checked.
  • Disabling Wi-Fi network broadcasting without deactivating the radio module may be necessary when using the DIR-300 in client mode. If you uncheck this box in standard mode, then wireless connection between the router and all devices will be interrupted.
  • The MBSSID and BSSID parameters are configured when the router is used to simultaneously serve several wireless networks. At home, such a scenario is unlikely, and if there is only one network, these parameters cannot be changed.
  • If you check the “Hide access point” checkbox, the WiFi network name will no longer be displayed both on other people’s devices and on trusted ones. In this case, the router will not stop broadcasting. To establish a new client connection, you will need to enter SSID name manually. This function implemented in D-Link DIR-300 to ensure security.
  • Channel selection can be entrusted to the router firmware, leaving the value “auto”, but automatic setting is not always adequate, which often leads to a drop in the wireless speed of the router. To manually select the correct channel, you need to evaluate the performance of neighboring Wi-Fi networks. In the “light” air interface of the D-Link DIR-300, when selected, a histogram appears showing the channel load.

The less loaded the channel, the higher throughput, and therefore wireless speed transfers. To study the situation in more detail, you can use one of the free programs, for example, WiFi-Analyzer.

Security Settings

Professional hackers are hunting for corporate secrets and are unlikely to be interested in hacking into someone's home access point. But there are amateurs who can “harmlessly” pick up a password in order to use the “free” Internet or connect to the webcam of someone else’s computer. Therefore, you should not neglect basic safety rules.

Wireless network security settings are located in the router control panel on the “WiFi – Security Settings” tab. To go to this item in the “dark gray” interface, you will need to switch to advanced mode.

Description of functions:

  • A network authentication method that excludes the objective possibility of hacking - WPA2. In corporate Wi-Fi networks, access is used through a RADIUS server, and for a home network, a preset PSK password key is suitable. Thus, WPA2-PSK mode will provide maximum protection.
  • The encryption key is the same password that must be entered on the WiFi device in order to connect to the D-Link DIR-300. Complex password And correct setting– the most important conditions for network security. The password cannot be set to simple numeric or dictionary combinations, or your date of birth. Good password contains more than 8 characters: numbers, special characters and letters, case sensitive. Regardless of the complexity, finding a key is only a matter of time, so it is recommended to change the password to a new one every month.
  • AES – data encryption technology. Provides key cryptographic strength without reducing speed wireless transmission, therefore well suited for use in the 802.11n standard. The update period should be left at its default value of 3600 seconds.
  • Pre-authentication through adjacent access points is only used in complex networks with multiple routers.

After completing these steps and applying the changes, setup Wi-Fi protection will be completed and the D-Link D-300 will be ready for safe operation.

Connecting using WPS

The WPS protocol was developed to simplify Wi-Fi network setup. For the user, the essence of the technology is that the router is paired with any WPS-compatible TV, smartphone or tablet without having to enter a password: when you press a button on the router, the devices exchange a digital access code and connect automatically.

Depending on the hardware revision of the router, the button may be located on the side or back of the case.

Brief instructions for connecting to D-Link DIR-300 via WPS using an Android device as an example:

Select the “WPS Button” option.

Press the WPS button on the DIR-300 case.

After a few seconds, a successful connection message will appear.

Thus, in just 4 simple steps you can connect any WPS to the router compatible device and you will not need to enter any password.

Despite the convenience this method pairing, the WPS protocol has the lowest security: when exchanging identification packets between devices, it is used digital code, which can easily be picked up by spyware.

Additional features

  • MAC filter in D-Link DIR-300 – aid protection against unauthorized connection via Wi-Fi. Allows you to configure both black and whitelists MAC addresses.

  • “List of WiFi clients” displays up-to-date information about connected devices. The function allows you to forcefully disconnect any user from your home network.

Transmitter power is expressed as a percentage. The higher it is, the wider the Wi-Fi network coverage area.

The channel width can be selected automatically - 20/40, or adjusted manually. The wider the channel, the greater the throughput, i.e. speed.

The 40 MHz channel gives a noticeable increase in speed, but is less resistant to interference from neighboring networks than 20 MHz. In addition, as you approach the edge of the coverage area, the throughput of the 40 MHz channel is greatly reduced. To improve reception, you will need to configure the D-Link DIR-300 transmitter to maximum power, but then the router will begin to emit too much radio waves, which will “clog” weak waves from the antennas mobile gadgets. This will significantly reduce wireless transmission speeds on devices operating in close proximity to the router. Thus, pick up optimal values power and channel width is only possible by measuring speed and coverage directly at the DIR-300 installation site.

  • It is not recommended for users who do not have special knowledge to change the values ​​of the remaining parameters on the “Advanced Settings” tab.
  • WMM – WiFi-Multimedia technology optimizes wireless traffic for multimedia applications. To improve speed performance while watching online videos or calling on Skype, the option must be enabled. It is not recommended to change parameter values.
  • In “Client” mode, DIR-300 can connect to another router to organize complex infrastructure in large homes or offices, as well as when connected to a provider’s Wi-Fi network.

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Equipment DIR-300 NRU B6

The model turned out to be really good, and many people liked it at the time. This may be why several modifications, or, as they say, revisions, were later released. Let's take a closer look at each.

DIR-300 A1

The very first router, which was produced since 2007. Started the series. It was equipped with 1 external antenna, 1 WAN port and 4 LAN. The processor used was Atheros AR2317 with a frequency of 182 MHz. It had 16 MB of RAM, and 4 MB of memory for data storage.

One of the first routers was very simple

DIR-300 B1, B2, B3, B4

Produced since 2009. The same A1, with a new Ralink RT3052F processor at 384 MHz and twice the RAM. Connectors and appearance remained unchanged. By the way, it was these revisions that were sold in Russia under the label DIR-300NRU.

DIR-300 B5, B6, B7

New hardware, relatively previous versions: Ralink RT5350 processor at 360 MHz. There is the same amount of RAM and flash memory. The devices do not differ in hardware from each other. Externally, B5 and B6 are similar to the previous ones, but B7 came in a new design and was produced only for the Russian market since 2012. Also marked NRU.

The back panel has standard set ports

DIR-300 C1

Externally, the ventilation grille has changed slightly. Internally - appeared new processor Realtek RTL8196C at 400 MHz. Ports, connectors and capabilities remain the same.

Increasing the ventilation grille - that’s the whole “restyling”

DIR-300 D1

The processor index has changed - Realtek RTL8196E, but the frequency remains the same - 400 MHz. The appearance and, in fact, the form factor have undergone radical changes. The router received a “standing” position. Produced since 2013. Now you can buy a D-Link DIR-300 D1 router for 800 rubles.

The transition to a new form factor was a fresh decision

DIR-300 S/A1

Completely new look. The device got the processor from D1. The amount of flash memory has been increased to 8 MB. Otherwise the characteristics are the same as the D1. Produced since 2013

Bends and non-standard shapes have already appeared here.

DIR-300 A/A1A

Hardware full copy DIR-320 with 4 MB of memory and without USB port. The design breaks out of the classic “box” and is a cylinder.

The cylindrical shape surprised users a little at first

In a special publication on our portal, we will talk in detail about how to choose a router. You will learn what a router is, what router Wifi is better, or the nuances of choice, how to choose and how to connect the router yourself.

How to connect a D-Link DIR-300 router

In fact, there is nothing complicated about this. First you need to study the controls and connectors a little. The front panel usually contains LED icons that are responsible for indicating processes inside the device:

Front and back sides of the router:

  • power indicator. Standard icon for all types of devices;
  • Internet connection indicator. Usually this is an icon in the form globe;
  • Wi-Fi indicator. Several waves. Lights up - connected, blinks - data is being transferred;
  • LAN port indicator. Can be numbered according to ports. By analogy with Wi-Fi, if it blinks, it is transmitting data, if it lights up, it is connected.

On the back panel there are 4 LAN ports (black or blue) and 1 WAN port. The latter happens yellow color and can be labeled as internet or wan. On the back panel there is also a power connector, a reset button, and on some revisions a WPS button. Usually included with the router special cable of blue color. It is already crimped on both sides and is ready for use. It is with its help that it is carried out initial setup router.

It connects to one of the LAN ports, it makes no difference which one. The second end must be inserted into the computer's network card connector. Connect the power and turn it on. On this physical connection D-Link DIR-300 router is completed. After the wireless network is configured, you can disconnect the cable and use the Internet over the air.

How to reset a D-Link DIR-300 router

The router has an emergency return system to default settings if something suddenly goes wrong. There are two ways to do this - through the web interface, which we will talk about later, and physically - using the Reset button on the back of the device. In order to activate the D-Link DIR-300 reset process, you need to take a thin object - a paperclip, match or the like, press the button and hold it for more than 10 seconds. All settings will be reset to default.

How to set up a D-Link DIR-300 router

All configuration of DIR-300 takes place in the router’s web interface. But in order to get into it, you need to connect the router to the computer via a network connection. To do this, at the beginning of the article we inserted a special cable into both devices. Now let's see how to set it all up.

Preparatory stage - setting up a connection to the operating system

After the cable has been inserted into the LAN ports of both devices, operating system should detect and automatically create a network connection with the router. At this stage, a small nuisance may occur: network connection No. This usually happens due to incorrect installation IP addresses in the network connection protocol settings. The fact is that the router, using DHCP technology, distributes IP addresses at random every time you turn on or connect a new device. That is, one may get, and the other - And in the computer settings there may be an address specified manually, and even from a different subnet. Therefore, if there is no connection, you need to check this parameter first. To do this, go to the control panel and find the “View network status and tasks” item.

Control Panel

Then in the list of networks select “Connect via local network" In the window that appears, click “Properties”.

Properties and Networks

In the new window, select “Internet Protocol Version 4” and click the “Properties” button. Finally, what you need will open. Here you need to check whether the switch is set to “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain DNS server address automatically”. If not, then enable both modes.

IP properties

How to configure the D-Link DIR-300 router

Once the connection has appeared, you can begin setting up the router itself. All manipulations will be carried out in its web interface. Therefore, you need to start from the entrance.

Login to the router interface

To log in we will need any browser. Having opened it, you need to enter the IP addresses of our router in the address bar. By default, this is Less common is

Login to the admin panel

The login window will open. Here you need to enter your username and password. Usually this is the pair admin-admin, less often - admin and an empty field or 12345. After entering the password and login, we will be taken to the holy of holies - the administrative panel of the router.

By default, the device information page opens. Here you can view various service data: revisions, firmware versions, network name, MAC address. The sections on the left define the categories of settings.

First admin page

Setting up an Internet connection

To configure the network, oddly enough, we need to go to the section of the same name. Here you need to select the “WAN” subsection. There is an “Add” button in the lower right corner. It activates the process of creating a new Internet connection.

Adding a network

The system will immediately prompt you to select the connection type. For most cable providers this will be PPPoE. Next for easy connection Internet connection, we need only three points: the already mentioned connection type, username, password and its confirmation. In the login and password fields we indicate the data provided by the provider. They can be found in the agreement or annex to it. Click “Apply”. After this, the globe icon on the front panel of the router should blink.

Creating a connection

Setting up a D-Link DIR-300 Wi-Fi router

Now you need to distribute wireless traffic. There is a special Wi-Fi section for this. The first part of the wireless network configuration will take place in the “Basic Settings” subsection.

First, you need to turn it on if it is suddenly turned off. Therefore, we check whether the “Enable wireless connection” checkbox is checked. Then you need to set the network name, which will be visible in the list available networks. The SSID field is responsible for this. The default router can substitute its own name, which can be used without changes.

In this menu you can pay attention to two more items: “Hide access point” and “ Wireless mode" Using the first one, you can hide your network so that it can be accessed only by name, that is, it will not appear in the list of available networks. The second determines in what modes the router will operate. Recommended - mixed to different types devices could connect to the network. Essentially, modes are options for data transfer rates.

Wi-Fi Settings

After specifying all parameters, click the “Apply” button.

Checking connection status

Checking network availability is now very easy. Disconnect the cable from the router. We turn on Wi-Fi on the device, find our network and try to connect. If the “Hide access point” flag was set, you will have to find the “Connect to hidden network" and manually specify the network name.

If the Internet becomes available, it means everything is configured correctly. However, there is a problem - the network does not have a password. This means that anyone can connect to it. Including attackers. We need to set it up.

Setting a password for the Wi-Fi router D-Link DIR-300

The “Security Settings” subsection of the Wi-Fi section of the router’s administrative panel is responsible for the password. By the way, you can also access the panel via a wireless connection by again typing in the browser address bar.

Security Settings

There aren't many settings here. First, you need to set the authentication type. WPA2-PSK is considered the most secure today. Then you need to enter the password in the field. All. Now all that remains is to remember the entered password and click “Apply”.

How to back up your router settings

Sometimes you may need to restore already saved settings after unsuccessful firmware, accidental reset or system error. To do this you can create backup copy, which will be stored in a secluded place hard drive, and if necessary, restore the system. The “System” section and the “Configuration” subsection are responsible for this. The items for the operation of creating a file and downloading it are called that way. Click the button, specify the path on your computer and save. In order to recover data, we perform the same operation. It's simple.


What to do if router firmware is required

Firmware is a rather serious operation on a router. Its necessity may arise in cases where the device begins to malfunction, loses Wi-Fi, or reboots itself. And if even resetting to factory settings does not help, then perhaps the salvation lies in the firmware.

Another reason for updating the firmware may be the desire to use the router to its full potential. The fact is that the original software uses hardware in a balanced manner, without requiring maximum performance from it. Custom firmware accelerates it to its full potential. However, this approach has a significant disadvantage - it is overheating and failure of the power circuits.

We will not describe the firmware process, since each revision uses its own approach and its own tools. But a few recommendations can be given. You shouldn’t rush to reflash your router right away, because you can first try resetting it to factory settings. Almost all models have a built-in update mechanism that can be activated manually. Before updating your D-Link DIR-300 router, do not forget to make a backup copy.

System update

And if you decide to reflash your router, then use the instructions from authoritative sources. For example, the official website has basic tips and guides. Also, the forum has huge base knowledge, firmware and tools for each of the presented revisions of DIR-300.

Features of setting up the D-Link DIR-300 router using the example of the Beeline provider

Beeline uses the L2TP type to connect to the Internet. Accordingly, the technique for creating such a connection will be slightly different. However, all procedures performed before entering the admin panel can be taken from normal setting router. Next we will need to get to the WAN subsection of the “Networks” section. Here you need to specify L2TP + Dynamic IP. You can enter anything you want in the name field, but you will still only see it here in the admin panel.

Beeline setup

Then you need to find the “VPN server address” field and specify the address. Usually it is the same - Next you need to specify a username and password. They must be specified in the contract.

Beeline setup

The rest of the settings can be left as is. We have already written about how to set up Wi-Fi above, the methodology is the same.

Features of setting up the D-Link DIR-300 router using the example of the Rostelecom provider

The setup instructions are completely the same as setting up a PPPoE connection described at the beginning of the article. However, it is worth checking when creating a connection that the Keep Alive checkbox is checked. Along with the Internet, Rostelecom allows you to set up IPTV. This is also done in the WAN subsection of the “Networks” section. We need to find an item here in connection types called IPoE. However, it is not present in new firmware. But there is a static IP. We choose him. Set the MTU field to 1492.

Setting up IPoE for Rostelecom

Then you will have to go to the “Advanced” section, the “Miscellaneous” subsection and make sure that the checkbox is checked in IGMP, version 2. That’s all.

Prices for DIR-300 routers available for sale

Photo Characteristics Price (as of April 2018), rub.


Transfer speed: 150 Mbps. Frequency range: 2.4 GHz. 990

Transfer speed: 150 Mbps. Frequency range: 2.4 GHz. 1 000

Our editors have prepared this instruction specifically for our readers. We are waiting for your comments and feedback on the article.

The question of how to connect a router interests thousands of users, and this is no coincidence - after all, it has rightfully earned the title of the most popular wifi router on Russian market. This can be explained not only affordable price and simple setup, but also the fact that many providers have leased and continue to rent it out to their clients as the main connection device. Therefore, even several years after its release, it remains one of the most popular routers and is still sold in various modifications. And today we will find out how connect and configure router D-Link DIR-300 and its twin brother with USB port- Dir-300 NRU.

How to connect a D-Link DIR-300 router to a computer?

By and large, connecting D-Link routers is no different from the models from other manufacturers that we have already reviewed in other articles. But the difficulty is that the interface of the administrator section of different routers differs greatly depending on the company and firmware version, which can cause difficulties for novice users.

This instruction for connecting and configuring the D-Link DIR-300 router is universal for all models with firmware revisions B6 and B7.

In total we will need to take three steps

  1. Connect the D-Link DIR-300 router to your computer
  2. Set up an Internet connection
  3. Set up WiFi and set a password for D-Link

First, let's do the most standard actions, which are necessary to configure the router out of the box.

  • We connect the router to an electrical outlet and turn it on.
  • Next, insert the patch cord into the LAN connector and connect it to the computer’s network card.
  • Insert the Internet cable from the provider, which was previously inserted into the network connector of the PC, into the “Internet” socket

Now let’s go to the section on the computer that is located in the chain: “Start - Control Panel - Network and Internet - Network and Sharing Center shared access- Change adapter settings"

Here we find “Local Area Connection” - this is the setting of the computer’s network card. Click on it right click mouse and go to the “Properties” menu. If there are any settings from the provider here, then we write them off and save them. Then we set for the computer automatic receipt IP addresses and DNS servers.

How to configure the D-Link DIR-300 router?

After that, launch the browser and enter it in the address bar in order to get to the router’s web interface.

When we first log in, we will be asked to enter a login-password pair - by default “admin/admin”. This is standard data not only when connecting to D-Link router Dir, but also for the vast majority of other models.

Internet connection and WiFi on the D-Link DIR-300 router

We get to the main page personal account D-Link. We need to open the “Advanced Settings” section - the link to it is in the lower right corner.

Here, first, we will configure the connection of the D-Link router to the Internet. Open the “Network” tab, “WAN” section. We select the type of our connection - it is specified in the agreement with the provider, find it and look at it, or find out in technical support. After this, we enter all the data provided in the contract and required for the connection.

My type is PPPoE, which only requires a login and password for authorization. We leave the remaining fields by default unless the provider requires otherwise.

Next, setting up the D-Link DIR-300 router continues by entering data for the local wireless network, that is, for those computers that will access the Internet through it. First of all, let's make sure that WiFi is turned on - you can do this either directly on home page admin panel in the “WiFi” block - just switch the slider.

Or go to “Basic Settings” and activate the “Enable Wireless” checkbox.

Advanced setup D Link DIR-300

For a more detailed configuration, again go to “Advanced settings”, section “WiFi”. Here we set the name () for the wireless network, country (for using allowed frequencies), WiFi standard(mixed) and maximum amount connected clients. Let's leave it at "auto" - later you can also configure it for a more stable signal.

At the next step, we set it for maximum security, or again “mixed” so that outdated devices can connect to the network. Here we set a password for the connection - from 8 characters. WPA encryption - AES or TKIP, it doesn't matter. We leave the rest as is.

Save the settings. After the reboot, you will see yours in the list of available networks, which you can now connect to.

Quick setup of a D-Link router in the new firmware

In modern D-Link routers we will find updated version control panel, which is different from the old one. Let's use the Quick Setup Wizard. To do this, go to the menu item “Start - Click’n’Connect”. We choose our provider from those available for different countries, which are built into the settings. If it is not in the list, then select it manually

And we set the type of connection - you need to find it out from your provider along with the data for establishing a connection to the Internet. D-Link has a lot of options built into its settings, so you should definitely find yours.

Enter data to establish a connection to the Internet

And we confirm

After this, the Internet should be installed on the router, which D-Link will immediately begin to supply to the main computer.

Setting up a D-Link WiFi connection and password

But in order for other devices to connect to it via wireless signal, you still need to configure it, and also set a password for connection.

So we move on to D-Link menu“Wireless Network Setup Wizard” and select the mode – “Access Point”

We continue - and set - the name of the future wifi networks

Next you need to set a password to connect to the D-Link router via a wireless signal

Video on connecting and setting up D-Link

router D LINK DIR 300, WAN and LAN connectors. WAN - Internet input, LAN - local network

Many users are intimidated by the need to configure the d link dir 300 router themselves. However, there is essentially nothing wrong with this. It is impossible to break it without significant effort, and if you make any mistakes in the setup, you can always start from scratch. What is important is only care and patience, which will be required if you are doing this for the first time and have not previously entered the router settings.

The first difficulty that users face is the need to abstract from understanding the physical device as such and its virtual, or rather, software settings. Therefore, first we will look at the design of router D, which may differ slightly depending on the year of manufacture.

Important!When choosing a place to connect and install the router, make sure that there is a power outlet in close proximity to it, as well as the provider’s cable, which is inserted into the port with a connectorWAN located next to a group of four LAN ports that are similar in appearance.

First, the device is connected to a household power supply, then to the provider’s network, and only then using a patch cord (the cord that comes with the kit) to a computer or laptop, if router dir will be configured with their help. Either end of this cord is inserted into any of the four LAN ports, and the other end is inserted into the network connector of the laptop or connector on network card computer. If you use a wireless device for setup, home tablet or a smartphone, then you won’t need it at all.

patch cord is a patch cord, cable

Advice! If the standard 1.5 meter patch cord is not suitable for comfortable work with a computer, it can be replaced with another one purchased separately at a computer electronics store or at the radio market.

The remaining three ports are for local LAN connections can be used for others wired connections after setup. For example, you can connect:

  • Multimedia receiver for TV;
  • Second PC for forming a home network;
  • External drive for cloud storage.

This ends the physical connection to the router, and wifi setup router d link dir 300 can begin.

Windows users

At the next stage, when the link is physically connected, the system will automatically download necessary drivers and will detect it without unnecessary manipulation on the part of the user. However, when working with OS Windows versions 7–10 it is necessary to optimize the system parameters for correct operation.

This will require launching Control Panel, which is accessible from the Start menu. In the list of categories, you should find “Network and Internet”, and after launching it, select “Network Center”. In the dialog, you will need to find the item called “Change adapter settings” and select context menu for it the “Properties” element.

In the next window, you must select the “TCP/IPv4” element and also select “Properties” for it. This will allow you to select the DNS server and IP addresses for it automatically.

Main job

The next step in setting up the router will require launching any browser, for example, Chrome or Moilla Firefox, and in the input line where the name of the site is usually entered you need to enter email address indicated on the sticker attached to reverse side router dir 300.

browser address bar, paste or

Most often these are numbers and In addition to them, a login (admin) and a corresponding password (admin) are often indicated, which are in this case standard. They should be entered when prompted on the page and press “Enter”. Next, the interface with a list of customizable parameters will be automatically loaded.

Enter login and password

choose a language

To do this, select the following items from the list one by one:

  • System.
  • Administrator password.

On this tab, enter a name (you can leave “admin”) and New Password, after which the “Save” button is pressed.

At the next stage, go to another section, selecting one by one:

  • Net.
  • Compound.

Go to advanced settings

Now you need to delve into the contract received from the provider and find out in it the type of connection that is used. Most often this is IPoE or PPPoE, although other options are possible. The required one should be selected from the list and, if using a MAC address, enter it in the appropriate field. You will also need to check the following boxes:

  • Obtain a DNS address automatically.
  • Obtain an IP address automatically.

Create and configure a wireless connection

To set up a Wi-Fi connection, you will need to select the following items sequentially:

  • Wi-Fi.
  • Basic settings.

First, you need to check the “Enable wireless connection” checkbox. IN open tab You should enter the new network name in the “SSID” cell and select a region from the drop-down list to obtain national standards. For the settings to be saved, you need to click the “Change” element.

Next, it is recommended to immediately install or change standard password. It is necessary to prevent unauthorized people from gaining access to your network resources and devices connected to them. To do this, go to the “Security Settings” item. The list of its parameters includes the “Network Authentication” field, which should be assigned the “WPA2-PSK” type. As a result, the list of parameters will change and in the “PSK encryption key” field you will need to enter the created password, and for the WPA field corresponding to the encryption, you should select the TKIP type.”

When finished, click the “Change” button for the adjustments to take effect.

This completes the main configuration of the d link dir 300 router and to correctly complete and save the parameters, select the “System” item located at the top right, and in the open dialog click the “Save and Reboot” button.

Reset settings to original state

If you can’t enter the settings, most likely someone previously configured the device and changed the protection settings. In this case, as in many others, for example, if a new, malfunctioning firmware was installed, resetting the settings will help. It is also called a rollback, which is easy to do without going into the device settings.

For this purpose, the design of the model provides physical button"Reset". To avoid unexpected failures, it should be pressed and held for 15 seconds.

Note!Excessive force when pressing a key« Reset" will not give the desired result. On the contrary, it can cause physical breakdown, since the button is soldered directly to the board.

After the manipulation is carried out, all data about user settings, including passwords and network addresses, will be destroyed. Therefore, in order to avoid the painful selection of values ​​for all parameters, it is advisable to save the configuration in a settings file on the computer.

Additional parameters and options

It is worth noting that, in addition to its main functions, it has several operating modes. This is the access point for wi-fi distribution, bridge and client. At the same time, the model has a considerable number of auxiliary options. For example, you can use it to configure the reception of IP TV channels, and, if necessary, limit access to a specific list network resources, which is especially important when working in an office.

The design features of the model make it easy to understand how correctly the device works. The front panel is equipped with LEDs indicating operation:

  • power supply;
  • Internet connections;
  • local wired connections;
  • wireless connections.

For example, a green light indicates readiness for work, and a yellow light indicates possible problems. In this case, green blinking indicates data transmission on the corresponding channel. But the physical WPS button also has a blue blinking mode, which indicates an attempt to establish a connection.

There are a lot of similar features and you can learn more about them from the instructions included in the package. If problems arise, you can also contact hotline provider.


Now you know that anyone can install routers and it is not at all necessary to call a specialized specialist to set it up. You can do this yourself, and after a short practice you will be able to master more complex options available in new firmware, which can be downloaded from the official website if you have an Internet connection.