Connecting the camera to the car radio. Setting up the rear view device

When driving in traffic, it is important for the driver to both look ahead and see what is happening behind. When our car is equipped with a special video camera that allows us to look back without turning our heads or losing sight of the road, our safety increases several times. But not every car that leaves the showroom for a new owner has such a service. If the car is not equipped with a rear view camera, which helps to reduce the risk of collision on the roads and when parking to zero, the car owner can independently add such a function to the standard radio, as well as install and connect it to tablet computer, car TV, navigator, smartphone, rearview mirror.

  1. Front view cameras. They help to monitor the traffic situation in places where visibility of the situation is limited, for example, when leaving and entering gates, when turning the corner of a building. The presence of such equipment prevents damage to the car body. When the front bumper approaches an obstacle that limits visibility, the camera displays what is happening to the right and left as the vehicle moves.
  2. Rear view cameras. Sometimes they have an external styling of the body that suits a specific car brand, but they can also be universal, suitable for any car model. The device has a special protective casing that protects against dust, dirt and moisture getting inside. It may have a backlight function, due to which the image does not lose high quality in any conditions, for example during fog or when the road is poorly lit. The main purpose of the video camera is to inform the driver about what is happening on the road behind. The image from it is sent to a monitor installed in the cabin, looking at which the driver estimates the distance to objects located behind the car.
The rear view camera housing can be stylized to match a specific car brand

A few characteristics that you should focus on when choosing a rearview camera for our car:

  1. Viewing angle. It can be 100, 120, 140 and 170 degrees. The higher the degree of viewing angle, the more extensive and complete the picture of what is happening behind will look. But the price of video cameras with a higher viewing angle will be higher.
  2. Camera screen resolution. This characteristic is directly related to the quality of the video image. Despite the fact that the technology only films what is happening from behind, the quality of the image depicted is of no small importance.
  3. Resistance to temperature fluctuations. This characteristic may affect the service life of the camcorder. After all, weather conditions (wind, frost, heat, precipitation) largely determine how long the selected gadget will last. That is, the body of the video camera must be strong enough to withstand natural influences.
  4. How much does the camera weigh? In fact, no matter how much it weighs, this characteristic of great importance no, since all modern rearview video cameras are quite compact in size, and they also have quite stable mounts.
  5. Backlight range, its presence or absence. The presence of backlighting has additional advantages when driving on the road and when parking in low-light conditions environment and under adverse atmospheric conditions. The illumination range is directly proportional to the viewing range of the picture from behind. The further the distance from the rear object, the better it is visible in the presence of optimal illumination.
  6. Camera body shape. Also, when purchasing a suitable video device, you should pay attention to its shape. Based on this, we will choose where to install it in the car. It should be noted that not all video camera models are equipped with the necessary mounts. It may be necessary to make some changes in the areas where the equipment joins with the body parts of our machine.

Choosing a seat in the car

Before we begin installing the video camera, we will choose a convenient landing site for it. You can build it directly into the bumper by drilling a special hole with a drill. Installation can be done on the frame of the lampshade, which is responsible for illuminating the registration plate. The advantage of choosing this place for planting is that it will be almost invisible to prying eyes.

Another convenient place to install a video device can be the handle that opens the trunk. But there is a risk of damage to the camera eye and rapid wear. In addition, it may attract unwanted attention from car accessory hunters.

You can put the equipment on the roof of a car. This location is suitable for minibuses. A peephole mounted at a height is less susceptible to damage and theft.

Photo gallery: visual examples of mounting locations for a video camera

The camera eye is embedded in the rear bumper of the car The camera eye is built into the handle that opens the trunk
The camera is installed on the frame of the lampshade responsible for illuminating the license plate
The camera is installed on the roof of the van

Rear view monitor

The image from the rearview camera is displayed on the LCD monitor located inside the car on the instrument panel. As a monitor, you can use devices such as a tablet, navigator, radio, smartphone, TV, as well as a rearview mirror.

Standard monitor

The standard LCD screen is mounted on the dashboard using hinges. This flexible mounting makes it possible to set it at the required angle. In addition to the main input, the monitor has connectors for additional video devices. A standard monitor provides a larger image than a display combined with a rearview mirror, but it takes up much more space, and this is not always convenient, especially for small cars.

Monitor combined with a mirror

The display can be combined with a rearview mirror. While the system is off, the mirror serves its intended purpose, reflecting what is happening behind the car. As soon as we engage reverse gear, the mirror immediately becomes a monitor onto which the background image transmitted from the camera is transmitted.

Wireless camera

Wireless cameras with a rearview screen can have either a color display or a black and white one. According to some car enthusiasts, a black and white display has an advantage over a color one, producing a clearer picture. This has less to do with the monitor and more to do with the sensitivity of the video camera. Therefore, when choosing wireless technology, it is worth considering two essential characteristics:

  • sensitivity;
  • viewing angle.

Car TV

The car TV can also be used as a rearview monitor. The TV can be mounted under the ceiling of the car interior or placed on dashboard. The principle of operation of the TV screen on the rearview camera is the same as that of a standard monitor, navigator, tablet or radio.

Radio tape recorder

Our task is to connect the rear video camera to the car radio. It is important that it has a liquid crystal screen. If the standard radio does not have such a screen, you will have to purchase it additionally and connect it to the radio. But we will consider the option of connecting a rearview camera to a car radio that has an LCD screen.

A radio with a retractable LCD screen is installed in the car interior, on which the image from the rearview camera is displayed.

How to install and connect the camera to a radio and other equipment

The procedure for installing a rearview camera is usually individual for each car brand. But there are general operating points that apply to any car. First, let's decide on the available tools and materials needed for the job. Here is a minimum list of what we will need:

  • insulating tape and tape;
  • glue and sealant;
  • a set of pliers, screwdrivers and adjustable wrenches;
  • soldering iron, acid, solder;
  • electric drill and drills;
  • electric wires.

To install the rear view camera you will need special tools

Video camera installation procedure

  1. The work begins with installing the video camera peephole. If there are special places on the car intended for mounting the camera, then it is enough to remove the plastic plugs from there and place the video device in these holes. But such seats Not available in all vehicles. Therefore, we will have to drill holes in the bumper - in the very place that we previously designated for planting the video eye. We take an electric drill with a drill of the required diameter and get to work. Then we apply glue or sealant along the outside of the peephole and firmly insert the peephole into the prepared hole.
  2. We pull out the wires coming from the camera and run them into the luggage compartment. We connect the negative end of the wire to the vehicle ground using a bolt, having previously cleaned the bolt hole with sandpaper to ensure reliable contact. The wire with a plus sign is best connected to the power cable of one of the rear car lights. In this case, power will be supplied to the video camera simultaneously with the reverse gear being engaged.
  3. Now, after connecting the video camera to the power supply, we will stretch the video cable through the car interior for subsequent connection to the monitor. If the length of the wire is not enough, we will have to lengthen it according to the chosen route, trying to do this carefully and aesthetically so that the wire does not accidentally fall under the fasteners with the risk of being subsequently damaged.

The process of independently connecting a rear view camera to a car monitor is available to every car enthusiast.

Connecting the camera to the monitor

If the monitor to which the rear video camera is connected has several similar friends on each other connectors, we will focus on ensuring that the wire and video input are the same color. On a radio that has a display, there should be a special input on the back side intended for connecting a video camera.

After connecting the radio to the rear video camera, you need to connect it to the power supply. It is very important here not to confuse the polarity of the connected wires.

To mount the monitor on the instrument panel, you can use double-sided tape, screws or self-tapping screws.

This diagram clearly shows how to connect a rear view camera to a monitor installed on the car’s dashboard

Connection methods

There are several ways to connect a camera to a monitor. To do this, you can use a standard “tulip” cable, which consists of six wires with three-color plugs.

The rear view camera can be connected to the monitor using standard cable tulip type with three-color plugs

The rearview camera can also be connected using wireless modules, for example, via WiFi. This method is compatible with any video devices that have a CVBS (“tulip”) interface. The image from the camera is transmitted to the display of a tablet, smartphone or radio on the Android platform (version 2.2 or higher) and iOS (version 4.3 or higher). The connection is via WiFi via the 802.11 b,g,n protocol with WPA2 encryption.

After completing the installation operations, it is necessary to check the functionality of the device in various modes.

Setting up the rear view device

For normal operation Our smart video device needs to be further configured and tested for functionality. Before setting up, turn on the ignition. Next we perform the following actions:

  1. Turn on the radio by selecting Settings mode.
  2. Then go to the “cameras” section and select the value: “rear”.
  3. Using the buttons on the joystick, we adjust the focus of the review so that it is comfortable for the eye and matches our preferences.
  4. This completes the setup of our video device. You can move on to its practical use.

After completing the installation and configuration of the rear view camera with display on the radio screen, you can proceed to its practical use

It remains to remind you of the safety measures that must be observed during installation work.

Connecting two cameras

In addition to the rear view camera, you can also install a front view camera. It is desirable that the front camera has a sufficiently wide viewing angle. The front camera will help the driver safely steer onto the road from areas that limit the visibility of objects located on the right and left sides.

Diagram for connecting two cameras simultaneously to a car radio - rear and front view

To successfully use two cameras simultaneously, the radio must have 3 video outputs. Such car radios are presented on store shelves in a sufficient assortment. But the decision about what equipment to equip the car with remains up to the driver. Safe travels and good luck on the turns!

Hello! My name is Nadezhda. I live in St. Petersburg. My profession is designer. I love nature and art, hiking and driving.

The device will function most efficiently if it is connected to a radio-electronic product. Before you start work, you should read the instructions and stock up on tools. After this you will:

  1. Mount the camera correctly. To do this, disconnect the positive terminal to prevent a short circuit. You can detach it completely.
  2. Then you have to figure out where the wiring will be laid. Open, select a location. The best way– install the wiring where the cords already lie.
  3. The camera is fixed to the bumper or above the license plates.
  4. Many Chinese cameras installed instead of a lampshade to illuminate the license plate.
  5. Now it’s time to deal with the wires in the front part of the cabin. To do this, several panels are disassembled to get to the wiring.

Of the connection features, it should be noted that power will be supplied to the device if you move backwards. The unit can operate continuously for an hour. Then it will turn off. This is quite reasonable, because the purpose of installing a background device is to simplify parking.

Before connecting the camera, you should make sure that the radio has an LCD screen. After this, it is necessary to collect such tools and Consumables, How:

  • Scotch;
  • Soldering iron;
  • Screwdriver;
  • fuse 0.5 A;
  • glue;
  • screwdrivers and keys.

Installation of the camera to the Chinese radio is carried out in stages.

  1. Find a peephole for observation - modern cars have one, you just have to pull out the plug.
  2. If it's not there, drill it out.
  3. Install the peephole, fixing it with glue.
  4. Pull the wires from the unit to .
  5. Route the black cable to the machine ground using a bolt.
  6. Power the red cord (plus) from the flashlight cable at the back.
  7. Connect the yellow wire to the camera.
  8. Use a fuse when connecting the device.
  9. Next, after the work with the camera is completed, stretch the cords from the trunk into the interior, securing them with tape. Make sure that the yellow cord does not get caught under the fasteners. Act according to the scheme, then you definitely won’t go wrong. To connect the camera to the radio, about 3-5 meters of wires are required.

All that remains is to check. Park and start the car. Engage reverse gear, an image should appear on the radio screen. If it is not there, go to settings and adjust the “Camera” section.

Connecting the radio to the rear view camera

Connect the camera to the video surveillance device in exactly the same way as described above. However, you should immediately make sure that the purchased product has the ability to synchronize with a video surveillance device. If it does not have a special wire, you can either buy the monitor separately and put it on the dashboard, or change the product.

The most important thing about connection– connect the cables correctly. If you are not confident in your abilities, you need to remove the battery and check the functionality of the system by assembling it away from the car. And after the training regime, carry out the assembly in the car. To do this, cords are pulled from the trunk of the car to the car radio. It is better if they lie under the carpet, then they will not be visible.

All that remains is to connect the camera connectors to the radio contacts. The video surveillance device is powered by reverse signals when the gear is engaged. When all the wires are routed and connected, it is worth checking.

Connection diagram of the camera cable connectors to the car radio

Rear surveillance devices are installed in the base location of the lamp to illuminate license plates. There are several schemes for connecting devices.

  1. First option: the device turns on when a voltage of +12 V is applied to the red cable. In this case, it is powered by a lantern. Parking lines are enabled by default. If you want to disconnect them, connect the cords and insulate the ends. The video signal is output through the tulip connector.
  2. The shooting device turns on when a voltage equal to +12 V is applied to the red and blue power cords. The red power cable of the device is connected to +12V from the key, with the ACC key in position. The blue wire is powered by the lights. The video signal is output through the tulip connector.

To transfer images from the device to the monitor, you must install a video cable. There are also wireless devices, which transmit images using a radio signal. Often they can be wired, but have external transmitter and receiver units - a receiver and a transmitter. Video can be transmitted in the FM or Wi-Fi range. In the latter option, the frequency of the range is used for transmission analog signal, or a digital network is supported. If the transmitter detects how wireless network smartphone, you can use it as a monitor, as in other things, and an Android radio.

To connect a wired device to a car radio, a video input is required. It is mainly represented as a "tulip". However, it can also be contained in a multi-pin connector. Then you'll have to look at technical documentation, where the wiring is written.

Connecting a car reverse camera to a laptop

To connect a background device to a laptop, it is recommended to use a PCMCIA TV tuner. It has an input for a wired device, and you can install a wireless network. An excellent option is a Smart TV Card; it fits perfectly into a standard PCMCIA laptop connector.

It is important that the tuner matches your processor - for this, before making a purchase, you should familiarize yourself with system requirements. Basically, tuners require performance to be at the P4 level.

The monitoring product is connected through a standard input. It is controlled through software. The video surveillance device will operate when you turn on the power button of the laptop. There is also a simpler option - connect a rear-type surveillance device to a monitor, and connect it to a laptop. Then the automatic reverse gear will work.

Ways to connect two Chinese cameras to the radio

Sometimes there is a need to connect two products to the car radio at once - foreground and background. This solution makes it possible to eliminate conflicts on the road and drive as safely as possible. Let's look at how to install devices in detail.

  1. The negative terminal is removed from the battery. There is a recorder in the glove compartment. The instrument panel is removed, the camera is connected to the on-board network of the car.
  2. A device is taken that will monitor the movement. It must have good photosensitivity, excellent shooting angle, and resolution. It is best if the device is capable of shooting in the infrared spectrum, then it can be used at night.
  3. The tail-type front device is fixed to a bracket on the mirrors located at the rear. Its cable cords run to the recorder under the trim.
  4. The device, which will monitor what is happening behind, is mounted on a rotating bracket located at the rear of the car. To connect it to the recorder, the ceiling trim is removed. Work is carried out and then it is returned to its place.
  5. All that remains is to bring the monitor to the video recorder and see how the system works.
  6. The display of devices can be adjusted on the monitor: you can increase brightness, focal length, etc.
  7. A memory card is installed in the recorder. The battery terminal is put back in place.

All that remains is to test the operation of the system. To do this, you need to start moving the car. Sometimes the settings can get lost due to shaking on the road, then you will have to correct them. If you wish, you can configure not only video recording, but also information about the location of the vehicle and its speed. To do this you will have to install a navigator.

If there is a need to increase the shooting angle of the device, it is recommended to use a transparent overlay - Fisheye. It is also worth noting that it is beneficial to use a video recorder, since it is not conspicuous. This means that vandals are unlikely to see it to remove it.

So, as you can see, to provide an excellent rear view of a car, you need a radio and a camera. You can install them yourself.

How to connect a mirror with a rear view camera

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In budget cars, a standard rear view camera is rarely provided for basic configurations. Most often, automakers offer it as expensive additional option. Many Russian car enthusiasts buy a separate rear view camera and install it themselves. To do this, you do not need to radically upgrade the car's electrical wiring. Connecting a rear view camera with your own hands requires basic electrical installation skills and experience in disassembling several interior and body elements. Installing a camera will improve the conditions for safe parking, monitoring the road in difficult traffic conditions

Selecting a rear view camera

Miniature rear view cameras should not be confused with optical sensors.

Installing the camera becomes the first installation step, regardless of the choice of projection device. When choosing a camera, there are several important points to consider:

  1. Viewing angle. A viewing angle of 110 – 120 degrees is considered normal. Drivers who choose cameras with a wide viewing angle (up to 180 degrees) can better assess the road situation, but must take into account the panoramic effect, which distorts the actual size of the image.
  2. Resolution and sensitivity. Standard Definition 628 x 582 pixels suits most ordinary drivers; increasing the image quality for the rear packing video camera does not make sense. When choosing a color sensor (CCD or CMOS), you need to take into account that CCD transmits a higher quality image, balances colors, but is much more expensive. CMOS sensors perform worse in low light, when daylight provide acceptable color quality.
  3. Availability of infrared illumination. Additional illumination with sufficient light provides best quality color image. In low light, the infrared source allows you to see the road behind in black and white at a distance of up to five meters.
  4. Video format. When choosing from the three formats that a camera can be equipped with (SECAM, NTSC, PAL), you need to consider what type of monitor the video image will be displayed on. The discrepancy between formats will make purchasing and installing a camera pointless.
  5. Signal transmission method. The division of cameras into wired and wireless affects the cost and connectivity. Wired video cameras are universal, they can be connected to all types of monitors. Cameras equipped with transmitting and receiving modules can often transmit images only to the navigator.
  6. Complete with cables. It is preferable that the camera be equipped with a three-wire video cable with an additional excitation wire; the power wire can be two-wire. The length of the cables also matters. The standard length (2-3 meters for a video cable, a meter for a power cable) may not be enough to connect the camera to your car model.
  7. Case material. Experienced car enthusiasts choose cameras in a metal case, considering it more durable and durable than a plastic one.
  8. Variability of installation location. There are cameras mounted in the frame license plate number, devices in a separate housing. A separate video camera requires a choice of several installation locations that are convenient for the driver.

The remaining standards of video cameras (presence of parking lines, power voltage, protection from dirt) are the same for most models.

Many car enthusiasts find rear view cameras equipped with a monitor mounted in the rear view mirror the most convenient.

It is difficult to deny the convenience of such a device. The monitor turns on when reverse movement begins, allowing you to see the road situation in good resolution. The main disadvantage of such gadgets is the high price, which is unaffordable for many categories of car enthusiasts.

Less convenient is the rear view camera, equipped with a folding miniature display that can be placed on the dashboard

The main disadvantage of such devices is that the view is cluttered, especially if the car already has a DVR, navigator, or a separate radar detector installed. Car enthusiasts find it more practical to use the display of one of the existing devices. Having purchased a rear view camera of any type (with or without a monitor), you need to install it in the rear of the car.

Practical operations for installing a video camera

We do not consider installing a camera behind the rear window of a car. With this installation, the camera glares and does not allow you to see nearby obstacles from behind. There is no need to be afraid of vandalism; a camera with torn wires is of no interest to buyers, but it is better to disguise it in the rear bumper or under the trunk lid.

If the camera is mounted in the license plate frame, you have no other installation options. When choosing a location, most experienced mechanics consider more convenient installation cameras above the license plate, at an angle to the road surface.

In any case, to install the camera you will need:

  • install the video camera in the intended location;
  • connect the camera power;
  • bring the video cable to the front of the car;
  • connect the video cable to the monitor to transmit the image.

The steps to install a video camera depend on your car model (sedan, hatchback, crossover) and installation location. To do this, you can use existing holes in the bumper, fifth door lid, or cut new installation spots. It may be necessary to dismantle the bumper and install additional brackets for attaching a video camera (metal plates) on the inside of the body part.

Most in a convenient way To power the video camera, most experts consider connecting the power wire to the left rear light. This may require disassembling the trunk sill and the left side of the trim. Having disconnected the rear light block, you need to use a multimeter (with the rear light on) to find the power supply contact.

For most video camera models, the three output wires are color coded. Red is used for the positive power wire, black is used for the negative wire. The yellow marking indicates the video cable. The red wire is connected to the contact of the flashlight, the black wire is connected to the car body. It would not be superfluous to provide the positive wire with an additional fuse (0.5 - 1A) in the circuit.

The most in a simple way The video cable will be installed on the left side of the cabin under the removed sill covers and floor trim. To secure the cable, you can use special tape or plastic clips. All installation operations end with the installation of the removed body and interior elements in their original places. It is necessary to finally secure the screws and clips of the casing only after testing the operation of the camera and making sure that it is working properly.

For novice car enthusiasts, the greatest difficulty is connecting a video cable to an accessible monitor. Most owners of budget versions of cars consider connecting a camera to the car radio display to be the most convenient way.

Connecting the camera to the radio (car radio display)

The video camera can only be connected to radio tape recorders with a liquid crystal display measuring at least 3 to 4 inches. Smaller monitors will not provide required quality Images. The free connector of the video cable is connected to a special output of the head unit (to find it, refer to the instructions for the radio). If such an output is not provided, it is possible to connect to the output marked VIDEO IN. If the sockets and plugs do not match, you will need to purchase an adapter.

You can see in detail how to connect a rear view camera to the radio in the video:

After connecting the camera to the liquid crystal display of a high-quality car radio, a “picture” of decent quality is displayed.

The image clearly shows the “mirror” effect when the video camera is operating, which is easy to get used to after several days of using the parking sensors.

To get used to the scale, you can go out and look at the real distance between the cars, and estimate the gap remaining to the obstacle.

Connecting a video camera to a navigator and navigation devices

Connection rear camera without your own monitor for the navigator it is logical. Without cluttering the dashboard or center console extra screen, you are using something already familiar installed device. Questions about how to connect a rear view camera to a navigator do not arise when purchasing a device for which such an option is planned.

The packaging of such navigators indicates the possibility of connecting a video camera; the instructions indicate necessary actions user upon connection. The navigator kit may include adapters for connectors popular models video cameras

If a rear view camera is already installed, the car enthusiast can only plug the plug from the video camera into the desired connector.

If you do not have a standard video camera connection, you will need to purchase additional cables, plugs, and a special adapter. The schematic diagram of power supply from the rear light and wiring to the projection device does not change.

An adapter from RCA to the input to the navigator (often called a “tulip” in everyday life) is needed only if there is no AVI input. For navigators equipped with such an input, a standard video cable connector is often suitable.

Connecting a rear view camera to a tablet and mobile electronic gadgets

Of all types of electronic wearable devices (laptops, smartphones), a tablet is most convenient for connecting a rear video camera. The monitor screen size and resolution quality are suitable for work. The flat body of the tablet allows you to choose several options for convenient installation.

Often, owners of cars with a primitive radio, without a navigator, have no choice but to connect a rear view camera to a tablet. To connect a wired video camera, you will need to purchase a TV tuner (looks like a flash drive) with a video input plug.

You bought a camera, now the question arises: how to connect it correctly yourself?

Let's consider the connection using the example of a universal camera; there is no difference in connecting a universal camera or a rear view camera for installation in a standard place (usually this is the backlight of the state registration number).

Standard rear view cameras may have their own illumination of the state registration number in their design, and are equipped with an additional pair of wires (red plus (+) and black (-) minus). These wires must be connected to the power wires of the standard license plate illumination, usually these are the backlight wires, instead of which a rear view camera is installed

Let's look at the configuration of the purchased rear view camera.

Photo 1 shows that the rear view camera has one cable for connecting power, the other for connecting a cable for transmitting a video signal from the rear view camera to the screen (model, navigator, etc.).

Depending on the manufacturer of the rear view cameras, the cameras may be equipped with two types of necessary wires for connection

Photo 2 shows a set of wires, a rear view camera power cable and a cable for transmitting a video signal from the camera to the screen (model, navigator, etc.), we also see that the video cable does not have a control wire.

Photo 3 shows a set of wires, a rear view camera power cable and a cable for transmitting a video signal from the camera to the screen (model, navigator, etc.), in this case the cable for transmitting the video signal has a control wire.

For automatic switching on rear view camera, when engaging reverse gear and displaying the image from the rear view camera on the screen of the model (navigator, etc.), we recommend using a control wire. It is connected to a wire called BACK or Reverse and to the plus (+) of the reverse lights.

In cases where there is no control wire, it can be made from any wire and laid in parallel with the video signal cable!

Electrical connection diagram

In cases where you have connected the camera, checked it, the picture is good, but when the engine is running you have interference, the screen is rippling, then in this case you need to use a relay to turn on the rear view camera, below is electrical diagram. Relays can be used from VAZ, for example, windshield wiper relays, cooling fan relays, etc.

Good luck to all!

Sincerely, AutoSound24 company

parking camera included. And on such cars it will not be superfluous at all, especially when parking.

The natural desire of the owners of such cars is the desire to fix this disadvantage. Connecting a rear view camera is a process that almost any car owner can handle.

What might be required if you decide to install the camera yourself? You will need the following items: a parking camera that you purchased in advance; small terminals or ready-made wires with terminals; special clips for wires; screwdriver (knife); pliers; washer hose; tee for washer hose; multimeter (tester); drill.

Most often, the parking camera is installed in the standard hole of the “native” head unit. Therefore, before buying a camera, make sure it is available. So, your car has a connector for parking cameras, you went to the store where you purchased the best camera option for you.

Where to start? And it’s worth starting by not being lazy and checking all the wires used with a tester. You won't burn anything with a voltmeter, but with a light bulb you can easily.

Before disassembling half the machine, carefully inspect the camera itself. Testing the functionality of each camera may vary slightly. Therefore, to do this, it is best to use the widely available step-by-step instructions for checking a specific brand of camera. Connect the rear view camera only after making sure that the camera itself is working properly. The following is a sample action plan.

Rear view camera: connection

It is necessary to remove the trim from the rear door, as well as the rear frame with headlights. The bolts are unscrewed in order to remove the cable from the door handle.

Try on the camera, then drill a hole for it.

If desired, you can immediately install washer nozzles on the camera. If you decide to install them, then also drill a hole for them, as well as a hole in the door to route the hose and wires.

After this, return the frame to its place, but do not rush to screw it, first make sure that the camera is installed in the direction you need.

And then directly connect the rear view camera itself. Power for the camera is taken from the tee instead of the rear door washer hose. Check for leaks several times and repair them.

The hose and wires themselves can easily fit under the door trim. Next, you will need to remove a lot: seat belt fastenings, trim, rubber bands. Lay the wire, reaching it to the “head”. All that remains is to connect and assemble.

This is how you connect a rear view camera. To receive an image from a parking camera, you can use a replacement or install a display in the cabin, or display the image received from the camera on the navigator screen. But connecting the rear view camera to the navigator is done a little differently.

You will need

  • 1. Camera and monitor
  • 2. Ready-made wires with connectors
  • 3. Fuses (2 pcs.) 0.5 A
  • 4. Screwdriver
  • 5. Set of keys
  • 6. Knife
  • 7. Pliers


Before starting any work, remove the positive terminal of the battery.

Look carefully camera: Regardless of the model, the camera must have power and video wires (connectors) progress. Most often it is recommended to supply power to the camera from the rear light progress, as a result of which the camera will only work when driving in reverse. The rear view camera is designed for short-term use, and failure to do so may dramatically shorten its service life.

Connect the red wire of the camera to the positive terminal of the rear light progress. If there is no fuse on this camera wire, install one. The fuse should be 0.5 A and located as close to the connection point as possible.

Connect the black (negative) wire of the camera to the car body. For example, under a suitable and pre-cleaned bolt. No fuse is required for the black wire.

Most cameras are equipped with a five-meter yellow wire for connecting to the monitor, with a connector typical for audio-video equipment. If the cable is not long enough to be installed inside the car, purchase an extension cord with a connector connector. Can be purchased suitable cable and solder the necessary connectors yourself.

Connect the cable to the monitor by plugging it into the video input. Please note that each monitor or radio may have several video inputs, one of which is specialized for connecting a rear view camera. You can find the required video input according to the instructions for the monitor (radio tape recorder). The simplest monitors have only 2 connectors: video output (most often white) and video input (most often yellow).

The monitor itself also needs to be powered. Proceed in the same way as when connecting the camera: red wire with a fuse to the power plus, black to ground (under the stripped bolt).

After a thorough check of the work done, the connectors are wrapped with electrical tape. Don't forget to turn on the positive terminal of the battery.

Parking sensors assist the driver in reversing maneuvers. When approaching any hidden object, the sensor begins to beep and show the distance to the obstacle. This way the driver can park in limited conditions

The only working option for connecting a rear view camera in a car with lamp health monitoring

We use the camera with a CCD sensor, as it produces a high-quality image at any time of the day (you can clearly see that the image is noticeably better than CMOS), with IP 68 dust and moisture protection and operation in the dark. For example, this Swift HD CCD Luxur W-989: HD CCD Car Rearview Camera Waterproof night vision Wide Angle reversing with a combined female connector with a stub. This is a great camera with a Sony lens, tested personally! Everything is visible even at night (photo below). At the same time, it costs less than 1000 rubles!
The only downside is that it has a very small viewing angle, no more than 100 degrees! Keep this in mind if this is important to you as a hedgehog04.
We also make sure that there is no flare from the license plate lighting if the camera is close!
The camera has an operating voltage of 5 to 30 V, a maximum current of 90 mA (~0.1 A), operates from 3.3 V - there is a stabilizer in the plastic boss on the wire in front of the camera wire connector. It can overheat if it works constantly, so we only power it when the radio monitor is turned on.

Removing noise from the camera image when the engine is running

Having a problem with the camera with the engine running Every car owner is faced with monitoring the serviceability of lamps. Always think over and draw a connection diagram before installation - this will help you immediately avoid many mistakes and problems!
First, try connecting the camera directly to the cigarette lighter to plus and minus and look at the engine running. Connect the minus correctly! Take the minus away from the reversing lights (RL), for example, from some bolt on the body, or even without the minus at all - the minus will be taken from the radio via the video transmission cable. They also often mistakenly take the plus from the interior lamp, and the excitation wire (to turn on the monitor) from the 3X lamps. Plus, you need to take the relay from the cigarette lighter, since the interior lighting also has control of the health of the lamps, and take the camera power wire and the excitation wire after the relay from the ZX! You can also take the plus from the ACC ignition switch.

Power supply interference is monitored by monitoring the performance of the lamps when the engine is running. And this impulse current is flowing to the reversing lamps (RX). Due to the inertia of the spiral, it seems that the 3X lamp is burning continuously, but in fact there is high frequency tension appears and disappears. At moments of “failure” the serviceability of the lamp is checked.

There is only one working option for connecting the camera's power supply out of four. :)
Only with connection option 4 will the camera work and give clean picture. Why is written below.
1. If you connect the camera directly to the 3X lamps, then when the engine is running, the camera will not work at all due to the pulsed current monitoring the health of the lamps or visible strong interference in the form of stripes in the image!
2. If you connect the camera to the 3X lamps simply through a relay with pure power, then the relay crackles like crazy, and the camera does not turn on because the relay does not provide power!
3. If you connect the camera to the 3X lamps, even through a diode with a smoothing capacitor, then when the engine is running, the camera still produces noticeable noise in the image due to power supply ripples!

Ripple after rectification by a diode and smoothing by a capacitor produces noise in the image

4. And only if you connect the camera to the 3X lamps through a relay with pure power from the cigarette lighter, while the positive wire from the 3X lamps is applied to the relay winding only after rectification with a diode and smoothing out the ripples with a capacitor, then the camera works perfectly and there is no interference.
Monitoring the health of the lamps does not apply to the cigarette lighter - so we take the pure positive from it, and the relay is needed to control this positive. A diode and a capacitor are needed so that the relay does not click from impulses to monitor the health of the reverse lamps, but closes normally. You can assemble a ready-made module like this.
If there is still interference even from clean power, then you also need to connect a capacitor at the clean power input from the cigarette lighter to the relay with a plus to this input, and a minus to the minus of the relay winding, or install a car filter - it will not be superfluous. The capacitor capacity is at least 2200 µF, no amount of 470 µF will help! This will be the simplest camera power filter. Or use a car power filter.
You can check the generator with the regulator, as well as the spark plugs with ignition coils and high-voltage wiring!

This is the safest power connection option for the camera and car!
You can, of course, connect the camera to the 3X lamps through a car power filter on the inductor in series and then the capacitors in parallel, but this still will not provide such clean power as from the cigarette lighter through a relay. It is advisable to install the filter already from the output of the relay from the pure positive from the cigarette lighter, facilitating the work of the camera stabilizer in the boss, since it sometimes fails (ketai).
An important point - the negative contact from the camera must be connected away from the minus of the 3X lamp to the bolt on the body, otherwise the camera picks up interference through the minus of the 3X lamp! . You can turn off minus altogether. The camera will then take the minus further away: from the screen (minus) of the video cable, and it, in turn, from the radio, which will ultimately take it from the same bolt on the body in the cigarette lighter area.
The cigarette lighter itself gets its brown negative wire from the same bolt on the body.

There are proven clean 12V (for example + from the cigarette lighter, rear wiper motor, etc.).
There are three wires going to the rear wiper motor: plus (which is there even when the ignition is off), ground and a signal minus (which turns on the wiper).

By the way, you can quickly check the camera by feeding video from it to the TV through the yellow tulip input.

Due to the pulse current of the flashlight, the 3X relay quickly clicks back and forth (crackles) and does not turn on! Therefore, you need a diode for rectification and a capacitor to smooth out pulsations, and only after them is a plus applied to the winding so that the relay does not crackle, but closes normally!
What is pulsed current read here: Pulsating electric current
See how the relay cracks here: Relay crackling from pulse current
We read about the rectifier here: Low-power power supply,

The diode in this case works not so much as a rectifier (since there is no negative half-wave here), but as a blocker that prevents the capacitor for the 3X lamps from quickly discharging, maintaining a constant voltage on the relay winding and preventing it from clicking.

Elimination of a blank screen and RCD radio error when exiting camera mode. We make a delay for turning off the camera.
When the camera is powered from the reversing lights, as well as turning on the camera mode on the display, then when you turn off the reverse gear, it often turns off before the display has time to process the status change and exit the camera mode (a delay of about 1-2 seconds) and on some radios noise is displayed disconnection and a blank screen of an already disabled camera. Also, when maneuvering on a narrow section of the road back and forth, when changing gears, the monitor often turns on/off, which is inconvenient.
Therefore, a simple delay is set to turn off the camera's power.

The best solution without a diode and a capacitor right out of the box is the VAZ-2111 rear window washer relay AVAR 454.3747 (or 526.3747-03) with a delay of 5 seconds.
This windshield washer timing relay turns on the washer pump for 5 seconds.
The delay can be either reduced or increased by replacing the 22 µF capacitor in this relay.

The second solution is a low-power, high-resistance relay and a capacitor with a diode. We feed the plus from the 3X lamp through the diode, and then the capacitor to the relay winding.
The capacitor smoothes out the lamp control ripple, allowing the relay coil to close the relay. A diode is absolutely necessary to get rid of the lights, otherwise the capacitor will quickly discharge through the reversing lamps. The relay is precisely a low-power one with a winding with a high resistance = ~ 1 kOhm, so that the capacitor does not quickly discharge and there is a delay of a couple of seconds.
A regular relay will not work, since its winding resistance is =~ 85 Ohms, and this is very small and there will be no delay! Installing a 1 kOhm resistor in series will prevent the relay from closing at all.

You can calculate the relay turn-off delay time in this circuit with a diode and capacitor.
The discharge time of the capacitor is equal to the product of the capacitance and the resistance; there is a direct relationship. You just need to take into account that the relay will turn off a little earlier than the condenser is completely discharged.
We bring all quantities to one dimension (farads, ohms, seconds) and calculate:
Delay time for RC circuit: T = C * R.
where T is time in seconds, C is the capacitance of the capacitor in farads, R is the circuit resistance in ohms
T = 2200 µF * 960 Ohm = 0.0022 * 960 = 2 sec. (quite enough)

For example, you need delay of at least 8 seconds. on a relay with a 960 Ohm winding:
Capacitor capacitance for 8 sec delay: C = T / R * 1000000 = capacitance in uF
C = 8 / 960 * 1000000 = 10000 µF(rounded towards the standard capacity).

Attention! For a standard head unit (GU) of the RCD 330 series, it is necessary for the camera to work for another 8 seconds after turning off the reverse speed. Otherwise, when disconnected, the message “Camera unavailable” will appear. If you have a standard PG, then it is best to use the VAZ-2111 rear window washer relay AVAR 4543747P, increasing the 22 μF capacitor in it to 47 μF 25V and the 470 Ω resistor to 3.3 kΩ, obtaining the required shutdown delay of 8 seconds. instead of 5 sec. default. In this case, the diode and capacitor from the ZX lamp are not needed for this relay!
You can use a RAGTIME3-12-(0-60) relay, which is also fed through a diode and a capacitor, but only the capacitor is no more than 10-50 µF, otherwise the shutdown delay will be too long!
For a high-impedance relay circuit, you need to increase the capacitor value to 10,000 µF.
You can also use ready-made

If you decide to install a rear view camera, please note that different models are produced and one instruction on how to install a rear view camera does not fit all options. Firstly, installation is carried out in different places. Secondly, the connection can be made both for continuous operation of the camera and for turning it on only when the engine starts.

The connection diagram is still almost the same for all models; the only thing that needs clarification is where to install the rear view camera. It is also clear that in modern traffic conditions this device becomes simply indispensable on the roads and greatly simplifies life for drivers.

Rear view camera connection diagram

  • You can’t go wrong with the question of how to install a rear view camera if you know what connects to what. We have 3 wires - black (“minus”), red (“plus”), yellow (“video”). Our task is to connect the yellow connector to the input of the monitor or TV. The black wire is respectively connected to the battery ground, the red wire is connected directly to the camera.
  • If you want the monitor to turn on automatically when the car is in reverse, connect a special wire to the reverse lamps. Such a wire is provided in those models that have a similar function. Pay close attention to the wires, do not mix them up, as this can lead to damaged equipment if your model does not have appropriate protection, when the gadget simply does not work.
  • Many camera models have “output” wires. You just need to connect a coaxial video cable. The power cord is also included.
  • There is a connection method where you need to crimp the wires and connect them through the appropriate connectors. Some manufacturers took care of those buyers who do not know how to connect a rear view camera and therefore simplified the task by implementing a standard RCA connector known to everyone as a “tulip”. It just needs to be connected to the video input on the radio.

Camera power

The camera is powered using electric current with a stabilized rectified voltage of 12 V and a force of no more than 0.7 Am. Some models have short circuit protection at the outputs. Remember that according to the operating instructions, this device will last a long time if you follow temperature regime from +10°С to +40°С and air humidity does not exceed 80%.

The video signal from the camera to the TV, portable DVD player, etc. passes through a normal coaxial cable. These cables are used in Everyday life in order to connect conventional television equipment.

Purpose and operation of rear view cameras

The function of this equipment is to simplify parking the car or reversing. The camera is indispensable in conditions of limited visibility or when there is little space for maneuvers. The camera has also proven itself in traffic jams and in heavy traffic as a means of additionally preventing collisions due to an incorrectly chosen distance by a vehicle coming from behind.

The camera is very miniature, about 2 centimeters in diameter with a viewing angle of almost 180°. The cameras broadcast quite clearly color image. With a sensitivity of at least 0.1 lux, it is possible to see objects even in the dark. The cameras are produced in a waterproof design.

After purchasing a camera, do not forget to check it for defects right in the store. All these irrefutable advantages of long-range cameras make them very popular among drivers, especially in cities with heavy traffic.

The growing car park leads to a shortage of parking spaces, so motorists are forced to park their cars in narrow passages and gaps between neighboring vehicles. To ensure visibility of the space behind the car, cameras are used that display the image on the display of the head audio unit. When independently improving a car, the user needs to know how to connect a rear view camera to the radio and how to adjust the equipment.

Camera selection

To use the camera, you must use head equipment equipped with an appropriate connector for switching. To display high-quality images, 2 Din radios with operating system Windows CE or Android. To output video, a recorder is also used, made in the form of a rear-view mirror, mounted on top of the factory element. The equipment ensures the preservation of information; the quality of the recording depends on the modification of the photosensitive element used.

Equipment selection criteria:

  • According to the method of transmitting the signal from the camera. There are devices connected via wires and without them. In the second case, installation is required additional block WI-Fi, which provides broadcasting and decryption of the information flow.
  • By viewing angle, which determines the controlled area behind the vehicle. The equipment is equipped with lenses that provide a capture angle in the range of 120-170°. To control additional zones, it is possible to connect 2 cameras via a special controller.

The selected device is equipped with a durable housing that is resistant to road chemicals. In addition, the product must be waterproof, since liquid getting inside leads to deterioration in image quality and failure of the device. It is also necessary to select a camera based on the installation location.

How to determine where to install the camera

Before you begin installing the patch cables and the reversing camera housing, you should find a point that provides the greatest viewing angle and is not thrown by dirt when the car is moving. Depending on the body configuration, the equipment is mounted on the license plate light strip, trunk lid or rear bumper. Connecting the camera made in China is performed instead of the license plate light, while a diode is retained inside the unit. Such an installation scheme does not ensure the transmission of high-quality images.

Placing the equipment at the height of the bumper allows you to capture space at a distance of 2-3 m from the rear of the car. It should be remembered that the lower the vehicle, the smaller the viewing area will be. Because of this, contact with a subtle obstacle is possible when reversing. Installing the device on the trunk lid expands the radius by 30-35%. This installation technique is not used on trucks and vans, since it does not allow maneuvering with the rear door leaves open.

On buses or trucks, the device is mounted on the top edge of the body; the lens is pointed downwards.

The user can install two cameras by connecting them through a special controller. The radio screen displays a picture from each source or from 2 simultaneously. The parameter is adjusted through the hub settings. It is possible to use a 2-position switch that transmits signals from different sources.

Depending on the location of the device, wiring harnesses are laid to transmit the signal. When using a wireless product, it is necessary to ensure reliable signal transmission. Metal body elements reduce the intensity of data transmission, so the number of partitions between the transmitter and receiver should be minimized.

If the radio does not see the connected device, then you should configure the equipment through the menu. Android head units are equipped with a function that displays parking lines on the display.

The distance between the elements and the degree of curvature when turning the steering wheel are adjusted depending on the dimensions of the car.

The function and the ability to adjust parameters are not available in all players.

Connection instructions

To connect the camera to the standard radio, use the connector located on the rear wall of the equipment. Before the purchase additional device you should make sure that installed player Supports rear view camera switching. To power the camera, a cable marked Reverse is used, which is connected to the reverse lamp circuit. The RCA plug is installed into the standard video input jack located on the rear of the radio.

Switching to Pioneer radio has several differences:

  • The yellow plug of the camera is installed in the socket marked R.C IN;
  • The cable harness of the head unit contains a cord with purple-white insulation, which is responsible for providing a signal for activated reverse gear.

Installation process

Rear view cameras for the radio made by third-party manufacturers have a shape that does not match the license plate light used. To simplify installation, it is possible to trim the housing and then install the product between the backlight lamps. This design improves the viewing area of ​​the lens and simplifies the calculation of the trajectory when maneuvering in reverse. Installation of the device is carried out after installing a 2 DIN standard radio with a liquid crystal screen.

An approximate algorithm for installing a camera on the rear of a car:

  1. Cut a rectangular hole in the plastic trim or metal casing located above the license plate mounting location on the trunk lid. Metal edges are treated with an anti-corrosion compound. It is recommended to select the mounting point in such a way as to avoid trimming the body panel, since reliable protection from corrosion in artisanal conditions is impossible.
  2. To trim, you need to dismantle the plastic cover with the backlight lamps, which is secured with clips or screws. The installation method depends on the car model.
  3. The window is marked by drilling 4 holes with a diameter of 2-3 mm, then cutting out the opening using a file or jigsaw. The edges are smoothed with a file. A test installation of the camera is carried out to check the viewing angle of the selected layout solution.
  4. Mount the camera body into the mounting socket and secure the parts with 2-component epoxy resin adhesive. It is recommended to first verify that the lens is positioned correctly by connecting the equipment to the radio. Since the epoxy glue hardens within 3-5 minutes, the user has time to adjust the position of the device.

After installing the rear view camera, they begin laying patch cables that are routed through the car interior to the head acoustic unit. The type of connection between the cord and the player depends on the model and manufacturer. Pioneer radios are equipped with a special plug designed to connect a camera. Users confuse it with the yellow “tulip”, which is designed for switching equipment operating in manual mode management.


The correct connection diagram for the rear view camera ensures that the signal starts broadcasting only after reverse gear is engaged. For switching, a switch located in the speed selection mechanism is used. On some cars there is no such element, so a connection is used to the sensor for turning on the reversing lights or to the lamp sockets located in the rear lamps. The commutation cable is carefully inserted into the plug and held in place by the factory spring contact.

The instructions included with the radios contain recommendations on how to properly connect and adjust the camera. If the user experiences difficulties when switching or installing additional equipment, it is recommended to contact a service center.


Adjustment of operating parameters is carried out through menu sections. The user activates signal transmission and then adjusts the resolution of the picture on the display. After this, a search for a balance of brightness and contrast is performed different conditions external lighting. On Pioneer head units, a warning message appears on the screen informing the driver of possible mirror image. The text is displayed when the camera is turned off; To disable it, you will need to adjust the polarity of the connected reverse signal cable.

Used when installing several parking cameras, a 2-position toggle switch allows you to display images from the front and rear devices. When the switch is set to receive a signal from the rear camera, the broadcast begins after moving the gearbox lever to the reverse position. To view the situation from the front of the car, you will need to move the lever to a different position. If you try to engage reverse gear, the image will not change.