Why do games slow down on iPad mini? iPad slows down

Released in 2012 ipad tablet 3 was, at that time, the leading web device available on the market, combining powerful hardware and wide functionality. However, several years have passed since the release of the third generation iPad, and many of its owners note that for some reason the device began to work slowly. Someone decides to take drastic measures - purchasing a new tablet, without even suspecting that there is no reason to panic and there is a problem slow work can be solved in most cases on your own, or with much lower financial costs than when buying a new gadget.

iPad 3 slows down: ways to solve the problem

Reboot the device

If you are faced with the problem of a slow device, the first thing you should do is reboot the tablet, which will help relieve the RAM if it is overloaded with applications. For this:

  1. Clamp Power button;
  2. We wait until the “Turn Off” slider appears on the screen, which you need to slide your finger over.

If iPad 3 slows down to such an extent that it sometimes leads to a complete freeze of the device, in which the response to key presses either takes a very long time or disappears altogether, then it makes sense to perform a forced reboot:

  1. Hold down the Power and Home keys;
  2. Wait 10 seconds, after which the iPad will turn off;
  3. Turn on the gadget in the standard way.

A forced reboot should not be abused; it is an “emergency” option, which, if used frequently, can lead to additional problems in the operation of the tablet system.

Freeing up RAM

Another common reason why iPad 3 slows down is that the RAM is overloaded with application update processes. By default, the auto-update function is enabled on the tablet, due to which installed applications periodically download new files, which in turn is an additional load on the device. To turn off auto-update, just follow a few steps:

  1. Go to “Settings”;
  2. Select the “Basic” section;
  3. Move the “Content Update” slider to the off position.

It’s also worth turning off notifications, because quite often the iPad 3 is slow due to background scanning installed applications and providing notifications from them. To eliminate this reason, you need to disable notifications in the notification center.

Disabling visual effects

The operating system of Apple gadgets is famous for its animation, which accompanies many user actions, and the three-dimensionality of its elements, thanks to the presence of parallax. It looks nice, but even modern devices work much slower with enabled visual effects. What can we say about the third generation iPad, the power of which is no longer enough for stable operation modern applications and proper functioning of the latest versions of iOS. So if you have tried the previous methods, but your iPad 3 is still slowing down, and you don’t know what to do, then try turning on the motion reduction function, which will turn off the parallax effect, as well as motion animation user interface. For this:

  1. Go to “Settings” - “General” - “Universal Access”;
  2. Find the Reduce Motion feature and move the slider to the on position.

Worn components

Besides systemic reasons, iPad 3 slows down quite often due to wear and tear internal storage, or damage to the motherboard. The thing is that the flash memory installed in the iPad is designed for a certain number of write cycles. If you actively used the gadget, installing and uninstalling various applications and games, then most likely the memory resource is largely exhausted, which leads to errors in the operation of the device. You cannot fix this yourself; only replacing the memory will do.
If damaged motherboard due to the device falling or moisture getting into the case, it is not surprising that the iPad 3 slows down. What to do in this case.

A huge number of users who installed the latest iOS update 9 on their iPhone, iPad and iPod are experiencing performance issues operating system. They report performance issues that include annoying lag and slow UI response. These lags are so noticeable that the device seems much slower than when it was running on previous version mobile operating system. This can be quite frustrating for the user, but fortunately, we have solutions that you can use to improve the performance of your smartphone or tablet running iOS 9.

Keep in mind that if you just updated to iOS 9 and everything seems to be slow, you will need to wait a few hours for the system to complete the indexing process and other functions. Some people claim that it takes a whole day for a device with a lot of data on it, but in reality this is not true. If 5 or 6 hours have passed since you installed the iOS 9 update and you are still experiencing the performance issues described, then you can try our recommendations to improve the situation. Yes it will really improve iPhone work, iPad and iPod running on the latest mobile OS update.

Speeding up iOS 9 with effects

Some devices have a hard time displaying effects on iOS 9, so disabling them will speed things up and improve the overall experience of the operating system on iPhone, iPad, and iPod.

Open your device settings and go to the “General” tab
Select the “Accessibility” section and then “Increase Contrast”
Click on the item “Reduce Transparency” by turning on the switch to the right of it

In the same “Accessibility” section, turn on “Reduce Movements”

We close the settings and make sure that the system starts working faster.
As a result, iOS looks less beautiful with all its effects. Also, by including “Reduce Motion” you get a nice transition animation that some users prefer.

Improve performance by disabling background app updates

Background app update is interesting function, which ensures background activity of applications in iOS. Although many people like this, this feature significantly degrades the performance of the device. Disable app update in background easy, and the only side effect is that the user needs to open the application so that it can access the internet and update.

Open the settings of your iOS gadget, and then go to the “General” tab
Find “Background application update” in the list and disable the function using the switch opposite.

Disable Siri voice assistant suggestions

Most likely, you will not want to disable this function, as it is one of the most interesting iOS benefits 9. But, unfortunately, it also degrades the performance of the system, and disabling it will instantly speed up the device.
  • Open settings and go to the “General” tab
  • Select “Spotlight Suggestions”
  • Move the switch opposite “ Siri Suggestions” to off mode.

This means you'll no longer receive suggestions from Siri in iOS searches, but it will make the search process much faster.

Still find iOS 9 unbearably slow?

If you find iOS unbearably slow and you can't take it anymore, then you can switch back to iOS 8.4.1 quite easily.

Another option is to wait iOS release 9.1, which is due to take place next month along with iPad Pro, because the iOS 9.1 update should include performance improvements and bug fixes that may be causing iOS 9 performance issues. In fact, many users of the iOS 9.1 test version report that it runs noticeably faster than iOS 9, so be patient.

Do you think iOS 9 is slow? Do you have any other tips to improve the performance of this version of the OS? Let us know in the comments.

Each application takes up space in system files, iPad memory, participates in its work, creates the files necessary for itself. Even after deleting the program itself, traces of it remain on the system in the form of remnants of the files it created. In addition, any application is periodically updated, increasing its volume, occupying memory, and a data transmission channel. All of the above is inherent not only in various applications and games, but also in regular system updates and jailbreaking.

Over time latest applications are initially designed for a larger amount of memory and even faster system operation, which the newest ones have ipad models 2, but are missing from last year’s devices.

  • Memory filling.

Any data storage has a capacity limit.

  • Hardware wear of the device.

iPad 2 slows down: how does it manifest itself?

It is not difficult to understand that the iPad 2 is working slowly - as soon as the owner starts using it, a slowdown in performance is detected. Opening applications, Internet pages, gameplay - the user immediately feels that it takes much more time for his usual operations.

iPad 2 slows down: ways to resolve the problem

  1. A one-time system slowdown can be eliminated by simply restarting the device. For regularly repeated slowdowns, this method will not have the desired effect.

This is done in two ways:

  • Normally holding down the power button (will turn off all background running programs);
  • A more serious reboot: holding down the home and power keys at the same time.
  1. Renovation of the installed system shell according to the standard procedure using a computer.
  2. Disabling heavy graphic, animation effects, system decorations (settings item “reduce motion”, “ Universal access"). Reduce transparency (menu sections "Universal Access", "Increase Contrast"). Disable "Spotlight Search".
  3. Disabling applications running in the background (this is done through the multitasking function). Some similar programs are able to work for many months if they are not turned off.

It also helps speed up work by disabling or setting the display of notifications and geolocations for all applications, or only for some.

  1. Removal unnecessary applications. Installed programs take up space in memory, constantly use the Internet connection, there are too many of them a large number of iPad 2 slows down a lot. You can be content with those programs that are included in the system - preinstalled by the manufacturer.
  2. Removal unnecessary files. It happens that user information fills the memory almost to the limit and the iPad 2 slows down greatly. Then it is recommended to free up some free space.
  3. Disable automatic updates in applications, uncontrolled downloads. Automatically downloaded files are disabled in the iTunes section and App Store, applications - in Spotlight, iCloud cloud.
  4. Cleaning the system using special programs. Clearing cache contents of the built-in Internet browser Safari (resetting content and settings), and other programs.
  5. Return to original settings. This can be done in two ways: through the menu item of the same name (resetting all settings or settings and content), by changing the device’s firmware. Before such radical methods it is recommended to form backup copy and remember your Apple ID.
  6. Refusal to update the system shell until latest version: if the device has served long enough and is worn out, a weighted latest system will not speed it up, but will slow it down; its power will no longer be enough for high-speed operation.
  7. The iPad 2's built-in memory wears out over time, which can also cause the device to respond slowly. Then the question “ipad 2 has started to slow down, what should I do?” there will be one answer: replace this module with a new one.

iPad 2 slows down, what to do - final conclusion

The problem of a slow iPad is usually solved by one of the above software methods, but they usually do not give a long-term effect and require regular repetition. Replacing a block of built-in memory is a method that gives a 100% reliable result that lasts for decades.

Despite the fact that the products Apple is different long term service and reliability, even its gadgets may begin to work incorrectly over time. This is also true for iPad Mini series Internet tablets, which over time can begin to work slowly and “slow down” for seemingly no apparent reason. However, when faced with such a problem, you should not immediately run to the store for a new gadget, because no matter ipad mini 1 is slow, or the latest, fourth version of the tablet, you can fix the “brakes” either yourself, or by spending a small amount of money compared to the cost of the new device. Below are common reasons why your iPad mini is slow and what you can do about it.

What to do if the iPad mini is slow

If you start to notice that your iPad mini is lagging and running slowly, then the first thing you need to do is clear the device's memory - applications can overload the RAM while running in the background. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all whether you use them constantly, or launched them only once, after installation - they can still “hang” in the background. Therefore, it is best to immediately get rid of programs that are dead weight, thus eliminating the possibility of loading the RAM with their work in the background. After analyzing the list of applications and selecting unnecessary ones, you can delete them as follows:

  1. Lightly press and hold the app icon until it starts to shake.
  2. Click on the one that appears on the left top corner cross.
  3. Select "Delete".

It also makes sense to disable the auto-update function of applications, which may be the reason why the iPad mini works slowly, because if it is activated, then the process of downloading new content can begin at any time, even at the most inopportune moment- When RAM The gadget is already quite loaded. You can disable auto-update as follows:

  1. Go to settings, go to the section " iTunes Store, App Store";
  2. Scroll to the “Automatic downloads” item and switch the toggle switch associated with it to the off position.

iPad Mini is slow: battery wear

Oddly enough, but battery wear is the most common cause, according to which the iPad mini slows down on tablets with the tenth and later versions of iOS. The thing is that the developers equipped the tenth and all subsequent versions of iOS with a function to artificially slow down the device when the battery wears out by more than 20 percent.

Batteries with a high percentage of wear are less able to cope with peak loads that older ones often experience. ipad versions mini, due to increased hardware requirements since their release, not only from applications and games, but also from the operating system itself. As a result, the battery is not able to supply the processor with energy properly, which leads to an increase in the temperature of the device. Upon reaching critical levels, the throttling mechanism is triggered - forced shutdown gadget. Precisely in order to protect the owners as much as possible Apple gadgets from throttling, which is not in the best possible way affects the hardware component of the device, the developers have introduced later versions iOS feature forced reduction in device speed when high loads, as soon as the battery can no longer cope with the energy supply.

Although this leads to the fact that the iPad mini slows down, its owners often do not know what to do in this case and what is the reason for the slow operation of the device, but from negative consequences The gadget is protected from throttling. However, when the iPad mini slows down, the time it takes to perform even such familiar actions as surfing the Internet can increase significantly, which is very annoying when you need to quickly find some information. There are only two ways out of this situation:

  • Do not update iOS to version ten. However, this is not suitable for everyone, and the device will not be protected from critical overheating.
  • Battery Replacement. This best option, because the new battery will cope with the load without problems, so the system will have no reason to limit the speed of the device, and the questions “Why is the ipad mini slow, what to do” will no longer arise.

So, your iPad has started to slow down. The problem is popular and I will try to explain the root causes of this phenomenon. It's definitely a good read for beginners. I will also propose solutions that should contribute to the disappearance of system brakes and problems.

At buying an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch it is assumed that out of the box the iDevice (and any gadget) will work perfectly. This is actually what happens in the vast majority of cases. It's not for nothing that Apple constantly boasts about its purchase satisfaction ratings.

Over time, the following things happen to devices. The user downloads applications (but what would you do without them?!), deletes them, periodically installs system updates, and once a year globally updates the new version iOS. Some people jailbreak and then treat themselves to tweaks. All this slowly, imperceptibly affects the operation of the system.

Moreover, the older the device, the more and more it begins to slow down. This is not normal from the consumer's point of view, but it is a given that has to be taken into account. The oldest devices that support the latest iOS 9 are the iPad 2, iPhone 4S, iPod Touch 5. Take the iPad 2 for example. At the time of its release, its resources were enough to cope with iOS 5. In 4 years, iOS 6, iOS 7, iOS 8, iOS 9... The capabilities of the system grew, the functionality grew, and the iPad 2 still has an A5 processor and 512 megabytes of RAM. So the iPads and iPhones began to slow down and infuriate their owners. You don’t have to update, but then what to do with the fact that many applications are slowly ceasing to support older versions of iOS?!…

iPad slows down. What to do?

I'll start with the most effective and radical methods.

Golden Rule: If the system on your device is frankly slow, then the best thing you can do is restore the gadget to factory settings. There are two ways.

a) Reset settings. Settings->General->Reset.

Here you can first try Resetting network settings. If it doesn't help, then Reset all settings.

b) Complete flashing device As practice has shown, the most The best way. If he doesn’t help, then nothing will help...

The system with all these updates accumulates garbage. Despite the fact that some people sometimes claim that flashing is a waste of time, it has already been tested in practice more than once (including personally): flashing from scratch to the latest iOS improves the well-being of the iDevice. For example, I recently flashed my iPod Touch 5 on iOS 9.1 from scratch and it began to work noticeably better and faster.

In both methods, do not forget to make a backup copy!

A) Don't laugh, but this is a banal reboot. Press Home+Power and hold for a few seconds. The iPad will turn off. Then turn it on. It only saves you from some local failures...

b) Disable parallax and animation. I turn it off even on powerful devices and it feels like the system works a little faster.

Settings->General->Accessibility->Motion Reduction. Turn on the switch.

I personally tested it on an iPad 2 - working with the system becomes more enjoyable.

V) Close all applications through multitasking (click twice quickly Home button). I knew people who did not close them for six months and were sincerely surprised when they learned that applications could be closed. Maybe you are one of them?

G) Disable automatic update applications. Settings->iTunes Store and App Store. Turn off automatic downloads. It's a small thing, but it will add a little performance.

Other really working ways to speed up the system by: this moment No.

All the best and fast system! :)

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