Why doesn't the back button work on Android? The bottom buttons on the smartphone do not work

Menu button on the phone android samsung and many others, maybe sensory, physical and of course, like almost everything, sometimes it doesn’t work.

If it is physical, it is often solved by cleaning the contacts. There seems to be a video on YouTube on how to do it yourself.

If your menu button is part of the sensor and does not work, then it is worse than if it were physical. Such repairs are more expensive.

However, you can try to calibrate the screen of your smartphone - maybe it will help and there will be no need for repairs by specialists.

What to do if the menu button does not work on your Android smartphone

From the first words I will immediately say that you can fix the problem yourself broken button the menu is not simple.

However, you can live without it, as well as some other “home” and “back” ones, if you emulate them programmatically.

To do this, you need to get root rights and install the “Floating Soft Keys” program. Then you can adjust the buttons to return your device to proper operation.

Sometimes you may need a new touchscreen, although it may take a while to find one. certain models it can be difficult.

Sometimes the problem can be solved without opening the case - by duplicating the function keys, but this will not work on all Android devices.

To activate such a function, you need to write the line “qemu.hw.mainkeys=0” at the very end in /system/build.prop, but superuser rights are required.

As a result, additional functionality should appear above faulty button. The Soft Buttons application can simplify this procedure.

There is a program that does not require root rights, which allows you to duplicate phone buttons. One of these “Back Button” is free with many settings.

After installation, translucent icons appear on the display with function keys: Menu, back, home and screen rotation. They can be dragged to a convenient location, only the screen is reduced by the height of the icons.

Reasons for menu buttons not working in Android

The reason may be software or hardware failure. Fortunately, 90% of problems in software glitch, which is solved independently.

To do this, go to “settings” and click on the section “ backup and reset." There we choose full reset settings with deletion of all data.

Naturally, before doing this, we separately save everything we need (you can do it on your computer and then transfer it back to your phone).

You can also use the Turbo Cleaner program. The application is able to control phone functions.

The last option is “reflashing”, which requires skills and contacting a service center.

If the description above did not bring positive result, then I don’t want to, but without service center most likely it won't work. Good luck.

Everything always breaks unexpectedly. Dropping a phone on a tiled floor is an unfortunate accident; drowning it in a bathtub is a banality that occurs more often than it seems at first. Statistics of calls to service centers contain many complaints about accidents from the “it fell and broke” series, even more often than drownings. At the same time, you should not expect that the very first fall will take away the touch substrate or even the screen itself - in most cases, the consequences of unfortunate accidents do not look so destructive. Among other things, this is a sudden inoperability physical buttons"back, home and menu." If this problem happened to your phone, but you still don’t have money for repairs, don’t worry. There is a relatively simple solution to this common problem. Now we will teach you how to enable on-screen buttons on your smartphone if the physical ones no longer work.

For everything to work out, you need to get Root rights. Administrator access to the depths of system files is sometimes difficult to obtain. But with the advent of applications that receive required access for you, no longer need to read multi-page instructions. Just install the program Kingo Root to your computer and connect your phone. The only thing you need to do while the program is being installed is to enable “USB Debugging” in the phone settings, “Security” section. That's all. By clicking the big Root button in the interface Kingo Root, activate administrator rights.

Step two looks a little more difficult. You will need to download from Google Play(or a little... alternative sources) Root program Explorer. Install it on your smartphone. Run this application, find the System directory, and in it - build.prop. If such a file is in system directory not visible, no problem. IN top corner programs have an ellipsis - tap on it to open a submenu. In the program settings, check the “Show hidden files" The loss will be discovered immediately.

In the left corner Root Explorer There is one more item we need - r/w. Tap it once and confirm your choice. This action will enable the ability to edit system files. Now touch build.prop and keep your finger on it. Top Menu will change and from the drop-down list (in the same ellipsis) you will find the sub-item “open in a text editor”.

Scroll open file to the very bottom - all these long lists of settings are not needed yet. At the very bottom, add the line qemu.hw.mainkeys=0. Save the file and restart your phone.

Done, three on-screen buttons have appeared at the very bottom of the screen - similar to what you can see on the screen of any tablet. And after repairing the physical buttons, it will be possible to hide the virtual ones back by replacing the line qemu.hw.mainkeys=0 with qemu.hw.mainkeys=1 and rebooting the device again.

The touch screen of a smartphone provides the user with much more control over the phone than regular phone with physical buttons.

But, unfortunately, failure of touch buttons is not such a rare occurrence, and in terms of reliability they are in no way superior to regular buttons. Find out what to do if they don't work touch buttons in a smartphone and why this happens.

The simplest reason is dirt.

The sensitivity of the sensor in a smartphone directly depends on its cleanliness. If you touch the screen with dirty hands, dirt particles stick to the glass and then reduce the sensitivity of the sensor until it fails completely.

To return the touch buttons to normal condition, just wipe the screen with a damp cloth designed specifically for cleaning monitors. You can prevent frequent screen contamination by using protective film, which will not only protect against unwanted substances sticking to it, but also protect against scratches and small cracks.

Inaccurately applied film

Applying a protective film is not an easy task. There should be no air bubbles left underneath, otherwise some touch buttons will not be able to fully function.

Many phone owners decide to stick the film on themselves, but are subsequently forced to contact service specialists about this, since due to poorly pasted film, the sensitivity of the sensor deteriorates and the buttons do not work.

Temperature imbalance

Failures of touch buttons due to inappropriate temperature are most common in winter, when the thermometer drops below 10-15 degrees below zero. The phone's LCD screen is sensitive to low temperatures and may stop functioning as required if it gets too cold.

If the exposure to low temperatures was short-lived, after warming up the phone itself will quickly return to normal operating performance.

The touchscreen has moved or is peeling off

If the phone is used in hard mode, and its owner constantly exposes delicate equipment to various negative influences, Touchpad, or touchscreen, may peel off from the screen in some places. If this happens at the bottom of the smartphone screen, the functional touch buttons may stop working.

To get rid of this problem, you should warm up the touchpad with hot air to soften the special glue that attaches it to the screen. It is better not to try to do this yourself, so as not to worsen the situation even further. Contact our service center technicians who have experience and necessary equipment for such manipulations.

Software glitch

If the touchpad is sparkling clean, and even the most careful inspection does not show any damage, but the touch buttons still do not work, the smartphone software may have malfunctioned. Reboot operating system by turning off the phone and then turning it on again.

Usually this simple action eliminates random errors. If this does not happen, remember - perhaps before the touch buttons failed, you installed a new application or updated one of the already installed applications. Sensor failure can be caused by a software conflict between old and newly installed utilities. Uninstall the new application and restart your smartphone - it is possible that the touch buttons will restore functionality.

Viral infection

The widespread use of smartphones has drawn the attention of hackers. writing viruses, for this software segment. Today, antivirus on a smartphone is the same mandatory element Software, just like on a regular computer.

If you don't have antivirus protection, it is possible that the failure of the touch buttons is caused by actions malware. Download good antivirus and scan your phone, then mercilessly delete all files that seem suspicious.


If none of the above measures work, you are left to try the last remedy that is available. to the average user. Reset your phone to factory settings.

If the failure of the touch buttons was caused by any software reasons, as a result of the reset, all errors will be reset along with your personal settings, application updates, and even the applications themselves installed while using the phone. After the reset, the functioning of all elements of the phone resumes in the vast majority of cases.

Custom firmware

If you have installed so-called custom firmware on your phone, you should be aware that from now on the manufacturer is not responsible for its performance.

Often the consequence of such actions is failure of some functions. What’s most offensive is that you don’t even have anyone to file a complaint with. The only way out– return to factory firmware, which can be downloaded from your phone manufacturer’s website.

Troubleshooting at home

A common cause of failure of all buttons is the smartphone being left in a damp place for a long time or a strong impact. In the first case, the contacts may have oxidized and the problem can be solved by cleaning them. In the second case, you will need to diagnose the device, which we recommend entrusting to the engineers of the HTC smartphone repair center. What to do if you want to fix the problem yourself, and the reasons for its occurrence, read below.

Solutions to the problem

  1. Determining the state of the buttons. In order to understand how serious the problem you are facing is, you need to determine whether the bottom buttons respond to touch. To do this, you need to enable a function called “Vibration Confirmation”. To activate it, go to the “Settings” - “Sound” menu, and at the very bottom of the list that appears, check the box next to the “Vibrate confirmation” function.

Your smartphone should now vibrate every time you press the bottom buttons. If this happens, proceed to the next step. If not, try steps 3, 4 or 5 from these instructions.

  1. Screen calibration. To do this, go to the “Settings” menu - “Language and keyboard” - “ HTC Sense Input".

Select " Additional settings" - "Calibration tool". After this, a sentence will appear on the screen that must be typed on the keyboard. Follow the green circle.

If you can’t calibrate the keyboard, or you do it incorrectly, then go to “HTC Sense Input” - “Advanced settings” - “Reset calibration”. This will return the screen calibration to factory settings. Then you can perform the calibration again.

  1. Software Update. Perhaps the problem with the buttons not working is due to an outdated software your smartphone. Update the software, this method often helps.

  1. Soft reset to factory settings. Having previously saved all data from internal memory smartphone on removable media Reset your device to factory settings. We recommend performing a reset only for those users who were unable to resolve the problem using the two previous methods. To reset the settings, go to the “Settings” - “Memory” - “Reset to factory settings” menu.

Then a menu will appear in which we select “Reset phone settings” - “Erase everything”.

  1. Hard reset to factory settings ( this method will be useful for those users whose touch buttons do not work and have similar problems with the touch screen). First save all personal data from your phone to removable media. Now press and hold the Volume Down button. Without releasing it, press and hold the Power button. Release both buttons when the splash screen appears. The menu that appears is controlled using the volume down and up buttons. Pressing the volume down button select “Restore original settings” (English “ Factory Reset"). To confirm your choice of action, press the Power key.

If the above methods did not help you, make sure that you followed all the steps correctly and sequentially, try each step again. Also remember that often the bottom buttons are faulty HTC smartphones appears due to faulty display module or device hardware problems.

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