Why doesn't my Mac turn on and beep after updating Mac OS? Macbook won't turn on Macbook air won't turn on makes a sound

Let's not talk about Apple's reliability for the 100th time. Everything breaks.

But this case is strange, almost paranormal - at least it seems so when it happens to you.

Given: a new MacBook in excellent condition and without repairs. Sit and work on it. Suddenly, it turned off. Without warning, the screen went dark and the power went out.

You try to turn it on, but it doesn't respond at all. No way. Long press the power button, connect the charging cable, change the charger. Just zero reaction.

Don't rush to go to the service just yet. And don't rush at all. Perhaps this problem can be solved right now.

I experienced my Mac suddenly shutting down 2 times in 1 week

I believe in coincidences, so I think I was just “lucky.” But any of you could be in this place.

A week ago, a colleague of mine experienced the above problem on his MacBook Pro. The computer simply turned off out of the blue and no longer showed any signs of life. I tried different chargers, cables, opening and closing the lid. Useless.

A few days later the situation repeated itself with me and a 12-inch MacBook. Only the circumstances are different.

I didn't have a sudden blackout. The MacBook had 2% charge left when it went out. I didn’t think anything bad, put it in my bag and forgot about it. In the evening I put it on charge.

I open it in the morning, try to turn it on - zero reaction.

The laptop just seemed completely dead. It’s a strange feeling – just there was a computer, and now there’s a piece of metal with buttons. And it seems like it’s not your fault.

If something like this happens to you, do not despair: most likely, the problem is a failure of the SMC controller.

What is an SMC controller, why is it needed?

Literally, SMC stands for System Management Controller, that is, a system management controller.

This is a chip on the motherboard that solves several specific problems. Quoting the official Apple website, SMC is responsible for:

  • response to pressing the power button
  • response to opening and closing the display lid on Mac laptops
  • battery resource management
  • temperature control
  • operation of the sudden motion sensor (SMS)
  • ambient light sensor operation
  • keyboard backlight
  • status indicator control
  • battery status indicators
  • Select an external (rather than internal) video source for select iMac displays.

SMC controllers are found on all MacBooks with Intel processors. Under ideal operating conditions they function without problems.

But for some, SMC may begin to become dull. The cause cannot be guessed or diagnosed at home. This could be problems after an unsuccessful update or restoring the system from a backup, or power surges when recharging the battery. Or something else.

If the cause of the SMC controller failure is extremely difficult to determine, then you will notice the problems themselves almost immediately.

Again, we turn to the official Apple website for a list of situations that require resetting the SMC controller:

  • The computer's fans are spinning at high speeds even though the computer is not heavily loaded and is properly ventilated.
  • The keyboard backlight is not working properly.
  • The status light (if equipped) does not light up correctly.
  • Battery indicators (if present) do not work correctly on Mac notebooks with a non-removable battery.
  • The display backlight does not respond correctly to changes in ambient light.
  • Your Mac doesn't respond when you press the power button.
  • Your Mac laptop doesn't respond correctly when you close or open the lid.
  • Your Mac suddenly goes to sleep or shuts down and then can't turn on.
  • The battery is not charging properly.
  • Your MacBook or MacBook Pro won't charge using the built-in USB-C port.
  • Your MacBook or MacBook Pro doesn't recognize external devices connected to its built-in USB-C port.
  • The LED indicator on the MagSafe power adapter (if equipped) does not correctly indicate the current charging status.
  • Your Mac is running unusually slow, even though it isn't experiencing excessive CPU usage.
  • Your Mac that supports Shared Display mode doesn't switch to or from Shared Display mode as expected, or it switches unexpectedly.
  • The lighting around the I/O ports on your Mac Pro (Late 2013) does not activate when you move the computer.

Normal, right? Reading this list in its entirety makes you want to immediately reset the SMC settings on your Mac, no matter how it works. Suddenly it will get better.

Fortunately, the SMC reset procedure is safe, does not lead to negative consequences, and is often used by Apple service centers as the first step in resolving owner complaints. No data or settings will be lost. All files will be in place.

As you may have guessed, it was the SMC reset that helped my colleague and I revive our MacBooks. Only the procedure turned out to be not as simple as it was described on the Apple website.

How do I reset SMC on my Mac?

If you have a MacBook with a non-removable battery: Turn off your MacBook (if it's on), hold down the CMD (command) + Option (alt) + Shift keys on the left side of the keyboard, and press the power button with your other hand. Keep it all pressed for 10 seconds, then release. Turn on your Mac as usual.

If your MacBook has a removable battery: throw it away, it's time to upgrade. Okay, seriously, you need to turn off the beech, remove the battery from it, hold down the power button for five seconds, then release, insert the battery pack back and turn on the laptop normally.

If you have a desktop Mac, iMac, and Mac mini: turn it off, unplug the power cable, wait 15 seconds. Insert the cable back. Wait another 5 seconds, turn on as usual.

If you have an iMac Pro: turn it off, hold down the power button for 8 seconds, release it for 2 seconds and then just press.

Mac computers give no indication that the SMC settings have actually been reset. If your problem is not solved, although it is mentioned in the reasons to reset, try again. Once again.

Damn it, try ten times. Because for some unknown reason it very rarely works out the first time.

Personally, about the sixth attempt brought me success. The Mac suddenly turned on, started charging and generally acted as if nothing bad had happened.

What if resetting the SMC didn’t help and the Mac still won’t turn on?

I highly recommend trying to reset SMC at least five times. This observation is confirmed by numerous topics on Western forums. For some reason, the keyboard shortcut window is very small on newer MacBook models.

As with any other device, a situation may occur with a Macbook in which it stops starting. Let's take a closer look at the reasons why your MacBook won't turn on and look at troubleshooting solutions.

Main reasons

Why won't my MacBook turn on? There are several main reasons. These include the following situations:

  • system error;
  • network short circuit;
  • failure of the charger or power connector;
  • impact damage (dropping the device on the floor, accidental impact on the case or screen);
  • water entering the internal elements of the device;
  • high workloads and dust contamination (the device is overheated);

In three of the above cases, you cannot take any independent actions to “reanimate” the device. These situations include: spilling any liquid on the MacBook, serious mechanical damage, and the appearance of a burning smell. Here, only a qualified specialist can provide assistance, and manual actions will only aggravate the breakdown.

Possible solutions

What to do if your MacBook won't turn on? It is advisable to take the device to a service center regardless of the reason. A specialist will be able to accurately determine the source of the problem and eliminate the problem with minimal losses. Trying to turn it on yourself if you have certain problems can complicate subsequent repairs.

If it is not possible to take your MacBook to a service center, there are several recommendations that will help solve the problem. Let's look at them in detail:

  1. Check the charger and power connector. When the power cord is plugged into the outlet, the power indicator should light up green. If it does not light, try an analog or replacement power cord. When connecting the charger, the power connector should hold it firmly in a level position. If the plug falls out or is bent arbitrarily, the problem lies in the connector.

  1. To check the power system, you can use an additional charged battery. If the device starts up, the reason is in the “original” battery.
  2. We connect the MacBook to an outlet whose functionality has been tested with another item (phone charger, lamp, TV, etc.).
  3. If a short circuit occurs or an emergency shutdown is performed, after which the MacBook does not turn on, you need to try the following method. Disconnect the power cable, take out the battery, press the power button and hold it for several seconds. Insert the battery, connect the cord, connect the plug to the outlet and press Power.
  4. We turn off all additional equipment (printer, tablet, smartphone, external hard drives, etc.), and try to start the MacBook again.
  5. A system software error that prevents the MacBook from starting can be checked by typing a specific key combination and pressing the power button to reboot. When the power cable is connected, simultaneously press the combination Shift + Ctrl + Option + Power. The keys are released simultaneously. If the MacBook started up, the reason lay in the system management controller. Resetting its settings allowed the enabler workflows to restart.

  1. The presence of an error in memory components is checked and eliminated by the following combination. Press the power button, and then simultaneously hold down the Command + Option + P + R keys. The gray screen should “light up”. We continue to hold the combination until the characteristic OS boot signal.

How to solve the problem if the screen does not turn on?

A situation may arise when, when you turn on the network and press the Power button, the Macbook itself turns on and, at the same time, the screen does not turn on. The reason is in the matrix. This is very easy to determine:

  • When starting up, you can hear the noise of the fan and the functioning of the disks;
  • the OS startup melody is heard;
  • When you press CapsLock, the corresponding indicator lights up.

If you identify these signs and determine screen problems, you need to take your MacBook to a specialized service.

In this article we will look at the 6 main reasons why a MacBook may not turn on. We will tell you about possible diagnostic methods at home, and also try to help you troubleshoot the problem.

Let's immediately define that by “does not turn on” in this article we mean the state of the computer in which it does not respond in any way to pressing the power button, whether with the charger connected or not.

This article will most likely be useless if your MacBook, after pressing the power button:

  • makes a power-on sound
  • fan noise can be heard
  • The sleep indicator lights up (if equipped)
  • When you press the Caps Lock key it lights up

The main reasons why a MacBook won't turn on

  1. One of the most common reasons for “non-starting” is a breakdown of the power supply. The most common component that fails is the MagSafe magnetic tip. The main reason for failure is the twisting of the wire and, as a result, damage to the internal contacts of the tip. In this case, you need to either replace the charging cable with a MagSafe tip or buy an original charger. To test this hypothesis, connect a known working power supply to the computer. If you don't have one, take your computer to work with you, and on the way, stop by any store that sells original Apple chargers. Ask to connect the charger to the computer and if everything works, you can immediately purchase it.

  2. By the way, have you tried inserting the power supply into a different outlet? ;-)
  3. Malfunctioning peripheral devices can also cause this failure. Disconnect devices one at a time and after disconnecting each device, try turning on your Mac. If at some point it turns on, then the problem was in the last device that was turned off.
  4. SMC System Management Controller Failure The main symptoms of SMC failure include the following:
    • no response when pressing the power button
    • The indicator light on the power supply is not working properly. For example, it does not light up when connected to a computer.
    In this case, you should try resetting the SMC parameters. This is done in two ways:
    • connect the charger to the MacBook then press and release at the same time the following buttons are Shift+Ctrl+Alt+power button (on MacBook computers starting in 2016, the Touch ID button is the power button). Pay attention to the indicator light on the power supply; if the reset is successful, it should go out and light up again first in green and then in orange. You can read more about resetting the SMC on the Apple website here
    • If resetting the SMC does not help, you can try disconnecting the battery for 5-10 seconds.
  5. Deep or complete discharge of the battery. In terms of its symptoms, deep discharge is very similar to point 3 of this article. This problem can be solved by resetting the SMC controller, or you can also try disconnecting the battery from the motherboard.
  6. Failure of the ON button. Perhaps the main and only reason why the power button may break is the external factor of liquid getting on the keyboard. The fact is that since 2008, the power button has been built into the keyboard and its contacts go through it directly into the motherboard. Therefore, liquid that gets on the keyboard can “touch” the conductive paths of the power button and damage them. In order to eliminate this outcome, you need to disconnect the keyboard from the motherboard and connect the power supply. If the MacBook turns on, then the problem is definitely with the keyboard. However, the diagnostic method described above is only suitable for models released from 2011 inclusive.
  7. If you tried everything that was written in this article and nothing helped you, then most likely it’s rubbish - the motherboard has failed. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to do anything at home without skills and special equipment. In any case, you will have to contact the service center.
  8. It is worth understanding that if your MacBook does not turn on due to physical impact, for example, a strong blow or liquid ingress (popularly known as a spill), then you cannot do without contacting a service center.

If you are reading this article, then you probably have problems with Apple technology. Do not be upset, perhaps the problem is not so serious and it is possible to solve it even on your own, without resorting to the help of specialists. People often contact us with questions such as problems with their MacBook. It would seem that the perfect quality of perfect technology - what problems could there be? Unfortunately, no manufacturer can provide a lifetime warranty; in addition, the reliability of Apple laptops highly depends on careful handling. Today we will talk about how to determine the cause of problems with your MacBook yourself and when you should contact a specialist.

MacBook won't turn on - what to do?

Before you panic about this and run to the service center, give your device “computer first aid.” The algorithms described below will help determine the cause, and possibly find a solution.

Charging problems

First of all, check that the charger is plugged into the socket tightly; it may have come loose and the charging process is not taking place. If the socket is working properly, inspect the cord and adapter; the computer may malfunction due to their malfunction.

Maybe the display is faulty?

To answer this question we do the following:

  • We turn it on and listen: you can hear the boot melody or the noise of fans and disks - the screen is faulty;
  • Activate the Caps Lock key - if the indicator light works, then again, there is a problem with the screen.

If it's not a display

We take a deep breath and calmly unplug the power cord, freeing all connectors used by printers, scanners and other devices. Next, we even out our breathing and calm the nervous system for a minute - everything is not so scary, right? Next, connect the charging. Turn it on. Has the process started? Smile and with a feeling of pride you can return to the original printer and so on. If nothing happened. This also happens.

Resetting the System Management Controller

The second step is to reset the system management controller (in addition, resetting this controller has a positive effect on the operation of the fan, which will become very quiet). This is necessary because when the settings are not correct, the MacBook cannot recognize its battery. For this:

  • Connect the MagSafe or USB-C power adapter to the power source and to the computer.
  • On the built-in keyboard, press the Shift-Control-Option keys (on the left) and the power button simultaneously.
  • At the same time, release the keys and the power button.
  • Press the power button to turn on the computer.


MacBook is filled with liquid

First aid is as follows: very quickly unplug the power cord, remove the battery, turn the device over and wait three days until it dries completely. Next, we either take it to the service, or turn it on, hoping for our luck. Remember: the composition of what is spilled on a Mac determines the scale of the consequences - clean warm water is not as bad as an iced Pepsi spilled on a hard drive that is pretty hot from work.

The device constantly turns off during operation

This problem will certainly overtake those who like to sit at work in a dusty closet or in the company of their beloved cat. Dirt that gets on the cooler impairs its performance and literally dooms this part and the computer as a whole to a slow and painful death.

MacBook is very slow

In such a situation, we certainly urge you to clean your device! A cluttered desktop, a bunch of useless but “cool” applications, lack of software updates - all this saddens your machine and it protests against this attitude towards itself! Reinstall the system and organize your files, and your Mac will happily buzz with renewed vigor. Did not help? Your MacBook will work faster with a new SSD drive and more RAM.

If your strength is exhausted...

If the above steps do not give a positive result, or other problems arise, we strongly recommend that you seek qualified help.

Reminder for MacBook user

In order to avoid having to turn to specialists for technical assistance ahead of time, it is worth remembering and following simple rules for using the device:

  • It is necessary to work with a computer only on a clean surface: dust, dirt and pet hair are not the fan’s best friends;
  • Do not place a container of liquid next to your MacBook, as a careless wave of your hand can result in costly repairs;
  • Be careful with transportation: falling from a height is not the best way to check the build quality of equipment;
  • If you are not confident in your abilities to install, configure and update software, trust the specialists;
  • If your outlet periodically sparks and smokes, you should not play Russian roulette with the wiring by inserting the MacBook charger plug into the connector.

We choose the MacBook for its simplicity: Apple laptops do not require extra attention and study of technical details. Even in the event of a failure, it is often enough to simply restore the system and not worry about the rest... However, even users of Apple products may require service, for example, if the MacBook beeps and does not turn on, a simple recovery is unlikely to solve the problem.

Such sounds when starting a MacBook may indicate, first of all, the failure of individual system components. In case of hardware problems, the system has several basic sound signals, with the help of which the device reports certain malfunctions:

If your MacBook emits one long or three short beeps every five seconds,this indicates problems with RAM:

    The memory module has failed and the system cannot detect it,

    The memory failed the data integrity test.

In both cases, it is necessary to check the contact between the RAM and the slot and, if necessary, replace the module or repair the connectors/contact tracks responsible for the memory.

Long beep when the power button is pressedindicates that the system is updating the EFI firmware.

If the MacBook beeps, transmitting an “SOS” signal(three short beeps, three long beeps and three short beeps again), this indicates that the EFI firmware memory is corrupted.

In both cases, the firmware installation process will take some time, during which it is not recommended to perform any actions on the MacBook. For models manufactured before 2008, EFI recovery may require the installation disc that came with your computer.

If the MacBook beeps, but the sound is not coming from the speaker or it contains a different code, the cause may be various components of the laptop: there are several typical MacBook malfunctions, accompanied by characteristic sounds when the laptop is turned on:

    Hard drive failure. In this case, the problem can be resolved by replacing the drive yourself.

    Cooler wear. A malfunction of the cooling system can significantly affect the performance of the computer, making it impossible to operate in this mode. The malfunction can be eliminated by repairing or replacing the cooler.

    Video card malfunction. It can be caused by overheating of the computer, as a result of which the graphics module most often fails. It can be eliminated by replacing the video chip or the entire video card, depending on the nature of the damage.

    Motherboard failure. It may be due to either overheating of the computer or exposure to liquid. In the first case, component repair or complete replacement of the board will be required; In case of liquid ingress, the malfunction is eliminated by cleaning the board from oxides.

The problem may also be of a different nature. Service center specialists will help you diagnose the problem most accurately. But, despite the apparent seriousness, you shouldn’t give up on your laptop ahead of time: if the MacBook beeps, in most cases this is the result of not the most serious damage, and repairs will not take much time and money.


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