The TV antenna has poor reception. The TV does not show well from the antenna

An indoor TV antenna is a simple device that receives a television signal. It is used in a building and installed on a television receiver, to which it is connected with a special coaxial cable. This type of receiving device differs from other types of antennas in its simplicity of design and low cost.

Advantages of a home wave receiver:

  • low price;
  • ease of installation and connection;
  • compact dimensions;
  • possibility of free movement if necessary.

Main disadvantages:

  • each channel has to be configured separately;
  • works only in the immediate vicinity of the broadcaster;
  • sensitive to obstacles in the form of buildings, plants, precipitation, and so on;
  • does not provide signal transmission good quality without interference.

Reception efficiency and signal quality depend on the following conditions:

  • at what distance from the repeater is the indoor antenna located. Repeater is powerful antenna, which not only receives the signal, but also broadcasts or transmits it into space. A repeater is also called a television tower. In each region or locality a separate transceiver is installed. The farther the wave receiver is from the tower, the worse it will pick up the signal;
  • depending on the type of wave receiver and availability additional devices, amplifying the signal;
  • at what height level is the device located relative to the television tower;
  • on the presence of barriers between the tower and the antenna and their characteristics. This refers to buildings and their height, landscape, vegetation;
  • from the location of the wave receiver in the building. Most often, they are installed on the TV itself or on a nearby window, which improves the characteristics of the received signal.

Indoor antennas: main types and description

Wave receivers used in the building are divided into several types according to their design features and maximum length waves that they can catch.

  1. A meter antenna is the simplest representative of home receivers. Capable of picking up a wave signal that is in the meter range. It is a structure consisting of a stand that houses a transformer with two movable “whiskers” in the form of thin telescopic rods, and a cable connected to the TV. This design for signal reception will show good result work only if installed at the closest distance from the broadcasting tower. Meter wave receivers are not popular among buyers, since modern TV channels have almost completely switched to digital format broadcasting. There are about five Russian channels left in the meter range.
  2. A decimeter or loop antenna is a type of receiver that operates in the decimeter wavelength range. It is a device consisting of a base, an open frame contour and a cable for connecting to a set-top box or TV. This type of receiver is capable of providing a good signal at a distance of up to 30 km from the broadcaster.
  3. A hybrid receiver (all-wave) is a type of device whose design allows it to receive both meter and decimeter waves TV signal. Convenience lies in the ability to switch between ranges if necessary.
  4. A passive wave receiver is a common device for capturing a signal without additional options to enhance the sensitivity and efficiency of wave perception.
  5. An active antenna for a TV is a device that includes a special amplifier to improve the quality of the received signal. Receivers with an amplifier are used at a great distance from the broadcaster's tower or in cases where the signal needs to be divided into several televisions. Because when separated, the signal quality deteriorates.

The most widely used home antenna for a TV is capable of picking up signals. digital television. Therefore, let's consider this type wave receiver in more detail.

Home digital antenna: features of choice

Digital indoor TV antennas are a type of wave receivers that receive wave signals UHF. Differently this type antennas are called DVB/T2 receivers. That is, in essence these are the same decimeter antennas.

In order for the TV to receive and convert a digital television signal, the installation of a special DVB/T2 receiver is required. Some TV models already have a built-in receiver that will receive digital television data.

How to choose an antenna for a TV that can receive a digital signal?

  • First, determine whether the format is supported digital broadcasting in this region;
  • check the distance from the repeater to the installation site of the wave receiver. Such information can be found on special websites or using a search engine;
  • The markings on the packaging usually indicate the type of receiver for various formats television broadcasting. If it is indicated that the antenna is UHF type for reception air signal, this does not mean that for DVB/T2 you need to buy a separate wave receiver. Since any UHF wave receiver can pick up a digital television signal if it has a built-in or external receiver;
  • the presence of a cable, stand for installation or mounts for hanging the receiver.

Therefore, let's look at some models, most of which had best performance at different conditions installations.

  1. Model of a wave receiver with a Mini Digital amplifier from the Saratov electromechanical plant "Remo". The device is a frame with small suction cups for mounting on a window and a stand in the form of a small box. Installation requires a power connection to the amplifier. The kit also includes a three-meter cable for connecting to a TV. Mini Digital is designed to receive UHF signals, and therefore DVB/T
  2. Sirius series 2.0. — home antenna on a stand without an amplifier. Designed to receive decimeter waves. The coverage area declared by the manufacturer is up to 45 km.
  3. Chinese wave Denn receiver DAA series 238. The model is equipped with an amplifier and is capable of receiving up to 20 television channels plus about three radio signals.

What to do if the indoor antenna does not “catch”

Poor quality of the received signal does not always mean that the receiver design is ineffective. Before changing the purchased wave receiver, you need to try some actions. Perhaps they will help improve the quality of the received signal:

  1. Change the height of the mustache or the device itself. Some interference may not allow the signal to pass through at the level at which the antenna is installed. It happens that changing the installation height on the TV or on the window leads to an improvement in the signal.
  2. If the antenna is installed on plastic window, then the metal-plastic window structure itself can serve as a hindrance. In this case, the antenna can be installed on an additional stand or mounted on glass.
  3. Change the angle of rotation of the entire device or its moving parts. Sometimes placing the antenna perpendicular to the signal source gives a noticeable improvement in quality.
  4. It is necessary to change the position of the device or its angle relative to the repeater smoothly, since it happens that even a shift of 5 millimeters affects the signal.

If all necessary settings done, but the signal is still not “caught”, or it turned out that the distance to the translator tower is too great, in this case a good alternative would be outdoor antenna for TV.

What types of outdoor antennas are there?

The design of such devices is more complex, but, like indoor devices, they are designed to receive a signal terrestrial television. There are meter, UHF and DVB/T2. To install outdoor wave receivers you will need a special coaxial cable with reinforced insulation and sufficient height. The further away the tower is, the higher you need to install such an antenna.

It is better to install a satellite dish in places farthest from television towers. Parabolic antenna, or “dish,” is designed to receive television and radio signals broadcast by satellite. To operate this type of antenna, you need a special tuner and a coaxial cable. The dimensions of the dish are selected depending on the region where it will be installed, as well as on the operating range of the radio frequency signal of the satellite to which the device will be tuned.

In conclusion, I would like to note that purchasing an expensive antenna does not guarantee excellent quality of the received signal. Since, in addition to the characteristics of the receiving device itself, factors are no less important environment, which have a significant impact on the attenuation, reflection and transmission of waves in space. Therefore, it is impossible to clearly name any a certain model antennas good or bad. In this case, when purchasing, you must, first of all, be based on the characteristics of the area where the device will be installed.

As sad as it may be, everyone has unpleasant situations when the TV stops working, namely, it does not see the antenna or loses cable connection. There can be many reasons for this behavior of equipment, let's look at the most common ones.

  • The new TV that just arrived from the store does not respond to the antenna cable at all. The reason for this may be a break in the cable itself, but you need to make sure of this. You can check your TV using indoor antenna, which is present in almost all TVs, if there is a signal, then the reason is really in the wire. If the signal does not appear, then it would be best to return the TV under warranty.
  • The TV does not find any cable channels. If your TV previously worked perfectly from a regular antenna, then the reason may be incorrect settings frequency determination. Cable channels specially broadcast on a different frequency, this is done for convenience, so that people do not get confused in their diversity. Your instructions should state how you can change DVB-T settings (regular antenna) to DVB-C ( cable television). The second reason for this problem may be technical problems problems with your provider, so you need to call the hotline and find out if everything is fine with your cable TV service provider.
  • The TV stopped receiving signals from both cable and regular television, antenna cables are in good condition. The problem may be with the TV's antenna socket, which could be faulty. This could be due to burnout. individual parts microcircuits (diodes, capacitors, etc.), such a breakdown cannot be repaired on your own.
  • Under various circumstances, the tuner that connects the antenna cable and the television receiver may fail. Antenna sockets and other components could become loose or damaged. To correct such a defect, you must contact a television technician. It is highly undesirable to engage in “self-medication” in such a situation.

There are many other problems associated with the loss of a television signal or cable antenna, but the vast majority of such breakdowns and defects require the professional intervention of a TV technician, so the easiest way would be to call specialists from the TV Service Center company. Our specialists quickly respond to requests and have everything necessary tool, as well as extensive practical experience, which allows you to quickly, efficiently and inexpensively fix any TV breakdown right in your home.

Contrary to the predictions of many experts, the Internet has not been able to supplant television. IN Lately Technologies have made significant strides forward, but it has still not been possible to completely get rid of image problems, and often viewers do not understand why the TV shows poorly.

The image can be affected by:

  1. weather;
  2. proximity of signal sources;
  3. technical capabilities TV;
  4. features of device settings.

The article discusses the main causes of malfunctions.

Preventative work

Sometimes a channel stops broadcasting for a while (usually several hours) to conduct Maintenance. If the other channels are working normally, then most likely you should wait a little, and the broadcast will be restored automatically. During maintenance, a special screensaver may be displayed on the screen.

Also, the absence of an image may indicate a problem with the operator that provides television broadcasting services. It is worth asking about the image quality from your neighbors who receive a signal from the same network as you. However, if the problem does not disappear, then you should call the operator’s office and clarify the details, but do not forget to check the condition personal account, because the service could be disconnected for non-payment.

Antenna problems

Most televisions use radio receivers. Most often, the TV does not show well from the antenna due to the presence of unfavorable weather conditions, for example, high clouds and precipitation significantly scatter the signal. In this case, the problem can only be solved by installing a better antenna.

A bad image may also be caused by damage to the antenna. This happens due to strong winds, which can bend the receiver, or hail. It may also pose a danger a large number of snow, antennas with a large surface area may not withstand the weight of precipitation and become deformed, this is one of the main reasons why the TV does not receive a signal well.

Even if there is no mechanical damage, under the influence of air currents the antenna could change its location and turn in the other direction. This happens due to poor quality installation, but this option should not be ruled out. Sometimes it is necessary to make adjustments to the parameters satellite dish, this is due to the fact that the flight path of the transmitter may change slightly.

Signal interference

This is more relevant for residents of country houses than city apartments. Many people are faced with the fact that The TV at the dacha is bad. This happens due to the fact that the radio signal tends to dissipate in the atmosphere, and its source can be located at a considerable distance; transmitters are usually located in large cities. It is necessary to replace the signal receiver with a more sensitive one or place it as high as possible. Of course, you should not use an antenna model that is mounted on the TV body; it cannot provide high quality signal.

Residents of an apartment building may experience difficulties watching TV due to unauthorized changes in communications. Installing new devices often results in poor TV viewing from the antenna. Installation of equipment should be carried out only after permission from the supervisory authorities; if this has not been done, then it can be dismantled in court. One of the interference situations and how to eliminate it are shown in the news story:

Loose fastenings or faulty wires

Often the reason why the TV shows poorly is the lack of tight contact of the conductors with the input of the device. The connection may drop out from time to time, causing the image to disappear completely or wide black or gray stripes to appear on the screen. It is necessary to remove and reinsert the contact part of the wire into the connector, making sure that it is securely fastened there. It is necessary to inspect the connection points and adapters if several devices operate from a common antenna.

Next, you should pay attention to the cable; it should not have any damage; in particular, pets can damage it. It is not recommended to place heavy objects on the conductor or install it at a large bending angle, as this may lead to rupture. Communications are not always located in the entrance; for wires that are partially located on the street, there is a significant risk of damage, especially if they are long. It is necessary to ensure reliable fastening, otherwise the influence of wind will lead to significant vibration of the cable, which can break after some time.

To watch a channel, the TV is tuned to a specific signal reception frequency. To everyone who is trying to find the reason why the TV does not show well analog channels, it is worth paying attention to this. More than half of the frequency range is free, so if the channel information is incorrect, the TV cannot detect the required signal. Resetting the settings may occur by various reasons: from an independent attempt to change them, to a malfunction of the equipment, as a result of which it emergency returns to the factory parameters.

Symptoms of this problem are the non-working state of most TV programs, as well as spontaneous changes in the number of some channels. Re-adjustment should only be carried out by a specialist, as the process is too complex for regular user. If TV broadcasting services are provided by an operator, you should contact support.

Also, sometimes excessive signal amplification can cause interference. This function should only be used if there are problems with reception; in other cases, it can only do harm.

It is worth paying attention to this point if the TV suddenly becomes poorly displayed, and when changing the channel no improvement occurs. This is especially common on older models of home appliances, but new devices may also begin to work incorrectly after some time. The reason for this may be a breakdown of the converter, which converts the signal to low-frequency, or the receiver, which is responsible for reception. It is unlikely that they will be repaired, so the best option parts will be replaced with new ones, if the device is under warranty, then this can be done free of charge.

There may also be problems with the kinescope, in which case the colors may be significantly distorted, for example, green or red tones may predominate. When plasma TV Some pixels may fail, which leads to the appearance of dark spots on the screen; this may also be indicated by unusual sounds when the device is operating.

Other reasons may be due to incorrect selection of parameters or erroneous connection, but this is only relevant when installing a new TV. If the device functioned normally, then it is worth remembering who used it in last time, perhaps he noticed something unusual.

In contact with

Professional craftsmen will perform full diagnostics antenna equipment. If necessary, they will adjust or replace the antenna, cable, splitter and other devices that provide reception and transmission of television signals.

If the TV from the collective antenna shows poorly, the malfunction may be caused by:

  • damage to the television cable;
  • failure of a tap, cable socket, splitter;
  • loss of contact in the connection of the antenna plugs.

Failure antenna cable, coming from the low-current panel to the apartment, may be due to mechanical damage, strong kinks during installation or prolonged use. Diagnosis requires:

  • visually assess the integrity of the cable;
  • measure resistance;
  • check the cable connection to the TV, antenna socket, crab, coupler.

If the antenna does not work well and a break or separation of the cable is detected, you need to splice the cable or restore the connection using f-plugs. If the old cable fails, it must be replaced.

We will quickly and efficiently diagnose, repair or replace tv cable. If the TV does not show well from a common antenna due to a faulty sockets, plugs, splitter or coupler, our technicians will restore the contacts in the connections, repair or replace the failed equipment.

Is your terrestrial TV antenna not working well? In addition to problems with the cable and equipment installed in the house or apartment, the reason may lie in the antenna. To amplify the signal, you need to adjust the receiving direction, install an amplifier, or install an antenna on a mast structure.

If the TV from the satellite dish does not show well, the causes of the malfunction may be:

  • loss of satellite;
  • failure of the receiver or converter;
  • corrosion of the “plate”;
  • loss of signal due to snow accumulation;
  • weak signal strength;
  • obstruction of the antenna by trees or construction objects.

Loss of the satellite signal occurs due to weakening of the fasteners and displacement of the “dish”. In this case, the antenna needs to be adjusted. Our specialists will quickly and efficiently cope with this task. If the signal loss is caused by corrosion, we will replace the antenna. If the converter or adapter fails, we will repair or install a new device.

A TV from a satellite dish may not show well if the signal strength from the satellite is weak. To solve the problem, it is necessary to install a mirror of a larger diameter. In cases where the signal supply is obscured by buildings or trees, the equipment is moved to an open area.

If your antenna does not pick up channels well, contact us! Reasonable prices, efficiency and high quality work - at your service!

Many experts predicted that TV shows and television in general would be replaced by the Internet, but this did not happen. With the development of technology, even to this day it has not been possible to solve the problem with the image on the TV, and many are wondering why and what to do If Does the TV show bad?

Factors affecting the image

  • the TV was configured incorrectly;
  • inconsistency technical characteristics devices to the transmitted signal range;
  • adverse weather conditions such as snow, rain or fog;
  • cluttering of the communication channel with other sources.

Carrying out preventive work on the TV channel

Sometimes there are cases when the signal on the channel disappears for certain time(most often for a period of several hours) in order to carry out a number of technical manipulations to maintain the equipment. If other channels are operating normally, you need to wait a while and the broadcast will resume itself. In some cases, during maintenance, a special screensaver may be displayed on the screen, which serves to signal that this work is being carried out.

It is worth noting that the image may be missing if there are breakdowns on the part of your camera operator. In order to make sure that there is no signal, you need to contact your neighbors connected to the same operator. In the event that you and your neighbor have the same problem and do not go away for a long time, you need to contact the operator by phone, or personally visit the office in order to check the status of your personal account or find out about possible repairs on the line.

Most people in our country use fairly old radio receivers. These receivers during bad weather conditions such as blizzards, rain and fog, the signal becomes difficult to catch and you may have problems with sound and image. In order to neutralize these factors, you simply need to install a more powerful antenna.

In addition to the above factors, a damaged antenna can also cause image problems. This may be caused by strong winds or hail. The danger is also caused by the accumulation of snow, which could remain on the surface of the device and, unable to withstand its weight, become deformed.

In the absence of visible damage, the antenna could change its position in space and turn in the other direction. This can occur due to poor installation or the use of inappropriate fixing devices.

Interference during signal reception

This problem is most often encountered by residents of summer cottages rather than city apartments. Many people complain that the TV shows poorly. And this happens due to the property of a radio signal to dissipate in space, since city transmitters are most often located in large cities, and the signal does not penetrate well long distances. To solve this problem, it is necessary to replace the receiver with a more powerful one or raise antenna a couple of meters if possible. It is worth abandoning antennas that are installed directly on the TV body, as they simply will not be able to provide the necessary signal.

Residents of high-rise buildings face this problem in the event of illegal interference in the telecommunications system. Often, the installation of new equipment leads to clutter on the airwaves, and the signal simply does not reach. Installation of all antennas And satellite dishes must be carried out only in agreement with the supervisory authorities. In case of absence this permission You can request dismantling of this equipment by turning to the courts.

There are cases when the TV does not show well due to the lack of tight contact between the wire and the input hole of the receiver installed in the device. Due to gusts of wind or other reasons, the contact may periodically move away, after which the image begins to act up or gray-black ripples appear on the screen. In order to eliminate this problem, it is necessary to disconnect the wire from the connector and check its integrity for the presence of oxidation, if the latter is detected, clean it, and then return it to its place. If you have several devices installed in your room, you need to inspect the adapter, since it is often installed incorrectly and could come loose over time.

After you have completed all the fastening checks, you need to examine the cable itself for visible damage. Sometimes pets destroy the entire structure of the cable with their teeth and claws. It is strictly forbidden to hang any objects on the cable or wire it with large bending angles; this may lead to an internal break in the cable, which you will not be able to notice visually. If the cable is not located in the entrance, but outside, then it must be firmly secured to the facade of the building, because during bad weather it can begin to dangle and, catching on something, subsequently break, especially if it is of significant length.

Incorrect device settings

This problem manifests itself in the absence of most TV channels and spontaneous changes in channel positions on your device. Configure the device in in this case should only be a specialist, since this process quite labor-intensive and requires special knowledge. If you receive TV broadcasting services from a private operator, you can contact the support service and they will send a person to you.

In rare cases, interference may occur when there is too much signal.

TV hardware malfunction

It is worth focusing your attention on this point if your device began to show a poor image unexpectedly for you, and no visible changes occur when switching channels. Especially hot this problem found on old technology, but in some cases, models of new TVs are also susceptible to it, stopping to display the picture normally and output sound after a short period of use. Most often, this problem is associated with a failed converter, which is necessary to convert the signal to a low-frequency one. Less often it is the receiver who is responsible for reception. You are unlikely to be able to adjust these parts yourself, so the best option for you would be to replace the part with a new one. If the equipment is under warranty, you can contact service center, who will carry out diagnostics and find out the cause of the breakdown. If it is a factory defect, you will most likely get everything replaced for free.


In this article we looked at why and what to do If TV doesn't show well studied everything possible reasons and options for eliminating them and discussed all the nuances associated with this issue.