Contact form 7 plugin how to set up. Changing the name of the form

Hi all. Somehow, I have too much energy and I decided to write another article today, which will be dedicated to one of the WordPress plugins. Quite an interesting and functional plugin, it copes with its responsibilities 100% and I have not yet found a better way to provide feedback.

I don’t want to bore you for a long time, I think you already understand what will be discussed in the article. And so, today we will understand and configure Contact Form 7 plugin for WordPress, namely create a feedback form.

I sat for a long time and thought about the disadvantages of the plugin and nothing came to mind, but this creation has a lot of advantages.

Pros of the Contact Form 7 plugin.

  1. Clear and easy to configure. A person who encounters this plugin for the first time will be able to figure it out without any problems.
  2. Creation of a large number of different forms and integration of them into the site.
  3. The form is inserted using a shortcode onto the page and anywhere on the site. It is very comfortable.
  4. Support for Russian and other languages.
  5. Support for Ajax requests.
  6. Spam protection using a text question or captcha. For captcha you will need to additionally install Really Simple CAPTCHA.
  7. Customizing the appearance of the form using css styles.
  8. Integration with the Akismet service to protect against spam.

On our website you can see and use such a form if you click on the “Contact us” menu item, a window will pop up where you can see a clear example.

Let's begin!

First, we need to download this plugin. You can from our server here is the link - >or from the official website here is the link -> Download from the official website .

After downloading, you need to install it on . I won’t describe how to install, I think you should know this process from A to Z. We downloaded it, installed it, now we go directly to the software itself to figure it out and configure it.

Setting up the Contact Form 7 plugin and creating a feedback form.

Now that you have downloaded and installed everything as needed, go to the WordPress admin panel and find the item Contact Form 7, click on it and we are taken to the page for adding a new form.

Creating a form.

In order to create a new form, you need to click on “ Add new”, then select the language (Russian by default) and click “Add new”. After all the steps you have taken, you should have a picture like this:

The form has been created, now we will customize it to suit your needs and first give it a name. In my case I will call “ Test form”, you name it as you want and then click “Save”. Now you can see the shortcode that will need to be inserted into the code of the site where this form will be displayed.

We'll need the code a little later, since we need to set up the form first. Let's go to the form template and customize it.

On the right is the drop-down list “ Generate tag”, if you expand it, you can see many fields that are added to the form.

"Generate tag" field

On the left you can see the fields that have already been added to the form.

As an example, let's make a simple form that will have a name, email, phone number, a text question to protect against spam, a message and a send button.


Making a text field for the name. In the “Generate tag” drop-down list, select “ Text field" We tick the required field, give it a name in my case “NAME” and assign it an id so that the field can be designed using css styles. I got id=”name”. Below you can see the text “ Copy this code and paste it into the form template on the left" Take this code and copy it into the form template, as in the picture:

For mail (e-mail) we do the same; for a phone, select from the “Generate tag” list, field “ Phone number” and we also do it by analogy.

To configure the message, select “ Text field” and we also do it by analogy with everything described above.

Now add the field " Question". To do this, select the item “ Question”, give it a name. In the Question|Answer field, you can ask different questions and answers, below the field is an example of a logical question, you can ask a text question, for example, “3rd month of the year?| March”, etc. We paste the code as before.

"Question" field

And the last thing we need is a “ Send”, you can leave the one in the template or in the “Generate tag” list, select “Send button”. The template is ready, click the “ Save”.

Let's check what we got, copy the shortcode and paste it onto the page or into any part of the code where necessary. I'll paste it into a test page.

Here's what I got:

You must have something similar.

Setting up form and message recipients

We go down a little below the form template and see the recipient settings.

  1. Destination field. Enter the email address from which letters will be sent to visitors who fill out the form.
  2. Sender field. Instead of<>, we substitute our shortcodes (the names that were given to the fields). You can view them above. In my case it will be<>.
  3. Subject field. I always write a Feedback Form and indicate the website.
  4. Letter template field. Here you can display whatever your heart desires. For our example, I make the From field:<>and details Phone: , Message ..
  5. The remaining fields are empty.

Don't forget to save at the end.

If you go even lower, you can see the message settings. Everything here is in Russian, so you can edit it to suit your needs as you wish. I think you'll figure it out for yourself

The form is ready, you can proceed to test it and see if the message arrives at the email address you specified.

Everything works fine for me, after clicking the “Submit” button, I see the message “ The message was sent successfully. Thank you. “You can test and see what errors the form will produce if you enter the data incorrectly.

As for css styles, they can be added to the main css file style.css. Using firebag, you can view the id and classes of fields and assign appropriate styles to them.

Contact Form 7 plugin for WordPress very functional, you can make a form of any complexity, I am sure you are convinced of this. I will end here, if some points are not completely clear, write in the comments and I will try to help you figure it out. Thank you.

A contact form is an integral attribute of most websites. This is why there are so many contact form plugins in the WordPress catalog. One of the most popular is Contact Form 7. The plugin allows you to create forms of any kind; very flexible and easy to configure; has been developing for many years and contains many developments.

Creating and displaying contact forms

Creating forms in the admin panel

After installing the plugin, the "Contact Form 7" menu item will appear, through which you can create and delete forms.

The form in the picture was created automatically when the plugin was activated.

We will use the default form, to do this we will create a “Contact me” page and insert the shortcode of the form there.

Front part of the site

Now let’s save the article and see what our form looks like (using the Twenty Sixteen theme):

The picture shows the form after the letter has been sent (this is indicated by the notice at the bottom of the form).

Form customization (creating complex forms)

The example above shows how to insert a ready-made and very simple contact form. Now let's look at how to create a more complex form. To do this, let's go back to the admin panel, to the form manager and go to edit the default form.

In the top field - the name of the form (it is visible only in the admin panel), indicate a name that is clear to you, for example: “Feedback about the site”, “Job application form”, “Feedback form”, etc.

Below the title is a shortcode. We use it in records to display the form.

And below are four tabs:

  1. Form template
  2. Letter
  3. Additional settings

Let's look at each tab separately.

Form template

In this tab you can customize the fields and appearance of the form. The workspace is the WP HTML editor. Only instead of the usual buttons we see buttons for inserting different form fields.

Form layout

For layout, you can use html tags and plugin shortcodes. Shortcodes add form fields, and HTML tags allow you to create a custom HTML structure. For example, our default form looks like this:

And when displayed in a post, it will turn into this HTML:

Shortcode syntax

Let's click on the "Text" button. A window opens where we can specify attributes for the text field. Specify and click “Insert tag”.

The tag will subsequently be converted into a text field with html code:

Shortcodes can be conveniently created using the shortcode builder.

But the constructor does not allow you to change the shortcode (you can only create a shortcode there). There are two ways to change the shortcode:

  1. delete and create a new one using the constructor.
  2. Learn the syntax and correct the field shortcode manually.

You can figure it out yourself with the designer.

And here we will look at the syntax of the shortcode.

For example, consider a text field tag with additional options:

Text (required) Field type: text, select, password, number, etc. (in this case the field is text). Determines what form element our tag will be converted into, and therefore what type of data it will accept. * An asterisk makes the field mandatory (the form will not be submitted and a notification will be displayed that the field must be filled out). client-name (required) The name of the field is used as the name attribute in input, and is also used when creating the template for the sent letter. id:my-id The id attribute in input with the value my-id. Used for decoration. class:my-class The class attribute in input with the value my-class. Used for decoration. placeholder "Enter a name" Использовать текст "Введите имя" как placeholder. !}

Follow the order of the tag attributes: first comes the field type, then its name, and only then additional options.

Field types

  • Text fields: text, email, tel, url, textarea
  • Numeric fields: number , range
  • Date fields: date
  • Checkboxes, radios, lists: checkbox, radio, select
  • File upload field: file
  • CAPTCHA: captchac and captchar
  • Polls: quiz
  • "Accept" field: acceptance
  • Submit button: submit
  • Custom field type

Letter template

In the second tab, you can fine-tune the template (layout) and properties of the sent letter. In the fields of this tab, you can use special form field tags - this makes it possible to transmit the data specified in the form in a letter.

Tags consist of field names from the form template. For example, we created a text field named: . Now you can use the tag in the email template. In the letter, instead of this tag, the field value entered by the user (full name) will be substituted.

Letter headers:

    To - the email address where the letter will be sent. You can specify as many boxes as you like, separated by commas.

    From whom - name and email, from whom the letter came. Usually the server mail is indicated here (for example [email protected]).

    You can specify any email, but if the email domain differs from the site domain, the form will not pass the test and will “swear” at this parameter, although the letters will still be sent.

    Subject - The title of the letter. It will make it clear from which form the data was sent. For example, the subject of the letter is “Error on the site”, “Order a call back” and so on. Choose a header that makes it easier to work with received emails.

  • Additional headers - By default, Reply-To: is written here. The Reply-To header tells us that this email can be replied to by clicking the Reply button in the email program, and the form tag is the name of the field from the template. The user-specified email will be inserted instead of this tag. You'll get something like Reply-To: [email protected].
Body of the letter

This is the next important part of this tab. The text of the letter itself is indicated here. In the text we use the same form tags (field names from the form template).

Let's look at the default letter:

From:<>Subject: Message: -- Sent from the site Studying the Contact Form 7 plugin (

We had 4 fields that the user filled out. After sending the letter, the tags will turn into values ​​and we will receive the following letter:

From: Dmitry Subject: Question about Contact Form 7 Message: Hello! I have a question about the Contact Form 7 plugin. How do I configure it? -- Sent from the site Studying the Contact Form 7 plugin (

Optional fields in the body of the email

If the user does not fill out a field, but it is used in the body of the letter, then the body of the letter will be incomplete. For example, the body says Man from the City, but the user did not fill out the field, which means in the letter we will get Man from the City... This line in the letter is redundant. To remove this line from the message, check the "Exclude display of lines with empty message tags" checkbox. Please note that this will only work if the text and shortcode of the field are on the same line.

Option "Use HTML email format". Allows you to use HTML tags in the body of the letter. In this case, you can use a limited list of HTML tags, because not all email clients or services can correctly process complex HTML markup. You can use: tables, bulleted lists, boldness, paragraphs, and so on. Search the web for more details.

Contact Form 7 allows you to send a letter to two addresses, and the settings for each letter are different. This can be useful when you need to send a letter to the site administrator with complete information and a duplicate to the manager, which contains only order information.

Notifications when submitting a form

In this tab, you can edit the messages that the form displays in a given situation: when sending a letter successfully or unsuccessfully, or when there are errors.

Email template tags do not work in these fields.

Additional settings

This tab is intended for advanced users and allows you to expand the capabilities of the form using JS code. For example, post events for analytics.

I will talk about using this functionality in a separate article.

In this material we will take a detailed look at the ContactForm 7 setup. This is a plugin for the popular WordPress setup, which is used to create and promote websites on the Internet. This software product allows you to create and configure a feedback form.

A little about WordPress

Today, WordPress is one of the most common tools designed for filling and developing information resources. This software product was initially focused only on creating fairly simple blogs. Then professionals expanded the functionality of this system. This made it possible to create other Internet resources using WordPress.

WordPress: disadvantages and advantages

The advantages of this platform are as follows:

— simplicity and openness of source codes;

— a large amount of reference information;

— the ability to develop a thematic resource of any degree of complexity in the shortest possible time;

— high performance without the need for additional software settings.

This system also has its disadvantages:

— sites created using WordPress will not be able to cope with such a load;

— when installing additional mini-programs, there is a decrease in the speed of the Internet resource;

What are WordPress plugins?

The WordPress content management system has very modest basic functionality. It is only enough to develop the most simple websites and blogs. To slightly improve the situation related to the functionality of this software platform and add some flexibility to it, developers have to add various mini-programs, which are called plugins in professional jargon. ContactForm7 is just one such plugin. Configuring this plugin allows you to create a feedback form with an expanded level of functionality on a specific page of the content management system.

Specialization Contact Form 7

As noted earlier, the main task of Contact Form 7 is to create feedback between the administrator of the Internet resource and the site visitor. Editing a template, setting up mail, sending various files - these are not all the possibilities that this mini-program provides. The load on the site's hardware resources will be relatively small. The presence of this program can lead to a significant decrease in the performance of your blog or website.

How to install the Contact Form 7 plugin

There are three ways to install plugins on WordPress. The first method involves downloading a ZIP archive from the World Wide Web and uploading it to the appropriate directory of an Internet resource. You can also use various types of FTP clients for this purpose. Another option is to upload the firmware using the administrative control panel of your blog, site or portal. Of all three options for installing plugins, the most secure is the last one. In this case, the program code is downloaded from the official website. In this case, the file will definitely not contain dangerous fragments or malicious objects. The procedure for installing the plugin in this case will be as follows. First of all, you need to log into your WordPress admin panel. Then you need to move to the “Plugins” section. In the window that opens, select “Add new”. In the search bar, you must enter the name of the Contact Form 7 plugin. After this, you need to hover your mouse over the “Search” button and make a single click. After this, the software search operation should begin. When it is completed, a list of found plugins will be displayed on the screen. In this list you need to find the plugin that you need and click on the “Install” sign located opposite it. The content management system will then automatically download and install this plugin. At the next stage, you will need to activate the installed software. To do this, you need to go to the “Plugins” tab and find Contact Form 7 in the list. Next to it should be the inscription “Activate”. You need to click on it with the mouse once. Now we update the administrative panel of the content management system and find Contact Form 7 among the items. That’s the whole secret of installing the popular Contact Form 7 plugin.

Contact Form 7: customization algorithm

Setting up Contact Form 7 consists of the following points:

— creating a new platform or editing an old one created when installing the plugin. Experience shows that in this case it is better to use the option to create a new form.

— selecting the language of the form and name.

— changing the form template configuration.

— saving the changes made.

— creating a new page with the previously received code. A new page needs to be published.

At the final stage, you need to go to the website and check the correct operation of the created Internet resource interface element.

Creating a new form

This plugin, immediately after activation by default, creates a form for asking questions from visitors to a blog or website. Of course, it can simply be customized and edited as needed. However, it will be much easier to delete it and create a new one with a full set of all necessary functions. To do this, you need to perform the following sequence of actions. You need to go to the menu of this plugin and select “Forms”. In the window that opens, you need to check the box next to the “Contact Form” item. Above it, in the “Actions” drop-down list, select “Delete”. As a result, you should be asked to confirm the operation being performed. Confirm deleting the form and click on the “Yes” button. At the next stage, you need to select the “Create new” menu item in the WordPress administrative panel and click ContactForm 7. As a result, a window will open in which you need to select the interface language of the future platform – “Russian” – from the drop-down list. Then you need to click on the “Create” button. As a result, the initial code of the new feedback form will be generated. Then you should perform an operation such as setting up Contact Form 7.

Set the name of the form

After completing all the previously described actions, a window for entering the name of the form will appear. Setting up this interface element begins with this simple operation. It is best to set the name of the form based on search engine optimization. In this case, the best options would be “Ask a question to the site administrator” or “Feedback form”. After you decide on the name of this interface element, you will need to type it in the appropriate field of the request window.

Contact Form 7: Editing a Template

In the window with the name of the created form there are four more tabs. The first of these is the "Template" tab. Here, by default, only five elements are formed.

— place to type the name of the resource visitor;

— field for dialing the user's email address;

— field for specifying the topic of the question;

— a field for writing the message itself;

- a button labeled “Send”.

If necessary, the text in the field can be edited and other interface elements can be added to it. To do this, it will be enough to simply select the code of the text element and copy it using the context menu to another field. On the right side there is a drop-down list of options. Here you need to select the element you are interested in. The required code should then appear next to the drop-down list. You need to copy and paste it instead of the theme code. You can choose the name of the element at your discretion.

Setting up Contact Form 7

In the same place, you can change the length of the ContactForm 7 input field. You can adjust the width of any text field as follows. Let's say you need to increase the number of characters in the visitor's name to 55. By default there are only 40. To do this, you need to add the numbers 60/55 at the end of the code. The result should be the code. After all changes made are saved, the length of this field will be 60, and the maximum number of characters will be 55. You can also change the size of the message text field in the same way. In this case, you need to change the code of this element as follows - . 40 in this case represents the number of letters in a line, 30 is the total number of lines in this ContactForm 7 interface element. To customize the appearance of the form itself, you need to select the parameter values ​​for each individual element. For this reason, it is recommended that the skin of each element specify specific values ​​for each parameter given in this section

Other form tabs

As noted earlier, the first tab is called “Form Template”. This is followed by the “Writing” tab. It specifies the parameters of the location to which mail will be sent from this Internet resource. The text of the message issued by the system in case of successful sending of the letter is generated on the “Notification” tab. There is also the option of preparing a message in case you are unable to contact the site administrator. The last tab in ContactForm 7 is Advanced Settings. This tab contains parameters that are rarely used in practice. For example, you can use it to set up tracking of text entered by the user using Yandex metrics.

Fields that can be added using the Contact Form 7 plugin

Setting up ContactForm 7 makes it possible to add the following interface elements to the feedback form:

— a text field is a universal element. You can enter any set of characters into it.

— E-Mail – used to enter email;

— URL – field for entering the address of the Internet page;

— phone number – allows you to enter a phone number in international format;

— “Number (spinbox)” — makes it possible to create an input field for any integer value;

— “Number (slider)” — adds a slider to the form, with which you can select a numeric value from a certain range;

— “Date” — creates a special input field in which you can specify the required date. If this interface element is activated, a calendar will be displayed below, where you can immediately select a date;

— “Text field” — intended for typing the text part of the message;

— “Drop-down menu” — makes it possible to select the desired parameter from a fixed set;

— “Check Boxes” — designed to select one or more values ​​from the presented list;

Radio Buttons - almost identical to the previous element, the only difference is that in this case you can select only one correct option. The Check Boxes element can have multiple valid values;

— “Aceptance” — makes it possible to add only one checkbox to the created form. This element is usually used to familiarize yourself with some conditions. Without their acceptance, further sending of the letter will be impossible;

— “Menu” — makes it possible to create a special section in the interface that protects your mailbox from spam. Before sending, in this case, you will simply need to provide the correct answer to the question;

— “CAPTCHA” is another protection option. When you select this element, a special section will be added to the form, which will display a picture with symbols and an additional field;

— “Sending a file” — this item allows you to add a file with comments to the text of the letter;

— “Submit button” — allows you to add the corresponding element.

After you set all the necessary values, you need to save the form. To do this, you need to go to the top part of the plugin editing window. The “Save” button is located here.

Hi all. Somehow, I have too much energy and I decided to write another article today, which will be dedicated to one of the WordPress plugins. Quite an interesting and functional plugin, it copes with its responsibilities 100% and I have not yet found a better way to provide feedback.

I don’t want to bore you for a long time, I think you already understand what will be discussed in the article. And so, today we will understand and configure Contact Form 7 plugin for WordPress, namely create a feedback form.

I sat for a long time and thought about the disadvantages of the plugin and nothing came to mind, but this creation has a lot of advantages.

Pros of the Contact Form 7 plugin.

  1. Clear and easy to configure. A person who encounters this plugin for the first time will be able to figure it out without any problems.
  2. Creation of a large number of different forms and integration of them into the site.
  3. The form is inserted using a shortcode onto the page and anywhere on the site. It is very comfortable.
  4. Support for Russian and other languages.
  5. Support for Ajax requests.
  6. Spam protection using a text question or captcha. For captcha you will need to additionally install Really Simple CAPTCHA.
  7. Customizing the appearance of the form using css styles.
  8. Integration with the Akismet service to protect against spam.

On our website you can see and use such a form if you click on the “Contact us” menu item, a window will pop up where you can see a clear example.

Let's begin!

First, we need to download this plugin. You can from our server here is the link - >or from the official website here is the link -> Download from the official website .

After downloading, you need to install it on . I won’t describe how to install, I think you should know this process from A to Z. We downloaded it, installed it, now we go directly to the software itself to figure it out and configure it.

Setting up the Contact Form 7 plugin and creating a feedback form.

Now that you have downloaded and installed everything as needed, go to the WordPress admin panel and find the item Contact Form 7, click on it and we are taken to the page for adding a new form.

Creating a form.

In order to create a new form, you need to click on “ Add new”, then select the language (Russian by default) and click “Add new”. After all the steps you have taken, you should have a picture like this:

The form has been created, now we will customize it to suit your needs and first give it a name. In my case I will call “ Test form”, you name it as you want and then click “Save”. Now you can see the shortcode that will need to be inserted into the code of the site where this form will be displayed.

We'll need the code a little later, since we need to set up the form first. Let's go to the form template and customize it.

On the right is the drop-down list “ Generate tag”, if you expand it, you can see many fields that are added to the form.

"Generate tag" field

On the left you can see the fields that have already been added to the form.

As an example, let's make a simple form that will have a name, email, phone number, a text question to protect against spam, a message and a send button.


Making a text field for the name. In the “Generate tag” drop-down list, select “ Text field" We tick the required field, give it a name in my case “NAME” and assign it an id so that the field can be designed using css styles. I got id=”name”. Below you can see the text “ Copy this code and paste it into the form template on the left" Take this code and copy it into the form template, as in the picture:

For mail (e-mail) we do the same; for a phone, select from the “Generate tag” list, field “ Phone number” and we also do it by analogy.

To configure the message, select “ Text field” and we also do it by analogy with everything described above.

Now add the field " Question". To do this, select the item “ Question”, give it a name. In the Question|Answer field, you can ask different questions and answers, below the field is an example of a logical question, you can ask a text question, for example, “3rd month of the year?| March”, etc. We paste the code as before.

"Question" field

And the last thing we need is a “ Send”, you can leave the one in the template or in the “Generate tag” list, select “Send button”. The template is ready, click the “ Save”.

Let's check what we got, copy the shortcode and paste it onto the page or into any part of the code where necessary. I'll paste it into a test page.

Here's what I got:

You must have something similar.

Setting up form and message recipients

We go down a little below the form template and see the recipient settings.

  1. Destination field. Enter the email address from which letters will be sent to visitors who fill out the form.
  2. Sender field. Instead of<>, we substitute our shortcodes (the names that were given to the fields). You can view them above. In my case it will be<>.
  3. Subject field. I always write a Feedback Form and indicate the website.
  4. Letter template field. Here you can display whatever your heart desires. For our example, I make the From field:<>and details Phone: , Message ..
  5. The remaining fields are empty.

Don't forget to save at the end.

If you go even lower, you can see the message settings. Everything here is in Russian, so you can edit it to suit your needs as you wish. I think you'll figure it out for yourself

The form is ready, you can proceed to test it and see if the message arrives at the email address you specified.

Everything works fine for me, after clicking the “Submit” button, I see the message “ The message was sent successfully. Thank you. “You can test and see what errors the form will produce if you enter the data incorrectly.

As for css styles, they can be added to the main css file style.css. Using firebag, you can view the id and classes of fields and assign appropriate styles to them.

Contact Form 7 plugin for WordPress very functional, you can make a form of any complexity, I am sure you are convinced of this. I will end here, if some points are not completely clear, write in the comments and I will try to help you figure it out. Thank you.

Detailed instructions for installing, configuring and using the feedback form plugin for a WordPress site. The Contact Form 7 plugin is currently the best in its category.

The fact that there is no clear alternative even among paid plugins can be judged by how often the Contact Form 7 plugin is used. At the time of writing this post, this plugin has been downloaded more than 28,800,000 times from the official WordPress website alone, and the average rating is 4.5 out of 5! This is truly a sign of great success. In addition, if you look at the TOP sales of premium WP themes, then in almost all of them you will find the Contact Form 7 plugin as recommended or installed by default.

The Contact Form 7 plugin is “live” and is updated by the author with each new version of WordPress. Bugs and errors are resolved promptly. There were no obvious conflicts with most commonly used plugins.
The Contact Form 7 plugin is completely free, incl. for commercial use. After installing the plugin, in the settings panel you will find a request from the author asking for a “donation”.

Installing the Contact Form 7 plugin

You can download the Contact Form 7 plugin from the official WordPress website (link above), or directly through the tab “Plugins” > “Add new” > Line “Search for plugins” > enter “Contact Form 7”. Don't forget to activate the plugin before you start: “Plugins” > “Installed” > find the Contact Form 7 plugin> click “Activate”. A new item “Contact Form 7” will appear in the side administrative panel of your site.

Setting up the Contact Form 7 plugin

What’s nice is that by default the Contact Form 7 plugin supports multilanguage. If your version of WordPress is in Russian, then the plugin will also be completely in Russian, and you can create a feedback form in any language. The form language is specified during the creation of each form. There is no separate section for settings; all settings are individual for each individual form.

Example of adding a feedback form

1. Select in the administrative panel “Contact Form 7” > “Forms” > button on the “Add New” page.

2. You will be asked to select a language for the form. The default is “Russian”. Click the “Add new” button
3. A window has opened in front of you where you can create your own form with your settings.

The possibilities are extensive, but I would like to point out a few features right away. The window that opens contains several tabs: “Form template”, “Letter”, “Notifications when submitting the form”, “Additional settings”. You don't need the last tab, it's more of a customization for advanced users and programmers. Let's look at the rest in detail.

“Notifications when form is submitted”- these are the messages that a visitor to your site will see when submitting a form. Contains message options for both successful sending and those with errors and failures. You can change these system messages at your discretion.

“Form template”— in this section you will generate Tags, which are responsible for the presence of the necessary fields in the form.

"Letter"— this is the appearance and content of the letter that you will receive after a visitor fills out the form.

ATTENTION: Now we will look at what tags there are and what fields they create. All these tags are entered in the “Form Template” tab, but if you do not enter “response tags” manually (!) in the “Letter” tab, then the completed forms will not be sent to you by email.

4. Tag options in the “Form Template” tab.

— text: adds a text field (short).
— email: field for e-mail.
— URL: field for indicating the site address or any link.
- tel: contact phone field
- number: a field in which you can only enter a numeric value
—date: date format field
- text area: adds a text field (long).
— drop-down menu: drop-down list. The field has additional settings. The list that will drop out is indicated in the “Options” field. Moreover, one list element in one line (not separated by commas!). If the “Allow multiple selections” checkbox is checked, the user will be able to select more than one option from your list. If the “Insert a blank item as the first option” checkbox is checked, then a blank field will be added at the top by default, which can also be selected by the user.

- checkboxes: Checkbox (checkmarks). The field has several settings. The list of checkboxes is indicated in the “Options” field. Moreover, one checkbox per line (not separated by commas!). If “Put a label first, a checkbox last” is checked, by default the checkbox will be at the first checkbox. If the “Make checkboxes exclusive” item is checked, then the user will be able to check only one of the checkboxes.

- radio buttons: radio buttons. Radio buttons always allow you to select only one item from the list. Entering a list is similar to checkboxes in a column. From the settings you can enable “Put a label first, a checkbox last”, then by default the first radio button from the list will be selected.

- acceptance: checkbox field, without checking the box in which the message will not be sent. In fact, this is an opportunity to take the user’s unconditional consent to something, otherwise the letter will not be sent. For example, “You agree that the information you provide will be processed by our operators.”

- quiz: innovation in the plugin. This field allows you to create a question and an answer to it. Ideal for use as anti-spam protection. Look at the design of the question and answer in the tag generation form.

Any field can be made mandatory (usually such fields are marked *) to be filled in; to do this, check the box Field type > Required field. Attention! Don’t forget to indicate in text to users that the field must be filled in!

- CAPTCHA: captcha is installed only as an additional plugin. But in principle, if there is a quiz tag, the need for a drop is much less.

- file: the field creates a tag that allows the user to attach a file to the message. In the tag settings, you can specify “File size limit (bytes)” - the maximum size of the attached file, allowed file types (extensions separated by commas). Attention, if you do not specify the maximum size of the attached file, then by default it is determined by the capabilities of your server. You can find out exact information on restrictions from the company providing your hosting. Typically the maximum size is limited to 10 MB.

submint: the tag adds a “Submit” button (the name can be changed).
This is a screen with all the tags I generated, and below is a screen of the form on the site. Please note that the “Form Template” supports HTML tags, so I format the explanations for users using HTML tags.

5. “Letter” tab.

Now let’s go to the form for generating a letter that will be sent to you and add the tags that we used in the “form template”. Pay attention to the screenshot. Fields not included in the body of the letter are displayed at the top of the tab in black, and those that are present in the body of the letter are gray.

We add them to the body of the letter (field “Message Body”): just copy the tags highlighted in black and paste them into the body form of the letter. Please note that the numbers indicated in the tags match the unique numbers of the fields that you added in the form template. In this way, you can identify which field belongs to what and sign them directly in the body of the letter, so as not to get confused later.
Save the changes.

6. Installing the form on the site.

From the form creation page, copy the shore code (usually it is highlighted in blue or brown) and paste it into any page or post.

Pros and cons in brief

+ a large number of field types
+ multilingual support
+ ease of use
+ free
+ reliable
+ does not conflict with other plugins
+ Contact Form 7 plugin is being developed

— we must not forget to add additional tags to the generated letter
— designing forms and letters requires minimal knowledge of HTML

Conclusion: definitely an excellent editor, if not the best! I am pleased with the flexibility, reliability and stability. If it were paid, people would still buy it, because... There is nothing close to it in terms of quality. I recommend the Contact Form 7 plugin.