Petro Poroshenko signed a decree on new anti-Russian sanctions. Why did Poroshenko ban VKontakte and classmates? Poroshenko banned truth VK and classmates

With the stroke of a pen, the President of Ukraine left his citizens without popular antiviruses and without the ability to communicate on their favorite social networks

On the evening of May 9, tension sparked in the offices of the presidential administration in Kyiv. Zrada came from where we didn’t expect it. According to independent analysts, the most popular query on Internet search engines in Ukraine that day was “Victory Parade in Moscow.” Those who did not acquire satellite dishes watched the ceremonial march on Red Square through social networks. And this is a real challenge to Ukrainian statehood and a threat to its security. For a week, the best minds of Poroshenko’s apparatus were thinking about a worthy response to the “enemy.” And on Tuesday they presented their citizens with a Presidential Decree, harshly suppressing the pernicious influence of their eastern neighbor and cutting off the sprouts of separatism in the country. Without further ado, Poroshenko pulled the switch, disconnecting his citizens from popular social networks.

1. What was closed?

In total, there are 468 legal entities from Russia on the Ukrainian sanctions list. However, if earlier Kyiv “hit” Russian business and the defense industry, then the victims of the new bans were more likely to be the citizens of Square rather than companies from the Russian Federation. Taking into account the gaps in the country’s defense capability, Pyotr Alekseevich approved the proposal of the National Security Council to ban access to the social networks Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, and all services of Yandex and Along the way, Kaspersky Lab and the Dr Web company were guilty of something.

With the stroke of a pen, the President of Ukraine left his citizens without popular antiviruses and without the ability to communicate on their favorite social networks. And we are talking about millions of users here. About 9.5 million Ukrainians are registered in Odnoklassniki alone. That is, almost every fourth resident of the country. Moreover, the main part are young people aged 18 to 35 years. The VKontakte network is used monthly by up to 15 million residents of Ukraine. At the same time, many people have businesses on social networks. Not to mention the fact that for most users, a personal page is a diary, a photo album, a music collection, and a library with study notes... And on May 16, 2017, they instantly lost their virtual luggage, which they had accumulated, maybe some years.

Mail services with work and dear correspondence are also closed. It is unclear where user funds from the Yandex-Money resource will go now. Advertising on Yandex Direct, in which Ukrainian users have invested a lot of money, is now also blocked. By the way, according to German Klimenko, Advisor to the President of Russia on the Internet, the Russian Federation will practically not feel these sanctions: “In terms of advertising revenue, this, to put it mildly, does not even correspond in percentage terms. On the Russian Internet, the total number of Ukrainians is 12.5%. I think it’s no more than 3% of income.”

By the way, software produced in Russia was also banned. For example, “1C: Enterprise” - accounting, tax, warehouse management, transport, business process analysis... 300 thousand Ukrainian companies will certainly thank the president for such concern for the security of the state.

2. What is this done for?

For the last three years, Kyiv has been systematically and consistently cutting off any ties between the state and Russia, acting more and more radically. The Russian world, penetrating into the country through satellite signals, fiber optic networks and mobile systems, threatens the serene existence of a regime built on deep-rooted Russophobia. As a result, every year there are more and more people who take to the streets on the sacred Victory Day, opposing themselves to the political mainstream of Independence. And as long as there are channels for obtaining alternative information, no state propaganda will be able to erase from people what has been laid down at the genetic level for decades.

3. What is already prohibited?

The current Ukrainian regime is really trying to do everything to break family, cultural and economic ties between our countries. Over the past three years, the following have been banned:

- books in Russian by authors disliked by Kyiv;

— films in which actors unsympathetic to the Ukrainian authorities play;

— Russian TV channels broadcasting truths that are unpleasant for Poroshenko and his comrades;

— airlines connecting our cities;

— banks that allowed Ukrainian guest workers to send home their honestly earned money;

— joint industrial projects, despite the fact that many Ukrainian enterprises simply “died” after that.

4. Did this help Kyiv?

After Russian television was banned in Ukraine, companies selling satellite dishes probably got rich. It is no coincidence that on New Year’s Eve, photographs of people celebrating the holiday with President Putin appear on television in the Ukrainian segment of popular social networks. For those who are used to watching TV in Russian, the ban was not an obstacle.

The same will happen with the Internet. There are plenty of tools today to bypass website blocking. These include Tor browsers, anonymizers of various types, and private Internet tunnels... It sounds complicated, but, as a rule, this is a regular application that launches with the click of one button. I quite successfully used such a service, for example, in Syria, where some resources do not work due to Western sanctions.

However, first, this Decree must be implemented. Many experts doubt that blocking these resources is even possible.

“We believe that blocking is ineffective,” says Alexander Fedienko, president of the Internet Association of Ukraine. “But if such a mechanism is implemented in our country, then the blocking should occur solely by court decision. Because other mechanisms simply cannot be called civilized. In Ukraine there are no information blocking mechanisms as such yet, and this should also be taken into account when talking about a particular system for implementing a cybersecurity strategy.

Against Russia. Within the framework of which it is planned to block access to the social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki on Ukrainian territory, as well as access to Yandex services (except for the main page of the search engine) and Mail.Ru.

As part of the restrictions, the websites of the antivirus companies Kaspersky Lab and DrWeb will also be blocked. Advisor to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Zoryan Shkiryak, said that the initiative to ban is supported by the Presidential Administration and the SBU. He also called for the Ministry of Education of Ukraine to join the fight against these resources.

The first memes on the topic of the ban on social networks by Petro Poroshenko also appeared on the Internet.

Users also remembered the mayor of Kyiv, Vitaliy Klitschko, who is famous for his “catch phrases,” and attributed to him the phrase: “If there is no Yandex, there will be no traffic jams.”

Ukrainian journalists, meanwhile, are already thinking about how this ban can be circumvented. In particular, the Ukrainian portal writes that the desire of the Ukrainian authorities to combat Russian resources is clearly not enough. Ukrainian experts estimate the chances of this “event” as 50 to 50.

It is worth noting that the largest firewall in history (the “great firewall”) was created in China. However, netizens have managed to find ways to “cheat” the great Chinese Internet wall.

There are many options: use the TOR network, VPN (when the user connects to a computer located outside of Ukraine, and from there goes to the desired site). And the blocking doesn't work. At the same time, the user does not need to have any special literacy in the field of IT; there are a lot of services, both paid and free, that can help anyone bypass such prohibitions.

More about the holes in Poroshenko’s decree later. And the Internet Association of Ukraine admitted that today it is technically impossible for Ukrainian providers to block Russian sites.

There are no social networks “VKontakte” and “Odnoklassniki”. Therefore, we can expect that the popularity of Facebook will increase in the country after the ban is introduced. According to some reports, more than 12 million Ukrainians use the VKontakte social network.

At the same time, there is a subtle aspect of the user’s habit, since all social networks have individual characteristics, thanks to which loyalty is formed. Therefore, a person may prefer to bypass the ban for the sake of habit, rather than switching to another social network.

Meanwhile, State Duma deputy, Deputy Secretary of the General Council of United Russia Evgeniy Revenko believes that with these measures Ukrainian nationalists are trying to limit people in their rights and freedoms, striking a blow at millions of users. He wrote about this on his Facebook.

“An attack on the right to freely receive information and communicate with each other through social networks. All these actions lie in the logic of attempts to break ties between our countries. This is futile and irresponsible,” he noted.

Russian senator Alexei Pushkov, in turn, noted that Maidan promised Ukrainians freedom, but gave them an “information dictatorship.”


I think each of you at least once, but saw the results of the work of OSINT specialists: Bellingcat, Informnapalm, sled_vzayt and so on. In short: groups of researchers, based on OPEN information (mainly on social networks), find something that not a single intelligence service in the world dreamed of 20 years ago. The number and origin of armored vehicles in a particular location. Names and ranks of personnel. The roles of specific people in specific events.

Now imagine the capabilities of the same people, but with access to CLOSED information on social networks (which is at least 2 times more) and, even better, with direct access to the database. One request to the database via EXIF ​​with the necessary coordinates will give you hundreds of detailed photographs of strategic objects. A well-constructed query using the user graph will provide a complete list of personnel and their current location. If you think that we don’t have military personnel who don’t like to post photos on VKontakte, you are very mistaken.

Hacktivists from the Lviv metro: Falcons Flame, Trinity and others, with one hack into the personal correspondence of even an ordinary militant, are organizing a local apocalypse for entire combat groups and departments of the FSB. Now imagine that you don’t need to hack anything: all correspondence on VK and is at your disposal, both for reading and writing.

Let's move a little away from the military sphere. Tens or hundreds of thousands of financial and political documents pass through every day. Google the official emails of our government agencies: and mailboxes. A huge number of government officials, judges and law enforcement officers have a post office there. Many have closed groups on VK and OK. The amount of inside information in these groups and personal correspondence will allow, with the right approach, to sink our public sector and economy in a matter of days.

Thousands of government officials and security officials conduct correspondence of a personal nature: mistresses, lovers, bribes, discussions of expensive purchases, documents for undeclared real estate and hundreds of other topics. Any of them is almost a hundred percent recruitment hook. Already now hundreds of people with access to state secrets are tightly holding on to the eggs. Even more eggs for those who can make the right decision. Is it necessary for the cops in Dnipro to take the side of the Russian-mir titushki? No problem, you go into the correspondence of a couple of Interior Ministry generals and you’re done. Ideally, if he is a lover of boys or is cheating on his wife - the daughter of his patron.

In this case, it is not necessary to correspond with VK, OK and others like them. About 90% (if not more) of the target audience use the same password for all their services. Needless to say, the rest are happy to give up their mother’s maiden name and the name of their first dog?

Insight is a terrible and terribly underestimated power. And millions of Ukrainians daily give it up to the enemy voluntarily, for free music and classes.

Let's move on to information:

The role of social networks and news aggregators in this war does not seem to be understood even by those who believe that it is huge. Many Ukrainians are accustomed to not trusting television. But “information from an acquaintance” is received with a bang, even if it is absurd. Remember where the information about the “Right Sector Friendship Trains” in Crimea and the “Right Sector Towns” near Slavyansk came from? From TV?

The human brain is a strange thing. When he is given something that he wants to believe in, he interprets the information in the right direction and begins to believe in it. Thus, a story written by a stranger about “Cities of the Right Sector” turns into a story, at best, “from my good friend,” and at worst, “I saw it personally.” One has only to answer a friend request and get a couple of classes and 5 stars for the message, and any information from him becomes first-hand information. There would be a desire to believe.

Instilling a desire to believe is also not difficult. Several frankly delusional materials that touch the strings of the soul (about the fascists, the oppression of the Russian language, etc.) are already leaving a sediment in my head. Refutation does not matter. The rebuttal is dry and doesn’t strike any chords. And if this is information from “my good friend”, then it often doesn’t work at all. "You're lying!" And these acquaintances are right now friends with your mothers, fathers, neighbors, colleagues...

How many openly terrorist or separatist public pages on VK and OK have you been able to close? How many accounts calling for civil war and armed coups have been found and brought to justice? Only a few, not thanks to the administration. We have neither control nor influence on social networks controlled by the FSB. They don't care about blatant violations of international law. At the same time, try to create a group “Crimea Ukraine” in VK and measure how long it will live.

Skillfully presented and dosed information is very valuable for propaganda. Recently, a series of rallies against the current government took place in the Russian Federation. About a hundred thousand people took to the streets. Yandex, which you protect, did not miss a single news about this. What do you think he misses and does not miss for Ukrainians? How clearly can he target information, knowing who you are, where you go by taxi, what films you watch?


Many opponents of blocking say that HYPOTHETICALLY, the authorities may in the future use the experience of blocking for their own political purposes.

Hello! Practically, not hypothetically, and right now, your homes and families are being taken away from you, your friends are being killed. Now!

When someone tries to use blocking for political purposes, we will fight it. Now, re-read this text again, pass it on to your friends and see where and what your friends and parents are reading. Otherwise, one day you too will wake up without a home. And you will understand that you don’t know how to calculate risks.

Afterword for commentators:

Dear commentators, if you do not agree with me, there is nothing to argue other than “Why isn’t Akhmetov in prison”, “But I still think that bans are bad.” If you think it's possible to teach computer security to 40 million people. If you really don’t understand the difference between the search capabilities of relational and graph databases and banal crawling or wiretapping/hacking of a specific person, or you’re just too lazy to read the post, don’t write a comment. I'm not a politician, I can fucking send and ban you. The text is for those who know how to think and read, and not armchair experts in everything and just sheep.

Andrey Savchenko, blogger, Facebook.

Well, if you look at it this way, then they are all somehow hostile.
Vkontakte LLC was created on January 19, 2007. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the founders were son and father Vyacheslav and Mikhail Mirilashvili or (Misha Kutaissky) (60% and 10% of the authorized capital, respectively), Lev Leviev (10%) and Pavel Durov (20%) . Reference. The first profile registered in the system was Durov, the third was his former classmate Vyacheslav (Itzhak) Mirilashvili, who then moved to Israel due to threats and graduated from Tufts University, USA in 2006. Lev Leviev - born in Volgograd in 1984, studied at the same school with Mirilashvili in Tel Aviv. makes money with the help of a subsidiary recruitment agency. Leviev and Mirilashvili separately enriched themselves by creating the Selectel company in 2007 and opening a data center to meet VKontakte’s needs for data processing and storage. The social network completely switched to it by 2009 and, until the launch of its own data center in 2012, depended on a single service provider. This allowed Selectel to become a large company with 11% of the data center market by number of server racks by the end of 2011.
In 2010, Leviev and Vyacheslav Mirilashvili created the Vaizra Capital venture fund with representative offices in New York, Israel and St. Petersburg to invest in technology companies at any stage of development, investing in a number of other people’s projects: video hosting Coub, hotel booking service, publishing house "Committee" (including the publication about the IT industry "Zuckerberg Will Call", social media TJournal and startup community Spark), online consultant for Livetex sites, community for extreme sports enthusiasts Riders. At the end of 2014, the general fund portfolio included about 30 projects. In August 2014, Leviev announced a personal investment of €500 thousand in a startup jointly with Boaz Behar - an API platform for Bitcoin developers BlockTrail.
Leviev and Mirilashvili are investors in Yuri Milner's funds DST Global II and DST Global IV
Today, VKontakte is the largest Russian social network, whose monthly audience, according to TNS estimates, is 31.5 million people. The company's revenue in 2012 amounted to 4.8 billion rubles.
As of February 1, 2008, 100% of Vkontakte was transferred to the offshore Doraview Limited, registered in the British Virgin Islands. The first external investor was the Digital Sky Technologies fund of Yu. Milner (son of Boris/Benzion Milner, who ruined the world's first computer network developed in the USSR by the wonderful Russian academician Viktor Mikhailovich Glushkov), which bought a quarter of the social network in 2007 and later transferred it to the balance sheet of Mail.Ru Group. Gradually, Group began to buy back shares of the VKontakte network. By purchasing another 7.5% of shares. So both Mirilashvili sold - 30%, Leviev - 4%, and Durov - 8% of the company's shares.
In 2011, Group increased its share in the VKontakte social network from 32.49% to 39.99%. The company exercised an option to buy out 7.44% from the founders of the network at a price of $111.7 million. By the end of the year, Group already owned 39.99% of the social network, and the remaining 60% was divided between Durov (12%), Leviev (8 %) and the Mirilashvili family (40%). The transaction was carried out through JPMorgan, which describes the shareholder structure.
In April 2013, Mirilashvili’s share was purchased by the United Capital Partners fund, which is headed by Ilya Sherbovich,
member of the boards of directors of such large companies as Rosneft, Transneft, Federal Grid Company. Forbes devoted a special article to how he circumvented legal restrictions and sold Gazprom shares to foreign companies. At the same time, it is shown that Shcherbovich is a long-time partner of the Russian government, while engaging in raiding and money laundering through offshore companies.
On January 25, 2014, Durov announced that he sold all his remaining shares (12%) to his friend Ivan Tavrin, director of Megafon.
In September 2014, the VKontakte company sold the remaining 48.01% stake in the social network Group for $1.47 billion.
social network VKontakte, since both Megafon and, in turn, belong to the oligarch Alisher Usmanov, an Uzbek convicted in 1980 of extortion and rape. Usmanov’s wife, born in a family of Samarkand Jews, Irina Viner-Usmanova, who was in charge of the Russian gymnastics team, brought V. Putin together with A. Kabaeva. After which Usmanov actively began buying up all media resources of any importance. It got to the point that even Habrahabr was under his control for some time.
Today, VKontakte is the largest Russian social network, whose monthly audience, according to TNS estimates, is 31.5 million people. The company's revenue in 2012 amounted to 4.8 billion rubles.
It should be noted that, oddly enough, VKontakte - especially in comparison with Facebook - still gives relative freedom to its users - and does not block users for harsh criticism of the regime, the Jewish coup in the former Ukraine, the Kremlin’s betrayal of Donbass, etc. . But the fact is that checking the activities of a particular network for extremism is within the competence of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The courts of the Russian Federation and Roskomnadzor, and if numerous complaints from users to these authorities become constant, then their reaction to this will not be long in coming.
By the way, one of the Russian businessmen bought the live magazine from the Americans. And Odnoklassniki ru is one of the American businessmen. But LiveJournal is registered in America and is subject to American law. Odnoklassniki ru is in Russia under the laws of the Russian Federation, but that’s another story.