Periodic services mts. Disabling via system prompts or SMS messages

Operators cellular communications are trying in every possible way to increase their customer base through new tariff plans, options and all kinds of additional services. Regarding the last point, very often various services are connected without the subscriber's knowledge. It would seem that there is nothing wrong with this and additional functionality cannot be superfluous. But not everything is so simple, because many of these services are paid. As a result, a reasonable question arises - why pay more for absolutely unnecessary options? Of course, operators are interested in their customers using as many paid services as possible, but they also cannot provide for the possibility of disabling them, since this would greatly affect the loyalty of subscribers to their provider.

Opportunity self-connection and disabling paid services is provided by each operator mobile communications, including the MTS company. Find out how to disable paid services on MTS you can in this article. The editors of the site have collected on one page all the currently existing methods of disabling paid services. We recommend that you read the entire article and then choose the most suitable option for you. If you do not want to read the entire article, you can read brief information. For getting detailed instructions read the full article.

  • brief information
  • You can check and disable paid services using the USSD command *152*2#. You can also send an SMS with the number “1” to 8111. Detailed description These methods and other options are given below.

How to disable paid services on MTS - 5 ways

As mentioned earlier, there are several ways to disable unnecessary paid services. There is no single command for simultaneously disabling all services connected to a subscriber’s number, and there is hardly any need for it. Among the connected services there may be those that you need. That is why, before disabling paid services on MTS, you need to find out which specific ones additional options you are connected. We have already written about this, so if you are interested in such information, check out this article. Although, some of the methods below involve the use of commands that first demonstrate connected services, and only then allow you to disable unnecessary ones. So, let’s not focus on this point and move on to the main topic of this article.

  1. USSD command. As mentioned earlier, unified team There is no way to disable all paid services. It would take too long to describe how to disable it separately for each option, and you would rather get confused than find the command you need. Over the many years of its activity, MTS has developed so many paid services that it is very problematic to consider them all in one article. However, this is not necessary. You can use the USSD command, which allows you to obtain information about all connected paid services and commands to disable each of them. To do this, dial the USSD command: * 152 * 2 # . A few seconds after sending this request, an SMS message will be sent to your phone, which will indicate the paid services connected to your number and the commands to disable them. All you have to do is use the commands provided and disable unnecessary services. In the same way, you can find out about free services on your number. Only in this case, use the USSD command: * 152 * 1 # .
  2. Sending an SMS message. This method practically no different from the previous one, only here the request is carried out by sending an SMS message. To receive information about connected paid services and commands to disable them, send an SMS with the number 1 to 8111. Similar to the previous method, you will receive an SMS message with the necessary information.
  3. MTS personal account. Despite the fact that this method is third on our list, it is not inferior to the options described above. Moreover, it is much more convenient. All you need to do is log in to the self-service system, after which you will be able to familiarize yourself with all the services connected to your number and disable unnecessary ones. We have already told you, so if you are not yet registered in the self-service system, you can read this article and go through a simple authorization procedure. After logging into your personal account, select the “Tariffs and Services” section in the main menu. Next, open the “Service Management” tab, where a full list of services connected to your number will be presented. All that remains is to decide which of them are unnecessary and disable them. None additional commands You don’t have to type, the deactivation happens right in your personal account. By the way, if you use a phone to access your personal account, it is better to install special application"MTS Service", which will further facilitate the work with the self-service system.
  4. Call to contact center. It is also possible to disable paid services on MTS by calling the customer service center. It's pretty effective method, but you can’t call it the most convenient. Everyone knows that sometimes it is very difficult and you often have to wait a very long time for a response from a contact center specialist. If this factor does not play an important role for you and you want to get advice on disabling paid services from a specialist, then call 0890 or 8 800 333 08 90 . Next, follow the prompts of the autoinformer, which will tell you which numbers you need to press on your phone to connect to the operator.
  5. MTS communication salon. Today, in every city there are several MTS communication stores, where you can get any help regarding the use of the products of this operator. It is enough to have an identification document with you and the salon employee will inform you about the connected services, and also disable them if you want.

This is where we will end this article. Now you know how to disable paid services on MTS. All of the above methods are completely free and will take a minimum of your time. By disabling unnecessary services, you can significantly reduce your mobile communications costs.

The question of how to disable MTS services is asked by many subscribers of this operator, because cases when a company imposes paid services on its customers are far from uncommon.

If you notice that in Lately funds began to disappear from your account somewhere or the subscription fee for the tariff suddenly increased; most likely, the money is being “eaten up” by some service from MTS. This article will tell you how to disable paid services on MTS yourself. If you want to know how to disable paid subscriptions for this operator, you will find instructions in.

How to find out what paid services are connected to your MTS number?

Before you disable anything, you should pay for which services your funds are used. The point is that there is no universal method, which would allow you to immediately, in one go, get rid of all paid options. Therefore, you will have to deactivate the connected services one by one.

  • Find out the list of connected MTS services You can send a blank SMS to number 8111. In response, you will receive a message with a list of all connected services (paid and free). If to the number 8111 send an SMS with the text 1, then in response you will receive an SMS with a list of paid services. An SMS with the text 0 will allow you to see a list of active free services.
  • You can also check which paid services and subscriptions are connected to your number using the service command ✶ 152 #.

    Enter this request on your phone, and in the menu that appears, select "Your paid services", or immediately dial the direct command ✶ 152 ✶ 2 #. Now you can choose: get information about paid services or find out about those connected to your number paid subscriptions. In response, you will receive an SMS message about the connected services and instructions on how to disable them.

How to disable paid services on MTS from your phone? USSD and SMS commands

The vast majority of paid services can be disabled independently. You just need to send a specific USSD command from your phone or send an SMS to service number. In this list you will find commands to disable the most common paid MTS services:

  • Disable the service “Beep” (GOOD’OK) the combination will help ✶ 111 ✶ 29 #
  • USSD commands ✶ 111 ✶ 38 # and ✶ 111 ✶ 338 # will allow you to disable the service "They called you".
  • The key combination ✶ 111 ✶ 38 # is intended to disable the MTS service. You can also deactivate it by sending an SMS with the text 33330 to short number 111 .
  • To disable the service "Child under supervision" and completely remove your family’s data from the service, send an SMS with the text DELETE to 7788.
  • Disable the service "Locator" You can send an SMS message with the text OFF to number 6677. If you send an SMS with the text PACKAGE STOP to the same number, the service will be suspended. This will stop writing off subscription fee for the option, and the list of friends will be saved.
  • To deactivate the service "On full confidence» MTS use the USSD command ✶ 111 ✶ 32 #.
  • Option "All Russia" disabled by the key combination ✶ 111 ✶ 895 #.
  • To disable the service “Call for free to MTS Russia 100” send an SMS with the text 8680 to number 111 or use the USSD command ✶ 111 ✶ 868 #.
  • To disable the service "Internet Assistant", enter the command ✶ 111 ✶ 24 # on your phone.
  • To disable the option "MTS TV" use one of the following commands:
    ✶ 999 ✶ 0 ✶ 1 # or ✶ 111 ✶ 999 ✶ 2 # - with a daily subscription;
    ✶ 997 ✶ 0 ✶ 1 # or ✶ 111 ✶ 997 ✶ 2 # - with a monthly subscription.
  • Disable the service "MTS Music" (MTS Music) USSD command will help ✶ 111 ✶ 9590 #.
  • Disable the service "BIT" You can use USSD request ✶ 111 ✶ 252 ✶ 2 #.
  • The command ✶ 111 ✶ 628 ✶ 2 # will remove the option "SuperBIT".
  • The combination ✶ 111 ✶ 62 # will help get rid of the option "MiniBIT".
  • Disabling the option "SuperBIT Smart" done using the command ✶ 111 ✶ 8650 #.
  • Refuse the service "GPRS" you can send the command ✶ 111 ✶ 17 #
  • Deactivate the service "Favorite number" command will allow ✶ 111 ✶ 43 #
  • To get rid of the service "Neighboring regions", dial USSD command ✶ 111 ✶ 2110 #
  • USSD request ✶ 111 ✶ 442 ✶ 2 # will delete the service "Black list".
  • By sending the command ✶ 111 ✶ 47 # from your phone, you will disable the service "Caller Identifier".
  • Disable the service "Call Forwarding" the team will help ✶ 111 ✶ 41 #.

Another option to disable connected services on MTS directly from your phone is to install the application on your smartphone "My MTS". With its help, you can not only manage paid services and subscriptions on your number, disabling or connecting them, but also check the balance (main and bonus), top up your account, control the balances of packages of minutes, Internet traffic and SMS, change tariff plan and much more.

You can find and install the application on your smartphone in Google Play(for Android 2.3 and above), iTunes (for iOS 7.1 and above) or Windows Store(for WP 8.1 and higher).

Disabling MTS services through “Personal Account”

Another way to refuse paid MTS services is to use the “Personal Account”. It is located at Registration in this service will not take much time: you only need to enter your phone number and password from SMS, or you can log in to the site through your account from social networks.

Having gained access to your “Personal Account”, you can disable unnecessary MTS services in literally one click.

To do this, go to the section "Tariffs and services" and select "Service Management". You will be redirected to a page with a list of services active on your number.

Opposite each option you will see information about its cost and connection date. All you have to do is carefully review the list and refuse unnecessary services by clicking on the “Disable” button opposite each of them. After this, your phone will receive an SMS with a report about the disabled services.

Some MTS services cannot be disabled in any " Personal account", neither via SMS, nor USSD commands. For example, from the options " Parental control" or "Content ban" can be refused only through the contact center (), or in the MTS store.

I hope that the information from this article helped you figure out how to disable MTS services. If you know of other methods or know how to disable any paid service that was not mentioned in the article, I would be glad to hear your comment!

And subscriptions to MTS, without knowing which ones are on your this moment. To do this, dial the command *152*2# using the keys and press the call button. Information about paid services, which are on your number. To disable all paid services on MTS yourself, use the combination *152*2*2*3#. After this you will receive a notification about successful completion operations.

You can disable all paid services on MTS through your personal account on the company’s official website. The entrance to the office is at the bottom of the page. All recommendations upon receipt personal login and the password will be given on the screen, and the procedure will not take much time. Appearance-the assistant changes periodically, but in any case you will see a section of current services. Through service management, select those that are unnecessary and disable them yourself.

Contact help desk operator at 0890 by selecting voice menu direct connection section. First, ask your operator to name the connected paid services, and then tell them which of them you want to disable. The operation is performed right on the spot and upon completion everything will be turned off.

How to disable all subscriptions to MTS

The “Expense Control” service will help you disable everything on MTS, and USSD-*152# will help you switch to it. Using the text menu instructions, you can deactivate unnecessary mailings. You can also find out information about connected services through an SMS request with the number 1 to number 8111. As soon as you find out which information Services active on this moment, look on the Internet or on the operator’s website for codes that disable them, for example, *111*29# for the “Beep” service, *111*20# for WAP and *111*4751# for weather forecast.

You can completely disable all paid services and subscriptions to MTS, even refusing the MTS newsletter. Just enter the command *111*375#. You will receive an SMS notifying you of successful deactivation. It is worth considering that in the future this may prevent you from learning information about your balance.

Contact any MTS communication store and ask employees to disable all paid services and subscriptions. A passport is required for this. However, recently, office employees are increasingly redirecting subscribers to their personal account on the operator’s website, citing the fact that some services can only be disabled there. As a subscriber, you have the right to insist that everything unnecessary is turned off immediately in the salon.

MTS subscribers sometimes encounter unplanned debits from their accounts. In this situation, users usually call service center companies to determine all items of their expenses. The most common reason for a negative balance change is the connection of a number of periodic services that the consumer did not know about before contacting the informant-consultant. These options are paid, so you can disable them to save money.

What is meant by “recurring services”?

Periodic options are those that are valid for a period of time. certain period time. The starting point for them is the activation date or the first day of the month.

Many users are wondering what the nature of MTS periodic services are, what kind of services are they? The list of such options includes:

  • various newsletters (entertainment, news, from the “18+” category, etc.);
  • packages of minutes, megabytes of Internet, SMS and MMS;
  • promotional offers to reduce communication costs.

These services also include the MTS number, what kind of service is this and why are they constantly charging money for it? The menu of some SIM cards has a built-in application that imitates user actions and sends messages to a specified short number. For each SMS, the subscription fee is charged at the roaming rate (RUB 3.95). If such a problem occurs, you must contact the operator and demand a refund of your funds.

Full list services are listed on official resource « Mobile Telesystems" It is constantly updated various changes and additions.

How can I disable periodic services?

To deactivate the options, you need to call the number and use the help of an informant. In this case, service to the owner of the number is carried out only after clarification of his passport details.

You can also disable periodic services with a monthly fee on MTS in your personal account on official page operator. In the services section, the user is provided with a list of available services. Next to each option there is a deactivation key.

The number is also used for this purpose. The system will provide information about all active options and how to disable them. To talk to a consultant you need to press “0”. A specialist will tell you in more detail how to turn off unnecessary services, and will advise you to pay for other useful services.

MTS Russia can be considered a customer-oriented company that offers subscribers a whole range of paid and free services. Some of them are connected automatically when purchasing a package, some are activated by the user. In most cases, the self-service system supports deactivation of a paid service. Operators offer customers to configure their own capabilities. This means that you can disable any paid and free service any time.

The easiest way to obtain information about options is to use the “Details and Services” function in the Internet Assistant. Typically, fees for such services are charged regularly once a month or daily when used.

In your MTS Personal Account, you can disable paid services in the “Tariffs and Services” section and then select “Service Management”, for example, the most popular and well-known of them:

  • “Gudok” service with music instead of beeps;
  • “Everywhere is like home” – allows you to save on calls when calling between regions;
  • “Child under supervision” – tracks the location of children via mobile phone.
  • “All Russia” – discounts on calls for “Smart Business” plans;
  • “Bit” – connecting Internet traffic;
  • entertainment content, such as weather forecasts or dating.

Paid services include subscriptions, music, news and entertainment channels, number identification, etc. Free services– these are free serviced support numbers, SMS, a self-service office, as well as a service for informing about the balance, connecting a loan, etc. A complete list of connected services available for free can be obtained in the interface of the My MTS web application or in the Personal Account section described earlier.

MTS self-service services: how to find out about connected services

Many MTS subscribers do not think about the fact that they can manage their budget and control costs for telecommunications services. For example, except for a subscription fee as part of a promotion, plan or as a result self-activation a whole range of paid services can be connected, for which there is no particular need.

You can manage your service package different ways, the most visual of them, of course, is the My MTS web application account; you can use your personal account at any time if you have a smartphone - it is available from mobile device. In the MTS account in the Personal Account, periodic services paid once a month will be reflected in the account details. This report can be requested and received directly from home page self-service office by clicking on the “Details” link.

Managing connected services in the My applicationMTS

My MTS is a customer support portal that provides extensive capabilities for managing the services provided by the provider. They can be connected and disconnected independently by the user at any convenient time.

As for paid and periodic services that are activated on the user’s phone, a comprehensive list can be found in the “Tariffs and Services” section, then select “Service Management”. The entire list of available services will appear on the screen, which can be deactivated without additional contact to the provider’s office. In the same way, they can be activated as needed, so as not to pay for unused features.

Service managementMTSthroughsms

You can receive a list of services provided to you free of charge via SMS by sending the text “0” to 8111. To highlight opportunities that require payment, the message “0” is sent to the same number. After receiving the list, all unnecessary options can be disabled in one of the following ways:

  • via SMS;
  • when entering short commands;
  • through a call center;
  • in the MTS Self-Service Office account;
  • in the cabin.

Service managementMTSby usingUSSD

USSD is a specialized service provided free of charge by all telecommunications operators, which involves managing service plan options using short commands. For information about all available services enter ✶152#, and when you enter ✶152*2#, services for which money is charged are displayed. The same can be done using the mini-menu that appears when the command is activated. This service is intended for subscribers who do not have the opportunity to use free web access.