Transfer temporary chrome files to another drive. Moving the browser cache to another drive


When a user opens a website in a browser, data from a remote server is transferred to his computer, and some of this data is stored in a special local storage called cache. This approach allows Internet pages to load faster when you visit the site again, but it also has its drawback.

If the storage of cached files is not periodically cleared, then pretty soon it will take up a decent amount of space on the disk. This is especially true since the cache of all browsers is located in the system partition, for which relatively little space is usually allocated.

Therefore, to free up disk space C extra space, the browser cache should be moved somewhere else. For example, to another logical or physical drive. However, you may have other reasons for moving the cache, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to figure out how to do it correctly. This is exactly what we will do. Let's start with the most popular browser, as is generally considered. Google Chrome.

Transferring Google Chrome Cache

If you have Chrome open, close it, and then copy and paste this path into the address bar of Explorer:

%userprofile%/local settings/application data/google/chrome

In the directory that opens you will see a folder. This is where the Chrome cache is stored.

Copy it to any location convenient for you. Now go to the desktop and open the properties of the Chrome shortcut. In the field at the end of the path already there, add a parameter separated by a space —user-data-dir=”D:/User Data” and save the result.

As you already understood, this is the new path to the transferred cache folder. Now you can launch the browser. From now on it will access the cache from this folder.

Note: Please note that the new cache address will only be accessed when Chrome is launched via edited shortcut.

Mozilla Firefox Cache Transfer

Moving the cache to Firefox is a little more complicated. First, go to the profile directory, for which we enter the line in the address bar of Explorer %appdata%/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles and press enter. In the profile park you will see a folder named xxxxxxx.default, where the line of icos is the profile’s own name. You will have your own, only the extension will remain unchanged default.

We copy it to the right place, and then go to Explorer again, but at the address %appdata%/Mozilla/Firefox/profiles.ini . This will open a configuration file in Notepad profiles.ini. The bottom line contains the path to the default profile, which looks like this:

Path=Profiles/ xxxxxxx.default

We change it to the new path along which we moved the directory with the cache:


At the same time, make sure that the parameter has a value 0 . If yours is different, correct it so that it looks like the screenshot.

Launch your browser and open the hidden settings page by going to . Right-click on an empty space and select the option from the menu New -> String.

Give the new parameter a name browser.cache.disk.parent_directory, and as its value paste the new path to the profile folder copied earlier.

Restart Firefox and it will start working from the new folder.

Budget Windows tablets and convertibles often come with a very small drive, which ultimately limits the user when installing programs or storing the necessary content. In the article about we have already figured out how to increase the amount of free space on drive C. However, the methods described in it allow you to get rid of temporary files only once. In this instruction, you will learn how to move system cache folders to another drive so that you no longer have to worry about the need to constantly clear them.

Moving temporary files to another drive in Windows 10

Let's immediately note a few things:

  • Using the described method may reduce program performance. For example, the read and write speed of an SD card is typically slower than an SSD drive, so some software may run slower when transferring temporary files from the SSD to the SD card.
  • We will consider the operation in Windows 10, but the above method will also work in Windows 7 and Windows 8.

By default, there are two types of folders with temporary files on the system disk:

  • %WINDIR%\Temp (C:\Windows\Temp). This directory is common to all computer accounts.
  • %Temp% (C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp). This folder is created separately for each user (accordingly, there may be several of them). Typically, programs store temporary files there, since the cache can be different for different accounts.

The user has the opportunity to configure the addresses of these folders (their location), including moving them to another drive. This is done as follows:

This way, you can stop constantly clogging your system disk with temporary program files and Windows itself. This can have a significant impact on the amount of free space, since the cache size of some applications, for example, Google Chrome, often reaches several hundred megabytes.

Good day, friends! In today’s article I would like to tell you what the browser cache is and why it is needed, as well as how to increase its size in Yandex and move the folder with it to another location on the computer.

Browser cache - what is it?

There is already an article on the site. It provides a definition for this term. Also, it says in which folder on the computer the folder we are interested in is located.

Information caching is provided in all modern Internet browsers. Thanks to this, the user can play online games, watch movies, and also save consumed Internet traffic.

When you visit the site, a copy of the page is stored in a cache on the local disk of your computer. Let's say you left this site by following a hyperlink and then returned to it again. In this case, its loading will be faster, since the browser will take the necessary files from the computer, and will not contact the server.

When watching a movie or video, you probably noticed that if you pause it, a gray bar will continue to run in the playback line. This means that the film is downloaded to the computer, that is, cached. Once fully downloaded, you can even download it from there.

The cache file on your computer has a certain size. And when free space runs out, old entries are deleted and new ones are written.

You can reduce its size if you do not have enough free space on your computer. If you want to download, for example, a movie to this folder and then save it from it, or you need to save Internet traffic, then it is better to enlarge this file.

How to increase cache memory in Yandex browser

This cannot be done in the browser itself, since such a function is simply missing. To increase the cache size, find the Yandex browser shortcut on your desktop and right-click on it. Then select Properties from the context menu.

If you don’t have a shortcut, then go to the “Start” menu, or to the “Program Files” folder on drive C: and find the .exe file in it.

A window with properties on the “Shortcut” tab will open. Here we need the "Object" field. Place the cursor at the end of the line, press space and enter: —disk-cache-size=Volume. There are two small hyphens in front without a space. Replace "Volume" with the required value in bytes. For example, 1 GB = 1073741824 bytes. Be careful not to delete the contents of the line itself, otherwise you will need to create a new shortcut.

Don't forget to click "Apply" and then "OK".

How to change the storage location of the cache folder

When installing the Yandex browser, the user does not have the opportunity to specify in which directory on the computer to store the cache folder. Accordingly, everything will be stored on the system disk. If you don’t have too much space on your system disk, you can move this folder to another disk partition, or even to another hard drive (if there are several of them installed).

If you, like most other people, spend a lot of time on the Internet, willy-nilly you have to learn some tricks, get around various tricks, that is, perform various actions aimed at optimizing your work on the network.

One such trick is moving the firefox cache. There may be a variety of prerequisites for this: for example, to optimize free space. In addition, the cache can be transferred to the hard drive to extend the life of the SSD. In general, there are quite a few reasons, and if you have a desire or need to transfer the cache in the Mozilla browser, I will tell you how.

How to transfer cache

To migrate the firefox cache, you need to do the following:

  • First, close your Mozilla web browser;
  • Now we need to get into control of the computer. To do this, go to the start menu, and then click on the “Run” line. An alternative option is to use the key combination +[R];
  • A window appears in which you need to enter “%appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles” (without quotes), and then click ;
  • a directory with a name called [name].default has opened, which is actually your profile folder in this web browser. You need to copy it to where you would like it to be;
  • open computer management again (remember, with the +[R] combination), but now in the window that appears you need to enter “%appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\profiles.ini” (without quotes), then – ;
  • after these steps “profiles.ini”, where you need to specify the path where you moved your cache. Externally, everything should look like in the screenshot below.

"Explanations" for the browser

Now you need to “notify” your computer that you have moved the cache to another location.