KPT paste 8 drying time. Extensive thermal paste testing

Due to the progress of modern microelectronics, the speed of central processors and other components of a modern computer is rapidly increasing. Often, an increase in computing power is accompanied by an increase in heat generation of a particular PC component.
It is worth recognizing that today semiconductor technology is faced with the problem of heat removal from the crystals of the most powerful chips. Thus, central processors and cores of top-end video cards are those representatives of the segment of consumer microelectronic equipment, where the heat dissipation per square centimeter approaches the 100 Watt mark. For particularly powerful chips, this figure increases further.
As it turned out, it is very difficult to remove heat from such a small area... And it is still impossible to radically reduce the heat generation of the mentioned components without resorting to very expensive research in the field of semiconductor technologies and nanostructures.

Of course, manufacturers are taking adequate measures - they have improved and continue to improve the cooling of certain computer components, they are promoting water cooling to the masses, and they are developing new designs of air coolers. A striking example of the expression of this movement in practice is the current “era of super coolers,” which has literally overwhelmed store shelves and the minds of most users with masterpieces of technical art made of copper, aluminum and heat pipes.
A high-quality cooling system is the key to low temperatures of PC components, quiet operation, and the ability to overclock the system. However, in this case, it is necessary to remember that a “barrel of honey” can easily be spoiled by a “fly in the ointment.”
Schematically, heat removal from a heating component (for example, a central processor) can be displayed as follows: “processor – thermal interface – cooling system”(by the way, the heat-dissipating cover of a modern CPU contacts the core through another thin layer of the same thermal interface, but we will miss this point in this material, since the user cannot influence the characteristics of this factor). Most users forget about the binding component, which can be a fabric sticker impregnated with various substances, a small sheet of foil, paste, ointment, liquid, or use “what was in the box” - a free substance supplied with the purchased cooling system. . And many beginners are not even aware of the existence of thermal interfaces and their use in modern computers!
Is this approach to seemingly trifles justified? Not always, so today’s material is intended to demonstrate the importance of the topic under consideration and draw readers’ attention to one of the important aspects of cooling PC components - the influence of the thermal interfaces used on the quality of the heat sink.
Our goal is to study various substances that enthusiasts use in order to achieve the most efficient heat transfer from the processor die, graphics core, motherboard chipset to the base of the cooler or water block. This provides an additional “margin of safety” during overclocking, or simply reduces the overall temperature indicators of the components and facilitates the operation of a particular PC component.

Heat transfer: a little theory

For those who have forgotten or don’t know what it is thermal interface, let’s give the most understandable definition to most: this is the same layer, consisting of some special substance, that exists between the processor and the base of the air cooler or water block.
As you understand, the surfaces of the chip itself and its cooler are not ideal in terms of absolute evenness. In conditions of mass industrial production, it is often impossible to ensure a very high surface cleanliness and its geometric plane. Even on visually very smooth substrates, entire areas of microgeometry remain with imperfect contact, which, without the use of thermal interfaces, turn out to be filled with air molecules. These may be miniature indentations, bulges or micro-scratches that are not visible to the naked eye.

Heat transfer between contacting surfaces is carried out through conduction. This term refers to the process of exchange of kinetic energy between molecules of substances together with the diffusion of electrons in metals. Heat transfer by conduction will take place under the condition of contact of bodies with a temperature difference. In all cases, the heat flow will be directed towards the decreasing gradient of absolute values. Consequently, the bulk of the thermal energy flows from the chip to its cooler.
Convection and radiation separately are not capable of removing huge heat fluxes over a small area of ​​a microchip, and only partially take part in the overall heat transfer.

If we touch upon theoretical physics a little, we should remember that thermal conductivity of metals determined by vibrations of the crystal lattice and the movement of free electrons (the so-called “electron gas”).
With increasing temperatures, electrical conductivity of all metals, and, as a consequence, thermal conductivity decreases (these two phenomena are interrelated and one does not occur without the other). With decreasing temperatures, on the contrary, thermal conductivity increases.
The presence of free electrons determines the high electrical conductivity of metals.
Knowing this, it becomes clear why aluminum, copper, silver and their alloys are widely used in the manufacture of parts for cooling devices. These common metals have the highest electrical and thermal conductivities known to the mass industry. In addition, they are relatively easy to give the required shape through appropriate processing. Here are brief characteristics of the thermal conductivity of the most accessible metals and some interesting materials that are used in various industries:

But let's return to our “rams”: we have two surfaces - the chip crystal and the base of the cooling system, which is tasked with cooling it. The thermal interface displaces air and forms a film between them consisting of a substance with low thermal resistance.
Various pastes also allow you to mechanically decouple the heat source and its cooler, which is necessary if you replace any PC component.
If fastening elements for radiators are not provided, or more rigid fixation of heat sink devices is required, then hot-melt adhesives and special stickers are used. These types of interfaces are not discussed in this article, however, based on the data given in one of our earlier ones, you can roughly estimate the effectiveness and other characteristics of some products of a similar nature.

We hope that readers have no questions regarding the theoretical part, so we will move on.

Test procedure

When choosing a standard paste, we proceeded from the following considerations:

  • mass availability of a test sample;
  • high efficiency;
  • ease of application and rinsing;
  • low cost.

We think you have already guessed that we are talking about a rather old masterpiece of the domestic chemical industry - paste KPT-8. The key to total popularity for a huge number of users is the excellent price/quality ratio of this product.
But not everyone is satisfied with the parameters of this paste. Among those who intensively use PCs are the so-called “racers”, enthusiasts. They crave fame and records, they force the operating modes of the hardware in every available way, thereby squeezing out megahertz, parrot-power, and, as a result, creating more difficult operating conditions for various PC components, which invariably lead to increased heat generation. It is clear that in a state of record performance the system will operate very unstable. In this case, every degree and every extra watt of heat removed will be critical.
In such conditions, increased demands are placed on any component and link of the cooling system, and sometimes even exceptional demands are placed on the thermal interface, because nothing will worsen heat dissipation more than poor-quality thermal paste.
As we have already said, powerful microprocessors of modern PCs are perhaps the only segment of consumer microelectronic technology where the heat dissipation of a crystal often reaches more than 100 watts per square centimeter. As it turns out, it is very difficult to remove heat from such a small area, so many companies are researching and developing devices and substances designed to effectively remove heat specifically from central processors and video card cores.

Within the framework of one good test on a PC, everything seems extremely clear and understandable. However, in reviewing and comparing a significant number of reviews and articles published online, we sometimes found conflicting research data and ambiguous conclusions drawn by their authors.
In almost all cases, direct or indirect emphasis was placed on the processor on which the testing was carried out and the cooling system used.
This prompted the Test Laboratory website to collect all the thermal pastes available to us and conduct our own independent investigation using a special test bench.
Having reviewed the results of a study of the characteristics of thermal pastes carried out on a CPU, you can see that in the vast majority of cases it is difficult to perceive the difference between samples with similar characteristics. Much depends on the architecture and TDP of the processor. With increasing heat generation from the heater, the difference between the thermal pastes under study becomes more and more obvious.

We noticed another interesting point. Thus, manufacturers indicate the thermal conductivity of pastes on the packaging of their products, but it is not enough to determine the winner based on this indicator.
The reason is simple - different methods for measuring thermal conductivity give different values. Even conducting research using a single method in several laboratories does not exclude inaccuracies in the final results. For example, the paste may have a different contact layer during the test, and this will directly affect the numerical expression of the subjective results of the study.
Undoubtedly, only experimentally through a single _large_ comparison using a single methodology it is possible to detect actual differences between test participants.

We chose the proven MARK Sea Launch experimental test bench as a stable heat source.

In this modification, the heater core has an adapter with a small area (less than 12x12 mm), which makes it difficult to transfer heat from the heat source to the cover. The upper, polished part of the heater “emulates” a processor heat spreader. Its dimensions are 25 x 25 mm, thickness - 2 mm.
With a power output of close to 100 watts, the heater becomes like a powerful overclocked processor, which would be very difficult to cool in real conditions. A microprocessor temperature sensor embedded in the core of the heater is capable of recording temperature changes in tenths of a degree.

The heater power was set to 100 W. This value was perfect. It’s nice that the final temperature values ​​were approximately the same as those found on modern processors with average temperatures.

Accordingly, our powerful heat source will require an equally powerful cooler, and it is possible that it will be liquid. But it is difficult to test thermal pastes on a water cooling system. An error can be introduced into the test due to the presence of an intermediate coolant (water) that acts as a capacitor between tests. This means that the system will have a certain inertia. Such moments are always an inconvenient bottleneck in lengthy and labor-intensive research.
When testing air coolers, the test results are more stable, which is confirmed by testing control samples over large periods of time.
The basis of our cooling system is a radiator manufactured by Noctua, model NH-U12. This sample is assembled on four U-shaped heat pipes that are in contact with a copper base and solid aluminum plates. We decided to “overclock” it a little, and equipped the radiator with two 120 mm industrial fans Sunon KD1212-PMS1 with a capacity of 181 cubic meters/hour each.
This configuration made it possible to achieve record performance of the air cooling system, significantly exceeding the power of budget air cooling systems.
The cooler was clamped with a pair of screws through standard mounting holes socket 939. During testing, there were no shock-absorbing springs, and the clamping force was not regulated. In each test, the screws were tightened to the limit, which ensured the formation of a thinner intermediate layer of thermal paste and, as a result, the most correct final result.

In the room where testing was carried out, the air temperature was 27.5°C, monitoring was carried out continuously. If the threshold of this value was exceeded by 1 °C (in any direction), the stand automatically generated a warning signal and the study was suspended.

Each paste was checked at least twice if possible. In this case, the contact layer was applied again, and the obtained result was refined.
For pastes that showed unexpected, suspicious results, or required some time to fully reach optimal condition, the test was repeated after a few days. * .

Please pay attention to diagrams- they are deliberately built “wrongly” to more clearly demonstrate the difference between the tested interfaces. Thus, the initial mark is taken at 45°C, so do not be alarmed by the relatively large visual differences between some substances on the graphs displaying the final results.

* During the entire research period, the room temperature was kept at the same temperature.

Thermal paste parameters

Regardless of the model and name of the manufacturer, any samples of good pastes must meet the following requirements:

1) lowest thermal resistance;
2) stability of properties over a fairly wide range of operating temperatures;
3) ease of application and ease of rinsing;
4) stability of properties over time.

We believe that each of them needs to be discussed in more detail.

Lowest thermal resistance of the applied layer will ultimately determine the maximum thermal conductivity of the paste for a given contact area. If the operating temperatures are within reasonable limits and the substance does not lose or change its properties during the entire period of operation, then the thermal conductivity parameter will be the only and determining one.

Operating temperature range
All high-quality thermal pastes work perfectly in a home computer at standard temperatures. Let us recall that in PC in most cases we are dealing with values ​​of the order of 30-80°C at the point of contact.
Within this “positive” range the comparison will be made.
Temperatures above 100°C are not considered in principle for obvious reasons. Also, everything below zero down to -200°C is already extreme, which is a topic for another conversation. We do not know how various pastes will behave in this case, and we will not conduct experiments in this direction today.

Ease of application is a very important factor, and if the paste is applied with great difficulty in a thin layer on the contact surfaces, or is washed off very poorly, contaminating everything around, then this causes certain problems for the user and definitely reduces the overall score, even despite other high parameters.

Stability of properties over a wide time range determines the “survivability” of the paste. For example, we know of many cases of drying out or partially drying out low-quality samples of KPT-8 during its operation, even for one month! Naturally, a thermal interface that demonstrates similar performance for a given parameter can, at best, be used only for short-term tests.

Characteristics such as electrical strength and dielectric constant, specific volumetric electrical resistance and other special indicators are largely irrelevant for any PC user.
In the process of getting acquainted with thermal pastes, we will not dwell on the description of physical and chemical properties, as others do, but will focus only on the main criteria for us.

Introduction to thermal interfaces: general impressions


First we will apply our reference paste, which we successfully use in all tests. You probably already guessed that we are talking about the domestic KPT-8. One of the G8 samples was purchased on the Kiev radio market. The filling of a 10 cc syringe is usually enough for a long time, but we always take extra paste. The true manufacturer of the paste is unknown, there are no identifying marks.
The paste is packaged into ordinary syringes from a large container, and obviously not far from the place where they are subsequently sold.
This KPT-8 sample is squeezed out with some effort, but with frequent use you can quickly get used to it.
The paste looks white, does not contain any inclusions, and is quite thick.
After application, for correct testing, the paste must be spread over the surface in a thin layer. For these purposes, a used card for city payphones, or a clean finger of the user is well suited :)
Typically, manufacturers declare the thermal conductivity of this type of paste in the range of 0.5-0.8 W/(m x K) (hereinafter, in the characteristics of the thermal conductivity unit, degrees Celsius are replaced by the more common unit - Kelvin). It is this that will be present in all comparative tests on the diagrams under the designation “Standard”.

The tests also present KPT-8, but from a smaller syringe, on which there is a red sticker with the image of Mendeleev and the name of the contents (popularly nicknamed “Mendeleev’s”).
Like the first sample, it is very common, but is purchased elsewhere on the radio market :).
It applies and smears somewhat better than the previous one, and is not as thick. It looks no different from our standard.

The next sample is also an “eight”, with the same “hacky” sticker. But now it’s called KTP-8 - this is something new! I wonder if they are somehow different? (looking ahead, let's say that nothing). Obviously, there was a problem with the name among the packaging sellers :).

Oh my God, the next test participant is also KPT-8! But this time the pasta is really special. The originality lies in the use of beryllium oxide in its manufacture, VeO. This sample has recently been actively advertised in some places of sale. True, its price and “packaging” are no different from Mendeleev’s.
It’s funny, but there are legends on the Internet about the use of beryllium oxide (BeO) as a heat conductor. There are rumors that this is a rare military-space paste with amazing characteristics.

In our case, vague pictures from the science fiction film “The Shadow” appear before our eyes, a beryllium sphere, ancient evil, and all that;).
Be that as it may, the said GOST 19-783-74 says nothing at all about beryllium oxide, in fact, it doesn’t say anything about the exact composition of the paste.
For those who do not know, let us remind you that in traditional KPT-8 the heat conductor is finely dispersed ZINC oxide. What about beryllium?
The information raised about the analytical chemistry of this metal suggests that, indeed, beryllium oxide combines high thermal conductivity and low electrical conductivity. It is used in special ceramics and in many branches of science and technology. It is quite possible that thermal pastes can be made based on BeO.
By the way, beryllium compounds are definitely poisonous, but the degree of this indicator depends on the specific compound. No reliable information has been revealed about the toxicity of the oxide, as well as the actual presence of BeO in the paste in question.
To establish the truth, it is necessary to conduct a chemical analysis of the paste, and this is already a definite problem for any testing laboratory, even more And x Internet resources. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to just the test.


Thermal paste is very popular among domestic users. Produced by the Moscow company GM Inform. There are a lot of rumors about the substance in question on the Internet. Apparently, one of the reasons for this is its maximum declared thermal conductivity, which is approximately 2 W/(m x K), compared to 0.8 for KPT-8. On the forums, some users report excellent results using AlSil-3, in contrast to other domestic competitors, while others do not feel any difference, or, on the contrary, favor the “eight”. They claim that there are fakes of AlSil-3 based on toothpaste * . There are also assumptions that the manufacturer is experimenting/saving, and does not always guarantee consistently high performance of its products.
* Just for fun, we also tested toothpaste to see if it was possible to make a fake in this way; see research data at the end of the article

We received two samples of the substance in question for testing - the original, branded AlSil-3, released in the second quarter of 2006:

And another slightly larger syringe marked AlSil-3:

A visual comparison showed that the pastes from both syringes are no different. The substance in each case has a characteristic gray tint. This feature of AlSil-3 is dictated by the presence of aluminum nitride in it, which acts as a heat conductor. There are no inclusions in the composition. The paste is simply squeezed out and spreads easily. Of our two samples, AlSil-3 in the larger syringe was released quite a long time ago, approximately in 2002. However, during testing, no difference was found between the pastes.

This thermal interface is supplied with akasa coolers.
The paste is in a small syringe, it is white in color; compared to our standard, it is more liquid and easier to spread.

The thermal conductivity coefficient declared by the manufacturer is more than 7.5 W/(m x K). Theoretically, this is about 7 times more than KPT-8! But what will happen in practice?... Testing will show!

AOS is a very well-known manufacturer of thermal interfaces abroad.
We received silicone paste, #54013, packaged in a branded syringe for testing.

It is white in color and easy to apply. It washes off without any problems. The consistency is very liquid.
The declared thermal conductivity of this sample is 0.73 W/(m x K).

Apus–TMG 301

We took this sample from the XC-801 cooler kit from LEXCOOL.

The paste has a slight grayish tint and resembles AlSil-3.
The consistency is quite liquid. The thermal conductivity indicated is about 4.5 W/(m x K).

Arctic Cooling MX-1

This paste is one of the unconventional products of the Swiss company Arctic Cooling, specializing in the production of quiet and high-quality cooling systems. We've already talked about this product, so we won't dwell on the details.
The substance is in a branded syringe, which, by the way, changed its appearance a few months ago. Ash colored paste. Squeeze out in small lumps. For proper application, it must be rubbed into the base of the cooling system and the processor cover. Note that you need to apply very little paste to both surfaces and remove the excess.
This is the “old” packaging option:

And here is the paste in a new package in a thinner and longer syringe:

Arctic Alumina

This paste is the brainchild of probably the most famous and advertised foreign manufacturer of thermal interfaces - the Arctic Silver company.

Arctic Alumina is made from aluminum oxide. The paste is white, applied to the surface easily, and smeared just as easily. The declared thermal conductivity is more than 4.0 W/(m x K).

Arctic Ceramique

The thermal conductor in the paste is a mixture of aluminum oxide, zinc oxide and boron nitride; The manufacturer does not indicate the proportion of substances.

Arctic Ceramique, like all Arctic Silver products we tested, is made on the basis of a proprietary highly stable polysynthetic base. There were no problems with applying and washing off the product.

Arctic Silver 3

One of the most famous silver-based pastes. The composition is a dark gray substance with a greenish tint.

The manufacturer indicates a content of approximately 70% fine silver by volume of the paste.
The substance is squeezed out and applied without problems, and removed quickly and easily.

Antec Reference

Looking at the syringe, it’s easy to guess where the paste was made and by whom.

It’s interesting that the packaging claims a reduction in processor temperature by 4°C to 15°C thanks to the use of this thermal paste. We have not been able to understand in which case such outstanding performance can be achieved... Perhaps the manufacturer's marketers mean the difference between installing a cooler without using any thermal interface, and using Antec Reference :)
The product in question has exactly the same characteristics as Arctic Silver 3, and the tests carried out confirm this.

Arctic Silver 5

This product replaces Arctic Silver 3 and has improved characteristics. This time the paste contains 88% finely divided silver of high purity.

The substance is dark gray in color and has a rather thick consistency. To spread the paste into a perfect thin layer, you need to spend some time.
The declared thermal conductivity of this product is impressive - about 8.7 W/(m x K).
Many well-known companies use Arctic Silver products under their own brand, often with their own packaging. For example, Arctic Silver 5 is called Thermal Grease No. 2 by Thermaltake.

This thermal paste comes complete with the Asetek WaterChill KT03A water cooling system.
The substance is contained in a dense white sachet, which is enough for several uses.

The paste is white, runny in places, but mostly comes in small clumps. It smears normally and washes off easily.

Data Cooler

This thermal interface is supplied in bags with coolers produced under the same brand.

The paste is very reminiscent of Polish W.P. - much more liquid than KPT-8. There were no problems with application.

Standard “silicone” thermal paste.

Abroad, DC-340 is found in many manufacturers of chemical products. Our paste is in a plastic tube. When squeezed out, it turns out that it is very thick, stretchy, and white in color. Typical thermal conductivity of DC-340 is 0.42 W/(m x K).

Fanner 420

This thermal paste is also known as Evercool 420, but in fact we have a product from Stars with the same digital designation - 420. As you can see, this thermal interface is very popular among many suppliers.

The paste is white, very liquid. The specified thermal conductivity is 2.062 W/(m x K).


Quite an interesting example. Let us remind you that Geil produces RAM. A tube of thermal paste could once be purchased separately, or found bundled with some modules as a free bonus for the buyer.

The composition is very beautiful, so to speak, golden in color. The manufacturer indicates the presence of 5% copper and 5% silver (by volume).
I wonder what thermal conductivity this “mix” has? On the syringe label you can find a value of 1.729 W/(m x K), which is most likely true. However, testing will determine the actual effectiveness of GeIL GL-TCP1b.
The composition of this paste is liquid, homogeneous, applied in layers, and spreads easily. This substance is removed a little easier than the ever-memorable "silver".


We extracted this paste from the Gigabyte 3DGalaxy CBO kit.

Note that the manufacturer does not provide a full syringe, and there is only enough substance for one or two water block installations per processor.
The paste is white, very liquid.


We got this sample from the Koolance Exos CBO kit. Actually in front of us - Stars 360, keep this in mind.

Ash colored paste. Thick, but spreads out relatively easily. Quite high thermal conductivity is declared - about 4.5 W/(m x K).

This product is included in the set of coolers manufactured by Noctua. The paste is in a small syringe filled to capacity.

The substance is white, unremarkable, liquid and slippery.

Pasta Siliconova

This paste is quite common on sale. Manufactured in Poland. We hope you understand that in “silicone” pastes the heat conductor is not the substance that is used to enlarge certain parts of the female body, but mainly metal oxides :).

The paste is contained in a tin tube. White color; thick, like our standard, but applied and smeared easily.
Please note that squeezing the paste out of such a tube is extremely inconvenient.

The next thermal paste is also Polish, packaged in disposable bags. There are no identification marks, but the seller managed to find out the abbreviation for this substance - W.P.

The paste is very liquid, applied very well, in a thin layer.


Don't be surprised that the famous Matsushita Electric Co. (owner of the Panasonic trademark), among other things, produces thermal pastes for use in its own production.
The substance intended for retail sale is packaged in a small round jar with a red lid.

The paste itself turned out to be similar to whipped cream, “airy”. As soon as the cooler is installed on the processor, it will instantly push the excess amount of substance out, so in this case you don’t have to worry about the thin working layer.

This may be a Stars product. Many manufacturers use thermal pastes from this vendor, often “re-releasing” them under their own brand.

The thermal conductivity of the composition indicated on the syringe is 0.88 W/(m x K), which is very similar to the characteristics of our standard. The paste is white, very liquid and easy to spread.


We cannot name the exact model of this substance, but buying it will not be a particular problem. In some cases, the user may receive packaging that will be equipped with a sticker. If you believe the sellers' statements, these syringes are filled with thermal paste from Shin-Etsu MicroSi, Inc.

It was not possible to find out the nominal characteristics of the product. The paste is white, very similar to “Mendeleevskaya” KPT-8. Applies normally, a little "slippery".

Stars (soft pack)

Another product produced by Stars. Perhaps it is no different from other similar substances.

The paste looks white, somewhat slippery, and has a consistency similar to the substance from the Data Cooler kit.

Stars silver

And this is a non-standard thermal paste from Stars, very similar to Titan TTG-S104. The substance is well applied and smeared over the surface of the heat distribution cover of the processor.

True, when washing it off, the same problems arise as with “silver.”

Stars 700

Like other relatives from this manufacturer, it is also a very common sample. It is interesting that the manufacturer indicates the presence of 25% silver by volume in the composition of the paste. Unfortunately, we will not be able to verify this statement in today's test.

The specified thermal conductivity is 7.5 W/(m x K). The composition is silver in color and is applied in layers. Very reminiscent of "titanium silver".

Aero 700

Paste from a set of Aerocool coolers.

In fact, what we have in front of us is Stars 700, but in a different package: the same 25% silver by volume and thermal conductivity at 7.5 W/(m x K).

Sil more

The paste is supplied in a transparent plastic bag. It looks white, very liquid.

When squeezed out on the processor cover, in addition to the paste, some other transparent substance appears. This thermal interface is easy to apply and washes off easily.

Shin-Etsu MicroSi G-751

There was nothing else on the syringe, except for the identification mark in the form of the manufacturer’s name, but we managed to find out the true name of the product - G-751.

The paste was included in the kit of one of the coolers for Intel Xeon server processors. The composition is gray in color, quite thick, and is contained in a thin and long syringe. The thermal conductivity declared by the manufacturer is 4.5 W/(m x K).

Shin-Etsu MicroSi MPU-3.7

We still have this sample of thermal paste from the era of AMD Athlon XP (K7) processors!

I wonder what result this substance will demonstrate. The paste itself is dark gray in color and very thick.
MPU-3.7 does not spread well, if one can say so at all. Like Arctic Cooling MX-1, it must be rubbed into the surface for proper thin film application.

Titan TTG-S104, -S103 (silver)

This substance was previously supplied in a small bag or in a syringe with coolers manufactured by Titan. In our country, it is one of the most famous and widespread thermal pastes. For its specific color and composition it received the nickname “silver”.

The paste is indeed silver in color, but nothing more: it seems to us that there is no silver in the composition by definition, although the manufacturer claims some percentage. It appears that the heat conductor is fine aluminum powder.
The paste is easily squeezed out, laid on the surface in layers, and smeared well. Packaging in a syringe is more convenient, so when choosing between S104 and S103, don’t get confused - there is no difference between them, except in packaging, we are looking at the same substance. The peculiarity of “silver” appears at the moment of washing off this interface - the composition quickly, as if expediently and spontaneously, appears on some parts of your body, and on objects that have undergone the slightest contact with the paste or the user’s dirty hands.
We have probably never seen such a “dirty” thermal interface.

Titan Nano Blue

One of the options for replacing the classic “serebryanka”. In the form of a small syringe it is included in the kit of coolers and water cooling systems from Titan. It is a very common example, but tests will show how successful it is.

The composition of the syringe itself is a radical blue color, lies in layers, and is not smeared in the best way. Nominal thermal conductivity - more than 2.5 W/(m x K).

Titan Nano Grease TTG-G30010

This thermal interface is the newest product of this class from Titan. Apparently, it will replace the well-known Nano Blue paste.
The product tested comes in a small flattened syringe that comes with new coolers from the manufacturer in question.
The composition is gray in color. The paste is very thick, viscous and dense, so it will take some time to apply evenly. The declared thermal conductivity is 4.5 W/(m x K).

It is worth noting that the same thermal paste is available separately in retail:

The only difference from the sample we tested is that the syringe comes with a noticeably larger volume and, as a result, is marked TTG-G30030.


Before us are products of the company Amepox, well known in certain circles.

The substance in question was taken from a two-component set intended for gluing radiators to the housings of memory chips and/or power transistors. The heat conductor is a rather original mixture, the basis of which is liquid finely dispersed copper.
The indicated thermal conductivity of the composition is 6.4 - 6.8 W/(m x K).

Zalman CSL 850

A very common pattern. This paste is included in the kit of the vast majority of coolers produced by Zalman, which determines its mass availability and wide popularity.

The composition is in a miniature tin tube, which is enough for two or three uses. The paste is white, relatively liquid, and easy to apply. The declared thermal conductivity is 0.837 W/(m x K). Many people constantly use CSL 850 and speak of its good properties, better than those of KPT-8. However, these thermal pastes are very similar, and most likely their effectiveness is at about the same level. Testing will show whether this is true or not.

47 D90T8-010 GFC-M1

Before us is a dark ash-colored paste. No identifying marks other than the markings and the origin of the substance could be determined.

The product in question was part of one of the DIY laptop kits. But since it came to hand, why not test it?!

Coollaboratory Liquid Pro

This substance is the first serial thermal interface based on liquid metal. Those who had an interesting childhood probably beat thermometers behind garages and rolled out balls of mercury. So, this composition evokes nostalgia for past ventures and experiments with liquid metals. The substance has a characteristic shiny metallic color.

This alloy does not evaporate, is not as toxic as mercury, and does not form such dangerous compounds. This thermal interface consists of rare earth metals alloyed in a certain proportion. Its melting point is below room temperature. But this does not mean that you can do whatever you want with Liquid Pro. Like mercury, this metal reacts chemically with many other metals. Thus, after some time, oxide flakes grow on aluminum parts, and they themselves literally decompose and dissolve at the point of contact (similar behavior is characteristic of gallium). In this case, transmetallic compounds are formed. On copper, this process will also occur, but not so quickly and not so clearly.
Unfortunately, Liquid Pro is also very difficult to apply.
All attempts to smear liquid metal will be in vain if several conditions are not met to guarantee the desired effect. The contacting surfaces of the chip and the cooler must be clean and smooth, and the copper must be free of oxides. It is best to pre-treat the base of the cooling device with fine-grit sandpaper (zero) and then degrease it with alcohol. The processor cover should also be degreased.
Prepare a cotton swab. Squeeze a small ball of Liquid Pro from the syringe onto the surface, and press the ball with a cotton swab. The metal will enter the fibers of the cotton wool and will be held there. Now you need to rub it into the surface with little effort. If the surfaces are really clean, then the result will not take long. Other methods, such as smearing with a brush or rag, rarely bring results. In most cases, you will roll metal in the form of balls until they roll down somewhere, under the processor substrate or simply onto the PCB board (tested).
And when you rub the cotton wool over the surface, you remove the thinnest oxide film from the copper, which promotes adhesion.
It should be noted that Liquid Pro is metal, and it is simply an excellent conductor of electricity. Neither Arctic Silver 5, nor even more so any “silver” models can compare with it in this regard. You need to handle this substance very carefully, because one small ball, imperceptibly rolling onto the contacts of a chip, can create a short circuit and permanently disable your entire system. If you work carefully and slowly, and follow the simplest recommendations and precautions, everything will be fine.
For Liquid Pro, the manufacturer specifies a thermal conductivity of more than 80 W/(m x K).

Test results

Depending on the data obtained, we divided all samples into five categories, based on the level of thermal conductivity they demonstrated:

1) The Worst Thermal Conductivity
Pastes included in this group are not recommended for use in PCs.

2) average thermal conductivity (Medium Thermal Conductivity)
This category includes relatively simple and inexpensive thermal pastes that can satisfy the needs of most users, for whom a couple of “extra” degrees on the processor are not decisive.

3) good thermal conductivity (Good Thermal Conductivity)
Thermal interfaces are recommended for demanding users who prefer to use proven products from well-known brands. For this category, exceptionally high quality and stability of paste characteristics come first.

4) excellent thermal conductivity (Very Good Thermal Conductivity)
Samples of pastes that fall into this category have impressive characteristics and can be recommended to those who are seriously interested in overclocking or in every possible way want to reduce the temperature of the processor, graphics chip, memory in any way, even by a relatively insignificant amount.

5) Outstanding Thermal Conductivity– the highest, excellent performance among all thermal interfaces.
The substances presented in this category are a worthy choice for those who rightfully consider themselves to be true enthusiasts.

Worst thermal conductivity

Only a few pastas fell into the losing category. They are the worst of what we tested, but in comparison with various exotic thermal interface alternatives they do not look so bad and hopeless:

Frankly speaking, we did not expect such a result at least from the Titan product. It turns out that the “free” Nano blue turned out to be simply hopeless... To ensure the accuracy of the results obtained, this paste was tested several times and consistently showed the worst result.
Whether to use the two substances presented in the diagram is up to each user, but there are a sufficient number of significantly better products on the market that can often be found in a set of inexpensive CPU cooling systems or on sale separately, and use them specifically.

Average thermal conductivity

This group is the most numerous. Our standard, KPT-8, was also included in it. The paste generally shows satisfactory characteristics, but it should be noted that in its price range it has practically no obvious competitors.
As it turned out, the viscosity and thermal conductivity of KPT-8 may vary slightly, depending on the specific sample and the place of its production. However, this affects the final result very, very little.
In our case, the differences between the available pastes were only 1°C, which is really very little.
I would like to say a few words about AlSil-3. They say that this paste has a O greater thermal conductivity than other products of the domestic chemical industry, and is positioned as a replacement for KPT-8. But as a result of the tests, no qualitative differences between AlSil-3 and the good KPT-8 were revealed, either in terms of final thermal conductivity or ease of application and removal. The laboratory site is forced to state the fact that AlSil-3 cannot potentially compete with the “KPT-shka”, since it has absolutely no advantages in characteristics over the latter. In addition, she has a O higher cost and less common, which makes KPT-8 a better buy.

This test group included many foreign thermal pastes, which showed satisfactory characteristics and were on par with our standard, and in some cases were slightly better.
All of them are just normal “workhorses”, which in no case should be thrown out of the kit of a brand new cooling system and immediately look for a replacement. These thermal interfaces are recommended for those who do not strive to set world records, but still moderately overclock their PC components.
Also included in the “average” group are many metal-based pastes. The samples shown in the diagram do not live up to the expectations placed on them (remember the declaration of the presence of silver in the composition of certain substances and the high declared thermal conductivity values). They turn out to be no better than high-quality “eight”, but you are guaranteed to get everything dirty when working with such pastes.

Good thermal conductivity

As you know, Arctic Silver products are practically idolized on foreign websites, and in every test they respond with the most flattering words. Recently, there has been a total admiration of users for the new idol represented by Arctic Silver-5...
We conducted a detailed test to reveal the true benefits of thermal pastes from this reputable company.

It turns out that Arctic Alumina is no better than the “Mendeleev” KPT-8.
Alumina was included in the Good Thermal Conductivity group solely as a product of consistently high quality.
Arctic Silver 3, based on silver, actually wins 2 degrees over the standard.
Arctic Silver 5 already gains as much as 3 degrees, which is truly an achievement for thermal pastes in this series.
Everything would be fine... But Arctic Ceramique is bringing a little chaos into our ranks! It exhibits almost the same characteristics as Arctic Silver 5, and is much easier to apply. And this result is not an error, because tests carried out even a few weeks later showed the same result.
In this case, we can definitely say that Arctic Ceramique is a very good buy.
As for Arctic Silver 5, it sells effectively, partly due to the total faith of users in the power of noble silver;). It is one of the highest quality and most successful thermal pastes on the market. In addition, the product in question does not cause any difficulties during application and removal, and can be safely recommended to those users who do not want to save a penny on the purchase of a thermal interface. This group also includes some other pastes from lesser-known manufacturers, which for most ordinary users will not be an easy task to obtain.

Excellent thermal conductivity

First of all, I was pleased with the TTG-G30010 thermal paste from Titan - it not only demonstrated one of the best results in the test (even better than Arctic Silver 5), but also does not suffer from the “childhood diseases” inherent in Nano Blue and Silver Grease. If we take into account its retail price in addition to everything, then we have a real killer not only KPT-8, but also many more effective thermal pastes, regardless of the price of the latter! Gigabyte's nondescript syringe stuff, as well as the Apus-TMG 301 and Shin-Etsu MicroSi G-751, also produced impressive results, but they're less common than Titan's product above, so it's not worth going to great lengths to find at the point of sale. .

Outstanding thermal conductivity

The last group presents the best of the best - thermal pastes, which neither mass-produced products nor other widely advertised and expensive substances could compete with.

We have only three pasta champions, and it’s difficult to name the most outstanding pasta among them. Coollaboratory Liquid Pro is truly the best thermal interface to date. It demonstrated maximum efficiency and once again confirmed the fame, the legends that are already roaming the Internet about this product.
However, it has a number of significant disadvantages - very high cost, difficulties in applying to contact surfaces, electrical conductivity, relatively narrow geography of distribution (mainly large cities). Those for whom every tenth of a degree on a processor or video card chip is important can easily turn a blind eye to all the shortcomings inherent in Liquid Pro, but more rational buyers should pay attention to the Arctic Cooling product - MX-1 thermal paste.
What the Swiss company does often demonstrates higher efficiency than competitors' products, and the thermal interface is no exception. If you look closely at its packaging, on the back you can see a comparison table between MX-1 and common samples, including Arctic Silver 3. Some of us found it hard to believe that this toothpaste could compete so well with more famous competitors, but the testing carried out puts everything in its place.
MX-1 demonstrated a stable result from the first application - the gap from the standard was at least 5°C!
But what will happen after the indicated 200 hours, which are needed for the paste to reach optimal condition? To do this, the cooler remained pressed on the stand for exactly 200 hours, and the indicators of the Swiss product were measured every 24 hours. Unfortunately, during testing on a test bench, the paste only slightly improved its result - by a few tenths of a degree, which is not particularly exciting. Nevertheless, the obvious advantages of the MX-1 are obvious!
The only annoyance with the Arctic Cooling product is the relative difficulty of applying it to the processor cover and/or cooling system base. However, these disadvantages are much less than those of Coollaboratory Liquid Pro.
Shin-Etsu MicroSi MPU-3.7 also demonstrated very good results, but there is one “but” - the average user will probably not be able to find a similar product. When searching for this substance, you can only rely on luck, nothing more, so we advise you to pay more attention to other thermal interfaces provided in the Outstanding Thermal Conductivity substance diagram.

Bonus: test for substances that are not thermal interfaces

The natural interest of enthusiasts in finding adventures has also crept into the cooling sphere - many overclockers use (or at least try to use) non-standard and exotic substances instead of pastes familiar to most. Some report obtaining very high thermal conductivity, others simply use original substances to stand out from the crowd or avoid going to the market :) In any case, this trend exists. That is why we decided to check how successfully some popular and exotic substances can replace real thermal paste.
Here are the results of testing the substances that were tested:

We think it would be useful to comment on the obtained figures, because the harsh reality spoils the relatively rosy picture depicted in the diagram.

Mustard "Russian"
Yes, the temperature settled precisely at such an interesting digital value - 66.6°C. However, if you wait for a long time, it becomes clear that the moisture slowly evaporates from this spicy product, and a dry concentrate remains between the heat-distributing cover of the processor and the cooler sole. After the test, it can be turned back into normal mustard by adding a small amount of water :).
We hope that none of the sensible readers will engage in such experiments on their home computer.

Nefras S4-155/200(White Spirit)
Solvent. With it, the test bench sensor at a certain moment recorded a relatively stable heater temperature of around 65.5°C. However, it is not entirely correct to indicate the resulting value here. The fact is that the heater temperature reached 65.5°C, and its increase slowed down, but over time, the readings of the digital thermometer gradually increased. The reason is simple - the solvent evaporated easily and instead of a heat-conducting substance, after a certain time we would have received an air gap between the processor cover and the cooler base.

Isopropyl alcohol
What was strange was that the temperature when using this substance stopped at 63°C (the solvent showed 65°C, and their physicochemical properties are very similar). However, after some time the temperature began to rise slowly. As you would expect, the alcohol evaporated.

Machine oil TP-22
Used to lubricate tape drive mechanisms. We will try to use it as a thermal interface. Moreover, it is various types of engine oils that overclockers often use instead of the usual thermal pastes.
Considering that this is ordinary mineral oil, the result on thermal conductivity turned out to be very modest and expected. True, this substance does not evaporate at such temperatures, and, moreover, is a good insulator.
Bottom line: the TP-22 is no good as a thermal interface for the processor.

Reminiscent of Litol, but has slightly better characteristics; used to lubricate various mechanisms, reduces their friction and wear.
Many of us have probably read on, in which the author used Litol instead of paste in his computer.
63.6°C stable. The result is indeed better than that of mineral oil, but it does not reach the level of even the worst thermal pastes, and therefore it cannot be recommended for use in PCs.

Unrefined edible sunflower oil “Yamran” :)
Very interesting. The result was a very lasting (albeit bad) result. The heater temperature is 62°C stable.

Gasoline evaporates, the temperature slowly rises, as is the case with alcohol.

Low-temperature watch oil MH-30
60.5°C stable. Already better. So we will soon catch up with the worst thermal pastes :)

Pilot Gold, gold marker
For use as a thermal interface, the impregnation contained in the internal fibrous “rod” was used. 57.5°C is a very good result, but since the marker dye is alcohol-based, the temperature during testing turns out to be unstable and slowly increases as the substance evaporates.

Toothpaste “Pearl”
So, let's try to fake classic white thermal paste. They say that KPT-8 and AlSil 3 are replaced with cheap toothpaste. A comparison will show how true these beliefs are!
There is a distinct smell of menthol, and the consistency is not the same. You would probably be able to tell any toothpaste apart from KPT-8 :)
Test result – 55.5°C! We couldn’t believe our eyes - this is true CPT-8! In terms of efficiency, it’s even a little better than our standard.
No, wait. Don't run to smear your processors with toothpastes! In any case, the result will be unstable, because any teeth cleaning product contains water, and it evaporates over time, and the temperature of the heater slowly increases. The paste becomes a heat insulator, turning into a kind of chalk.

Drinking water
Look, the water turned out to be 2 degrees better than our standard! H20 really can work wonders. Without water there would be no life on our planet. True, you cannot escape the laws of physics: the eternal cycle of moisture in nature spoils everything... The water evaporates and the temperature of the heater increases over time. Therefore, it cannot be used as a thermal interface. In addition, even when conducting tests “for fun” on a real computer, there is a risk of flooding the space around the socket, which can lead to a short circuit and failure of PC components.

To summarize, it should be noted that we obtained very interesting results. However, under no circumstances should you rush to replace the standard thermal paste in your computer with toothpaste, or, worse, fill the processor cover with water! We could afford this on special equipment protected from short circuits and for short-term tests.
In addition, there is one important point: the vast majority of the substances discussed in this section contain alcohol or water (or are such). When the heat sink is heated, they evaporate very intensively, which leads to complete “self-destruction” of the used thermal interface!
Also, some substitutes may contain chemically active substances that cause corrosion of the cooler base or water block! A striking example confirming this is proven toothpaste. At first, it demonstrates a better result than KPT-8, but after an hour or two while the computer is running, the moisture contained in it almost completely evaporates, and the “Pearl” turns into a heat insulator! Having removed the cooler from the processor after such a test, you will see that its copper base is covered with a dark-colored coating, which can only be removed by grinding. Therefore, to avoid trouble, never repeat tests like ours at home!


Testing is completed - it's time to sum up the results. For greater clarity of the results obtained, the performance of all thermal pastes is displayed in one summary diagram:

The absolute leader in the test, thermal interface based on liquid metal Coollaboratory Liquid Pro, for outstanding performance indicators is awarded an honorary badge Certified Hardcore site:

Having remembered a number of its features, which can easily be called disadvantages, we decided to highlight another thermal interface, Arctic Cooling MX-1, a similar award, Certified Hardcore site:

It is much more reminiscent of conventional thermal pastes than “liquid metal”, it is widespread and has almost no disadvantages.
Product TITAN COMPUTER CO. LTD., Nano Grease TTG-30030, due to mass availability, affordable cost and very high efficiency, deserved an award King of the Hill website:

Finally, it is necessary to focus on the fact that this is a clear comparative test of many thermal interfaces using a single method, on a stable heat source under the same conditions.
We cannot speak with 100% confidence about the truth or objectivity of the results obtained, just as we cannot speak about the reliability of tests on a real central processor. On many real systems, the results vary slightly due to the variability of conditions and the influence of many accompanying factors on the research process itself, so it is not possible to make an unambiguous and only correct conclusion.
Be that as it may, the results obtained clearly demonstrate the difference between individual thermal interfaces, and they should not be ignored. We have made every effort to present you with a subjective reflection of the objective truth about the effectiveness of various heat transfer pastes!

Readers need to remember that in many respects the repetition of the results obtained on the test bench in the case of tests on the central processor will depend on the architecture of the latter, the features of the built-in thermal sensor, and, first of all, on the level of heat generation. So, at TDP=35 W the difference between the best and worst pastes will be very small(one or two degrees) and only when this indicator increases (especially when overclocking powerful CPUs) will it manifest itself to the maximum extent.

We hope that now those who previously had no idea about the existence of a substance called thermal paste in their computer have some reasons for thought, supported by an appropriate test base.
True, it is not at all necessary to immediately after reading this material remove the cover of the system unit, dismantle the cooling system and change the substance that was originally smeared on the processor heat dissipator. It is necessary to soberly weigh all the pros and cons, and think about whether there is really a practical need for such a move. Those who operate their computer in nominal mode have nothing to worry about, even if the assembler used the worst thermal interface (however, there are cases when a seemingly qualified engineer from a reputable company not only does not apply thermal paste to the processor cover, but even forgets to remove the protective plastic film from the base of the cooling system!).
For those who really worry about every extra degree on the processor, and/or are busy squeezing the last megahertz out of their favorite hardware, when searching for a specific thermal interface, they must first take into account their needs and the actual availability of any paste. Factors that will contribute to the purchase are ease of application and rinsing, and, of course, price.

I would also like to note that working with thermal interfaces is not dangerous if you only occasionally use these substances and do not deal with them around the clock. When applying/removing pastes, it will be a good idea to have alcohol and napkins on hand. It is advisable not to smear the thermal interface on the skin, because in some cases too much of a certain substance can cause an allergic reaction, but this is unlikely to rejuvenate the body :)
Repeating what has already become a classic remark, we’ll finally say: if you have a desire to change the cooling system, you should first ask yourself: “...maybe it would be better to just change the thermal interface first?”

Thermal pastes Arctic Ceramique, Arctic Cooling MX-1 and Coollaboratory Liquid Pro are provided by the PCForsage online store.

Feedback, suggestions and comments on this material are accepted in the forum website.

Thermally conductive paste has the form of a plastic substance with high thermal conductivity. Its purpose is to improve heat exchange processes between the radiator and the processor. If you are interested and want to know more, then start reading the article.

Why do you need thermal paste "KPT-8"

Thermal paste "KPT-8" is made in the form of a homogeneous paste of white or gray color, sometimes it is blue or silver in color. In the past, processors were manufactured cold, so they did without this substance. Currently, such paste is needed by any, even low-power processor unit. Overclocking of modern processors is provided by manufacturers; this is achieved through programming; the user will need to make changes to the settings using the BIOS Setup utility. Due to the presence of micro-irregularities in the processor and radiator, an air gap is formed, which reduces the heat dissipation of the microprocessor. This problem is very relevant at the present time, since many units operate at the limit of their capabilities, and heat is generated intensely.

How to use thermal paste correctly

Squeeze the paste out of the tube in an even line, from one edge to the other on one side of the processor surface. You need to make sure that the line is not too thin, but you should not make it too wide. A layer that is too thick is not good. According to reviews, the KPT-8 thermal paste in the syringe is squeezed out poorly and unevenly, so it is better to purchase it in a factory tube.

Taking the card in your hands, press its edge behind the paste so that it bends. Slowly move from right to left and apply intense pressure to spread the paste.

Just one time you can get a good result. But if you need to repeat the procedure, the paste will need to be removed or the resulting gaps can be smoothed out using a card. To achieve a thin, even layer, you will need to go over the applied paste with a card several times.

What else is important to know about thermal paste

The secret to applying the paste correctly is extremely simple. It is imperative to remove excess paste that is not on the surface of the processor. This is done using a rag.

It is important not to allow the substance to come into contact with the motherboard, as this can lead to undesirable consequences. Therefore, the procedure must be carried out extremely carefully. After all, excess paste that gets onto the wrong elements can cause malfunction. There is no need to apply paste to the cooler radiator. There is also no need to do two layers. Many reviews of KPT-8 thermal paste for laptops do not recommend it due to its low thermal conductivity, so your device may simply burn out from overheating.

Characteristics of thermal paste "KPT-8"

Organosilicon paste or thermal interface paste is produced in accordance with the standards of GOST 19783 - 74. This substance is white in color and high viscosity is needed to improve the heat exchange process between the touching surfaces of components, radiators and circuits. The paste looks like a heat-resistant white mass. It is packaged in jars or other containers.

Paste characteristics:

  • white substance;
  • toxic and harmful to health, but it is not explosive or flammable;
  • has a corrosive effect;
  • the paste is able to maintain its working functions within the range from -60 to +180 degrees;
  • density is 2.6 - 3.0 g/cm. cube

The thermal paste "KPT-8" for the processor has won good reviews due to its affordable price. It also meets all necessary requirements and standards. The heat conductor agent is zinc oxide; it can serve as a replacement for mica and rubber gaskets. The gauze is folded into three layers and soaked in KPT-8 paste. The thickness of the gauze makes it possible to maintain the required gap.

Other brands of thermal paste

All types of thermal pastes are divided into two types, some of them are sold at an affordable price, others have a high cost. The price is affected by the material from which it is made and the level of thermal conductivity. As a rule, such pastes are made from zinc oxide or silicone based. The budget option is suitable for home personal computers with low power; one package is enough for a long time. Inexpensive thermal pastes have become widespread among ordinary PC users. The most popular domestic thermal pastes are “KPT-8”; "NS-125"; "AlSil-3/5".

Expensive pastes are usually foreign-made. They have higher thermal conductivity. Metals and oxides with high thermal conductivity are used in production. Such substances are suitable for use on powerful computers, as well as servers and bridges. Branded thermal pastes are packaged and sold in small containers. One package is designed for two or three applications. The thermally conductive substance has a consistency that is convenient for application and removal. Among foreign pastes, the most popular are Arctic Cooling, Noctua NT, Zalman, Akasa AK. These thermal pastes have good thermal conductivity, and their price is not very high.

Thermal paste (as mentioned above) is a viscous creamy substance with high thermal conductivity. The substance acts as a bridge connecting the processor and the heatsink. You can apply the paste yourself while cleaning your computer. Replacement should be done once a year.


If you doubt whether this paste is suitable for your device, then you can check the compatibility according to your system parameters using reviews of thermal paste "KPT-8".


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Hello dear friends, Artyom is with you.

Let's talk about the effectiveness of thermal pastes for cooling the central processor.

There won’t be many thermal pastes in today’s test, but I will definitely test the popular KPT-8.

In addition to it, the test will include Zalman ZM-STG2 and Cooler Master E2.

Thermal pastes have quite a few different properties. Starting from price, container size (bottle, syringe) and ending with consistency.

Depending on the consistency, some thermal paste needs to be applied a little more, and some a little less.

This fact may also change the ability to distribute the paste evenly on the processor cover and cooler heat sink (provided that the processor cover and cooler base are perfectly level).

However, the most important thing in any thermal paste is its thermal conductivity. This parameter is measured in W/m*K (Watt per meter multiplied by Kelvin).

The higher this number, the more effectively the thermal paste will be able to remove heat from the source, in our case from the processor.

Zalman ZM-STG2 has a thermal conductivity of 4.1 W/m*K, Cooler Master E2 3.5 W/m*K, and KPT-8 0.7-0.8 W/m*K.

For example, the top-end thermal paste Arctic Cooling MX4 has a record thermal conductivity value of 8.5 W/m*K.

So it will be doubly interesting how KPT-8 will behave with a record low level of thermal conductivity of 0.7-0.8 W/m*K.

P. S. All thermal pastes were applied using the same technique.

A thin horizontal line on the processor, and the paste was distributed by the cooler substrate itself.

This way, equal test conditions are achieved for all thermal pastes.

The first temperature test of thermal pastes will be carried out using the Deepcool Assassin 2 tower cooler.

Deepcool Assassin 2 is a massive and highly efficient dual-fan tower with eight heat pipes on board.

In the second test I will use a noticeably simpler and smaller cooler. This is a compact tower from .

How does the effectiveness of thermal pastes change with coolers of different levels?

The test bench consists of:

CPU: Intel Core i5 2500K overclocked to 4.4 GHz.

RAM: Kingston HyperX DDR3 1866 MHz (KHX1866C9D3K2/4GX).

Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z68-D3H-B3

Storage device: HDD WD Blue 1 TB (WD10EZEX).

Power unit: FSP SPI600 at 600 watts.

As a load on the Core i5 2500K processor, I used the OCCT profile Linpack program with AVX instructions enabled.

Let me remind you once again that the processor was overclocked to 4.4 GHz.

P. S. Unfortunately, the processor worked stably at only 4.4 GHz.

Most likely, further overclocking was hampered by the motherboard's power system, which does not have a normal radiator for cooling.

The test itself lasted 12 minutes and 1 minute at the beginning and at the end was allocated to fix the minimum temperatures on the processor cores.

The temperature in the room was 21 degrees Celsius.

I showed several screenshots with temperatures, then there will be ready-made temperature graphs.

The most effective thermal paste turns out to be Zalman ZM-STG2, although the lag behind the other pastes is only a couple of degrees.

What surprised me most was KPT-8, which shows results similar to other pastes, and this despite the extremely low thermal conductivity of 0.7-0.8 W/m*K.

However, final conclusions remain to be drawn further.

Now it's time for a smaller and simpler cooler - this is the Arctic Cooling Freezer 33.

When using processor coolers with a lower heat removal coefficient, the efficiency of KPT-8 drops significantly.

The difference in this case can be up to 13 degrees Celsius, compared to the same Zalman ZM-STG2.

Temperatures for two processor cores are already beyond the comfortable 80 degrees Celsius.

Perhaps further overclocking of the processor will further reduce the efficiency of KPT-8 when using Arctic Cooling Freezer 33.

A similar effect could occur with the Deepcool Assassin 2 cooler.

However, I cannot verify this, but I can only assume with some certain level of confidence.

Thus, the effectiveness of thermal paste depends not only on the level of thermal conductivity, but also on the processor cooler itself.

The more massive the cooler, the more it is possible to level out the low level of thermal conductivity of the paste. Of course, this effect also has its own certain level and limit.

Again, it is worth understanding that the effectiveness of thermal paste will also depend on the TDP level of the processor and the area where the thermal paste is applied.

It would be doubly interesting to look at the effectiveness of thermal pastes on processors with a large heat distribution cover.

These are, for example, chips from Intel for the LGA2066 socket or huge AMD Threadripper. Perhaps in the future I will have such an opportunity.

Please leave your comments and suggestions for future thermal paste tests. Which thermal paste do you prefer to use?

Also, don’t forget to join the VKontakte group and subscribe to the YouTube channel.