Pasha mikus VK official page. Pasha Mikus: “It’s easy to make friends with me

Greetings to guests and regular readers of the site website. So, video blogger, Weiner Pavel Mikus first saw the light on November 24, 1988 in the capital of Russia - Moscow.
As a child, I was afraid of horror films and public speaking; even going out and giving a report in front of the class was a real challenge for a teenager.
During his school years, Pasha wanted there to be videos online that could be shown to mom and dad. Probably, a childhood dream played a role in the choice of Mikus’ future activity.
It is known that our hero has a younger brother.
After eleventh grade, Pavel entered university. IN in social networks There is information that there were several of them, one of which is the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
For some period, Mikus worked part-time as a bookseller in the subway, then he tried his hand at modeling and the club industry, and after a while he opened a small trading business. Also, before his popularity, the guy had problems with being overweight, but regular exercise bore fruit.
In 2013, the young man met mobile service"Vine", the essence of which is the creation of short videos. One of Mikus’s first videos was “The difference between thin girls and fat ones,” after which Pavel began to actively gain an audience, because in Russia almost no one was involved in vines at that time.

The difference between thin girls and fat ones (2013)

The theme of Mikus's works is to show in a humorous form situations that probably everyone has encountered. The young man became particularly famous for his videos about funny female oddities.

The order did not live up to expectations (accounting) - 2014


When a Girl Changes Her Hair (2016)

A short time later, Mikus started his own YouTube channel. Here the guy shows his life, also experiments with TAG, Challenge, Chatroulette, etc. formats. Pavel is friends with a large number of famous video bloggers, including, etc.






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Stills from Pasha Mikus videos from YouTube
Personal archive of Pavel Mikus

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The article was prepared by the resource "How Celebrities Changed"

Pavel was born on November 24, 1988. However, some sources claim that this happened a year later. This is due to the fact that not many details are known about the early years of our today’s hero. He lived and studied in Moscow, where, ultimately, he was able to enter the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Mikus successfully graduated from one of the faculties of this educational institution. There are many different rumors about those years of Paul’s life. But most of them were never confirmed, so we won’t dwell on them.

Carier start

Like anyone normal person, Mikus, while studying at the university, began to actively think about what he would do in life. He had many different hobbies, but Pasha’s choice ultimately fell on the modeling business. And this is not surprising, given his impressive height and excellent physical characteristics. Outwardly, the future blogger also looked extremely attractive. For such people, the road in this area is always open. But in the end he failed to achieve serious success. He realized that this was not the profession to which he wanted to devote his life.

Then he began to interrupt small part-time jobs like selling newspapers in the subway or selling iPhones. Ultimately, he even managed to open his own retail outlet, which began to generate good income and helped him get back on his feet. Since Pavel is an incredibly purposeful and self-confident person, he did not stop there. He realized that it was time to move on and look for himself in a more serious field of activity.

Pasha Mikus is a famous Russian video blogger. Became the first Russian Weiner. It quickly gained popularity throughout the country. Got a million followers on social networks. Let's look at the biography of Pasha Mikus in more detail in the article.


The future Weiner was born in November 1988. Has Lithuanian roots on his father's side. By the way, the surname is also Lithuanian - from the father. The boy’s childhood was quite ordinary: he went to all kinds of clubs and went to school. After graduating from school, he entered the Faculty of Humanities at RUDN University. Excellent mastery of foreign languages.

Time at university

Already at the university, Pasha began to think about his own business and future. I started taking my first steps in a modeling agency. Thanks to his memorable appearance and impressive height, he was able to gain a foothold as a model for a long time. Pasha Mikus's height is 1 meter 89 centimeters.

However, working in a modeling agency was only a source of constant income, and not that much. At the same time, the guy started selling books in the subway passage. The desire to earn more forced Pasha to open his own point selling accessories for mobile devices.

Weiner's first steps

In 2013, the Russian people did not even know about the existence of wines, which American teenagers were addicted to. Pasha decided to try creating six-second videos. As a result, Mikus’ videos quickly began to spread on social networks. The guy drew inspiration from the performances of famous American stand-up comedians and weiners, who were professionals in their field.

The first video of the young Weiner appeared in the summer of 2013. On this moment it was viewed by 17 thousand users. Subsequently, Pasha created almost three hundred similar videos. Target Audience Weiner were schoolchildren and people who actively “sat” on social networks.

How much does a blogger earn?

About the exact amount earned Money data in open access No. However, you can calculate your income yourself. According to YouTube, Pasha earns from affiliate program about 1000 dollars a month.

However, the main source is direct advertising. Once in an interview, Mikus admitted that YouTube is not the main income, and the money received is only enough for food. Pasha also noted that his videos are filled with advertising, from which he receives money.

Pasha's main sources of income are:

  • Videos posted on YouTube.
  • Creating a new blog.
  • Two Instagram accounts.
  • VKontakte groups.
  • Direct advertising on the listed resources.
  • Hookah bars owned by a guy.

In one calendar month, Pasha receives up to half a million Russian rubles.


Recently, the young Weiner has been collaborating with several famous bloggers on YouTube. Sasha Spielberg, Nikita Lol and Yulia Pushman are Pasha’s main partners and assistants in creating new videos. After the advent of Instagram, the blogger’s audience increased significantly. This allowed Mikus to earn more by monetizing his own content.

Personal life

In his youth, the guy suffered from excess weight. To become a model, Pasha had to take care of her figure and go on a strict diet. As a result, the young man tightened his figure, so much so that he began to take part in photo shoots. Also, in addition to dieting, the guy was actively involved in sports. In particular, I jogged in the evenings, worked out my abs on exercise machines, and became interested in snowboarding.

Where did Pasha Mikus go? At the beginning of 2018, viral information appeared that the young blogger had died. However, this rumor was quickly denied by the blogger himself.

At the beginning of his own career, the young man was subjected to constant criticism. Mostly it came from concerned users. To combat criticism against himself, the guy decided to turn to his colleagues. For example, Sasha Spielberg and Pasha Mikus jointly closed Dmitry Larin’s channel for constant insults.

As for relationships, the young blogger tries not to disclose such information. However, in 2016, Pasha Mikus decided to stir up this topic by posting a video on YouTube about his girlfriend. The blogger called her Anna. However, after watching the video, the audience was disappointed, because instead of Pasha Mikus’s girlfriend, his hand was in the frame.

The young blogger’s main fan is her grandmother, who constantly watches videos featuring her beloved grandson.

A look into the future

A successful and famous blogger constantly states that he is not going to quit his own business. He will continue to work on his own channels and post vines. At the current time, Pasha is renovating his own apartment and filming joint videos with Ivangay. In the future, the Russian blogger is going to create something large-scale related to the Internet. Mikus has no plans to leave his own business.

Situation today

Now the famous Russian blogger Pasha Mikus continues to do what he became famous for. Number of subscribers to his YouTube channel is gradually growing and currently amounts to more than 130 million. On official channel More than two hundred videos have been published. The most popular vine has already collected more than seven million views. He has accounts on almost all popular social networks. For the last few months, Pasha has not published new videos on his own channels on social networks, but promises that he will soon correct this situation.

This time we met with video blogger Pasha Mikus (26) and we still can’t get over it! Pasha not only pioneered the genre of short funny videos on YouTube (if you're having a bad day, be sure to check out his channel ), but also won at least 500 thousand girls’ hearts (in total, 750 thousand people watch Pasha). But this is not the most important thing. When you talk to him, you want to move mountains! Pasha shared with us simple truths, which we are sure will be useful to everyone.

About popularity

They recognized me for the first time about two years ago. I was standing near the Frunzenskaya metro station, two girls stopped and said: “You’re the one making videos!” At that time I had made ten videos.

I felt the popularity when the ratings on social networks exceeded one hundred thousand. I realized that all this really works!

Hugo Boss suit, Ferublu shirt

About the Internet

People like light humor. Nobody wants to watch 10-minute videos. You watched a short video once and can watch it a hundred thousand more times and be happy.

My thing is life situations. Most of the videos concern my life, in particular this encounter with girlish problems. This is relevant, people recognize themselves in these videos.

I'm interested in how people develop. I really loved YouTube. I look at girl bloggers from a professional point of view: editing, lighting, sound, interior. I can highlight Katya Klap, she is a great storyteller. I like Evgeniy BadComedian, he does great reviews to Russian cinema. Also Rakamakafo and Smosh.

Reiss shirt, Hugo Boss suit

About people

I believe that all people are unique. Some people are simply afraid to show their individuality, but I’m not afraid. But I don’t put myself above others, I don’t say that I’m a star. All this really infuriates me. We must remain human under any circumstances.

It’s cool when people give objective criticism, when they point out specific mistakes, but at the same time they want you to improve. I like to admit my mistakes. Criticism promotes growth.

It seems to me that often the people around you lead you astray. So you need to learn to listen to yourself. A person can achieve anything.

Jeans, jacket, All Saints jumper

About the audience

It is necessary to contact your audience; you feel what people want. I am still surprised by letters of gratitude for what I do. I like to respond to comments, especially the “hater” ones.

About development

At first I studied to become a historian - I didn’t finish, then I worked in the club industry, in the modeling business. As a result, I found myself in video blogging. But this is not the limit, this is just another stage.

I recently got a job at the Players advertising agency, where I am responsible for creative work. This year I am graduating from RUDN University, Faculty of International Relations. I'm interested in producing - promoting novice bloggers. YouTube is a family interesting people need to be raised.

My weakness is laziness, so I always have to fight with myself. Sometimes I can be irresponsible and frivolous. Someone had the opinion that until I’m 50 I’ll be jumping around in a headscarf in front of the camera. But no, you won't wait.

I believe that a man should do something serious. It’s cool when a hobby brings good money, but that’s not enough for me.

About Me

It's easy to make friends with me. I always notice interesting people.

My most important life principle is based on a quote from the writer Carl von Clausewitz: “War until victory, period.”

I am a man of principle. If this concerns relationships, then I am monogamous.

I'm not a fan of development weak sides, it is better to strengthen the strong.

I always pay attention to details: teeth, skin, nails, a person’s speech. And I have a good memory, but I am not vindictive.

I don’t like social events, I’m not interested in them. I don't like people who come to eat free food. I am for live communication, but everything is artificial there.

About girls

I'm not a fan of formulaic beauty. I like cute girls. I also adore modesty. IN Lately modesty is often confused with indecisiveness. It's cool when a girl is unavailable.

Neil Barrett shirt

About fate

Man forges his own destiny. Many people say: “Well, since it happened, it’s fate.” This is a weak position. The more you work on yourself, the more you are given.

Many people now complain about life and ask God for something. This is some kind of hypocrisy. A person is given a lot from birth. I initially have everything: I was born in a normal family, healthy, with long arms and legs. Still good, what more do you need! You have a lot of opportunities, and if you don't use them, then that's your problem, dude.

Participant name: Pavel Mikus

Age (birthday): 24.12.1988

Moscow city

Height and weight: 1.89 m

Channel direction: positive vines and vlogs

Channel created: 08.11.2013

Number of subscribers: over 1.3 million subscribers

Found an inaccuracy? Let's correct the profile

Read with this article:

At the dawn of his development as a blogger, Pasha Mikus fully deserved the title of one of the most unconventional YouTubers in the Russian-speaking space.

And he received it not for the non-standard themes or his behavior, but due to the format of the first videos - these were the so-called vines, videos only 6 seconds long. But how did the young man come to this type of activity?

Despite the Lithuanian surname Mikus, which is unusual for the Russian ear, Pasha was born in the capital of Russia. As a child, he did not stand out from the mass of his peers and was quite ordinary.

The only difference between the boy was his excess weight. But he was able to pull himself together, go on a diet, and start training, including on the treadmill.

All this allowed him to lose weight and even gain admission ticket into the modeling business! True, Pasha quickly moved away from this hobby.

It should be noted that the young man showed a commercial streak early on - first he started selling books in the subway, and then opened a small outlet selling iPhone accessories.

In 2013, Pasha registers his YouTube channel and starts posting his first videos. They are short vines - often humorous.

It is noteworthy that Mikus became one of the first Russian viners and partly for this reason he gained great popularity.

Pasha’s love for the iPhone was noted here too - he shot his first videos on the fifth and sixth models of this phone.

Over time, the young man moved away a little from the vines and began making longer vlogs about his life. In particular, the guy told his fans about his wedding and renovations in his own apartment.

All Mikus's wines are very unusual and positive, you want to watch them over and over again, so in terms of the number of views, Pavel’s channel can be called one of the most popular on the Russian-language Internet.

Mikus does not shy away from other bloggers. Among his friends are Yulia Pushman, Sasha Spielberg and Nikita Lol. Moreover, he is not only friends with them, but also cooperates. At the same time, Mikus has a belligerent attitude towards bloggers who speak unflatteringly about him.

For example, he managed to close the channel of the popular Dmitry Larin, who allowed himself to laugh at Pasha and some other colleagues in his videos.

The blogger calls his fans “Mikus” and it should be noted that among them are not only ordinary guys and girls, but also the world-famous gymnast Adelina Sotnikova.

In ordinary life, Pasha is a versatile person. For example, he is the owner of the Easy Smoke hookah bar and is actively involved in snowboarding.

Until a certain point, Mikus did not talk about his personal life. Fans guessed that he was not alone, but nothing more. Everything was resolved quite recently - in the summer of 2016, the blogger himself posted a video about his own wedding on his channel.