Passwords for VK are complex for girls. Complex password for VKontakte page

Only at first glance, impenetrable passwords do not contain a logical structure and look like gobbledygook. Complex passwords are such only for those who do not know the recipe for creating them. You don't have to remember letter cases, numbers, Special symbols and the order in which they appear. All you have to do is choose a memorable basis and follow simple tips creating strong passwords.

Nursery rhymes

We take any children's rhyme or counting rhyme as the basis for the password. It is advisable that it be found only in your area and not be generally known. And better than your own composition! Although any nursery rhymes will do, the main thing is that the lines stick firmly with youth in your head.

The password will consist of the first letters of each word. Moreover, the letter will be written in uppercase if it is the first in the sentence. We replace some letters with numbers similar in spelling (for example, “h” with “4”, “o” with “0”, “z” with “3”). If you don’t want to get too confused with replacing letters with numbers, look for a counting rhyme that already contains numbers. Don't forget about punctuation marks that separate words and sentences - they will come in handy.


The turtle has its tail between its legs

And she ran after the hare.

Got ahead

Who doesn't believe it - come out!

We replace the letters “h”, “z” and “o” with similar numbers. The second, third and fourth lines begin with capital letters, and are therefore written in uppercase. Include four punctuation marks. Of course, we write in Russian letters, but in English layout keyboards.

The 17-character password is ready! Perhaps it is not ideal, since it contains repeating characters, sequential lower case and numbers. But to call it simple is certainly hard to come by.

Favorite sayings

The scheme is similar to children's counting rhymes. Only as a basis you take your favorite and very memorable phrases of thinkers, celebrities or movie characters. You can complicate your life somewhat by replacing the letter “h” not with “4”, but with “5”, for example. There can never be too many confusing maneuvers!


I found out that I have

There is a huge family:

River, field and forest,

In the field - every spikelet...

Replace the letter “h” with “8”, do not forget about upper case and punctuation marks.


Jargon and terminology

This implies the use of professional jargon that is understandable to an extremely narrow number of people. These words are much more distant from ordinary person, rather than criminal sayings that are widely covered on television and the streets of any city.

For example, you can use a hospital discharge or a tricky medical definition.


Cyclopentaneperhydrophenanthrene is a 28-letter term. It turns out to be a bit long, so I propose to throw out the vowels and dilute the remaining consonants with upper case.

Memorable dates

Of course, your birthday or the day you start your married life is not the best basis for a password. The event should be of exceptional importance, and only you should know about it. For example, this could be the day you ate gum for the first time, ran away from class, or broke your heel. Since the password will be based on numbers, it would be a good idea to mix them with letters.


10/22/1983 and 06/16/2011

Replace the dots separating the day, month and year with any letter, for example the small English “l”, which is very similar to the quite commonly used separator “/”. Let's put a symbol between the dates underscore"_". Let's replace the zeros with the letters "o".

Visual Key

Use the smartphone unlocking technique on your keyboard as well. Think of any shape and “slide” your finger along its contours.

Don't forget to go through the numbers, change the horizontal and vertical direction of movement. And, unlike me, be imaginative!


The proposed methods for creating a password that is memorable, but at the same time quite difficult to understand, can be changed and combined at your discretion. It is enough to think about your super password once, and you can use it in the presence of a stranger without fear.

How do you choose your password?

The other day, the news spread all over the internet that someone had stolen the passwords and logins of VKontakte users, and then carefully posted them in a Word file for everyone to see. It’s interesting how analyzed this information. Read and change your passwords :)

From the article:
... The main sign of fading mental abilities can be considered the number of unreliable passwords. 1,344 people (or 3.36 percent of 40 thousand unique users) protect their personal data not only with simple, but also with common passwords (we classified as common those that appear more than 10 times).

Here are the twenty most popular of them:
Password Quantity Percent
123456 134 0,34%
123456789 85 0,21%
qwerty 85 0.21%
111111 51 0,13%
1234567890 41 0,10%
7777777 39 0,10%
123321 34 0,09%
666666 33 0,08%
1234567 31 0,08%
123123 29 0,07%
12345678 26 0,07%
qwertyuiop 26 0.07%
qazwsxedc 25 0.06%
000000 23 0,06%
love 23 0.06%
555555 22 0,06%
zxcvbnm 22 0.06%
654321 19 0,05%
gfhjkm 19 0.05%
1q2w3e4r 18 0.05%

Note 1: In case anyone hasn't guessed, "gfhjkm" is the word "password" typed in the Latin keyboard layout. Many people consider this technique to be very cunning.

Note 2: The vigilant administration of the resource has for some time now prohibited changing passwords to purely digital ones, however, creating new accounts with such passwords is still allowed.

A few words about the main disease of Internet addicts - copypasting. Let us recall that in the case we are considering social network Email addresses are used as logins. So, 343 users (0.86%) have a password identical to their login postal service(i.e. parts postal address to “dog”), and for another 67 people (0.17%) the password fully corresponds to the login (i.e. the entire address, including “dog” and what follows it).

Who was that smart guy who said that holy simplicity is worse than theft?

Where is his button?

About one of popular passwords, not included in the TOP 20, I would like to say especially.

On the settings page, in the section for changing the user password, the administration posted the following simple instructions:

Make sure the CAPS-Lock button is not enabled
The password must be at least 6 characters long
Even better - use both letters and numbers
"kNOpKA" and "knopka" are different passwords

As you would expect, 16 people out of 40 thousand (0.04%) chose the word given in the last line as their password. Of these, 12 used the "knopka" option, 2 - "knopka" and 1 - "KNOPKA". Another advanced girl set herself a password “ryjgrf”, that is, “button” in the Latin layout.

It would seem that 0.04% is an insignificant figure. However, on the scale of the entire service, this is no longer 16, but 15,600 accounts. And this key was carefully placed into the hands of the attackers by the administration itself!

Call me!

More than seven thousand passwords in the database under consideration are completely digital sequences (considered non-secure), of which at least a thousand (that is, more than 2.5%) resemble telephone numbers to one degree or another. It's worth noting that we only looked at seven- and ten-digit numbers, so this figure may be a significant underestimate. Add to them 237 11-digit passwords starting with “80” (healthy bulls, shanovny Ukrainian friends!) and another dozen telephone passwords starting with “+”. Considering that VKontakteers eagerly publish phone numbers on their personal pages, and telephone databases It’s not that difficult to buy; such passwords cannot be considered reliable.

Not bad? But we haven’t said a word about love yet.

Love will open all the bolts

“Love” in one form or another is present in 332 passwords (0.83%). This also included the words “love”, “beloved”, “beloved” and their combinations with a proper name. If the figure of 0.83% does not impress you, add here an incalculable number of passwords with the names (in particular, nicknames, surnames and initials) of your beloved girl, beloved boy, and also your beloved self.

Among the passwords with names, there are such cryptographically strong ones as “lyublyuserezhu”, “LastNameName” and even “pusenka” (for an email address starting with “pusya”). Let us remind you that the name of your beloved or loved one, not to mention the name of the person himself, can be easily taken from the personal data directly on the site.

Sorry, birthday...

Another type of commonly used insecure password is dates. Indeed, it is much more difficult to forget a password if it coincides with someone's date of birth. In the database under study, we counted at least 1200 passwords (3 percent of the total) in formats like HHMMYYYY and YYYYMMHH.

Information about the date of birth of the user or his immediate environment is often open for review. Moreover, the service warns the user’s friends a few days in advance about the approaching holiday. If the date of birth is still hidden, you can try to find it in the same telephone databases.

To be fair, we note that it is quite possible to create fairly strong passwords using your date or year of birth. It is enough to add a few letters before, after or between the numbers. According to our estimates, about 0.5 percent of users do this, although some of them spoil the whole thing by adding random letters own name.

They calculated - they shed tears

Total we have:
Common passwords 1344 3.36%
Estimated phone numbers ~1300 ~3.25%
“Love” (minus what is included in paragraph 1) 309 0.77%
Match email address
(before "dog" or completely) 410 1.02%
Dates of birth (20th century only) ~1200 ~3%

Thus, in total, we have up to 11.4 percent of passwords that anyone can crack, provided they know email address user, has access to his personal data and is ready to spend five minutes of his precious time.

Add to this passwords that match proper names (which we were too lazy to count, but we are talking about ten percent, no less) and digital passwords, quickly hacked by elementary brute force (their share, excluding phone numbers and dates, is about 11 percent) - and you get a depressing picture.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that the rules of the service require the user to lay out all the ins and outs about himself. The presence of such a mass of personal information in open access- just a holiday for a potential burglar.


Of course, during the calculation process we made a number of assumptions. And the base under study cannot in any way be called absolutely reliable. For example, some users clearly could not remember their passwords and simply tried to guess them. And a few savvy users, to their credit, actually used the login-password form to send phishers on an erotic journey on foot.

The sample itself, despite its very decent size, also cannot be considered completely representative, since we are talking only about users who, firstly, managed to catch the infection, and secondly, guessed to give their passwords into the wrong hands - that is, about people , notoriously naive in matters of security.

However, having looked at other similar studies conducted in various parts of the world (Google can help you, if you like), we would venture to suggest that in our conclusions we underestimated the scale of the tragedy rather than exaggerated it.

VKontakte is a popular youth social network. net. Many people have several accounts in it, but each such account requires strong password. After all, with every goal, there are more and more cases of hacking. And what password can you come up with for VK is the main question of many. Although, you yourself already know everything. All you have to do is use your imagination, and a short but strong password will be ready.

We come up with a strong password for VK

Even if you use contact exclusively for , you need to take care of data protection. When creating a password, do the following:

  1. We take a number as a basis, for example, 2017;
  2. We add any word, preferably non-standard;
  3. We frame this with beautiful ticks.

This way you get a combination that contains numbers, letters and additional symbols. This is the most reliable protection. Just don’t use standard vocabulary words. Attackers check them first.

To make sure your password is secure, you should check it in one of online services. One of these is Here you can use a hundred-point system to find out how good your password is.

What passwords for VK are not reliable?

The most unreliable options are those combinations that contain your year of birth or the year of birth of your loved ones. Also, do not use names or simple words.

Some people think that the English layout can solve the problem. But it is not so. If your password is reliable, and you also wrote it down in a different layout, then it definitely won’t be hacked. But a simple password, even in a foreign language, is vulnerable.

Some people make it up simplest password in the hope of later complicating it. This usually doesn't happen. Also, many people simply forget the selected code, hoping that everything can be restored. But as a result of a failure, recovery may be difficult. It's better to remember everything at once.

How to remember your VKontakte password?

Of course, it is better to write down such data on paper. And so that no one can read it, it is necessary to use a code. For example, if your password is seo1996, then you can write megaseo1996 in your notepad. This will make the code more difficult to understand.

It's also worth thinking about associations. Each password must be associated with something. So in right moment you will remember him.

No need to save passwords in electronic format, on a computer or on social media. networks. They can become prey for scammers. Some programs simply (without hacking) read information from the computer. And then the scammers gain access to the accounts.

And also, try to come up with different passwords for VK and other sites. If the combinations are similar to each other, then it will be easier to crack them.

Remember that if your ac. hacked, there's nothing wrong with that. Do not panic. Just come up with more reliable protection. Live real life, but don’t forget to set up your virtual life well.

The VK social network has an excellent security system that protects users from guessing passwords for their pages, even if attackers find out logins from other people’s accounts. In most cases, when an account is “hijacked,” the user is to blame, and one of the reasons for this is the simplest password.

What does the simplest password mean? This easy password, which usually consists of just a few numbers or letters. Here are examples of simple passwords:

  • zxcvbn
  • iphone
  • 88888888
  • password
  • andrei

These are just a few examples, but you get the idea and that's the main thing. The more complex, and therefore more secure, the password, the lower the likelihood that the account will be opened by intruders.

How to come up with a complex password for VKontakte?

There are several in various ways how to come up with a password. We will look at one of the popular and at the same time valid schemes.

So, first let's decide on the number of characters in the password. As a rule, experts advise using at least 8 characters, but this is the bare minimum (by the way, many users use a 6-digit password at best). And although 8 characters is the minimum length recommended for a password, the actual number of characters in it should be at least 10-12. Tell me, is this a lot? But account security is hundreds and even thousands of times higher.

Now let's start creating a password. Remember, it must contain both numbers and letters of different case and even special characters.

The easiest option is to take some Russian word and write it in Latin layout. For example, the word smartphone on the English layout it looks like this - cvfhnajy. This word has 8 characters. Few? Wait, we're not done yet.

So the word cvfhnajy. We add a number to it, for example, some kind of memorable one. Let it be the number 201. We get the word cvfhnajy201. Just in case, write the password with capital letters, to complicate the task for attackers and we get Cvfhnajy201. Enough? No, you need to add special characters, for example, * . Now our password looks like this - Cvfhnajy201*, as many as 12 characters, while the password itself is complex, but easy to remember. Of course, it is given as an example and we strongly do not recommend using it - come up with your own, fortunately, it’s simple.

By the way, just in case, you can write down the password itself somewhere in a notepad or notebook, and remove the latter as far as possible from human eyes.

The most important information for logging into the VKontakte website is your login and password. The login on the VKontakte website is your email address. mailbox. The password is something you come up with yourself. Your password and login should never be shared with strangers. This will prevent VKontakte from being hacked. The administration of the VKontakte site can remind you of your password, but remember, they will never demand that you name it. Neither in a letter, nor in an SMS, nor by phone, the real developers and administration of the VKontakte website will not be interested in what your login and password are.

To ensure a safe existence on the VKontakte social network, you need a few simple rules when creating a password. The main rule is that the more complex the password, the more difficult it is to crack.

There are programs that can brute-force your password, and if your password is simple, consists of one short word or a combination of numbers, it won’t take much time to crack it.

Experts strongly advise against using your date of birth, phone number, your own name, the name of your pet, etc. as a password. passwords are not strong in the form of the words “password” or “password”. Perhaps this seems terribly original to you personally, but originals like you are a dime a dozen, as scammers of all stripes are very well aware of.

An ideal password is one that uses a combination of different numbers, letters and other symbols. Using a space, changing case, that is, when the password consists of upper and lowercase letters, all this makes the password almost impossible to guess.

A password is usually divided into several complexity criteria.

The password of the first level of complexity includes only small letters of the Latin alphabet.

Password of the second level of complexity, includes both small and capital letters Latin alphabet.

A password of the third level of complexity is when the letters are in different case - that is, both large and small letters are used, numbers are added.

Password of the fourth level of complexity. This is when special characters are added to letters and numbers of different sizes, for example; %) * ? and others allowed for use in the password.

Password of the fifth level of complexity - such a password is almost impossible to crack by any means. existing programs. This is when non-printable ASCII characters and letters from the alphabets of other languages ​​are added to all of the above.

A truly strong password must include at least eight letters, numbers, and other symbols in total.

There is a very simple way to create a password, called “blindly”. To do this you need to log in to any text editor– program notepad or Word and, closing your eyes, poke the keys. If you remember to press the “Shift” key a couple more times, which will change some characters from small to capital, this will be simply brilliant. The only drawback of such a password is that it is not only impossible to hack, but also almost impossible to remember. Therefore, either train your memory or write it down in a safe place.