Google Page Rank will no longer be updated. How to check the PageRank of a page and increase it

PageRank (PR, page rank)- one of the key Google algorithms for link ranking of web resources, which uses interconnected hyperlinks and assigns each of them a value reflecting their importance among other documents.

Link weight affects the authority of a page, and the more strong links linking to you, the better your page will rank. The weight of a particular document is calculated by the link weight that the donor page (the one that links to it) passes to it.

Therefore, PageRank is a summary indicator of the importance of a web resource or page, based on the calculation of the weight of all web pages or the site as a whole separately, which is influenced by the authority of links.

PageRank can be calculated both for the entire site and for a page separately. For example, Yandex used to use a TIC indicator that was calculated for the entire site, this is the domain PageRank.

Google used to show PageRank for home page and separately for each page of the site.

Previously, there was a toolbar PageRank that any user could see. Now this PageRank is no longer shown by Google since April 16, 2016, but it still continues to calculate it, we just can’t see it now.

This indicator ranged from 0 to 10. This was one of the main indicators for the search engine, which played a vital function in determining the positions of sites in search results for certain queries.

Larry Page and Sergey Brin - founders of Google

In 1996, while still graduate students at Stanford University, Larry Page, together with Sergey Brin, implemented the BackRub search engine, the main goal of which was to introduce the idea that the importance of a document should depend directly on the number of links to it from other pages, the authority of which is also plays a huge role.

Soon BackRub was renamed into the one known throughout the world today. Google world. Already in 1998, the founders of the search engine published an article that described the essence of the PR ranking algorithm that Google uses. Immediately after it, an article appeared that directly explained the architecture of the search engine.

Page and Brin managed to create a system that had no equal. So in the fall of 1998, they created Google to further develop the potential product and attract investors.

Since then, algorithms and various models, influencing the ranking of sites in search results, have been modernized. By 2018, more than 1,500 signals had already appeared that influenced the positions of resources, but the role of PR to this day remains one of the most important and Google does not hide this, stating that it still uses PageRank in its ranking.

PageRank in English means “page rank,” but company representatives say that Page, used in the name of the indicator, does not mean the word “page”, but symbolizes the name of Larry Page, who is listed as founder of the algorithm. But the owner of the patent is not recorded Google company, but Stanford University, where its creators were still studying at the time the application was submitted.

The Google search engine was one of the first to introduce link ranking, thereby making the search quality much better than that of its competitors.

Features of PR for SEO

PageRank does not directly affect a site's position, but it greatly helps in improving its performance. Now there are many indicators and factors according to which a site receives high rankings. But PR is still one of those criteria and, importantly, one of the decisive ones by which Google decides which site to give the highest position. Whoever has a higher PageRank will most likely end up in a higher position.

On a note. There is an opinion that Google calculates PR based not on all, but only on authoritative links from those sites that have weight and trust with the search engine. Moreover, not all of them are considered positively. Some can cause a phenomenon called search pessimization, which negatively affects the ranking of the referring resource.

The main disadvantage of PageRank as an algorithm lies in hanging knots. These are pages to which links lead, but they themselves do not link to anything. In this way, the distribution of PageRank is disrupted; it seems to stagnate on these pages and has nowhere to go.

Page rank has 3 meanings:

  1. Real.
  2. Toolbar (which we talked about earlier).
  3. Reverse PageRank

Real PR

It is regularly updated and takes part in the ranking. It is this that displays the specific weight that links convey. Here is a formula that describes PageRank:

  • where d is the attenuation coefficient, which shows how much weight the donor page can give to the acceptor. Typically, the coefficient is 0.85 (85% of the total weight of the document) and is distributed evenly across all linked pages;
  • n is the number of donor pages that transfer weight to the acceptor that did not fall under the filters;
  • PR(T1) – PR weight of the document leading to page A;
  • T1 – 1st referring page;
  • C – number external links coming from the donor.

Toolbar PR

Due to the huge number of linking pages in search engine(approximately 10 billion), the rapid and continuous emergence of new links, calculating the absolute weight of a page is not entirely correct. In this regard, we introduced TLPR - ToolBar PageRank, the value of which is calculated from 0 to 10. Previously, it was updated once a month. Now this indicator is no longer shown, but is still calculated.

To place all page weights between the minimum and maximum value, a scale using a logarithm is used:

TLPR = Log base (PR) * a

  • where base is the base (base) of the logarithm, depending on the number of pages in the search engine and, most likely, on the abundance of other criteria. It is often equated to 7;
  • a is a reduction factor greater than 0 and less than 1, but to make calculations easier, optimizers round it to 1.

Many people make the mistake of talking about zero real PR after the TLPR calculation turns out to be zero. If you look at the first formula again, you can understand that even if n = 0, then PRmin = (1-d) = 0.15. That is, the toolbar PR is rounded to 1. If the value is obtained with a negative indicator, then the PR is considered not yet defined, but it also affects the distribution of weight between acceptor pages.

Reverse PageRank

When PageRank could still be seen, webmasters noticed that if you linked to authoritative resources, you could get a high PageRank, in this way we get reverse PageRank. That is, weight can not only be given according to back link on this page, but also to come through it.

How to check PR?

Now it is impossible to check the real PageRank, since its toolbar value is no longer shown to webmasters. You can roughly calculate PageRank by examining the crawler logs; if it spends a long time on your site, then the site’s PageRank is high. Because there is a relationship between PageRank and crawler presence on the site.

But it is still possible to view the PageRank history before it was cancelled, using the service

Tools > Parameter History

How to increase PageRank?

Although PageRank is now impossible to see, we need to work on it, since it is still taken into account in ranking. We present to you 7 effective paid and free ways increasing PR for the website:

  1. Unique content. The resource must contain great amount unique articles so that he can become popular on the Internet. No content - no authority. You can write texts yourself if you have the ability and free time for this purpose, or order them for money on special rewriting and copywriting exchanges. The main thing is not just to “stuff” the site with content - the articles should be useful and interesting for the target audience. Such articles are shared by other sites and thereby increase your PR.
  2. Buying links. Buy natural links from sites with high traffic or .
  3. Internal linking. Not only external links, but also linking between pages within the site itself allows you to achieve the desired result. To increase PR a necessary condition is the presence of at least more than 50 articles on the site so that they can already be linked to each other. This way you can save money on buying external links, because internal links also allow you to increase PR within the resource. However, ideally you need to combine both methods.
  4. Link exchange. Another good way getting an external link. Find sites with similar topics, contact their owners and offer to exchange URLs for the home page or any other page.
  5. Registration in catalogs and running through trust sites. Today there are many directories of links, and it will be quite difficult to “run” the site through all of them manually, so you can order paid service. It won't cost that much. But with this method you need to be careful and work only with good performers and catalogs, because posting on bad and spammy resources can harm you.
  6. Crowd marketing. Get involved in forums, blogs and message boards and share your resource if it is useful. The text should be readable, interesting and intriguing, capable of attracting target audience and fit into the format of the resource on which you want to leave your link.
  7. Link to authoritative resources. Let's remember about the reverse PageRank we talked about above. If your article has the opportunity to link to an authoritative resource, then it is better to do so; using this link you can get PageRank.


Although we can no longer see PageRank, we still need to increase it and work with the link one, since Google still does not abandon this algorithm, Yandex also uses it, although not to such a large extent,

PageRank- This important indicator, which can affect search results on Google. It is PR that is key point in the operation of the Google search engine, which predetermines the site’s position in search results for various queries.

Today we will figure out what it is and how to check it.

Almost every website you can find

and - directly depends on the search engine in terms of receiving constant traffic. That is why everyone knows that you should be “friends” with the search engine and adhere to all its rules, so as not to fall under such unpleasant things as pessimization and, especially, a filter.

When viewing various TOP sites for certain queries, you can notice competition for one or another query that arises between them - how are such situations resolved by the search engine? Of course, there are indicators and criteria by which content is sorted and the site receives a kind of rank. The more the site follows the rules and contains quality content- the higher the positions he will have, the rest will be located below him, or will have problems with issuing. Problems can be, as I already wrote, in the form of pessimization or a filter: among which we have already considered the sensational ones, .

What is PageRank

First of all, it is worth noting that such an algorithm as PageRank was invented by Stanford University graduate students Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998. The patent was created only in 2001 and it belongs to Stanford University, not Google.

PageRank is one of the link ranking algorithms that assigns each document its own authority index (page importance), which is expressed as a certain value (takes on a value of 0-10). Specifics this parameter is that it is calculated depending on . In simple words: PR is the total authority of a page, which directly depends on all the sites linking to it and the final result of the total weight of these links. It is the weight of all links that will determine such a value as PageRank.

Generally, this algorithm similar to, the only difference is that PR is calculated for each page, and TCI for the entire site in general. The basis is similar, taken from the scientific world, according to the principle: the more

The more authors refer to a work, the higher its quality and importance. In general, the parameters should be of a similar nature, but still have their own specifics, which we can notice everywhere.

It should be noted that PR does not take into account the number of links, but rather their weight - so a huge number of spammy links will not make the picture, not to mention subsequent sanctions from various filters. This is another reason to check links carefully and choose only high-quality donors, in order to avoid all sorts of problems, including PageRank.

If you think about the differences between the Yandex and Google algorithms, then it’s worth remembering such an indicator as, the operating principle of which is kept under seven locks by the search engine employees. It makes sense to draw a parallel with the PR algorithm - judging by all the facts, they really have a lot in common... But, alas, we are not allowed to know this. By at least, to date.

In any case, the existence of such an algorithm as PageRank and VIC is quite natural: even the work of one author can have completely different quality or importance of an individual article in any field (even if we take the original one - science). Not to mention the fact that there may be a whole team of authors on the site - there should be a different weight for each page, if we talk about quality content.

Features of PR

As you already understand, without such an indicator as PR there is no question of search engine promotion The site cannot exist - you need to work with it. I want to say right away that PageRank will not be able to directly influence the promotion of the site, since it is auxiliary, but very useful.

Its role is precisely to resolve the situation that I described at the beginning about the competition of several sites for the same request - it is PR that can predetermine the outcome and place in the best positions those sites that have

this figure will be high.

In addition to this situation, it will help us in such an interesting situation when the user enters an ambiguous query. Such queries most often include one-word queries - “site”, “salad” and other general queries. There will be a huge number of relevant documents on them, which will at least somehow be involved in this request. It is in this situation that PageRank will play that decisive role and can even provide us with better positions in such a request.

PageRank has 2 meanings:

  • real;

In turn, it is constantly updated and participates directly in the ranking. It is this indicator that measures the exact weight transmitted by links.

  • toolbar;

It comes from a real value and represents a certain assessment that can take the value 0-10. It is updated quite rarely - about once a month.

Most often, young projects or those who fell under the filter have a zero toolbar value. Achieve more and more high level quite difficult, and some set the limit at 5.

Real value Toolbar value
0,00000001…5 1
6…25 2
26…125 3
126…625 4
626…3125 5
3126…15625 6
15626…78125 7
78126…390625 8
390626…1953125 9
1953126…∞ 10

It is worth noting that increasing PR can be achieved not only by external links from other sites, but also by internal linking of pages - which we will look at shortly. Thus, you can increase your PR score without resorting to using external links at all, but the ideal option is a combination of both methods.

How to check PageRank

There are many services for checking PR, the choice of which depends only on you - since almost all of them do their job correctly.

- does its job perfectly. The service’s interface is extremely simple: just enter one or more links to the site, click “check PR” and get the PageRank value. It is ideal for mass check one or even several projects - which greatly simplifies the task and makes the service pleasant to use.

In addition, there are a lot of extensions for any browser, which allows you to view PR and other SEO indicators without using the service - in real time. This is very convenient if there is a need to constantly view data about the site.

If you want to view information about your PR indicator on the site, you can install a special counter that can be provided by a service such as. IN this service You can receive not only PR, but also TCI of the site in the form of a small widget. You can read how to install it in - the algorithm for installing the Yandex Metrica counter is described there, but in this way you can install absolutely any counter. The only difference can be the location - if the counter is needed in the footer, then it must be placed in the required template without disturbing the tag structure.

For a mass or automated check of all website pages, you can use special services, which we will talk about in the next article. With this I say goodbye to you - I hope the information was useful and relevant for you!

The Yandex Thematic Citation Index (TCI) determines the “authority” of Internet resources, taking into account the qualitative characteristics of links to them from other sites. This qualitative characteristic is called the “weight” of the link. It is calculated using a specially developed algorithm. The thematic proximity of the resource and the sites linking to it plays an important role. The number of links to a resource itself also affects the value of its TCI, but the TCI is determined not by the number of links, but by the sum of their weights.

TCI can be measured for all resources that are referenced by any of the resources indexed by Yandex at least once.

When calculating a site's TCI, links from message boards, forums, blogs, online conferences, unmoderated directories and other resources to which anyone can add links without control by the resource owner are not taken into account. Also, when calculating the TIC, links from sites located on free hosting, if they are not described in the Yandex.Catalogue. In other words, all such links have zero weight.

Citation indices of so-called mirrors (aliases) are combined, that is, the weights of all non-repeating links to mirror addresses are summed up to calculate the TCI of the main address. Main address is determined automatically and matches the address that the search engine indexes. You can change it using the Host directive.

Yandex TCI updates

Google PageRank

PageRank is a numerical value that characterizes the “importance” of a web page. The more links to a page, the more “important” it is. In addition, the "weight" of page A is determined by the weight of the link transmitted by page B. Thus, PageRank is a method of calculating the weight of a page by calculating the importance of links to it.

Classic PageRank presentation model

The basic formula describing PR is as follows:

Where ddamping coefficient, reflecting how much weight the donor page can transfer to the acceptor page. It is usually set to 0.85, which means that the page can transfer 85% of the weight (shared among all acceptors referred to by the donor). In other sources d is the probability with which the user will go to one of the acceptors rather than close the browser, which is basically the same thing. Only Google knows what the numerical value of this parameter is, others will accept it as equal to 0.85 (apparently from experimental data);
nnumber of pages, linking to the acceptor page (which do not have a filter applied);
T i— i-th referring page;
Cnumber of external links on the donor page.

PageRank toolbar view

Since there can be many referring pages, and the total number of pages in the search engine Google system is quite large (about a dozen billion pieces) and their number is constantly growing, then imagine the weight of the page in absolute values for webmasters it would be very wrong. For this purpose the concept was introduced TLPRToolBar PageRank, which has a value from 0 to 10 (green scale in Google Toolbar).

In order to place all page weights between values ​​from 0 to 10, use logarithmic scale:

TLPR = Log base (PR) * a

Where base— the base of the logarithm, which depends on the number of pages in search engine(possibly from a number of other factors). Some take it to be 7;
a— a certain reduction coefficient that satisfies the inequality 0< a ≤ 1. Оптимизаторам его можно принять equal to one to simplify calculations.

From the above, it is incorrect to conclude that zero TLPR means zero real PageRank. From the first formula it is clear that even with n=0, we get the minimum PR min = (1-d) = 0.15. This value corresponds to TLPR ≈ -1. With such (negative) values ​​of the toolbar PR, it is considered that PR = N/A (or not yet defined), but it also affects the distribution of weight between acceptor links. It should also be noted that the toolbar value is intended only for display to webmasters in the Google Toolbar and does not in any way affect the results in the sickle. The search results in the sickle are influenced by the real PR of the page!

Has your site's PR been reset? Don’t worry, this happened with the vast majority of sites (and if suddenly your site’s PR is not yet zero, then this will not last long, and any PR indicator no longer means anything).

What is Page Rank (PR) of a website?

The concept of Page Rank dates back to 1996, when Larry Page and Sergey Brin began working on the BackRub project.

The project was outrageously simple and at the same time monstrously complex. It was based on creating a search engine that would search for web pages on the Internet and show the most popular ones (those with the most links from other sources) first.

In 1998, BackRub was renamed Google, and the first article was written about Page Rank - about how the algorithm for ranking sites in the new search engine works.

Page Rank (or PR) is a value that shows the authority of a page in the Google search engine.

Page Rank is determined for each web page separately. The PR of a page depends on the number of resources linking to this page.

The Page Rank value can be seen in various browser add-ons, in the Google tool, statistics services, etc.

This is the same toolbar PR (Toolbar Page Rank), which will no longer be updated - a simplified and average idea of ​​the importance of the page, expressed in numerical value from 1 to 10. Why average, you ask?

Page Rank 1 and Page Rank 2 – what is the difference?

The toolbar pagerank is a logarithmic scale: the intervals between PR1, PR2, PR3, etc. - not equal. The gap between PR1 and PR2 is 10 units, between PR2 and PR3 is already 100 units, and between PR3 and PR4 is 1000, etc.

That is, if a page has a real PR value in the range of 1-10, then the Toolbar Page Rank will be equal to 1. If the real Page Rank value of the page is 75 (or any other number in the range of 10-100), then Google Toolbar will show that the site has Page Rank=2. For sites whose actual Page Rank value will be in the range of 100-1000, the Toolbar will already show Page Rank=3, etc.

That is why it is relatively easy to raise the Page Rank indicator of a website page from 1 to 2 and much more difficult from 6 to 7. In fact, all these are conditional numbers, but they reflect the essence.

Once upon a time, websites were actually ranked based on Page Rank alone.

A lot has changed since then.

Why was Page Rank abolished?

Back in 2007, Google rankings were already influenced by more than 200 ranking factors. However, Page Rank still occupied a fairly significant place when ranking sites.

In 2010, at the Optimization conference, Google representatives spoke about the gradual predominance of other factors and the death of Page Rank (and not only toolbar).

1. Nofollow doesn't work like it used to.

In 2009, Matt Cutts stated that there was no longer any point in nofollowing pages, as this attribute would no longer interfere with the transmission of Page Rank.

nofollow attribute until 2009, it did not allow the link to transmit the existing Page Rank at all. If the real PageRank value of a page was 9 and there were 3 links from the page, one of which was closed in nofollow, then the remaining two each transferred 1/2 of the PR weight, i.e. 4.5 units each, the third did not transfer weight at all.

Since 2009, all links on the page are taken into account, i.e. if a page has a real PR of 9, there are three links from the page, one of which is nofollowed, then links that are not closed in nofollow will transfer 1/3 of the weight, i.e. not 4.5 units as before, but 3 units. In this case, the 3 “saved” PR units will simply evaporate. Those. will be taken from the page, but will not be transferred anywhere.

Matt Cutts' statement was the first bell on the road to abolishing pagerank.

2. PR shows irrelevant information

The second omen was a change in the frequency of Page Rank updates. Historically, the toolbar Page Rank was updated approximately once every 3-4 months.

After the introduction of the Caffeine platform, any metrics are updated constantly, in real time, and not at specified intervals, so the toolbar Page Rank became less and less meaningful: even with a monthly update, it would show an outdated value.

In 2013, toolbar PR updates occurred half as often, and the most last time Page Rank was updated back on December 6, 2013.

3. Page Rank has long ceased to influence search results

Page Rank (as well as the Yandex TCI) has not directly correlated with site ranking for a long time.

To a greater extent, PR is a kind of belly, by which one could more or less judge that the site is popular.

In order to prevent low-quality sites that boost PR from being included in the search results, the Panda, Penguin and other algorithms were created. That is, all other things being equal, PR, of course, played a role in ranking, but far from the key one.

Matt Cutts has said many times that Page Rank is archaic and it’s time to stop wasting time and effort updating it. In October 2014 John Mueller has officially confirmed that the toolbar Page Rank indicators will no longer be updated. This indicator has also been removed from the webmaster toolbar.

How to live without PR?

For a long time, Page Rank could be used to judge the promotion and popularity of a page.

The higher the PR indicator, the longer page exists on the Internet and puts more effort into its development. Including based on given value webmasters have purchased and continue to purchase links by inertia.

After canceling toolbar Page Rank, understand about real Page Page rank becomes very, very difficult.

What to focus on without PR?

Globally, nothing terrible happened. Finally got to Google the era of semantic SEO, now you should focus on other indicators of site success, such as conversion, traffic, number of repeat visits, bounce rate, number of indexed pages and others.

We have been writing for a long time that there is no point in chasing Page Rank or TCI indicators - this race will not affect your site’s position in the search results. You need to work to improve usability indicators and invest money in the development and expansion of the functionality of your site, and not in boosting PR, TCI and other bells and whistles.

P.S. Don't know how to evaluate the quality of your website? Order SKYPE consultation our specialist: he will look at your site in detail, show its main shortcomings and teach you how to work with all indicators correctly.