Tell me which is better: Google or Yandex. The eternal question: which is better - Google or Yandex? Why Yandex doesn’t open pages, but the Internet works, can this happen in Google?

Among users, debates about which is better have not subsided for a long time: Yandex Browser or Google Chrome. We tried to look at the problem impartially and make our own comparison of these two web browsers. This is what we got.

Some may say that it is incorrect to compare these two browsers, since one is an exact copy of the other. These people are partly right. But the Yandex web browser has long been no longer similar to its “ancestor”. Therefore, they can be compared quite easily.

Even though both web browsers are based on the same engine, and Yandex successfully uses extensions from the store, these products are diametrically opposed. And from this material you will find out why.

We will start our comparison from the simplest and most understandable stage for every user. The main task of the browser is to load pages. And we will try to understand which of our today's heroes does it faster. To do this, we conducted a kind of test.

Page loading speed

To compare page loading speed, we used several options: a site full of animation and all sorts of heavy elements, as well as a simple page (like a Google search). We compared the launch time of this or that content. They stood straight with a stopwatch.

Google Chrome was tested first. He loaded a heavy page in 2.5 seconds. This is an impressive result. But there is nothing surprising. Everyone knows that Chrome is the fastest web browser in the world. The browser loaded a light page in just a second.

Our second test subject loaded a heavy page in 3.6 seconds. As you can see, the lag behind Chrome is significant. Yandex Browser coped better with lighter content. Just 1.3 seconds. But still far from the leader.

So, Google Chrome wins in terms of page loading speed. Its built-in optimization mechanisms work correctly. The same cannot be said about the brainchild of Yandex. Although the lag is not that great.

Startup speed

No one is interested in waiting five minutes until the web browser deigns to start. Therefore, the browser startup time is a very important parameter. And we measured the cold and hot starts of our heroes. Yes, we stood there with a stopwatch again.

Google Chrome started up immediately after loading the operating system (cold start) in one and a half seconds. This is a good result. After closing, it started in a fraction of a second. Not bad for such a heavy product as Chrome.

The most interesting thing is that Yandex Browser showed exactly the same results during a cold start. All the same one and a half seconds. That's what the same engine means! The hot start for this web browser also took a split second.

As we can see, there are no winners at this stage. Combat draw. This means that both browsers are well optimized and can work perfectly with the Windows operating system. However, even more interesting tests await us next.

RAM consumption

Another important parameter that worries many users. The gluttony of Google Chrome in this regard has already become legendary. But for the purity of the experiment, you still need to check how much RAM a particular web browser requires.

Chrome was tested first. We launched dozens of tabs in it. RAM consumption started at 1.5 gigabytes (we used a computer with 4 GB of RAM on board). Opening 5 more additional tabs knocked out the browser. It just closed.

Yandex Browser with ten open tabs took up only 890 MB. Another 5 tabs had no effect on its performance. Simply, the amount of RAM consumed has increased to 1.4 GB. Here you have the same engine.

As you can see, it's not the engine. Chrome just has terrible optimization in this regard. But Yandex Browser showed itself to be great. And in this round he wins unconditionally. It is better suited for computers with small amounts of RAM.

Add-ons and extensions

All kinds of plugins significantly expand the functionality of the browser (although they make it consume more RAM). And their support is mandatory for a modern web browser. How are our heroes doing with this?

Chrome has a pretty impressive store with a huge number of add-ons for all occasions. Any user can find everything he needs there. Integration with the Google browser is ideal, since all plugins are written specifically for it.

But Yandex Browser does not have its own store. But he can easily use extensions from the same Chrome or Opera. This is a plus for versatility. But at the same time, there is no question of stability, since the plugins were not written for this web browser.

We end up with a stalemate. On the one hand, the brainchild of Yandex can use a larger number of extensions. But on the other hand, Chrome has better integration. So it turns out that the chances are approximately equal.


This is exactly what modern web browsers and the Internet in general lack. The user cannot feel protected, since all sites permanently collect information about him. What about browsers?

Google Chrome brazenly collects all information about the user and is not at all shy about it. And how the guys from Google then use them - only Gates knows. Even the built-in private browsing mode does not eliminate total surveillance.

In Yandex everything is the same. But if Google warns the user about this and does not hide its actions, then the guys from Yandex do it quietly, without advertising this kind of activity anywhere. This is what arouses suspicion.

In general, both web browsers are doing poorly in this regard. But the balance is in favor of Google, if only because the company does not hide its actions. But Yandex is not trusted. And yet, in this round the chances are equal.


Of course, it's boring when your web browser looks monotonous. The only design becomes boring and boring very quickly. That's why normal browsers have different themes. How are things going with personalization in Chrome and Yandex?

Google Chrome is more or less flexible in this regard. His store has an impressive number of themes. Not to say that they significantly change the interface, but at least some customization is present.

Yandex has a more original interface, but the only alternative design is a dark theme. Those design packages that are in the Google store are not installed on this web browser, unfortunately.

So it turns out that at this stage Google Chrome wins. It is more flexible to interface changes. Even though Yandex has a much larger number of settings. The latter has no problem with catomization at all.


It's time to take stock and draw appropriate conclusions. In this article we decided which browser is better: Yandex or Chrome. Which browser loads the system the least? If you are guided solely by the last criterion, then it is definitely Yandex Browser.

But on all other points, Google Chrome wins by a small margin. It opens pages faster, has customization options, and boasts more optimized extensions. However, it is up to the user to choose. We can only advise the most suitable option.

Yandex has long ousted its once strong competitor Rambler and almost completely absorbed the Mailru service. A similar situation is happening in the global market, where Google has left the underrated Bing from Microsoft and the original DuckDuckGo far behind.

Search engines Google and Yandex are practically the only popular services on the Russian-language Internet. The domestic service, registered for some reason in distant Holland, still holds the leadership bar in Russia, but the global American leader of the World Wide Web is already breathing down its back.

If we consider both search engines superficially, answering the question of which is better: Yandex or Google, then inexorable statistics take the side of the latter. The domestic service is the undisputed leader for desktop computers on the RuNet, while the American service includes not only system units and laptops, but also a huge audience with mobile gadgets.

Of course, the question of which is better: Yandex or Google is not so pressing for ordinary users of Android devices, because all the American services are already preinstalled for them. Even the Federal Antimonopoly Service recognized the fact of discrimination against other market participants and punished Google for violating competition law.

So, the two largest services on the RuNet. Let's find out which is better: Google or Yandex? Let us outline the main differences, notable features, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of both search engines.


Let's meet by clothes and figure out which is better: Yandex or Google in terms of interface usability. The American search engine attracts with its classic simplicity and asceticism. On the main page of Google you can see only a search bar and a couple of buttons to go to other sublevels.

Having opened the domestic search engine, we see a whole pun of news, intrusive additions and a lot of links to Yandex services. Moreover, this whole motley vinaigrette is richly flavored with advertising links and blocks. Literally all Russian companies without exception, including Rambler and Mailru, have distinguished themselves with a similar interface. Apparently, this is just some kind of feature of Runet.

Some users consider such a busy start page to be quite appropriate, where you can immediately find out the latest news, get information on traffic jams and weather forecasts. There are a minority of such people, so here everyone decides for himself what is closer to him and what is better - “Yandex” or “Google”.

If you like minimalism and search is a priority, then the American service is your option. Well, for those who like to linger on a page and scroll through interesting (and sometimes not so interesting) information, looking for it among advertising blocks, a domestic search engine is quite suitable.


Let's look at how Yandex differs from Google in terms of functionality. The capabilities of both search engines are approximately the same. Both there and there you can find a similar set of tools: news, roads, maps, videos, music and other related surroundings.

As for ease of use, Google is worse than Yandex, although not by much. The latter's advanced search, as well as other functionality, looks more clear and beautiful. The pleasant visual component of the Yandex advanced search allows you to quickly navigate through all the columns, drop-down lists and markers. While with Google you will have to work hard to find the right tool. But here again, this is largely a matter of habit, and everyone decides for themselves what is better - Yandex or Google.

It is also worth noting that the American search engine has a competent voice search for landline systems, and not just for mobile ones. Although Yandex has launched its similar service, Alice, it is still too crude to compete with the Google lady.


Let's figure out which is better: Yandex or Google in terms of the abundance of advertising and its aggressiveness. If you haven't taken care to hide advertisements using third-party browser add-ons like AdBlock or Privacy Badger, then the following picture emerges.

There is much more PR of everything and everyone in Google. Even without taking into account the user’s clearly commercial requests, the search itself will contain at least three lines of advertising, and the entire right side will be literally littered with banners and text ads.

In Yandex this matter is a little better. Directly in the search results, upon request, you will find three clearly marked advertising lines, and on the right half there will be a nice media-contextual banner without unnecessary “noise”. But, as mentioned above, if you install additional browser plugins on Yandex and Google, then all sorts of PR will become noticeably less, or even disappear altogether. Similar add-ons can be found on the official resources of browser developers, and in large quantities, so there should not be any special problems here.

Search Engine

This is one of the main parameters that determines who is cooler - Google or Yandex. Each service refines its search engine every day. It is quite complex and confusing, but nevertheless allows you to give the user the most relevant answer to the question asked in a matter of seconds.

The power of the American search engine servers is quite enough to process the request in real time. Updates occur every day, so if you compare the Internet of Yandex and Google, the latter has the most up-to-date information.

For example, with the hot query “Syria,” the American search engine produces current news on the Syrian conflict. While Yandex first of all offers to get acquainted with Wikipedia, some geographical features, and only then, somewhere in the middle of the page, displays a news feed.

In addition, Google is an international product, so it is great for searching in foreign languages. But in this case there is also a downside. Why is Yandex better than Google? Because the latter tries to cover everything, but it doesn’t always succeed, while the domestic search engine ties itself to the regions and produces really high-quality and relevant results for a regional query.

If Google copes with current search results due to its numerous servers, then Yandex does not have enough capacity for such efficiency. The domestic search engine simply caches a good part of the requests, and the user receives a pre-prepared answer. Such a solution allows you to instantly obtain the necessary information, but the latter will not always be relevant.

So if your queries can be called standard (weather, movies, music, Wikipedia sections, etc.), then you will not notice the difference between Google or Yandex. If you need more specific and relevant information for some professional needs, then it is better to give preference to an American search engine.


For many, the determining criterion that will allow them to choose between Google or Yandex is search engine services and some additional applications. Among the latter, branded browsers appeared most often. Just as in the case of web versions of search engines, let's start with the interfaces.


Here we have a similar situation described above. Google Chrome is characterized by minimalism and the absence of “extra” buttons. Moreover, if you are not satisfied with the classic look of the browser, then in the settings you can always add a couple of panels and other “chips”.

In addition, the browser is not at all against integrations with its competitors, so you can always make “Yandex” the start page in Google Chrome. We also mentioned the dominance of the “American” on all mobile gadgets running the Android platform, so many users are simply “forcibly accustomed” to Chrome.

The Yandex Browser interface is very similar to its American competitor. But unlike the latter, it is more understandable and any beginner who has discovered the Internet for the first time can understand it. The specificity of the domestic audience probably played a significant role here: it is easier for us to understand “ours” than to study “theirs.”


As for speed, there is almost no difference between the Google and Yandex browsers. They work on the same code, so the differences in bench tests showed minimal differences. The only thing worth clarifying is the availability of some browser features.

Thus, Yandex has a special “Turbo mode” that allows you to compress streaming traffic on the search engine’s servers, thereby saving its consumption. For owners of USB modems, this functionality came in handy.

Google does not have a similar “trick,” but when it comes to opening serious and “heavy” web pages, it has succeeded here with its caching. But such a decision greatly affects RAM. Many users have repeatedly called Chrome the most voracious browser. Therefore, if you have less than 4 GB of RAM, then it is better to install a domestic browser.


If you are a professional web developer or a similar specialist, then the choice between browsers from Yandex and Google is quite obvious. The latter has a lot of plugins and add-ons that greatly facilitate working with specific content and codes. Yandex, alas, cannot boast of such diversity.

The domestic search engine is good in many ways, but only if you are an ordinary user: it is beautiful, convenient, understandable and seems to be native, but it is not suitable for some serious business enterprises.

Cloud services

Let's consider cloud services from domestic and American search engines - Yandex Disk and Google Disk. Both options are excellent alternatives to flash drives and memory cards, so let’s figure out why they are good or bad.

The Yandex service provides its users with 10 GB of free storage for any information. The Disk web interface was distinguished by its clear and convenient menu branches, as well as its attractiveness. In addition, the speed of loading data into the cloud is slightly higher than that of a competitor from Google. The only critical drawback that users often complain about is the lack of at least some built-in tools for working with the Microsoft office environment.

Google Drive already offers 15 GB of space for storing files versus 10 for Yandex. The storage interface may not be as clear as in the first case, but you can still figure it out. One of the main advantages of the “cloud” from Google is the built-in editors for everything you can: documents, spreadsheets, photos, etc. It should also be noted that there is excellent synergy with office products from Microsoft.

If you only need cloud services for storing files, then you can, in principle, choose any “Disk”. For more versatile work, the Google product is still more attractive. As for the security of your data, there are no differences here: both are strict with this, so no one will steal anything.


Another quite popular service is cards. Let's start, as usual, with the interface. A good half of the users liked the Google version of the design: everything is in its place, at hand and with clear tips.

But this is where the advantages of Google’s service, one might say, end. The capabilities of Yandex Maps are much wider and richer. Some call the domestic service the real ecosystem of the Runet, because almost everything is available here.

Yandex maps are especially useful for drivers:

  • excellent and clear navigation;
  • information about traffic incidents;
  • work on sites and detours;
  • cameras;
  • online functionality “Conversations”;
  • important marks and markers.

Moreover, this is not a complete list of all the capabilities of the service. So here the choice is quite obvious in favor of the domestic search engine.


Comparing Yandex with Google seems simple, but at the same time difficult. Each search engine and related service is good for its category of users. Yes, they are both leaders and universal in almost everything. Analogies of services can be traced here and there. It is difficult and impossible to select and single out someone separately.

If your activity is related to web development, codes, processing a lot of information, and diverse, then it is better to use an American search engine. It provides more relevant and flexible data based on user requests. In addition, Google Chrome has a lot of tools in the form of plugins and add-ons that will become indispensable for specific and professional needs.

If you consider yourself an ordinary Internet user and you like the comfort and pleasant colors of a domestic search engine, then Yandex will be your excellent assistant in all your endeavors. He will quickly tell you about the latest news, show traffic congestion, explain the solution to incomprehensible school problems and tell you what is currently showing in cinemas. Domestic services from Yandex are distinguished by an intuitive and user-friendly interface, as well as a pleasant appearance.

In general, it is impossible to say anything definitely good or bad about our and foreign search engines. Both have advantages and disadvantages to approximately equal extent.

Read in the review whether it is better to install Google or Yandex. Which services are better, more stable and secure. Which search shows more accurate results.

At one time, Google planned to take over the whole world. But its leaders did not expect that they would encounter problems not only in China with its great firewall, but also in Russia. The local search engine Yandex decided to confront the search giant. Some Russian services at the start were head and shoulders above what Google was creating. But how are things now? Let's compare American and Russian services. So we will try to figure out what exactly is more convenient to use.

Google or Yandex: what is the difference between the main pages of search engines

First, let's compare the start pages of both sites by visiting them from a computer. What do we see in the case of Google? A most boring picture. At one time, the search giant followed the path of maximum simplicity. He tried to ensure that nothing distracts the user from entering a search query. As a result, the visitor is greeted with a solid white sheet with a logo, an input field and a couple of buttons. It’s sad, but all the specks of dust will be visible on the monitor, which will encourage you to clean it.

Of course, access to other Google services is also available here. To do this, just pay attention to the upper right corner. There are “Mail” and “Pictures” buttons here. The first leads to Gmail, while the second will allow you to search by images, which we will talk about separately. If you click on the icon consisting of nine squares, a pop-up window will appear with all other services. And this, let us remind you, is YouTube, Google Play, “News”, “Translator”, “Maps” and many others. Of course, only the main projects are listed here; to access the rest you will need to click the “More” button. Finally, there is a user icon on the main page, clicking on which will allow you to change your account or go to its settings.

It must be admitted that nowadays people rarely visit the Google home page. It doesn’t make much sense, since it practically does not speed up the transition to services owned by the search giant. It's easier to type the corresponding request into the text field of your browser, especially if you use Chrome.

Yandex main page - everything in one place and at once

Yandex also tries not to change the appearance of its page over the years. However, it has long been more complete, so it is impossible to make any claims. Here you can easily notice buttons leading to “Maps”, “Market”, “Music”, “TV Online” and other services, of which the Russian company also has a lot.

But they are not the only ones who use the main page:

  • It constantly displays the most important news, dedicated not only to the whole world, but also to the user’s hometown.
  • Here you can also find out the exchange rate of the dollar and euro, and for some time now the cost of oil.
  • Below the search query input field there is a weather forecast and so-called widgets.
  • The user can independently choose which widgets will be displayed. And a lot of these have been created - in particular, the largest sites are trying to support their own blocks on Yandex. As a result, it is quite possible to display jokes, news about bandy and tennis, new photographs of your hometown, and quick access to certain aspects of the map on the main page of the search resource.

Even lower are Yandex’s own blocks. They are mainly devoted to new projects - in particular, “TV Online”. For example, now you can quickly access the most popular TV shows in this way. And even lower you can see links to things that might interest the user (the site focuses on past search queries). And it really does contain interesting materials that you just want to add, say, to Pocket for later reading.

You can scroll down the page as long as you like - more and more new materials are waiting for you, recommended for review. So let's go back to the top. And here you can also find a separate block dedicated to the user account. It is also very convenient, since it displays the number of unread letters in “Mail” and the status of the wallet in “Money”.

So, Google or Yandex? If you rely only on the start page, then the Russian version seems much more interesting. He will advise you on current articles, tell you about the status of your account in “Money”, and introduce you to the main news. That is, you can visit such a page, it makes sense. But I want to ignore Google, using the search window of my browser.

Which search is better: Google or Yandex

It should be immediately noted that the search algorithms of both companies are approximately the same. Special robots regularly visit numerous Internet pages, saving the results in their own database. But search queries are processed slightly differently by the two sites.

But we will not touch on the technical side of this issue. We are only interested in the results that the sites provide. And in this regard, everything depends on what kind of request was entered. Yandex is certainly more familiar with all sorts of Russian names of populated areas. Google has no competition when searching for English-language titles. However, the difference is not very big - the average user will be satisfied with the results in both search engines.

It should also be noted how exactly these results are derived. If earlier these were strictly links to suitable pages, then for some time now everything has changed a little.

Features of Google search

Google first of all tries to introduce the user to a summary from Wikipedia and other well-known and respected sites. This, for example, applies to recipes. And already under this squeeze there are links to pages with text or videos. Of course, this is only true when viewing search results on a smartphone - on a PC, the information extract is located to the right of the page links.

What Yandex shows in search

Yandex has also learned to display text from Wikipedia. But on the plus side, it suggests additional search queries. For example, if you are looking for a text about Ivan tea, then why not familiarize yourself with some other plants of the same kind? Of course, this is not always useful, but still... It should also be noted that Yandex groups video results, displaying them as a single block. At Google, videos sometimes take up more than half of all search results, which does not always suit the user.

Google is better than Yandex if it is used by a resident of the USA or Europe, it’s hard to argue with that. But it is better for a Russian-speaking user to contact a domestic search engine. However, the difference between these two services is not too great. If you are already accustomed to Google, then, in our opinion, there is not much point in switching to Yandex. Of course, this applies specifically to the search service. But American and Russian companies are not limited to them alone.

Image search in Google and Yandex - which is better?

Both services cope quite well with image searches. However, after Google, Yandex requires getting used to, as well as vice versa. The fact is that here, after selecting a specific picture, the user is transferred to a special window, where subsequent results are displayed at the very bottom, in the form of separate thumbnails. In the case of Google, search results are not going anywhere, and not the following, but similar results are used as thumbnails.

Request “Yandex is a sweetheart, but Google is better” in both cases he produced a lot of jokes on this topic. But when searching for game covers and music album covers, differences become noticeable. Yandex search results include many images with watermarks (for example, with a website address). Of course, such pictures are also present in the results of the American search engine, but not in first place, and in smaller quantities. But in Yandex you can see a button that allows you to open the image in full size, and then you can save it in the device’s memory. Oddly enough, Google has recently stopped displaying such a button. But if you right-click on the picture and select “Save image as...”, the photo will be saved in its original quality. However, it seems that American developers will soon eliminate this possibility in their attempts to comply with copyright.

Who is the winner? Yandex or Google? Perhaps, in terms of image search, both services are equal in their capabilities. They both allow you to search by an image already on your computer, and the results are very rich. But it must be admitted that Google is trying to display fewer images with watermarks.

Which email is better Google or Yandex?

At one time, Google and Yandex also made a name for themselves in the mail service. You can’t do without email, because it used to be required for registration on the vast majority of sites. And for a long time it was easiest to exchange files using mail, because social networks did not yet exist. I wonder whose mail is better now?

Gmail and Yandex mail: filtering, sorting and fighting spam

This question is extremely difficult to answer. The fact is that both services look approximately the same. The developers have already implemented almost everything you can think of. However, it should be noted that in Gmail it is a little easier to sort emails. Here you can not only mark letters with an asterisk, but also add them to “Important”. That is, letters can have two categories of importance. It is clear that this is not God knows what advantage, because in Yandex.Mail you can create a large number of categories. But there they need to be created, exactly, here two categories are present by default (and there are also several useful labels).

Long-term use of both email services shows that Gmail is better at filtering spam. It is also impossible not to mention that this service is pre-installed on 99% of smartphones, and receiving letters begins almost immediately after the user has purchased the device and entered data from his Google account.

With Yandex.Mail everything is a little more complicated. The data from it will have to be entered into the appropriate application later, and many people are simply too lazy to do this. And not everyone needs to install a separate program (namely, it’s the one that, whatever one may say, works best with Yandex.Mail).

As you understand, here we will not delve into absolutely all aspects of existing services, otherwise the article would turn out to be too huge. However, even in terms of basic parameters, Google's mail undoubtedly outperforms its competitor. People first of all want to receive less spam, and Gmail is the best at fighting it. Although you may have a completely different opinion on this matter. If so, share it in the comments.

Google Maps or Yandex.Maps?

It’s hard to believe, but once upon a time neither Yandex nor Google paid enough attention to mapping services. Why, if maps are mainly needed on the road, but the mobile phones that existed at that moment simply could not provide them with drawing? Fortunately, now the situation has changed dramatically. The power of an average smartphone and the bandwidth of LTE networks is enough to load almost any map. But which is better: Yandex or Google, whose map is more accurate and informative?

Here, first of all, it all depends on which region you are interested in. The fact is that the Russian search engine focuses mainly on domestic users. Yes, there are well detailed maps of those foreign cities where Russians can go on vacation. But, for example, you shouldn’t count on indications of house numbers in some Swedish Hallstahammar. And in some foreign settlements, Yandex shows only the main streets.

Of course, Google is not blameless in this regard either. But still, he has fewer blank spots on the map of Europe, Asia and South America. But things are worse with Russia. All Russian towns and villages are processed better by Yandex. This is if we talk specifically about schematic images. Satellite images are another matter; here the situation for two search engines can be completely different, both in Western European and Russian parts.

We lay out routes, useful services and attractions on the road

Of course, the completeness and accuracy of a modern map depends not only on the presence of streets and house numbers. Now the user needs instructions about grocery stores, post offices, train stations, markets and other organizations. The Russian search engine copes with this task a little better. Of course, if we are talking about the Russian outback. In large cities, all self-respecting organizations try to add information to both services. Well, abroad, naturally, Google holds the palm.

What exactly do the two search engines show? This is basically identical information. If you click on a store, in both cases you can find out the address, phone number, see photographs of the item, and also read reviews. Both search engines show the opening hours of the outlet. Google will also introduce you to exactly what hours the object is most visited.

Both services build approximately the same routes. But it must be admitted that almost all Russian taxi drivers have to use Yandex instead of Google. Firstly, this obliges Yandex.Taxi. Secondly, it is the domestic mapping service that best introduces traffic jams. And information about road accidents appears first of all in Yandex.Maps. By the way, the Google Maps mobile application is pre-installed on all Android smartphones, and it is implemented a little better - it even has an isometric map view, which helps topographical idiots, so to speak. But Yandex introduced the construction of a route for cyclists. Which, however, is mainly relevant only for those cities where there are a large number of bicycle paths, counted in just a few in our country.

In short, in small settlements Russian service performs best. In large cities, motorists make their choice in favor of domestic cards, while pedestrians will be satisfied with any service. Well, you shouldn’t rely on Yandex abroad. We can say that the mapping services were a fighting draw.

Google Play Music vs Yandex.Music

Now both Google and Yandex are music platforms. But here the Americans are head and shoulders above. It is easier for them to negotiate with music labels, as well as with independent foreign performers. In this regard, the fullness of the Google Play Music service is slightly higher, and new tracks appear in it faster. Also, the corresponding application is preinstalled on the vast majority of currently existing smartphones, while the Yandex.Music client must be downloaded separately. Finally, one cannot fail to note the more modern interface provided by the service owned by Google.

Many people will probably make their choice by looking at the cost of the subscription. Let us remind you that both services are by no means free, because companies need to earn money. Subscription costs the following:

  • Google Play Music - 159 rubles per month;
  • “Yandex.Music” - 169 rubles per month.

Please note that the first three months of using the Russian service are free (for Google this period does not exceed one month). You can also save money by signing up for an annual subscription - then you only pay for 10 months. In short, in terms of subscription cost, the domestic service wins. But would you want to use a not-so-best music selection algorithm and install an additional application? Is not a fact. It is perhaps quite difficult to determine the winner in this regard; we leave this privilege to the readers of SmartBeaver.

Mobile browsers Google Chrome and Yandex browser

Both companies have their own. But “Yandex” in this case took advantage of the developments of a competitor; it is on its engine that the so-called “Yandex.Browser” is based. Of course, the Russian giant has introduced several unique functions into the mobile application, but their number is very small. And the imposition of Yandex services quickly begins to irritate.

As for Google Chrome, there is no imposition of its own services. When installing a browser, you need to enter data from your Google account, and this completes the mention of the company. Then you can use either its services or the resources of a competitor - it all depends on what extensions you will install, and whether you will do it at all.


It probably makes no sense in this article to list all the services provided by the two companies. The fact is that a huge number of them have been created. For example, both companies offer on approximately equal terms (although you can argue with this). Yandex has a schedule of buses and trains. This information is also stored in the depths of Google, but the American company does not have a separate section with schedules. But the search giant owns the Google Play online store of applications, games, books and films, which is used by absolutely all owners of smartphones running . The Russian company also has an application store, but almost no one in their right mind installs it. It is also impossible not to note the best work of Google with the press, which can be read in a special program.

As a result, the conclusion suggests itself that Google copes with its task better; the services of this company are most often more informative and convenient. The only exception to the rule is “TV Online” - the competitor has nothing similar (however, it successfully replaces watching television).

The Russian search engine is trying to attract the attention of the audience through Yandex.Taxi. However, experts know that this enterprise only brings losses, so it is impossible to say how long it will last. The company is not happy with its hardware either - its smartphones have previously failed, and in 2018, Yandex.Station risks becoming the same failure.

What do you think is better to use: Yandex or Google? Or do you prefer to combine the services of these two companies? Share your opinion in the comments.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. I want to say a few words about how optimizers joke. To exaggerate greatly, it was based on some request with certain selfish interests. Usually this is done in order to raise your website or a client’s website to the Top (the first ten answers of Yandex or Google). Everything here is clear and prosaic (loot rules the world). But life would be boring if we stopped doing stupid things...

Well, you must agree, what’s the point of creating a search bomb “Yandex you’re a honey” with promotion to the Top of the site with the answer “I’m not your honey, s----a t----ya.” After all, it’s rude (possibly labor-intensive), but most of the audience for whom this joke is intended (school kids) will be very amused. Oh, look, Yandex can swear. Cool...

But it doesn't matter whether the joke is funny or not. Another thing is important - this clearly demonstrates that manipulating the search results is not so difficult, however, if the request is not very competitive. Those. need to come up with some provoking request and promote a funny answer to the Top on him. As soon as this becomes the property of a bored schoolboy, the request will instantly gain popularity and everyone will advise each other to enter something like “Yandex (Google) you honey (deer)” into the search bar and laugh at one of the first answers in the search results.

You know what? And this can be quite interesting. So much so that I (who already have a son who is almost past the age of “school age”) decided to write a post about it. Let's see how well developed our optimizers' sense of humor is and what they could and can boast about now. Curious? Otherwise...

How did Yandex become a honey and why is Google better?

Actually, you can find the answer “how to do this” by going to the site, which will first in Yandex and Google results for the query “Yandex, you’re a sweetheart”.

There, the “enterprising comrade” explains that he created a page with a title that will be the answer to this question. But in order for this page to be displayed in Yandex results for the specified request, he used it several times in the text and even highlighted it in bold.

Because There wasn’t much competition for it at that time, so the article remarkably jumped to the Top and even eventually took first place. We give a standing ovation, because now this phrase is requested about sixty thousand times in Yandex and the “joker” site receives decent traffic.

There are also variations of this request, such as the one given in the title “Yandex you are a honey, but Google is better”, “Yandex you are a deer”, “Yandex you love me”, etc. Now you know the secret and, if you wish and have sufficient creativity and knowledge in SEO, you can repeat all this or even surpass it. For me, simply stating a fact is enough.

This was an example when a joke gave a very good return in the form of additional traffic to the site and in the form of satisfying the ambitions of the author who invented and implemented it. But often more successful (in my opinion) jokes and gags, which were introduced into the search results of Yandex or Google using SEO methods, brought their authors nothing but moral satisfaction. It is precisely to such enthusiasts, it seems to me, that one should take off one’s hat.

Wow Yandex jokes

Next, I want to give a number of examples that are still “living”, and most often have already died in God. search jokes of Yandex and Google, which were implemented out of nothing more than a naked desire to laugh and give other network users a hearty laugh. Agree, when the search engine itself makes jokes, it’s much funnier (and more natural) than demotivators, etc. Smesharikov.

  1. This joke clearly shows the attitude of the “celestials from the world of SEO” towards those who are hooked on:

  2. True, now the previous request no longer gives Contact in the first place, but there is also a request that still works great in Yandex:

  3. Here is also an unexpectedly persistent answer to the seemingly difficult question “worst search engine”:

    I can’t imagine how such a result can be achieved, unless this is really the opinion of the Yandex search engine about a former competitor (who died two years ago).

  4. Jokes are found not only in the search results, but sometimes also in the advertising blocks that are shown there:

  5. Again, a lot of jokes are promoted (it’s hard to imagine that at least a couple of people entered the query “what to do if Voldemort washes himself with my shampoo”) and in the search suggestions of Yandex and Google:

  6. There are a couple of frequently entered queries on the topic of toilets: “what will happen if you throw a crowbar into a train toilet at full speed” and “What should I do if my toilet is dancing.” Apparently someone promoted them, but the essence of this idea is now somewhat vague Although the originality of the questions alone can give you an A.

Google jokes

  1. I, of course, perfectly understand the guys who, living overseas and not being able to type in the Russian keyboard, therefore write their messages on Russian-language forums, social networks and blogs in transliteration. What do you think about it? Personally, I constantly “stumble” over this, and when such a “wonderful” hint was given on Google for this, I simply couldn’t hold back my laughter:

    Apparently it was someone from the Google Russian search team who joked, but then everything was fixed.

  2. Google is somewhat pessimistic about the mental development of the vast majority of our planet:

  3. Previously, when searching for “delusion generator,” Google returned the site of its direct competitor (Yandex) in second place.

Habit is a terrible thing. Some things are taken for granted just because you are used to them. Often asking people a question like: “Why are you searching with Yandex?”, I get the answer: “Yes, I’m somehow used to it.” Today we want to compare the popular products of Yandex and Google side by side and evaluate the real value of the Russian sworn friend of the American global thug.

The parameters that interest us primarily: integration of company services, mobile use, the need for additional actions to install this or that software, as well as design and pleasure of use.

start page

You can talk about taste, or you can just look at the screenshots. Google has a focus on search, and there is also voice search. No banners, tickers, exchange rates, news or other information noise that the national search engine literally bombards Russians with.

This is probably some kind of peculiarity of Russian consumption (or are they just used to it?), since the same for the world has a quite tolerable appearance and... a parallax donut.

But we remember about and continue to test the performance of the Internet named after.

Score: Google:Yandex 1:1

Search results

We asked the search engines about Lobachevsky. Personally, I like Google's results better, but I'm just used to it. In terms of usefulness, they are all the same. The only thing is that the strangest output is in the project of the future Yandex - Islands. Judge for yourself and do not judge for taste.

Score: Google:Yandex 1:1

Voice search

Google searches by voice are better. You can verify this on your phone and tablet. I haven’t yet figured out how to search by voice on a computer using Yandex. Just for fun, my son (6 years old) and I recently tested the Yandex browser and compared it with Google Chrome, namely the voice search of this couple. Live test results are below :)

This is how Google understands the little balabolka (whose native language is not Russian at all):

And here’s how Yandex understands it:

In both cases, the language was set to Russian in advance.

Score: Google:Yandex 1:0


I know Yandex employees who use Gmail for personal purposes, but I have not seen Google employees who use Yandex.Mail.

Yandex mail has cute themes and an interesting interface, a lot of space and good Russification. Gmail has a modern interface, plug-in web plugins (for example Any.DO) and user scripts. Gmail is integrated with Google Drive and Google Docs.

Score: Google:Yandex 1:0

Table cards

The main thing in cards is not beauty, but functionality. It’s easy to get into trouble when giving in to deep analysis of cards, and we won’t do that. Let’s just pay attention to the sense of beauty of those who made these products, look for an arbitrary address in Moscow and pay tribute to the traffic jam functionality.

Look and feel

Google Maps looks modern and it’s not even clear what to add to them. Yandex maps are from the Stone Age.

Address search

“Russia, Moscow, Gogolevsky Boulevard, 12с4” where is this? Both products know this very well, and Yandex also suggested the nearest metro. This is useful if you are a pedestrian, right? But Yandex does not know how to build pedestrian navigation.

Traffic jams

Yandex is the king of traffic jams. Drivers say they have no equal. It is useless to compare with your eyes.

Score: Google:Yandex 1:1

Mobile cards

Visual comparison:

On iOS 7, the Google product looks very “on-topic”. The Yandex product is still a thing of the past. It is worth noting that for Kyiv the maps have ceased to be pixelated, although they were like that probably a month ago. Thank you. And yes, Yandex maps do not have walking navigation either. But both support transport and quite well.

It is worth saying that Yandex maps cache a city better, for example. But on Android, this is easily solved by simply uploading the location you need, which can be a city, to Google maps.

Well, if you travel a lot outside the CIS, then you can simply delete Yandex maps and use a single solution for the whole world - Google Maps.

And of course, Yandex is the king of traffic jams. So it's a draw.

Score: Google:Yandex 1:1


Today the Google.Music service for Russia has officially launched and you can no longer forgive the design of Yandex.Music from the Stone Age. See for yourself:

As for the price, the offer from Google is cheaper: 199 rubles. Yandex versus 169 rub. Google and the latter also have a month free. Additionally, you can upload up to 20,000 of your tracks to the Google cloud and use its cloud to synchronize between all devices in your account.

If we talk about mobile applications, Yandex has them for iOS and Android, while Google has them only for Google.

Score: Google:Yandex 1:0

Work in the domain and with office tasks

If you have a domain and need to raise mail on it and everything else you need for work, then there are two suitable products: Google Apps and Yandek traffic rules. Yandex only gives you email. Google gives (except third party apps):

  • mail
  • calendar
  • cloud drive
  • simple office suite
  • Hangout chats
  • and much more!

Score: Google:Yandex 1:0


Before talking on this topic, you need to understand one fact - both Google and Yandex need the browser you have installed for many things, but the main thing is to monitor your behavior. Everyone is watching and doing it so much that it’s better not to even think about it.

Personally, I deliberately choose a browser from Google only because it does not have intrusive Yandex branding and involvement in a Google product is determined only at the time of installation and entry of account data.

If you use Google services, then you're better off sticking with Chrome. If you use Yandex services, you can conveniently do this from the same Chrome.

Score: Google:Yandex 1:0

Mobile devices

The beauty of the iPhone and iPad is that some thing from your operator or national search engine will not jump out at you. You get a bare system and put what you want on it. The same Yandex will be imposed on you only in search (you can turn it off) or in data points on the map (you can’t turn it off). That's it, then it's just your choice. On Android, the choice starts with accepting the fact that Google rules. Even if you buy a Nexus and there are no bells and whistles from the operator or phone manufacturer or an alternative search engine, then you are still at the mercy of Google services. Leave it there. Why would you build another layer of services on top of a miserable processor and a life-giving battery, if from the examples above it more or less follows that everything will be fine for you anyway? Namely: an excellent Google Chrome browser (many people use it on iOS too!), excellent Google Maps with worldwide coverage (and the further from Russia, the better it will work), excellent Gmail mail, Google Drive, Docs documents of your domain, for example, you will have all your music in the cloud, even funny GIFs will be thrown at you via Google+ :)

Score: Google:Yandex 1:0

Is the locality of services from Yandex in the modern world worth building another service layer on a computer or mobile phone? Our answer is no, it's not worth it. And if you need traffic jams or habits, the delivery features or the beauty of Yandex mail are nice to you, then leave everything as it is.

But on the topic all the eggs in one basket we can talk in the comments. Although, personally, I don’t think that one basket, two or three is of great importance in general. Either have a basket or “carry” your “eggs” yourself without “baskets” if you have enough education :)