Check all checkboxes. How to improve any interface: checkboxes

Developers of web applications, websites and desktop programs should know what checkboxes are. But users who are far from programming, encountering this incomprehensible foreign word, quite often do not understand its meaning. In fact, everything is quite simple. Checkboxes are the simplest control element when creating forms.

Checkbox: regular checkmark

Surely each of us has encountered in life such a symbol as a tick. This designation should be familiar to us, starting from school. This sign marks the correct answer during testing. Checkboxes are also used when filling out various forms. Today, when users perform many actions via the Internet, there is no escape without ticks. Even the simplest registration procedure on any site requires checking some points. Today, online commerce is more developed than ever. When creating an order, the user can mark only those items that interest him in particular. Very often, when installing computer games, the user is asked to select additional software. In this case, you will also need to make a choice. So, checkboxes are precisely the same checkmarks that are used on web pages.

Using checkboxes when creating websites

Website developers see this element somewhat more broadly. After all, creating it is much more difficult than just clicking on a square. Websites are developed using hypertext markup language. In a professional environment, this language is called HTML. To create such a checkbox in this language, you need to write some code. How are checkboxes actually created? HTML is a specialized element that is a field with a checkbox type. It is written as follows:

Checkbox: principle of operation

This element works on a fairly simple principle: either denial or affirmation. If the field is checked, the browser will send a variable that will send the field name to the server for processing. If the checkbox is not checked, the server will not receive anything. This element has an attribute that has the value value. This attribute is optional. Developers add a special attribute to the tag that indicates the checkbox is checked by default. This attribute is called checked, which means “checked” in English.

Elements such as checkboxes do not imply a single selection of several options, but rather the marking of all suitable ones. This is important for the developer, because if the form contains several checkboxes, then their names must be different from each other.

Dependent checkboxes

If you need to select only one option from the many presented, you can use other elements, such as radio buttons. In some cases, a type such as dependent checkboxes is used. Together with the JavaScript programming language, HTML allows you to create one main checkbox, on which all the others will depend. When you click on this element, several checkboxes can be checked at once. This is used quite rarely, since it contradicts the rule of checking boxes. Checkboxes, like other tags in HTML, have their own characteristics. What could they be? We have already discussed the attribute for pre-marking the checked checkbox. Since checkboxes must have different names on the same form, the name attribute is required. It is this attribute that identifies each checkbox individually. To set the value that will be sent to the server, you must use the value attribute. It should be noted that checkboxes are graphical controls that are used primarily in various forms. They work in three modes: selected, unselected and undefined.

Use in tables

An element such as a “checkbox” can be used not only in HTML when developing web applications and websites. This element is also used in software, for example, in 1C programs. There are many different components in an enterprise, and when working with documentation, it is necessary to note all of this. For example, using a checkbox you can mark a list of customers or a list of warehouse stocks. What other programs can this element be used in? Everyone knows the Excel program from Microsoft, which is often used as an alternative to 1C. Here, the principle of operation of this checkbox is as follows: if the checkbox is checked, then this element returns the true value. If the checkbox is unchecked, then this element returns a false value. To insert a checkbox into a document, you must enable a special tab for the developer. This can be done using parameters that differ in each version of Excel.

How can you find the settings you need? For this purpose, you can always use a search engine or help. When this tab is enabled, you can insert this element using the “Insert” command from the “Controls” item. Here you need to pay attention to the fact that the menu also contains ActiveX elements, which are located under the necessary form elements. There are also checkboxes here. What's the difference? To use ActiveX controls, you need the built-in VBA programming language, which few people know. Ordinary checkboxes can be linked directly to a specific cell in the document. After all the checkboxes in Excel are checked, they will become checked by default. If you click anywhere in the document, the check mark will be removed. To perform a reverse selection, you need to right-click on the flag. The left button unchecks or sets a check mark.

I continue the series of articles on improving interface elements. This time it’s our turn to talk about checkboxes. Now you can receive .


Checkboxes were originally created as group selection elements. Those. were intended to designate a group of elements for subsequent group actions with them.

There are good and real checkboxes in Gmail

An example of using checkboxes is any modern mail interface. Having marked several letters, you can, for example, delete them all.

Problems and solutions when using checkboxes

Let's look at the main problems I see when using checkboxes and what can be done about these problems.

Using checkboxes for binary states

Often a checkbox is used to select between two different options. For example, I saw such a checkbox in one online store.

This checkbox doesn't explain anything. It is not clear whether delivery will be by mail or whether I will have to go for my purchase. In this case, it would be much more logical to use the radio button to select the desired option. Let's redo it.

Now everything has become much clearer

Using checkboxes to enable options

Quite often I use checkboxes to show whether an option is on or off. Which I think is not very correct.

Checkboxes are not buttons. These are elements intended for group operations. Clicking a checkbox should not lead to any action. Color indication is ideal for visually identifying enabled and disabled options from a list.

In the example above, you would select several options and click the Apply button. This option is viable, but not very convenient. What to do? I propose this solution:

Enabling the option in one of the client projects

Here you can clearly see the status of the option (enabled or not). The switch is immediately visible and another problem has been solved, which we will talk about later. A similar switch came from the iPhone interface and is a worthy analogue of a simple checkbox.

Small clickable area size

According to Fitts' Law, the smaller the element, the more difficult it is to use. This problem can be observed not only in checkboxes. This is one of the main problems of many controls.

The small checkmark is not easy to aim at or hit. Even if you make the entire area along with the text clickable, users will continue to aim specifically at the checkmark.

What are the ways out and techniques?

Thus showing the clickable area.

Checkbox button on the website

By increasing the click area.

Checkbox mark on one of the client projects

3. Turn a checkbox into a radio button. I wrote about this above.

"Select all" and "remove all"

For the convenience of working with a large number of checkboxes, the interface should have the options “Select all checkboxes” and “Uncheck all checkboxes”. Otherwise, working with such an interface will become very tedious and time-consuming. Imagine that you need to select at least 10 items out of 12 available on the list. This is much easier to do by selecting everything and deselecting unnecessary options.


Checkboxes were originally created as group selection tools. And you shouldn’t use them for anything else in their original form. However, with some tuning and following simple recommendations, they can be turned into a convenient tool for your user.

In previous and next episodes
  • . Why they shouldn't be used. And if used, how?
  • . Simple choice without choice.
  • . How input fields should work with different data types.

    A checkbox is a user interface element that allows you to mark several items from a list at once. In a broader sense, a checkbox is a method of checking lists in which you can check the boxes next to the desired items.

    A checkbox is an empty square that may appear when filling out various questionnaires or ballots. This box means that you need to put a tick or cross there if the answer is yes, and leave it blank if the answer is no.

    The word checkbox came into Russian from English. In English it would be like this: checkbox, where check means to check and box is a box.

    A checkbox is a button or a special symbol that is used to fill out special fields in questionnaires, newsletters, and surveys. It can be in electronic form (electronic questionnaire, survey) or in paper form.

    Translation of the word checkbox - checkbox

    Here are checkbox examples:

    A check - translated into Russian is something like control. A checkbox is essentially a small square in which you can put checkmarks and dots. Let me give you a vivid example from the life of almost every PC user: You install a game or program on your PC, at one point you are given the text of the license agreement, and at the very bottom there is a line that says I accept... and to the left of these words is a small white square, this is the checkbox, you usually put a tick in it.

    A checkbox literally from English is a box (or box) for selection (control). Checkboxes are used in the interface - this is a small square next to the items that you need to tick in order to select.

    A checkbox is nothing more than a graphic element used in various computer applications to indicate such parameters as yes (enable), no (disable). The checkbox is designated as an empty square. and in nm there is a place for a tick in the case of yes.

    Checkbox - (flag) one of the graphic elements that is used in applications and is intended for multiple selection

    Can have three modes:

    Selected, unselected, undefined

    Most often we can see a checkbox when filling out any questionnaires.

    A checkbox is an initially empty square inside which we can put a tick, a cross, or simply paint it over if we agree with the statement, or leave it empty if we disagree.

    A field in electronic form or in real life (questionnaire, test), where you put a mark next to the correct answer, where there are several answers to the question. Most often used when conducting various tests and questionnaires.

    A checkbox is an interface tool that serves to designate a group (for example, to define specific options) and further work on it, as well as to indicate a state (on/off).

    The appearance of this flag is square, but it can, for example, be round:

    In order to activate a checkbox, its body is filled with a checkmark, a cross, or a square or other graphic element. Next to the checkbox its value is displayed, for example:

    The checkbox can be tuned a little, and it will turn into an even more useful tool (label, button, etc.). You can read about it here.

    The checkbox is found not only in electronic form, but also on various paper media (the most striking example is a questionnaire).

    A checkbox or checkbox is a graphical interface element that allows the user to select the desired parameters with two states: on and off.

    It looks like this:

    Checkbox is a graphic element, that is, one of its types. It is meant to be chosen. This element can be found (used) in various questionnaires, newsletters, and so on.

    The word Checkbox is translated into Russian as Check - mark (mark) and box - box (square).

    It's more of a checkbox that allows you to control whether the settings are on or off.

    This video will show you how to use the checkbox.

    And in this article there is information that gives a clearer idea about this element and its use.

    Chebox is a special flag, circle, square. In the center of these checkboxes, when you select something, you need to put a checkmark. Chebox can often be found in various programs, games, surveys, questionnaires and much more.

All developers of websites, web applications and desktop programs know what checkboxes are. But those people who are far from programming, encountering such an incomprehensible foreign word, do not understand what they are talking about. In fact, everything is very simple. Checkboxes are one of the simplest controls when creating forms.

Regular checkmark

All people have encountered symbols such as the checkmark in their lives, starting from school. When testing, you need to mark the correct option with this sign. Then when filling out various questionnaires. Well, in the present time, when users perform many actions via the Internet, there is absolutely nowhere without ticks. Even the simplest registration on any site requires you to tick some boxes (hobbies, skills).

Internet commerce is also now developed. When creating an order, the user marks the items that interest him. And often, when installing a computer game, you are asked to select additional software. And here, too, you need to make a choice. So, checkboxes are the same checkmarks that are used on web pages.

In website creation

Website developers see this element somewhat more broadly. After all, creating is more difficult than just clicking on a square once and checking a box. Websites are developed using hypertext markup language, which in a professional environment is called just four letters - HTML. And in order to create a checkmark in it, you need to write some code.

How are checkboxes created? HTML has a specialized element (tag), which is a field endowed with a checkbox type, which is written as follows: .

Operating principles

This element works according to the simplest principle: either affirmation or negation. If a field is checked, the web browser sends a variable that will send the field name to the server for processing, but if the box is not checked, the server receives nothing. The element has an optional attribute with the value value, but it is optional.

Sometimes it happens that some boxes on the page are already checked. To do this, developers add a special attribute to the tag, which points to the checkbox that is already checked by default. This is the checked attribute, that is, “checked”.

Checkboxes are elements that imply not a single choice from several options, but the marking of all suitable ones. For a developer, this matters because if one form contains multiple checkboxes, their names must be different from each other.

Dependent checkboxes

In the case when you need to select only one option from a set, other elements are used - radio buttons, not checkboxes. But sometimes a type such as dependent checkboxes is used. HTML, together with the JavaScript programming language, allows you to make one main checkbox on which the others depend. When you click on it, several checkboxes can be checked at once. This is rarely used, since it somewhat contradicts the very rule of checking boxes.

Like all tags in HTML, checkboxes are elements that have their own characteristics. What are they? The attribute for pre-checking a checkbox has already been mentioned above - checked. Since checkboxes must have different names in one form, the name attribute is needed. It just identifies each individual checkbox. In order to set the value that will be sent to the server, use the value attribute.

It is worth noting that checkboxes are graphical controls that are used primarily in forms. And they work in three modes: not selected, selected and undefined.

Use in tables

Checkboxes are used not only in HTML when developing websites and web applications. Software such as 1C also uses this element. After all, an enterprise has many different components, and when working with documentation, all this must be noted. For example, using a checkbox, you can mark a list of warehouse stocks or customers to whom you need to send goods.

What other programs use this element? Excel - everyone knows this spreadsheet program from Microsoft, which is often the principle of how a checkbox works here: if the checkbox is checked, then the element returns a true value, if unchecked, it returns a false value. To insert a checkbox into a document, you need to enable a special tab for the developer. This is done through parameters that are slightly different in each version of Excel.

How do I find the settings I need? There is always help or a search engine. After the tab is enabled, you can insert an element through the “Insert” command of the “Controls” item. The thing to note here is that this menu also contains ActiveX controls located below the required form elements. There are also checkboxes there. What is the difference between them? To use ActiveX controls, you need the built-in VBA programming language, which few people know. And ordinary checkboxes can be immediately linked to a specific cell in the document.

Once checkboxes are inserted into Excel, they become checked by default. Clicking anywhere in the document removes the mark. To reverse the selection, you need to click on the checkbox with the right mouse button, since the left button removes or checks the checkbox.

By hovering over a checkbox and holding down the left button, you can move the element to any location on the document. It is also convenient to do this using the keys on the keyboard. When you hover over the corners of an element, you can stretch it to a larger size or make it smaller. Special settings allow you to customize the checkbox by changing its color, background, and frame.


So, as can be seen from the above, checkboxes are not a complex element of the graphical interface, but something that everyone encounters in everyday life - an ordinary tick. The concept is slightly different for a programmer and an ordinary user, but the essence is the same: this is a control element that allows you to make multiple selections when filling out a form. It is important not to confuse checkboxes with radio buttons, which allow you to select only one item from many.

How to check all the checkboxes? Let's use jquery. I warn you right away that there is nothing complicated in this, do not be alarmed by the abundance of code in the lesson. It's basically the same code repeated several times with minor changes.

How to check all checkboxes using links

To mark all the checkboxes, we will make 2 links to them: “check all” and “reset all”

Links have a rel="form" attribute. It determines which checkboxes the script works for. In this case, for any object with id=”example_group1″ Now let’s write code that will mark all checkboxes:

// Activate all checkboxes
//When you click on the "Mark all checkboxes" link, activate the checkbox
$("a").click(function() (

$("#" + $(this).attr('rel') + " input:checkbox:enabled").attr('checked', true);
//If you need to mark inactive checkboxes (disabled), then the previous line should look like this:

return false;

// Remove all marks
$("a").click(function() (

//If inactive checkboxes should be processed, exclude the parameter again: enabled
//$("#" + $(this).attr('rel') + " input:checkbox").attr('checked', true);
return false;

How to check all checkboxes using buttons

$(document).ready(function() ( // Select all //When you click on the "check all" button, activate the checkboxes $("#example_all").click(function() ( $("#" + $(this ).attr('rel') + " input:checkbox:enabled").attr('checked', true); return false; )); // When you click on the "reset all" button, remove the checkboxes $("#example_noone ").click(function() ( $("#" + $(this).attr('rel') + " input:checkbox:enabled").attr('checked', false); return false; )) ; ));

As you can see, everything is almost the same as in the method with links. The only difference is that we distinguish links by the href parameter, and buttons by id

How to check all checkboxes from one main checkbox

You can also check all checkboxes on one checkbox:

$(document).ready(function() (
// Select all
//When you click on the "check all" button, activate the checkboxes
$("#example_all").click(function() (
$("#" + $(this).attr('rel') + " input:checkbox:enabled").attr('checked', true);
return false;

// When you click on the "reset all" button, we remove the marks
$("#example_noone").click(function() (
$("#" + $(this).attr('rel') + " input:checkbox:enabled").attr('checked', false);
return false;

Please note that in order to avoid recursion, you need to make the key checkbox different from everyone else. This can be achieved by assigning a class to all checkboxes except the key one. In the example, this class is .example_check.