Features of Windows operating systems theme. Features of the MS Windows operating system


Convenience and device support. The main difference between programs for DOS and for Windows is that a DOS program can work with computer hardware (monitor, keyboard, printer, etc.) directly bypassing DOS (and, as a rule, does so), in while a Windows program must access external devices only through via Windows. Therefore, after installation in Windows drivers providing support of this device(that is, tuning Windows to the features of a given device) all Windows programs can work with this device. This eliminates the very painful problem for DOS of ensuring program compatibility with specific devices.

Programs (drivers) to support the most common devices are included in Windows, and for other devices they are supplied with these devices or controllers.

Unified user interface. Windows provides programmers with all the tools they need to create user interface, so programmers use them rather than invent similar ones own funds. As a result, the user interface of Windows programs is largely unified, and users do not need to learn new principles for organizing interaction with this program for each program.

Support for scalable fonts. Applications such as document editing, publishing and advertising, creating tables or presentations, etc. require the use of large quantity fonts - text, heading, decorative, pictographic and others, and the characters of these fonts may be required in the most various sizes. Therefore, support for scalable True Type fonts was built into Windows 3.1. Scalable fonts (unlike raster fonts) do not contain raster (point-by-point) images of characters of some fixed size, but a description of the outlines of characters, allowing the construction of characters of any the right size. Since the images of characters on the screen and on the print are formed from the same contours contained in the font file, they naturally fully correspond to each other, which ensures the implementation of the WYSIWYG principle - both on the screen and on the print.

Multimedia support. One of the improvements to Windows is multimedia support. When connecting the appropriate Windows devices can receive sounds from a microphone, CD or

MIDI synthesizer, images from a digital video camera or from a CD, output sounds and moving images.

This opens up great opportunities for educational, gaming and other programs, allowing

make communication with a computer easier and more enjoyable even for non-professionals.

Multitasking. Windows provides the ability to run multiple programs at the same time and switch from one program to another.

Data exchange tools. To organize data exchange between various programs Windows offers the following methods:

· Clipboard: one program can put data into this buffer, and another can use the data from the buffer (for example, by inserting it into a document);

· Dynamic data exchange Data Exchange (DDE) - one program can use data created by another program (for example, a document editor can use part of a table created by a spreadsheet processor), and a copy of the data in the using program retains a “link” to the original (original) data. Therefore, a program using DDE data can “update” it at any time, i.e. restore the correspondence of the used copy of data to the original;

· Mechanism for communication and implementation of objects ( Object Linking and Imbibing (OLE), introduced in Windows 3.1, is an enhancement to DDE. Here, the program using the “embedded” data can edit this data, for which the program with which this data was created is automatically launched. For example, in a document processed by the editor Microsoft Word, you can insert a picture created in the graphic editor Corel Draw as an “object”, and then when you double-click on the image of this picture in Microsoft document Word will automatically call Corel Draw to edit this picture.

Tools for exchanging data between Windows programs significantly help users and make it easier for them to solve complex problems that require the use of more than one program.

Compatible with DOS programs. Work in Windows environment does not force you to stop using DOS programs. Moreover, for

running DOS programs, as a rule, there is no need to exit Windows. However, it should be noted that DOS programs under Windows control are executed more slowly.

Opportunities for developers. All of the Windows features listed below are also convenient for program developers. For example, available in Windows standard means to create a user interface makes it unnecessary to invent your own tools.

Supporting devices (printers, monitors, etc.) in Windows takes the burden off of program developers. However, two advantages of programming for Windows are especially noteworthy:

· availability of all random access memory- unlike DOS, operational management tools Windows memory make the entire computer's RAM available to programs (not 640 KB), which makes it easier to create large programs;

· dynamic linking of libraries - Windows provides automatic connection subroutine libraries during program execution. The format of libraries (.DLL files) and the order in which library routines are called are standardized, so these libraries can be created using various software and even written in different languages programming.

Windows Disadvantages

As you know, any medal has two sides, so Windows has not only advantages, but also disadvantages, which we will describe in this section.

Main Windows disadvantage for users is that the described Windows benefits are achieved due to a significant increase in the load on the computer hardware. Graphical interface, support for scalable fonts, support for multitasking, etc. require large processor power, significant RAM and disk space. Although all you need to work with Windows is an 80386 processor with 2-4 megabytes of RAM and free 45 megabytes on the hard drive, this configuration does not allow you to use Windows for any practical tasks, except for playing solitaire. Comfortable work is ensured only if there are 8-16 megabytes and at least 150-300 megabytes on the disk for Windows and Windows applications. At the same time, programs with approximately the same capabilities for DOS and Windows often differ in requirements for computer resources several times. Thus, Microsoft Word for DOS can run on a computer without hard drive and requires only 512 kilobytes of RAM.

A Microsoft editor Word for Windows(although it should be noted here that it has somewhat greater capabilities) requires 4 megabytes of RAM (or better, 8 megabytes), and about 20 megabytes of disk space, while working several times slower. To compensate for this slowdown and ensure acceptable performance, users are forced to buy fairly powerful computers. In the West, the fashion for Windows very quickly led to the abandonment of not only computers based on Intel-286, but also those based on Intel-386.

All of the above in no way detracts from the merits of Windows, but only indicates that Windows is not universal solution, suitable for all users and for all occasions. Of course, for most users (if they are willing to pay enough powerful computer) Windows and Windows programs allow you to work on your computer in the most convenient and effective way. Using Windows is inappropriate in the following cases:

For applications that have a graphical interface and multitasking Windows features are not needed: for example, at the workplaces of operators in banks, sales workers, etc.

For applications that require particularly high processing speed.

For problems for which a satisfactory solution is provided by existing programs running in DOS environment, UNIX, etc.

Has its own negative sides and programming for Windows. The point is that Windows forcibly forces programmers

use software tools Windows interface(API) - more than 600 functions. In addition, for this, the programmer must be fluent in very complex conceptual concepts of object-oriented programming, operating with objects, messages, shared resources, etc., so learning to program for Windows is a very difficult task.

operating system Windows is a graphical operating system for platform computers IBM PC. Its main controls are the mouse and keyboard. operating system Windows designed to control standalone computer, but also contains everything you need to create a small local computer network. Part operating system tools for working on the Internet are included.

In the operating system Windows implemented document-oriented approach. This means that the user concentrates his attention on his documents, and not on the applications (programs) with which these documents are processed.

Document Windows is any file processed using applications. A document may contain text, graphic, audio and video information. Feature Windows is that when a document is opened, an application that works with the file of this document is automatically launched. For example, if you need to work with a picture, you should open the file that contains it, and the graphic editor will be loaded automatically.

operating system Windows contains a set of standard application programs. The main ones are the following:

· Program Notebook. This is a simple text editor that can be used to view text files. Rarely used to create text documents.

· Graphic editor Paint.

Used for learning to work with graphic objects before learning professional graphic editors.

· WordPad word processor.

Used to create, edit and view text documents. Is a simplified version of a word processor Word.

· Calculator.

Included in the operating system Windows includes a set of utility programs designed to maintain and configure your computer.

For proper operation the application must go through the installation operation. The need for installation is due to the fact that software developers cannot know in advance the specifics of the hardware and software configuration computing system, on which the application will run. Installation disk contains a semi-finished product, from which a full-fledged application is formed during installation on the computer. At the same time, it is linked to the hardware and software environment and configured. The installation is controlled by the operating system.

Because the Windows provides sharing resources, you cannot allow resources used by other applications to be removed when you uninstall an application. Therefore, applications are uninstalled under the control of the operating system.

To exchange data between various applications the clipboard is used. Clipboard is an area of ​​memory that all applications have access to and can write to or read data from.

The ability to use objects of different natures in one document is based on the concept of embedding and linking objects. Under implementation object means its inclusion in a document created by another application. When you save a document, all objects embedded in it are saved in one file. In this case, the size of the original text document increases by the size of the embedded object.

Binding differs from embedding in that the object itself is not inserted into the document, but instead a pointer to its location is inserted. When the reader reaches this pointer while viewing the document, word processor will refer to the address in the index and display the object in the text of the document.

When using linking, the size of the resulting document practically does not increase. However, unless special measures are taken, the transfer of such a document will not result in the transfer of related objects. Lost links can occur even if you move linked objects to another folder. Therefore, when using linking, it is necessary to control the integrity of the connections between objects and, when transferring a document to another computer, transfer all files associated with it.

Typically, if a document is prepared for use within local network organization, then objects are inserted into it using the linking method. When a document is transferred to other organizations, objects are embedded in it.


Screen Windows called a desktop. Objects are displayed on the desktop Windows and controls. Everything we deal with when working with a computer can be classified as either objects (files) or controls.

In the initial state, you can see several screen icons and a taskbar on the desktop. An icon is a graphical representation of an object Windows. What we do with the icon we actually do with the corresponding object. For example, deleting an icon deletes the object.

The taskbar is one of the main control elements. She represents horizontal stripe at the bottom of the screen. There is a button on the taskbar Start, by pressing which the work begins and by pressing which ends. While working, buttons appear on the taskbar with the names of windows open in this moment on the desktop.

If you click on the button Start, the main menu will appear on the desktop. It contains computer control commands. In order to perform any action—run a program, open a document, or close a window—the computer must execute the appropriate command.

Windows Management

Most commands can be executed using the mouse. The active control element associated with the mouse is the mouse pointer. Most often it looks like an arrow. When you move the mouse over a flat surface, the pointer moves across the desktop. It can be positioned on object icons or on passive application controls.

IN Windows two mouse buttons are used: left and right. The center button does not function. The main one is left button, with its help most actions are performed. The right button is auxiliary.

Basic techniques for working with a mouse:

Click – quickly press and release the left mouse button;

· double click – two clicks performed with a short time interval;

· click right click- quickly pressing and releasing the right mouse button;

· dragging – moving the mouse while the left button is pressed, accompanied by movement display object, on which the pointer is installed;

· Mouse dragging – works like dragging, but is used when working with a window to change its size.

If you hover your mouse over an icon and left-click, the icon will change color. This operation is called selection. Double click the left mouse button on the icon opens any object located on the desktop, for example, launches a program.

Windows are combined into menus. Any command is executed by clicking on its name. If there is an arrow pointing to the right after the command name, then this menu item opens the next menu. This hierarchical menu is called cascaded.

Main control WindowsMain menu. It opens by clicking the button Start. Using the Main Menu you can:

· launch the program installed on the computer;

· open latest documents with whom the work was performed;

· gain access to the search engine and help systems Windows;

· gain access to operating system configuration tools.

There is an item in the Main Menu Shutdown, the use of which is mandatory for correct shutdown of the system before turning off the power.


Window– this is the part of the screen limited by the frame. Each window is associated with some object or application. Several windows can be open on the desktop at the same time. You can use the mouse to move the window around the screen and resize it.

All windows have the same appearance and consist of the same elements. Frame– line limiting the window. By dragging any line of the frame or its corner, you can change the height or width of the window. At the top of each window is header line. This line usually displays the name of the application to which the window belongs. This line is used to drag the window across the desktop. If the title bar is highlighted, the window is active.

On the right side of the header are window size control buttons: closing, folding and unfolding. Clicking the close button closes the window and removes it from the screen. If the window is associated with an application, its operation stops. Clicking the minimize button also removes the window from the screen, but the application continues to work. A button with the name of the window appears on the taskbar. Clicking this button restores the window to the screen. By clicking the expand button, you can increase the window size to fit the screen. In a maximized window, the maximize button is replaced by a restore button, which can be used to restore the window to its previous size.

Below the window title is a menu. When you click on a menu item, a drop-down menu opens, the items of which allow you to perform operations on the contents of the window. The window may contain a toolbar with buttons for executing commonly used commands.

If some of the output data does not fit in the window, scroll bars. The scroll bar has a slider and two buttons. The position of the slider marks the part of the document that is currently displayed on the screen. Scrolling is done in three ways:

· by clicking on one of the end buttons;

· dragging the slider;

· by clicking on the scroll bar above or below the slider.

Dialog window

Dialog window is a type of window that allows the user to enter data into the computer. Dialog boxes appear when you select a command in the menu that has an ellipsis next to it.

The dialog box can have the following elements.

· Checkbox– a small square next to the parameter name. To set the parameter, you need to click in the square. A check mark appears. Any number of available checkboxes can be selected at the same time.

· Select button– round button next to the parameter name. Allows you to mark one parameter from the list. To do this, click on the button, and a black dot will appear in the circle.

· Command button– a rectangular button with the name of the team. To execute a command, you need to click on the button. This will close the dialog box. Basic command buttons: OK, Cancel, Help.

· List– window with a list of elements. To select the desired element, you need to click on it. If there is an arrow in the window, you can click it to view the entire list.

· Entry field– a rectangular window for entering text from the keyboard. To enter, you need to click inside the window and enter the text. If there is an arrow in the window, you can click on it and select text from the available list.

Working with the menu

All programs running under Windows, have a menu containing commands to control these programs. By selecting a menu command, you can tell the operating system what work should be done and how, and specify additional parameters in a dialog box.

To work with the menu, you need to click on the desired item in the menu bar and a rectangle with a group of menu commands (items) will open under it. For selection the required command you need to click on the name of this command. To deselect a command, click outside the menu area.

If there is a triangle to the right of the menu item name, then selecting this item will open a submenu from which you need to make a selection in the usual way.

When working with the menu, the following conventions are accepted:

· grey colour menu command means that this command is currently unavailable;

· selecting a menu item with an ellipsis causes a dialog box to appear;

· The key combination indicated to the right of the command is used to quickly call the command without accessing the menu.

Context menu

By right-clicking in certain areas of the screen, you can open a context menu. The list of commands in the context menu is directly related to the action currently being performed and depends on the area of ​​​​the desktop on which you click. To close context menu You need to left-click on an empty area of ​​the desktop.

Today, a huge part of the world's population is permanent basis interacts with computers, some are obliged to work, some look for information on the Internet, and some simply spend time playing games. Everyone has their own needs, which means the computer must meet them. And if we're talking about about “hardware” (the technical component of a computer), then everything is more or less clear: the newer, the better. But here is the “software” ( software) part, requires special attention.

Each computer runs a specific operating system, of which there are a great many, each of which is suitable for certain tasks, available equipment, and so on. Therefore, an important factor is the choice of this operating system.

There is a fairly massive list of operating systems, but this article will focus on three pillars that have greatly influenced the industry and occupy the largest share among all operating systems: Windows, MacOS and Linux.

Proprietary operating systems

To begin with, it’s worth clarifying that there are proprietary operating systems, those that are distributed under a manufacturer’s license. These include Windows, the list of which is given below, and MacOS. Despite the fact that both systems can be downloaded on the Internet (stolen), the correct thing to do is to purchase a license from the distribution company and activate it.

The advantage of such systems is their development, great amount high-quality software and competent technical support that will help in case of problems.

“Free” operating systems

These include almost the entire Linux family, with the exception of some developments with accounting or other professional software. These OSes can be downloaded absolutely free and installed on any computer without a twinge of conscience.

Such systems are created by independent developers together with the community, so in most cases the quality of the programs leaves much to be desired, but such systems are much more secure and work more stable than their proprietary competitors.


Absolutely everyone who has ever dealt with a computer knows about this product. Microsoft. In particular, this applies to the super-successful release of Windows 7. List of operating systems Microsoft systems goes back ten generations. They are extremely popular all over the world and occupy almost 90% of the market. Which speaks to unprecedented leadership.

  • Windows XP;
  • Windows Vista;
  • Windows 7;
  • Windows 8;
  • Windows 10;

The list deliberately starts with Windows XP, since it is the most old version, which remains in use to this day.

Chrome OS

Underdeveloped product from Google, which is limited only to web applications and the browser of the same name. This system is not competitive with Windows and Mac, but is made with an eye to the future when web interfaces can replace “real” software. Installed by default on all Chromebooks.

Installing multiple systems and using virtual machines

Since each platform has its own pros and cons, it often becomes necessary to work with several at once. Computer developers know this, so they offer users the opportunity to install two or three systems on a disk at once.

This is done simply. All you need is a system distribution kit (a disk or flash drive with installation material loaded on it) and free space on your hard drive. All modern operating systems offer to allocate space during installation and create a boot mechanism that will show a list of operating systems when the computer boots. Everything is done semi-automatically and can be done by any user.

On Apple computers available special utility- BootCamp, which is designed to be simple and seamless installation Windows nearby from MacOS.

There is another way - installation virtual system inside the real one. For this purpose, the following programs are used: VmWare and VirtualBox, which can emulate the work full-fledged computer and launch operating systems.

Instead of a conclusion

The list of operating systems for a computer is not limited to the above. There are a lot of products from different companies, but they are all quite specific and do not deserve the attention of the average user. The choice is worth making between Windows, MacOS and Linux, as they can cover most of the needs and are quite easy to learn.

    Availability of convenient, flexible and simple remedies in mastering user interaction with the environment - these tools are called user interface. The interface includes windows, menus, file and application shortcuts.

    Multitasking, i.e. the ability of a PC to simultaneously work with several programs. For example, the OS allows you to listen to FMRadio, work with a text editor, etc.

    The ability to transfer data from one program to another: transfer a drawing and a table, created respectively with a graphic editor and a spreadsheet processor, into a text editor window and create a completed document in it.

    Availability of a configuration system new peripheral devices when connecting them to a PC.

9. Disadvantages of windows.

    The above-described advantages of this system are achieved due to significant increase in hardware load.

    Not enough effective work WINDOWS – programs in those applications where time is a critical resource.

    Low reliability: incorrect work any WINDOWS programs can cause the entire WINDOWS to freeze.

    There is practically no provision in WINDOWS no means of protection from damage to the operating system (working in safe mode).

10. General provisions.

To give you a little idea of ​​the capabilities of WINDOWS, let’s look at a list of some of the programs included in it:

    On-screen calculator (Calc. exe) – a program that allows you to perform all arithmetic operations and work with decimal, binary and

hexadecimal numbers and convert one to another.

    Notepad program (WordPAd. exe) – a text editor for working with small text files.

    Tutorial(WinTutorial. exe) - application that teaches how to work with WINDOWS.

    Graphics editorPAINT (MSPaint. exe) - application that creates graphic files.

    Laser player (CdPlayer. exe) – allows you to play CD audio files.

    Phonograph(Sndrec32. exe) - a program that allows you to play, edit and record audio files from a microphone.

    System Restore (Rstrui . exe) - an application that allows you to restore the system to the moment the selected checkpoint was created.

    Disk Defragmenter(Dfrg. msc) - document ( application) that allows you to classify files by data type in order to speed up work.

    Data archiving(NTBACKUP. exe) - application that creates archival copies data to prevent accidental data loss, as well as compression of data on the disk.

    Scan disk(Scandisc. exe) - application that checks HDD for the presence of errors in it and correcting them.

    Utility Manager (Utilman. exe) - an application that allows you to launch and configure programs that support accessibility features.

    Conductor(Explorer. exe) – allows you to perform all types of operations with files, run any applications.

So what is Windows? It is an operating system that is used on many computers. There is a nine to one chance that you, the person reading this note, are an operating room user Windows systems. Now there are many operating systems in the world, they all have the same purpose, but there are a lot of differences. I will give the names of some of them:

  1. Windows.
  2. Linux.
  3. Unix.

This is NOT a complete list of operating systems. What do you think is the basis of smartphone control? Yes, yes, operating systems, and there are also several varieties of them.

The OS names that I gave above are not complete, as they have several versions. Some differ in the time of creation, others in functionality. There are about ten of them in Windows alone.

There is another purpose of the operating system, besides managing the PC hardware. This is ease of use. On this moment this is implemented by a graphical interface that allows you to work not by entering commands, but by simply clicking the mouse button and selecting the appropriate items for the desired operations (copy, delete, run, etc.). But this was not always the case. Previously everything worked on command interface, i.e. To enter any folder, you had to enter the full path to it and the corresponding command. Not everyone could do this, because there are a lot of commands, and it would be difficult to remember everything. Ease of use and an intuitive, simple graphical interface are everything. After all, most people do not know a computer, and it will be easier for them to work on a less efficient operating system, but more convenient to use.

If you are a complete newbie to computers, and you have a question - what operating system to install on your computer, I will definitely give only one answer - Windows. Why her? After all, Windows is not the most best system, and there are more viruses written for it, and there are more glitches, but still, why is it? Along with its shortcomings, it has a very big plus, which completely covers them all, and gives its own fat advantages. This advantage is called mass character. The Windows operating system is the most widespread in the world; it is installed on 90% of computers in the world. Almost all games and programs are developed for this operating system.

But this is the main factor in purchasing a computer. Why do you need it? Regardless of what it is for, for work or for home, you will still work with programs. And you will not have any problems launching your favorite games, players, text editors and other applications necessary for computer life.

Mass distribution also provides another undeniable advantage - most equipment manufacturers computer equipment produce hardware compatible with Windows. And this means that conflict situations will be much less. This system is also easy to maintain, operate and install. After all, even a person who does not understand computers can install it.

Now let's talk about what we touched on at the very beginning - the word Windows. Why is this operating system called exactly that? And the whole point is that at the heart of management GUI there are windows. You go to “Movies” - a window opens with the contents of this folder, you launch a program - it opens in a window, the same can be said about all programs running under Windows.

Desktop (PC)- initial state of the MS Windows dialog environment. The PC opens on the screen after starting MS Windows. On the “surface” of the PC there are shortcuts to the most frequently used applications, documents, folders, and devices.

At Microsoft when Windows preparation 7 Special attention focused on user interaction with computers. Many studies and surveys have been conducted to optimize the interface.

The first thing that attracts attention is the redesigned taskbar. Microsoft has decided to stop using text descriptions for buttons. They have been replaced by larger icons that can finally be regrouped.

Right-clicking on the icon opens a new Jump Lists window, the items of which allow you to access the main and frequently used features of the application. In addition, the user will be able to independently make changes to the list of Jump Lists commands. The good news is that all these features are implemented through the operating system API, so software developers will not need to make changes to their products.

Window management has also been redesigned. In fact, the user simultaneously works with 1-2 windows, while the remaining 10-15 are in the background. Now move the window to top part the screen automatically expands it to full screen, and when done in reverse, the window size returns to its original state. Moving a window to the left or right causes it to be displayed at 50% of the screen width.

Sometimes the user only needs to view the contents of a window (take a “quick look”), and not work with it. In this case, by hovering the mouse over the image the desired window You can make all other windows transparent. All windows will be restored after moving the mouse to another area of ​​the screen.

Due to the growing popularity mobile devices There was a need to reconsider the functioning of the sidebar. Now gadgets can be placed directly on the desktop. In this case, using the “quick glance” feature will become even more relevant.

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