Fundamentals of computer science. Section III

“Informatics is one of the fastest growing branches of science and technology, many of its terms and concepts are constantly changing.” Computer science. Dictionary

Computer science new information industry and a scientific discipline, one of which is respectively concerned with, and the other studies, ways, methods and means of automating the following processes: creation, collection, storage, processing and transmission of information. Term Informatics arose in the early 60s in French to denote the automated processing of information in society. This term is a kind of hybrid of two words - information And automation . computer science can be divided into three components: theoretical computer science; information means; information systems and technologies. Each of these parts is structured into several separate ones, and some of them are considered as independent academic disciplines. Theoretical computer science includes sections:

    Theory of algorithms and automata.

    Information theory.

    Coding theory.

    Mathematical logic.

    Theory of formal languages ​​and grammars.

    Operations research, etc.

Information means (technical and software) – section in which they consider general principles construction of computing devices and data processing systems and issues of developing software systems. Here you can separately highlight the section - programming related to systems development software. Information systems and technologies – a section that studies the analysis of information flows, the possibility of their optimization and structuring; principles of implementation of information processes. Currently, there is one more section - artificial intelligence- a field of computer science in which complex problems are solved that intersect with psychology, physiology, linguistics and other sciences. The main directions of developments related to this area are reasoning modeling, computational linguistics, machine translation, creation of expert systems, pattern recognition and others. As a complex scientific discipline, computer science is related to other scientific disciplines:

    philosophy and psychology - through the doctrine of information and theory of knowledge;

    mathematics - through the theory of mathematical modeling, discrete mathematics, mathematical logic and the theory of algorithms;

    linguistics - through the doctrine of formal languages and sign systems;

    cybernetics – through information theory and control theory;

    physics and chemistry, electronics and radio engineering - through the “material” part of the computer and information systems.

Information concept

Currently, information is one of the most expensive types of resources. The creation of new means of information processing - computers - became the impetus for the intensive development of the information industry. An increasing number of economic entities are drawn into the process of information processing. Using the term information We, as a rule, do not think about what it is information . It should be noted that this question is quite complex. Until now, science has not developed a strict definition of the concept information . For example, when axiological approach, they strive to proceed from the value, practical significance of information, i.e. from qualitative characteristics that are significant in the social system. At semantic approach, information is considered from the point of view of both form and content. In this case, the information is associated with thesaurus, those. completeness of a systematic set of data about the subject of information. The concept of information cannot be considered only a technical, interdisciplinary or even supradisciplinary term. Information is a fundamental philosophical category. There are three points of view on the phenomenon information . The first identifies the concept of “information” with knowledge. Although this approach is widely criticized in the domestic literature, it takes place in many scientific works. The second point of view limits the subject area of ​​the concept of “information” to social and biological processes, rejecting the existence of information processes in inorganic nature. The third point of view, widely used at present, is associated with the attributive concept of information. For the first time, the attributive concept of information was formulated by N. Wiener, who believed that all phenomena in nature are covered by three basic concepts: matter, energy, information. Many modern authors, unlike N. Wiener, who did not consider the relationship of these components, closely link them and consider them as a single system.

Fundamentals of Computer Science - Textbook for universities - Savelyev A.Ya. - 2001

The basic concepts of computer science, methods of measuring and presenting information, methods of presenting numerical information in information systems, methods and algorithms for performing arithmetic and logical operations in various systems Reckoning. Attention is paid to methods for monitoring the correct functioning of digital machines as the main element of information systems, as well as methods for protecting information in computing and information systems. Methods of logical description and design are considered based on the use of the apparatus of the theory of Boolean functions, the theory of automata and automata languages.

For students of higher technical educational institutions.

Savelyev A. Ya. Fundamentals of computer science: Textbook. for universities. - M.: Publishing house of MSTU im. N. E. Bauman, 2001. - 328 p., ill. (Ser. Informatics at a technical university).

ISBN 5-7038-1515-0
UDC 002 (075.8)
BBK 73

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1. Basic Concepts computer science
1.1. General information about information
1.2. Structural measure of information
1.3. Statistical measure of information
1.4. Semantic measure of information
1.5. Converting information
1.6. Forms of information submission
1.7. Transfer of information
Self-control task

2. Automatic machine as the main element of information systems
2.1. Computer as an automaton
2.2. Abstract automata and the concept of algorithm
2.3. Basic concepts of logical algebra
2.4. Properties of elementary functions of logical algebra
2.5. Analytical representation of logical algebra functions
2.6. Perfect normal forms
2.7. Logic algebra function systems
Self-control task

3. Presentation of numerical information in information systems
3.1. Choosing a number system to represent numerical information
3.2. Converting numerical information from one positional system to another
3.3. Types of binary number systems
3.4. Number systems with negative base
3.5. Forms of representation of numerical information
3.6. Performance negative numbers
3.7. Errors in the presentation of numerical information
Self-control task

4. Algorithms for performing addition and subtraction operations on binary adders
4.1. Formal rules of binary arithmetic
4.2. Adding numbers represented in fixed-point form using binary adders
4.3. Bit grid overflow
4.4. Features of adding numbers represented in floating point form
4.5. Methods for speeding up the addition operation
4.6. Assessing the accuracy of arithmetic operations
Self-control task

5. Performing number multiplication operations on binary adders
5.1. Methods for multiplying binary numbers.
5.2. Multiplying numbers represented in fixed and fixed form using a direct code binary adder
5.3. Features of multiplying numbers represented in floating point form
5.4. Multiplying numbers represented in fixed-a form with a two's complement binary adder
5.5. Multiplying numbers on a binary reverse code adder
5.6. Abbreviated multiplication method
5.7. Speeding up the multiplication operation
5.8. Matrix multiplication methods
5.9. Parallel multiplication methods using iterative structures
5.10. Systolic calculation method
Self-control task.

6. Performing division operations on binary adders
6.1. Methods for dividing binary numbers
6.2. Dividing numbers presented in fixed form took the reciprocal and complement adders
6.3. Features of dividing numbers represented in floating point form
6.4. Speeding up division operations
6.5. Parallel division methods using iterative structures
6.6. Square root operation
Self-control task

7. Performing operations on decimal numbers in digital machines
7.1. Performance decimal numbers in D-codes
7.2. Formal rules for bitwise addition in D-codes
7.3. Representation of negative numbers in D-codes
7.4. Performing addition and subtraction operations of numbers in D-codes
7.5. Multiplying numbers in D-codes
7.6. Dividing numbers in D-codes
7.7. Extracting square roots in D-codes
7.8. Converting numbers to D-code.
Self-control task

8. Monitoring the operation of the digital machine
8.1. Encoding information as a means of ensuring control over the operation of the machine
8.2. Basic Concepts of Coding Theory
8.3. Methods for effective information encoding
8.4. Odd-even coding
8.5. Hamming codes
8.6. Modulo control
8.7. Selecting a module for control
8.8. Control of logical operations
8.9. Control of arithmetic operations
8.10. Arithmetic codes
Self-control task

9. Methods for protecting information
9.1. Features of information security systems
9.2. Cryptographic methods of information protection
9.3. Hardware protection
9.4. Security software
9.5. Reliability of information security tools

10. Logical Design Methods
10.1. Numerical and geometric representation of logical algebra functions
10.2. Minimization logical functions. Method of indefinite coefficients for the AND-OR-NOT basis
10.3. Quine's method
10.4. Quine-McCluskey method
10.5. Minimizing map method
10.6. Minimization of logical functions in the basis
10.7. Minimization of functions in Schaeffer and Pierce bases
10.8. Implementation of the minimum frequency method

11. Logical description and analysis of electronic circuits
11.1. Logical operators electronic circuits
11.2. Electronic circuits with one output
11.3. Electronic circuits with multiple outputs
11.4. Incompletely defined logic algebra functions
11.5. Synthesis of electronic circuits using properties of incompletely defined functions
11.6. Temporal Boolean functions
11.7. Sequential machine
11.8. Analysis of sequence automata using recurrent Boolean functions
11.9. Types of trigger circuits
Self-control task

12. Methods for describing and synthesizing digital automata
12.1. Basic concepts of automata theory
12.2. Beginning languages descriptions of digital machines
12.3. Automatic languages ​​for specifying automatic mappings
12.4. Connection of machines
12.5. Synthesis of a control automaton
12.6. Logical design control machine

Self-control task


Lecture 1. Subject and basic concepts of computer science

Signals- the result of energy exchange between physical bodies or fields. When signals interact with physical bodies, certain changes in properties occur in the latter - this phenomenon is called signal registration. Such changes can be observed, measured or recorded - in this case, new signals arise and are recorded, that is, data are generated.

Data- These are registered signals that are part of the information. The physical registration method can be anything: mechanical movement of bodies. change in their shape or surface quality parameters, change in electrical, magnetic, optical characteristics, chemical composition and (or) nature of chemical bonds, change in state electronic system and much more. Depending on the recording method, data can be stored and transported on various types of media.

Storage media- the most common storage medium, although not the most economical, is paper. On paper, data is recorded by changing the optical characteristics of its surface. Change in optical properties (change in surface reflectance in certain range wavelengths) are also used in devices that record with a laser beam on plastic media with a reflective coating. Media that use changes in magnetic properties include magnetic tapes and disks. Recording data by changing the chemical composition of the surface substances of the carrier is widely used in photography. At the molecular level, data is accumulated and transmitted in living nature.

Any medium can be characterized by the parameter resolution(the amount of data recorded in the unit of measurement accepted for the medium) and dynamic range(logarithmic ratio of the intensity of the amplitudes of the maximum and minimum recorded signals). Such properties of information as completeness, accessibility and reliability often depend on these properties of the medium.


Information- this is a set of data (registered signals) that is perceived from the environment and output to environment or stored inside a certain system. Information exists in the form of documents, drawings, drawings, texts, sound and light signals, electrical and nerve impulses, etc.

The most important properties of information:

  • Oobjectivity and subjectivity of information- the concept of objectivity of information is relative. This is understandable, if we take into account that the methods of processing or collecting information themselves are subjective. More objective information will be the one in which the methods introduce a smaller subjective element. As an example, consider a photograph and a human-made drawing of the same natural object. It is clear that the camera is impartial and will take an objective photograph, unlike a person who can embellish or, on the contrary, worsen the appearance of an object, having his own subjective attitude towards it;
  • completeness of information- largely characterizes the quality of information and determines the sufficiency of data for making decisions or creating new data based on existing ones. The more complete the data, the wider the range of methods that can be used, the easier it is to select a method that introduces a minimum of errors into the information process;
  • reliability of information- data arises at the time of signal registration, but not all registered signals are necessary. There is always some level of extraneous signals, resulting in the formation of “information noise.” The lower the “noise” level, the more reliable the information received;
  • adequacy of information- this is the degree of correspondence to the real state of affairs. Inadequate information can be created when new information is created based on incomplete or unreliable data. However, both complete and reliable data can lead to the creation of inadequate information if inadequate processing methods are applied to them;
  • availability of information- a measure of the possibility of obtaining this or that information. The degree of availability of information is influenced simultaneously by both the availability of data and the availability of adequate methods for their interpretation. Lack of access to data or lack of adequate data processing methods leads to inaccessibility of information. The lack of adequate methods for working with data in many cases leads to the use of inadequate methods, resulting in incomplete, inadequate or unreliable information;
  • relevance of information- this is the degree of correspondence of information the current moment time. Since information processes are extended over time, reliable and adequate, but outdated information can lead to erroneous decisions. The need to find an adequate method for working with data can lead to such a delay in obtaining information that it becomes irrelevant and unnecessary.

Computer science, documentary and cybernetics.

Computer science- is a complex, technical science that systematizes techniques for creating, storing, reproducing, processing and transmitting data by means computer technology, as well as the principles of operation of these tools and methods of managing them.

The emergence of computer science is due to the emergence and spread of new technology for collecting, processing and transmitting information associated with recording data on various types of media.

Two sciences are usually cited as primary sources of computer science: documentary science and cybernetics.

The term "computer science" comes from the French word Informatique, formed by combining the terms Informacion (information) and Automatique (automation). In English-speaking countries, the term Computer Science is used. Now these terms are synonymous and are used to refer to the science of information transformation, which is based on the use of computer technology.

Documentary- a science whose main subject is the study of rational means and methods for increasing the efficiency of document flow.

Cybernetics(from the Greek kybernetike - the art of management, from kybernao - I steer, I control), the science of management, communication and information processing. The subject of cybernetics is the principles of construction and operation of automatic control systems, and the main tasks are methods for modeling the decision-making process by technical means, the connection between human psychology and mathematical logic, the connection between the information process of an individual and information processes in society, the development of principles and methods of artificial intelligence.

Subject and main question of computer science

Computer science is very close to technology, so its subject is often called information technology.

The subject of computer science as a science is:

  • computer hardware;
  • computer software;
  • means of interaction between hardware and software;
  • means of human interaction with hardware and software.

As can be seen from this list, in computer science Special attention focuses on interaction issues. Interaction in computer science is referred to as interface. Methods and means of human interaction with hardware and software are called - user interface. Accordingly, there are hardware, software and hardware-software interfaces.

The main task of computer science- this is a systematization of techniques and methods of working with hardware and software of computer technology.

The purpose of systematization is to identify, implement and develop advanced, more efficient technologies for automating stages of working with data, as well as methodically provide new technological research.

Computer science is a practical science. Its achievements must be tested in practice and accepted if they meet the criterion of increased efficiency. As part of the main task today, the following main areas of computer science for practical application can be identified:

  • architecture of computer systems (techniques and methods for constructing systems designed for automatic data processing);
  • interfaces of computer systems (techniques and methods for managing hardware and software);
  • programming (techniques, methods and means for developing complex problems);
  • data conversion (techniques and methods for converting data structures);
  • information protection (generalization of techniques, development of methods and means of data protection);
  • automation (functioning of software and hardware without human intervention);
  • standardization (ensuring compatibility between hardware and software, between formats for representing data related to different types computing systems).

At all stages technical support information processes for computer science, the key issue is efficiency.

  • Hardware efficiency is the ratio of hardware performance to its cost.
  • Software effectiveness is the performance of users using the software.
  • Programming efficiency is volume program code, created by the programmer per unit of time.

In computer science, everything is strictly focused on efficiency. The question of how to carry out this or that operation for computer science is important, but not the main one. The main question of computer science is how to accomplish this operation effective.

Information process, informationsystem and information technology

Within the framework of computer science, as a technical science, it is possible to formulate the concepts of information, information system and information technology.

Information process is some activities where data is converted into information. Data processing includes many different operations, the main ones being:

  • data collection - accumulation of information in order to ensure sufficient completeness for decision-making;
  • data formalization - bringing data that comes from different sources to a single form;
  • data filtering - eliminating unnecessary data that is not needed for decision making;
  • data sorting - putting data in order according to a given characteristic for the purpose of ease of use;
  • data archiving - saving data in a convenient and accessible form;
  • data protection - a set of measures aimed at preventing loss, reproduction and modification of data;
  • data transportation - reception and transmission of data between remote users of the information process. The data source is usually called the server, and the consumer is called the client;
  • data transformation - transforming data from one form to another, or from one structure to another, or changing the type of media.

Information system

In computer science, the concept of “system” is more often used to refer to a set of technical tools and programs. The system is also called the computer hardware. The addition of the concept “system” with the word “information” reflects the purpose of its creation and operation.

Informationsystem is an interconnected set of tools, methods and personnel used to store, process and issue information in order to solve a specific problem.

The modern understanding of an information system involves the use of a computer as the main technical means information processing. Computers equipped with specialized software are technical base and information system tool.

The following stages can be distinguished in the operation of the information system:

  1. The Birth of Data- generation of primary messages that record the results of certain operations, properties of objects and subjects of management, process parameters, content of regulatory and legal acts, etc. -
  2. Accumulation and systematization of data- organizing their placement in such a way that would ensure quick search and selection of the necessary information, methodical updating of data, protecting them from distortion, loss, deformation, etc.;
  3. Data processing- processes as a result of which new types of data are formed on the basis of previously accumulated data: generalizing, analytical, recommendatory, forecasting. Derived data can also be processed, obtaining more generalized information;
  4. Data Display- presenting them in a form suitable for human perception. First of all, this is printing, that is, the creation of documents on so-called hard (paper) media. The construction of graphical illustrative materials (graphs, diagrams) and the generation of sound signals are widely used.

The vast majority of information systems operate in dialogue mode with the user. Typical information systems software components include:

  • dialog input-output subsystem;
  • subsystem of applied data processing logic;
  • data management logic subsystem.

Substantial part functionality information systems is embedded in the system software: operating systems, system libraries and designs tools development.

In addition to the software component of information systems, an important role is played by the information component, which specifies the structure, attributes and types of data, and is also closely related to the data management logic.

For network information systems, an important element is the communication service, which ensures the interaction of network nodes in the overall solution of the problem.

Information Technology

Technology- this is a way for a person to master the material world with the help of socially organized activities, which includes three components:

  • informational (scientific principles and rationale);
  • material (tool of work);
  • social (specialists with professional skills).

This triad constitutes the essence modern understanding- technologies.

Concept information technology appeared with the emergence of: information society, the basis of social dynamics in which is not traditional material, but information resources: knowledge, science, organizational factors, intellectual abilities, initiative, creativity, etc. The most successful definition of the concept of information technology was given by academician V.M. Glushkov, who interpreted it as human-machine technology for collecting, processing and transmitting information thatbasedon the use of computer technology. These technologies are rapidly developing, covering all types of social activities.

Training profile

By area of ​​training

Stages of intellectual development of children according to J. Piaget

Stage, age of the child Child behavior and thinking
1.Sensorimotor intelligence from 8-10 months. up to 1.5 years The child understands a new object using old schemes (shake it out, hit it); varying actions
2. Symbolic intelligence from 1.5 – 2 to 4 years Assimilation of verbal signs of language, transition to simple symbolic actions (pretend to be asleep)
3. Intuitive (visual) intelligence from 4 to 7-8 years Visual schemes manifest themselves, which build causal relationships in the logic of visual impressions
4. Specific operations from 7-8 to 11-12 years Understanding the invariance of the amount of weight, area, etc. Schemes of a specific order of real processes appear
5.Formal operations or reflective intelligence from 11-12 to 14-15 years Logical schemes are formed, the construction of hypothetical-deductive reasoning without connection with specific reality

Course of lectures on the discipline “Informatics”

for first year part-time students

034400.62 “Physical education for persons with health problems (adaptive physical education”

"Adaptive physical education"


  1. Computer science and information. Properties of information. Forms for presenting information.
  2. History of the development of computer technology.
  3. Basic hardware configuration.
  4. Additional devices of a personal computer.
  5. Classification of computers.

1. Computer science and information.

Word " Informatics" comes from a French word formed from the words " information" And " automation", which expresses its essence as a science of automatic information processing. The source of computer science is two sciences: documentary And cybernetics .

Documentary (late 19th century) – studies rational means and methods for increasing the efficiency of document flow. Cybernetics (the term was introduced by Ampere in the first half of the 19th century) - provides a mathematical and logical basis. The foundations of cybernetics were laid by works on mathematical logic by N. Wiener (1948).

Computer science technical science that systematizes the methods of creating, storing, reproducing, processing and transmitting information by means of computer technology, as well as the principles of operation of these means and methods of managing them.

The main task of computer science – systematization of techniques and methods of working with hardware and software of computer technology.

A special mathematical discipline, information theory, examines the concept information as primary, and defines it as a product of the interaction of objective data and subjective methods.

Information properties

1. Objectivity and subjectivity – objectivity is relative, because methods of obtaining or processing are subjective.

2. Completeness – characterizes the quality of information and determines the sufficiency for decision-making or for creating new data based on existing data.

3.Credibility Typically, useful data is accompanied by a certain level of “information noise.”

4.Adequacy the degree of correspondence to the real objective state of the matter. Inadequate information is the result of incomplete or insufficient data, or the use of inadequate methods.

5.Availability measure of opportunity to obtain information.

6. Relevance the degree of correspondence of information to the current moment in time.

Data Operations

Collection – accumulation in order to ensure sufficient completeness for decision-making.

Formalization – bringing information from different sources to the same form (to increase accessibility).

Filtration – sifting out “extra” information.

Sorting – ordering information according to a given characteristic.

Archiving – organizing information storage in a convenient and easily accessible form.

Protection – prevention of loss, reproduction and modification .

Conversion – transfer from one form to another (for example, modem).

Forms of information submission

In computer science, two types of information are considered – analog (continuous)– uses a continuously and smoothly changing information signal; digital (discrete)– uses a jumping information signal that takes a finite number of values.

Analog (continuous)

type of information

- telephone;

– record player;

– magnetic and optical recording sound.

Graphically analog signal looks like a sinusoid of different amplitudes.

Digital (discrete)

type of information

– monitor;

music player laser compact discs;

Graphically digital signal looks like bars of different amplitudes (histogram).

To be processed in a computer, information must be converted into numbers (encoded). This transformation is carried out special programs. Modern computers encode information using two states -

there is a signal (1);

no signal (0).

Therefore, all information must be encoded in sets of two characters 0 and 1. Hence the name – binary number system.

A digit in the binary number system is called - bit.

A bit is the smallest unit of information that is expressed as a logical value Yes or No and is designated by the number 1 or 0.

8 bits = 1 byte

1 KB = 1024 bytes

1 MB = 1024 KB

1 GB = 1024 MB

1 TB = 1024 GB

2. History of the development of computer technology

The history of the personal computer goes back just over 20 years. Computing devices appeared much earlier. The history of the computer is associated with the names of many great scientists different countries fascinated by the idea of ​​computing automation.

1623 Wilhelm Schickard - automatic device for performing addition based on mechanical watch;

1642 Blaise Pascal – “pascaline”;

1673 G.V. Leibniz - an adding machine that performs four arithmetic operations; he was the first to suggest the possibility of representing any numbers binary digits;

1834 Charles Babbage - developed the idea of ​​​​creating an Analytical Engine, which has a memory and is controlled by programs, using punched cards;

1842 A. Lovelace – formulated the basics of programming for Babbage’s Analytical Engine;

1853 P.G.Schutz – difference machine.

1890 Hollerith tabulator.

1924 IBM (International Business Machines).

The mathematical basis of the future computer was the logic of J. Boole, i.e. logic with two possible states - true and false, which is well applicable to the description of electrical switching systems. In the 40s of the 20th century. Computers based on electro-mechanical relays were created.

IN 1946 John Von Neumann formulated the general principles of computer operation that are still used today.

ü ALU - an arithmetic-logical device that performs arithmetic and logical operations;

ü UU – a control device that organizes the process of program execution;

ü memory a storage device, or memory for storing programs and data;

ü external and internal devices for input/output of information.

Computer generations

Late 40's – the first machine based on Neumann’s principles, using tube circuits (1st generation);

Late 50's computing machines on semiconductor circuits (2nd generation);

60s – computers on small scale integrated circuits(chipah - Robert Noyce) 3rd generation;

70s - computers based on central microprocessors (Marchand Edward Hoff, Intel) and the PC (4th generation) appeared.

The standard for 90% of PCs produced was the IBM PC, which appeared in August 1981. Its design used the principle “ open architecture" The ability to upgrade components, connect additional units and software made by third-party programmers is called open architecture principle.

3. Basic hardware configuration

The basic configuration of a personal computer consists of four elements:

v system unit;

v monitor;

v keyboard;

System unit contains all the main PC devices; all additional external (peripheral) devices are also connected to it.

The main part of the system unit – systemic motherboard – a set of electronic circuits that control the operation of a PC to which all components are connected (microprocessor, RAM, other types of memory, video and sound card,system data highway).

Microprocessor electronic circuit, which performs all calculations and work manager other elements of the personal computer (ALU and control unit).

Main characteristics of the microprocessor

a) clock frequency (operating speed) – the number of elementary operations performed per unit of time (second), measured in MHz;

b) model (manufacturers – AMD, Intel, Sun, IBM);

V) nuclearity (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64).

Random Access Memory (RAM) – a storage device that temporarily stores information.

Main characteristics of RAM

a) volume (in MB) up to 2 GB in one module;

b) operating frequency(memory access time).

Read-only memory (ROM) – ensures reliable storage and delivery of information. The contents of the ROM cannot be changed; the most important and always used information is stored in it.

Cache memory – small memory, located between the microprocessor and RAM, stores the most frequently used areas of RAM, increases the speed of RAM.

System data bus (bus) designed to transmit signals between system unit devices. There are command, address and information buses.

Main characteristics of the tire

bit depth– number of simultaneously transmitted signals (8; 16; 32; 64; 128; 256; 1024).

Information storage devices

a) hard drive magnetic disk(Winchester);

V) optical drive CD-ROM and BluRay;

b) floppy disk drive;

d) DVD and HDDVD drives.

Information carriers

A) optical discs with write-once – CD-R, DVD-R, HDDVD-R, BR-R and write-once – CD-RW, DVD-RW, HDDVD-RW, BR-RW;

b) flash cards.

Adapters – information converters necessary to coordinate the speed of information transfer between external devices are formed in the form individual cards, are equipped with a connector to which external devices are connected.

Video card controls the operation of the monitor.

Sound card controls the operation of sound on the computer.

Monitor a device designed to display text and graphic information. The image is formed by a collection of points (pixels).

Main characteristics of the monitor

A) diagonal size (in inches);

b) screen resolution (number of pixels horizontally and vertically), the higher the better quality Images;

V) response time (ms);

G) screen plane (“Flatron”).

Types of monitors based on operating principle

1. CRT – cathode ray tube.

2. Liquid crystal (LCD): the main element is a liquid substance that has the properties of crystals, the screen is an array of cells with liquid crystal.

3. Plasma.

Keyboard information input device.

Mouse input device, controls the movement of the cursor on the screen, serves to control the operation of programs. Distinguish - trackball – in laptops ( Touchpad); Pentmouse - look like ballpoint pen, at the working end there is a node that registers its movement.

Modem – a device for exchanging information with other PCs via telephone network. (MODulator-DEMOdulator) converts the digital signal coming from the computer into an analog signal transmitted over the telephone line (and vice versa).

built-in modem (inserted into the system unit)

external modem (connected to the system unit)

4. Additional devices of a personal computer

Printer – a device designed to display information on a “solid” medium.

Printer Key Features

A) print speed;

b) resolution (the number of individual dots that can be printed on a unit length of an inch), measured in dpi (pixels per inch);

V) operating costs.

According to the organization of the printing process, printers are divided

matrix inkjet laser led

Scanner – a device designed to convert graphic or text information into electronic digital data.

Main characteristics of the scanner

A) resolution (dpi);

b) number of colors accepted (shade recognition);

V) scanning time.

manual flatbed drum

Digitizer ( Graphics tablet) – a device designed for entering graphic information, their action is based on a pen relative to the tablet or a light pen relative to the display.

Plotter – a device for preparing various kinds of design documents, drawings, graphs, drawings on paper.

5. Classification of computers

From a technical point of view modern computers can be classified as follows –

ü Supercomputers;

ü Workstations;

ü Servers;

ü Personal computers;

ü Laptops;

ü Pocket (mobile) PCs;

ü Special computers, used in control systems for various special-purpose moving objects;

ü Gaming computers;

ü Technological (production);

Slide_image" src="" alt="Objectives: To study in more detail the basics of computer science, since it is both a tool for work and the object of study and improvement is information." title="Objectives: To study in more detail the basics of computer science, since it is both a tool for work and an object of study and improvement - information.">!}

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Presentation on the topic: Fundamentals of Computer Science

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Plan. Introduction. Information and knowledge groups. Language is a way of expressing information. Information processes. Amount of information. Number system. Computer architecture. PC device. Text files and editors. Texts in computer memory. Computer graphics. Computer network structure. Electronic mail.

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Introduction. Computer science is a science that studies all aspects of receiving, storing, transforming, transmitting and using information. Computer science is a set of disciplines united by a common subject of study - information. Information Theory; Cybernetics; Programming; Theory of Algorithms.

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Information and knowledge groups. Information for a person is the knowledge that he receives from various sources. All knowledge is divided into 3 groups: Group 1 begins with the words “I know that...”. This knowledge is called declarative (from the word “declaration” - knowledge, message). Group 2 begins with the words “I know how...”. This knowledge is called procedural knowledge. They determine the achievement of a goal. 3 group is called non-informative knowledge. These messages do not add to a person's knowledge.

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Language is a way of expressing information. Language is a symbolic way of presenting information. Communication in languages ​​is the process of transmitting information in a symbolic form. Languages ​​are: Natural and formal. Figurative information is the preservation in memory of a person’s feeling of contact with a source.

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Information processes. Divided into 3 groups: The process of storing information, the process of transmitting information, the process of processing information. A person stores information in own memory and on external media. The process of transmitting information is carried out from the source to the receiver via information communication channels. The process of information processing is associated with obtaining new or changing the form or structure of this information; searching for information on external media.

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Amount of information. Bit - Information weight of a symbol of a binary alphabet taken as a unit of information. Alphabet - This is the entire set of symbols used in a language to represent information. The power of an alphabet is the number of characters in it. Byte - Information weight of a character from an alphabet with a power of 256 characters. 1 byte=8 bits.

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Number system. Number system - This is a way of representing numbers and the corresponding rules for operating numbers. Number systems can be positional or non-positional. An example of a non-positional system is the Roman number system. The smallest possible base of a positional number system is 2. Such a system is called binary.

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Computer architecture. Computer architecture - This is a description of the structure and principles of operation of a computer, sufficient for the user and programmer. Program - This is an indication of the sequence of actions that the computer must perform. The computer includes: processor, memory, input device, output device. The computer has internal and external memory. Internal - operational memory. External - long-term memory.

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PC device. The system unit includes: a microprocessor, internal memory, disk drives, power supply, and external device controllers. All PC devices are connected to each other via a multi-wire line called the information highway. The main technical characteristics of the PC are: volume internal memory, clock purity of the microprocessor, microprocessor bit depth. Each external device has its own address. The information transmitted to it - via the data bus - is accompanied by the device address - via the address bus.

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Text files and editors. Text file - Simplest a way to organize data on a computer. It consists only of character encoding table codes.Text Editor- This application program, allowing you to create text documents, edit them, view the contents of the document on the screen, print the document, change the document format. The standard components of the TR environment are: working field, text cursor, status bar, command menu. The text file is divided into lines. The separator is special control codes. At the end of the file the code “End of file” is placed.

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Texts in computer memory. Hypertext - This is a way of organizing text that can be viewed in a sequence of semantic connections between its individual fragments. Table encodings table in which all symbols of the computer alphabet are assigned serial numbers. The international standard is ASCII code - American standard code information exchange. Each character of the text is encoded in eight-bit binary code. To represent texts in a computer, an alphabet with a capacity of 256 characters is used.

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Facilities computer graphics. The system for displaying images on the screen includes a display and a video adapter. The image on the display is obtained from a collection of many luminous dots - video pixels. Pixels on the screen form a grid of horizontal rows and vertical columns called a raster. The size of the graphic grid M * N determines the screen resolution, which determines the image quality. The electron gun beam periodically scans the raster lines with high frequency, playing back the image. On black and white displays, a pixel can only have two colors. The electron gun emits a single beam. The video adapter consists of video memory and a display processor. The video memory stores binary code image displayed on the screen. Scanners, digital cameras, and digital video cameras are used to input images into a computer.

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Tables and models. The model is some simplified similarity real object. Models can be material or informational. An information model is a description of a modeled object. Before building an information model, it is necessary to system analysis modeling object. The task of system analysis is to identify the essential parts, properties, connections of the modeled system, and determine its structure. A clear way to present information models are graphic images: maps, drawings, diagrams, graphs.

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Graphics editor. Graphic editor is an application program for producing hand-drawn images. Drawing created by tools graphic editor, is generated on the screen and can then be saved to a file. The environment of any GR contains a working field, a menu of tools, colors, a menu of commands for working with files, printing a picture and other operations. GR allows you to include texts in a drawing using letters different sizes and fonts.

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Computer network device. Computer network-System computers, connected by channels transfer of information. Computer networks are local and global. In peer-to-peer local networks, all computers have equal rights. A local network with a dedicated computer includes a server and many workstations. The server is used as a repository for shared information resources, and also contains some technical devices public access. A global network is a system of interconnected local networks and computers of individual users. Users' personal computers are connected to global network nodes. There are regional and industry networks. Currently, most of them are united into the global Internet system.

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Email. E-mail - exchange of letters on computer networks. Mailbox - This is the section external memory mail server, separated for the subscriber. An email is text file containing an envelope with the recipient's address and the text of the letter. Teleconference is a system for exchanging information on a specific topic between network subscribers.

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"The World Wide Web". Hypermedia is a system of hyperlinks between multimedia documents. Cyberspace is the totality of the world's telecommunication systems and information circulating in them. Web page is a separate document W W W.Web server-computer on the Internet, storing web pages and related software.Internet-worldwide computer network

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